and, Says rk Mous Awbak t0om liIbe uSny 7ibe im -r dbit.M éitaa- r elect- the~ adeste ;11n pan andi tuéeI AimedI ho disérveti a t, aék un- e C. Walke Judan atwks ! Ar mth te¶ theb s o mre d5 ~.i -s ,-'. ~ iensen's Fovoed;tb&eker ô6o Devotes Manl ag8t L alMan S Work. William J. Wood, of 904 Clarit Ave., lo given exceptionallI prailé- wot>recognition as a gee ailltin Jensen£ Cheabw: Uoo. a récent book on "draught8.é - Y Alfred Johnson, champloli ot Ena- land and Scotland.1 Mr. Jensen dévotessig, pées in is 'book, by AI! ré d Jr"',.Ct1eqOUIY player that hsh1 t.pba;;ion- ahip ai Engiad A 444t the' a saine Urne) t t' ~t*cfirst t position; Ibère 1are M'. gàiM wonfn by experts on this position than an>' ailier known.,v In thi.. book. Mr. Wood lbas ten pagés on glrst position In Ernbryo. C A problén publisbhy > Dr. Brown, a .Ianuary 1812 ln knowrk as a theoret- fi 1cal exorcise firit position In oet. E bryos as It cannot oprisé l play', waa publisbed Wo show how far bank theicr posiion coutl b. soi, anti Vin b>' fIrt position: :1I There la go doubt but what theéft problem of Mr. Wood la thé équal of n thec celebrated Brown problem; li si nome respects t ta supertor as Ji le possible tO cone uP laactual Play, d whéereas the, positian aDy Dr. Brown w cannai occur in cross board play, ,Mr. Brown's lamons position la, dia- t gramed. wltb tour ther prbléms of ft Mr. Wood's Wo Illusrais thé practi- ai cal cross-baard PosslbilitieB af bis P fisi Position ta émbrya. s The earlleat date that cheekers authar about 165o. Mr. Wood discavered a reaiem that wasa nxssted by ail checker play. ers f ranitthe tirne checkers was lirR played; haa bten Publiahed in all lecker magazines, cbecket- cal- finns and baoks lacé Mr. Woad' ftrat publisbedJit.a One easîern t.ditar wrote that à31L Mr. Woad had done nating ese for9 the garce than ibis One problém Itloi wauld place bis ame with te bét authors'. ti Mr. Wood la knawn Lbrougliautn thé checlier world as a ceibrtéd ansYlSt, and bas contributéd rnany il important gents. 10 checkér litera. tut-e and bas aI ten beén rélerred W IY as thé lamous Areian expert b>' a EngUsb and cotilh édîtora. I Mr W004 cond-tste Cbecker col- uMn ln thélndépéndmt éacb week,1 and a long ulm af §Ubgcriberg tollow bis probié,»o éosqflV eah w~. nThb Indepéndent la thé onl>' country paLie In Illinois condmtng W cheter i. ( urnn regularly. This tenture is ouI>' toumd as a usuel thlng in thé métro- * APT-A KI1SI1c * iss Marthe Vos, £peut a the woo*s' vaca.tione t thé horne of her w*e0-erge Sturm. ht UIrtrvilI..1 Obé réturfléd Itome Wedneaday ot asat Wéeek. George Rockenbach bruits bis leg "sile piaying on thé tce ai achool one day test w .lat swing ié broke bààa am crl»klag a lJord, r aler waa hit wbile pkiyng at thool when hé was hit on the héad with a rock, iaylnt hlm up for nomne limé. Wé ijlh thé lad better iuck ln thé future. Mr. and Mro. Frank DeGrscto andt several triendaltrnChcago spent Qunday at N. F. Buch's; aialtoEril Geest, Alice