b-TYVI LLE ~KECoUN4TY INDEPENDENT INýDEPENODENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN L1aERTYvil At Lfl A Vt'AfllM AVMIAIif~ QI.JIJ M IrI~AI~tJVre~L'r. * THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1923. wloirw ~' 'eaestGift Mitribution. Ever Made i Lake County.--Ful De4i s Pg be velilpaid by the libertyville Inde- ur 1 jp o u P"dent viti a handtome prise or a Ou Sogn-"risfor Evryt IN BAilLE ARRAY Sshartuessf the time lunvwkhthey FOR LIBEL SUIT fIIS 5 5vii be dstrlbuted. Imagine soclIringt a rise vbich vauld cost you $140& eh ta buy, for a fev veeke pleault Additional Counsel Arranged _________effort lut voto-getting. But oneofo the blggest féahures o! ol Both Sîdes as ian. 15'1 lude rnid ut JaUaL.ug anilnluthis grand gift distribution la théeril fi eas Libertyvifl M ari tact that there viii t na loassos, asa cash commission of 20 per cent (One- Tbe mon(, or les aniou! libe' -»Cffr iJrerytody W 4Tu-<ý- et flfth o! ever>- subecription yon colet) suit lnwic]L thé Rev. rbLo3 M! ne!- wI ha paid ta ail active non-prise son ZMon tdepéndént pastor. charg- ~ w.....'u ~ ~ IftIe... L~. innere, vhlch In tself 15 an excellent es Overaeo' Wilbur Glenn Voliva1 DI*5.KW$.I. $8000 to be pratiosition. The abject of titis C5.If wiih bavinq lbeled hlm by referrlng paign la toadvertlsé jainhi> the Llber- ta hlm as*'Ait Old Blathérsklté.' a Diti u e , yld n vn::I:dependentat he z:: d .Shmelsn zar,, theise Ma o n qualtUes 0f th Clevel.and "6" fSedan, BOrueaý b&ndctier alége<depithete, î V ne Autom obile ition ta tihe Iibertyville Insiepefdent. Court of Cook Connty, Jan. 15. n and lutit, not leait. vO in a varsuM thé ara> nt counsel bas been corm- vélcome in ever>- home for' the Liber- pieted. it vas snnaunced Tuesday. - tyville tudepeudent. Sths Attnrroy A. V. Smithb,vho A $1400 Ckveland i"e' Sedlan Car and hundrede of dollars in big In short, thé Liberyvillie IndePmendeut la prasocutîng Volîva, wili bave as viii révardlits f&lende ver>- Uhi'rily is aid Judgc Pedan. an assistant C"i gifla SvaI Awa IM tCIY hec! ldeed, for their asaletence iI ntra- States Atta-.sey af Cooki Cont>-, a I' Tbt j ha LLmiyv& . wpa"~m is going adoor ils duciig ttis piper Inta more bftWos ln Deerfield r5sidç.nt. Lake cauuty, lustoed af amplaying ont- . Vollva's arra>- ai counsel viii ln- 1014,& SKIIand SdICS. ide soliitors ta accomapllsb the salué cinde Judg's P. Barues. of Wood- tesuit. iîotk, Att. Thea. F'orb.7, il! MOU, .0O*1ÈEREIYOTME'-Thb.t is the slogan cof dis,, the bigget, ta At Short Campalgn aud Albe'rt L. Hall, of Waulkogafl, uot..~~elsrI hmio ever annowiced wbLbryii.fr"- TtI apluylntb ong h deféndéd hlmt lu th-- Initial Im m w . i mvnout affal of a! ersI mathi. trial bore, and Att. I. A. Berger, of bt 1h étenU'd aer a perlor ofa, Le tfirin o' rilenthal, Struchinan pUend t JL ppawwith à Pm in àt taitory, ii e-iboykio trd. Thluk of being ahi. ta aecuIre lu * di gtmmdawstrics dus paper is makiug lu ptâlic favor. It is a elhtsort wee that wWrlhvctuldTIIV S U ICL am »p "nertht es its readers ail the loAl news cf the casnmumity yeirs, a! aeif-donulng snft ssvlng ta oJIi md -'acquire. Ths. many avarda vil li a $3,the 00 *,y>. be dstrlbtited lu elch=e ofor yaur yvll-'foDd!l d7 ioucs r eaSe nia?