Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jan 1923, p. 1

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INO~EP'E WeeI4 WAUKEGAN WEEKL Y SUN_ L A TEX9O? TO UT OR EDIoeY WWT Speag cf Senator Bwift, one cannot lielp but figure that "T<I be far btter to die a poor man in a soilier'hfte a pk~é. buflt to care for men who had *Sered ibohi lives tor,.their co.untry, than to live i fizistQoeâ#O Lake I'dreetIn a mansiou bouglit by a fôr- tim whweounjda#oeolitiWa opponents of Swift stited 1opafrh'eampal* .ldbeen swindled from widowvs 's p lit 13. aRv tftlà"$a ~aW e UWs'~rgle te *-batw *4gui& o ii.- msa Wvoised« owx abutii bis opp> un< qFimqluil'oa.ys~w omece e$~v v vw. î.v . y w j..s. cf art, oery shadow in sueli a house xuust poin a fliger at a mam who hWtl8one sueli a thing. Swift insista thwe ditor of the Sun does't Control fen vot« in Je»k oSty-well, that's nothing new. We never clab2da we did-BUT, enougli people - in Lake (County beoM WITH us when Swif t rau latit time7 80 that Lhe veoni Lake County was a thcuand majority agai»i4 »4m end lt waa oxly because that voters ini the other cogitAssof the. district who did not know bim 80 weg, wit fo bis support that Swift w$ggled through. Wf»Ut vmover in mcenry they NOW know himand *6lew don't control teu votes, wateli the vote next tâme.when Swift cornes up! eé »» ifbter of the farniers of this co ünty and the -~ neqqw Ss other parts of the distriet openly stated at SprInfed ~~ n4ong ag that lie would not vote for ANY measure rWý lx Ow wÜ lovernor Sm.1t wanted-that shows the calibre of #m .~ tibe man. Ile oppoéed ALL rmaures of Governor Sinall 01 'Ot surn t becau8e of their nature but just to BLOCK the gov- skVSbabsi. ernor in any legiltion lie mighit desire. AjM thus lie «W I'~~Miirepresemits bis district whlich sent him there to be On a IoLMe meritorious measures no niatter who sponsored ta nc a iamethem. & U*hOs' e - Now report lias liad it that Senator Swift's mother W comàw"slo.Bat îsaui the s e rs iiad to take lu wuasng toaselp the famuly get hy; andi ~ f I*&t- bis father used bo dean spittoons about a saloon ,'th OMM byi down near Boston-but we neyer laid that against Sen- ý1eo- 'c' * _&P ator Swift because lie was probably too, young at the WMb irat telilbis folks what tey~ud.ddpcbby 515 T!le5L jhad flot yet-starteti getting bis money in like-maiii& mmtifl îZ owbat he did in later years. And so what bis parents Or t" $la* ' 1did. for a living doesn't reflect on Swift wlio amasseti a "w -ebsof' fortune, no natt er how, later in life. If the report about iojy Seule b is parents IS truc, we admire tlucr for tlieir energy aud Ifi- Mention t or e gt-or o iing-whicli is more ah M Wsi atre than their son did since that International Harvester Ji*' iuetu hescandai in which lic w-as a principal. st r1 alta suit - bep imit huai. Senator Swift 8pareti nothing in is i effort to preveitt id Mlt 4iaI the Confirmation of the