Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Feb 1923, p. 14

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for Apoffitment of Spe-1 In etmony. Y vno TetrBloeTk 'I"uest aver the body off Jo. gisalm IaBlacivOl 01 the lnusi a 5rahd an lthe Etelail ftnday, PAoday nihkt t>o andi the date 1.11 oofflbY Cr John 1- Taylor, of UbertlYMOI* --lh retenigivei s a bat Stions' lr 4$for tb. deasi man's fiXMYblhAs ,bàw 5d hat Jusige Claire C. Esiars *ppintt& a plcial proseeuitor i h e 85 l&iWell wvau anemplOYa ~I geut off BIaIsa, Attorney M~roffica. Î% ~ seiWil»im Dean. sud iE. 0j*,iavarse prenant for theseceas- . ansd hasi Dr. M. J. KU@. jh *uto>ly te serve nai tsa vii- SWh hle t-lai aboulsi comae ip. ho been annouhiesite offIclIIs t r 1 satsthUe Inqitsi'va 1t, =ithe.North Chcago Po- stgationist.7:30 o'cloek. A COeov e«Kng near the 400 mat-lt as t Oin u opes ta catch a glipse V4",M' ra. ieskilsid membera ai 111e $fflVe qrsa, C. A. Brune, lt't-d Ca- 4sansi Ira Blackvell. TItONOS CONGREGATE >A early as 6:30 nclon lbhey began taà orgregate and t 7 oclock the cle hal vas packesi. A tour ins nt eff drawo up ta lUe curlrlog on qXýh#r aide mat-ted the ei ofltlb, WIt tihie epproacb o? the lime for 1VIf lesi lite crawd bec'ame uneaBY mM ai gtesi. and rutoors tIraI tbe ,aIamge aquasi oembers wouîsionot bt pissat raplsly crossed andi re-crase- o4 th&a rooni. WiIam B enne announcedet ah8 $flmlse tIai 11e Inquet bai bfen Poat- ýw;iîpartly tbrougb Use raquete Sfroin t liaades andi due ta the NÊË bta spoclal pr« eatr ba 01 h't een appoînissi. eaovd aovly pusbed' Cul. Of-. I*Is lngresi longer and vent #WOy 0ont ai a ime. Coroner Taylor xWe sasi n appearanoe yet. TAYLOR FINALLY FOIJND At tbe Petroabtua morgue Coroner Tyiogr vas founsi. Me bad quîtlhy wSil lu te jury Ibere andi dismissesi 4-77M 7 Dr. John C. Faley. Cty lealtb ~eW e et Waukegan ansi lit. Taylor ~rm.~alite aatopsy. .î ltaots ver. founsi hn tht-o. Zoeeon the beai. bInbe neck. ue J* 1below Use Adais apple. tbe 'ýIIt vas "0usi ehave enteresi. hi . hu adavvd. cour.e fortv j 80jnd werTad ta the rîght, A *jlalerd bneahong Use fint ansi US*t-b,. maeanked ias couWe as Il iioakoff lb. statlder bisie. A W bfitram 11e outer surface ttiale hlin v as founsi, Iviatesiansi. lptxild ltl a hundresi curves ansi *ý*ln fron t Is passage ibrougi thIe i-mtstaitt Slalom Attorney S. H. bad maie thb.ttip from, Chca- 10 bandis Use case for lhe gtate *000@ow. . erotrrnesi to Chi- 00, lâ.t night te again tais part ln Ç Volt aNelaon tria. - w.-~SL~KWLLNOT PRiSENT ëàaciveil vasont taxren fre tMe 4.11 ai anytimo. Brune.ansi Capas faid- Pd ta Put lnan a ipearance. - rie sas o aheb.lain oman anrivesi -in thms for tise Initial aettlng of lb. »lnumw_ Bath or Ibeln bai sîrent a sis*peosa aght traveling frram De ~olà TUe vldov vas accompanled 'to a speclal room uptars ho Use cty hal to aaililUe lnque.l thal vas la- Mr poatposs&. At non ime sd e he iabjocitsel»f totahUe gse cflte* -A .nember off deputhes under Undet- Àisra T. 