ut.sup»or v ii he st'e iati te nifle> m. an. yterl viii bhe pila- 1W cipel île mon the menu. Here la oe 55 tgiest blg4b.an o 0propararolfriolf wiESvth CiiihA 5 preseits fer your -rela- tives and, mone.aW. hopeto tee Yeu 1ail out. W . M, juConfessed to issay. etents e051 1HD.ai-Rr hm4 4 l- lite Cilcago De iregu lu connection Wi h th froun automobiles. -sud eue o Kr&nid hu on emd Olil, aist e 5au ~ - mei er i-ese4 Lsdlaide of CMee t>ltP - aag -à e a I*c" rafod 'Ave.ttr r-i Saewted ae A Dl ekoa 0the 0 g.htietth ba Lair tu Ste.vs 10 l lýA . flv lâb nt aE.agtou 10par Edl ai nh ad nii ,et R àb Sai aa nd Mn. Au-- n udR. GSchroed ugearo onth arm ocbf By .A 0 oi t- Mmra. eorge titancii é ntêrtalneti lier aiter Thnnkasglvlug day. -Mr. sud Mmns-G. Feterlien sud fsmlY spént Thal*oevglin uClYlcapu. mlrs. W. Ltilted lain -êbart~eto thé Halt Dayti bi for lb.e» e"9t E.B, W. gmal bas acain leasetithe fai-m hé ov 00çoý#1iP10for- Ivo y-a We ar-e gladtiate mev bat ve & WmZ have hlm vite us -là, at lestaI vo yearo. , 1'. aul iavýQ ben misaing Oui-peut uWrespiidtut'1nWslteins, set:ope on And co4cerate vite us sud let us have youi- nns»,ltexna 'fer oui- vklY paper. % Th slilii'tiiuûl coI.la ps' = ypractWclnifori, CurlslimsA 51' =4w e aiben &%e&te Iob xffeoslf« er a wiloilent la tb# une, let us-SflaIlthem il' stmiwth"t *oi lieonbdsIieu* ualO 8 P. Ms. W. hopyou viiai lb. in St- - latfoi-geltiithe o. ah Wat- veri 11 fle evomnn, Decenber a. Goti muai. iiterybody. corne é*i bave a geettne. Dancing tram 9 to1. m-*AREA d rd Miss Halet Brainerd ofetelram & peut lte e* êii eud:wvtlbher sister, ,lIra. E. IL Bluim sud daugitter, Miss Cisc, vere Cblckgeo visilors Frtiay. * m lIe.fimon Ilolmés sud sou, Envin. IF spent tamday wllJzBou es, Bride. Mr. sud lIna. Drt Hall, aiflbéi-tY- *vinée spanml hnuday ailernoon w.tb Mrs Of AIma Joes. ï,ýMn- AnloRousé vas aChicaigo vis- ,et- Mr.sud Mns. liariy y.anneatill výre "ainl Cigsgo Tb3irstiay. «i. Mi. anti lrs. Oscar eBl or kHighland b> Pari spet Sunctay vlth M. sud lIra. Mi-, sud Mn. Peter Sievers anti ion oal. f AptakIsie. spent Tliskagtv- tut lai mh 14. sud Mis. C. G. limai. Unr. -LJ T. Michell vas a Chicago SvIiter ffliay. ',a lX1s. X. R. Wells vas lu Chicago lest U rs: erman KuhiaiS sud dauggh- iarp, <antnesd 4Charlotte, vers lu *. anti lIra. W. I. B"n etertained iSiaý.1eefront Waukeslia ovon Thanka. îw~ Xr, a«4 UM .W. J Wlams and 40a*ktera ver. C4cage visitai-slust lir sUd M-R .Smitlh sd i-. h' anti MMr Gorge lmalandi faMUni speut Thnradau wibM. anti Un; tsom. ii. - it. htidMM. A. R. Roder sPent lasi =& fkndar"I eing viîb Mi. sud M. IE AMQI Ga ias;LngGroe. 1-4 »Mr. sud Mn. Fred Voeler pent 1511 Tlnrefty luth #Ur. sud lIra. Phlil PU mQrsemû Sudtay aI Gimor. Mr8 Mi- ant% reoea. Smlth anti dag ter, lêtesNoe , spenîsunday vit SM. ant ii. Wm= NIckoley il Long -4 t0 liethe "t tat êgltr*llable oite"M MIEDBTLOCA myto M FR051 AL A JOIRNUA. a nov neber lie. Foiowîng la a ltetîr a! courtesy r tipeq1tpu etoroi-celveti freonthe Alanta Journal, iu LOt 50 lieS <11*sksevle«genî ofa spbalcad-to te i -ltM oee ltes thiu-Radio Concert wu In sati lad charge.ase 4fora tev'dais Mr. B. R. Presser, '04.