Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Dec 1922, p. 1

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I-NDfI WAUKEGA VOW~E~~ THURSDAYI, p~c~qe~ ~ I >Tii. Prunht taxu Ce Vrt~Oq#a.a ta b. one of tIse bUaie# à*W g" ie a~soeu lia,, fl IbOSjf %M by ithe triamu ofi m ýirÏ. mati.pubie rdW. Tbe çcr j»M clim wlll b. gw ive g-c .1 *06IP se * remu ot o tue as m vii b. -ad. 1w to'r*a - 10 -'»MBflt egi. TRe civil oeilOV ValloIng i a Mt of tba m Aes. plaedon c*Ul: N . Sals C*e.Corp.Tva.Bah- Brow& vs. Pilhibolan Ba141c Cream Co. va. Haiko Y#1o~v. Ma=ufacurera Term. Co. '~u Vs. bsodes P" aU a m a.Wankegan b. Co. .Iockdebow ma.Dow iek*fllov sciimalfus vs. More ;t* V&Lèbentbal & ipst*in .&uliesi otor Vo. Ccrp. vo. Vata exosier va. Lmui ohheman MtCa o.Coip.,"vs. Coma & Ur"g Vmbir va Ruils Dei. t Sri. Oalopel, eU. irai Detective Agency vs. La4 l otr', l Drovu & M1111« vs. Webr POvIlltVLa a.str*am Kelly vt. VC i . R.I R.I PL L 1Co 'liavaraki va Jadrich 8umyliVIL s.C. N. 0. IL. R R. Co. Audersosivu. ohaso Westin u.vajobsm 3*ag u. v somd J*pçlca*ILs. Borlano mu 1 mmmluarg aux. om '. vsAltiotil Tibiett",v. Bium j Barnumi vu. Meody Malon. va. Rardisiger 'Babel v. Bolulevlca Cowley vs. Day Meyenbas. vs. Aver Barnbaut Brua. & Spiaier vs. Cher- ingtosiMf& o. Umescits. = %ag.r Gluck vs. Lebow.- Roberta Co. va. Grand -Billrd Par- lor. Havklns & Loomir Co. vs. Cty ci North Chicago Campbiell v. Kuboltis The Boyle Commission Co. vs. Gireat Ukes Fruit Co. Polonla vs. Lecakus BIB v. Suýing Wankegau Finance Corp. vs. tMiller Bin va. Peterson Taylor Estato. Chouey Taylor Estate, Bogar A. ns Auto Siipply Co vs. J. & G arage 'tankus, va. Fender Amnerlcan Sllcng Machine Co. vs. "d~ 4411tqeci the. most uu - pm utery f estnla t-b.ù o040ent* ytlng. The. t0teg ,alu »«bet it la tin&t ho ved an A*34.voi Whieh ho pp. lieesW~ie quMlutonal qualty sy4m t. 'itor theO ee & lWg raoanét tose out 0f the b.g- mt, M ~ Ià,the numbm ers99gav 4 Oeêed &anarveloes tcM d ébéiaho- lstsy uinual interpretative abglU'. Mia work vau hghly açPreiaffl b the. largoesaudence. Mr., Baker has a mafoi teregtiflg hitory,&axtu n l- spiring one. Re-in evideutly ola n who thrlves on dlfficultIce, Re toiti thua hitory to a repremtatlve 09 The. Indopendent lI the course et a mutlW to b. resnemberÈd chat. SpaSo vill flot permit the. tellpg. b4t the. ont- standing tact la tht for ton yeara Ward Baker wasaa treat flddleé i Chicago, sud it vas the. money tus obtaned. muid aaved,sa a rebut of ru gai living. that enabled him to go to lielgum sud study with x mof the1 word' greateet mastors of the. violili Min. MaRIl Hoffman, a dmcldedy l- i. tractive vomaa', and a reader cetelcen- tiongaS=acomlibmmeufmovti tIs ud- lonce alti liately to teairs ad Isntte vith lbar vouderful Impersonatlona o the. qaractorl almany Emrts -nu- mmrnqii," wbh la Ioboeved te b. the famowuhtior' mastarpiece. 