Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jan 1923, p. 7

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LAKEC RTYVLEINDEPENDENýýT, Y INEPENDE?<f Lae oatpDXJ WAKEA WEX U IveiUmEXXXL-NuIm M4 LMgqRvZ RMjjjvOMj THU1VWAY, JANUARY 25. 1923, IP ot wLj là irbieh vas a Mc «1 nu lbsAr4 Vial allr liU- per hoberaeui i~vihtbe :W"m Hbbu sdaao h "î LIN -datedta peerst« em ia bora op tie yiesboda ia ropff Pralce and t adznttvdka ug G ains in bterest; roôteS.Nwi Efc MMOAL AU TU WAY-W OUIAw D ~oeoe A ~ m~ m i rj~Sl 1. BIJILL ENT. Coroner Taylor Announces He wl WilI.Probe te the 118ottomn in c official standing in the Independent's Big of the Case." e eh Prize Distribution, which is now creating so Ci.snicàI tests vere ma l Pray hOý 10, retes-mine the. natur, of lie poison tiaI resulted In lbheileath io! Jesse wv ited ith the votes you tink you S"ol be, il is iteed Buell. 38, of the. Mon Bakiiug efact that you have delayed in making your i e- L. Tayor ofLlAbertyvllle. wi Y. Only simple testa are belng Made qi heb. snouncea for suci poisons 'iicontain tihe standing up 10 tthe week previ0us tint as-e usuelly usedin hosuicidailbhi in hurday Th sandng ilIbe attha tiecases. If Il la Impossible 10 deter- a Dn Tursay.Thestadin wil b, a tht trne mine lhe nature of the poison fs-onuth, d" you can judge tihe huting ones-the "osi- these tests Ils. matIes- vîli proba- eai 10 elyor epotsinealybiy be taken up wili States Altos--tic to ge you reprts i eary.ney A. V. Smih 50 liaI lier. can 1 mg hebre for différent candidates and cen be i.e a conupiete analysis o! Bueli, hoi In or will be forwarded on request.. 1 Tîal vars tsibys ic as far as lie officiais o! lie Zion f Industries. Hurd Clendeuin stated 10 that lier. vas nating tisaI the ti LW O CAM M 4 Zion Industries bail 10 luvealgate. th, LIST0F ANDDATS -Belief thet anotiier vonuan mîgît de inglan, Route 2__ý.......- ..... ......_3-- - - -b ave heiped prostitute the earings ca > .......... .....O! BMUeil er. islpeiled'by BEdgar ilV -... Lech. man2ager o! lie bakery. 1He en Prairie Vev-------............. ... ........... 9,000 vaa a travelilg salesfman sud bal . ...._1.. .......__.. ... ---------- 880w dia u too heavlly In bis eccount nu I--- - - ~ ~ >>1>for the bakerlea la keep iiim, lue de re. Waiakegan. Route 2__- ------------3..........8i6.01e eclareil. te àke, Route 2 .--.. .8........."If I seil that lier, was anotier hi voman Il voulil be vitunut asur-O s-vIile ...........- .... . ......---- 377,400 fouhidatian. He couidn't b. calleil hi k. VOIRla-- --- ---- --------------_ .....375,000an 5.55.1toi 1h. business the vay h. lit k-ept bis accounts. I caa't gay vii.- il e .......-... ........373,100 thon lier. VUibe an Investigation, te "Iias, uw anrthIsng about it., Fores..---.--.--...-...- - -------- - e.v.... thelin. È bee ------ - ---- ------.-----......... 349,200 Cieudenlu offereal. Vi.vli --------- ........-------- 349,200 Dr. Taylor stateil Ibat it lookeil like e Plain case 'of suicide. lHe field .~------__...-........ -- - 34----.. 4,600 vas 'o! tue impression liat the Ç'acoda ------- -- . . ............. 41,M OIaindustries vou lire 10 have rauclud---------------------341000tise investigation carrlid out but esale 3'........ ....... . ...that they vosulilfus-nIisbno money.R lyalke .............. .......RePotts fs-onu Mon ver, otahle con- - .... ------- ------------ -....332,194j Tbe boiy la beiug ieldIn lutle tysake....... ........ _ ------ -----331,800 ()lis Scriptes- morgue lu Zion. s-!i.lil----------- ---------- ... --........ 