editor of the Sun on the Com- MM55 lit te Aiea et tie -mm merce Cdmmission-and flien arnid thei sneers of tlie 1900t 08 senators and the gallery, lie saw the senators vote bita l1at Orria dcwuaa many mutterings of "slýame," "'shame" wer-e WM Ve heard li over the senate eharnlkr. .And the shades of - drat that old widow whose Mie was wrecked by Swif t througli a lever business "ldeal," according f0 clainis made by bis »' te o QMe oppoîwent li the Iast. campaigil, muist aiso have risen be-x ~~ fore him as liez at dbwn, crushed and beaten,. but rid of a - J t «e lot of sp)leen.- *fJ. Smith's confimiýon asà meirce, Commuission iropudiat m .ntstate of fllnois. ilgn tuc 4n-p St-j.poor, discredited senâtor t *bly i lis attaek ountii. E peimtment of Smiithi was eo ï -vote. Swift as Senator mie lm *4d every finie Swift gete 0~epo that august beý tt*4eard to say, "S%*i ~ ma;» says nothin9." me~- ~4s ~ lu th a mi te, bolvaukO. Lprl .1906, and ti fý lerO eth1e Sun bd»-- -&. wauva vo te Waniegau; , bo~i eurs adS rt~ ~ ~ Rý r-aalelie os #lmi tateei md broen. TUV~8DÂZJA TAR~11,, 1923. TM"ASÀSALL Me to Har- toBtok WAUEfANm uWIs TWOCLÂSE WII BET ILLEIN LAST CAU P SI3ASONENON STAROPTIM.FLOoR Heavyight Winin Wla Y b 42 t0 14 Score While Uglts ak Vedit-of 2 to 5 from Visittng-Clan; Pain Injçcts Spirit Into Smaller Outfit. LAKE COUNTY. 'APPV'D Iaukexan bhLLbrtyhiL - ishome- on tise le,' rota îaa iSPRINGFIELD- Ill-, .15e. It- Om Under a cloud of doteut, lak, fIrMation et eleren eor1Goy, Smaal&î vinaat tise local gym. T races, appointments. ystIt2UO y sOres ver,: Waukegan tisoemadeienluLake couuùty UhaàpO. vegkts, 42; lbertyvifl bis triai tisere, wvas adete lU - weigtts.14, aud Waukega, Wet dl bot dehata tu thse onate, e 20; lilbertyviîie day. tise administration viunIngh'wub I s a vtyote et '26 te 18. h'Wbls e X lr*ffugajne- and hi clarlstet ,regiis airuhes. tt i ýh ars..Coat the grat good indication ef boy tise ' force, are dlvldedi tsisgestion. #dm mde wlu a shr enators Rat, ObJections Xe 1 c e iveka vt Ke$5li*D e4 i, uai Tgose agaitt wsom apeclal ob- t 't -, ba»itng10 fie' jections vere urged on tise floer eof et.u u i &dIt ta tr tise meustfi vae; iseay gaml WILLA.M H. MALONE. Cook Thé 00siie< a itise firît county. tAi commisioner, appointeti ofth*tisi "Whtgame w Aug. 8, 192L cd by Mrbgo Oison1 PATRICK- IL MOYNIHAN, Cook yen cag04 tir o nAcesot monty, minois commerce commit- aboli. WeliJ bmoie tata A sliner. apponted Juti 1, 1921. kffga i*lIs 55512 a 11 ERNEST WITHhLSLCook ceuntY by aabehrtslQba .ett' sigle tndutrial oefler, appointeti iy toilovet bj J#*it4 gm. Aup lit 1921. Ion tosed a a f ler SOM DEL F. A. LAMa, Sengamon coun- paslug. ty, superintendent 0f animal Indus- Tise short y*o»U eg ame tri, appintedl Aug. le, 1921. tie n lutisesecond guartu RICHARD U .D=R Itrga coun- Cote caged a sboft 809M at ty, ciiet factory inapector. appoint- kegan haitiopene t *e 4M cd Sept. 16, »IL .a sres