BoleOrgu4..g aUidotmKeýhs gtl rim tbf, evezn nest ta bridge. woot. Xaàr icc~ '~i hclagea t 1% ot waooiield frofi tbdl Atti nti' t ome 8 -'e ~ ~ ~ be'~m. isepfZïe aLot'%f y th. e 1ty, eofilw 11befeurtyD.f lit hij txed te doctsmm C tir 10 ftlng-pnmetaiJj4-- *lAttbi Sceytth w~ Calr. heW~.yan~OI11 ç*'fh Me4t au vasd w a buoineaCi<l. Om*xi ý #5%f wsvisiter ln tbeaett 0dafy. Missu:: qN_ tnt a the c u l lb. c Weu*tg m flnhid . ute Unl t ei *et ýind' eau forMe,4' 1 i aat5 O»Mo 15 i"tWtxgzoter reut#vsthr. i1t 1h i seo± hat' 'l'beàreutlrthetui o&tain ely i ir.0 eser 8~ ot j .Daigo etWsli diltiyHall a. tt, veni the Wthday tir y . m iproved soiL" e to ghe e! thé, u4e ial, ican e x. e ro lt ni.Lg0 l~ I the: -sits stenjyd iwb fe 125Yr. hot liingat 11So th Sh aer. w~in h rehilbtopat F1d verties al t in onbi îtÇ400,"dar, b«to i oCafrs.~t~na ft ia til~s wI50e de ed lek ra y".*S herbol.nMt rgdta amiàý nigthi Tit Cîy l etemlatng~uep~.tdaI in.vinbasbep . .L IL Cadandeoncert andm4èir Cita. 0fR« AtTO ird4S oc h »âtg l'rdsys, as abrelat etuera Qetý aOrge Cueliyo9. * h%«ira Oà~e.The eglar e eg fthm oly te work tedav. caUe hese? oth I J uta by1hIe. deatb q Naiè. J.dety wu fl tthe .1. AUhei.anr** hla va bn e lnuaetaes nt- i o t 1" b Mn fates'lnb-à RUalisiiviiHalllat etelu lb tr The U Cicted 4100 r £ a 1vys bec u ch occurred.~'d linient ies 141. ocetyatbe6*eeW 4 0f80 Èillosa. Cls noareucehfuîdraaie g, Walte Cas ,.ue! n.J b ce MetO 0 M BI o-. . MissDOrothy Maile t o! fie ortbsed eter,_M d teb et is.ttade b th,-e l aKScdfr*2 ilie iras iiwlbiete.atn ebrAt hw aCiaeWtfed ~heSiarvn oatAu lbW ellduies)S1_ a o ecouynt 0f 111- Tere vi3 . . etins 4u ! te &aLad cr su buco prtygI ir ard ai direcats o ' ine . W he]?A. oveUi~~ ~0* aii8~ ~ thels gqcind ue4ee o~ n.. / ohld% t w nta meeting for th2e yea MmMn..ed oro». 27 Sa. Jackmo ýstreet. tt' ~ylsene o #'tW.lyutqrisy.. vle 4,oepall', W is ie ackWblb lImtng a iepet k ye'euay. HD wua %ak4m to the 'J1toty Mmonfr4 hopitaL ne gayBt t0eY. e C.A W.' oli&ts t otLloyd ariume, -11s, qur~Ua4tod4a y býthe bhe 99 d i>afmteieatfr 1eeeeL Titis lu th, trot eas. to break ont la tle *On section e!t te City inth$ lest fe, EVERYTiNGé MARKED IN PLAIN IGUkES-ONE PICE TO ALL S~jialPurchaseSale .'of Manfacurea. arnpl Taff- *a Dresses-Values Tüj $45.0Q- Womoà - çoors These aresml rse-,rttj pmje we ask-and remnçmber à~~i~ ii ai>e *&11be an imcenient for wffmpi of'",is6"u*ntyt6>bUY NOW We purchasMd thesehi~çaeii*atrr im,flo Mtâý AND PA1SS »NRÔSSV I~t1 NAVAL CÀU~ A~VIk~ZON, AN» 1A2R4#U'r wn- %yx4 lu. R eaded 1 eillng Eixed lAngtbo' DiluènsOtILmiber- DropSd&9-1 Roêfng aper- lKee sb e.8plYIn roll."ri"'$ per square of 108 sq. ft............O Wott new$2.60. Windows-8asl- Saab glazed. TiresIlights sacb. et usite aven ail 44 ln. x 26 ln.. excellent for gi4glng lu percheq. Prices ri-markably -loir, -j each ut.. ...................... $ %Worth noir $2.251. - Enormious quantity of tvweWç!'