IUSTYVIII~O. TI~~ZFEBRARY 8, 1923. Earning aMd Saving AS A MSAL THING, PEOPLE SPEND MUICH TIME AND " TUMMG~T IN LERNIG 110W TO ÊARN M0NfY,BUrT VERY UMlTE IN L.EARNIN O W TO SAVE If AMTR IT IS EARNE. M ETH 1E BAIS 0F MORE MONEY EAJRNEJ). WHCH IN TIJRN IS THE BASIS 0F MORE PLEASIJRE FOR O<JRSELVFS'AND LEMRNH-1W TO SAVE BY DEPOSTNG SOMETI-ING IN THIS STRONG BANK EVERY WEK. Lake1 Couiity "National Banik Tulehoue 15 - UBERUL, ILIIIIS tcr *Ob. 1. 'ahntine- Ubrnen». ivI be- .1 b. Ai- tire that,ý ibe«t ot' U15Uy of orne aSIW We 11*0 and the- r afflte r. seail Ir dynigint Hall, la 360. it t attend- rtng the id Annsa ance for de wrote i book Chiltiren 15 lesson mapa of thse "Wl- bo us for per were Clarence iday. i At Wi- tei-oon. YOU Can Enjoy This Program Ail day long and far Into the nilit, the air around you la fuit 01 music, lecturs, sport novintatent news of tihe daY, market rsP*rt8, etc. ^il you need te brinq the«se .aures Into yotr home sa a g.od radio receiver. The radio est w. offer leauierlor to sts new sellfng for lm5 or more, yet w. oSier a Complete Radio Outfit $100 This li the famnous Crooley Model X Rtadio et. It wili bring ln sta- tionn Lu1.00 mes orinoredîstant. 'Yeu can tune out local stations, sucb sA Chicago andti Mlwaukee, andi listen to programns from New York, Atlanta Ga., 'St. LUmis, andi even Sprngfield, Mass. Local and mont distant stations can be beard as clear and distinct as a pbanograph. Approval'Offer Yeu eau try ti set ont in your ewn home for a week on trial. wth no obligation te buy unless you are entirely satiufleti The net ls comn- plate wtb phones, batteries, tubes. enai, anti everytiAng necessary te connect Up ant i listen in." We have alreaiy oiti a number of tese sets te Lake couaty people. ani the owniers are very entbàpsiaatlc about the resuts they are getting. FUI1 ot anti mal the attacheti coupon, asti we wlIl senti complets de- laila of our offer. Or yoD van teiephone Libertyville 235-R. IfOLMES ELECTRIC COMPANY, Libertyville, Illinois. Kintity senti un further tietails ooncernlng your triai offer oni the Crosiey Model X Ra41o Receiver. IHUE ELECTIC COMPANY LIBERT+YVILLE, ILLINOIS. TîtEPI4ONS ÉBG. Gleudora Lump Goal 11E'SOfT COAL WITHOU A FAULT Fraklin Couuty Furnace Coal * "asedEgg" *BY.Pro&,Ct coke HadlWood. Chunks SCR-NON ANTARACITE Phone '47 LIBERTY VILE vi P Local and P ersonal TW UT R IE of t p« Intee to Libe-""'lle Peo'e Two foreciomure suite were fileti Pri- Shoi iteR8 O ~ ~ ~ "day ln the Circuit court. The Me- chante & Traders StIte Bank brougbt Mrs. John Nunisen was a Waukegan Mis. M- E. Clark anti grantison lack auit agaiziat.K. D. Byington of Watis- litur- Tuestisy. 0<ot barlestoon. iM., wers calipa ber,- wortb for $1,600, cisimeti to ho due isatweekton account of the Ilinens anti on a note. Joseph Hertel brought suit Mes. Chsas. Kicpper le vlsiting Mrm ofab I he former's mother, Mrs. C. againsi Robe rt E. Geary of Waucon- ýrteSchy the wek. . Ieullr.ia, 10 foreclose on a trust deed for md Bhly bis eek M. i'uier.