et1 iii tbrefvs.1 V. C. XICHIÀEL. ]Edward tiouuty.. and Itarrlngt Ou erel. superlutendent 61 refflâtratlon, ap- afithet M11etf*bsontPm pelatei Dec.1, 1921. -i015lquistd aaifl. toil0wed WILLIAM j. 5MITM Laie coon- ti. MalisOtcommerce commi8sioner, appointel Aut. 18, 1922. SVIiS W I JOHN EB. PRECH, Ceoik couuty, S ,S U états, ludustrial ffcer apPppinted Nov. -1l, 1922. ELIIER j. GILEEN, Lake ceunti, State Senator from Tt superintendent ot Prisons, appointei fj M9JeIs Dec. M19U BJ. W. J. STRATTON, Lake ceunîY, Pnevent a chaet gasftansd fis *arden, appoint" Oeat f Itro JULlUS JOUNSON, Rock Islmnd, aecretarY of commerce commission, ' appointei JOIy 1, 1922. Ail Are Centfrmed Net euh tisese, but ail oet 00v. Smallss014 sandnev appointmouts "ii l11ai% vare finaliy cenfirm Sengltt rXacMurrar debate by pressig lita re$lufleu Ail objectios s ere swept eside, and on thse aualvoli calL thse ad. mlnltratten got :r4 volet. Appointssent et appropriations climmittee viths eustor Harry G, Wright, chairman sud tise elactiousý committea viti sSenater William S. jevell chaurmas' vsa snounce tbI sa mornlng tollovlng a ItepublctA ous. Senalo arksni appeared at tisa caucus anti urge t ta a commit- tee ha apboluted te investigate is eleclien. He nid tisat if the, vas -a fair receusit se vas sure et alec* A subcommttee vas appoInted te proeed te Chic*gO to open tIbi case. Tiese enate adieurneti untit. Jan'. 23. Tisa subcemsuttee viii ineel nazI Mondai morninin utise lection cern- miasieneta' office In Chicot. sen.TaR.*.8 atoe ,Jeveli la chaîrmnan. Other members are* Barr, Dallai, Wood, xmacMurray, Carlsoni. VanL'ent. Deni- vir, anti Hughs. Tiese 1,51 IveU S are Djemoecrts. Juiiilr unr UMlAiT L fl à ba kethal iho duplicated the 8tunt. Ie preps IThe second haitbrougisi forth et nlght. 1notising but more scerIng by Wau- king eaýqy kegan. and a chance for Coachs The finsai to play nearly all of hie mmc. A mheavy- combination oft ft fglaing gave iseavy- Keuyon au eppertuuhty teta llîtire En light. more baskets. e llght- The Iigistwelghts did net have tihe walk away 11k, laeslieavy tests. Id early Coachs MePiserson soeemate, have h Meuh! shaken bihie lqOg jIni. au 11518 vaz tpssîng bis 0-rst Vlctery atter Ivo sixaiglit auccess. lozes. The men have iMProvedf cossýCaplaiu ýlehaving Injected tme Id goals. spirit lfto tise crew. The liraI ofthL>quarter was market hi bard tigt- ing. Slck, who atarred, caged two stquarter goals. ras open- Wliyte scoed by a long sho1 near &ad Keni- the opening of thse second perioii. rv long The liraI LIbertyville sC6re vas net- -tise Wan- ted by Wli%tman. The playlng fleid goal was slow for a short time, wits ,~<~-Waukegau bavlag tise margin. due 2arn-te accurate mhoellng. me quick Sick satlstled any deaire for acý tion. vhlen at thr-begiunlng ef the taeac ecoud hait. ho dribblad tise lengli , when of thsefliber and cagad. a smooth tar Wau- abaot. "ter villi Whyte teppied ene ln