&our subscri;9Uon lit t O EA , Everyowe* campaigu.the purpolle cf whkich eta ffrier Thé prisé eletvin ho eiutorting LIBI3RTY VILLE #4epularîty cf this îesp and *K!to broadea its circdatiôn, dirotth aud mare profitable ta thé participants l iieo& each o hm. -end ipruit obeoeth.we tbn évér undertaken sityvhere. The cf whm usgive utcoppotuniy hobeoe enny. ~prises are not nol>-richIn ludollars and cents value, but are in keeplng with Steal aci Aoy- r wmai. eyorgir i elgile a hae Bil 8it istib..thé broad and UbermI ponecy aloug Morning Ater Cutting Am m o w un by tgWisefl etoshr intisgit isr bu-wicisthé vbole grand distribution eWrs dm.-Wo ySu have been nawmnated, ciher by yourself or a friend, bast;en dravu. Ambition and euel'gy ielepioneWrs Jamaejgi buet e yu hr fdi 300.0i rzs vnaethe ouI>' requisîtés for sucres Thleves, gaWng an eutrance by dieêbrand new. 1923 model $1 .«0.00 Cleveland 'V' Sedan car abso-lnI Cash Vour Prizs. cuthlng and jlrnxylng a vlndov ln ,à**y free. The amoupt of your reward or thse size of tedu e y Pérbape you already have a car lu Cth oal r t r e rty St. oePis' mven P Y viicis casé you mn>- cash your P' C akthe ecbu wrci h Paéhvllrau h WYIbegivnwheherit e he wu;u uto ileor bg csh ndexpénd th mouey ntavl h home of Fathér S. Luttreil, and os. awa~3,depndecntrçl mon thse inerest you take ini your wn cani- nucléus for au éducation or for a home caped wvlh a goid vatcb belougîf i -s arane dut 'fth e L. L re "PRIZS FOR EV of your ovu. $1400.00 le prou>- good te hie housekéeper, and $2 lu change. camei~i e aran~..~l mone>- ha add ta your présent lucarne, Thée robiséry vas cormlitted nome- - ftflUw'.eYCtbOd WIl2.for your sparé moments duilng thé ttme after 1:30 o'clock Sunda>' moru- uéxt fév veeks-for yaur spare tué î ng, vien Fatuer Luttreli rétînêt 4PRIZES FOR EVERYONV" to décIde thé vinnére ofaili thé pizés, Ihat wouid otiervise go ta vaste.. and 6 a. m. vison thé tiseft vas It eoet uo anc a single penny taeven tihé big automobIle. Thé Lýerty Little Effort Requlred .dlscovered. enter thi rUpdtyvillela tdepeudents ville Indepffndent bas' tisowsnds ai 1Tisae e 80 littié effort réqulréd 0f Il was plainly 10e woniC' f experts PAPO.OO git dîstnlbuhlO1. thti wist 15 aud friands vho viii bé o a in ouf lu thé Lihéntvlll In- as thé téléphone counectlon vas cut M- 1t05*M7 te do le ta u%£teéyour- anxiaus te, help 14.,hhjs impartial p9lan. dopendént's "Evéryoue Wins" naIn- b>' thé hunglars. aself b- sendlng or brlngtng lu thé nom- lb bas been soa rrangeçl hiat tises palgu. Ail you havé ta do le ho asit Foîprints urader tisé vindov are inatianblank wh!eh alsPmoar n t11ivis taire active part in thé canipaigu your Mrendis to ave tisir votes foi the oni>' ciné. Constable Dénnis »90 paeJTbat shirts yau earirlgtés, yuhl bhandsomoiy compénsatéd'for yp isén thhy pay ss Ia subscnIPtian Limhérry la conducting an Investiga- mvi>- - - ~O Y~Pt' "tise ibertyvllle Independént. Théehan. - ~- ~W. Uyn do lot 'taUhta1 