'j. Stabi vere prezmt. Il" bhardly siseeesiecessnry as nol one tbreatenlog note vas stt-udt by "wlrod,_cr s#4 kn ttaof disgt-untled tir, tram certai. Dr. Tayl1or loti matesi tiaitIlmhblbbeed open la da", weOl, even ive veees, before the testinol db e vulilstaien, Thr new dte W b. is secret Bacwell a stillinhoJaîl. He bat "u-"tire celi ho blîseif. Deputilo am~r closely guardins hlm. »PIRCIAL GUARD FOR PRISONElI *Uodnb'érif f Stahi Mionday Iiiu 104 a apeelal an duty fer J»Ia"c v*eil Depuly Walter Stark ose "Ise Wiaoner in bis oeil tappee'enl My esamible aitenipt to arn:batmao PUIAY SPECIAL PROBE PLEA = M ee ueauay il.d lause cli cOt -nia PetMfon lu behalf aIfPAr Iigto Blelail. vdov off lbe alai bue18oi',chargilsg thal Cnstablq 3r"*b %truclier hiubansi aven lbv Isegd wtb a blaci'-jaci aftsn ho vaj d. Tise peilicnasams Jusige Bd varde to maie a special proseenia lu Isce' off Stat..Attorney Smltt wbo, .Afiy: De argébt-s, la "tisie usted la the.' bîvhlea ofthei osponr aquai bocase of .lbthe tact tha liwelvas employai hi hm. Tir politiSamalsa Chamges taI'th s4jqAd memher* ae aoi authorise teo~ or tuecoacealesi voapon = t hyar re ealtruoblble eof w der bond as are oficers vonibng oz NtShapâ ?MOLA' 1 LE~1WJ1 ~~~W<ITHURDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1923. a oto ftr tbe ahoot1JI& but a611. standing andi aaked: Wbat are FOU fie4 ie* t*Is'aftorny. dolng hqrel' and BiackweU nid: *1 Constable Copia declares ho vas bat hlm.' *Where's Bilekl'm reoal- the one wto colle Dr. 3. L Mille,% ver? 1 thon siked. 'We'ee gaI il,' *ho wua oneofethlb.irst peraneta sald Biaekwell. The officera ap- exga B Eeliki str the ahotlng. parenthy dld bot want ta talk about judge lwardu oninued the mat- tbe shoobjog, 80 I vent back ltut er of nainsit a sPeclal prosecutor thre bouse. litre. Blelaki tihd me that unW til aes A ttorney Smih, wbo slte offcef s came ta vithout knockIng conductlfli the Veliva trial ln ('bien- whitethbey were eatlag dinner and gîtca apea t latsup hesates ibat afier ber busband had gone aiof thapearac aise ut the miathe pariar Biackwdll puabed aide aI t caoe.n te door andi abat ber busband. -a-- fie declared ibat wben the 5ho1 Seports coming frohi Nort Ch- was fiedContable Brun. moutedý ýefl tat eeingwasrunin hih KIl II 5hSte daims ihat aler 050 wnth feeling afrnnlng bign ber huabansi telli otah1e floar iilack- follawln ibeahattag~ud bat alol pîcktesi up a plece off statuary attempt migbt be made ta stan ot1 nhs og'adsrc thse lal, undeiwbet-lff t aboutin8&tebealong anIl stvrck charge durlng the absence off Sherig Bielaki an tbh, a iI eea ÈdwvnA hlIsrom who bas gone tiotes. 1 examlned hlm beasi andi tl ounsi iwa bruises on . the bacli off Wenatohee. Wash, afier a prisoner, It. A pdsa nteroa called practbcily ail the deputiea for wu oe ti ie oîam quîçkselcton vith triol gang, an a Frank Wrkian, living ai 1741 Como- precaatoa againsl tbreai-ened lynch- monwealit, saisi be saw Prs. - Biel- ing off Blackvpll. ski rush ItthUe yard and wben ho Belski. 68. Yeatas i, rtnlito -a ent ta se. vhat vas lb. malter ah bedroom te ýget bis revolver, h 15laids l Ia brbu hs chargesi. tl i htbrhmadw Wibea te offcers enleresi BieIski's uois akdiatIect h place at 1725 Commonwealth,.a" Policeofficer CharleasiBanil. The skil andi bis vIt e veinthle kitchen officer saIsi Pr. Blelaki tols i hm thse iuabausi ai lbe table and the ibat aller Blaokvel$hot ber bus. vomsmaat the. atak 9h. vaupouirlg bansi Constable Brune kit hlm an nounithi out of a corte, pot