e w-.------.-'--.--- ic prýbleWo sg cii a e t2ôioe 7 ýisitrted the p551 tion 0: iîiew ai the la logh froin tht; kWah terltany. tè later they gxtas' isi contrali*n-Ji le the tutim# 4 1 Bia-k-$t- -- ethe ONa -ss sut~~ rCT "t. frontlng tspop tils vast bodiy of Iicuefitcmaatlveiyanarrawý," tire frontage by thteTrksitê- besusedt g tta biewtra nqeto v- hîl aiiiba a5t ktiiii Os gseaiai c fs.42mieslaJ w IId ronti t 5 . ulatian 100.OÇOAOO and tifs trolin. ae or tu« ~canicrce of tht ettaits.the en. cf ~t Uitai Satesmils i vil exendng a ~ P*w*o AgaasTurkish normal rade prior ta the recent dom a of nee m seuigtr ueto fttatt~ its &-Eïz othik natin, the Protesta againt - thistèptret tinmtr I su, an Cwd c cýu= thse atisa, - tcr- sie<icotW m ot.us anti tp- rdpO lt-citiy s otIsa eomaratlvey Itetl atmn of th isMdoieann kuav as.-the Aegemstu Muto tht "Ses cf Marmore" abc* 160 mlesi leulth, 'abîlin luiars canuecteti vit tht Black Ses hy the narrow vseray éwsas as thse 'Bai- rita," mllmfi bueiandi frolp vititis. T1W' q-i.r aial lencw f s ithin danupete vdtèswa" hetvcthe ise eitenan andi the Black tes,, phIoo y hav as be of ar Ddanéfih &Ü4 sBevSw la thutg about 1k id as Gum UM auo~.t ymsard oS. DosUM.. jelamatlc adîtuturers oi for- Against 1110,alnCotrol miles, and iha îdt milne*lu tis coutirc. This vlew vas ont-hian nmli ta &mls nte lecteti by the European na- Sc k lias happcaed ihat duing Bosporui anti from 1 to 5 miles tse 469 years ince Turkey asserte i n theDJardantlles, viole thse vitt ber býhâof he rght o cutro a tht Ses oi Marmîora is abouit tise-avigation af the Straits ai the 45 miles. Thse esterxiliratasit of Bcffarni andi Dardanelles, 91 this entise 'aaterway isad1l««gbeen visici bth frautages tili lie «- blcii ly tht Turks anti -viseni tirti visin lier ttrritoryt=. 1453 tisey obtaimed coutrlof a Its ha ~en agroving deire tmtts peaple Mdndu anmutai commerce of over 1Il00'M"'0 thoulti not be contri6ifeti by any ont nation. Tht passagevsysbe- tweptbthtotiier great slanti mes o leworid sud the actantorer whicis commerce may Luss redy bave ant youet o i elties W rialable byr the contrai i any ont nation~. The Tlght af vestselai commèret or miitas7 service ta enfer thse Baltie bas not béefti que*- tianesi for mauyMyears; tht tn- trance ta thte Mediterraneui i =oIo thie commerce anti military of e a al nations: the Suez Cuaalglrough 'ahicit the Mediter- rageag la connectei vitis theola 4wOe s, b tht SouzCanai O ýCMVtiol ofIgu,"tobe oain dl fheaof var as in tinte of ptacetot Serchantanen or var ressels ai al plies >with aigit madificatioa ta tht Panama Canal. The Straits cf ma vis wicli cannect the va- 5mev 4fht t iaand Pacifie, at th si tnd.*i £juth Ainterica lm t n thi-ugit thetfer- rit ofcir 1ntnanti Clile vert byt e tra= of -Buenos Airas in 1881 "net frezd forever anti fret aIl naions, 'White freedout o 'pas- - CoeitroI- The. dpatbmm ouscntroi by Tssr- lcW of Me- apassage betwten the Midterrinei and titht Black Se*' bas et ot* à«dedta without cootrié. ý"etepfor example, Af ter otMm .large fronts .on thtmu citb* oe fthetic fie. btcam6 t8jttfal7 syssniatas tiat tht sea andtihei.