I .WU~!IYliLL M~>E~EIWIs aKu>awrs~, IAW.JFR* 25, 1923. THE INDEPENENT--ONLY $LSOY] YOU Can Enjoy- This Progni Ail day long anferItote ht air around you la fi -music, lectures, spot 1.esfate eso i.day, fiaricet report Ail you need 10 bring theSe feturs into your home l0 a g00d receivef. The radio sest w. offer la superior ta sse now sellir $M5 or ors, yet we offpr a Complete Radio Outtit $100 This la the famus CrOBie>' Model X Radio set, it vii briug ln sta.- tions 1.000 mles ormorediatant. Toun auouot local stations, such as Chicago anti Mil>aukee, aud listen 10 programa fromt New Yrk, Atlauta. Ga.. St. Lois, snd aveu Springfield. Mass. Local snd mont distant stations cau ha heard as dlear aud distinct as.a phoflograph. Approvai Off er Yon eau try Iis set out lu your owxi home'for a weele on trip l, wth no Obligation ta buy unies" you are eutirely satinfied. The set is coIn- plate wltb phoues. batteries, tubes, aerial. and averythiug necessar>' to connedt up andI listenl n." 'We have alneady solti a smber o!flb... sets to Lake count>' people, anàtte ownèe are very entuhniatie about thse results they are getting. - Pli nut antima!l the attackteticoupon, sud ew iliisenti completa de. tailla0f our offer. Or yon eau telephone Llbetyvlie 235-R. 3t MES EtLECTRIC COMPANY, L bertyvillO,lîio. Kindly send us futhen detafis concering >our trial offer on lb- Cosley Model X Radio Raceiver. . HULMES ELECTRIC COMPANY~ LAIBEl8T'VLLE. ILLINOIS. EEPONE235-R 5 Glendora Lâmnp oal THE SOFT COAL IHU- FAULT Franklin Count Furnace Goal 0Ww11m AHdIImm IN1HMT "&Washed Egg"e FOR THEi RAGE OR.HBUTER By-Product Coke Hardwood Chimks, Id and hga thse putI »0 le manl andlters. Wlth years most n the cous- 1,0 A. M. Dyer, or near Ares, hitchedto s miii wagon vblch vas beingunuloati- ed at ihe Tore Bros. maft plant Wb moruing, became frlghtanati for sgnie unkuowo reason anti ran, awaY. The animais came soith aud lurueti down Lake street. In Iheir mati dash the wagon vas dasheti against a tetephone pole andi generally wrecied, spillng miii over that particular section of the village. The runaway teem vas stopiped at the corner of! Lake street sud Mlvwaukeea aenues, J. N. Bernardi anti Lou Blets beiug the heroes. T ...coo up g oom y days and niglits. IbO yeun kow of a soul sick shut-in thal =hpof the flowers, of a blttay that needs re- membrauce, of a mothen to whom memories, are i SCRANTON. ANTARACITE Librlvile tuberCo L IPhone 47 LIBERTYMiLE AUC ARE' ",JOT WEEK"AT THE AUDITORIUM Theatre 'The Show Hous. Delightful"' Friday, January 16 THOMAS MEIGHAN, "dBACK HOME and BROKE" Saturday, Jsnuary 27 .4,wz'.ac rW" qnv ._A the LADY"' ABig Westetn wlth Tom Moore andi Mary Miles Minter Sundsy, January 28 ~: 1 ~ BEBE DANIELS, JAMES KIR. WOOD and ANNA]J. NILSSON "PIHK GODS" $SAPOLIOI Runde couniuses il) the kîtchen. lit ceans cutlery. ketties, tins, porcelain, china. M earthenware, linoIeumn, oil- cloth. refrigeraios tile, marble, afielves and Booms Sec that thse name SAPOLIO in on cveiy package -i EfOCH MORGA"' SONS CO). So i anufactfflrs New Yoek U.a. AL MAKES POTS AND PANS [Ci0 MMALEBULS FRINTEAT THE MNEPENDENT OFFICE THE KMN THAT ATTRACIATTEFJITON. AN ADVERTISE- 0 F TOUR SfflIN1H IS P APER WILL BRING THE CR0 WD. Successor to Jas. T. Davis. C. L. COONFER M~onhs 51 and 143-W LIBERTYVIILB :ILLINOIS The R. F. D, Bank is a branch of this- bank that iB withir; walkîng dîstance of every farm home. It le as near as your mail boi. Now, it 18 Possible to deposit and -draw money bY, ELR. . > Your letters are given iii- mediate attention.. We re- spond by return mail. .Loc l OmbâlPers nal IRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Charles J. Dickey. Paster. Phone 112-J ____________________________________________________ jJsack Bradford, Choir Director; Mrs. SotItems or c.pecial Interest to Lb i PeOPe LYell