I. - - t aita,"M. biléol "tWWa f lovre bma ate =go dgOe, love-a»ahlfl hot 0é bMi ue &se tisn, 1 vasel 29 of lie 30 d& hir." m. Ryerson poséS bfore te1 lub. FacedG0 Tire 0"se Omi Once 2c- Othe il tlt»lmversl ] Umd la a sut t tir. borpitlôu's nied 11.111> i l tbIo"e cuit. I linthe "hiquini reveallin rituel bruUbt t ho ii stPumong buni àMn.RyerSOIt0 orodespite tholir asas.beci $toand 18 beggeil ber tho., luaie .&ierg0e'1 a beotire le tirt a'ors*tWv DexLndg lber l'e i.4 vith i al hi resoted- te cm téefalled te wi -: ~ ~ o lohl bkiS lin=y boiter 1I Iovmt club a abot, Uc« mi ntone eoMâd t£ noL - pes erf0 SI1evlt "wtewa1 »Y 11,ai t W,-c ZltaS tely i luat min 4u1m', va O ii5. tatét À dermea l eheari efess lové for et*flprof. idéals as bins9 ~t thé- retwpent ol IeI - miLte"r- ea d t %but tia I*~ *~ fl... l..4mv thal lr hemdWSy ltb hlm bm sêd dad eav........... = O. a drmg througl IU0der yt, and then I letI s_ ru vi Md Oq thrbnwe» hwý saya site frequeltly ____Mr-l______ )ytn e Tsyg , ailt et the Scars.b i:* grave Charge. detrdb11 go, imb the Ueflght TU E Nt LAN àD ag i 1 = n Mau wbo, as bead eftaMi p look stores.c, n.fle" eo ii wrw 4as moucy ver. is Dubli, Jan...-À O-Aeort clreauted V&ÎÀ hà0i s4 ~. qs Captons e theprintfOl fta Dubi an tenon.esi bat A trimé th rvi% er.qpozm triendm Pring the court ac- Iiad boss Uped betweett the e 5 î lOéa1 iauhlYL mqlto lo," mystertoUls ad State and the Republifan Irresl us a tliu. wélte w e 1 f th, Cuit, vas vas OffiCi3,lY denied ttOdaY. usl Ys. qs &rmtý entetBde d 1, 1rai.1agasa uflbe t 0f tile Ijnayaed Ireda 0f Detroit fa!»-aîteroin libon O~fbe ey gas sie marrled lty, FIFTY-FIFTY IS o.dabtr<Eiaetb, L ef<' the dscreancy ln JUST THAT EXACTLY blrtbday. ofAr Cub;ateit meb s. f brl The Jean o r lbhl t poitions lu front of Davenport, la..Jan.10-To U aauual meeting lest évenin;. ' II gueste, aller ho Iad ea fIbscy foneiiolg oMebra iver. elected. Pafeic ied hmfor som nse urhusCtya"fty=Y nily 'Jougait, Vie-Pre& * orUié Fa be vau lntroduced Buts.tAmea. a Juat,4liat4 a iii er atha, .ense. is nov divoroed. vifè Ter. viih 4uù Po home basserteatboca 3." ntoxlcated troquent- ma o jersons, and4y Ie gedtOare. u ' s made ber guardiL& 4y Tie> a)&S 1 spaat. of ch1$80 hià ~eao ~.equal division of furiture vas a"ree4evexing lu *hé, i &t aidence at the Ryer- lr.>uenvsgvn th bs -tinte us 1 'Ks_= iays sh vasabo er'W4 h. retameid to ber homne one jns by Ryerson, vho evenlilE and round Ibat fier lrnsbeu« fiii b. e T«ected tpromising erabeereattor h ed *" u t t e bdeclde laid« frtbediilgyer U ln by more ordlfbXllate bdva lo 0 eiomdoe ite At iluri10 t»5 as pan r fthe bed. lRe lad vifl i"tt iOtI% Ré ot or "sugier." durg.s ber absence and cut six durl 0raa{:lotheu re bsocial ovenltasgiron belu ~ ithe licI, ramovîng RPduTheg ho tofc hrsvh wue guest,ât lhe pel- prorimately one halt of the femillrs. meet tomorrow eveuieS Jln tbe. Parxlsb e a dinner given 1te__________Rouge for 11.8 regulnr veeààY rM r. Byverson1s friands," hearsai ayerson introduced me- CLEAR DA1JGHgRTYP .The. Ladiog Aid of the BWedgiIl t»; îlose presant, and iaAYPltNlSl KELLER Lutberafl Chrch vUIimuet t0OT 0 suspect tliaI 1 vas imv a.ernoon at the church ln tite - pariors. Th hostesses, M"s. C and lnexperiencéd. 1 Wahingteg, . .C., Jan. 9-4nilb- Wandeli and Miý. Cao. Zellers, w ofending Mr. Ryerson sal eftinrp.00lment charges brought entertain. thblng aIse led me le agalnlast Moiliey General DaugbertY Misses iielen and Florence Wat- v as esterai diys be- by Rapreaentatii'e Keller (Rap roua of NO. Genesea St. ralurned te ýma I married. Mini.) le xettommended te the lroilathei borne afler piendig 1the vOsir ed tirougi 29 days 0f la a resoilion adopted today, 12 end in Chicago viere they atioD4Otl ane dey of living 4111te te 2. by the judiclary committée, a dianer pîrty t vhlc-" -bthei4t te agreemen-ve linO vilcih eld public. hearings on lie nouttcemont At Mise katyÉ Boetta- jntrriage for 39 dy- charges lait aionti.. . em's coring marrulage vair mad$à dhable 1teoiltiflat' I1 At 'lie aime lime thé commttee ln anticpation ut a Possible MOdi- net irnovins where 1 approved. Il te 2, a fermai report ficatlil orthie Vostead- icI, 55W ta thé bouse holding thas thlat body eral state réeeMtalvez are xeA4l rt wile, Elvira, Ob- lied the power -te punisi Ur. Keller t 8pringtield willi pooss tg te- e 0f divorcé f ront hlm by Imprisonniet or otherwlse for ffaI the search -and selaUre a214i thé lng ber tusisnd pro' bis refusa, te obey a enbpoena la- prohobition enforcemit acta of tke r many wornen. soute sued for hlm lnamedlalely attar bisMte. Reprasentanlve CharisiL gsedte 1 have the samne dramatlc vilbdraval fom the case Weber, who successfuliy caiip4fld l. She sald h. vas ou the. Ibird day oftih. bearlugh on a "bear and -11gb vine" 1flat. ft many fnotes IM îorm tIn thé Sixti Distit4 alroÀdy- jn. vho sai is love Urbna-Miartn J. insulil Britten lias -a rePeallng mease Orvut" U1P. a ferir torrentt.- The 1. Bitdd and George R. Jones, public Otbera s are on the tamte aide fl~s taken place Avril ntiliias officiels o! Clcato, wili con- 0 lhebtti, lifté are Repssna ébars were titree Chiii.fer viii facutly membera and atu- ives eenftéi« -àçMttiepI, Car, A. Orace and George. dents of the Coleté 0f commerce of Muellar andTIionmas .'C -é . tb. Univrsiaty 0fhIllinos uoù propos- Mir. R. C. coiisdéi cf PI 115150 aie for courses and lapmevments in avenue, ,Îàs toda>' ui>tlted4W151 thé public -utilles curriMt aof the hîd been acptad '** -e mpu*5 1. alie. lusuU