Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jan 1923, p. 14

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a.d~lm vi he aonsi n etftthe mhioiusservice beard before it la flnaIîy je 5h05 yiilD atari ai th e eelv- i viere -Il vIC be vils nsme lalus 'tioasê crossfile. pen -visiolSU I nfor- Rusnecessuy for identic atii et ~S ola t ii te eniered. Thes Sobs viiibu ie latualpisaiseticok. ut 4«rý The degartmeust vii mai ac- Ipavlogemfnt or recelpi ot tise data tp tihe applcant. advising hlm i« bls daim number. "¶e daim and its service carS yl tbe &0 o th ie record depanlaneat, *b«e otiey viii e fileS. À suspendeS m3e Wvi be irepi to takte mcars aalài- pae daims, as vel au ai APPie,- $ IP, o whvich clairon vILIi h. e- tSaed alter they have boau apProv- eÇtfbr payaient., Tis vonllcation Se- puissent tu non vwilch viiciseckrthe ulw4rn vi hseappilants services record to esiabliai hs Ideatity et tihe =lila. ihm igit tb compensation1 ndtii.correctuessuoetths applIca-4 tien. Tiec chue X44> ha ompared vitis the van Sepantlnent service nec- <" dfethte clalmani. Clerirs ln ibis1 depaniaiqat vi vrir ai 20 tables,1 WlItb six clerre te a table. Tii. daim Mmt maire is vay tbraugiitheb' 5111- u*4.iaeds and usSr tramneS eyes of ebsch ans of! uhsesclerirs, visa ilI i. ioIUctelI for their speiial adapiabil- Ity fer ithe vork. Claims vill tien b. torv.arded ta th.e xtenoien and accounting Separi- n>mt, vilci vlll compute the. nambes- of l sarofaactive service for sacb Àsan and ithe amount Sue hlm. Fi-at tiadoparnse l aimvlI go *isfeugh ls final test hfor te inla vaferlflaUoboard. Thiseboard viii 'Duo m*lIy on al daims as te iheir lireetàesu and eligiblluty. This board aise vilI bave underlils cous- trot.l Uorespendence relatlng ta clanw Silo plaie vere vanked out by a Oommlttieeoetformern service men dam- Pi4 et W. K. Murphy aiftiprlag- â«; 4eerge P. Heffuan of Blooc=- lueu,, and T. B. MeMuilsusoftCbata- 'T. 1% 1 luàtrivue e t la -tu Pso,ý keifi ad vitelot 5, .Durm, and IKcen'$S outh zsilosBuh., Walk- pelagra Majowski and hnsbihd to ttralk Grom and wife lots 20 and t21, block 22, Wasubur, Springs, Waukegan W. Di. 110.00 8tamp'11.01> Jamy. 1&. 1928 W. W. GriMs, Br., and wlf S to Frankr Savel W 48 it lot 1iL a- rence sub Lske Foieat W. D-. 11500- R. E. Beikap and vite tc H. M. G. Garden part lots 227 snd 2281 Lake Forest. W. D. $10-00 -Stamp 112.00 C, A. 'Newcomb, Jr,. to Albdrt Praerocki and vite lot 27 blockr 38 Nortb Checao Deed $200.00 C. 'A. Nelson and vifs to zepha Abrûmovitz E 45 fi S'120 ft lot. 2 block 6 Northwest Add Waukegsn. W. Di. $6700.00 F. G. Sinner and vite to IH. 1 Kief, lots 201 and 202 CwflmlagS & Cos North Ave.-.