3292 O 'DEED R lADÂAT hi .ake .-. ....-_......5,0001 ..hi --- - - -... ... .. ...... 5,000 Zt I A R E 0 Mcliery i1>1» EMAIN 1MOTORISTS 9 a PROB , D VEL PES Arrest of Elgin Motorists to Be PAIR TUÂT1 CITyfiUS Taken Up by Elgin Motor a Club.> )ES FREE UNTAINTED M'ILK baîEI~a feét Corn- State Inesti ~in Yesterday sPex-d s-sp for suicida at Ziono lsthe ~ Shos t - Reeal tha Mok Satins ext o! a dlspatci reacbing ber. fs-onu Sýh06 at eveas tha Mol Staions tclly. The rreat of several Elgin tg Lthop. feet »_ - Here am ood. motorIsîs et ,Zuon vithib tb, lagt few r, t Pair f feetdays ias brougit aboutlà,staleaf In- il - ~er ! Waukegan ohu Mond&7 wva given a dignation tiiet promises ta result hn e t .shoea in Wau- dlean bill on ils milk stations foliov- proie. ti me., of!'1408 ing e description ni condltigns by Dr..' Here is viat an Elgin dlspatcb t] rei"U ofth le John C. Poley, city beath offices- 10 seys of thIiincident:e aflernOn owvli Dr. Cook, state Inapeclor !rom Sprlng- Elgin molorlats viii have been nai- n ,ywg for, tiens.field,. bed as Zion. amail city nostiiof Wau- n ~. h seul 10 Dr. Cook cerne expsessly ta l iI kegen, have is-ougt back wvesninga o iiad valtei on5 bles-e vere clly osdinances covering O! an allegeil "speed trap" on the Luse 1 bave on th milk situation here aud ff îey Shserian Roal. 1 a"Ms. Wrllie vere enîasc,î. Wiien he faunaithaI Four Elgiailes have been arreateil n two years 0tue, -e v as e pasteurizetion bill for et Zion vituin a veek, ail glving $15 la the - person Waukegan i. vas exlremeiy grati- bonds peudlng Iheis- ieas-lug set for n andl et lest fdeil and iclaredj hatibisa cîtyw»a efev deys laIes-. Al forfeitel hheis- euna gaI tluen fas- In ailvence of isundreds lu the bouds. il vas repos-ted. Thisi. laseil -e vosti about stat1, ta hae beau a regulas- praclice et à glent and his But tvo mik stations seul this-Zion I lueas been reposted, speed 'ey amali, andl produce Ita Waukegan wvîhout !ev1 cpspreferring la nai only tlips. es-k as 10 aize. in I pasteruizel, according ta the having vehicie licens. plates fs-onu th Ntonlrepos-I. Bauo! li es. places, hmv- twnuve lfymles fs-OnuZionandi eve-, as-e fosceil la have thir-taille 001 Iîkely 10 appeer for ieas-ing. tesled aet regulas- inter-vals ta psoçe 10Te Elgin Motos- club mey begin an tIsaI leiese traces o! tubes-cula- Ivestigation a! tus situation. sis lu thiis systenu. Besîdes Ibis tlis S mls muat b. abaolutely dean. T ATT N1 UUBLE ~~Cestîfledil mll, IWbch l5a old by 41 TAhi MU put tiee.tva stations,~ocrîgt VAI4 Dr. Foiem e st1,,00pcllsa INV and ~ sbo o iso ptognebac- À 600D SliOWINfi feria The asteuized i c a et ta 140' tla 5111 al germa. 22-.-y-Ile Tk Ds- Cook recameuda t Ilitivoulil Tii.Illinois gae.and i dludivis- )f fiteen vsita -lie hetter b! the ciiy ev.nîually passes Ian, Wiillim J. Stralton chie! ganse "'gris ý saper" an ondinence foscing 'every drap O! anldalu vendJsp, turneal In receipta Cg x!btfine mIIcmnut i rylab a-l excas o! expenditures lest yees- r PSl 11- teurizeil. He belleves thht ibis vU all i mut0.naî 2.0. A ASues o1ise coma e IVlime Iu every cily o!flthe lie lestfilve 7ears liero has been 'pubie bIati.s. tat,. a net profit ta lie state o! Ilinois 3asso à#** that _______ franu Ibis.source o! oves- $94,000. en perionsaver.xcx0xcXxe xxex XOX These profits have ben usedfor oh- ilhiseases eVary a THEIM E PU gN l t e orpusposes tisu tie conservation r 7,65 1 eafl, ý e« idéY rU JiÏM. rIn ofie gamnssd is. Tiiey