FmUARY ai" State Superintendent of ln- structIon Tells of Fine Message by Girl. A tins messae. telllag etftthe ,pi-t e0,ceoptu-atienn hii reaulteil lu tlb. constructionOfethle nen $85.0P0 aecb,& building la Lake. Bluff, bY Wag G. Beuf, state superntehi- èW&et publie instruction, la puitd is IbisIreeks lissue et lbe BIn- mu" alPies, Bulletin. pubîtlae t O~ epflld. as follows: T. 8 h. patrons of Publie Education It laetwan cbarged that People rm mgug&-ul fotoi iiXgs viici ire giveli t# tluem. W. hear on eveu-Y ail tatL Ctidnen nul appreclate the eltica- tbea oppurtanlies whici ai-e s-Gond-8 ed tbeun more if tbey and theirt paruta ver. e urel te maie s£met Iaelalsieriflce. There la. no ileubtf sonne buta la heu. gesuraltste- meula. one vîll b. fan avait tron the Itra. henever, if be taliks tbat Ithe clilîdren vin cern e thie public acbeolm are ual aPPrecalli' ofthle opportuities Iluei bave, al- thougi ta.>' mai seern soenbat ililierent snd mafai t oteilte exspress te olien. lie gratitude thep Il i5 latei-eola< tu note liat sclioei teacherisud scieel officers are pi- *yllsg oppoituSitles for chilSuen te *Xpi'ea5tifr apprectaion ot vial la *ailM fer tbem in building scietul b:' builigs snd providing fei- hem l. ue mentis et su edloeulou AI. jleddclon et lth e h. eBlff grade Ifrl b-> thé bailéOf L!i - i --CaiBou sheppeil upen lie stage aid ap*ee lsee hues wiich mie no igouXtbal been belpel le write: «Ws veleerne yen le Ihi, uew S bulIltig. 1h la peura. Il ihasgrenu -, fcs your ambitions for us, your bepes ton us, your plais feruo.. It ls yeur dreaut coe reio. And. >secase peu bave glven ilt tous, ià la ours--ours te use, eues le love, ocrsln nhic'h le work, ail '.tiai yen fer tuis ochool. I~tiisopportuffi'ies and posibili- -' iç. We' ptedge itou oui- effort and oui- eutbusiasm, aur love aid o«w loyalti, that betten cheols may «m e beauos.eoftitalaone rimer Md4 . ati-enger men andl renien, ai groëter -moi-, beautitul United State Bucii a aciioci as Mbi la on. « tihe steps ila along Joui-ne>'. PA= thetii-let laps oet ou- is- tue the rond; 1.54. ourd and V*U otas bon, ;of tale buil. tw wkhintese tour valla ane geq*« bfflail dreuns tiiat shall Mstrue- Out of et buedouos and tie bers of countless .eth er steb Islusl ta. té cill-en cf -Mpi'camianigo forth 1<> buli me ilibi of a 'great ntion. Tii. lu.t tep ln th. journep la Uaw àmatie; the rond always ilia 2beIShIa abeal; but 'il la net <00< .tufet et b.pust, MI te sow eruo 'll" rar taseborne> ha.been, va *'l. i»ber. touigitjouie o tae C'Vtupetha have been U &M uaiong #belwlg tais the child-en eortthe --pageet wriIhln iiioneaof the mexm f bwsofthle Board orf Elucatoz OMsgutenture ef vhlcii expressed omre*tie' ofthle meaimng and Dglo be à"usonnçs~se orIis pageas -.oluilr et ci herit nalionaities an ausebled su Iigtb giad. boy, nos remeting iobtte BSm, apoke the f0k "Chlren of mazy nations, Kas- A si-e togetier aider roof, tow 1o'$ue earit anti aare e i Auerica, ad left ta. o!d for4 nen oar> m tu Preserve, ail ooght te bifen. T'rotais ftag thep -anSditoubave gM ticir bitait>. aid allegiauce. lu «xchange. Amerlca bas givam Y 1y0 MY gool gifl, butltelb, at M an t oetthese ia education Teolt t ou have flloeei the loq rosd 61 Ou- hislory up tote a oor 01o! Ibs building. Tenigit ve ledi i--, est$ tais buldtig te a s-nuel canne - -ledeucation of Anierican ch drus, Here lu tais sciool, sasi tuumiset oher ubeolalike tai *0ia ýhoe ofetAmerica la guowing- fur lie plat hopeet f my - atitl jelbR er boys muid&gil 1rein thee doo -the -rad lea" IM<uWO andam upard, an teme chi frM5- gofoutu, lu their tutu, maie of btstory, Preservers of tais Uie R lt 1 dI t carry by meas Wesrds tue-onhovia.vag mt presec be d*eeP impressionmails bi thte Offlilun lu peaktag thes. pari -*y aies-nlnui Pa" it Ovon Ir a.