Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jan 1923, p. 16

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Do you want this $1,400 Cleveland "Six"' Sedan--could voni use a bag of 'gold containing $100.00 in shining, precious inetal -would $7500-or $25.00 be acçeptable as a gift froni The Libertyvile Independent in exch'ange for your spare moments in the pleasureable pastime of collecting votes? Everyone of these prizes, or an abpndantly gÙar-anteed. cash reward:. wil be given to readers and friends of this paper absolutely FREE. -l'Everyone WMins"--every active candidate nominated in The Libertyvile Jndependent's $3,000.00 Grand Prize Distribution wil be handsomely paid, just exactly as an- noiinced. - Do you want one of these grand prizes?' Well, you çan have any prize iu the list-even the bie automobile-if you wtll grasp tbe opportunity and take imme.diate action. Send or bring the nomination blanik to The Libertyvileë Independent office. That gives you a flying start. If your name lias nat yet beeA.8ent 'lun, see to it t3iAt Yû -nomination is received without further-delay. The wÎIumn , The Li6ertyvllle Independent prizes will bhe selected frem t] names of those who are nonmated in the campaigli go 4oi watt any longer. The nomination blaxik starts you oft *1 5,000 free votes. Your firat subseription gives yo6u r8t a toW~ of 35,000 votes. Tear out the noination blie kawt your*naine in. so that you will be entitled to P&rtk4 ipae Libêrtyville Independent's Grand Prize Distribution. NOW!1 Tear out nomination bAa4 on Page 1. Sena or b Iiag The Libertyville office at once. The begin gathieringL votes. It takes votes to win aud votes are easy t4D gét wý once you get started in this liberal distibution of big p$,W Clie$ out the 100 vote coîpons--get your friendas to haid y their subscriptions to The Liberty-ville Independent. The fi subscribtion starts yoîî off with 35,000 votes. How's that fot flying start? GRAND. CAPITAL PRIZE Given te Poron Securig Greatest Number of Votes .C --WLAND SIX TH-E WOND.t.R CAR 0F THE YEÀR $1,400 CLEVELAND "SIX"p SEDAN, Purchaaed frei n d on Diz4ayat LUX AUTO SALES CO. Waukiegan, B1 400 S: SheridanRoad 2nd GRAND PRIZ~E $100 Given te Porion0ftwurng 2nd Groteit Number of Votes. 3rd GRAND PRIZE $75.0 Given te PorionRemu 1Sr ieaet NumbeoeofVotes. 4th GRAND PRIZE Given to Pomr o ot er~g4 hGreatest 1,ý000.00.IN CASI[ A SPECIAL FUNI OlP $1,000 IN CAýSJI WILLý BE SET ASIDE TQd BE DISTRrB3UTED* in the forin of salaries âmong active non-prize winners on a 20 per cent basis. Any candidate wbo remains act ive through the cam- paign, making a regular cash report but fais to, win eue of the big prizes offered, will participate in this commission feature-THINK OF IT! One- fiffli of every aËubscription you collect goes iute your peeket if you fai to win one of the Capital Prizes. This arrangement assures a compensation te ail candidates and it means there will be no lesers; " EVER.YONE WTNS." Could anything be fairer or more liberal than. this? Your First Subscription - 35,000 VOTES The finrt subacrptienl tuwai in by a caididte la wrth 20,00 -XTM V0TM, in addion - t the regulwanmber of votes allowed. Pa example : If tkcys yrtsbaito yent= ito te cuipgudquaztersûlafor oe y ear, Y01% . eitto e 5,000vtes. Ate, for es&h $25 ii subsoiptions tisi uI~>O0ETRA PR'0tâs ane given. 14 la net necesaaryte uit u ýl â -Ye av ecifýd' the ctir. laS j#u1.urdaintela a eerr ta meuriethe eý'jO» 100 vote. Tu=a i roui nbcritiom i pmptly se tbere vil be no daay i reditig money pai4 by subsoiei OU!QE:0suabmipgio, eoUectiona of back paym«nU, reucvtls or new sibse1~* ~ eoldn~y thé mjËw nnu>r if voies. Cà&4" =y s ecuin sabsertptl sanywhere.TIers la ne retictiOn as to tiý RULES AND REGULATIONS Any reputable man or woman, boy ý Votes are neot traonferable. Onç4 remit »h aounts th fulit - fre-r ed balot box. Not wtilithse rffl --m- ..1. -' % r iicanddate oannot withdraw ta .terva X <'on demand. closed wfllthe seais lie brok8fl gins ar once and uomiuat10l5 s a) v ufA5 à. puliier«anasvî kb made at any time. No employe of bis or lier votes wilUlie cancelled. commission to aUl Active nVprIze pbihr o ofo kor thé Lihertyville Independent or any Ballots isaued on aubscription may winzners, but it la