at tise tiroti atohteld ef tise final perlod. "Sick tollowed Afler as $oon as the bal as juusped. jste KOU' andi later hi a #boit &bat frem, bc- à5 byCoteJ nstis- thé bak6t ~up ÛiUORQE SCIIARD A sequki to tisa disappeaucem y- erai mentisa aM6-or George Scisardt tannier chie! *st liiteÇ "ntitdi i* lector of Norths C"9djO, ccuvd- teijiy iv len jeeOpi Jaduicli, c Iti' gttltey ef Narth Chicago,. -lil r c olrc ort an ufdlE a t rslacis' 'maist against Scisart. t . .4, h.ginbect tise Cty etfXorthis ii gluleauna et 1281 ybich ha - ýis.1ege1dIle havecocllecteti and , tait- Scuartit, aéccrdiag te the pelition b-as lIed andtist present visencaheuts -are net known. iltaicharged Ihal- 1be li maklug arranzemeusta 10have -~ is ataraeGaS t rou Nantis Cjsln;esudtheatae anti il vas tlsa lihrea"eud action whch neuted, Ir. . a atachseotisfiug asictifersanti granteti. Tise issuancaeofthtie writ makes it impéssible for Ille Schasa te n more tiseir helonginga tram Nortih .Chicago until etlemant has becs niaade wilS tise city. Rockford-Deapite lise euent lu- crase in refait prices et miii hera. Rocieford sALI enjoys 'tise levailt pices et tise entîrae euists-y, comipar- Staons show. Tise- recent adrança lu priesaera Srougi tise ratai! price aI Rockferti andti hroughout Wlnnebago county t10Ilbcents. kD j-.-. I. s- tat mituen-' eiiurts lt) uuvu-,qyo. -'7 ., a member of the flinois -Coi- OFE OCO(A ted by flie senate of thie great Hilda Bury ôf North Chioago r, througli Rodney Swift, tlie LOB ANGELES, CaRl. Jau. 10 Obtaind an AnnulMent rom this dstrict, faile miser- Aàcash bonus et $800.00 bas heen in Coutt Today. » lMdtor of ti Sun and the ap- Offerff1ed, Jaciie Csssab US 111 brifimed by an overwhli ig fou pitr a tti tietro pic. CASE WAS NOT CONTESTED csnothing te this district, in turcs c 1 xtlA I am reporteS lu motion piclure -dmces, orsbe r . 7 -HiaBuny, ister or Franie Bury, ýs Çxi.the foot of tlie e -j-nTe tour pletutee, Il-le "id, cOsis horatisChicago aldermanvon bcr idy o lto atat of ethrgymateienlua h1#9o oves'a yer. suit ton aunulmeut 0et marriaga te )dygo nt a-ftae f lthagy Tish ite t XU19 eaPOid te- e Lvrexie Combe lu NortisCiicago. lit *n eIl let hlm taWk, lie closedvwitlS n.A tAvdais, reliable #à tlarch '0,1#22. wheu Cumba - - cuit court todai. miss Bnry chargea tisat Combe alreadY vas marris!!, la urhOmet. tie ia.atet~eSwiftwt vn anti lad a vite living vilen -sé il% faisr tiso e u»2il- et* the 4. gwift oiss4 ét-thse Editor Of marrieS ýhan. lne las aicttle ha île-I 01-fatèr Qttbeý Iuu ffor '*u hlis u trusth-iat4ef. tpts ttie mthe u bt sueS fer ,wind- lug vils bis final vIitlKeutilckiet I. UJ15, t- ing. 1aI lise preselil lme. «- 4. tamihi on ; ,Sl b»t e 11. ilu Ihlia 1e lsenova tis Tise heaning on theise csetodai ne e~ anti wusatteda&. cmlted 42%trae i ati011utsesosbln5 isrgstish Uè or tise tamihi. -levt.