WÂUKEGAN Y)Â1URT 4 19a3 atiit t 5 a v *#y - tu« 5tea t ake bisa I pr*W15sil ~ b u' l Mylbwev.'Ms - tb»411 tj - Inetiu thg tatetrai' amOpmIeNTi N l n lb a s ue t i vo ! * r rO0 &;. &.- .- ce cleareti uD tomor. taejustice HerVe géi.AltitogitChiot pc edier bas bee CIe I cii i-Oc s er ]uc- MCaninIdIt i aaes for altegeal 1lu Xi on a tison- Assitant Chi Ioliceman Boula i 4, coasÀ ttore mtten. vaual tpan *bnt gl.la failite nimmber 01 tai mai cm ofliéet0 iws, tf Homer Hbovet esthe Air 1 Su! EMA~ MMNLU ePLOAK RIO T BEDLAM. B5t41118aul the *Us, t* It 1- . Pdie, Usakeen arsdlated sailles alu simber Mi-,. etm rtu.yof lte commerce b. oinsset Ine pnjca a netI Minced vardt Bet-ieresteetasd a & i5 tQi hoIlle. 4 Une bouse mercinant w»s beli ibis Ifliung t tevi d»tte &t heariniua on the KeltaZ- tite nature of ber maladY. 1WIbitje ius radio contrai bill, tinat R. li a s, Whoia 41 yeue!. btl. a abedianiofi 1,f00 X«t been seria0ay iii but lbat >b : = 5~4c Stln tations every evenina. a oar IealtIn for sane ielme. ffbt1'A oeSffltioa or jasa bands, ser, -, b"t ultoit Ii Enough ta tke toasseveatiter reports, aporting news » ~r b.it bovever. Monday aften' , hansan sd vbtlnote, vas ooMc.Relslaid dovula ate thq -..W,6y.rlued description Of the a nainand inces Ien ail efforts lr o gramus. bave inldt ruse ber. Her ~ h1tn on brestlllt neart. action I.l moré l aibave B~t unhka tht; tof a persan lunormni sinet o rtio omnucl ie.TIhart atnbavever taa sgln sv msglbs. approiig. ClowiiiE veaker, dute pcabably ta teck apparaes>as& ê itu e perstocs et oo. EvrdCPra u L . oton wu.a cstered b7 the war ~à C Hog ad L B-and N!a'e7 Dopsetienits Rainsta Jlle oUil a i scsultatloni Ibis iMorot- provision la lt» bill.vinleinstipu- aS.& Filai arn b! Uns Opinion Ibat laIe s ltabvt e varappsrat'i a t b« condition la du. ta a Bei-VOUus et far ~ethgatin qovei'iineltt ditordor, Tbey 0 ,niat belleve that business itl as»coe mdcisuper- s0" la sufferigt roin*t b5 f5kmouiivision oaitUn, Ckm55«"Depariteut l 40 tb».-Africain 'siePing 8sldknsa". Thenasy repireseted by Rear Ad- DI Her bady 1. li= aSnd SIiISinlrai Ziegmel tprototel d Ial iiavY niÔ*Uns5fi5, snd l i lafegnea. Iat Un- opestrsi'n la y casesa, vonitbava - tee slm ob»acmb. srouase= andestIl ta obtala liconse !rqnn linsCoin- vmoe rto dmComS e msiii t51. Mecce Départaient If the section vas SaYs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ é Lad ohlyIpoo-WI fHiê OPS ~ Brinilbant le employed ai thei&ne . s etm7Hoovr tld the mens.~e WIfl# Rght On 1~Oiftto.01 . Ij> .aircs tei* I* IIF Sycmmittee h. vouid coniter vith, Béec ot f ty odes. havee.on, wu. 'retary Deahy lin au effort ta reacb - ~ mn accord on 1ha1t estur, but bu 13ACKS FIGI TRJIJ _________ti ulinte rlvlee" erw-. 1nb. ista t IsAcIon -ta tbvrt the taklng O!f STLT2,14.0KS.