ai« Mre Zao iý -itgosi reusftted? ý t U» tc11hP Î, oly 4oed aatOlli Aultn Hay USOMM-<ewe H.Id Up MhiiEsW. 84da40ne04, u fot. in qut, are> da babic fr M ÎÏlhsb v48semphbl*t0d t aru le prevened ÀK monthly bull i" obr may hav e Islscutted ytheti) »- sutd as bint toa abwi 4 $OS tl~ u, b We*-, moiuE »a ùsv* gpst eed upSo bY itetati Umeoa f mvrte- *s a~avsspm bcd cmsetlsla Wabla o smi about tii. Northi are tiaslaid uns smpriobt gpoli- Tb. »ev bossesin peratiibA t gppritn tno vUii li Mv.WRte mu5 1 au a Bsot. euch cf viS auplaum Nv6elce sMd' fulr As 17 rllsg a tsest dpuilsAd- U#luni astiof M le ,ioth toperte -tue..baUds 1 fo,~@ tise eletrem . Vis ey *et tic xb"fflUn. us lus êt Gaaud Aven ad Wooauboe ruet as fas e «l4ke Iabug laodao* i oulé se.. ae tbooli lm Mou »t au s i.bues MW im Wa*eom as hm g cieslshed w Ambition ta bave aa us. rlelee ic n. ranniatg mbtis *à«* siMes of meilscounr.. Wlub Lthe operasum if tbsse 5 Wb« a ls.mmre bcoe la aim Sb«Wu esAiInd rlii aWaukees id go v.e shidébesi tiste seigit or tbe JWorths Som .Ae id tieare _t6'b.esaute * Acerdlng f0 offica vlE stOp anrwigrs tlagw.dtea*kup i rate Es ta b. lire. eu *PRAIRIE W. 3. houer sud fan] mas aitihe home of M Mn. EnmmaKruege Aima.isent Bodir Mfr. sud Mns. H&rry1 Mfr. and Mns. G. Sb MImi Dortbr Stoerp Mfr. snd Mrs. H.- week end lu theue ct U 1. Mielier vasi lu Chicigo PrIday. Mns. C. T. blsaon e TuIley sud famlly Sw The. P. T. A. villh t lie school hanse J1 parents sud frIends echool are cordialir' tiIs meeting. Retr nerved- va" oqer tise hou4S SWHIlard Csamp No. luataIl lie pew offi meeting, Jauuary 511 Mfr. and Umr AI Y lido. Charles Mlleri mai hoe.Crisini MM. - Wnny Hautc spý.affding a »art of th daisbter. Mn. A. G. Ufr. sud Mn. C. 3L eêiUr, sud UMn.W. ladi .s ying vit lefOre gela glober W. J. tI$uer %pent X~1r. and Ms. IL dayI st DesPlaine mx. s&Ü4 MM.Art' idays viti Mx. and lske Zurich. Tii. Chritmaa h,,,ch lait SatUrda atteaded a14 V4a proet. Thre t Chist with their r Pyimpressive uel si* ,recel ted a gen ;Le, *--ovs und teiceM n ow om0f if àwoa a 9 0ete tp - imoiik prod4de. IIWom bit q: lu hberOnik dmuoENSst lIse miona. espermnt Elu ai 'Sudasim rass 1 aupwpapsture durint tlse *Am- mer mouilla Wh"a Oumse0800"%s* a"d tisai eom on ibis pout *M1 fldas eli us ii...bellif S eri elar ratiluo mtge, grilai& suit fa bey. COmBiiAiON TOO is 1RIANY siedes Nid. t. Fait le ei..1400e for postemino aiu.Tsr Around Amy cBostn Wb.n oe sgardeaierbg. the. mis- fortune to breAk hl m .jui ba* et tise bEa i * w ii. nu i Lvble h.e repslrad if jeae. t lt. tont n* ke- Qru Jyte tiu atme s i».' 