*'ýrf nd lntûthené*P., . Box 663,f -11ienVLlbetyIiie, Illinois. 4 ti0I55inI mt mo.ear M. Presser:- s bas aweolaei Bus Is ug y»u for*youi- lti Dm la ielortizilgthat W8B lai golling bat elotnic tut u li-ioLbrtitl.Ie. vu are enclosing a lu W lad e moetlime ag oittogrswui i-0fedr teiini abouit Our '- ita le sin ii tainStation1 ,"d Wcbeduiies ÀA opu t MTsé 9mke*m a e"1 " 7,l:ngJoMunlia aIe are mailing may h. of te iii aIt ol itni..We inlereat aise. cemtla lb»undet u. W813vas tueéliri - evspaper lu U1.Jr.'WUtt sud MUr. tIse sonth andthie second lu thie tieIt- erttedei ac<11eeue . ad Wt tgel into thi. roaticattUt - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tl hcOar9tes 519st4igMarch 17, liis yéan. ~ i u Oicap Tire- lias cSi-% tlie "Volek ê!thie Soi-h" ~ 1li~*hIasu Mi. orEt~Cub. Mati-ce. POntolice andt t mn W1ýi falytoaoi inidel. allie sud onohier 400 miles south of Z ali S Ud fa i.dlet tDes Timpîce, Meico.. We are no*fa lasa 7%&b.i*ulln day. B station, ti-ansmtllng concerta0an 3m&Dl #»asrenlti hie lai-mlhe 400 mtets >r snaer îwo ysars. as the W. ai-e gladt eceunI yen amung the *Mpi-&esbd en lhe anounlt et thousantis o!f-Mende WSB bas made ke artlt ht uvlat liéy fr thé Journal andthie Soth, Mr. V 'alli ç& as they-iad *lamied Prosser, andi hope liaI yen viii hlieve to eDs Plaines. * -tuaI sucb encouragement as îours wl<p exIr* di eenii e oa lot Iu kééplng Un0 trylug to-m- keb fl uta arternoon et pi-ové aur service la lhe-ànuelcu Pub- b ..ft oe s bavé a large attend- lic. Ivrveuauuld bi epreeent to Wti bét vlshés fan continued - neesmusiti good înck n oprating y>. ait sud ',T .motin gifl be held bopIng te deserve faither word shoVw- 4av evenlaat 8 o'cloci aI lhe lng iou are standing by for us, vo MiSse ai-e, Mpe lnllt*ug andt rpplut Il- eutii yYoum, Wt4s Tovn Clenk's office sud THE1 ATLANTA JOURNAL jt4p.Ie piuedonthie r.- (Stined) Lamidin Kay F'at w -tu iiavolt belut Radio D'octor. i1 ie' Usp*warde11. P. S. Thé vnIler doesa -t announnog Saha M anti 0 O 0 0 O O 0 O O 0 O0OaO000 inQiq Lu. a OR AL. TIHE NEW# OF LAKE 0 9y - »hetV n ba e UNTV, 8UBW#CRIIE FOR TE tu Itid"A . Dse. 4111. oeINDEPEPDMNT.41J0 A VMA il At leur Cocc SnWy aetnea tie local polim recelveti a lelegrai from the, Madilson chie! of Police, r', nevîng Mglarequesî. qloo10k for I'lb trio sud ading lhae~tieY are auspec éd et iavlnig diven a-ai lu an euto mobliewvicu dîsappearéti about tlb amé time. Thé message fallova: __Madison, Wis.. Nov. 30 Ohtit o! Policé, Wankegan. 111. Steleli -Studebaket ligul six coupe, uséarly aew.; Wisconsin h- cens. 102-136..eune 3014685. Sus- pect Oliver Chatterton. 19 Yinn aid, accônipanlet lii Ive girls, 18 eears eld. Ai-iest sud ire S >e- mas Sliauthneaei, chie! e! Police. DUSTIC IEALTI LAWS: fiRTD TO Permîts Fine of $200 and Ji Sentence ta Persons Ex- posed to) Disease. Springfield, i., Déc. i-Dr. 15e D. Ilaîlungn, stale directar o! Pt lic béalth. bas premuigatei. 