8n. gave other reading l a». vbch sireti to great advantage ber versatie draniatic talent. On af the mus dellghtful feaaures of the. eveulng wua the work of Mise Esthier hflerbrandt. vocalat andti * auilt.Elle la an u trmoutat wof akili.but the. audience vas carrled auy by ber ulnng Obe1.basa meswo- sogeant> o fexcellmut tîmbre, and 4tfiro mistaka nof, v.Wvl ý -ot tua yre,* vomsau In TRIES TO licK DEPUTY.,SQUÂD Ahlstrom's Forces Meet Whirtwind of Artns and Fists ln Delluquent Father. Ed Âiibtrom sheritff and a squad of deputies. met viii a flock et fly- lng fiais, fest and teetii lait Satur- day viien they placed John WPheqii tenant of the ancaster Parm near oundout, under axrest on a warrant sývorn outc by T. A. Simpson, coun- ty superinlendent of schools. According ta,, fluecharges spe.l fied lni the warrant, Wieslon a re1u dtO sendhl Mlo15o ToResideo Rj1ed and GMP ffe% = Loü. from FilmsT6day. Damagea uhat VIImMount Dn earii $16,M00mark vers reporteS Twweaa ai ti.he ghliddPa*k Smr3490.< On. home vau tatsly dmùeatroet anotiier psrtilly rarbd by £"r=a, i c=~lderab1e dagaagevas don. tea a downtown garage. The. home ovned by AttorneY IL E. Mason. vho raticei lun iii cage, buruod ta the. ground, the. fire siaring at spidnlght. fly 6 olock this mornlug the. valla had ail fallen lnanad tufe residence *as nothing more than a hea opi amani- dering ruina. It la estlmated it the di. damage there vilirun closè *tc $10.000. Tii. home vas a tva etory rame houa. locattit ai 301 Fat Central a*enue. The Michael McClory home at 130 Souh Vint street, céaught flie Z.jîly àY.ýr 7 o'cltlr=d befete tRIO ifie deparilient coulti contrai the Ball O. ]Pucherpay attention to tiieetters and no. pairs viliihave ta b, made before Cio orth ica goSmthvs. Godman ices lssued by thé Board. the. home ia ready for* ocoll$icY P Cl1Ydra Cortvi iniao s omn The boy recentiy stoP.d: ichool. agaln, accordlng ta the fdrebùin ~ a.vs Wnkaccording to the. story brougit out ÀAlire tartlng luin ail ol fl in i Esinr vs. C. N. S. & M. R. PL. Ca ft the trial, and told other chldien tii. Larson garage doown ala Cordes Vs. Cords that hs fatiier had givek bJm Wi gave tii. fie dopartment a battlo Scbloaberg v. Qoidteto Cotiilng Vo. mission ta -. quit., Tiie shertif fasd shOrtly aCier tiilMcClory amue Tht Klein va. King hi. men vent out ta the farm thtua mshr aue itea, a 'WIUlrIn. SeaklSmornlng ta bring Wlealon Inlxta but la vas conalderahie dghlttrb.- i Village af Lake Zurich vs. Young Justice Charles E. Mason's court, fore they coulti b.extnusK lews va. RelyWiezion could flot underisand the Tii. cause af the. fie teverii- Forster vs. Waukegan Motor Saies sommons. He refused sac Isnnoub ti.e de 1esnv. M zhpany the. aficers, and, latter Attempt- Pirtment. -tarsa vs Mircii ng ta tell hlm vhat' th.y wanted, Magrin a.Der Badroslan ÂhIiltrom orced Wezian loto M1e E>1jC OlSntl- va. C N a&M.IL1>E C.automobile. Before the. driver 1 Iii5,000 W Il MFll.tubbar, s.C.o. . &M.Rr. couîd tArt. WieziJon almed a blawa Fiar RuuiierCvs. Moe t the nearesi fficer. Il mlssed. d~¶a>t, n'ir& vrnt sg.. a.rson tg-M.Semeegrabbed hlm and a batîle UJU1ý IM otg. V.v.Chrntu?-Mg nder vay. Wlezian fin- Come . ally va. subdued and the party vas fl&V f vs.Povrsaie-t return to Waukegan pence- Tover vs. Village et Libértyvilin fulîy. ,DET O'Nelll va. Vendenin lu Justie Mason'a court Satuidayt Wllbon vs. Plstakee Boat and En- aiternoon. eWheglon ex.pan.d by Hopt0Cm ite opfe gin. C. means af getures and boken Bug. HStaCo ittFie esCpele lish tint h. vatie father or oCntutFr sae W.D ER IL) O> elght chldre gid thathlS if, MS andInsalLaundry. ,S LE4ON Z UR et home ta hbeip hlm li vorlclng Old debis contracted by the fas-nu- the. farnu. er building committe. ofthe county IS UMO RAS countr story sttedthat. ro 15'O D