I wah1 A -. - a.,a vitee *ý (adt the cisc reavî re pSr tè ix U, tm4-ùÉd liey Wrb h&t"n.ed." ent wab li the eh t-aftih 1« lo tXow wn OUT, AT IASTROP T4HDAY 8»"N "Yez air. ta "Were they hooded men?" *y4ee air." Jan. 24 -DIA, you recogoizi tbemr te tite ito air, not one." tbous *. "What kind of hoods idth iey be r They wore bié.ok oods." »WLed mawn=y werej la the car?" h- ad "rom25 t 60we latihe churcli m~orn- yard. After tliey Stopjaed, 1 heard ruilling la tilin baves around the 'ibLack cr' 1 sOt out' and the Idrît word cih ta 1 heard ipoken vas, wvIreado pots t» t'irevt hlm?", and some uree sali .'Mer. acrosa tia kg!' Tbel IMi asor àm e-ev --coni the 16g and ileard tg ta mone Be ay T', UIloC ,eimt, bad ;u4 they put It on me. ,Thoer wblppe me a vhile aSd atoppe& .Thma Ki o"mre oee skei viether 1 ccli * d. atOPp .qlU* vlth - AI&ts8.«C"o ai be a asn. 1 I 1 could. 'PIas hucl onueesald, «Pot it on bhl m em more" m they di. "la tirat aUi ou, know?"' [tesii dipplng rate' for èntU»~ tei "Have 7011 Ibgt 1 bweub tk ou 4.. "TYes asir <osfdacjauII taolcy. Pa tmi ret .bimlmaiâ tiret thereàucx d 4lir ta %1:014ir ehbarrasilng tadidenta ion tr tory1 be i yt». Brtsh Mr'Y 'of occupt,1i on Onthe PRime. a iton ha -b"x , ureatened l'y Profth e r- reus t Of erman officiae. 09 Britlish hl terrltory ln the Rhiiefand. MANY RESUN! WOJtK Essen, Jan. 24.-Tkônsuds "of etrlking coal iiiiUWs ln thé RUii're- turnea t vrir tba? penag t * Outcome of thre trials, of lrit. flys- su and ther coalI bDef&toro tt5te ence. Thoy. threatted ftitirr trouble If tlte coal manateg ver* couvicted or Funlobai.' . All of the RÙhr la more -or le". isoated frcin tasebalanc et f er- many andnmre parts of thr. e ié- I>ted aross arieîearly eut o«fti~I ly. ôvingtz t ruIp'o a and ivfrp commli4ô sad Ohdrta.ge etfuel. Desite, the .trlk*oad'4 asteal coudition oLtg ihe4errnan People, tb.e .iIren roAttà*sît 6w*fda' ol%~hae bobtap Éut*rxy lit.i rogue baëll, W îUV WnUUU "Tht. Il a Ut*t, ia't tLe arthwuo f Eeeft. but tirs Ion 'èAa Ue8 rai.visnge e >Yef ir." ___ "Oh Ijel ~e, l'i Tie notice w Itbml ntroducei aa -The.P"11cb are twtei5i $. t'.thre Ku Klux",' 44ce nd'ïe horsta vs. ex. taxre oer the rslv&ay iaà..tels :l oct te vorry, that tliey cua, gr&b.,Ie, UiirSm, i ùd ekr *'n , oe ». Oti The ?ayreflm ef tuisSuhr r oas., mmY viiiAg-11îç *8 km bu t il" Lb. tbe - bhlie.*bon omaT îriprodufflt b55w e 9-M a gra euiiii te-u 10lieýlbYid, bm nd1anhal 44aerou mes lu.l Aumtthe Germag" ii- w.It l s uk-, 184 'ir >ecr T. -MLo ta~.iy ovevir, i.slUrt WelN54 40fiAi »q0 tbgl to er ye o, br4p0 vnet $t ooqbUà nkW i ii hecar.' vtb nirder. Thor ver5eugUtpoumibly tes ýdasrta c' 1 W v* 1 Ibn càù>aes 1X :d e' ra altnsg0 IecrPMI im»powied imhU l* Ire teafor the *Isete *b*»tley He u« - Uesy bho been k.pt by rpjci ha'*ve guh th 