-AC DV9IIE ld4vay ne.vsltuainIega in"msOlive MoNut ,realding at tIn S TK Lîs.'twu~' i489«dui vith hais t einHome, Zion. ta BUila boopl- au&atw~ 'sAS 854 00eUty 5P supdUt a o oiir Imsane ter aI J I ILIII UPM3TLKIN Zmat irgrUTho» e V tone dnWn *er SERVE TIME tx Magilieer Lamb &deciScetlat lensAve jadlmptff5le.dtileil -Aime ilgit today -u thésMer Rouge -- a litee tiamasat-0 -tnvo ta bat-se ve pnncahériff d*ia Ahi. murder Mysteri. ai lit .ipelS i L~P'rOt, aIai a ril0f nsnsa copu; sop- A radgat lve affair vwu hiinedArea Man Promised ta Givel... âbola Wd5 li *p bcoaUWo't ev- pt inshmtakIpg in. vain ta the 0i- lite vitae nslesuatimi lu Self tiI> Jaif 2 ta Serve d érmstdaeatà« te re" 16.um. *=1lemI offic a 1sicg tinsKu Klix Remaiig.45 Days. b iPliint5iSut»i»*l té ta4 la tlnS oi*it -a gafe. lua spécal- plans. fié 50 ýdeelmill ItI Wi5b tbattite itan" ibeartu s rtiK intli vaî la holdn U lM in.hé "ftaý r et Th »U ititl casing l eoèrdam The newapaper declared aa ltbn ýME thiN AR prograinl trom vole te x e louand 15 batthv on"ait alinMer Edugà landl Over aud aiercbétnt - l- er ieng eam.propertr t :a _be~ iple"sconton;,al 580ltaI ainebroagit on lte upheaval hb Ie 11- Perinsntnheoliday rushaiadalter on -" hibthe états bas ual vas uat repreaented bW legai CôuinSelteresaIlu 'the yo5itful daiighter of cares, ea11sed.0M1eMetler, o! Ares,-1 ta obatitie, or au opportuùttirgies lhroagh vit- a tenant ounaine ofts lafarma. ta forget th51 hie prorailed States de ste a'*MWislalta declared lnasses lae provo erboassn»Î.Atîy.-"Th. tiret incident, vinich vas tra Attorney A. V. Sailitsud Coanti e vii b. ao more lettbPga orby recites lubun petiti;Ltbai atal beginulz inloftevitale ,.ffair Zudge Persans hoew vould bitebad i, aleglalituce pproprIates elle la belng uelploe b n la Mrebause pariain. va, the c550 January 2 ta finish servlng line re- Il mmoeëy.tramlte 860,00e -aienit witint proper cls. o! a vell knovu sud veaitini ier. matader aofbis sentence, 45 daya, . * suoe, aqs te péset5 1p?(t-Tins voman tu 4* yeara aid ai eb>ý .0! mer Range. salti the or- for conviction for violation of the becé,e xbRlISed, ber brother oltéra tan psY -ber fare licle. '*n addition la itavini a 5 ite proibtory lav. but anyvay ina viii 14b aud Ratieu vent ta Uiti»ansd ta taes" anesd family, heeinavet s poar vwhiteN'celve a reminaler tramoinuhrit 'e i ie Digane lb. canli et- lier, Iodai fllag a-bond lu tins counly Milner auto on. et bis sinali farina Bd-S Ahinstrai. t court, as a guaranleec 1h51 he o vld .vito hle a dauhen aaott Ieive Slste'a Attorney Smih recoin- p luIit bs proinises. yesaetd. ned tiat Metzler bc releasedth Thein sasinty charges ver. lb - Hie lutereat lu tins chilincreaset for tva moulina atter Mezler madeh PUT vith lber age'504 by tins tlais siteaflIdavit thal lie Inst a large annount à ~O fffA L 0F WILU hi Assistant BaIes A ttoi-tinoy 8. ILvas fouteenieho ad !uruieined her of ivestodit au bis tarai andti ta IWNOIS FIREBUG mission, Drs. J. M. Plmer. Dr. IL IL bad iaso gveni ber a Fard car. bis absence but bis vite. Bis ne- sud by itt, and SYlnOOP. U P roaTenciituas dméjinnr a: fiinsred anoue w~as