u:Ital, which thepresent commit- E. E. Fritsch, Constable af Wst In the morung and tetuinpd laie In fond appiroPridted for -the mainten- noerfielS ounti a Uitle alnusement the evening, invailablY Intoxlcated. ance oCfithe hospital. IPrlday mad. ht 7tôyIn , li ng shlvering frieuxtia at Unable to get a esatlsfactorY an- necessary for the. board of super- 'Wabkean hat ho nt oly la ccir sver framn the man, Justice Mrgon isters -ta volp an additioxial àppugo. ai. 11a-bme lI tixt Illage but that fined hm $%( andi Costa wiii a pro- priation of 115,000 ta enable tiie lie ba À lemon ire. titI la bearlug vision that the. flue vauid b. remit- committe. ta 'meet expenses. frut.'l'bore are tva fnly developeti ted If the boy vas started ta echool There vas some discussion con- itiihon 01,hie trpe which are amasi Monday mornlng and vent oves-y cerning the. appropriation but Su. t tad'o 1cR.-Tie tre la lesa thon day uitltiie Clone af the. school pervisor E. A. Martin, chairman of tfiee fot.bibi. year. Wiezlon caulti not pay the the. haspîtal committee, tliStii. Costa, iiaving but fiy-cents an Mhiboard that viien the prenent board xOE-e'c@0 x xoxxe x persan viien brought into tie tout charge tva af tue nev hllS- e T4 ~la Me e court. lutge ver. unfurnished. ad beds anS n nea *df ftmi*rsaau* mn s. Siierifiequipment had to b. purchaaed. e effltwy. q e Pressing charges against Wlezlon Tii. report af the. county tressur. *Wa q KxoK.gxexo e X for rslsting an affleer. er vas accepted. Ir or thou iusag e wwm 4,sa'..-,w'm-ct et g0UlY. ouw 40- bellot i-ve% tae.4 ea4taet A motsoli for a xxiv triailvawu ti m" I viiboan.140 &M oe-Mngmnstbe» i.,1.vb cesi.» ofaî' pit tpar MW.4 00ebe* #ic% fr »to$t tRebaror O blerobS.bora ist onth 90p rw . he= h". ienmua ubito. t5Da odrt ies «« fée. tier i.eme * beuÏM in~-r the. second secticor tC bislieue. "t» Mt u Wrt~ar ________latm ePlu ~ftbî «Oopauy 14I Q CALLI1A~ ~JTJ'J~ Supenlntendexit N'useOf tii. pauy vas i, WdukgCMýIistW= F. s~ h declafeithat-Ob" ttbep toy -xxaýr ilot beaul cexnpýalib o-met »$A OFSSMtL w e r ; OF ~~~~~~cme becaMeefi tbaii l o AU'P' is M xiIJfl laritF of electrioty lu l=n. The p#Jb. teAU&tY il is M M ~ ~I llMo'toîay demanda ut4ok »lç fd F- it vau his Idea tint lly ru=iw sie t 3£4 Cr trie cars evory 1ev Minutea alles e rd« Battllng nearly ail uight tii. 3urlthan apaVe, tearnitraîne 0, ius r It * lu the. cae Of JOhu CÏilobon, Wat- unit. ithe public vouà' bes bis ole kegan dairYnuan, viiSe truck canapti serve#I fromen ti.aandpotatft , Il o a the. death on Auplit 17, of Ray- sa-ing. and liai 'thi eintIos cf latter miond Rlgg. !e I.woo-RIuver, largenunits by stdMm le xiyh mre" 0*0 Or 411. retruea v.4lxt gf pUt of .oaa?,ZOlltIn - ----- ,- A sponsible for tie ioy's ieai. vrtue roadbedte lacouvert -Il penalty for simple UsaultA-la amini- an eleetrie road. Ta his h» ' 1,G'~ ~te mum n s dn fa $3, ou a miaximum the.eltmlnation cf grade obis*4i boa dufer-ti RIl of $100. -Tii. canstruction 0f d uladUl.w -lnti udylg 1 -The case vont to tue 11117 about vays and elevateti trac»ý'Ia MaU enpsenb lÔt ntibe a" ,.t six o'cbocleThurscdi night. Bui a mter necessîtateibut thua voulti maRIe RS os hour the. lurybattleti but Wre un- possible the. operation of ver, apOt$44 SO"hl elu a : ahie ta reach a verdict uW tli ise.' trains, andi il la estimaied' tuat tue a et tiiuty 