$4.000. - Mes. P. J. P'lien speut several tiayz lnU Cieao tiîswsek. . Attorney Ben Mller la quite 111 t bis borne on Park Avenue. Russell Plagg transacteti business la Chicago on Satuntiay affennoon. Boys'l ress Shoeq-"lioilLeatiier" -reductedi to $L17 At Mcrs's. 6-lt Miss Beafrice Numsen and -Mss Vers Pcrteous were In Waukegalaut Priday. Miss Grace Ulfers was the guest of Miss Helen Beratiahi o! Higbwood lait Suatiay. Mi"s Grace Ulfens w, the guest oh Miss Helen Burgtiahi 0ofllghwood, on Bunday. Mir. Forest Srith entestaineti the Young Matrons' Club on Tnesday al- tennoon. Mrs. Frank Just anti taughfer Mary wers ChIcago visitors on 'Saturday of- tffloan. Mrs. Roger KILhi anti son Bruce of Evansion vîifeti reiativez here on Monday. John Numseu and fàmily attendEti a fnler party itb triends at Fort SLer- an Sunday. The Mystie Workers wili give a Miii- tary Eucbj-e Party alter the business meeting next .Tuesdiay, February 13, at their bail. Ligbt rèfresments will be serveti. Mms. H. H. Knigge anti daugter Lu- ella, andi Mr. anti Mn. Carl Knigree1 anti son Glenn, of Deerffeldiepent Thu- mdtay- ai the home.of M[r.. anti Mrm. Claude Knlggee. Thse Mises Rena Miller, Atial Hel- fer, Minnie Jocbheim anti Grace Ulfers attentiet a card party given by Pall- 'man COa. at the Morrison Hlotel ou Sat- urtiay afternoon. IN MEMORIAM In loving mernory of Marguerite Elizabeth, dýUgter o! Mr. anti Mrs. Leo Brewer, who passed away January 21sf. 1922: lu the gnavdyard, softly sleeping, Wbere the flowe-s. gentiy n-ave; Lies the onle ne love so dearly, In ber ionely. sulent grave. Tbe flon-ers n-e lay upon you May -wtber anti tecay; But the love anti remeinbrance of our - Marguerite Wiii neyer fade away. 6-lt Lonely Father anti Mother. John Cater, who sesideu on south- Brainerti avenue, la lu a critica couti-i IN MEMORIAM tion with pneumonla. On accouai 0of' Inlovlng meinory of aurxtiear soi i sadvanceti age, grave doùbt8 arc en- anti brotber, Jake. n-ho tieti three yearg tert&ineti for bis r>covery. ago. Feb. 3, 1920: The Ivaubo. Dramatle Club pre- A preclous ans from us bas gons, eula "Duat of thse Road" anti "Bi:' A volce n-e lovet Iol stilleti; Lordabip, The Burglar," Monday nighf A Place la vacant In our home Fsbruary 12tl, at M. W. A. Hall.in. Whlcb neyer can be filet. iva.hoS. Admission 2i 5c anti35c. 1t, Mr. and Mrs. John Flsh, Sister anti Brother. 6 if Yore Bros. Dairy Co., wili scion move, __ tbelr pasteurlzlug aud bottling plant to bautile a langer amount of milk. They w-lit continue tu take ln -nilk ut the Libertyville plant, anti sbip sa:.ae te Cilicago. .B.Morse & Co. close their Febru- Mens Solid Leather' Dr..as Shoes 1.ary Clearance Sale Saturday. Feb. Dt. reducedti rom $650 f0 $298 at J.,B. Diti you take ativaufage of their big Murse & Co. 6-l reductions? 