4dOubt tic Wo,. q ,.14-1- 1a04 sarold]Ëý Teo«vù»m miomin stat 09w w o.e the (4rwam1ined ad 1 Ober onfY lte Garniaalavah" ~ (i111141Y fre a Pro itit ltsrp'. *tlrssl U'I'UVE~ ~N'CfAM~Éru'hIn'emL chsarg.d wtdibd8ce ~YA 41~R IAL~AREIIU jJ Thyssen made a. tirsi att auas l"u f ft»f '1 A D', RE INE teta b.court, conCuding: N'llglymex n. 4 Ot we ohu r- refuslsg ta von under 2French 0ffle. Ubr"" WUnoftfl Im *ralgfl arm.Thyèneu in.ths003Ou f AU"is tom h rioyeeu 1 m &17 rmai emp]oY@à 14 the ewngr of>J ciaà elai rý1f'reý_ hrtod vt i ihobyIu oas a WIebadand8mie adsI fiasc ta to.rorier payer ~the Rinmelsisi aid uir. ltr. Pte tr ake lenta iorhe Fliii Dr. Grinm. ,attonre -for Thygieti T~ail~ai~ss ~ xialie Freh haveanedthat t e ,nlîtait the 3~ '*tiïd ewe* mia4U «~ Nb xaatt4n virai happeuns ocak as w vtiiot loitiloar -8 i tte l qaenco tJ,)W.Àmâ - »t -47014 -remulnt lalb. Ruhir t>~er Ottleviole prcdure, "d< @4ui pnodetIo la ettI i é 1099 e gPerlod", nild tie 'Petit Par. Dr. Grnam'a obiebdttne ivan ovir- - sp~d tireproce.iuîgsa otxUe4.Thiy. 0 ~a & Issue laeangas ttiret irtk4es cled. xakaas ~ lxe4fte t tf Mia GaeeFlci0f ag, uâied tise *court wvii.thse trials > ~i* r~h~ Charleu Jackse« of Milwauke îia ver. conducteil. Workra.rhi t tire Thomas Kirciner hrome m. BLien, tire 'resçir prene tr,q -an North s t. James .treetIn outlining lb. miltary'i sa.xe Germa iA xtual I rls Ié*ml roeaerGeorge Midieton cf Èo- agxlnît the. detonda.is afikea tiat ~iOncr LeosUii in ba»'1154bt formu$ o Wukgan, han 151 ' aroel m.sptruoltaeneatae salr go yat Il ie niposeaivreoni-nia X1 *,tlie1 tatevor cftGarm=ar. O*hla as expert adIslon on téit.opportunlrle ste. rsis thés court. anT~occpaton filote te fart use..Prof. Tirey folliove e lei ot 0 rr Thmpleadingluabllty t0e ber Cobe. % I lI viii il gaulai at , MrhSBp XiPrrula GrrEs alaot churnh ofoX .. , 9vOnp.lbeund l'y Qermazi lavs. * chrnchcf Rmoud 11*bas pîsyui Dr. Grimms callei ttenwte tilb* »Y_ IL 0. WSgyEn tirs pipe orgas lu-i0usev .Saontë French Slaleomant tint occtspatIôiý<of1 Temple lu'Wauk Rean tg' la I" hé ireRuhirvsw u uooonomiec mess- M-Prts T y e eWasinton ta mak hi.. bomle. 0"ri v lu or0! li.tact(< ire sal., *eeaor1 ý "thorne liiere ne IxsttiesiIn' lvsr'ioU" $guly ot dis- 8V DAVIP M. CHU RCI stting up a milîtary court te tnY s ~ uiiuap' ldon Jas. 24--Tlie Cabinet ad- offenders rretod ser'an. coaomu. =è f.. ~iflaef. ed toiay te prsovint fitiot betvéee le reins, veÏI wre a w,- the Brill and Frenchîi Mllay The.court <ônelted ef a 85jor, a uM3fanI, nWqten. It15 trnierabtood tIrat tbe Cabinet viii-________ ýt,7ô0 ttzde$4Ze T4 ugeà. conttiue lIa Doliryi'of neutraisti. A i »«t *WWrUme, Jlsir Vo la 83,in ru e l yilug tea aBrillishA d UadRir 5!luder48,006 coxoaeatlou lus ingarrete of Pmu eeui,:ioiuStrIii Germuan oficlii W lien turhi ieepznet svskimrva h - ~~Brilaai of-et taepiry «upai...pousibliir of unilsitei existence. "Wa P YFiAN EL MAOON .743 Graat l; Mitlsatet cl' Fou present coppmasinior eancies iho met - ~,,,, gq~isrent e oaypid any fin- *ith onto dlis gentleman'% fowis ta -~ 8*Tie erms.aa oi--beffisia Inoisai",aLdowitewi lunchr room yestindaey.