shauli be - 76652deabir iUt WdBl sid aiWSPPei En useil to Imprave lie ses-vice andl ta 11,798 Camse 9 eLaS. eeMI13y. s lvest lu ereas viser. gamesud dis xoxexoeg*xogexexoxeN may thirve.' lIIE SKY'S TUE LIMIT IN P 1RESCRIFS NOIW SAÏS UNI( SAM rohib Officer. Ufts the Ban Because He Says #te Flu Justifies Booze Se. )ITOR'S NO'PE-Thls ia no 'press gentlng stuif; neltiier la il an adl or lie "'oçtors nos tiie irug stores, r anybody else-it's mast a straigist vs etory from Wasington-BUT. ve cau't ielp but thlnk tisat after- .I Ibis feeling against booze that Phn à crtia existe such as nov [lhtii l u and recently at the line disantes lu the west. it la rat- ýstrsuge thal tbe federaI govern- met tien recognizes the. lue o! 0oze sud at other times taboos IL WASHINGTON, Jau. 23 .- Os-ders ret out front national prlobubition iforcement beadquax-ters taiay in let dovu lie bars" te piyslciasa vhose liquor prescription bleuis iotas have been' exbausted. This action vas taken, acting pro- bition conunissioner J. E. Jones .11, te enable doctusato cope willi he 'fln" eicidenuic, wlxicb haa reecb !serbeus proportions in some sec- Ins of the country. Under tie 1ev physicians are ai- owed te Issue 100 Ilquor preacrip- Ins every tire. mentha. Nunuerous 'lu" cases causeil many iloctors 0 use up tiieir quota of prescrip- tn blanka before tie expiration of e tiree menthe period, sud ln or- lr to enable physiciens tei properly are for theur patienta, fi vas determ- ned In officiai quartera t0 Issue 1he nergency ordes-. "Wile the order vas Issued te neet su emergency ve feel confi- lnt the priveloge w. bave extended »the, medical profession viii n0t )e abuse," commissioner Jones salil. ifîIclals declared il vould h. "lu'- iman" 10 denyIlquor te hhose af- icted lt thelb."fiu- because many 1etors bave useil up ail their allot- Lei Prescription blanks. TO MAP OUT ROÀD "RfRAM AT ONCE Representative Pierce Says County Should Lose No More Time. According te Represenlative Wii- tain L. Pierce o! Belvidlere the. People o! Lake., McHens-y sud Boone cDunties muet Indicate at once viiat rad prograin la desired lin connec- tien wiiitihe-proposeil additional haid road building progranu o! the sate. Mr. Pierce says il la proposeil t0 autiiorize su adiional bond issue of $10,000,000 payable tb. samne as the tat gooi rmade bond Issue authorlzed during the. Lovden ad- ministration. liatla f rom lie licens, fes ot automobiles. Owlng 1e tie iienomenai increas, ln lie number of autos ln Illinois an hiditional bond Issue ca , e met eaally and a surplus viii be leait for maintenance "I bave notifeil th. «peciip o! Lake sud Mcflenry couettes 1e gel togetier andl let me knov vliat 'oads tiiey viss t0 have Includèd ln thi proposed 0ev system. Il should îe underAtood. by ail thau the par- ticular roada te ha concreted under iie additiorf finsuciiig muet b. spe- clfied lun tih.bill ve are te pasa et Springfield. Recu county lu tbe state vili get its pro rata ahare of tie nev roads. "il la imperetive liaI an agre.' msent b. reached tb guide me ln my recommendations." UABEL PAYS FINE FOR BOOZE; (jETS WEjcDDINO LICENSI John P. label, manufacturer whose home aI 1101 N. Shenidai Itoad vas raideil recenlly by dir. agents fromn State'a Attorney A. V Smith's office, Tueaday pleaded gult: t0 operating a moonaluine stillinluth, bathrôom o! bis palatial home fi lie !asionabie sedtion o! Waultî gan. Ioder vent loto county couri pleaded "guilty". recelveil a Une c $200 sud cnest, sud lien vent te