and Alexander Bunton. Mrt. and Mt-s. Auguat Grewe andi daugh- ter ut Wbeling; Mr. andi Mrs. James Matauasek tram Waukegan; also thèse Were visitors of Ray' and tarnly at the~ nmre place: Mr. snd Mrs. Hannoan af Everett and Mr. and ldrs. Ertne Lemm ot Prairie Vew. Joé Weidner la serlously fil with pneumSila. We hope tar his recovet-y. Mre. Erint x Iudelph o ct Hghland Park wýLs a visitor et tlè horné oI Mt-s. Mary Brehley one deytesat wee]. Mat Wlckerabelrn Was a callér nt J. N. Euschbs Frida>'. Clarence Busch took Ray Busch ta Lake Forest Manday ta see Ray'$ phy- siclan Dr. Prosérnelet-. Ela Kna*f andi IMr. and Mrs. Ft-nk Horther atténiliét thé big dance nt Prairie View Wednésday nlght. J. N. Buschi la flot feeling as well as hé bas been In the past We hopepJe Vili awon bhéasewell as ever. Mis. EBd Glas was a vîsitar at Emma $turrns Tuesday. Mr. dilMrs. Augut Crew rntored do CA-r .Ili., Sund*. ta se the ski lump. Tixe>'aso vliBté$n Platîné ai -- ..,-- I ne -a the nli i fat the im o sil th we ti lf th In e fi Li hm b -gà a i t -i st M AI; - :~ s' - 0. . - k W5i~tT W~ftIlUy~ TU ugs are air. a.wuerta, sMr. Hum-ags. BOY POU" IN m rel and M1r. Plagge. Thé bost essa>JO N A. AW I willhoroand betoré the attendants at TME CHECKER BOAJ K the Préabyterlan cburcb thé Gunday rIsf pt-eYiôiii ta Iizle l' CU Conducutuif1>WILLIAM J. WOODj HI ~ ~ 5 visiteti théý Deerfleld Shiélds bîgit as this caluxnn sbouid hé atidrésse UIiJ TVE thé 'D SÀ LI eachers look thé day for visiting te William J od 0 lr y. * The, chools. Waukegan, .i l CI igt ea OI IThenLa basket bail game whicix "as Was Weil Known Throughout Il hIM tT ell in thé assenibly hall Tuesday e'.e- CuvdHr Says He Came from Brook - iÂTIJan. 16th. rs00 é Oln a O é O ly.WoWeý g'foIUIwo, h coeben:On o 6 Ferltia motningat No.16 208.712-61-5.Oeo '4Rii~~~~n "~therarnébosbe7; DtheElgn atté hspitl, were e 3 1m9 1 28 9 2 d2in21 O OR A.L TKAmati-L DIJRIAM fficrsPAREiNTS OrmED Ia té boys,4dO-a forrara, anti buta tew ohnitgA. gienê t-a bt-7akdars n 26 23 5 14 22 lIa 1oo17 21 14O I4EEOET- AVA val. isafathé;,accardunld ythéheip '«11hthénepa orf t- traghd eé nowver> in prosn-t24 markil . 15 18 once of 7 T____ he aga ole oiucta îonshop ë'aTé Gr . ega lol os ware ta el pér ou bty, h h had i eaE. H.SGeene26B6x22,2Hannibal o. 1 e4ý U 1 tt4act N E:g ho el5v3 a b îalfo aveue.Chicagohé tné bake hall uisthia 'eflint alauhé vas u, n alh ige t ta iook ang;ller ,-T wnn-j11Mfl t-swî s'a aett.poéic e mnnuir oreaoigt hlm Tpepleha e hfa udly lxi n e ore cabis buyiersa '«iii bris taxemr el, a Thé2to6l2w17 1 as24 e26y17i6at c. 00000**, Erî letsét ng t h a bsnoard udévtngdhin ste he sulta l-sombégime, ' hr eîath En stateédhsvy iandai re- tiar3PoI, 9142Oblo:2 2 Cuf'y DURHM ottersvitr Infrmedthatthe oy e dow forrepare, nd bt a erses, '«hidi pal redn hsain i 26 23 5162218a10 2319 11 tbPEDiT4j g Salut-day pedîÎag,és-atce.rri enatiy ta maliepthét- appere te 'Héaet- rwdda rtltran l12 5122 19 l71642114 718 29 0-& tRa it.jhi0ae