*traits which cour* eted ih with the. Mediterianeaa# should be thrown qa e ltaier coin- mercial as weil as illtary vessels or at lesat that it e bave special grivileges for the *tovtîtiept- er getsupplies of foatisttif[à,. minerai ails, andi forest praduets to- the. waters of the Mediterraneau byý. wbich they could be movedt th*.-i markets of southeastern EurapWd' 1ier 'heat, meats, minerai cil, luilà- btr, flax: and other natural prodnd( 'acre wanted L*.Z ail of Europe au~ the wanteti European manufa~ turcs in excharige. But as lier tett ritorial and commercial extension.2 was creating commercial and pflt- ca elun, , aong certain a9 the urapean countries it wa. easy. fer jhem ta iarm secret treaijes .it 'Iurkt which wouid encour- cge lier luff lting poher cdaim thi toto ta lthe BlackSea nai i!tgtAxit, ëiptcially as the Turksa vCe adepts ln the art of diplo- màay in imaintsling their clýin. Trade Privilege Treaties It should »nt.be assumed, liow- ever, front ail titis that allof the commerce cf tbp Black Sea or af that pasaing through the Straits waîs atuaiy c=icet by the Turks, a mon-comflicLial people. The necessary tratie andi trade require- menti ai 'thtecauntries fronting ispon titat body ao water had groisa sa large that it. demanded facilitiez of transporation andi finance which tise Tuls could nfot thematilves aupply. Tis ,demanti came cape- C Is rbnt tht several countries liavisg lrgefrontagesaon the IRlace Sea, gnotably Russa, Bul- garia. Raumania, andi tht section* of Turleey still accupying the southera fronts g eaf that ares, andi later came also f ran the great com- mercial countries of westernl Europe which irequired the nat- bo@Wt lAl Lssa..Wbm .Conteess e .DedIeQussiluet D>rdsass.Tai'es Plae -L ~~tii~sd flouseras mis O'. htssuatleerd Zs, tever vessel of Commerce or of AI war 'aithaut distinction of flag," XI and tht area thus outlined lias been u oikaiy showu on mia sof that PC *.eîj& nder the titie ai "Zone -of .c tise Straits!" Under thia freaj thetSI ýEnlopedia Brifannica in Its 1922 te one l>S-sn0(Da te AmlstmOso a-S fili5EII~55t~5tWUi5emttfd Iwt Treaty Not omeàualy Rafifsýd Titis provision ci tut Sorm« Treaty deciaring pcfal ~a "navigation of the *dUIJ1 iturc bc open bath i. pçetansd war ta eves'y vessel oaice ors oi war' vwas loocd upô a 'Xltl -to tensinit the 467 yer Tr-S lis coutrol oi that gMet uater- 1 wvay, andi thte roisonsai tht teeaty for tht fireedont lW toi- - siercet oi thtStraits have ince bea lut. a peraf an b, the. ain appointi for ltis paspoe. eeatt d"eeiapmeus, blievr ave madeie 1. apparent tiat the e etion as ta t he mc- c ptance lstht Tstlc a Itht - vres Treaty la tili a» opssunie. Tht Goveruant tof the ïqan att Conatantaaop e ldto, ratify tht acta aof its WPlenipatentîaries 'aboi signatures 'acre attachied a te e0 Treaty oi Sevres, andi the StattuW utns's Year-Book, au accepted is- thaorit, Statesainit ifs1922 audtoa thiong"The Treaty ifSev-iea ai- not iet r .cd t' a"y af tht partie,' Turkjpb MNatnlîst Gavera- ment *The great uncertaiafy, boy- errvhicli nov prevails as