«i mm b=sad fimtu vm eve vouidget pour b~utu ad, pouneed the. von.- sud rebuilding ~Ilslde tbunda etinvalkds *0 «avakluts te etback their 4 ULput 0*lie m , et neli, ~ t~vol!and BE well! s Teurdru tbas Gude's Pept.- ~~~-fqaMoe tulitasy-u Pr- a-Y] for to lhi teel mez no cmu thu sn Mer sici 15 Mc e o' rO' l kt Im la 9 i tI ut i ele le I- et-e M. I on er er in en -t 'r is. ma on î nÂJ[~ jp > ~ Som sd1e1fr 44idY .venlug la eue m oonth Olt Hembcbergues lI*ll Mn- C0. M. OtImain entertainel ber is À SM RDsi Bter am lson fronimsPls.inateover 'J~Mr. and Mrs. wS. Meyera ver. tn .rLUE ~CÔ. ROif Choago ou bonifies T4ureday- taking cars of rs. Loi It a Route Lies Between Chicago parthome ta.ek and the Wîsonsl State Mrs. C. T. Manon and Theodor in- Une. NaW< Uniforms. williM-.amsM-a.Mi- Willim- Meyers. andi George and Frank* tearilon of Waukegasm, vi illBIhwere In Lberyvifle onumauels has bson aPppiited by QoveriOr Saturday. Smallaou.oneofthle aevent"eeMo1101r-Mi-. and Mm-. Louis Hôltje and émc cycle police ef the Division Of iligh- calel on frids and relatves hors vaya, asued te patrol the. bard Friday. ________ uoaus et the staýte, vi»ha"e a terrd- tory titat viii kee.» hl .comlpara- tvely Cloe teii"é.ie rueroute vwlU lie butWemu Clà4cao sud the Wis- G V NS R O rsce. taonS Sprim8 eld lut r'-- ** **.. .- Walter Repov et Autioch whO aise bas o(ved appointmont ne.o0» or Miss Wiltett vent te the ey.s 0 yig ha teparu w er. in t ii. ueé n oISCerabasbeau assignd clalit last Thuraay, and *I. tiereScur rthem n md hep viere required the .M lylg betveu Chiago hadl a vacatiOZL learn them andl ope" t ti4sud CaAeitersvil. Johin Skarda la apendlug a week ait tae. rdis msi express uo- imal T'fle. vente.oick ers have 31151 Chiedgo- llug on tae part et those 'Whio 1,f+..04her uWuor=ian d beadedOi TraILA»eentertatuied Çarlta emoriveil and -poke tiiom Butbit Chie! John H. Stock et Kanka- Rtushfiore lest ThU-uY P hile thé l euoe noheord ta. prograni k.. vere revtar.d by Colonel Cor- ter vws at hcindfor a fov laya troc nidi ioubt that for,'h. ime belng uellus R. mWler, dlreor o! thie buiistudio$ at Ilftnis lutlVersity. io chilI-en toit verp deeply, the diepartment of public nons andl Dorothi Motlleei-y vwu BI last v.. nillments vhich lai behlnd these buildings. and Sute. Superttelideut lve &h-wamnVas 111i vtt a Col Drds. et Hlgiivays Frank LU Sheets. the pat ieel Let us have more sud> progroins Ti.niriiltatetia r»s GogeKytede batnob hr. the children are given an TeuioMJ hto h rts ere eatne h uooi )portuniîy te give public expi-es- army efficersanaiire extrernelit eal- show In Chicago Satutrda. -î , n te tiei- appreciatiaou ef wiiat ty. They are distinctive and in l The P. T. A.. heIda meetimg ltP bing don. fou- taem. b. easlly recogniset a comparad day- Mins Paltuateer of Wankega F. G. BLAI, te tie unutorm vori by thte average ippke. Moiti ladies ttended anddr motorccle oleertreshmnerts ver. servel. - Supcrlntendenl teic l fie~Severai o e iigleelde ladies a t.nded a lance a7Fox Lae.last vee .w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ** * * * *1** * * * * M -ayee entertaned the Soe: EVERETT SCHOOL** LAKE VILLA * Nllneetaabridge pa-ty. Poliline McClary la absent trern 1, * ** ** * * * * chelvorkon accounl oflhIilres au * * * ** Wm. Weber, Jr., wae luChic.