- ~iug rvitte blugabout Be he sCabinet met tie ForeignrCrrg mren *J~41r ir ccpla S" *gaeouiInormation tuat theiteag mre Ia Wmil Autl>-PrneirSituation iii tse lRuhr -ja ui ar mbassador inlornmd Tire Instinctive feeling eofi.g 'lisîrr.u ii. oralg office Premier Polneair. pe!ple Is, ofien vIser litre eis * ili I ti mae~ as niîlyis"omU minci ilgh es- missionen la tiec Irnel"ai ta aym no-acu. ;",.ise chenrtay etld .ly 1 up SY $VREME COURT JUSTICE ~- ire~cîoacftirt 'reuxr eiay apWzouild hi'Prealdeint Honding t biautirItîctla nklng,.armeefliig asaècciaMahon Plinai' as Aseclate - eDrishld iliterrltory. , Justice c! tireVTSsted StateS espremei I l i3 learned I4tir a tlabor l, Coëin 1* vas .ýuioiiiiedei ~~alYat gi*tg Support tO. tire rMM-1We -tie Whilte lionne Ibis altirnoon. etla htie Rimsspiianl ,So i- Imxediately siter tie anntouace. 01$ lft" r4deu»im ladIer> ite ment va. mades-Banon's nomnilonr 'M l"GY M4 . ran i4.r,-twbe wIL, alit te'-theO fihatQ. Ini4e for tira Midile snd4 outheru9 '~ ~ Ritt*1rlabiret et e Liitndatrbn4* et Tenumese.. 14 wvan au- O1i 'Rirriptirîlo iiluW te10tiralboit l'y ChliK j.s ~e ste nisasus ni lice, Tat vbile , he vis pne Id ent - a Ued he uhlirt.nitOÙ * 4*f LAk PE~ CAUL ~ê~8> lu asl rpo.a Jplxt tha#'M ] not ~ itah x$cl'adione portiloa oir vt4itt*i te ride Qyii tb JoW t athe. pareàiW~ t»iri4e, wu put tu abohit«$ eeàSfr xag ieui of *ur4: laocernul sud t hmba ies sevan ttma hacus* rIé u: at thir.poii*.We -baye cou- lidee04the. i. tlo or oprg lime thre creopýn* qf thé pavement 4dont thit*a'a~e bridj." eUNeRALS &Y fk ta l FRIDN iftq a liigtlu Ulea asei 90oglcaioali eptsg la bsm aLi piSta ~ ie as si ysars c t t Wrtfl,«ber déatir. IhIcimeuI l01 dw pilth* IA "a s.takie tua hôb7t pç~but lte aIeýffdoc h.41alait nigit ' K. h hIve " iacounty for- about - )e leaves ne. relative&.3tme arran.euta - llvscg /8x4 W Beaded ceuwn XIWI oeit u<uîtar.et les .01ü.. Titral ub e, M& 4t. sa. a 26 la., *- ce115e1 e l ibti ta ué motauisbe h stesm aa&.Pr"oeèrussrlaidy 1e, Xn Eorinom quantaty of twetr-' ~. UQX1~ . trmeseqdpp with dëw .for our buga ohiuxe or eldu gt .ge. specially Priced fer ~ .,qtek learme. w g t'. taI 3< lai ~1l- e.-- la thre asomer nort%> irWho Ia Diflg*14 ioebeat* i. l *U a pluu*u, s-A",ohenê n," Mona"?, <eWag ile Wrameole ma# my 0 fsterhre oust-tN Wbg M~tWe.ad" at hurdty. àsalaa u Tfldip lh* telepiroare touair didn,î t trios 7O« aam III àmov vifiier Poliresu' vanmted jue MW etrnA i tatt mcs a»M aLter 115*9 im hoiLs,dtr'.Wh.s-.gaaîtli vers apprmetimqgi ft euzt - lit n. f tGs ftl4Çamtmet tie gil.atttv ce t4 rtaS ai gatber a rouott. *0 evarai« "w.u, raseaarp»lei 1W elaL 1 "What deo" o ri"-uesdtirs tolantni co*ndui.