- Ton. h othislie no aandtell~*et aIelse inlmeuot ts8mr -Apscpa rcts-'d1i ,smet-PMeis. ôerbbli reatera e ii. Combea vasttie1ed'it feat! SbalinI ,svo çge l atu stise lima whgý*écouty Ot 1.aký 14k« '#iess ho met ansu Iici( -5 >o~et legruet sueS lise DaiiYOua I, tu luvs* se Buri. Hne k is 1 i on ouarIS At,1A*U« - t vauclaimi am:M, overcharge onW oeugIls ebuki aisthlr liflo- _06=t -gt~a:Tse ats-iouandt Il as thson, uccrdM u t - sq. tiaI11e unvus carried ,10 Og4%fuSIOOCourt bMr sentgtt o.- adritted ,ho aI- "tir it mt s entor - bvte mais th*hage U7 RIWPis ohisin Mdivrorce ttre f t le ' ",uva isns , pp ! otVseBrya oc Oi inEL8O tbg=ý t 'ue eiq eu sber relativesia 1 nbtb COisc< lay ay < te tide wbo â- a..Mb I nMdti eati aaul-,10 AYhe Ac- * proise& 1 8Oua dIt Ubaý tq.home. A wart, vs iWOn -v~ "t)ke conrt hmeu' tme plinIon vasofftp cisanglag, C8o*bo ls islgaiimy tOoveg andti týeratise .h'asslest and ho ,a'wsu pieed i iidtir ara-est. >ltiu .a ls apa Iteanau -agreeMseýt was reac,>eti visonbas a i~-onl Ant se you - atten lleteilg tel sehereisi-the Buons drovpeticare Of nakls g - iving la 1Mivatail aht Swift sal ou tise floor ot1randti omba vas fr0,4. lMe thesi 'e reports *v h wsIte ýL1tieseniate -eue .cen lp 'but lf on h numn oa a Io 5.P bAt 0M.41er *W eol tisaI ha siirt1Y enAeavaredti th le saquai. mgfte *teC W -s ho1 get even" rith the fSun 1fer itîtn.'hanmnlIdira 4îi i-Senao cg4 a rovWi ýtt aenteS vrai s ýattPATRIARCII STAYS t la j«tlO he &or. 'jvade1 & Le a uncti vi - tiahe eo. IN, CONSTANTINOPLE 15twateniýtnte dptitis vins hamai h ri0 La""seu, 'Jan. 1--adazlsiun t >orIJtor,, seoe titCaasa1en-th, be- ofe liseties0f lise Edilerof ettise - ludie -isvva 1 eaita le.,iovtii.Paînais 0ftSe Geek ) a as- w imlltlue iatenaall ters ftise Sun lbfrcre oIOrtistitda ehurcis tq remain iCuis. bqj> sern th ie Commerce tkvtnm.Wson iSPs pever naibsd cry 1d.sijwa n1asstle.lWih Lord Curzon. seltd - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q 1.s~ftsSntssvs gaîerp!gc-rsbs'a h5 an. we;-beenu masS lie Brillis delegallols dee-.tibe,11 ~l4,#l1.VedastiY Cp 14.s-,eer saâtiey *rLc.41l3emploies-. .sÀ 'a Iremeondtvs îtnp 1v. p~sMdSts~*~oft. ~ ci~Ir.jia i*4Ir.l~4li~.tiset o-i. peee,'wfi5to.kêilu. t4 N earia. t liil p wlen eIlAuW Aa pex*tr# w1ýJt u e lt ase%%MI guulec Id $1.50 PMR YEAR,, IN ADVANcE MUJST SM'%$ J)AYS IN CO. JAU In Adjition Muat Pay a Fine et $200; Freebu8s *tsTen Days ln* Jail. KROLL MAY FILE AèPPE#U Btanley Kroil ef Nortis Chicage vas fe $20 and cnta andi sentenced ta serve ulut days Ln the countyJodli visen Muge Persons li n eti court teday ererrule th ie motion for' a nev tri&L. Kroli waa convcted of delivering a five galon eau cf grain alcohot toaa Hlghvood man. Members et the. statela atterneYs Yrohibito1s efforce- maent aquati vere valtiug At thse 11gb- vood Hous" vien KrOli arrIvati tisere. At tise trial Kroll openiy made tise charge that h31, arreat waa hrought-about as tise result et a de- liberate trama-up and COualpiraCi. Ra deield havlng delivrrd tise alcohol. saysng