on>' -het-é. sud teél abLé 10 giv Mribs '«a ng ! hé pe rincpalcasés2419 1 7316518 9 106 17 1 val.télotp-méd the, casaaégacounio! hémetvseItan ga e osbtWO i elhbgn483 6 62 D2 nnlng a oardin Choicgo pice ta retor tabi peopeTh as eo by aereen tixm te g «heIthéfnnilcniinwlbI 21 01 92 5 61 )~oth hlc~.Joh hi a Oflqéaet 3U yeaWattdChiaonbo «oaneu.1-1*theleavehalyl su >iethé st-eae ame rsiiluharpic ta te ke svs tt té-Thet str. «s od iDertat Siira a-aIté e-sy. ddig. eva noi g 'oti bFo-s h îlawn epstin IlCe~38Y '0yasét .éhcyIls pae ons anti tu h r ou i m avenha e beu______ l_____ of___ hSc oi nti bU tha sndfo !r e ti iew Ul oot a EGlatiGs bape atay nigt n4Ç n hlarratnacegt. * ** **e**s*s,** * wthhpee nfl id2 7 i O prL u..w IDSitt'« a «1 dan. Tbap anys bisrerayntela ie t* Mn. Btra-i29la5 23r16v17 b>'2th1 ThéHeik-noyers a Iha dnd takcrédntatantiandt héo15bé1a5C19 V7 1O4*14 18 ' 2o 6 u re il géttning at'odng Lé' id ae o '1h i arn ily t'«Oareusek5 ao t of * * * * * * ln * * *gainetthee f. Scalcotion, wahihlest 1219 10I', - 24 615 0(DO " c~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o aba aaçréilacmle te bxih reasxtraDterhie wleT heb>' uWtearerg.eCoa E. Andérslnwhila Not hcg t J ba uOf n ih eo J.Itacienyé seandhav a ly nel"Detunthbo utn amer :, anti -la Jan M. tewaspro- PLIANCE n.k Fcrs fr' Orhë t as tbnd i et llat hé'«s *11 léCh- dofterses thg. e baitlaniivtl u-0 aa as n. sa"od b-om h oloigpsto:Dru iu Johynt orbolnc. J. t>Ik -Hésii ébsanucé irth otr' n-e éa<n ha tMîusad fi nti batioptfu terng bandtught verte trff n al wlksof if '«ndy lasbis uart cetué ay mt ta in hcagmta btt ioést. ser héSr. Sguas tthéPak rn ang la surg ésdnt theltRilMUIIW lOl lsnow;bt a*M g . h on '«shienain at éréies.Hne an «r itat r.Fakhm sek. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V L f«rhmnoig I érut éébraotCî~-t nitml' rat iaLo ony Wral servicndesteMonda' y ar ai getingalon alely nde cuo wih h& fallytwo pek ago surGaralgeat1, octtra fmarthil gote MisDy olftifu-iand r.maiý ntat-. Jh Johly i smd rn kaisnereas pot-hoetiSan-w71 Nandb Cotil>'até. InteretMnty URnnt il. '«th. .inbswU kt>'cg w a Cieago anetii sd antéBrw'ratie Frta Hndétl. of! bis nhiAPPergeW.NtESg cage. e sal lie us an ttell der hendocor's ure.gmlhe Jauhn Bot waîo-nti put h n a be-e CntbéBcké rub h ldCéeHt cr Telt endén taIn hotîur a lunandénélied bX W ods oter=f iwn wfth imodthépe> disaélet lv nCicalaWak gouta Shéi strzoomThe Say uCelanuth edFankta ensaieot f iato Arn Iciet o th maet- bt a l o bc noltithéem iaga pOleabo t i soméor n d '« andMs.L eootés . 