distinctly under- voting strength oet the reapective member o!blis or her family la ai-.b li eld ln reserve and voted aithtie stood that ln event-,NYNV candidate didates whlch precludes any Pq lowed te enter the élection. Thse lib- disetfon of the candidate. Th. becomes INACI'IV faillug tw make billty of favoritism and tesuret, ertyvtlle Indepeildent reserves the printed vote coupons appearing in a weekly cash report lie or she -will usezs tethe minutent degrés. riglit te reject any nomination. the paper each week must be voteï becomte dioqualified and tliareby for- The Lbertyville IndepondeXt before the expiration date appearing feit. all riglit to a prize or a cominis- serves thse rlght tea sind the 1, Suliscriptions may lie secured any- thereon. Sion. of thîs élection If neceadiry W wliere. Cash Must accomPanY al No 8ts±ement or promise made by To masure absolute falrness ln protection of thse Internet oce lie4- suscipioàte - receive votes. No n olitraet rcndae awardlng thse pri-zes the campalen candidates and this eaper., dsincltiofla anydeilcitothaeenoorecadidatduring thse closlng 'week will be ln accepting thsehninnatlm dfitntierola mae luotete aineu varylng from the rmies and otnte- brought to a close under a "àealed Candidate &,green ta abide by, o!ser od nwo etnion sb mente publlshed tlirough this pa2er ballot box" system and will be under above conditions. acrptins.wfil l recognized by the publishec. the personal supervision o! two, or (Wtnners of thse automnobile i Votes are free. it conta notblng In case of typographical or otise, more judges selected f ronr tbe Board other prises wil be décidi by là for subscribera and rendors to vot eXOerre, itIo iS irtoo t.bat net.he, of Judges. Roirever, dnring the pro- accredited votes, said vot« - for their favorites. Votes wlU flot the publisher nom thse canpaign man- green o! the campaign thse standlng represeUed ly ballots ios5Ud .4ssued en receipts covering back >aY- ager- shall he responsible except ta wi li e pubished from time te tinte. scrlptions and by coupent' ments. Votes caniiot lie purchae4. nmalsté te necesssr correction$. During thse entIre -last wsek of -th~e frontht>pler. in thse #«Ont i0very cent accepted b3 the Cainpalgu -t Io diStlnOtlY uulttOOd tishai'r- eèction, candidates and their frienda prises identical lun blah Departmeflt must epresent snbscrl9. dittales i l be responsible for ail wiii deposit their gnai collections and those offered will he givezis 4w tion paymeiite. moneva coliected and that they wIll eserve votes Iutlie lockedl and seat-. those tieiiig- THE BOARD 0F JUDGES It is the sincere atm 6f . this newspaper to conduct this election, ftrei start M' inh i a fair, honorable and impartial nianner. Every precaution lias .b.'akn to safeguard the ibterest of the participants and absolute honestyl all'eals is guaranteed. For that rea son a committee of mien will be selected .whose functions shall be to decide anv question of snfficient moment that might arise during the coupetition'and freni which a committee shall be seleeted te act as judges andé count the votes th e last night of the election. -6 4- TRIS IS THE -WAY TE-UTgC-ONI fRTPERMOI>SECQJD PMEOD --1TM"XD P.RIO , P.bfaary 10, 19m PebMary10 te lebrway 24 Pebruary?4 tà ýIIsr3 iyear-...$ ,50 .... 15,000 votes 1 yékr-...$ 1.60.... 12,000 votes 1 year«. . 5... 16,40 2 yeare.... 3.00 .... 35,000 votes 2 years..--- 3.00... 20.0'O00 votes 2 years.... 3,00 .... 25,0qO a years .... 4.60 .. 75,000 votes 3 years ... 4.50 .... 65,00ô votes 3 years.... f.50. *,4t 4 yeara ... 6.00 .... 140,000 votes 4 yeams .... 6.00...429,000 vot~ 4 years... . ,0.11A~ 5 years... 7.60....800,000 votes 5 yeams... 7.60 ... 20,000 voit 5 yeamsL'. 7 5 10 years.... 15.00-AX60,000 votes 10 years .... 15.00 ---il0,QOOO votes 10 years... 15.00...Çê0 Thse above scisedule o! votes, which la on a delimni5ig ecale, PoSitiVely vill not be cbip4i tis copeîtiti.A pecaiballot Oldd $or 100,100 votes leili be luged on aven' Iclub",, turned 1.Th rrne et wll ie ffect througisout thse entîre campalan and le te b. coi parto th. eliisheue ForF~iI Mrnitiq Cai O, PoneorWrite Campaigu Maiager LIBERTYVU±LE INDEPEMM tnom AIN "SCVOTE SCHES ULE NOWý 1HI O PUCE 1

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