14" la au aios TorU vIew sitatim n ad iCordici t& r6porte there la a. bitter bate 55. tisMd ent i ulinel. uomt t lui Tbb W -M th iewitiAgpu- 8do nme-,Urne go gave Ob* *Ut«# "% s. A IL , 1941pta- Myo tr uiei tomtasieS - Oht tu *q »lW A or agt areport a* Pomý145 Xer«rtRie 'tUteL«Iq15 s1i851 wbievca gSrwstetuslas tu seVoe MUiowomomi. à 1,iboomsser e t osii eumuls when 0f pipe to tjs spe- ube o@oo*t~i M o& #=bfl Wtt passngens. The the dl flUhl WWtaph.ustq * * tbê bXhUl5I5s - »07" I15 nii pr nËm.. unoilie oae, ns a i ,%ot' mIL fatS5 b1 W ie j%*W 5 5i0ab oed the bed ie 5 bot Sud auWtW d 0 iss U" ,IIM* #* le Dot* la m -- théo, Maile tu V&.llm811.. U*sêAuit VIEW ron O àP% cwq me 0£O._0fortbe s firtUitp hi b.ofastoped ElaUthe sase dot la » ils ft".te "bwv * * * ** jiice of pipe. Thos one to i d the sto lii. Aadftor- 81u1 o D #e ily spet Christ- work of tir. or four.,-luse. W eet~ i îw recors i wh am l W.. etsiicifl. laf~ itlerO. lII n poliur Xecb5ftain"d la tise vllasudMA or nd auhte, es agzin. omsplote audit. This adtM&A er tud aherof WMgazne.rocured ln tiss, tu submu àtS thehootlhle Grand Jury Md 4the lOerS no,ýtertalned SHELTER SWINE IN WINTER wenl niruhiit lx- detsi. ot Chicago laut Teadtl utinshowed tbat it la Esueenil MM I~YOUM Poricerc Hummel i sevillae proaeod, uitl Davis sPent the U Provided Witb WelI VavlS cllectd Irsan lioezwifl'ad the Y. at.e Dry uatirs daaèe hall a total 0f1 «». The a buines coler1 -aidllar's report dose nt I*0w Ua a. businessbcillereu- hie ld his over ta entertalned Frank Penntth I ume a e treastirer but according ta re- turned on tender, e sucullet Pstreprts Troasurr DeProfi wext bo- i014 thir Meeting without grain. .bout tirf ee WO ho' tore the Grand Jury, sbawed th* anuary Ifh. il t ore fa-olig nier should rOeceive chockinquestion sud ëlid that Ih lateresied in the. ration of rdlled hrley or wheat Mine1 had neyer been put. ibrough, lie invited toa ttfld -and taukffl, one or tiree baW betause lummen i l td 04 1* eslnts vil! i Ul'.Otid f .&à,rm& tua._. poiiMi0ý re were tioue lnd 1 the.ubove grains. Titis mýAQ tho4c --of r tIL.> LYO. opi t 18,1l" udM bt~ tkn ia~f' 607, PL.N. A.. wiIîll pg b rvle iti - ln tmeut'la iýt Icer at he nxt fli pge h proIddthils tine. It I. bas not been tois hn ut net' Wel protected shelter durln Catuef'Whii- village la1S1 oW66 Fr-tus ÎsidMi ndter, and kept frft of lice.1035m 0 t n ilage p1os5dene soi Reaten ., ATTÈND TO NEED REPJRS .A r oreporta tram th* of Lake Zurich, le village niera vms ne purtiW ho winter vith ber reason for Hu Ulto have -»nY Meaether. . ont Watt Until Tracter Hau Stpped village Money En ie possession but Giman entertain- Defor. Naiioll IvetiftgOn hiii explariat.len vas that he vas Cruiokshauk snd of 8£UShw. iasslsting the treasurer En mis1% tcbriatMiiadln=~. huiecollection». r of OMscIae vis- .ttend te needed repaire lonedl- AccordinS nth le reports at flo home Mconde. ately. Dout vait toi sometbuuig gocI Lke when l -w» CillOd tq, 135.15- W %B' mash on your