ÀS0. WaUkegan W.. D. $10.00 StamP $1.00 , John ýDeJopg and vife te, P. 0. Stai lot 19 block 2 Cooke's sub>. Waultegsn. W. D. $10.00 Stamp ;,1.00 1P. C. titaN ani vite te John Delong lot 9 block & Lyond*1e r40. Waukegan W. D. $10.00 StsnP 11-00 Bessie Poncher and hulibaid .to Michael Jacobson lot 4 Blodgett'e sub., Waukegsni W. D. Î10-00 Starnp $1.60 Frank ilady\ and *ife, ta R. W. Burns lots 3, 4, 5., and 10, block 24, Original Waukegan W. Di. 157,00> L. P. Harris and vite ta G. K. Brigharn and vite part lot 1 block 4 Wreënn's *55. Highland Park W. Di. $8000.00 E. G. lluber and wifs et ai ta W., E. Lilisalleld lot 15 block 72 Highland Park. W. Di. $19,500.00 1Jany. 17, 1923. W. B. Simith anS wlte ta Elswort> Sheridan lot 10 Highwaod Grave suh W. Di. $500.00 Elizabeth L. Hftgerty ta B. A. Rahr- lots 3 and 4 Hagerty's Sub Ingleside. W. Do $200;00 R. P. Kelly antI vIfs ta Richard Paxton lot la Village of Wadsvorth W, f. $10.00 titamp $2.00 Clara A. -Carr and husbènd ta W. M. McNamnee and vife lot 10 block 73 Highland Park ,W. Di. $10.0U titamp'- 13.00 S. H. Moore ami vite- ta W. H. MeKillip lot U.--'bIock 73 Highland Park W. D. 11.00 Stamp $4.50, P. S. Baker and vite ta, Edmund Boyle lots 3 ta 7 block '10 F0i River Springs ln W. Antiacis W. D. $1.90 Stamp 14.00 Otto Laube and vite ta Charlotte M. Itogan N 60 ft lot 33 blackr 82 Highland Park. W. D. $10.00 Sismni $2.00 -ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR* *~U yA. . W O the Ela Townshisp Mutuai Flr insus-asc.Company. anS usa taCash recelveid by -MM sl aM4 vit.. lot 34, RUAýnar""«eumeéata10r ý sc*b in » se- it tvp. Wl> $&00a loas. ......... 3$266.13 IIÉ4 o4 Pffl a i ad vifs te P. Cash reeved hi' llm *sud iE par floi premiums ....296&01 ¶l'ibl 0clà usý, Nrti Chicaga. Intere .....s..... .04. i ~~, "0vite t» Iloard Teial-Inemse ..4581 »"denAnatd Vite. lots 3 and 4, bl.k Ttal........... -4534.69 -I~~Wasbiuri Park, Mnttis Ciffl. Ulburuementa Iwo $;0», imp $3.110. Asi*al am nlmms-$2868.3 *4sI Grabise and' vite to Tee Peu- PoiS for tialaris, Ur.14 lots i Wet lv addt, Lakre FeeranS office .v4I4é. w»l> 134. empennes ....... .190.60 »*a &isiMer and vite ta Frankr PalS fer Note and - '.emt and vlfelos i and 2. blockr inieneat -........414.00 t I Thsmpaes .844. Wauiegai. WD Total lsjraem'ts--4147.83 - Jany. 12, 1928 Dec. 81,-1922. Ta T. Feote sudvte ta t'P. C. . BalIance... 4S vite 19 150 fi N% lot 24 -Ri ka Soi. Waauiegan. W. fi. 110.00 Ia tance Dec. 31, 1921-.576 1,536,151 Wlilion on reasyed Sur- KWoods anSdbuaiS dte ing yean......107 298,005 K- U. Blinseu»Q0acres lInMN% Soc. -x.4,-'WrolsiTvp. W. f. 11.00 Stamp Toi. .............. 114 $1.834,156 - eptred or termÏato&.114 26798â ~giW 1/3 blockt 18 XcKaYA 2nd Sahacriied as uanata hofone nse W4iSkOffl. W. D. 110.00 this l8ub day O! Januiry, 1922. ,$lan5p s1-00X A.J. CRAWFORD, - E oys and qrle te Facule ..(MAIL) Notas-y Public. liO&Cato tract ef laid " l4 Sec. -9 i5 mnni Tyl. W. Di. 11.00 Siamp $10. YOU WILL FIND TI-r TTHIN- Jany. 16, 1928 LIBUE2TYVILL9 INDEPENDENT Omi uRtdolpb anS vite ta Char, - e: ORÈAO BY MORE PEOPI.E I. Ste-de asudh tend BE% -r1m4 AxY OTHUR SAPER lm et Rvineo w,1blodk LAKE COUNTrY FOR SALE 1AlaWhiteWood N Hauling .0 Per Cord 'JarysOi hetLaeSinary- AIA ILIOI ît# 1*1XOàa.d E.tlaS, Mu 1e .p ILW 0 9M 11 luit Mndyn it, TO 1u1r11u514 E=9flo rove vhere int.ermnt rs 4 Suspected et Having Faised a 'Xss tedingfrom LUâertyvine CI Check for $150 in that - roYLMj. m e .AeBob=Mr City. ml