Il Morris, Organist. m .A Ufss Eal Morris was a Wankegan Mrs. Ida B. Green Of Kankaufla, Wn,- Younig, General Supt. vistorBatrda. cosi. sentl~tThuxaday at the 'Moi ning worshi.n at il. o'clock. Ser- homer otrdY.at= fermtsiaeM rs Brooly.010by the pastor on "Living Water," Mun. B1.Simon, who-wa ashierli the I irst the third discourse on "The week. bas recovered.f j. S. Gýridley, csiro teFrtSymli of thfeli Spirit," GOot music Lus o La' oret Nationalbnk who han been ia:d up b> the choit Mrs. Maude E. ukoLacFrs for a montis wth pueumoflia, was able EPY01rf h Liague devotional meeting vislted friends here Thursday. to bie down town for thse ilrOt time at-6:30 p. m. l'opte, "The Outcasts of e.ater ns- .l nth od to com Evening worshlp et 7:30. Sermon Rosa Triggs and family toek lth'er ythiaso, sieDngro!Fllw big ski meet at Cary laet Sunday. plete recovery. îng hripst Ar, Off."Dangriof y the Mr. and Mis. Andrew Huas were the lgCrs frof"Mscb h guefits of Chicago relatives Sunday. The montbly eXecutive meeting Ofof r the County W. C. T. V. will be held \Vou are cordiafly invif cd to wor8hlp Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Whitney were Tuesday. jauuary 30tb. at 10 a. M., ins wth us. Waukegan vsitera Saturday evenlng. the Unionl Churdh at Lake Bluff, fol- Wodnesday evening at 7:30, mld- lowed by a local iuaf4iute. Box lunch weekm'-etlng for prayer. Bible study gtrs. Bernard Norton of Ingleaide, et noon. wid fellowehlp. visited rfiends lnu Ubertr'vtlle Tueada..Thur-sday eveoing at 7, 00, Junior The dinner andi entertainment gîven Choir rehearsal. Senior choir reheers. Mrs. John Dolenmaier waa a get by the Commercial Club at the Club ai at 7:30. of Mrs. H. Cocu in Waukegan last recrua wednesday ight waa atteuded FirsI Quarteriy Conference Monday. by about forty members, sn u psro-< Thursday evenlng, Peb. lat. et 8:00, Mis. Kate Bernard and Mrg. i. N. nounoed one of the most enjoyable af- Dr. Allison F. Clark, District Supi. of Bernard are visitiug relatives ln Ciii- fains of the indt even gi9en by the the Chicago-Northern District, wil,: cage today. the business meu'a organizattOn. 0f preaide. A good attendauce la deslred. A 91,42 pound son was bora Wedues- course the bg aittraction was the tur-0 day afternochn te Mr. and Mra. Claude key dinner, under the eu~e manage- PRESBYTERIAN A. Knigge. ment of Charles Oegliardi. The way! ReV. Guy Smock. Pastor. Miss Donoihy Schanck. of Evanston. thoso two large turkeys. together wlt.h Sunday School at 9.45 a. m. W. G. lien th wek ed wth iseShileyail the necessery trimmînga. disappear- Wells, SuPt. A close for every age. spen th wek ed wth isaShIleYed îestified té the excellence oc Mr. You are Invited. Mr.Re .Thomas - novh f tw1n Gagliardisa efforts. Dr. Golding enter- The moruinar sermon at 11 wifl b" 'i-.nds ln Chicago and Evaneton lasî' taineti the compeny witb the latest "Drawing Back Prom a Savlng. Fath"I Thursay ad Frday.murical program, received by radio. Tin the evenlng at 7:30. the young k iusa n r YWle The club prowses t have a social Penpfle's choir *1l essist in-the music. Miss;es Adý fiel fer andi Gnsce Ulfers gîelgeeyIo ekat p-SArmon subjeet. "Hearing Cornes lBe- - isited Mn. and Mrs. Wle e nCldînner forth members onlyonc forethNe Life" lueuTuesdlay evening. a month. 'I as glati when lhey sad uni oc MrIý May ScleyandsonEdwrdme, 'Let us go into the ous4 of fthc o r". Mar sch istd leatisnLiedwrd, ýThe Libertyville Woman's Club wiil Lod.tIl 10f ut.isi, siitei rla1ies Li er- e-t at the Parisil House Wslnesday Mrs. Sayer, church onganist. tyvilîf' Wodnesday afternoon. afternioon , Jan uany 318t, prOMPtly at -o-- Mrm,. Taomesq Brompion. Mrs. Ilirry 1-0. An adfir*-ss entitîcti The' Hie C"atta te lie Rendered in the Metho- ____ISratton andi son. Jack, o! Lake Villa, ments of a Real Draina.' wiii bie de- <iaI Cliurcli at Lake Bluff. store in Libertyville Monday. liverlsi by Mies Harriet Watt. MWs On flic afi cr0000 of Sunday. Januarv Katheryn MacLachian will illustrate 19.. t 3: 30 oclock,- l the Methodis* Lîttie Barbare May isespend .g5 lcetdeawî edig rm'h hurch of L-klieBluff. the cantat* '.The e'.2l days it the home of ber aun'.i Lie," a driua by ltenry Arthur Joncs. Vision qy Slr Launfal," wlll hae rentier- s.