8 Il 17 1 18 9 2serv27ices O O8 i ght ténionLtnthnkn i hthéInut deu tv ueumniltr okhmi uarpla otst ni orlgt10ookran **the*. *** 71home51 1 4 014 shpon y a SI1 thége pump. ut hatd scured aIallaCntal e kle ut>' uvéihme. Mat-hn3tKa.ilrlas00 ua uastéta ener 1 ot onyare.Itemn eied h rIIn obèf wad econguté aiu. whé hé laine Séiffat Cylelthédtctar. (T'ai pIlcunlars maurn cMeIL BR N * 6222 1 9 5 3192 1 xtea fey i *0318 117115 162522 141 douî a sm" im inth fuur mat-n, it-i.Clra wasanhéobtainéti b> callng or writing Thée * * * * D,avn. Liéherman vs. Jordian. prices. Buit the msmb iey '«iII duacovén lbéy have an ail Hlai od rs. Swanson taI héc'«nt Indépendént. UÀbétyville. Phon > An o aanonéi one1')e -Black cau aiso play 7-10 hère: of these M l imited el. We just knew an accident 'auldtielascitool n Brooklyn anti -escin Florence Dot-lier sue-nIthé wèék endto ut lit-,santilra Jutdut épét Ani-7e0 6 h5om61914e cnt- ta makté Iis towo lamous. higi t titd gradé. Thé lad is a aIthi ,3Fr-ank Henkét home.fMIan r.JsuDekofA-710 69 59119118tem tr Weil, hère '«e bave it again.W rgt 11elîa is igae eklcin >'.v aiun. Thé ne-e arrivai la a grandaoii 14 7 31 26 26 22 23 16 22 15 and ao1 ifate Wit bigt ltte ellw.Mis agdle Hnke sen sei utlofMr. anti Mrsa. Warren Hook anti 3 10 9 13 10 14 12 19 9 14 intereste, the thiii. lot of gooti basket hall]lla>irs in - days last w-ek ln Chicago.r.atl.Dék. 25 21 32 28 19 15 15 10 10 6 d at c ~' unietn aniolha buing tean-*** **** Mt-a. Lea Bt-e-et-anti Mrs. Frank Ht-. anti lra. W. B. Stewart retut- -AIbopl> Dma. t aus me In Anin téher ra g oslo n- * DEE RF IE LD * DotfIer anti Misses Catherine andi An- éd hoime Suturtia> tram St Petersburg, d-AvnLiookrpa a ataNsetWtkpiSlu b"t-en ere la ohe onsoait.ongélifne Hénkel apent Friday in Wau- Floritia, ant il11maké thélr bore né In ibemnv.Jrdn u tW kea aeo A large namber frram hère attendeti4 **5 * kégan- Waukegan en dance at Prairie Vlé'« Weduiésday Thé I. N. As wili holti an open ln;- VOÇ>W. S.ieaman transacteti business Prohlim No. 341. B>' W. J. Woati. Ight. givén b>' the Royal Nélgbbor a îlation Tharcday evening. lit-. VThé SCHOOL NEWS NOTES In Chicago Thursday. Tesecond grade bas béen making Word reachéd hère Frliay otfhé'fliclsoi Eiuins Sturmn was a business viaitot- Mat-y Truectialé, district supet-visaer, log cabîna ont 0f dot-n ataika anti Pins tiaath o! John A. Strang at the BIglai" Ulmohes iWaukegan Wédnéaday, wliII hé nstaliing ofticér. tépsM'ék.hsitltx-téi>au. uéalls Watréiié ami are tLast Tbut-agafttrnoon tlfty ladies The oI tgrdeshavebeen pain- Mday iM lunceeey ýenosha. lit- anti lit-. John Dra*er -ot the Préab>teti.s chut-ch met at h n é-gaas n'a .iunctée'.i- te lsorecdin th", her Jon ttheIngBraitnie picturés tôt- postera 1ev. Armitagé of Chicago préacheti, î( a a goti,posiUiou, GréeTrée n. vté boné aI lirda. .Thé primat-y gradé bas beau making 'hère Suntiay rnorning ln thé absenc lins. Brmea Sturtln v a colter a onat n t vréboauiéjyeia ellpotr hswe.fRv FkwewacleiteCl ibetyvWe WeIiiéatia - ty Interesttng atdi-ésa given b>' lils lipsesIi é.o 1v.Poa «aescléil N. F. Busch soi a buncb af fine Marte Preston, sécrélar>' o! thé Chi- We are glati taes>'at uraOMM cMoSaunia'. th CCEckl g~lit'éé.cage Wamana Board af Missions, 'ho bas bran perfect lu attentiance frTht- '«asyîrt' 'eantitie . B oi lins. Mary Likam spént Tnesda>' in porrycti ln '«ant pictureasaneule th thé as ééLRay. S. A. Foaks spent Wetieatiay lRti*U Y)Ut > - , . gooti that la -hing done thnaugh Ibat it.Kléra onmrvatav.bari nt «hchéahamtiona Ixanléresting Facta About Out- Oldest 'ith bis faml>lylnChicago, thé oeca- ri KelyleritfvLongatthé soné ae ilbourdhand wit part. Seitiét-. zasien heing bis birltida>. ~Tw> Paît..