lo the beas i wth a blacjack. lte aluk. Constable Bune.laS8J Mayor Heniry M. Deacon snd Chief, to have maade an effort h> o ge5Oacméoff Police Joseph Patocky, made a of the Ilkuid . vbchoboliovesi t9 personal investigations. b. Ilquor, andi nitemptesi 10 drain the Afier 'the body vas removed ta cutrved pipe under lb. ini. vben the Petroablous morgue, Chef 190- Blebuit deciared ; "DonWt breaki the iaciy appzared beforeà Justice John ink; If yau do PlI shoot you. YOU'e Nelson and sworo out itbree war- corne dowu br before and broken ranis ciiargng Constbles Black'Well. tinga viitout paylng for tbem.'- Brune snd Coas vîtls murder. The Blackweli made tbe olovifig warranta were hurned c'ver 10 Under- statemefll: sheriff T. J. Stabi andi depusilea - skiai only aller Blelsi b ad Hart-y *Iîstrom sand A. T. Nolan twice trled ta shoot me. Ris gun who sirved tirao upon the Iree dii flot woan. 1 drew mine and ired dry squad members at the office once fearing that one off bis carl- ai the state's attorney. rldges migbi explode. lie saok ta Blacwell vas bin he arYI-lyl the floot-. Evert ihen he trled tu >eat-s. Me was a sergeant undkr tine and Brune and Coas canme tu Captl. Rabert Dat-k ai the higb achool my ald and tare it front bis han d9 for a yeax. MH4 wife la criicaily He cursed me before be got the 11 wth pneumonie ai Viory Ment- gun. but 1 didn't mind ibat. briel boapital. lier recovery ta "Me amre frai a bedroom will doubiful. bis gunIn li tsabandsitîe I vas ilaclrwell l a aquiet mani and le earcing bin he lrsotry. Ilvili kîlI regardesi as an efficient and col you. You -.... 'Bielaki sais. i, e c fficer. lie bas been with Lhe dry iben turnesi on Brune vito vas fiat quasi for nine manths., the sinir scooptag aut oloonahine for Beides bis wife, Bielski la sur- evidonce. Brune augbed ai bis gut vivesi by two sans, residng ln L>i-' and turuesi otahIe alnk agaîn. but trout, snd a daughier. Blelskil hoves Il in bis rlbs. I came According ta neighbors. tbe sons frram tbe pantry et the at-dit- Of of Bielski fared thaîr faiber migitl Brune and again caie the center get inoa trouble with the gun, andi off abuse frni Bleliki. tils wtfe soie lime ago titey fliesi off the ebovedhlm la the bedroam but be ldring pin et the revoler so ibat il crnme back pointlng tbe gun over woulsi fot explade t-be primera of ber sltauldar ei me. Me pulled the the cartrisiges. lrlgger tiîce ln rapîd succession. 1 Justice W. E. Schmaifus, off Zion drew my gun and flires." slgoaEd Brunes bond for $5.000. andi ~1 thougblht v as Backwell Who Cas. gaI a bondsman for $2,000. vas shot." Constable Brune decharesi. ISates Attorney -Smih decared "I basi my back tlurned 51th i- bis purpose in ordering Blackeel stant the ion clickesi ivice. and hels i vthaut bond vas he desired whcn il was fired. 