6-1 t Tihe Misses Hazel Anderson and 1 Minnie Knueger were Waukegan visit-l ors ok Saturday- Adolpis Wedeil of North Brook, Spent Frinday at thse home of Mr. anti \lrs. Henry Seiler. tirs. Warren Grumnisît anti taugh- ýJ.y anti Miss Mabel Sctsky spent iturday in Chicago. Lucian Ellsw-orth of Chicago saeu. thse week endtiwlt h'hs parents Mr. and M P. E. E. Pllubot,. A Francea Wllarti Mémorial meet- ing of the W. C. T. U. w-i be helti at the home of Mrs. Frahces Hoakins, 301 W. Park Ave.. Thestay afternoon. Feb. 13tb. A speolal progrun bas been pre- pareti, anti al menabers anti frientis are urgedt t attend. W. C. Trigga, the veteran sho'ý m-r- chant, is con:iued to the Vlctorv Me- .pnal boaptal lnn 7uîcago nith ýn -u- rîcnIa. At this tlint-rt is conditiuia is prinounceti as favoahie. His 'nany Lîberfyvilie frientis l'ope 10 sce bsm back at the oti 5f aný oocu. mrs A ziforwaxeanan ms. The Progressive Fve Huntiretipryd ~ ' E. Welch of Chicago visiteti Mr. anti gien by the Commercial Club Wed-* Mn. J. W. Brown ou Sonday. nestiay ight, n-as attenieti by abouft LB William Barfon 0of Newark, Il, n-as, forty or ffty members anti their guet s. bere, on Monday and attendeti the lu,- Tiese affaira are provlng very popuartm eral 0ffis sont Mrs. C. M. Fuller. anti tend to creaf s a comuunity spiri Mr. nd Ms. illim Shleyandamoug the folks lu Libertyville. tiaughier 34abei. visiteti Mrs. Georger Giels at Hikhland Park on Suntiay. Robîert Edwartis of Waukegan visiteti A I I O çuv Mr. an ti M .FWilliam er n narteanti Miss Dorothy SaYars lus attending the Nortbn-estern University, baving I "he Show House Deigitful" resigutt be poillon tWte soreof W. W. Carroll. Mns. Richard Brookebausen0, Ch'i cago visifeti relatives at tbe :home o! ber pannes M, andi Mn. Bert Scba- tonus on Pritiiay." 1 1 Boys' Fiannelette Blouses at fe. J. B. Monse & CU, 6-lt Mns. Anna Diethoru anti son. Ber- nard, anti Mn. S. P. Evilsizor anti ber tiaughier, Mies Miltireti, ners Chicago visitons Safurtiay afternoon. Ray N. Smith motoredti f Racine ant ilwnaukee tast Prttay. wth Prani4 Consago, proprietor cf the Qufatty Shoe Store, Chicago, anti Emil Ander- son, a ishos salesinan, aiso of Chicago. Ray Informa us that by hlm anti Mr. Consago buylng their shoes togethen, he n-lu be able to give is tratie botter values tban he bai been in tbe peat. Arthurn8sLiasst Montiay took charge of the E. T. Lýangwgrfby store asm agen. Mr. Liss..for acteraI years B relded inl Chic2go, comng thene fromt go j-s H s thoroughly. famllar - 'tIciariy su -wtn tes ou,, fhe Langworthy store. He la a Young muan of pleasing nersonal iti, anti taa n-elcome addition to the 1s !Lbr tyvilie business men. Next SUiay evetsief, Pcb. ilts, t 7:30, Rev. Henry H. Haley wiii give a scriptural fecitki at the FInI t etho- 4st churcli. Be rau give the back- groxinfr the purpose anti the context of any book in the bible lu f rom feu to flteen minutes3. Ho bai a unique anti profounti message. A Frenchs horu iilo by Hans Herzog anti vocal solos nI e h reatiereti by Misa Eva Wii- Jiama. Tbe Junior choir of t ho churcb vnIi rentier specal moie. FRI. B AT. FER. 9 & 10. WALLACE REI1D in, "The World's C hamp io n" One of the last few chances to see your favor- Ite star lu a smashing cen edy bit. -11-- Als 'Huck Finn's Cousiins" SUNDAY, FEB. llth - Sa-... ..uv a"t HEARTBREAKS! ROMANCE; A South Sea Sfcry with Mary Miles Miter, --Next Week- GLORIA SWANSON ln "H-er Husband'ic Tradessark." -.