1a'c!ack tutu sioalUg.Natice. runnlng time beiveen Wdukeglan sd u #outoo tint a verdict baS d l reecbed Chicago coulti b. eut 30 minute.. uoibt b$beu" vas communicnate t t. J d *Ïi-,~ds But oppeating oura..pna aschodule o o oC st *e.the -do&thb. The verdict. h la felt, asthe. re- 10 minutea for instance theiompny mT lruu lit ar'pl. ne suit of a compromise. - qouid se smany people asa M e" a aepribon oilà Tii. defendant. vii bisattorneys steatra i fsix conchese coûzultheu i Alsec P. Beaublen sud IL $. Dady. serve by- aperatlng on. an kolfr. It 14 :uouer lua M6 4ami le&iv was prosou n etu prtPISSi' uirnlng figureti that the. passengé- W d ,tendent of tii. am" a ai to-in ocokWI ** tue ver- thus save front 10 t ût - Ux4m urn, me.n.t nia thi« , dici ~ ~ M va ed çà~c4aal made and ih bthe uconF rsnnlimetOa no motion, rervi'l*ti t for a titis the saving vouldi ho refducet Itue 901*6ôt C laies- date. Tii. moUq.- t la rata. even many mare minutes..UMaPmioP eau lue madie any tint btlring the. The plan la $P eîtensive t lu ItWM their vork, th-provea',t* ter=i-taIre the camupany several yeam to 11108 frota *suffotg. Tii.cas ha ben coieaed it-vos- uhm oi, ut SpI."lias ,e-brideveil b»Qal , -for ttRI Te from ha erau.cmtedi. t- wlever tthoat, utimeu nt mVllas liqor antdi r ;vtwoetmq tam sterlyfrornhe very s lt4 og Taeivs tate iml i anoat u tuai contrant iobor lu pg prae ove ht aaoole 'fla de disanov ope ate thetam ili bdeetri ud h proo tat ji utoobie a adealY ow perteby tea w1i b elc i sverail o1.,lela t veapan. *oiie hresulto a tha Ini - flid- fsvrl'Voqm o We dliction af death or sortàns lnjus-y. ot. tro.s Impassioneti pleas vere nmade ta the Xcaunîv , w#iap - Ut.- triai o jury by ail the atterseye. "COLL.EGE DANCE". TO SE Gov. Small* la 'Wankogau. Ris tem Tii. accidnt vU ona n lxi vic Calaha'a ruk sruc an 'autania- GIVE IN WAUKEGAN DEC. 27 as sheriff expIreS on Deeuller hile near Uraysiaîe, Catýpultlng young Rigg lutu e roativay viere tliI> ¶ h. receivedt fatal Injurles. An at' ýTii. "College Duane," which i. tu bu é K I empt vas nmade by the state ta ieid at Waukegau Dec. 27, ai the nev prove that Callaban could bave Masonlo Temple, la to b. tue fiet avolded sri mÉ te s.tÔoauue b douce ofaItis kind &long the Not KIuuE uBYli<RSI taking the dltçh. Siiore. This dance afords an opper Wihtecrimnal case dilsposed c tuniitFqi s&U college people nulS tuas. h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ )n va sotdi or rdymr-not aOig ta gui togelier aid eiily Georg e rtri. Of Spaultiln o lng that the parents af e victini tue fine muaeofO Beýson's Orchestra, nor. kloked by a borne lu tue joX. bave taken stops ta brtog a- suit or Chicatgo, tue Vicier reçord rtlats. and sortoasly InJured. muditer * for damages againsit éailanan. B. IL Selecman, oC tue University of aecoudary, operation aI liii Lo In vlew of tue fact uhat the Jury iM ,, isIta entertain ii ils orlg- Caunir' (loera i basta11i lu 1brought li tiimildesi verdict pos- 11Wan sd ppJ Drlo Dn e. Tilt j:Xla baffil tee alie tue prediction vas made utbattaffrda an=pt:rmiiwCc verbaê a -queIn- vWhex ~ 5 f.iere mlgbt b. uo, effort to obtain a te enjoy a dance porràeateti vihIi mabe. ahi. 10 set I nov tuIai. collýge spirht andi ,uub*homen, P-It mcording A hnoueiopw l bbw#01 , le Mtg r à 1

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