1 swung araund ta bansle lb. case' the same as ans'asakes BlackwelI wbere he wa he wnuld sny aikier case ho vblcht tii, He tld me ivas he whO murdEr a chargesi, despte the tact besi firesithe bobt. Belskilay Onl that BîackweillaI an employe vonk lte floot- curshng us. He pololted i ng out o? the. prosecutar's office. bie gun at me gayhng 'l'Il kili you Deputy Sheriff Debert A. Weale you . *He cicked it agnin ansifat-mer member off the dry Bquesi 1 struck hlm an the taad and took declaresi loday that ha basi partici- is gun awaY wtb the belp off Cas. patesi in severel raids at Belskt'r wbo had arrlved Iben. I did 1101 haie andi Ibar I-ey aways bac! mevw for sure ibat ite had been trouble witbhlm. shaI then. The tiretsimIle Belskilvas founc -Last summer be lbreatened My git epoie owl h life and t-led ta kilt me. is son srguiiynde prmissiad isal- b rock bie gun avay. wblcb prot-o sthaebt ans nattrnd bis phak ably navesi My life. boibe slae's a rna c gpelofbach "When vo entered the bouse 1hbils se a silclswr e ofws- inocked ai lise dont- and vaiked fi.bolier seiash iat ere sauccr ln. Prs. Belskl atood. ai the sbnk fui aft e iti evas alegs sym vourng out booze. Tbe faucet vasagnadbe ecvdles ym runnhag. An loch off moonsine vas patby the nexi lime. lu l. am. ipuabsi he wman ira ClIne. alao a former dry squad avay ands toppesi lb, flow of waîer. oanber, sald ioday titi e vas Blackweil vas ordered by me to gel ai Bieski's place several limtes and samples of liquor trom the shnk for be always ibreatenesi ta a""iemý evidenes. Blelakilet at tbe table Cient ald bail fo ben Byaheklva ho tbe ktchet. Ho vas curshng sn0 ejh a 6 aa ebr loudly ansi tbrotenIng He vent ito ff tbe bootleggers' family appeared a bcd rQom and, returnesi vith a ta ho glati ta gai id of hbu and guo nsi otaesi 1 aime, i cud expressesi the hope ibal be vould g01 net pned lmte aimeîî1awyou rbeîed a meât blonger. Waukegar WhhoitevaswaietUe sink I beard Dnly Sun, Moetday, Feb. St. lhe ion clickim ic, hen a abot.' Coas vas on tbe ailtaide moal ofh .11time, lHe came la the bouse and vrested lbe gun away frot the IIOCKNEYLIDE NIED dytag ian. accordng 9ta bis tory brcause be thougbt be wasni chat EW TRALUJ. andi for lUe reason thai be vsT I z..aisAttôrmçy A: 'V --Joig wadsin crtcuit court tir i bave ordered Blacivell ta0 a.eidamto o e ra wtht bond Ulil the mguet layethedageotiGongeiona oneyri o ver.Brune La under a ;6.00 bond; -utecs f eref.Hcn rep -a00 Te er i~aaî iansi Kari E. Jyrcli, bot aIAnti befre uslceHt-ey Hoyi. I belle oct, Hockney had îued Jyt-ch for teearusig viryI oytis. 1,bele*. 810.000damages because he vas ln Bath Miy asaistant, S. . Blboi ure5d vhen a brick was dropped on I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ m ar id po teVliy ak i ead wbile wofking ait he .lYrch hn Chcago. Yau cao test. astUresihm br ewcinyvsb that 1 W,,l Investigate thlq tram -bo. Ing bult. The court originally had glung te ensi. '* taken the case frni the jury and had "Blelkil vas an aid offendser. *j1lntrucled lb. jury ta Sndln ofavoi tremembot- reading af hlm ba« lun af the defeodane. Thre cosasoff thE »-t e re haMr. Wélcb via mai s uit' ver.asessesi againsi Hockn: attornsey. Since 1 bave been Ini - _______ eze,1Ibave abtainesi threo.' bon- vIIousaisth The & itm* ***** ho set-yod slny days i l an1 d*)IA O D L E thUe second lime slxty d&79. &- D A D L K e aîber timp ho vwu find. e , cun maie netsmet befre* * * * ** S au investigation.» Jrs. Wm. Flinsmannula at boni.afIe k Pr. Bielakil clia that vben ber spondhng a fev utontha lu ChiCago. r bshansi t-auInte a bedrOOM ud r.ansiubemnspn aw L, ot a revolver sah. pushed hlm m Ar.FedLeietn iet e r- lb. parbat- ansi