- .1.6 1. ww.i'.Boy, S uS lbvs and êiis 'cutWl laffor Thi. Sme Men's, Boys' and Chiren's Caps A large assortment of quality caps in both winter a n d sprimg weights with and with- out ear bands. Spe- cially priced at- 25c to $2.50) Corne and See où r Bargainsi RAICOATS A WonG.rla"ortment of dreasabest with French cuffs. includesalal the latest pat- terns andi fabrica and - have been retailing at up to $2.00 sale et e_ .......... 98C B3heep Llned Vesta Best quality leather sleeves andi moleskin seel. Seii reg- ularly at $100. $04 ed. for ung the ta thse ced on re they ithough eue can ha sav- ne and 1 nec.,e- .r mile, of theme ;Ime h. ta itot to> Ita ho coin- en' 10w Mei and on. bas )o hlgh. au turprIse ý it waà ane ex- tra aide )olteer ln coin- 'à littie he pur- exî,enses r Lijese r.'!. 4nd .on'. thle 2-! rs iî,g 110 b11ti.'u114 "ilé1ýagû es, çoin- r mile, e, Lîad I finl e 13. which, mouue 3, farmi- ine iugi- one Way puted at 2.20. is actttai to te allug ex- t la the atrivlng hermnre, ,flgured und-trip i had no ke these ýperhaps e neigh- 'or that the tmie- only 0118 It is not every concern that will put en a value sale, even when it is an aiwlatf, h wé,,ef general advance in priwes; da4Ceh uaoe e o i-nuB ior.4- maytime e 4io--.Iower 01JU îèi i~eh dise è Ï be r$ eed. These items are ail'ires e I, aýbe goods, b1pt to me rýomn for ou r new q mgn stock and to keep faith M'th our frWlls and eus torneg who -have come to look forward to these bargida event s we are offering them to you at these dollar saving prices. It is the chance of a season to buy needed apparel at a distinct sa ving. Corne early wbile the assortments are still intact. Salé Opens Saturday Feb. 3 And Continues EIGHT D AYS Through SaturdayFeb. 10 EIGHT BIG PDAYS OvNershoes and AiasKas SMen's 4-Buckle Arotics Our regular striotiy first stock of 4-uckle, black andi red soie, cloth top arctics worth up to $450 pe-r pair. We wiil sacrifice them at per pair ............ ........ .. 3 8 'Men's 1-Buckle Arcties Strictly flrats ln black and red-sole. in bath iight andi heavy weight with cioth tope. They SP 9 l'y can't.be equalieti at. per pair ................ E Wool Mixe Itnion SUitS SIn sizes 34, 36, 46 and 50 oniy.An *exceellent garment aný a regular $3 *seller. Per $1.98 U garnient ---.. Wool Union Suits Sizes 34, 36, 46, 48 and 50 only. A warni, heavy garinent that sella reg- ularly utt $4f). Per S2.9 Rope, jjIlleb the lors. Woe l ofe Ùest quitY' gallts $B5ç te sol regiiarlY a 8 lots goiXig at lu P1hone 14 Men's .Alaaka Or cioth top. iined rabbers. Just the thing to help keep your feet warm whether walking or driving. Light weight, beet quali'ty. At$14 per pair .................................-........ $1 4 Boys' 1-BueIe 'X;Arctics Strictly Firsts, Per pair $1.89 O&~aud enas of Boys' \Pull ovet sweatersTh Vkilid that are b~~V03 so nue. 5pen c~Xsale price "I3VL3RYTUINO P OR ME3N" Open evçry evemg except Thursday Men's Dress Trou»Sersl Thslot mneludes our complete stock of wool cashmeres, chevoits, worsteds, etc., which sold regularly at $5, $5.50 and $6. SHOES "Petèrs" solid leather, fuUç double sole ihof3. Box. $b4% tees. Anu uuua2 v#luat Guaratd Work Shoes A heavy black work shoe wortlr $450. You canIt afford te miss i these tper$22 te- Our CompAlee tOCk oz p Clear As a Befl at Startling Red4cim A large aaaortment of "Qkeh" Recor~ds at 6Wc ~ To Numqmm .fW Libiertyvile19.IL n ' . A GIGANTIC SALE 0F M'S WINTE UNDERWEARI AIIWool Two-Piece A splendid pure lamb's wool garment in the popular tan color wlMch retails at $4.O0. We ame offering them te you for quick sale $ 1 at, per garment ... - -31 TWO fil Suits at $11.75 Woël Two-piece Ijnderwear The famous "Glastenbury",garment. Shirts in ail sizea, 34 to 50; drawers 32 to 50. Our regular price of a $2 garment was low and our sale price ia a realPhargain at, per $1.47 garm e t -------.. ... ..--- - --- - ------------ Two-piece Ribb ed Cotton Shirts in sizes 34, 44 and 50 and drawers ini 32, 34, 40, 42, 46 and 50. Easily werth $1. Priced for quick sale at, per79 garment . - ----------- --- 9 Two-Piece Heavy Fleeced Cotton This garnitnt lias all of the warmth of wool with none of the scratch, lTt is a regular $1 value ene .you don 't want to miss. Al 79 sizes, at ---------------........ .....-..... 9 et de ON. ---i- IM- ou_ p