êagoontaled by billon bWalsh's dog. Elizabeth itostial received lie award business WÏedneuday. i ritln o toi-eb month of Jan1nit. Mm.. D. R. Mauaser cntertalued the*** . .e. Those wbo ver. absent trai choc] fonce Club at ber home lust Thuraday MILLBURN Let veek vere Ambi-ase Couvrai, Holaiteruoo. n Phiip, Aex Luiieck, Geore Clby, ati- sd r. WllFchravrot**** .***e** id U3eoige LuhDÀni. .4 01ofethle Dick cottages tb a short Those *erfeecId 4kîtendance for tie lime. untli they locale permanently- Mi-. Win. Depke vas oçeralel ionti of ueiuary vere Minetta Huiz- John Crl.b vas lu Evanaton Thurs- for tumretathlb Viclou-y Memoulal bo iga, Henry Huizcoga, Cye Vani day te 'attend lhetuerai ot hie aLunt.Pite, isut veek. )ver, William Monley, Henry Manley, Mes. L4tchtoi-d. Mie Mary Kerr hbas The. C. IL Society uior anI Julia Verbeke, Jarnes and been viti ber s151er. tirs. Lelciiferd, business meeting at lie borne of A ýmiett Voue. Non Vere, Robert YVe.,for tic lul menti te carefour ber, and Ibur Hedleir Fi-tiay eveniug. ,sono Hintz. Adlpi andl Cyril Van oly returnel home Monda oet Ibis mis mez Pollock ot Chicago api onduyt, Qenevieve Ilobeck. Steve wek. lie wviend ulwith hber aunta. Il .oetial. Murray Campbiell, Bessie Kou- Mu. and Mrs. Fred Miler ver. aut Misse Watson. lai. Doretby Voue andl Leslie Van fuom Waukegao te atteuilthe. M. W-.'Tie Ladies Aid Socety helI the rp 'ver. aid R. N. insalailon. lrmnhYbsesmetga l The Coîbit cbldren. wbo are 111 niti A goodly numbuuet cfWoodiniand olar montaihumînsometig t beaoptng cougi, are absent fromtheir Royal Nigbbore andi tiendsatatended Mns. Aices Sprtng -attendedth le f woel duies. the public installation ait tasBarni-orlfbe it M gatKrrLe Yoe r. sent fttty boll!.. af choc- stable bail luat Tùesdaî ,vening. Mm.rseral fber ufserP MGaetKeürr Lt h lisle rnlk fer oui- party lest Fi-Iaiy Talbott al Mus. Pester ver. Instali- fiivt tF .Llitiia tfternoou. We thank tbern fer tîiI- lg otticer and comenai margala for lat, home lu Evanilon, Thuraday. Fe Lindltess, and vont 10 assure themta. Royal Nelgbbors, and the von vwas jt.Mian Mari Kerr- et Lake VII aise le a stter. .bat ne ejcyed tie souk very muci. done In a very pr.tty manner. Mr. JS, Deurnan goes te Springield Friday aternion a hum o of chiii.Howeri-Iandl Rap Rippiierger,oftRounud ad~eegate teIthe aunual Convention reu, vlth théIm teaclier, Mrs. IHey- Lae,,ver, Installing officeris for- ith e Muta nric copa.e beci, carne t ramthe Wllrnet scliol 10 Woedsuen. A splendid supper vas teMtelIoIne opne aele part in oui- content. ervel by the Rayai Nelgiibors, and a R A- a so r Mes. Meybeek Pranonced ifty plessout ev-nIng vas opnt hi al F .Mrinvi -lOa50 i wridm feu-lie pupils te write. Mr. Miss Maria McËor4ial* -o!Cicago C53fania, bavlng apet thie past 1hr imipeon bad iluîlit selectel the ras lite guest offiends biere Baverail Mieo lu by vlmnthy eteoaae1a Wrd$ froni the twegty pages tia welaya