lb county clerk'a office viere b. pal the. fine. paylng for a marrlag license wlti lie change recel>'. from 1h. $21 cosîs ln the. lluc case. Haiel 100k out a license ta w, Miss Maugie M. Dingen, o! Maypor Pa, Mfr. Habel vas «"ont"' vie efforts ver. made ta loarn deat o! thse weddlng plans, but Il : ranmored tuat th. marriage vili tab place tuis evenlng at hm home. surr IS STÀRTUD' Suitfor116,00 aniaes as lled tt of Theodore Kanelakie, North Chicago boy who vas killeil about tva montis ago wvile he vas on lus way tos.liool. Tih.lad vas struck by a swltch Surine and, wm lnstantly killel. Ie accideM oc-e- curred on Morrow ave. tl SAYS DEIIADT uO MSUE SWinTO fin t' WA4ES H13EARNEDt Former Lake County Farm V Adviser Gives a Side-Iight on Lake County Senator.s more iliumnating elatements rela- n tuve to seniator Rodney B. Swift, P corne,, 10 the Independent ln a lettor g, from a friend at PrInceton, IMI. wio ajys.N 1 wisii you wouid Rend nie a tý couple of copies of the. paper l1 which you paid your compliments U to Sen. Swift. 0 Mr' J. B. Haberkorn, our' countyn faim advlsor, vas just in anld iec vanta one or these copies. Mr. Haberlioro says that lie once renteil a farta or once operated a fana à for P4r. Svift snd bail to sue hlm to get t4e dmoey that vas comlng 10 hlm nlh says tiat so ari as he kiove mai' others bave bail to sue Swift that bail any accouaI against hlm. Ré uilo tbld ma about the. dealinge vItil gom atat551e sud witii a vidcsw iu hieh lt fa claimeil that Swift gave them a raw deaL He describes Swift as a vor over- bearing poison, even vlth msbeft of hie ovu family. $».000 Ato d iCasl If yeu a le not credit perbaps because of the port.De ibis prompt!y El'ch week's issue i S Our going to pressco a fair standard from wd ble wimers. BE SURE Many votes' are bein lied by caling for dma Mis. George Gros. Barri Chbas. J. erschberger, Umis Philomena Navwbor4 Mii. . XLoün. Grayal& Frank Kennedy, Libertî Mis. Toma Brompon, La lir. C. McClur, Ournea Mii. îon Smth, Ormysi& George Herrick, LAkeY V. T. Houlihan. Lbertyv Lucy M. NéeWs, Russel Mrs.. &.Riehm, PrairieV is,. P. H. Meyer, Deert Il. . . tingert i Mirs. W. B. Hevitt, Ingti * Mms George Trent, Gray P.d Muriuhy. Wsucond Mrm. C. Kruamark, GnY Y41. Herb Pavage, Do. Frank Hoyer. Route 2 Otto. Boehim, Llbertyvil L P. King, Leigiiton Miss Mable D. Knig, jamesC. bouma'u fortably Filled 1 slipplug the. largest 4nb&o the largest pair of- kfgan, Jamené C. Poun Bvlýrdere street, valke "nuie Bootsiiop thisa the sboes without Pair "'Tbey're a lIttle snuî, John P. Wyllie, vin hlm, "but that'a becau a pair of heavy socks. iiad Been trylng for ti give the aboes avay vin coulil vear thi be succeeded. Mr. Bo * ree. Thse shoes verE $10. Mr. Bouma. la a fe«' look comparative vould deceive any cie "~la employed at NEALSD Spi-.ngfield, IIL, Ja. par- hour whlle thse Po~iss an hcio'urêm nies,- ccordlng te the ho oeW records ez & svnge of eighteei xiki4hcottalous ti> orl9at year. irTi. reemb sshow »LM. bftbo Ad 4àéà forlibe ye" The UhlOto au"Ï = hlectric raifruail isi fr $7600W-in V sent, ilciauilug190*4 'hese nev coaea vs lvereil during N'ebslfla9t Ther. vil bCe.:tv019b aus vhicb rea the local roaiaa .111~ lt up tg . tndrM< tranuscontinental linuitetit th tteain mails. Tiser seven steel cars sud oce [ises'. Tiie dies sime le ;S5,000. Recentiy Ivelve mereliandi were purchazei for u.e syslem. Tihe coitftb ii..