or atd tiendt ilmin Il Pearla. Ili. Jain. 3-Aouaed lysu ett i usa onan-tt bm ytemnb h ime ta cetunu Jan. 2 t0e5serve the re- 4 h obrof! ieudlary go od e h netgtonwih ele ti, eb aneetmalnlng pr ohiuanece n d trtd"uriasteg vrStyreuti nMs eea en d oahod ntematm eas tearag r-tereaidca ~of Petersburcg III.hava Ju1dged Insamle. ! i* k r b loug.dshaebomesn- Wbaleu. and vhen lbe bond vas qvldetiy af Bottrop, tale thla girl llveziodll, or gel someous te takc 5ggget and- e~ trces am lire.-approveti in th conua' court.thensan frein i b nsd seutliber te an tare oait1. YIpae ta anoivdia cat feraid. mater autamatically vag laitton10au Mi llehsRoc%, Arkansas, vboin Pcosamor Sithitoday plaaned la ~davenin adesaiar bi ~a ~, tIs Cceut ana-I.vitceJudgs Bd- ti-yi bal notified lu advance ta itotifY theoshériff te talleMetzier ný ported vinan 11w bimetofWilialm varda lila silernwa au asta pasa recelve lier. T.e ainsmomelatelyInacsnyifhfaedtmava Ott aut Edwar& mmcer výas de- On themeniti ot tb. case. Sigueti llanieli praianetlî and de- i'aluiilarily.Meiziar paud bis e l afoei.Tesat&~ruyrdTu oilnbtbenl u g 5157vti is an- lsement. of $600 beta'e b. va released. i stom1 Tea05a-0 renly5r - Tai or a ii. i a h lhe abrff and I the f. s mac- Ie uyners condiJon for somte 'u actvsIgn.I wa1 ir aigi ~<~ta ta esiThte Betel sud fihe*à tri »otn thetnsbattis btti e~n th 0< litellir ' . o tn' 'è. P , a *1 t e t fo rc n pes f m rl ist n d ob . _- M . y -2 N ~~~~mr onepad a b a- rorcharge. At lins UltrbUga154 A ______esUn is t lcandemneil bthv -TD MCI2IH wI aaté o!ettàiti avdeai * ±rIo that MCCKOIU lad ruled. 1FlHu11OWIf1Ae USITi ie jI& l , gIbrtpeg la netal "l >h.lWTfl11 Poller playng 'ais tbecWe11.1pas' e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ À T " Mte.Texli a10 I. IWI U R t<5 ime in MecrNRags, lbogaMibinebag 5.ý [1 -' -1 a. .1t 155~50 it e 17ohel' ithe Main Stree~t a!Washington, .Jan. 3-Witit the W7 fat "' tp g_ . ebSIue a hl5 ia oo" iarticle a*lded. "Wlt.>Freuchi aud Britiahin outinsverge oa! ref n11011 u riona sections of ~t SJI~ ~ key vas .&#. accessible salaer. À ttn t'Praysirprain oùLy -C -EAL tVII RU ofldegraatilon. 'rite iaraa*as, mente would i vîsuas Incalculables ~I~BI LYNI41ff IFIAI. LL MbraI »1,&"r' lnr tovu. mence a il peas.and slabilly- -moral fora.e's at vork."' an ImDatant. suries ot couterences1 m', hbee Ioay oit a!fviicit may camea Oedair la., 3--Ris MKI tLRETURN Su"m«Aminct piopoaIs' for ad-i- % K ... J&ý mNe ed,ýad mleiand to - â. Ustiu the aquestlin. sten, um -t..he NeL:lAu ILapts Baltliore, ,U#,, JaI- 3--Robent S. -Colonel George Hi-rvey, Amerian Mude tflbre ý U . iUf !c rma , ,o4ai téDr. B. M. Mia- aaabaasder t l rodt, Br43salf. sino ils..