1,,r 11l nais i-bat mémbers of the sas uetavaisori cammllea llath Meet drastic selet Of-nIés for contac anti suppresion o! diseases ever ai vanceti. Untier authariti grantedi-th stale dl-selon 'of bealtihi ythé lél lsaalre, the mles bave thé authi, rity of lav sandeamsupported hi -'penalty- clause vblihsubJecti viau tbhi- te a fiue of j200. a mail ati ~tence oet13sixmonth, on boti. Tbree regulgtlons vMialiaet most radical chauges tu the old nule brey are: PersonsavWho Mai-bave beuau oe ho dIseue. butvie ai-e t lt'uew t, WhzA Unibreiisaoli 1 tbmrnmsd 5w47ê lae *a good ato* 1 on band. Repafrmu sud reeovw.rng.l 414t Yoa ax~u-rr, tos fa m mles not~sstla bptyufl. %orge romiT, uf»rety,tl ntl 44 INTO TIeRYIE DrvrMistook Red Lant'srn on ,eàrioade;ý Drops 60 Feet First Pltume. Tir.. Cmlego men lut s<ilote eoc4pe.tro* testi Sousay aibI at ,l.'Clqok vin- thein sutomiih craab"dll, t anïc&4e ai lie norte atditiesisfi ttipelt t the ttoiti 0f lie guet. Thi e 00. a &ort set0Ian. va' omploeti demollbé, & çcord:- Petr Suecl,2041 Lom i-si veun, drIeretti cr, asl*uedte tedlb tésiang wbeel iad VA.- seace ls. v.ure«ier*d and,. t0klm te lie VWçory 1(.siiriAlý EusLM94 viiere hoivas aLUade b. or. Y. J.. <ie-e.Tv.lvebdt,9b-sivérîs taben nigit aide -W, s 1.4*o badlysMM thére le a s béoulbl orti to a inl- 1111-es 1tsied loba ~>pu *(~ou aeu. and Tiiomilia l ## im* -*vtela- mahn.-Tié'eaum 11-015* dean vi"de étop ef. lie satis vuas toi-n on. Krypel recelqd a s"al w=4 ,«hvile DaWniéls sttM viti' a voundtion lthe back ef thé lIt F"W. liad bout lu Milwaukee ait voe.on our vair back te C~ieat%" Krypei saldtislamoi-ami. "W. 55w s red lsulera on tie nor.i end of the Sheiensuroati brlige ilit coula snot make out viat klad er au oh- sîruclIon vie lier.. Wîtiioul sus pectlug tRial Il vwua brtige Roneoki thougbt hé couid sklrt il on lie euatNe svenv.ed andtihle next moment ve bai crashed tiroligi lie beav>' voairaillng Ct lue left aide o1 the bridge appi-oach, sud plungeti over thebhilu. t vas a terrible sensation " .Wbeu ve *pîciotiourselvea up w. sa Koneci ylng Iluth, *vieciiet imacine. We called for ihep sud ti. hrpolIce sud Wetze! snd Petensoni ambullmnc 1 arrlved.' Tbe police Iodai sasoerte t ta broken bottle, pai-Ili Oed WiVth vine or soins shuler lqior. vas plied up neai- hwe vd imachine. Th'e vrecked car vas bauled lu lie 2ie*eo garage. WaTikoq 2Plmc odutt Maè ad icen Poio.. n lt h. Waukegan police vere caee Iupon Suntiai y he ipolice of MadF son, Win., te locale, a 19-yeurold îouti and Ive 19-yean-pld, girls vie dlep tpearedlfita ett dl lrultaneq»13l vi wti alStndelbaier eu. The local po lice sameacting an lie lieery liaItviw h- et lieetrie may havé sathetifor Wsr th kegnte gel marrieti. 19Th fiut Caii as recelveti by lýe Waukoaa police sI one a'ciock Sun- day mOi-uiig viien il vas stihéti lia s".youth. sud twc girls vere vanteý by uhe police there There namesa an descriptioni& von- givon as felavas: FRANCES COOK, 18 Yeat-s elt;- é'oro muai-at ceaI; black hat; gri- tweed suit anti réd svéater. Was 11gt ýe compileied; baqight, bobbed bhi inCHARLOOTTI7 -DARINII, 19 Yeari teoli; 'lglît complexion 'anti llght bob Q LIVER CH.A ERTON, 19 ,yeare fflsket su .1cne rase. to 0. Ssnlth ou case. Cail Lt 8TFàRÂHT &&AJtY-135 ma expoisee teman o r1g te I2urodvce ire" a g J Burka l(fg. Co. 2x.et Iýoui, II. -L over-fise ptstea ng all.d. 1i*M 140, lu four over-0ie piston% i5,tI (0* ua vnlat plus and 12 pISnrIng s 000neetinsg roda, &me lad Vs1Y04 014usarbe oitr 1$U»5,'U12parm, elbstetI- beiyrtfle Auto RepsrUi Telepiaene 20i. . Op* ldemiying. SeA.5 . . pione Ib.r-Jle12-. 