ýthé sparé e ?fin& oyuma ý"' (éBoe aeio~unu --t n pg fgtO tl ssey r n te vin aud that you vantM NYFl SiD -otf >ruan d thsa bl» hlm ao' ar ta yau bave théepsl-ilexe of noÉtlutlng tiir votes.,, NY IIS E .vin thls fine 11400.00 automobile an youreelf, and Your namijiation counts ' )(u Cennot Lose on" et tihe bg cash pris.es. Read thé for votés rlht ah thé shanrt. If you do yots are ps.id for every minuté Of bi . a=oin on pagé tiréé af notwat te nornJnalp yourself, Yau your spare. hîme' évér>' meuve non- JAIL SENTE3NCE bhis lune meh my nominale a fs'toud and belp hlm prise vinner le gl4ven an aisolutt guer- 6I - orue vin v-u h-s 1 t - o i 'ausu .hné ua eo ~".. i 1'"'"fo -Thé prisés are a lateet modél, brenti nov $1400.00 Clévlnnd 1"6", Sedan; s-i '$l0.OQn gold; $90.00 aud $M.00, bé- ~.edsa 20 pen cent cash comipsslOn taoe'>- active partciMt nwvo does net vin an. ie fthé blgger avards. -- The Plan The Plan adoPted for tise distribution 9; these =nay>- md cash>- gits lR thé 64eit t d mot lilbenl maginable. V'i.?jrenda sud réadors o! tis papen are caste ntutbng toehéeOote a cansddate théir lime. Oneflfth of evéry suhacni»- or ho socure evén tise $1400 Cleveland ion yati turf lu la yoursý if you faîl to "6" Ba1n land oua o! thé bisg prisés. Tisat is an Yen are not bouiid hy an>-sPecllic excellnt business proposition lu Iself, requiremeuts non ls it necèesar>- tint for we ail havé somne spare1i;miuéts you ta a subecribér or evén a regular efhér vork tisaI vé cassi t urnntco réader of the isLbertyvIlle Intiepeni- cash. eut. You cati dévalé juil as mu3cliOi Information and Assistance as flttigoraiyour spareUie as >-an vlb ioret gvéeyn w P- ha, thé loasant pasttlme o! calectlng lurdrtgvevoynviep- v ots. vltu the assurance tisa you viii r (Continuéd on Page Four.) dlscbarged frnainthé caunt>- jail flatur day after sonvIng lime fr violatiar o! the prahlbltary 1mw. Aflaug thés voré: Duke Kinard, ai Chicago, Joi Bennet, Henry Watts o! Lake Bluf vas relesed on bond, an a charge c vlolating thé pnahlbtoiy 1ev. Raý O'Laughlin, charged wltis atténiph i commît burglar>-, vas reléaséd on $1 500 bond. FRA N MGHPA RX 1 ECORDER'S'OFFICETA] The Alumni of the U T. I. S. had I "I ther m"e"n (ebrstbas Paty U CElmCO NTY 1 lait Frlday nght, In the Home Econ- arnice roont f the lugh school, vith that faitblul and relimble manager, THE rAsi YEAR Jean Ochanck, et the helm. It cannot ho saidthat the aid tumes are gone for- ever. for each of the fortY-tbree mem: OVER ELEVEN TIIOUSAND Six F bers presont bronght their oid achool IN RU ET BEING e opeldhedf etlnyruhl F 1 L E D WITH TOTAL roa ail odt. The éntertaining started vthpo LOANS 0F $3,200,000OIN'dy gressive gaines; then camne the grand YEAR. urina parade ail over the schoal bhouse, aud six p flnally led ta dancing. There verO *" A. K. ý0W ES,Vela about an equai number/of lades andlad gentlemeiýt preilent, vblch ilade it Assistant Sbcretary Stourity Tti. ouni very enjoyablé. The li»e e o f Trust Co,, and Secr.tary of Wau. 'bg '20, '21 and '22 vere véi M.restod. kegan Building & Loan Asari. 