- Mr. anti Mn. Jamea Rayé léit leat Thé oltiést setlier ln aur district la Snl it ntMlradW, S. Demdn aet Mi, nt Ma.Wil reé ! ésWénéda lt-LyoMas. 'hèeChrislto"bet-Dllon yho no-v résidés Suntia>'vtt4 Mn.8nti lire.Ge2+W94. anapIdt5ra. l tGisse hoh thé>' viist da yMsêta r n a amall chieken farn nrear thé vI- Thé Ladies' .0.14Soci.ety Win jioltia. Bai-471328 a 9. naruholérnt bovrnél aat heJohn ta NcuIllYat-kanti ewdsallnt o Scointilage af Vola. Hée'«as bot-n Janeilmeeting at thé church Fébi-nan>.lai. Wit 10 18 21 29 30 32 Ka 3 14. ~ ~ I~ Cote HotigkitiaantiliMra. MatIlé 'hère thé>' Vill visît lin. Kay'a peo- 1851,* in WaucpXp4toahp a kL léé «11hésrvet.Wetapyaniv. ,ocebti «et-e dallera nt hieCt-est- plé unijithé mididle af Fébruan>' «hèn caunt>'.IBlinois, pM tiie Utnrnno-v ownét lia. W.SceA. Banseretnterlst b robeN),t2 il9 .Wo. R narm Tstiay ausernaan.thé>' 'ili ratural ta Amenica. b ereAbet É ýdSaturday. Sevéral et our bigli achool stutients lira. Baréeti, -otWlmétte '«as thée Dq'ip i444 baybood oxen '«ère uset tave taken toi playlng basket hall. guest ot Miensa Sie Geilova> Suxida>'.taa-éttétnthahrssttvs M.nilr.W.ABnerne- E. got blé d4teé, mixetagalu Iat Mmr F. C. BiearytaLw4sa gca othlék néns8ual ta baye an ludion or t;lnét théev. lit. Armilage ovet- thé genéda néi.'«éab.'astata* for Qg ~ ~tribé of Indiana ta stop aitlthe dot '«cek endi. lady ta théetiance at BufsaoGravé, In Wihuxette Sataxtia>d.;' for foodi. At one particulaetiUme lir. *1 uti béalti! hé attentis thé tance Mesdames A. Hagi, Jr.. J. Johnson, Diluon nemérnhers of an Intien chirW **%~I t Prairie Vira-. . Jabrenti, D. W. Guy anti (ea. Petts ant i tvo qua'«h, ane carrkiég a Ps- * LA KE Z UR IC H Wc -vête Informéti of tbt nariage attentiet a R. N. A. meeîfag in <W, poose astrappédte t ber back, stoppiug )f L1etdO tsyker ot Whéelli! tlaMiscago !'riday afttrnoon. -ai is tathen's dent- anti asklng fon ** 5***4** *- etiWotl at théeaine plce'. Béat - Mrt. and Vlra. RZ M. Vaut'«et-e thé 80 thing ta est. Mrs. Flot-s Clark anti tiughtet-, Misa W IF u ,llis ta ,them. guésaso Mrs.W. 19. Wlhéo tin Wap- -r Dillon bélpéti bis fathct- dean thé uâ Vcoria Weiner -vas callèdtet Chi- kègan Manda>' andi Toeaday. land anti plou' It '«Ibh an aid 'oolu Matguerite, an"i lra. James Suetslég- mgo last '«èék ta cars tfer ber aister, P. IL Meyer bas soîti 150 féét on 1 hreakug pIn-e, as modérn machiner>'Oret--vte Chicago visItons Tuéstiay>',.eutIltit Qlrtt-uti, apil famit>', 'ho are ailfili. the aouth aide af h1s place, tacing thé Ir w séitrgths aîiy. llsténHucnsnvléiCi- lot-e tuiag ber absexce. théeS60 feet next ta D. N. Ln'«ood anil anti tbnésh if with a'tIail. Ai o! thé Miss Vêt-na Gabtbeck, lis George Parti>'of r vertt