4* FOR wAL-ne Heneer owdeaf'i .Deert grain binder, &t sa$- - imtsi-sx hrfe; Q011158- o awmwmml tn, Io Miles stet 1t ]FOR SALE-Army 90go oda, v9 se paret, geoti anticiM&l. RM 90a«.. Aptablala-Phono Libêrtiv flll ena, Ltbei-tyvl, D.4 WANTUD--Wasbg ta do at bomne. lIra. VI.Jti, 185 Appley M Suorw tiet ' utify 4*arâtia nti Jndl 1 imlb. m heplaarillug of t11e, Né estcano her *persusait $86,000ID I5#Yet50IiL w a lsue ortl aes e heslti e Bult by' Dt o n od lue, Porio-oil "muues salmt. e e- ounou Delue. TIi. deteriptDl of et"'seete S-'wuea onf o 4aiyii t&ta" ,440 escribed apa Tory brold Dm"sa rizaato bodW rid and exci over the RaineoSe 0 bridan ris Drugg4wB Wo:Bell. certain d-the 'Propceod lnsroeme4t te sulbet -piuDtion e t le* te b*Ween #»M ad S d'ýreut e h"'Se sby = n â.qt yv5 'delet 44 'bufWdthebg bst ViaédIsue!, the aMW M4Iaiority aise la given for pîsamd- 'eb ed1ený seia 1 lait Mensp n ed ielSn$ s. i :t u .5 1 qàast y oa . poýl ______________ time ta $MllS117. Tba pr ropoaltheu .vaetlked e mad y evadg.ter utgeMcs U M T LA 1S. hec i-fslt b *t. vithe, ieuatrictiStor 0f bUtish 'a ci&e~eou*Od be eoatuced l t would ]w =Mueb urti-tr u tMu ' C"atr m Panned to pese dto a u bil -t a cl~~fi~ Retai tii. ,The prvpoBd improvemmsi; v Station. ali maade tligradltag dva Sb Admirai WiliaM A.MoffttItdé- Isiwod ith e tti i4ta Poel cli a 1*1 it atth~e Unio n au. w * teatet tthtp clu. bl th, itia.nvy depai- t :froaia. M*eft-tsvoasretontion er. the grisai Thie p nrti 0'wnrs slong tV Lam»gtraIiing station, and bit- Part ,eft he street, 1CIUdlng rtervaltsacketi the. dsarmâment proe- N. J. Roberts, Fred B. Wiltl a G. Aldeu. the. Rosnouluma sud il oral etiiersare saidte b. lnuftai 'li-ý4OW ose. vhY vo siould lib. e-a vd nugsd leerlin hie aUr onir luna»val trength te Great Brut- go liaIthbey can builti storefroi ai'~ le aii."té aton htiat ie la n"plnu.d toi putthie 'Propem p1ln t ion sd a d la content *to , . Im1provement Irougi as a tfl, seconen i aythlng else la flot fit te on Issue sud Ir the propositi be a rest nation la the hoat sens. of carnies by s vote of the peoplei L theirot.1, improvemnent ceaulhé put inuas s thévot." si te boudsamar lseed asud He added t)iat Biermuda présents a go that w«ofetcenalructiSn ce venitabie. Hellogoland, liai Il could b.e tarI eanly next sprng. Wlth t mkde lhe base for bombaldmrnt plan ail the property owners ln wbicb voulàd raze the Atiante se- clty vould ýpsy towand the. cet, board fromiiMaine te lorida. ."We proportion t thie persona) orr abori)d ais tblareIis lanid, the. Ba- éstate ia'5 tley now pay. hamas andi West Indien,' lie salti, * Te 0a15101 vs adinenai 00 City Engluser Doutitlt bas b hepoitonwa adine 0 50plansansd speciications aIl compt 1mentle plan e! abaudonlug tiie train- e may ttèr in tgoe