losesiU.door, andvlr frlonss laChicago *e lieus pluedsi lUs-Conat*Me Blaci. Prs. Caroine MAichel vealta oCl ,t veili vo drev bis gun]sol, te lire, cago laSt 'riuradiay ta attend ltse graý Ihat ber bumbauri vouldu't shoot uatlnig exercises off ber nePhev. Ker e nybody. Ste charges tUa Black-.' sth Iuhl, snd retur#esi Sait-rday. ,d veilipuabesi open 1the bedrOOn deor *andi 'alkes inte lhe roarn vhoro bbr Ajierl Dyer bas bai a radio eutf Shumbansi vas standing, and tlbat a i aalled ai bis hante and nov recalve ut momin laier Blaciveli fired sid the concerta rtrmail ihe brossicastin roiel sais t e lb oot-,thb. bloO l statins Tite DeKays originagry carne tram - ~ ~ ~ ~ I . . . .. . . i ni : S South - Dakota ansi item removal ta 'o'" ~ Wsukegan - came after tey bai 8 TRBR ÇHO 'swappe-d' nevapapers witt Byron A. Ij Duno. the owner offthe lead Waukegan C. R) tR)@ C. 0 C.) C.,, 0. R Daily Register. Mr. Dunn trades i bs r.M tiChstaenpn lt papen fan soie smaller papera the Mi. atnChstnenpnuai Tluesday witb iter daughten, PAns. Lau,i lieKay's ovued inho ie -Dakoin's butrence Haynes, off Gurnee. ipo t aking possession a? ibisltprP- Prs. lFrank Luca s ad son, let eriy founsi l ta baie been grossly spent Tupsday ln Wartkegen. 1lei mhaepesented, accor dtag to bis ai'-MPra, lames Armour ansi 'Thomas legations as files ihn the suite iter Catney atiendesi I-e sale of F'ran k brougiti agaînsi the DeKay's. Hov- Newel off Russell Wednesday. even, the malien dragged along In the Many frai ihia viclnhty at-e attend courts ansite DeKay's foughtîit toOth lng car et-sispatisa Wadswanth, gbven ansi naît ans inftally van outInb the ni-by tbe Royal Neighbors, ansi nisa hy limate dechsbon. Mn. Duon's expet-- St. Patinks hrbuhe. lence vith the DeKay's t vas genet-- Pr. Englar spent Tueeday In Anti-j ally feit vas a caislly one for hlm. odh an business. - - Mn, Wolze wjis a viltor ai 1the home ** * *** ****f of Mgr. lr lasT t Thsday. HAL D Y Mihss Bihei Jackson ansi Mise Berthta HALF DAYCrawford aitendesi the Ladies' Aid Sa- ciety meetciar, ai Mill'1pt- Thursday. * * * * * ** * * * *M PA.niAs.ion Ycus spent tant Simuser Sprnague la confines i vlsa husdy nWaukegau ,on buisness. lIght attmcietf "ai>oissix roouble. luWe3Miss a delyn Sheeh5.n speni luti hoe. Il vili not be seticus. Always Motsday igbl vihi" eSW ll evzi. oimtinig, aisl Il, Sutpner. If Il lisn't Haroldi KellV speni lasI l'idsay i enghns or cartbltot- trouble, itla 5AiîocIr. bounsi teo e ome othen, but its aIlIin William Lewin Iransaciesi business Use courue'off a-llfqhUme. ln Waukegan Frnhuay. George fitaucllfffo lepaitinlg ansi Jamem Kelly Saisi tetobfortune ta paperng et Uselor off Maci Mason. break a t-lb while playlng baaket bail. fiat et Pndin View. Mn. andi Prs. J. G.' The follawng *teople bave la tUe Cook are aIeloliig., 'Mr. ansi Prs. Ma- course off 1he lait veek tai a nev suit- son oapoct ho uave lun1the near future. ply of, voosi an hansi: Ftrank Lucas, iWe underStStd Roger- Rackenbach Timoiby Kelly, WIllimnor, Esi bail anothor iliglis automobile accident yard Devlhn. ansi James Aioun. Il rweeùty. How corne, Roger? Trybng loiks as ibaugh I-bey are plannbng an ira nioanpulate Miss Lîihe w-it one anotiten six veeis off violet- eathet-. baud sud