~ Mis. R. E. Thomas. norili of town. iM;sW"0adMss cahlnae-l hv fthcohurcli choir, w'th fthe as- Mre. l3jron Colisy, who bas been ail-1 sent by Miss M. Catherine Lyonq, hlied i1a nort of fledic cantat ie e r ing. ioi siiiwees nowcWonfnt f the Dramatie Art sand Speech Dep. h svalwe, r iedIne od o rmetna e c l am rusei Lj to er cdw ~li cse f peuone IMacL"-an College ef Music, 2834 South ,l 'lise lyries ai-e the composition of ___ C. G. Gridie:. andi Dale Colline, of Michigan Ave, Chicago. Each mem (ii e Wakefield Cadman. the FirsttNational Bank, andi C. P. [ber bas thue priviiege of bringinF o0ne 'e mi o pa.rts wlll lie taken by 'Miss OO " Wright, Frank Wright ani Georgei guesi.l-î',' E. Bowen, soprano, antMa- WgBt.o$ teLaeCony ai Ma r. andi Mrs. Hejian Haunschild 'o"Mandeville, baritonie. Mrs. H. W. Bnattended the mit-winter ban- vere the 'victima" of a surprise part> Coivll serve as organlat and Vra. quet snd baukers' convention. held at Wedncsday, fthc affair being engînee r- T. E Nortbcu.t as violinlat apn pianist. LaSale Htelin hicao Wenesdy 'No admission fee will lie carggd. Ile Hoel i Chcao ed esd e by their daugliter, Mrs. J. N. Ber The public la ocrdielly invited. eveniug. ~~nard. Januery 24th was the 41st wecl ___ -_____ raucis Cowies and Miss Lillian Ko- ding anmiversary of Mr. andi Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mason left t ,- bout, o! Naperville, aent Sunday at Haunschilti, and the day was fittinglY day <Thursday> for Los Angeles, Cal.. the homeo f the latier'a parents, Mr. obeerved. The assembiei companY wbere they stili lemain for several and Mrs. Joseph Koflout. played progressive euchre, anti a fine mifotha. Th..1 . adprt n eluncheOn waâ served. Mrs. HanUs -_______________ 8ttT ow n Hibeall rThurtya a c cbld was preseiited with a large pot- st he ownHal Thrsdy evenlux. ted feruansd a bealstiý,pI boquet of fui of February lot, given by the Làs.rty- U, etc ville Teainesters Union. Everboy la Americats Beauty roses. Tho"e pres- ý ado nvre.ent were Mrs. Rate Bernard, Mis. J. D A nofrado tvtd N. Bernard, Mrs. C. M. Bernard, Mrs. D A IN G Guru.. vere i LibartUvleTueaday Mia. B. J. Grimes andi Mr. Beirt The eastest and bes ate'1 have atternoon. Mrs. McCurelCine. raceI Faulkner. Iyour haullng donce la te phone for thse Clevelandl Six aui oil ebe________________ me. If viii b edione promptl>' given away by The lueenat huanala ieason8ble cosIt te700. 1Address 118, care Send The Indepedetë Absent Relative orj 52 IsuQ Mr__ FOR RENT From March lut on-Excellent '35 T eR From Ma-ch 1 on-Excellent 185!/2. Acre Farm, !/2 mlle from Diainond - Lake. For particulars wrte or se*.ff 135 N. LOWEL, Fie ry '1I lr P~ 13 .Wabasht Ave Chicago Fine LuUU.LJ I Vry M.~J ~ DAMP WASH $11M RO, GDRY 2 Sbs Ner0W Sxi. for ,S N IDUUIU Hai«Ie -Ail Dry Cleaaing and Dyt CaiLbertyvill ?hmi,674TR "SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRYr PHONE 30611 For January We are.offerimg 100 dozen Towels at WhOlesale PÔ.i white,ý $2.60 per dozen. Good Size, Bluç Border, $4.20 per dozen. Luge ad Heavy, ail white,- Extra Large, $5.50 per,, Blue or Pink Bo; d :1, $8.50 per dozen. Hours 8:.00-irA M. to 8M00P..K W. W: CARROLL & SONSI' C Phone 29 . Lb4vI I I Want to Bu.. A flouse in Lîberty4vilie Must be in a Good- L»cati on, wit Modern.Convem njeen .,a' Bargain for Catsh. innent ir car Shop DNE 202 'C5 15e 5e *5c .7c 20e 40e 3ke 25e 30e 30è 266 28e 15e $s.00 .25e t==nc"