recerîtly, retli-nlng te uer vorkdaM is hr usGlin. visitl'Ciel va tded te endris ver. In lbe citit Monday. dy wtihrcui.M. u l oncted Elvira Meinzer of Wlmal Mr. ail Mes. D'Ai-maud speot Sun- Miss mnatie McCartht. oet ibis vicî ~el bati a perfect paper. Elzaeth day 1n Kenoshe. ti. vas maried iecestly te Geor Kotal, George Luniaaund are m rdH lnft eaid MoClin.Mes. MotMain la a laught Hartet Mn. Frd Hunî n peu-.atevda ofetMr. anl Mrs. William ticai-thY rully et Everett h1us ecii msapelled ulaa week vith relatives at Oak Parkn Iun ne nord, vile Emma Hemann mdMm Cannon nwu lu Chicayo lustMIilbuUi Congratulations. blu tohobcie Wuntai C-Monda:f. Mi-. Halverson and Mm. Lami il Vai I*nluyl anti Baesie teial of W. A. 'reliS Us in Waukeg anai aisd fsister c i-. Prter'u Everett hati each misepeled Ino. As busies Mondai. gi n 1î fiarFi dy nî1 u hem.e Pupilsbadth le iigbesl standing LoKing la very 111 vti pneumonie iahr ;iiey stoot =.efer the. Oral splling. 5and a ti-inel nurse fxrn i. eCity ta in liter s»lltbag ton wrids Elvîra, Eliza- attendanb&e« beth sud George nere etill holding Mu. andi Mm-.Abent iCouule ver. their originaiplace. Elvira vas given Waukegan visitera Saturday.. tIi-t pite and taon Elizabeth and Mise..' Eub ad Mebel Falch and Seg 1e ule for second. Mu.Sirmp- AIes Goldy 4eut Saturuy lu Ci- .Got a cold? tOn Chos e rds tu-e mffaes uncan- cage. c IÂ N L M Yad uad George misipelled one Mms Will MéFatiden vas taken te word, givin.tie Place te Eiizsbeîh. lie Victory Memerlal haspitalIin Waou- cle ars it out.. , Aritbmetlc places vIre taken by El. kegan, andunuderveot an oporallon vira Meintsel' and Emma, Hermnnn, lier. lent Saturday. At prenent sie boti or Wilmat. la doIng niceli. The -Ttiig papers ver. numbiei-ed Walter Bouges anti Elvard Leoil- mol mailel te Mu. Fout. we avait ai-I rere home tram-Laie Forest Acail- C- - MM= hi. decisien. emy over lhe neek endl. Bealdes M. Sdhpso, manyP Mi. @ad Mrs. WiII Ebeeban vie[ltel OKS L attedjed oui- contet Amenglis in inuta*we Mon.M. .. Lniaun Mise ncal and of a 10% poucil dangiler eaulitSun-CFD R C E T F ] Mn..5; M. Pbilip Miss daymorning Mn..~~~~ Menh. 'r, uatnd .mStratton. Mn. Sui4han -Lake .Vli, MI. Afler the content a lunci vas serv- Aid «Mr.'Curl transate businueslu A. 0. SIMPSON e&. BotasCieola thank Mr. Simnpsonu WsmeFa Saturlay. Phone Lake Villa 141-J for hi. luîeres in oui- Content. Hoe bas 0. W. Lehmann bas recenly allel ______________ beeu cf valuabe assistance te us. aillel tire. herses te cmfnwyphrdlu- Mr-. Swift shipel a c4rload et oheeP aldel tese iplenîli bernes ta Ilseai- rieurs '9 te 1Aa. m.; 1 te 8 P. MeUday, aol à cou-lo o teers but i-adi fine stable. They vene hpped Tinn.lay te tie tekard.. , f rom Clilcagelfat reci. J. IL.11E»L, D. C. Miss Anua Keougb aae Mis. Beat- Tii. Rayai Nelgubo-m have <uit. a rie CÉrôflai ver> abent tram their claie fer adoption la February at their KAISER BLOC. tinties oft eacininug hlb Higwuod lest meeting, anid the.Woodmn - k OVER TECAS OFFICE ibooul, lat neek. loti vere 111 rita t5ei- membera te suake a 'perlai et-Tlehoe26 sever. colda.- fort te attendl the regelai- meeting In F'ebruary, as tiers la Important bual- LISERTVILL.E, IL.LINOIS * * ** * * * * *neus te b. attendé'd te. *ROSECRANS Friende 0f thi. Kerfamniy W' lb. FLHAt<AN W. COMB grievd te lbarcofettbe leatiof ln.. Matgb rletebtord, at her homo ln Iv- 013* at E onosCook A.. ~ *** * * * * * * *airutoeTlaai'ruesds-, after an uilfon- uaicu 0- Marlou nd R Ialph Hon, loftI shool whh 'deted, oe -ealn lust Fu-day. 