- liglit, two-sash windows, each, ligbt 10x15, and, frames, equipped witli :reglar weigh.ts. .A" splendid wÏA- dow for your, bungalow, house or éte . ery s'pecially prieed for quikclearance. per Exoeileft Thousand for ail Sheathing lx4 yellow pùue. Dremsd and Matched- lx6 yellow pie. ShilapSidig- qx l. 10 in. Weil Boad- Itegular sboOts. Ilie rl"u- per 10... q . ....t........... ....... $1.75 'Worth new 1-A Door&--Glazed- 1812 I. x 10 il).rx11%. twe panels, 9 ligits. amt4y witi hardw'are. An $ êe*cPU"41 lvalue. each ist ............. .00eO Thousands of five-cross panel doors and frames in standard sues --d ft. 8 lu. x 6 ft. 8 in. and 3 it. x 7 ft., and in niany other sizes at a treînendous savung eo yotî. Prices Upon request. -NOTE: The quility of lumber and nillwork used in the construction of these camps %vas genexafly, of thç vei"y ,best grade, The buildings are dis- inantled with the greatest eare, al.nails -are draw'n, nnd the good condition of the lumber is preserved in ùve617 way possible. IIATING AU PLUrýmIIIINGMATERIAL KEnWANE OLR 1f. giea, C*le 9 5 prcent-new, $425 aid ~ nietoiiI "American" Wall gadfiators, Tapped for sieam and bot water, ln,.vorlety e! zections sudunuits. A wonderful value Der square Ml. et ................... ...2 c got. Water )Tanks -Z20-caUlon. XO 15. x" O fI.. good for higli$3 preimure. -while they lsaàtt....................$3 Hondreds of 160-gallon tanks gnd langer site.1 UV to 1,500 gaýllon capacIty. Pvices upon requeht. Closet Outfits Including whbite china lo1cn doirn tank, fle wl#,b lateet lmpraved brass lntertor trirmIUjig snd whbite vitreouesiaphion action close! havI. Specinlly priced *$2A et . .... ..............m............ Regularly nold iiew et $45.00. wiu etBo s ndValve « Vailue, complete ...................... Worth nçw $30.00 Wash Bowls Roof Ventilators- i owls* twhite porcelain enameled, roll-rn: Swivel type, varions cîtzes, ffuitable for barns. site 17 ln. x 19 ln., fitted with two ntnckel .plted. gaaeee rodremanlcably j comrsion faucets and ra» $it60j S...... ..~> Cmpet ..echa.... .... ........ Enormous Qantity ofPipes, Valvesý, nd- 64 TEOXJu b of- iteils tô lpYvýIa "1>AND oOV~Ge ur priei $M'VMnO)9 0 PerCent to O PeràCen1t Ou m~ra-ic ~y iT T~~ CMPSTake -nN ont 8hore Eleetric direct f~22d S., s> agoOffice a~% t o c*ta he O]r Shè1411;& -~ ~ ~~M "M VNA~ CoN mINC J GS~ON~ NEA 2 New rkn théum t h tue meut bo t froz9stop e nand. ODthek. du Sed lm hd nig li the urelent iiMb. e.j te gp ik 1 th4ne l e "Tura on a expaned c ceverfes rdi eutwurat.a Long a Li~ Ohng f F ..Te lmr t 0 pelU corsovief oriay on a eaed ie of - ef wm saies to iforth la euthrati lestr 1000 the expedwl oqor ir seIl 38 et< sesrcb aiése or Ït4vle A1eneo~ T~nI thqu%~llurela aflg~ litai we~* 5~lihc vihk bis g ýW 1