te thse pemnnce or ofberwiee et t4o fre fnaaiCommrcs in tht Strait as provideti by tise. Trssty of Sevres in found i thterspctiv lattitude of tht politica organîra-. tics establisisetiin 1920 St Au- gora, ln Asit Minor, about 7S mile. east of CoÙwAntiuopk tiunder tise titie of thte*'Tunkish Naflenaliat Govermnennt," represeuting a pa- litictul faction> of, Turke oi uy kngwn as thi- "Yosanç- Turé! part y. .'1thii. î*'answiio AnlgoraiGovernmnt, whieh 1,0w Isima t. rereteirt ai of Turkey, pan t -issu j t tin aone oftht Ian- urat factors Of theq epfochhinc onference to bee be1d' t Ug, SwitzerIand; andi whki to itaet- tendett by the Tss*itisW*6t0=at Fore n >itslsteIumet psh,mt aonsgf 'dctannw d tft iat tb 5ultani 'alo data nos accept thse Angora 4.cr<ecfo% Ie bieatson, has -decl4ed Mt -hieaitdelag&te ta the uLaut*e ctértet. R- cent dispatchea atue latieate tats the RuslaitSoviet Gaceruet ha been invited b the Ae1~t*getg>4« dtIegates ta i" «W "Oi Paie in the dlisUldo. rde*rfte thse freedom of aavisatlçu ~the. ,Sfts, Nothing 1lisate4 e* b whetiserthe reefftlyiiset ~ovrpseas asthé nôtbetff:fst the aU,& Ses, luoludug asai the Dmn lxpGblk IMare in iswite t teatte *e%~I them= asàà p k, ?hie nt the Gctime ni it ispre- gurne the elegates et t.aut.a irl pe ' tut iir Ivitws CM ths estiof i td If commercebth an the Rlaek Sea and in ithe Strait* whieh tost- nect lit wi th teMedfirranean d the great octane 0f the worlti. serve- as carriers iof commerce for -western troi eu thnaugu &. ie sevenal nations -,wIopse tcrritary turc ci Can*aniztopie andi adja- us proteat, evén they tondit have heceaubt6ected to, cent tetitory tisoy aimmeti the Pd contrai ai à international contre i-gotà, &ce- rigit ta reset-vo for fliir ovu ahipa 51.; thet tv/a doin ai navigation,' thrngh theliticommerce cr ai tht miitany ___ yom. the .",k«u cf commliiioos( nouainteti servicetthe exclusive privilege ai Cd s lackr, bY t respective gttsaroughi navigation tapon ifs waters Over the Ii boscou- vhicisthty flowa or ahc i en îthe .ltngtli tronm the Mediter- Ciell ttion tis toucli. Amaujtbe rivera en 19el rancn to tht Blacke Ses, or toat L siittvgmimlo sa #0tontroBletiart tise least tstabish ruies sudtr which D&neifb,- the Ahine, anJi the the vesatia of ther nationsiigf ~u1tetit.utilire its 'asters, anti aiso tieoq f the Blacks Set )i, lLjvhcîr i4m ,e' 120 tilea of Wptervaly ,tle oniy oufi' àftd v - i s Tht '~tb fioit4t)u~&dBa kqueutly bcamaIuroý ~ta an~d Boapirus" as *aMe wtpvl ttouithe oc npAncy en t- ars sa resuit oai titigroving demanti for sccess ta tht producta of thus greut fertile area, the Turis- lsh Govrerssuut. uring the last century qrateti.thraugh special treaties wigi tise vatrions cuiritae .the privilegçWofmns&taiûin Co=-,. mnercial ileets, consuls anti other' paraphernalla of tratie, fitance andS bankiag lu thse Blaéc Ses Aind Straits, andt iese priviitçes vce iter ext«ed tt commercial cousu- tries. bsvipgf uîooutage on that Me but bUa n thefrait o thtae. wpoximately onehl of the ofcimerchandise ex- porteti iu 1913 passeti thrangiilgg UhkSes sud thi 'as. êspttialy 'It