of the Sun in trying *kA p8ringltslsl, is *world have benie- ~hteCirele coniplete meIffPluois ÊF41 é~ r~e ~ v 8mUafi!k tho le< lathars ls ÛW, -when »Manyhoulesiiettow n and in ru ral ins of the S4.& within the Iilgh water dl'es were ini- ýated, has coznpleted its work inà'nmade final account- to the executive. rganized the last week ]j»I Apil, the connuttee sooll overed, aecoiig te the report, that the best resultg d be obtained by -we*âkký in i cooperatioù with the lCross, and this was donc. -C<arlos E. BlWek, adjutant eral, waa made executive officer of the state's coin- ee, and as suchhe disbursed the funds through. the Cross. A total of $8,758.24 was received in coutri- "i by this couiùttee- and adde( to the mn ey ex- ded in i-iEëf thmogh tke Red Cross. The latter or- fflo.i disbursed à' total of $M,292 in reliev'ing flood ris ~NWIO Wp IvY IHu lis ,casé, n limt Itb. 1- May C*IAMsS ELSIERE g*1* <Obinago. a tex xcté# atm0È Wk#eeQwq- 'p~iet d a couea b *to W ,1.ltust Lga r 49* > isWuea chsrged vltli bavlss obtîad a ni autombile on the streugtb ot a wertlesa chsckL The>' vent troua ther1teMilwaukee sud tien Fond ft *i1- -bers Levy wuas arrestec ,whfle trYli 10 pas a worthies o 0qc. a ah cIl>'ho vieltali there sTealar4o!ofoperatinu a COUl- «Mce omèe of G!pa*aing worthles ehecha. wajSffegan ,lce gré 'hot le17 conideut Of baitahlm brought, bck hem. ta stand trial becane lie?. are moyerai chautes azýainet mml 19 Chicago. Trüe contlenku True gentieneu s 1 fouuded on a ses Of viat ie we tb hlm vbo Made ne, snd te the cemmoe nature wMlcI we all sbire. It arise.from re. »eetlm OOu ur own a sWngsand vanta, and from jusl vie"a of the coudtt&A and dut> of imen, It le native feelinlg beiglite nd raS lôrved b>' prlnck ple.--Blalr. AU- Fac. pt A Cada(. caIllot n h. iuchira.- p.,oved ut Ii*iaeepenae. Add e plut e<Vinegar tea apR» et tain>' hot Wa- e un-,ing wrugi-eu lhe Ca>. Sb ooelbrusinug, rub Ibis wel fa~ ave>' artof it villi aClet,, i 'lolli. ~ î N 15-e: Wb o y tt m ttti i! q i y I entable gwim mon dtlfet illihqoe. fr-'-Who 44Wb&à *uor.0, ul- Pemsn tu brit hie tee Ib is SoutrY TfmAtrIownsri. ee FItbs*fiallyloSated hUGNTEfib lng bep re-frfoutd tday»pylr Ildogm cae5 lto hAs qcontry trou '2and lo st omnicain it bis Aife urlâ the'b A. - a.cul nowe ut 10 eobutly w0one Tuhmd.- Icrton ewaisa blisil thu g te Inr the Balkan tas. I ,~ lecltu ordthae Y. eMe (1. A.bre thoutry lu ii.e apliatonsba Hovgn.ýf 5 droe1mle w$e d for Harmlut Ahot0 bfre te Wlou0 bis wour roAur epo asyra bfer- thath ais nlyIoated hlier agtr, i. ad rpa uyucm e 0tlils outry'g. riwhere lie wa nîne 4ltecu o'ar o ng e and 10.1 comaof catlo illaur bIs the. wd r.tewr-Rpae seald unti r&gotlywen cisommun iclatIon wArs eatlaed At rouglimie he.:odkeof h Secretfas'E. W.oc wtliouli bha..lote yllcaofteaa bare Harpot lu otly eu.tre the utr o! ntheir.tUtY* ivddb t, Tr. Qornir ha. lo reftee Tord fa'om isrdour Begho£lan basr me Y. M.C. A q&screry u Sy'te loalé is ba Iote bRe, danlitoI an rpn tosylumitk EeY' atbily ris, here. liibn ettoe- ngThe applicationso! i, amliy durr-g ntheotaor l war s#t o h several years mo vier I e bis ofi bere i',liad t l !t; e eir f. ..Waned--A- VoiuSuppihur. ttirow the wolce e=0M..$le Atintîe la a marve of sciece, na doubt, batI ts value to ltheliumaa rme la%en te 4pe5tiofl. ot ' ear more talk- ~at Bsanking r ~'oetl:v stated that the secu-iities of publie. utilty companies demand. the careful atten- ,,~ hinkvucvinyes n- les is invested ini an elterprise operating as ~a. most essèntial factor to present ýday life, Somnd Sawictory ueling and delivering their product the same instant it is produced, and receiving compen-. sation practically upon a cash basis. Publie utiities expand.as the coniuniiiiity- expands, and note uly profits -by the demanuds of1inodernized industry., but aiso reaps bene-. fits of the modern desire r>r co>forts and convenjciiee., -Publie utilitieq are emerging f om five years of heavy costs, inadequate rates and -OtL«g biness difficulties, andi are exper- - ieieed in the practice of operating'eclblom- Certainy a busigçss.aurrouaded by *tlieM . f i g e s afe plaee to inrest your sav-' Ug. Lt us tell you of thre investmnent fneMof Our Preferied Shares ~'5e -Gui C. 0E. pfoe te e s -~ A Fa",in hieemeut LoveJy lNew Sirng Qffering Values of 7imely Interest 116e75-19.75-29.*75 Eve" *drs i tli iiaelou sotmUnt is a style of distincton and out- ~tadh~ bsui4na hg Neeley of qmaity of mÎatei anad workmansip. eeki ne ý.weobtdined the=poms.of anIi. a tetgive us thdir neit S"in I)eae t eoesios.l"l yhae prven better dia» their word. 1h.valeswe are oferiug bre are asspb to us, asthey areto you. -n Mis.W-' inter'-Coa4s aÉd -esRadîiàLdOCec10T- t e Dot f ut>' tsar y~>ou unda mld ho te' w vit! , 70W 1emb cIbo 1 *Qma £wrd" av tws. tb 0 kt fi *. filt a. 4»4b used, . ,~ an ba a- -, lm pom#V h b" o u bw - las1 ?mo to* b.. vv t jMZ ex t th* OOMPO.v* *05m àwbar dbS! "I on y«aOzu ta awaoi . nt mmt1 Wa 1*, -.lror kbgnebWldt, wrveot à m .t 10u fleu atag ikt tIi bolS a et e. lava re e *r amri4e lo Ia*k.pdcea~f Il ftdtW t4~ flIOVO a. LI j~I Lere » JO .W.'fklm- 1