327es 1No one vas present froua thq. 015*8Of - vu 1918. vhich je ta hé regretted, for that The Circuit Clerk's office bas been Tbl tis orlgnlatéd the L. T. H. S. Âlum- as usual a busY plate dulg theé r ni Aisocation. year. the 5 Besides the members, there vwrO Durýlg the year endlns ÈDecember Th, séveral guesta vho vwere escorta oreu escorted by mémbers. There veresu tva hanored gust-the aid timnd md ail thé time sponsor 0f the Aluinn- Mne. Cuubertaon. md our Smd andm ,Mac" captain of the aWér00,8o inois foot bal ein, Mac l«nw ci ingly shovin$ lame of bie hoidsa an tguards. eepecilly white dancing. Ater dalnty rreabemb and a nec- taer as only can ho. prepared by a Do- ' mente c cience student, Derothi fDa- vu,. tble - lg tfaced. The unique decaratiço, floor lampe. -etc.- came fron Devèy's fertile brain. Mr. Avenul, tiret honarary member, vas sponsor of the Party,.and, kùovlng that vo vere past higli sehool ago, lot une stay until ane o'cl0ck. Thon. vlth Igood-byee and Nov Yeae greetngo, ail doparted happy.-(Contrbted>. a y_______A. K. mOWM le 16ÀTIEMNFOUND DEAD ON-DUTY IN MlS SIIANTY Georgè Thompson, North Chi- cago, Found by Employes in Fort Sheridan Tower. George A. Tisorpsou, North Cica- go, gaternan at tse orth gale of tise 23, 1922.,9M Casés vote flled,vicl lucudd 89bille for'MIro Mdan seaaemaintenance; 5 blle hoa, n- uu$ masyilage; 36 ils Ocf freelounfU; <Conhluuad an Pap 2, SeCtioU Tva) IIRITANCE TAX IN LAFLIN ESTATE Sheridan, vas found' déad Sunda>- ah Iniseritence tas, amowtlg ta jffl-, remidnigist by employés of thé road lu 617.99 vii hé pald ho, thé Mslh ltise atchman ssant>-. lb la beilév- out o! thé éstaté o! -Louis E. Lal, éd Ihal. eatw3s due ho élther apop- Laike Forest millionaliqe. whose deat ~4l.but an luquéet ccunred >exeral monthoamgo. Tise _ .a rsé«udtu tbm countir Cond5ién Jonn c. -rsylor Ur .oe1cj-- uc èe ntia>-fteruôo, lucko ville. Martin C.,- Docker, judge of tise Pro- .Tisompsou isad iseén alllng for samo baie court. sihtiug as spécial caunIty 'timé, accordlng ta Dr. Alfred E. judge for Judge. P. L.' Persona, vho 4Buddé, visa bas hésu hreating hlm for vas luherestod lu the casé as roproe- a number o! véeke. Hé laedtaonn- seuhatîve fon the estaté. dien bIs canéeand Il vas général>- Te amdunt of tise tax vas reousu. re kuovu tisat hie hold ou life vs %eued bY tise board snd the e.tpr' r- sisaky>. né>- gênerai. and the érder W"h p> on Wisén tise emiployés of tise road dia- tered for the amount abeie naued. nm coveréd hlm ho isad evldeptly heen Tis tex yull hé pa.ld lu duriux the oe déad for nearly au bour. Héeisad néit 1v eoits, e.Osil>-a small cam- uff beau gatéman et tisai croslug for mission far bandllng thé tende vili of anme Urne. Tise body vas rernovéd romain lu thé ecount>-, practciny a&l ay ha thé H. M. Pnior undertaking noorne cf 1h ho go ta tbç etaté fnnd. to lu HigisieutiPark, viséré lu lnquést Mi. Lalin'a eshate vas testlmatéd v, as ield Tuesday. ho hé vorts boeeon an d tva HI-o survlved isy ae vîfand a son. million dollars. xCUTREM'CE kNI>S 27 CENTS ' per Cent R eutI n m ssed Valiatîlfiuet ad Lands Beinq r A. Hendee, oountY net ta *rk a