i yladdreos tie stu- 0fVtia Daugtal'ti ft nel~ ~S N l dent body.Rvlto. o 1 »ý îUF Rec& Island-Rot*rians of Iis lty teinants on lier mohér's aide t l have Motrlbuled $100 te a fuird te family jnd a prite on ber fq4lra finace heK"ora 4ERupp o taide.00 ¶1e Daiihr of lte* S f.] C fit.Te mne -111 laod u eltdSo er,Thé npahsr el 0f ~ Peorla No investltation viii be Wîlulegs n .buiMo t p«"m. ta obey * a me of tSglWhe death cf Carl Scbotç BO. ILIL ea 045er end Aowama estif>' ~ ~ uta luh gU~v body vas fomat In a suwiftui mevug 11110 111015 1ev .bàoe. Vroeedings wivblk é ,aessaasked g>' lhe dead -ma'.redry on Nortlif itt= t vro imapeachment .Charges b i45' 1émi S501101, officiais assert- bas )I15îbeen opemiweT& eg Me~ Gouerai Dalrghert e i lit ed b>' policélare -that to01748 orW brick sud lae ohé ~~aled~~ bythe~l iild inOMpintOd sucide. nie neomises tath.ly t0g ad pgonopned Èlthoutabu O0, Kelrrefusauite sive Raultou-T"re ilfflanserand 'a Ian vasexpeeted. Wen'éie4 e ufliÀgaçe vhlcli hé hanta er. fldetrW« yéj' r0 f uni vag alate&. Ia j-reaecee Ost rt# have,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Mu hêacue i0i rgaa bsl bl ere. of theCeth lU1i uot go f beng'Wkçd"sudLos lae stimtahd aIkt7149. lave&- mpteveinet te- i bri r~ep ,white -waub»lhe Attor- te io 0 ie .li usd55 *7. theMt85> sanltdb>'Votead Th* annzt,.ra11 Treé. t">à 't:th ed 111- a8i Repuhulcan B itle net gosreally knovun t li eu .1 e15~; lb. 'oumttee.bu Oweth'e.tossred nols callel Braal uis iïi41l*rledl' -i4V f e5* W *11.~I05. B1lttohy SlO lbcînasraInclosed la »ew betltgt i. 'Jois, 0rat~ v~ frlî~rleinl shape. itre.u le o Oa bsÇ voe ntfeo ~ tier M#.bering plant wIe vitous £40-as ;"Kt'lai ,.-udé«thie sanie 41of111the CniOu-l>aiili"tbI t W lb vî w 0# r i a ahn urcht d- r,7:0 *dbCI aUND *t*e e x fpressilon.but 4bm ol>'U , t t ,a l #"$ t ur t vet4a aiauardu 10lookeet- e 10 W ii-m, wI rgwôwet is ,Jy., i lngéédR&s'ae 4wbee Pau. xoima tirfont. et da, i gluuvela*menThé tUfl laces-w- rb>wml xe ékA eot t .s' IDes- ?Van' tlOtruc.o.I le Uuaiter0f ustie o uninbesbl. or athé Mr iteu t1wèim%%, th, portl ide su e CtfrSeîoj . m~~ fCaa asizn~ aies1» uilamunra' tnal£li'W nut Wl' to em s, ÏJr., fora ton * -tut . '-te4 c-. .e g. lre sate, esbeNt.tn slti __________aIPoe la ctl.lu tie'liou.la gK*." nerofjutic o m buablt fr h«T.'. rie bi vai e aid go aiti r-. 001Y~ jtigost~inggkowanI*Rthat it paysat ait timoi$fEto , lliefLm~II7 REPUTAIW~lai - .x ~ For Meng WoMniima fCldren. These, oub .f acts, practked iii my *tore ever dmnc its la. auguratio, bahmiae tithe in@tPoUa SuSHEETM DId LK COUNTY And for many, mik* arM&nd w » ]*.t m p Ctaua ven"M.Of.s you Velum tir leymu<Itii zpeaý of lb. tapeco.mi il. a-If.fr Nn S2 -1109!r 0. lgrWoeu -~ ~é ta 4,t 't rn 108 Sý k -