î o! -'ig -e- gitalv5utapt om. torumr,,éai> f Mec Rouge. Monod haine la e. u9* it u flUPei- sisaI iuruwiet- iw" oéý recétit Laon cba ! tud r eprd deli adn u tOeain l -lot xi * ûs# I' ozýeci tjW 4«" bi Go-oni>5 tiismool ugof l pei na u ala late Xte - " - ;a ' _ ira- aa - Ï,Itch é (M idngetsebbc, u ffl - Sté~g, Ms li:14>tims noodirE lxt l 1eatalove âgrî,~~ b elurf .. tcio' ! sentYEtlrAW a Ieln lbi a no i# adnever' b a eeoleet U - arveT viii e sl. draUlit h .,, 'avt og i -te» le tn dct. - bsUI »M -eu a'W h tb thW*m 0 i. t Dro. Dr. xl.-:.api44Aenci raisacn b nais **IÀ ltlgra . zoeula lilhl. amdl i. raîlusatalu ~t i1 -in ' , > = , 1 - ar h gl . d m os asi 1-'tTe r lieht. thAtheVEp.é' G l Rin Y. bI pemneo! tha tva- ta .aarc ru. o-à=Parkr tii**ïïOR "dKN e:a ! 1e ampettruop- lit su, fad il'bnis e . lielisoJn. rlnd o u rs Ioa', 15 s-sa b lanil Vainatt aI 4it. Uàh~ t ac m tsliu,'5alact antna o. a Ib Wiltt M«oise-asBte De- 11, cXlu 09 K6et ae4 h14 1sn luatt. sueaintiW. 11 osmitlt i~ settti5 11d iii te eu p*M thé biuabod offlnd ofitb nnlan Janisa d, u.'-4Jan.,once.aef l kt . -"bil. lnd ur th .. . la si e :ntIll#2-. al-fe wt kt' iht E.o t tlveWillam FkWetofo!'s0s sAithe vas l t"tedafon et 4tbo e qàt am eprut atlv*s a ReUt celeeted David P. 8hNianMb Îpeaker of the bouse Mr. WeIt a» inated by Rc'presentative £4. ,l ~a belng soelscted the party candi- te~ for speaker à1i. Sbuaban eor ou theo fifth b*lott, deleattus Ne>r lul*, sa te 25, witb a ,scattering, ymetie other dry csadldateg. vas."de A. ni-oe and lsg Wà» 4i1sai the CoMxllWnt et lepera .seaker on the Eepubllcs.n #lote to. ThIs la the. int Umerne lliInois Itston that a spaeaker ba, been It alto la the sixteenth tertu Shan- alutahu Irved l n-theNRoas. Bert lican «o!Bloomington. vas- )EA E W T 86sfl fored el* 9 ttIns Hainle.£va M4ILK MaCEBTO n fIm out o ooreaper. 12 CTS. À Q UARTr T5 P hrwae h=ta - of the .hM)gmy taeip.ake a record lame the Raise on Fact that 'Orthne gtOAnd tUne yspakr Fatmem > Have Inorased ho saltmhaoIebL~ ep~ua the wholesale Prim euls ut M t insubeut ýc t» 'of BhinoliffersrLgivmn Une EFFECTIVE IMMEOIATEL-Y lauo': ther exPecte4. The extraordinary feuturs eofShan. absu's selection that1 that lt a, AnoiflCeaift vas amade bY local aclived lu a caucmtis tt vs ovel-. leira today that effecttie Imiledi. wbelniingly diry. wbUes Shb»ahm: ix italy tbe Price of mill? bas bas a vret. aivanced to 12 cents a quart. the SbaLa#ia vA L4ot au ve4ao ld price belug Il cents. Dealiers «44da4 ld'his namue did mot sppear LtttibU.. tb. Increase ta the btgher on thi ett ballot., On lte second pnuce deiaundeti by tbe mliiPr o &Pg<t 2 votes, on Une tiaird *1. on the ducera whém, tbey say, bave lu- f6utir 4,Und4. 54onuthe 511h 653 sud the crased their Price ftra $#.SU Pornniato.* huadred pouids ta 12.6per.lwndred. Tiis tanau ncrease of mou" ity cents Dec. bitdred a"dth wb riit left for us ta do vas to pfUS- te increaiBe on to - the conSuma one. local dealer sald îoday. , 1tÀ COÎIAPS Other lnereasr's annuced b - eaiers bere are as oliows: 5O Cottes, crpam-halt pinte, nov 16 1. KON YAi(AÀIU1N ct.; were 16 cts. Wlîipping cream-balf pinte. nOw 25 cli.; wers 20 t&. Parts, Jan. 3---Tb vide divergence Butter nulk-quart, nov Io ets.; aiof neya between the Britisb &ad ras ,cts. F rench as ta tbe &moat et repara- An increaseoaine cent per plut li118 GeranY abOinld PaY.sud th tg anhneiuited ln the mili price. 