keeptiinomsons.alen Miss Mrs. Frank Lucas andi Prs. Wlllsui fram joltiflg tea nipeis vtth t11e aiber' LMvn atiendesi the Ladies' Aid Sa Weilî, I Iadmit lte rasdesare 'very ciety meet1nz ai lIre ipme of Fred rougis at present, ansi Rager la a goad Kayz laet Ft-day. beartesi boy. But yo me. one alwnys- gelS te veraloff tisesisal hy beiog ORO OO G O@ O )O O O G1@O O accommlodating. - @ INDEPENDENT resders at-e ai- R Ber-t SotaRis e echampion butter,@ ways sure oet1h. latest newm al masr,kln -lbeecoutY. Tl'Y 8moe Off bis R) th* e-.< maafacured produel andi Yeu vil @ OO O OO O O Il Not because it is an Honored Custom, but because of the sinserity of our appreciation. we take thia opportunity to thank you for the part you have playcd ini our busmnes prosperityl the pat twelve montha, and we wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR Schanck I-ardware Go Telephone 39 UN Collins & Doane Co. Monuments aind fMysoe1m Down Ri 'The E*MtaUo. Phone 200-J 4 -s- e. [lii O! h 'if Il cfhlIT S3ND -wgnt no other. He:iohas fine butter "DUKE" BEIN TO V t imtes. Visît bsetabllshmentan HENRY DEKAY TO The R.N. A. are ùreparng ta have J I 0D Y a group off candidates examlned by Dr. Stone of Waukegan next Sunday. - STATtES PRISONTe are planning on having a largîc Paul tf)uke) Soin, of Fox Lake. grono lnitlated tut the Cainu mYs- who fought his case to the Supreme -teries by 1Ihe Waukegan drill teantiin court In an effort ta escape a 90 day Conneotion of Ex-Waukegan- the near future. Jliu sentence and a fine of 8~.but ite WihTBigBankdFelu'eAid Society nfll meet faiied, Thursday walked irno the office PrvdCii . M rs. John Mcbaughlin. 'm ready to siay with you uptil the Prvd rmia.Church announcenîents as usual. flwers begin to bid.' enwl Under the beadlflg "Record Jaol The sermon subject for Feb. 11hll also have to pay a fine between now Dodger' The "Nationsa Business" abe "Llncoln's Sunda,' and front Feb. and the expiration of his three month magzIn pulleedby he hamerIgth o Atril lot wili b, a series of sentence. He was convlcted of vlo- off Commerce off the Unied States semn ased on WMhat il eans lation of the problbltory law. to Be a Christian?" This Io a ljve__________________ prlnted ibis article In lis currentIs1- toplc and wel worth hearing and suen Great Britain action b sudlg. 7eteGo"Go dyear the courts is expeditiaus HALF DAY SCHOOL NOTES Service whether the case be civil one Clarencit Oprague, Editor or crindnal. In the United My teacher appolnted me as edilor ______________ States the laws delays have thls week. and requested me to write U F T IL tendd t brng lw ito on-cetsbecgabute thehoy et ar on- the GARAG E tempt, delay if flot defeat jus- pîoneers of Lake caunty. and my great G R G tice and helped to cause the auttagtth iai cho n aePhone 202 organization of the Ku Klux submît the foilowlng: Klan. Here is a case that War- J. W. Sprague, who la my grandfath- rat ttnin:TeAlic Ie rwas barnIt n Aurore township, ErieS ra ts teni n ne ita t c acunty, New York, In 1812. Hi atiler. National Bank of Providence Hoea Sprague, was bôrn In the GreenRAE failed in Aprinl, 1913. Henry weia yg man and mrarriledLuIcy RED O R BB E. DeKay, a broker, was ac- Warren. aise a native off Vermont.B cused of aiding and