hoii 2 ing atxutim. red W. Uphar. set'nearysosltecuci word tliaI S0,sAconference w it Ii ri ye-rsago. Hovever lb. pDm Preelout Ri-din salai. v s o îo» iii ot go thblougb tie la & reodnt Haofing sation ea ordoui-t for confirmation as a Spoi s ûva leen ie of he stin lune goerassensmeul proposItion asevas t] a, o wat e eigdtoinfuene tyer- lannçd. If lier. are objeeter Bmeut, action tO-oe ndi. - thle plan hhey muaIet iresta lb - AÀTO'souton protesting the abau- selves ah the poIla, wheemaIl doument or luther reduction at lb. voreto b.e built by speclal ams satigua va.adoptli sud> yl b.sent mont liai would have ta do 41 te Président Harding sud CouVresS. ebjectlug in court vien the ma These préeut pledged themielves came up fer wUnfirm. te, obtain 'ST1e pensons euhliWhieThie mayor declaredti tat1 vould write 10 liehe rMs,eallta bridge yUl takenmuai of lb. ho thiI-respective distrIts o09 te a lnmm-traiea et the streets ln tiie busIh hOn of the aubob.ee-* .on avaldistrict. appýoprlmapre pijont-ferSb_________ "lion te uaipo= ns. "Whot =.Apr t i 141 West lie. u-ndt le any navy,"M «id Admirai .'Iwtbouta cIaescstation ehnt utmreta"e piontuudtie , hte ad P&w STAÀTIEON BIt i l Wankega reside hofoaslEx-spo r Ti. eet alsete station. eay Thcm xso >vere preseut at lbe meeting: IL li. Squad Member, Unearti '0 Clifferd. secretari of the Ciamber M m ohPatfrU of Commerce, Franli Burke, D. T. Mrmt ln o .S Web, D. T. 'Alobuler, and Fi-subin Ray E Thoimas, o nokod i iLt forseveral montha, sud vbo li - oose production Ihal siyof Ul AMR TIDTIC IN Seainsdeputy mareballahve hall LY II~ ~f1* god lookita do for sometirne. Thomas, who la employed ai r E '5>MDTPTI)AÀCSdeputy marehal tn thé Chicago LI4'.1I~vIJII IRtrict,. but who 'bas been fexqpora b- * abted to Sontieru Ilinois,c pleted what -Io bcllèvéd ta, be ru oma 1s W hbrten Chr liggeot haul ever -madie et1 )n Ms tmsIeii lLk l quartera, *$,amade on a farz m' eacapédom vbal S it b a e Blu afatalshort way out af *lie clty. The 'e-escpedwha, 11gh hae ben faalsuit vas thbat a sti11 that proad e accident tis imorning vbén a Ford alcahol, or 180 ta 190 proof, at, t' eda Inwhlb se vs dlvig ~ raté of 600 gallons per 24 hi >0 wld sud tumbled Imb the- lect-Ic vas tound sud hala20000 go 143 tracka undeie the viaductet o ad- tanks for atoitug thé liquli *way, Northi Chicago. Sue vas unhurt uuénrthed a short vaytriom the escept a "few scratches iabout thé tory frIme bouse that sheltered face, but the car vas batIli demollsb-asîlîl. Md. She bail heen shopping lu North The largest t 5111fouud lnu Chicago, she tolti thé police. ounlier kagan lu date was dlecovered ai way home, just ofa'ter ahe paosed the Jolm Lamové - home tire v police station, the steehug knisckle ago and that produceti only at buckled sud the War ent over thie rate of 96 gajions everi- 24 bc slight emhankment into the traeks. Some of the ittartling tiuga it crasied ovei' on Its aide, but elle nectedti thelb.raid lu W vas able to extricaee lerself hélai-e Thomas vas a leadlng figure, w polibe arri-véd on thé scone. Tht an éntire tvo aloi-y ,t Chief Joe iotOcky acomianied building, had been nehuil for ber home ln a taxi. She refusait mai- dlstlllery. 