--comI ng- "WMEN i<NIGHTi-OOD WAS IN FLOWER", VAUDEVILLE MOVIES M. W. A. HALL Round Lake, ihilis Sunday Evening, February Il1 Corne and Fnjoy Vo,,rsçeIf SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Third instailment of Spe-ciaI Assess- nnt No. 14, Libertyville. for the con- finîci on of a connected syqtem of s(.wers, is now due and payable fe thn Villago Colector on or before Marcb 1, 1923. DALE S. COLLINS, colector Offie at Thet Firot National B, nk. LbertyvIlIe, Ill. 6-2t DRALYINGI The ea'i est andi best wav to have *your hauling doue la to phone *me, I wiil b etipne promptly andiaM a reasoznable cost to you, *Big Jobs and Little Jobs sollcited Successor to Jas.T. Davis. c LCOONFERI Phones 51 and 143-W IERTYVILLE :ILLINOIS NO0W'S PHONE 3061 Blosoma aretishe beaoon ,b. ighte Tisat chier up gioomy daY. and fighta, [)0 you know of a. soul slck shut in that meds thé cheerlng fnienti s ihip o' the fiowetÀi, 0f a irtbday that neetis ne rnembrance, of a mther ,"s wom memories are iIk ~iII i Today's'Danger It's orily natural, after haing invested in safe 8 per cent bonds for a considerabke time, that you should want to continue re- ceiving the saine rate. But the days of 8 per cent, with safety, . have gone. Witliin the last two yeam-w terest rates have dropped about 2 per cent. Now, as neyer before, beware of bond offered at more dha the. current rate. These afford decreased lecurnty. We'I gladly help you to selet couservaive bonds tht are safe !First National Bank LIRERTYVILLE . . . ILLINOIS. Resources of More Than s %lalf Million Dollars I.. WIRE FENCE You are invited to corne to our factory f«r yoe fuMo'e-dn ments. You eu selct from our fui stock Of à higa l)w of sayles it te foilwiug prices: MEDI U EVY STOCK FENCE Per Rod: 8 bars, 32 ini. high, 12 in. sa m.~.8 8 bars, 32 in. bigh, 7 in. stays...- - ---- 9 bars, 42 i. bigh, 12 in. stays--.----------. --,3. 9 bars, 42 in. high, '7 in.stays............ 10 bars. 50 in. high, 12 in. stays- ......-----35c 10 bars, 50 in. igh. 7 iii. stays.... ..... - -54 MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 in. high, 8 in. stays. -.....-39z 16 bars. 58 in. high. 8 in. stays.-. .... - .45/4c - BARBET) WIRE, 8O-rod Spo4s peu Spool: 2-pt. Hog ....-$3.43 4-pt. Hog ___ 4.(X 2-pt, Cattie ..............- 322 4-pt. Cattie -. . STEEL UNE POSTS, tcdi. - --------- .----. END) POSTS, ecd---i--------------- CORNER POSTS, ecd h-_ _ _ ADJUSABLE STUELDRIVEWAY fsATU Palnei- Ot.7d;12 t.,1&25;,14 ft..IS fL4 Galvanlzed 10 ft., $;18.9; a t,, ", 5$ t., @5li t, $1 PLAIN WMEE DRPiVWY GATE 10 ft. wide. $5.65; 12 ft.wide..$6.25; 14 ft.wideý-$7.2 STEEL FOULTXY GATES 48 in. high ............. O;60 im hig. .. American Wire Fence Co. Libertyville, Illinois Send The Iidependent to T -Absent ie~ie~ 52- Issues for $IO s Isiied Ada. iir mhe IndepemdeMt secuue reulta. Qy. il> a >d mnd You will b. conviaced and w3 nmoisimu"athe.eut. For January We are oiferînig 100 dozen Towels at Wholesale Pries, white, $2.60 per dozen. Good Size, Blue Border, $4.20 per dozen. Large and Heavy, ail white, Extra Large, $5.50 per du Blue or Pink Bot d cr, $8.50 per dozeut. 1 ~Hours 8:00, A. M. to 8:.00 P. M. E W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COM-Pý Phone 29' Libotyvme Lk. THE INDEPENDENT--ONLY $1M YEAR nom m ter 1 -