abetting furTItey enni akted estar Betl AUCTIO NEERING in the misapplication of its ment In DuPage couinty In 1825 ___ ------______ funds. In January, 1915, here ne hreandr araese Of FARM ANDSTOC:K SALES twenty-two months after the land frornlthe govePrnment i hat 1.9 ASPCAT bank failure he was convicted "'Norw eno lo%nshir,. Thý'v ll'.ed i andsenencdt 5 ear im a loa chiibn and lraded inf'Chicago, 547 NORTH COIJNTY ST. prisoniment. He appealed, but'Ile was known throughot the corn- WALJKEGAN, UMNIS his conviction was sustained. Hor'esiiprague dled inI 1837 atheP O E 24 He took the case up 10 the tige Off 55. fite wife long sirvlved hlm P ONI2 4 SupemeCort f he nied and dl'<P n 1971 et Iho age of 82 vt-nra, Revers. Charges @op Business Colis States, and now it upholds the, Alira, L-iura, who taught the firte verdict and aine years and ý c b lInlal! Pav, and J. W.wlto had eight monîhs after he was, succeeded li taillter on the farm.Ot found guilty he must go to i Phrtvillage l a rlo V"nlaidou -A I. T m C jail, that is, unleas his lawyers Mr. 9pragite marrled Elvira Bod. Havlng sold my fari, 1 wiliI can find somne way to delay te wedding being celebrated in ihis and 1 mile north of Gurnes, on wl thecas futhe.-couoty. She died in 1977, leavlng five cal? Fat-m on the ase urthr.'childron-Lucndi. -William. Warren, Recals Reidence In Waukegan 1bitura and Chat-les S, who lIo110w Opel- Hient-y DeKay. II la recalled, was a, ailng te asme farm. whic bis divided e n i a ,F tbrother off John W. DeKay and was >by te So ine railraad.Saecm nignt10p..,h assoclated wlth John W. bIn he own-j Charles q. Spriegue marrled Olive Saecm nigai10p.n. ershlp and clnduci of te aid Wau-i Loomis. and ihey made the homesteaid 6 HEAD WORK HORSES kegan Herald and later the Gazette. a honý far four chldren-Ebnlra. Weighing fram 1200to 1600 Its. Il asJon . eKy hoaferheWarren, Sumner (who has nqw laken These are aiIlgod work bormes. left ibere. vient ta Mexico and estab a ver a share of the wark on the termi). 13 HIEADO0F CATTLE lished a hugé packlng business, be- ,jand myself. 1 &am 00w conimleting 4 new maikers. Balance fresh log affillated wlth Presîdent Diaz. gramnar school. heiween now and sprlng. Eventually the company went bank- -- H90 HEAD DUROC ..ERSEY rupt and a stmaitlipante was caused .'omte of the clhîldînofo? me upper H5ba be 0G;6iie os àihroughout Mexico. As a reauli the. grade wý'nta oLibertyville Siur1ay, 9 guis; i ws;year !d bo; 2 DeKays then came ta the siates and January 27t)i, tulite Matihew Hersch- head foeding shoats. weigbîng Iocaied In Providence, Rhode illaand berger and 'Frnk Miller cars, In iefi- fromn uta0 225 lbs.; 50 late fal and thus hl was that lhey became 1n- the bad weather. Thçy al en- piga. abolit 150 chlekens and 4 evolved 1n the batik situation wblcb 3oyed th? program very mucit.p -culmiuated dlsasîrousiy sa ihai John i Different kinds off trees In Loke ,White Pekin Ducks. - couty wre sown n lie seeen.antIFIEED - W. DeKay laat not titmeb Ineavlng cut eesono h cen n About ten ions of alfaifa and the United States and living for many Prof. Coles, off tii Uneversit>' of Chii- tifnol-hy hay; soe shredded years bn Swizeriand. And Il wss caca, gave a lecture whlch was Illus- cr odr 07m