* $15,000 each. Tise are sil mit o! th. expansion of ' îregg service on tiseSUe a nrovIng vith geaI boide- Duriug tie liaI fev * North Siore, Lise ba to lie front snd-bs lavu= lantial biais. gutha lbi om th i.e Ur vi It w», t a t of a recelver. XIte nss makm thie iveq* cana. BILL TO QUIET TILE IS FILED Margiethe Jensen et Autiocu Tues- day filed lu ti* circuit court a ill to quiet title t o me property Lu tisat section, tie petition belng dfrect.d1 agaluat Philena Warnsr sud othne.1 A bill aiso vas filed bY Mns.9 EU Seefeldt, atkiug a divorce freinm Herman Seefeldt, charging deser- tien. Tise bill states tihe couple vas1 mnarilei at Alden, McHnry ecunty In 1910. "6RLI4iION" JARS GLASS AT 111(11 SCilOOL; QUEZ ON Arthur Fisotibacka, Teaçher, CalIed te Explaîn Remarks in Girls Class. Complaint made, by parenmts 0f a 'girl ln the clase of vocationai trainl- log at the Waulsogan tovnshlp high school t.iat religion vas being in- jectedi lto the teachinga of the 8 chool by Arthur Fischbacka, teach- er of the clase, brought about the questloning o! liat teacher Mon- day afternoon by Principal Paul G. W. Keller. Tii complaint bail corne te Princi- pal Keller durlng the afternoon by Miss Mary Minich. visiling nurse. who liad been laoking after the famiiy of the. girl wiio had become upset uver tie remarks abeut mat- ters pertalnlng to religion whicb Mr. FIachiacka vas alleged to have made durlng a clas lun.ygiene fast Fr1. day. Principal Keller calleil Mr. Flsch- backsa nt bis offio. Monday arter- noon to explain his action, as a r. Suit Ôf vhicb the teaciier vas ca- tionoil t e.semore care and judg- ment ln the future lu the. making of remarka hhat miglit be construeil te bave reference to mattera or rê. ligion. The remarlis Mr. Pischbacka maile. as explatueil te Principal Keller, ver. that thie subject of miracles came up as a. resuft o! a discussion about the. ey«e. The teacher ail- mitteilthat hb. bail made sane reference te miracles. j Principal Keller vIa convinceil 0that tisere vas no deliberat, a- tempt madeie 1 nject religious teachi- inga iY 1Mr. Piscubaabut liat the. teacheria remarka viere slmply, ,of a nature that might be miscon- str. ed If taken literally ratier than ln a theoretIcal vay. The. teacher vas cautioiieil but thse malter prob- abiy lsa aolosed Incident. DRY SQUAD BLAMO FOR WOMANS DEATII; KAPIN4i IS FIREÉD aSympathy Plea of Attorney a Causes Release of Fox Lake Reso04 Keeper. Hermsu Kaplng, proprietor of a-ze- sert at FxAkev»q fov7--i1zLQ -5 is'" o! violating the. prohibition law by a Jury ln caunty court Tiursday nigiit. The, verdict vas sealeld aw dopeneil In court flday mornlng. d Membors of Col. SmIth's prohibi. r-lion enforcement aquail testifled at rthe. trial Tiiursday that they hai sets- ed about fifteen1 gallons of port vin., together vith a considerabIe quantty 3 f moahine Ilbior and lachol viien .tiey conducteil a raid on lCaping's place. Kaping was tried on lhe charge wme lime ago and vas !ound gulily. 111h attorney appealeil lbe case and recelved a new trial when the ap- pellate court beld liaI Juilge Persona erred lu conversing with lhe jury and ailan bgivIng siditional Instructions outslde of open court and in the ah sence of the. attor-neya. This new trial was to have start.