traeter before stop' mells attention that he Oodet tii ZZ* UO0tWSZ Pl,* Buch a course lesus moneY 5village $U65 he made out a Oolck th hlm a few4dan s Mfer addttonrepaoira sud for payable t te tresarer DePrf and ister In St Paul, - 't t MILe u. 0lathe novice bat toid hlm ta "hold l a fV darW' au tiaes "wasu't enough memer lU ýt Tueiday ln Lng - ru» ' hw e M tûtairue car.of il."De- 1 e4 repetrl.nt. ,Thé god oerator Prott has held nie çheck for mnt4 ther snd dingiter, wvU- »tt 60as»ocaMIsho;IliluikBailIRand noe-for as ho la able te lé=r t Tuesdatui Des' iot *à>t >houl4 be. there neyer ver. nuffloent 'fonds ______________te take cire of l. It "a tEIÉs b-e KEEP-SUS ?ON kW I)YS becauue tb1s bcheaCk lU quesgtioâ M * because tie treasurer,. clenk and Voi Spnttlie bol- Splendi opportun itýyfor,, M *WnllNoe. ohhers fet that îummneli shOuid be Meam Pibicobin ut emsry quppiy of Flots aud made ta sottie viti tiie village lbe- l 1 .Plant "See cause they vere short o f Onds, thsd Drogre =t Grce. -tle matter vas laid before the 16 eVeuing as ve I t Meuit ts goto> mryflats or State'sA- teorney sud the. oààe Vas ill 1r od, ~ Ôi14l plant bpxes on hon - stormr d" con l'ut UP t ie'Gr3.< u. He- dd-elu.d oas ,usdtaaythgel mknga ev:r su an teresting aideIli e qurtet sang three plI'. tiisesound luxffbei snd Maice siutinva ti f LectIons. Chuderella uulfOfln n suxe mid*hape, se there ------- tentisier fcrnished wEU he ne lest Of «Pace ln htii ramesFR " >BF u«ic. Rqth Wolfand and on the greenhuse beuci. ED Ge B"Btp Zer sang solos. The ______ neat dv4beautifult LeO»c" ail pres- MAKE PROFIT RAISING HOMS AUCTIONEERINO ierolil treat of hom e- ____________ mts. The. offerlng Nocu.mrY TEit P19 iged GN*n at »Bs wauthe largest ef Attention and Fiesd to Make FAIM M <D = SALI D3»leuSSPsy. seric, laut Sunday .-. A- SPECIATY d& The. mnisteer'ÀS g la esponsive ta gomcm crs..Nwwm.W ' 5V 5? ett le » x:"Fod Ud ÂhePOSUpi'- 4 s0 Cuen.ta Seek and sud tee&. lne i ~ 4 zwu5iV~i' rhieh laq 1 " ilnomie condtions itlà lnecesssry liat WÂTIKIM , OMUIIS rith tie tre Christ- thePlg b.ogiveu the best c» sud thle right klnd ef teed n #0fe te H !e24 A>eiktbuasy at 10 m=Xe box l'J5sJng a5rsi PRYlW P O- HONi2 ýï nerritn at'il and ml , ise-, "ss cals 'c - For a',Wgý% The *U«Winlg reipe wil gie a hInt 4cu~UN gbruh cream choie-iuiug, dd s'Ona"VIAdê Uv vol1; theasd tau«, mat pu b4e Id. threcegreased larer cak isi*uq aaeuS 0 uster coolc ugir and watefroverr low St'e vithonf t h« slowly 0 og h es 41mwbich have hem boitci spe fifavoring. Spead bttwe9eu layersamu nt 4 soi t aprfnkle îliickly wihhvcecoifut Akyour grocer if h. bas an eXtra0 .OPY Of: tbis new Cook ,ook. If write to Price Ba.kixxgPowcWr Factory, 10P1I ndlepem càWraxIOV Ilirous, and we wlfl gladly mal you ono On Sale at Ail11,Grocers'