eor foatatuffs sda'n 141, =lw1*usdtht very pow- er po ~ o4~Tuikey ta can- ro 1, j apecallyin case ai Enropce i or vortivans, af- fereti ern,:aSpaSsibilities in thse formation ai .eMttton opta diplo- mnatic relqtlo»um vtithtie country passe ssingo i4ch, powcer, andi stiteti fu tht ae nas iofother Euno-. peau paors as ta the effeçt cf- these secret ftreaties tapon inter- national relations. The passible importance ai-tht contrai ci lirgt quantifies of foodatuffs and na-w niateriais in tes" ofwar .b y flieac- tion or attiti4c ai a sngle povcv-1 hitensetititq dýsire cçi nat cnly, Eueopeaun.but* certain non-Euro- pea cau.trLe çi terminatian cf flic condiiona Spi,4r visicli arce64 ta thus iinLofant area vas retaineti in flic bands cf ont--anti especiaillyt s non-commercial, Pavro o i tiîough more flian oecal iff alic Black Sea nmrtgtise vas car- rîed under foreiga flags if was &tilt 'aithin tht powcer ai a single coun- try, Turkecy, fo terminafe the privi- I~gs uîde 'at'ch auch service fry tiî~iipi:î aithe varionis natio.àS Wrg hein.- periortned. The arr-a to *%8t'acCCns might ut any moment ci tise Leagye ai NjItlol m i.tt~~ toeae h tsoter lbant, tssthe za e -ai tsapbKt s mat av.utusst<tie rniisett Pasha, PtaidttiOs seb etOs uiai>rqweprattd hy te«- 'aJiee qsc=5in lu hbi ià8ait tai o~isi apalued or tisae -the G=b Iî e# iliowed 7y'a ne- servicean& ài ýted hi -thl tufsau thepart of the A"ar& Tii. seaufta aofiaofrtue i ulthe ddémnds of theT e tii. vietorlewiu iCmis o Sevrest, astise eoferec t ucê 'ai ,band. &" ithetomfoaf taety which wu.nat partieijeof- *ey handdtefathe TsrMaltrepre- fintaireprestiotxoqs cêtu . mstatLvta -ou thte t her, vas the *11at or "Y , Tm O O -lmu fans Treaty qi Sevres," -laid ment. ioM . 7t - btoretise - rtprtestativts ai tht -dated Novises T#rhiab Gortrmnut on Anunt 10, A*wth»la 1920 anti signedundelr protest by piàrpos'hsgte ts teL Ite citief icatutre as relata. mat*ira e whsiss t E fi ta thsu itjeef s above tiiseutied vms As foilovi:- - -- r' id 3 TS u vpgon et th Strahtq, - K Mois **Cd Boqiu, diie.*-in fut%.oili luth ~ Wu tapsaaé*,ta se YMM a On le iilet to Aii.38: Tme wwogr Oonsst Iàtgton s gisvâdfou -in Artieit 3,i ; -E of tbeifVa Ronsisat oso at ole t .tîe ic ter ScMmbitons e,- htTris taeainudalI baes tufi Le4ie ats).Tukih critry msadea!4«tS Tt trttoufc ulndts -i i riLsa h oaat-IA Artes 4n».iThe Ci, c h ra npeAmnsrtonmd ie i i i - j' ,.> 5.4- pis war am*etissu 'billion dollars a Weran&i of couseaacconipanieti hy th ecessasy ra1sp"riton, iu- dustriai and' baahiug 0qusmenfa, largely coutrolieti by iinancial in- teresta outaide the aresi que-. tion. Trcaty of Smr«. This international deire go fer- sinate au unaial anti abuonsus mottrol af worid crossmte by a : 'csoemmercial po*er, while it ::.d flot be auccsiully asserteti b, a single country, fou»u appgar- ttsity for à *ait expréssion tapon 2eenbjec Cysevera great coum- meiI nations oi the worid uhen the Leaffy of Nations gt the close o e ordWar met at ftecity of Sevres, Franc", te irinie a peace treaty Wilh Turkey. Tise prijicipti Participants l Int coin- 'Iriel,14 lie