É qabout a month ago but vas delayeÈ ibecause ii. vife of the. defendani Vdicd the night before the. case vas t( have started. Then a continuancq vas granted. In making hie cînsinI Ln statemnent bt th jury Kaplng's ai ry torney openly charged tuat Ms-s. Kap V.lngiiad purchaseil tbe vine befors typrohibition went Imb e! feçt as hn an condition of health vas socb that ahi in required IL He charged ual vhi e. thls vine vas taken away by the dz, t, aquad that it resuiteil in ber deatl of He, did net mince matters but ol5ehl he cisargeil the dry squad with being ai Jd swerahl, for her deati. ge Because there vas such a mass d evidence againat hum Kaping la rt r ported to have offered before tl trial tIh plead guilty and accept a fin ild o! $500 ratiier than taise the. chani t, of being fond guilty andl getting a Ja: n sentence as, he served slxty daysi lis county Jail about tvo years aioeviii la oonvicted unftr the. -searcu and net te uro act. Mie Qffer vas refused by tl states attorney- -- ,ii~ 1, Chage ln - et .Whleel ia 0£ . nt o! aul hindi et c.I s u<> more If lied=rs t 1 ink sotiation af AgIMatur8J-leu thirS'ai. ment o! apenilsare*bd4 of bise a*ociabus. q1'i, lat eiIte $330.000 for na±yt-m more monep'te h h e4 Ugl-fv oimî anal -1 fais-s ar-e'members 4t the lon, aide*clj la expectedi tiree delegates 10t>, omn Directoncof 'tise Ç»48 oj al alma asi- ho- Je e latfih n_ clantictml la preuldoh n Among the speakars vxl bc Marley of -lb the týq f604 MtÏ departm n eCu IE; H Isoai of1%e li~i iv- mission, Su.d C. P. smt àII trymein. Corousir JoDUL- 'nlle, iisooveneil lu i :Ie Me %roc hat vgaonlte issase lie-ileviti -u Liberyil fouhil tbm tb ier on lhe mome- roc&.H. Et l =ic =u*I lftlgeo 1 -' -'---.------'- -'-"' -- -z - - - '~ +- - - - - - PuNUshet De*4res Ne Has Put Up Witb-M. A. SIok Too Long Now. Declaring Ith. h vi91 par $190 e- vwrilfor the capture-o of bbrol»gr M.A ick, illogeil e" ac ies? via disappeareil several W0oS A. M. alor. onle 'orf b>, Slls tie Bun±Ing PubUsbluq on..toilay atateal liaI bhe d ub up vils 1he miadeeds o! ýbe accuaeal 100 long, andl tbat lin lanov »temisted naly lu bs-ingiag bini to justice. .Tuxe Pubulas- sald that iesbrotherhbai beeonn lus merapes andl reel- ouiY bai huiniluatei lie !amiiy. A.c- cas-ding li Ms-. PIck bis brother s-e- centîr vas sesu lu 0hio by a frIenil. vin Inormel the. publliier Ibat tise. brother sad lie Intenilei te go 10 Nev Orleans. Tbe publjiher sali bis brother bail been criminally in- cineil for many years. -_The. -le of the vsalei dman l eIldIng att ho cornes- o! Gs-ad Ave.. snd Jackt- nains, a! SatcamD, liaibeen -em- ploya s an trmbalmnes by H. L. Hollanil, undertakos-, sud It la chisge lie forgeil a number of cnecko La hia employer's naine, anil alo the nAffle of Lewis andl Malatt tlrug-. glets. TO IRON-OUT :s CURVE AT, NAVAL STATION SMON Gev. Len SmaII States That Rlght'et Way Has Been Obttinied. Ainothes- motos- menace vuli 8000 be e tiuro! bygone daya accosdior ta, information seaching Ithe Ciembes- o! Commerce today fs-onu Gov. Leh Smell. r Gai'. Small states lu a lettes- liati lie rIgit of vay la lhe sls-etch of gav- es-rnent prapes-ty neas- lie main gale, liaI bas fos-nuci a dangorous "SI' cus-ve for motorista, vllh acon b. Iran- ed oui and liaI the nocesses-y egal -fox-m o! obtaining lb. pro6perty vas granteil four denysago. - f Il only calleil for a malter o! about , an acre lu land, but It vas àvuil by lite goverumeot sud Iluere vas anme edlflculty tu oitatlrîng It. eTlue Ciamber of Commerce, frou [ tins. 10 lime, 48 staken l up vlWb lie reps-,a.ntatlves fn*m tisis dlstn*l n and Ibey have pronuleil action, one rof hem even statling liaI lie 'o a es-ument vas reaIr 10 giva th» stilp Up. The pest5 numbertag H lu Wailhagast pote cf t>. - ~ 1 ý- - ci

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