1' Icai attention. The. top of. he~ car That thé cent cf Ingtalling was démellied.O thé glass a3hattered Plant a-ould excied 835,000. and thé framo batily beUt . Wltnesaes of thé acident. marveléti aI ber con- T#iat the booze i-an 180 ta tng out of thé tumhled beap o! metsi praq! sud voulti retail at abat R with barely.a scrateh. pet gallon vile *the cost voulul - exteed thirti cents. Thot a regular day sud1 aîl force ver. maintaluedti taopi miiMIL PR DUC~RS Thoplat.e mentaken vére veE A-T ROCKF D il3T Àansd members et thé beBl Sont "M R Ilinoisfamilles. ab f E a ,T AN Thaîîwo .20,000 -gall-on capi lit-NC concrete tanks, aunir way lu th ilockford, 111., Dec. - i m lamons -Wood taste" vure cons MI ducers oethIis relgon viii henafit tell ta 3 oltithé alcohol. ad' te thé -extent gf 6 cents pertlien- That plplng rau through dthé th dred pounds of m»k i h a non ila- bouise sud even la tanks m g- crease advanclng puces te producers neati baystacks andi chicken b, z- from $2.25 101$280 par hflndi-etinliithe rear te feed Int store tz a cets.~.i qu-I.théThe raid la one of the moat hé cents sudr qairs vé .e 1vasm1- tat-ed-t ileplce cocker.!. Phone 212-J. .1 Psy yonr MilIbur u uilImImaran assesomrnts etthe . ai-m Bureau OMM0 Saturday, December Mt. 49-lt 2B. HARRO, CoUecto!. VOU WIL.± FIND TI4AT lTE - LIBERTYViLLE INPIIPENDET fa REAU Dyv MORE PEOPLM TI4AN ANV OTHER PAPER INI LAK<E COUNTY iLer j AUCTON te - e- aoura rhIon were dthée .Vau- weeks murs. cen- i-ère: ftme D190 Id net niglut perate athyr athe re thé etine udér- âpusés tanks. L not- iâun- lsiey" td ta leveti SWau- on the ]RIt parrmloopted 6 milee sousthwent Ofof eoshaWis., i11-2 mules north Of Russel, 111. The' w lknowu herd of HoIt's Regis. tered Holoteini4 Hoge, Machiuery and Feed, on- DECEMBER 12- 46 cows, rnostly fresh or due to freshen sôon, 8 heifers, Herd Sire, Rag Apple r-Sarcastic Boon l2th.. These cattie are1 Mo gmdaugtersof King Segis Pon- on 60- day re-test.,' -Attenld ThisSleRal rShle' 78, HEAD 0F HOGS 78 You wil not be'- disappeinted ini quality.' There are heifers that ought to niake 24 lbs. or better and 30 lb. cows. No cows over 7 years old. A -Show herd, cO0ME : 1 1 . 1 . " =; 'w fge0 "wmi0. Tale- Iluxd lMd coAkoeapria.v- n Pens; aslw usaiu rlicookerebs Je esumd eate'le. 4-I p.- . oomo p. -1 T tGov RntWool -ndevssr Pcbsed by us e slt o Ubndle ir me by « I t s t rte ale 82.8escl 7ýI. il aiss Stsa 341.46; valu ersSIOAto44.'SefdCit i-4t 4iss; Prsy s0tm44, on dlioer- rc soim Py order. 1onwderys or sndt uls orey. o virt d e meaipréimptiy upon requ 'ýeit o 24, The. Plgrim .WoolenCe.46 Broadway, N. Y. 48-tf POUND-gemeO tn pasture 2 ek *go. Owuer may bave amretby iden- tylugasd payl - for car. snd Ibis iadvertisement. Wm. Varner, Prairie V I "w , 1 1 1 .4 M _ _t ai blackamnith &hep on Milwsukee Ave. ail InQuire of LeoePloper. lbertyvfle. III. n- MIIN-Our ettaleg tells how wesceh It barerini-lai qikly, ialled fe.Mo- s- 1er Barber College, 106 S. We Ot., Ir Cblcsgo. 49.2t . 4 1 1 Tý .:tý -- 1 D TO BU -la i