- "Th* or'"W, erw," I tplieaitirhg* l cf hVIu fa~ 05 Sm thse Aeld to, **Wlrt 8,amat'fostler" ai.ý mimnlngly -sMid th* prs%4 arger, lu., dlcntine COQ 6f Gad Vt ai n o* 1 *"nbetcia M ,prtdotoiiy ritUnneu Ui.rie. bhtm: To art la hier Ir swvr er hgu tIkes bis surmd- SIe.he duraiu%1g equaidis PD* ed r AN»? t, P« Wii Bord- 88 <a. x 44 lu2. 2 1%, tva gaucI, 9 DI 160th? vitk biarvware A nhommed of five-croospsa'c dkoem fa bsmla stand as" 2 IL a X6 ft. 8 lu. sud SfI, fu naiyothoR lims at' a trenmdous saving. teo-you Priees upm irequest. J. Mason, Wé' ter, Fat M CAR 'KI o- Thie pýubioôdama ,y~ 418 Gli %dj7b ~eagainst remldent or 1tW today ln ïle ;juldfge Claire W~d by an au,.. "d, driven b autteur, Nov. 1% à boy ani hi$ 1 >salng t ti.mretti 4Oakwood Ave. Loue, vka. arrest idP«r police b irated of blarne John , eckley. gleema.., îtlfed cient. and tht 1 et aval viiet ti e t iii. curb. autmobile te Pa le Street, mter wetions to see i re comIlg, and t,~ te eCiiiug onthre xeet vien maso bilh Mm. stucn. «ie andl uer ils =lck thre boy, kil ,, ien It s'Ma rUer. 1lrmlngbain, &Il iOOd4ttneld anal br thre bo&me.o laberna's Uth ix. wffl won thre onJ laMy as they am *ao atisekai&»d Pl""el Lai Vil omreevser and hi Viteilare and hbu geci «s thre flc orne. H Ro f lacked. A blooiy Iobbery la belle be motive; It 1 ime wu emmiti titr as botir b.d cr sev.n.!l boqrs. ZION NOTE: Thé quality of 1unmber and milwork uaed i the construction of thmewijawas generafly o iiney et rd ibuildings anedis- i ialmm *ith the. gmeteet ei-ý% ËRzails are drawn, and the good condition Oc t4 1lumbrlà 1eberved ia fiver way p~SsbIW m m MTEUAL K~W~N~ BILERS! Ma vu-cm lur $ 5wi ispctas arte "Amricn"WaU Raatora iwaae pr ms.mat bat vMer, lit vaniy c mç.tiose mad unit& W"çvci alu t ie. 2 t-Gio.#0 ik m 9;tt., gdafor isg I C ipere , vritiet wlaita..,...... U, R Eudea ~ lS-kali anm & nA largealan unp ta 1,6M Zgaloâ capaelly. PrIces spon request. Swvyl type, vaniaus ises, autabie for banna, garages île. Priced nemarkably l"v, mach .. ......... ........ .5 I lai$Ig ile ilua lovtauealar ~. I vtirlatit rnpoi-d benlatertor tnlfmlsgn, and viU ril ln.oamipiromaction eloietbuev 834cialir piue _______ $ Ragulariy mld ne* at 145.06<.7 bIouetBoinand valve W i'tmisas. rtlrnvare. -siphon action. Worthr nîv f 30.0 imibovls, wvirileprceela i«%rnals rm n aise 2-iL x.19il l., *11.4 ith w i *I da lu pali ebiupreàmm afaxacets andi trap *C Enormous Quatitity ojp ?pes, Valves, and Fitin5,l1.t6 in.ý oe; finun4YBys o'"YOUR OONVENU $1.50 air :e for Best for for Kahka J for for - All Men AU, Ulm at':Z... tàr,