fOrOW«erofW gthe state ta:u e ffected by por cent reductioCIO M Atlom feror tite pur on, 1m iand rallroad landOlt-1 iy. be air per cent TlftOtimf i"te tai for eà4U a. mUcu on Und* u he l O 8 m os &0t aIeLlof t >etyý Mad mîbm* e dmtre City or efly poboo mg ae ,ttu târtesi #400 Mao e WX »Me1* w ,fldaUM~ Odecruaa hirevenu ta Ie state. THm ,£ the resat or svesIia thraugh the <éottY t en 'nov bo(*s 0»"ïi grqund tbrough- the C t"a îroWbitty lave tit tory that roeed re o M a: att qm e tainbec'#.9 land Park, *aïd ta "W* 014 'ti of the liguariwwlW» day, and th er 1ms3 gallon of mooelnta, acOiflag repart from% the stat. "e releaeodrzqli'12;0"bondi 1 JTustice Hervey Cloulsox. PeoSpeliniaix, *ho vas on Water chie.' *vitIl ap mooZn and & e, oft emoob bIMed, pleadod guilty t a _ bootregulus and pLd a 9A.6. mnd cost b'efom e iteVs3 C. W. ilInebacli ahd boncls for afleged_ a quanuti Lf &~. streots, tg aiea out, a aP2, on a bootliggIng Obftà* ' mquad foir tate fl m MohavclpIsse À mat n -lt~ th *IUI a lieip of niOU* an« drnks ,= r i t t bi t Zeddbrouzht *"oe mtii- Frank Gaevel, lI t*aOI 1North Chicago,. suppe' 4 leged dive.,A&a"De* imoon was thoed i the report statee. Me 12,000 bouda, f ree. Vo ting Coup on GOOD FOR 100 VOE le% the- LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDIENTS BIG AUTOMOBILE CONTEST I hereby omt 100 FREEI VOTES ta the credit o! S(Mr and Mrs.)----- . .. n.. ............ ... .................. . ': . ..... .... .--........---------- Âddre, neatlý lipUped oiUt, naine and a4ldrpss of thle candidate IlIled lu, and flialed or dellvered to the Electto department of the e ~ LibertyvIllI., viii ceunt as 100 FREP' Ttdýn«e st anhgtao et tteEse coupons fgr your ai*l7u- ' oxtetricted i4i =y aï$enuel otInL ntil i or ~d vr ln fittpackae. Voedi a ttaPbrary jOU. Nomination Bkrn -i the LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT'8 "EVERY*NI WWI$- Good for 5,000 VGssý 1 hereby'enter and cast 5,000 free votes for Miss (Mr. a d Mrs.) ....... ......... .... .. As a Candidate in The Llbertyvllle Independent "jveomydUs NOTE-OCnly one nooeinatl&blmk sqaf~fle 4 ~ v. 'i Lake Count.v '- Big WelkIy Ckiukd Code n odàeS oeklu W mu n obliud Fit-st Subscrlption Coupon GOOD FOR 20,000 EXTRA VOTES Accompaied by the noMinati9fr .jin your first subacription, this coupon wll etart you in tba rceqr the magnificent Libetyvilie Independent prises, wlth a grand total of more than 35,000 votes. This coupon may bo ueed only once, and la valld only when accompa- nied by a siibscriptIon remIttance. Name of .uslle. ................................ Contestants Name......... ............................. ..... Amount Enclosed$...... . This coupon s iii coWl$0,000 free votes when returned ta the CanI. palgn Manager, togtitr ith the first subsoription you obtain. It muet be accompanlecrb the cash, and the subscriptlii muet be for a *er1od of one year or 1ogr. The 20,000 free votes are lu ADP>1TION1 ta the anmboj givon osthie subscriptién as per regular vote sthotdule. I.JU A ItAK IN AI)VAM-t, 1 THURSPAY, JANUARY 4, 1923. -l ýy te 3- kg e. e- n- ?d tg tg ut -- 71-= 1