spent at W. A. Hagi thé néxt 100 féét. boha>'anti corn '«as -cat b>' hanti. Thèse beth Tonné antiMeusr, Bd Loîg, e at "1 . l- 7.18 II6 28 -Ka 4 30, rita>' vIth Ray Busch t aIthe N. F. Tésca omiîao h .T. A.iaka are unnècessany for thé forret-sIl Bx'a'«e anti Mias SeatlBIMaîad -Wtlt".6il13; 4 25 2T Ka2 10. Busch home. has arrangeti the tiraI commàunil> o! Ioda>', attentd, ;juin» at _Cury ls iiét l3 iiivn Max Millet- anti famit>' 'et-e dallers gathening of thé year ta hé hèeldti MDtirég <ithé rlyboyhOd é8n tie " teV - -1 OficNo.i 33-sNa9onalSpi ul J. X. Èàxdh'g, aoai thé Crealmare, the assémbl>' hall oI thé achoni an I sévEral trips ta Chicesge behind te bI~1thee>1lt a 11 iso-. Slto aPrbé o39 B r - 1ta a 3 0 au4 1>Ia ast Sanda>'. Salut-day èvening. Feit. 10. A St. Val- slow-mvgoé 011 hs rp i atunle hie bs1g «bout È'. Fred Busc-ltanti BerîtaMille, vis- eéntimos tancé anti banco part>' anti 'erte nécessar>' ln oat-tie oséil Iliir tht-e Ines aboyé 8&àanklé Frida>' -Biack-1 3 Ka 22 27. - . éo ci fOWaï ted Sanda>' at thé Millet- home in a cordial invitation le extèndedte«>al.- grain and ti ier protiadîs, as'Chicaga éveann hise'«a>' home froin thé Wiieý-10 13 21 K 6. Hl ai!ii>. Mrs. Bd Thérrien of Highlandi Park weas one of thé méatest markets. The Masonte'sapper ut thé Latteélde Hic 1 Black taepIs>' anti '«n. ________________ Fred Busch l is iaiing 5et(ie Max '«as the guéa o! tirs. Frank Pétèrson t-ia requit-éd cévénal days, " sthé rSdmniy friandsa hope toi-aa apeéti eov-21 23 23 17 18 9 22 -a 1p 14 tuIerhoe é Lbétylle. Thursda>' anti Frits>. was vêt-y poot- andt he mode !ge et>'.6 9 19 14 6 13 6 2 2'-7 qF.RJTO Alice Hçrachberger a! Pt-ait-le Vie-e1 Mr. anti lit-. S. P. Hutchinson an<1 necmiduirily slow. eaturdé>'sveil lit. sit éohl was in av to n ri4>'taldng subScrip- Un. anti lits. lay' Reeda anti sans'«ère jMr~. -billon '*as marrietiln 18776 ta Prabm éli zwtaypat6ignz auli.Solution ta Poiaé.iNo. 340. B>' itns fesrthé lmabd*nét. Wé yi8h thé guésoet Mn. ani lgia. Hoy 1-ulei- Mis 9,l8e BéniWIl. Th« g*ettié nPhaad U'tl1'JuniorP"tal as 21 R. D. Peter-sonl. ber succesa in w'«lng thé car. Insoa Sanda>'. a farft-rnt- Vola, "«hère thé>' rWidéteî--od Kl John 13orxtfen, Jr.,id an y is'Busch lit. C. F. Kalér léft FrIts>' for Rai - mamy yearc. until is son. Win. Dillon, 7 o! ant-'et-e thé retipienta .of man> Wblt.A 2is l-2. molort-éi aLake Forest Salut-day. - rnap»o, leh. ta visit lit- 'antilit-. 'rélieveti hinu aI bIs dulies. Front »rtty préenta, A 3011>' goodti lmé yas Biacklte play anti trae. Clarence Busch spent aéveral tinys Es. Gtchél. thIbs large fatmlhé moveti tea smsinsUr hati b>' ail vit attended. 