il was 1the propertY of tise Hlghood use. Tisa jury arideatl di flot taie mucis stock ln the aun. sational charges tor tise JurY vaurm turneti vithin a tev minutes. il vas predicted lu court circlas te- day that Kroll ptobably vould taie tise case ta tise'hîgier couriq. SAmotler la Ftned. Samuel Freehua, et Lake Forest, visera ha vas arrested laut week aP- Peared inl Cout court this =merlg eutered a plea oft gu1lIt te slOitaia tise prohibition j1gw and w» mseuenc- ed hi tthe Courtt1»serv e tond«is lu tise cenuty lan sd P.Y court 0c04t5- VILLiE WCm.3 SCIIOOLS T« IBUT DISEÂS SÀAt -With more tisisan to çn Cases et dWhphenla reporteS la tise 1,5 f"s dias. Highland Park antuiltes .100k drasttc att-ps Tueessytep- veut tise dieas"e fs-n preadinjute ma ote eemr lise moveinant et cildnen bsloy ithe' aie et 14 years land aIl grade acheel' Ilgv beau cioed. ILvwas nt-portesl - hast uigb h tisIDeerfield ihs chbOo Classes -aiso vilI auspti Ulif. liii danger 'passes but lta v a, net contirincd oeltlli. Dr. Daniel W. Éogers, Highlandi park be%1th csmssaeTussday iesued il»rctiona le Cisle%.tPiolilce Maresi 10station policemen ai tise Commuliity skating rluc antI merles le keep eut all ebUgrife unden 14. Of TOXIN POISçOf P éSEIJENA, catît., Jan. 10 - WIil- anm Wigley. milioiie-rsClsqig ginu magnte et ChiQago, raposteii ili aI bis home hase et toianPoison- lng, declanei t e h ie nelt eofser- van, vas au.&dt te hmnucis ietter bY attacises et tise iouseheidti oda'. la tise g ir sSta ae whose bde lats ana vibrant witli VitalitY. The- red -cos-puscles of the 7 b1ood maust give thet ia- sucs jisst the, food tlae>r nised, s tisaIt the girl iwil' sèei glwin viidpuis- irsg with iife. Natubr'$ way le beauty is te bytti1 up fron inside. The gloir -of health and -a 0 9 comsplexion Comue 1to, te svomnn wit, 4a voit Md, blood flcwsng hin ber pt- lenjes. Ifya4ý gO red cor5cta vi a ndas V"--e cotes,~ss-î .~....uodlie testelof *wvr-fifty yeargý Dr. Pîet-cc' Golden Medicat. Dmsover~ .Now ist*tli re te lrytheitellv urt - be obtained of youn nearOt.4ytigI, n tJ fonna, or, sendsid oc0te Dr. eý.Iija=ds 1 o N. Y., for trial package oS tablÀs, and-,writ*W.s cal advice.- çuw.iels, lL1ot sfr I laa tien vils mnatas-lai £*e, x d*v40%;* ti*~h vas gtii. ný . Pieree'* ;GowSà ~ îmen 1 coremneai ta ,gain. e,"54 rS 'tit ly o et imalaria that 1 bayseteus' tbees oetie usy cisiltien have taken, Ur. Neros loiSonb whenevr in neeti et a touio or, Moo « Ite' Fiance's remedies e~tuaticai fe enu' uerer haît o$n le regret ."-M*s. ajeu iný,l1.,-."Dr. Pieloe' (0isem no equal te, brondkW.ial trou bl Sit vitis breieh1tia. 1 deveOIIO a cSujbwnê b haît severe Pail ireu1ibm-YOhest amu 4W X"W, jify bealts becaue n o ôr ttiIiWM-Putl# wuF i octoneil and bei iediees t but bytise eaisteat tse oclD- Pierta'n ybealth, iras coppeyteu Wloii. 14» ihave neytr haij suy "ut=n u *le lit lu ~ .4 VT

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