11154555 ta b.hoimoaffte Imure psy- Pints formerly FeOld for 6 çents- ment brougbt tbe Premiers' Conter. bey nov cost 7 cEntsý. i tg nta once ta the verge a of lape Iis ut- thu rate of 14 cents Pïr quart. teriioofl. Premier Theuilisa o Bel- gluai, aeter attetopting ro concillatl. ____________-gave up tii. task. declaclug 1het Brit- an and 4France vere go far apartltl NOCe & Ne wu vas uselesa io try. ta bring thein ta- getiner. ff~jj~flThe seeond pleaary session was PO 'R PLO T IN caUeld ta order ah 3: t, o'çlocle vt.i Premier Poincare prcsidlug. The WAU EGA SO N delegates aeemed Ila abodit rame ai Herfr. Berginanu, Germon econoan- leexpert. wbo bj'uuinras preoasui Visions aira.othér big iprove- frram Chancellor Cunoa. ad Inati. nment for Waukegan went glîmmer- not been appraised -.ruthe German lui; hoday wben the chie! engineer of Plan woiild b. rýeeeiv0d. the Chicago & North Western raill Duriug 1h. xnnrnlbg lKin Albert Pt Ê'oad compaay denteil as erreneailsan'Millerand on reparatlonts- report thatz.t1re oompauy wua.»ütliug -he amouat o, ns'.~"kte ontr& -uof a msny wvauld Dpay.undef t i -W;tti ctlon of their linetoode 4avay wltb 2.»s oopse - fRmna f' their ateain operaheft trains. gold marks lubnds, but the, tIpen 'The repart vas to tbe effeet that tletb paragraph of thns plan. soa: 'tb, pever plant wosnld ho couistructed "Iflthe adoption of theo Plan led l on jheir property aloug Marklet sraaed revival aI. credIt Qe<mltnl atr6'3t, froni South Ave., soutb. neFie alnhob.able tinvagh, rsljl*aWU >a . - Chie! Engineer sald tbere has besi eh opay off the, vinais annuitIn-la Un nothing lue 1h51 planned, sud Ot ge*t !ev yeai's, and aithlIe saot as far as. convertlng thée in, ltin xcasge vaillies the total a61pea electrically operated trains titat latgiona mlht nia b. more, and probab- qulle far la tins future. -l.y7'woeudb.leau than. OOOA0OM The chie! englacer mIsa !alled tae o4i~r. bold ont hope for aa**ewpaue niger PreiLr lOn" se.tlmnted, tb«t station lu Wnukegan la thene u - a- nd»ea the Britila pa it te Qertfana turc. by speid aud eeigInt bo ânigt escape th~e 25.00 O QM "01 t~ÀL (Yftf(>liEmarks lndemnlty. QVEKA~.4*21 wu Dubina, 3Jan 3.-lmm#dlteiy atter fe-e nlng todar the]liElrrea- S procSeedvith ths second reacling Pt lte irib- elueýqrl big gawanlg lt« ballot ta &U lermons or Si yer 30 of age. passage or. the ome rxlaLqtiffl Xne sul la .apeated btuneac se the, "b atoober of Bepubulicon votera lalu t 4ut itext electioil as ttn .ttrepilury 0v aumber et Qvnp usie alksy506 ibti poused the U.pWbllcan caffsé.Bem 'h or theni bave' Je t h»lnaIrelm *b ranlsnd ar !lgtdgvwtlhthea. jet" ý1Atter thes eletWoal inDu la oUI ltet selecte&.4 u-ay tb. Dal l lrreait vill resuu» ie sulaper depate upon ltheinaugual speech oet 119M IBem mmàý