18 22 23 27 31 27 28 32 27 2? last week ln Waukègau at thhe omne Mrt.anti lra. Hébit o! Minneapolis une.,'«hère hé coulti givé ihis attention 'The éatetixanjntt, "Juat Folks," 10 15 12 28 23 18 20.16 o! hie siter, lira. James liatoasek. '«ère guéasaIolit-. anti lits. A. Mon- to thé raîsing of poulîn>'. givén hb lins. Hiics at thé achool ~a AI Bunton, Jr.. matorédtetaWhéliég layon froin Wèdnèsday until Satut-ta>'. housThuistia>' venlég for thé bène- 919&919(D iI9(D1 1 (D1 9 R)9 9(D 8u@ Friday on a business rpilssikon. lira. Virginla Htcks ai*ent thée'«éèk **fit5454 4 *4of 4 - thé libre>'>' 'as vénr- enjayable, @1 INDEPENDENT readérs are al- CRRWIIeN Mrt. anti lra. Matt Wickéxshélm a i hMma «1 rltie. iHc katuia aver>' pléasing '«a>'R) ws asure of thé lattai newe ail spénl Tharsaa'ut thé N. F. Busch 1ev. M. L. Thamas w«Il broaticast an* MU R R AY H IL L 5aléaimn>Ilnt.WehpID9télm,0 US od Gq . home.IRumner bas If that thé>' wili self addtI-eso titrougit thé DaII> Nées radio havé the plessure of héaring lira. R) (D ( (D00 @G 01 @( Î21000 AU19<,ILN~-~ Iheir farta inthé méat-futuré anti mové service on lncoln'a hlrtbtiay. Feh. 12. *4 -*4 s**-eHicks '«11h us again.. te VrheelRaymanti anti âtenintitIesda! héEvngth alicaatcognv- tula Wheetingalowè h'.iit 0Chas lagbtoom bas moveti hiscfat-m Walter- Haut-i. ayon- adLeD mTuèsoth'e vnngeU t héauar> cave hailti ~ ~ ~ ll smalhna'«iltothé William Hotenherger house. ,Dîéîz visitéd ti tthé Haut-I home ntI s banco part>' lu thé chut-ch parlers, A.O.Rakebahva ahuinés lra. M. L. Cot-nli o! Duluth, Mii., DavIs LakeéSanda>'. Ré!reshmenta '«ère serveti anti ail a catener . .Bush's ritto>'. rvisiled. ber ister. 'Mrs. Austen Plagge, lt niln.Auguat BaItzistt<,à aI t goti mé. son oehamrhrthét-ot 01 ndérout ý pasi eêek. -lite h,me a! John Bats Suday. _______. sonbrkebi a-mb>-é'ulna5 5t51hé Dat-cas Soeclee-d avér $ 0 Ot-so010Frankl çrqs a Vaacorda 8 t e@ o q) oe 0 aneéa ta'alt wek. O01o hati ta e b is uîicér suppeir testWednesday ighl. enfler V>'èiestiay attét-noan. driver on bis business route. lira. Fred Ytrènberget- entxjet Wenzel Dits '«as ln A-tè.î onbush i WR IGHT SCUO!. L Thé Lélkâm lamil>' anti Clarence iéa'igCrl !S. aIscxéh~Fis' aschoolor(etile akgatTkr-. ~ta'~.trio.Theré iras no achoot Fridtî s ethée i -i day o lgstwéek.Thé lqcturè '«11h thé tereopicâtx W,êhave nécmf'«ypcmw>'pdifw) hétloilEpu4s . 1ét ~ i tWm. Wacbsntpg '«5 bsnhlbrevéê.héasionP 'beénb'R coa os «sing rexîodéleil. Mont;a>':Ot1w*l%* lE lE è -- 'a-ant tramt thé hoapitat ast Flda. r Mrand Moni.. Wallace LochheudL ad«coHgim ak a e hv g-'id'so h snd exnjoyedt b>'a, rdwtiet bouse Sanda>' aidé, anti ont>'one émt-noce »o te rmotniRUW - ge Zw~ mjÇI~.u '«et-e tallera at thé Crèsîmné eThalts- evéning. Miss fBarbara Huélit sang a building na'«, inteat aIft'«o. Thétititi tnd< étn tiay ftIet-flOoisla R C.:4chiýuck gave the sdrlp- Wénzeî Dbét as-vêtwood lot- Jaé Mt* *, lee d iOne' ta té é gg Iii11ev. M. L. Thomas Dbe-Mna'thé Star>' na-e ofee,"Christ ilapke '«as itusy shte(-ét e haé ti>'ti APPUAI IN 0N ~ ~ ~ ~ Alex ~Willman al su-:e: --knt E Misses léanot- Meyer anti Suai-,o! "Sow-Boîtnt," vhicit thé>'arprtpst- w mpovst - kamith asat*uî'141lHarvey soat,t43e weékendiing n-emromt. .."r at thhomeo! Il'. H. liéyr. Mnt-î ntw r ."Hpé'«r h.Téscod* I.*~mi et le verpiay"P0lý D [wukee :48 MTON L.R.I