on 0 dgeneraly canceded thet he chose trated wilh stereoptîcan sldes. Tite cor. od; 0 bu. cort; 2800u bwteladI order ta pt-avent his varions stages of the orange frofi te boa; 0 bu. yelwet; 25rb. nextradition to the United States t0 tiny lree ta the fruit on our tabi". bre;2 u eîwae oo kface trial 1n cannection wth the bank were aitown In aonther film. Th- The above machlnery la practlca affair. movemtents 0f Ihe eptl were cearîY AIl smonisof $20 and undir, casi Hent-y Found Gullty. siiown. The film plclurlngtbe seasons nilnlea wll be gNoen on good bar d Howevlér. Henry was found guiîy was most fbterestlng. because If pa- -as the abovie item shows and now af trayed mony common plants and ani- ter many years' delay wlll have ta go cane whchtae plae bandyter.e. F U I to oli Hery eKa. I lareclle, maigs w10 tbe laeInand U i t jil HeryDeay.Il15raclidwltîcl we have o'ton heand o? but FRED GRABBE, Auctionter a whlle a resîdent o? Waukegan mar- ineer 5ev tem. il rled Miss Calle Reynolds, a well We tank Mr. Simpson very muchi iknown Waukegan young lady, for arranging thiB splendid prograi -- à John W. DeKay, during thre Was.5for us. ____________ ^B was reporied as being alied wibh the Norman Hanson was'slck for more -- d Ilerman interests In a big inancial than tva veeka and we are gladi to i wsy. He ten dropped tram sighti rbve blm back wih us agaln. id and remained ihere. But recentiyI In g"ýography the ffftb grade pupils Il ai the Lussaie conference he al- drev free band maps off Southt Amer- peared an te horizon and atiracled les; sevenlt grade, the counties of conslderable attenion becuseiliwas the continent ta the Pouti off us, and F O R statd h repeseted he urkih te Pihthgrade of Illinois. Soie of' goverument In connectlon' wlth the th, test spocimens off Ihese malts and huge ail and manufacturlng proposi- a? uenmansh1io have beenepasted on T.., lion In ronnection wlth the Mosul aillte w,,all,,aIthe scitool t-nom. bileds. The ibird brother assoclatedj TetR-o roqrtt of the schttol haveI N El W. Swth the two, above mentioned was 1 talpht Ierschhergcî itas been absont )N SALE oeil ai Publie Auction. S3.wlooW 6at in kniywn a. the Ellsworth M8O.- ebruary 14,1923 te followinq peirsow5l Prfflaty, towtn* MACMINEllY 1 wti.mcormlek grain binder, 6-f t. Mcormlck Mower; Lz;ri;; Corn Binder; Deerlag Hay 114 0e4-lnch Plow; 14-la. W1 lng Plow; 6 shovel Deering CslI' tivator; 2-row Janesylle CUWýL vator; Hayes 4-wheel Corn Plant-' er with 100 roda wlre; 'New îdffl manure Spreader; 18-lt. FIexlbli Harrow, 8-rt. Dise Harrow; Ilud. 1 Gaie Seeder; 2 Wagons, 0oneý wlth triple wagon box; 1 sel, et rlump Boards, Top Buffl;. Naï Rack; 3 .seis woi-k hamna 1 single hanievÀ ýower was1i1nt machine; .Luther tool grln4er; 16-ft. hog rack; 100 femnc postas ferks, shoveli and otiser elfW,, toonumerouz te muaiqe. coIly fl*W. eh; -On ail sumoa over that affoont iniabli. nio.bearle; the Mt* él'2 'TONPr THEF V3ARP 01 ýy n )n dr he ýY. et- ek il- ad- ies Dng 10 te ray mh- b- Si m D D pi D ue rr h b a t allýy F. RAUOW MANUFACTURIR OP MARILAM-GRAM Ctery Work of Evoey Dnu«- COItRFoMNcE SOLUcr 116 m Soui eoou. & WAUMEAU, DIIOL ARLINGTON LIOTEL* Good Mèals50e IWALUGAN, ILLi

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