slr.m. A*. Diethora Martha Blen stems, aged 30. pretty girl forger Who -han ostie passlng ten worthle4g cir, on Waukegaa merchaias, mnay lie turned c over tt lhe authorittes in Mlvwau- A>iIn irse ta bie trled aon a chavire of AT.i L fb passiag orthîess checkr terThe lu the oleer ýyouUg voul ,hO âiceeeded' in pasig a -ortiesa . obek for $150 tbsers. They have askesl tiheWankegsn police tasup- scho6t la on". f ï ' *é D'y these vt a eepicttuit e fo! le a..,.r..ofift KiWi in.the ai t lu ther UEntw. County.t sent the plotie;., avlng eOi>aiIseil il Lake Bluff dedlested l ia s tev86, - hrom thse reeQeds at thse Jollet 'State 00guamre0ola aaeta et pmenttiory viiere the yozm&g em= i ng hel4 beaa ng aI 8oolc xserveil tisne for check . for#er. Il There s a l&Margaeadance. Tie s.18au excepiionally 900d PictWse, Of schioel lulocateS o oW arilm rond. Z 1MisesSter. . -F'ranci G. ..0Zir, state 0uperintondçjst A ) The vouan submItted ta an 0op0f butine trOtton, vapffl-ontaSd Feraiort for appendicitisi aithtei Lake gave thes dedlcatqry opeeeb. An exeell- Conyhospital on Moflday. *Tii. op- qunt rogram vvs prssnted. eraua àa asuecessand the'pa- A pageant oi Alelean huitùry troin tient was neo-ted as re8ting easllY the dayscf the laiins to thý yreuent ktoday. tune, as given by tise puplis of the ) Up ta nov the siates atioraey's different'igrades, each grade depictilg office bas been incllnîd ta drap the a special perlod. Tii. Purians, neya-j kcharges andbtomn the ;'aung w0asf luionary days, the civil var, vet kOver ta bier parents tramn Decatur enu expansion and Iimmigration Ail In case they' show sufficient tin- vere represented. tereet ta caîl for ber. Tbey may The sohool building ia of a modernil ýdecide hawever ta tai-nlber aver ta architecture witi a suggestion Of the Milwaukee polite lu case tbey Glothie. Il is arranged aocording ta anZ Identlfy bier as' the 3yaung waman Ideal pattera. In tbe ceater ls a. large h aught. raom whlch serves the purpase of a z b gymnasium and assembly hall witb a * ** ** ' ** * ~stage atone endvhichilasut ofin-. * W Ata the k~dergarten during working il dND hus.AinuSiis are the ciass- * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b. * -***r~rThere l a speclîroora pro- Mr-. and Mrs. Emile Thomas anIll- lt. iti a kitchenette. tie son at Woodstock. spent the week 0seS at the. home of Mi-. anS Mrs.C. Werden. dat the. home of Miss Mary Baseley. J M fPS I Will Geary tfStreator, Ill vas ber. À ÂÎ S I cthe tiret of the week vitrng Waucoa-- da relatives. After being aut only about 15 mn x Tii. young ladies ot Wauconda yul aites a jury bIith James Caliaban give a dance, at the Palace Dancs hall dLaage suit againsit the Chicago, friday evening, January 26tb. flanc- North Shore, & Milwaukee electric Ing for Id and youag.rirodc pa#SuayflntO A aumber of young people trm aur reipraed verdict Inlaaver ofthés rail- village attended a party at Evanston roaS company. Saturday evenlng, gien by tiie Misse Callahan fiusd suit for $600 Salit- Ruth lKapke and Viola Tiffany. ages ags the rafiroad camssauY Mxs. Mary Davlin. vho recently u-fîvn j an accident la Northi Chl- Servent an aperatIOn At St. Jouephs cage binbhlcb bis truckr vas damaa. bospital, ln Elgia. le gettIag Along nieos- e. whensirucis by a.train. ly et tiheborne of lber daugisten, Mns.________ Wm. L emphem. Miss Nettie Murray spent flunday ai ber home biers. ChixmogoBudy by the d WANT A1rS Chicago tiuaday hy the death etflier WtNTED- -Girl (.WA u rsstrel ur4-t cincle, John Boehm. and eo-ifeetiua.ery store. AbOI nia Mr. and Mm-. Eeraey Geary spent Edison Cout RtttUrnt WaUkegan. Sunday at the. home or Mr. and Ms. .1t- fi. H. Murphy. Mm. LOy (eary le at thse Wasing- FOR SALE--Enden garider aud 'Ton. ton Blvd. bospital la Chicago, viiere Ions'- geese., A. N. DeVault, Pbaaq se undervent a miner ciperation. 7--.Lnyll. 4.31 Harrt Mathovs retuired homne lait, tiaturday ftonm Waunkeggx, viseelie FARM POU RENT-1" aaes.usr vas opbrate don for appeafIlcitis ton Waukegan; tenant must have stiesk days ago aàtihe Victory MemorWia bs- and reterences. Telephomeé WaUkegais pitai. 908-Y-4. 4-2t IL C. Kent E. H. Bahis, G. R. Blackr- hurn, and H. E. Tualinan vent to Pals- FOR SALE OR EXCH&NGE-YouXg tine Tuesda yevenlng. Tlseystesped therotsgbbred Bourbon Red turirey ai Lake Zurich, 'wiere »Mnfl Ficke s - gobiter. Addnsss Vicier 'DeMeyer. Wcampanied them, ta attend a meeting of Clarise, Ill. Phone 941-Y-i.' 3-si. thi note-boîtIers' commtte. of tise W. -_A 1NW una R. & E. ,Traction Co., aitish office cf loy, vuh garage, on large corner Dr. ScbIrdin«. Who le aiseAa memier lot, exyt mv aa'pi.rgt )5Of te Oom1nIttee. 'the Initer of T.H. era. Lliý m yle , to pic igh. 1 - fluai adjustanofetthse daimagainsi T___H___________________III»._____ 5the gavemmxent for lons of revenue FOR SAIII-'Thrbe fine ferge wite edunlng govenimePt central -vau elle- Rock cocirerels et $3.00; alse extra - ussed. H. L. Fisher of WheatoncvWho good Sarir vlis ganse ecirerels, lap almuiazae i 0re. ~ - - eèw t Wbeatop, And.fOôser muta- 5ager T. 1.LI*e, of .eGaage. There le, WAN T ED-,00Perdsvhfth need stilI due Vhs raliroad 16000, vhlch ths aven-sIftepistons lsssialled. I1viii lap gaveninen>tla no wneady ta pay as ta four over-sise *pistons; fit four nev sonas tinal figures ave presented. wvisi pin and 12 piston rings, taitse up contpeeting ro« ggymS valves and QSIeTUARY dean canbon for $32.60, AU Parit&biW TI-IECFD0O9E R. COOK cluded. Libertyvîlle Auto Repair 5h01). Mr. Theod-ore R. Cook passeS avay Telephene 20«. -t at lusl.esidene. 03 est Lifr- cala ifireet, tbellyvllle, lesti Friday FOR SAL-Ân&my gons, veanlng al). afteruaLu, afttr axr Ilaussela .fnw paregood. anS cieap. MES tchèy, weeks. Âptakniïc. Phone Llbertyville 288-J-1. He ibâd becu l inithe P-esbyt(.la:a 41-t Hospital1. Chicago, anS contemplatad returL.lng for zis: cperatlon In tisa ss'r IF y(U NIED A: GOOfi UMBELLA ti.sare. TI;î rdaScme sucidenty znioeiluAt Cohen'î Unoirelia il Sio, 101 A nexxuectedly. . . GeMo&StWaukegas.We mske> Mr. OCook was i,rn lu F-trai ui Cc..thetis andatiays hava a g-4 o ut k Peîzr.sylvania, April116, .351. Wixnon n hanS. Repairing and recôvvsniug. about '9 yeare <o! age h. suaved ta 1f Cîsess, vnr0t-e reeided untîl 1015. , ~ 44 lu tîtat yeai lie rsars4od Mmu. Riiota FOR 8ALE.-M.ERbING plueO Jester and =mo..S in Waukegan Thre Q~B.OLP 1hiILi. FfU, yeans ago tbey lought a borne la LLh. DEERFIELO IL. PHONE L.AXK hir. ,Cook wus a geltieqsa. aof finq FORje 897V.,-S. m a.-irarance .41.1 erse blghiy î-espectcd________________ lu~~~~~~~~~~~~ t_ oss;Is W'e nCig <~a. e-Fye pffegel OareS lie w-ls a muse>r tund energetie suork- 8so-B uiidel' langood eoaStlen. Tel. er ln the ?uoody iiurch. Ho vas very pisoha113-R, Lhiertyville. 41tf fond ut his i.Ibeîtyvlls iom's. _________________ There survin bIsa. heaides liii vlfe, ]FOR aýà;_ji e h_ n b RuSe tva brothers andIone aliter. ..Th'ty Island u1W mk'is aise vlnn$liS have tIse ixymsatby efthes entIre erta- piens; aloo Rus" Orlaif cookériw& nitinfty. %t sIniney R= sFarta, cerner Mla* ,The fi) ieal. service as belS Mon- Ave aMBeide e oaS. 47-tt da ysnoring ut li-:80, ths Rev. Cîsarc J. I)i:kc.y. pasiar o? thel Firâ- Mctba- LOST-810.'00 1>111 betveen Lake etiiOt diat oliuroh, ani the. Luhentyvilli- Ro and North tihOre station, Sis Fsid&y '*tkah Lodge -,utig The trraeî.t mornlng, .Taauary Sh. Ptadier PîSMO. was li Giacelanc cemetery, CWcago retuda ta Indepeadent office. RevàS.*ý - 0 ý -2-S JOHN BOEHM_________ ____ Saturday monaing, Jansuary 20, John FOR SALD-Nev Kell$atone buagia- Boehm d154 at thse home of bis a00 1e, on large corner lot, nedy 10 1 This WI be the Biggest Event in WaucQnda for Men's, Boys' and -?ihiIdren' Clotin'g, Shoes and"-' Furihings. Don't Miss This Big S*tIe hiaoan Charged WIth a d Da c Ï ,SèwwlkeMon. le&ieraà. JÙdgeWflkerson Bseptenco. d BaU»ball Ï1. Ohrinan, 1rîèr W,, cal prohibition aent, 10 serve seven I ronths ln WaukQKSn III. Olirmîan e00 Pom henry Ullosse, pret* _____________________ or a drug store ar 6736 Sheridani A30ntntDitrct A god ine ûssured to ai. ape6mei eue o« whlch 'Ohrman wu asb Y tried représented ouly a amall part Go UI tal i alleged activities su au extors mt the. aonue mdeting cf tfe Lske_____________________________ zich lmor et tiiPMçl,>rpde- wssocaton b14 luat' hrsda, W.Ch4Ad.. mi. bd.metsv m <Vli Pubr.-Os elected 4lrwS.4ent, ai Ve*s,# sctarynd trsasur hW' is y«, p.val b.e wsod udwl mv ...e ut EE IJn H.1E MAMNSt cotnus=ni jm Wniiesday, im" m tm an. 3lst, . A To CXSD UAit contnU es nti d ev a , t e e 'W apnil 2et la a lmty1 wTe 1p96 lat- rt.a ,88be i, av v-aueuet v..I alng Tiap to lis.0S rte auo TCai bis oft ais,. out presto Mîea bas M. An Mu-e et are u girls are Double "Red'Ar.row Bonds» CA plESH PUCI SES . B BOND S H IAR! 1K ýTHIVALU4BL mm ESOFFIRE!). Wachfoal &e Pster' ,Wonderful Bargains EryDafo1) Days. T,.his i Y O rtu ffty ore, and.Get YW. haef h!S, SUÂI si SPE.6 _,fairo fund" 1 tus-es. at Tota cational et foesu $217,310, tva y«a * 068.- Aitors uitted Ia vas soi timate 1 SuýeS t Clothier, Shoe Fittcer, O(ede r8l Furn11lhngs Wauco ia UoisTIphn - 01811 W4sb unies.- day lât *t~ *~..i *4 e ~<1 @i ~y hidi

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