'hep have movel te Cluijk vn4 rs- uiLMlngTTVIUÀÀ14 eluiotnatiOhio.Mra. George Mitchell and Rem lsuAm- Zvelyn Sl-trabonad arah McNm'apfft sevra-aiday. retiontly vit> her LFIII (~I arar veriencted te second <rade motien, XMu a ois iem rr.L O Januart Slnd. "Tii. DItriet Skule." vs- EM"oeosOueon, Llie and ClaMte gven uulas- evenig t tbc baiL Dei- AbVW4.S MetuaItiralove bsen netîer ardy Isls later. Lam WL U, iLLIX uer s-bsent lIs Year. thailie Martin eturuiel home lust lU E L>G Oui- teacher, Umss Bion, attendel neek &Mn. Ilaia nd muaye h. la 9Eus. P»» Ite131-M 0 1.Pies a m.lieg at Lbrtyville Saturdâky qutq stiattel nith the goold 014 13. a.___ wfek sgo. Nons of the pupil vent onuMn.. Scocero apenut ruqaasy lu chit. accoanteof the etesmy lstir, Cage. MA$TINC._ RAYsXJ The. tiret and decoul grades au- makingpexstera.Atsei.aLS W. are lad te Ms-na 315 WaMm.gtOU StVu1 v. Il k. Villa visitertaGuidait. A'r -fi -1.vringIu siOst Gerg Stlclfr c is-t tMtlu fe' da Con venient Route to Chicago's 'Loop »ýRide ini Comfort from, Libertyvilie to the Center triç,t---save, time and money. You arive on time at the doors of the leadin g hotels, ban. ks, the- aters a*nd business houss Trausiea iLutyvil. at tbfrtyfflwàu- tcrvalsfrfl 5:48 IL M.telS8 a.LM., " at 11: 48 a,. m dv««Y kHlfboeu ht, 11 8: 48 p. w,; tIh« $A &-p. . ad whhff*bo- afte «112:48 a. u. .honkai h hSpUit cue ets tLakeo IW f« ha' e.. BAGGAGcwxIICIEDTO Al PouM tON UNLM NOR~TH SHORE TICKET OFFICE LIBERTY VILLE STATION Phone 74 Chicago N"rth hore .,&, Milwaukeeý R. Re iCar W Kolkt poo ~* bablod Ho vas :bIsila out appropriat@ words. b flJft~7~,,tfJ a Iidedai Pôsuublitty of Suspliion UVITY uWku *beladl ttward hlm, PLU IIH , prd. * 5 in thel &eheM moere of passionate love notes I6d9 Lut nthe bande dl the. police, îIl ~ 4,A took the. stand. She liait vIoitea the cniec fbrbaad h Med. Ford, Wins Freedom When admlvted. $ho was entertaining Cao-' Chicago Mati Sentenoed to the It Is Foànd Qasa Caused beard ber buabands footatepe. se- 1 Wautoegh Jait for, Mth Death.' coridng tu ber story. Sire jumoed f or Seibi poison to Boozer to he oorto evadé a sconie ahe À perfect cae.of circumatantlil thougbt unavoldable. Canedy jurnved Henr-y ÂMeloxig, in whose gaoon évidence mut Up bit by bit bit throigb the. wiudow. Asiet tSt.on Attorney S. H. Pord, the outraged huaband. told, at 803 South State street, Chicago, Block luthi i ati of Daniel Ganedithe U mSne tale. Ilvery truthtul au- Willam Hollister Jr.. vas found dead Market tre ag, T'qls&1 blow 8wer ho gave ouly- burt bis case fi-nm poison wbiakey, wau sentenc& up wita b~st et lliock&iaitedthie MOM Hia vife told hirof ~ero«s u hei.utree ibourg what theb aitdoue, ho relateo. That to thirtit days bla th Lake county of ted1oka tt a 1aytb bad b6eard eiiidd t.'tbey weo rebocicteo. . -jail at Wauk.aul and fd 00 OPbit the imtaiesasudeoer laor thro«b. liai>BroWII brutber"-law cf Ftord. Fed.rWI judge JamasIL Wnicpreou. -Tii. eatlre cage hingod on the. alto backd bhinte.tmony, 't.timony Hs arede, re ofo a i- bullet vouud Abat passed throgg baPt vas the 1yt oircumstautiai cage e 800 caàeddrs lgbt te and légal mats possible 10Amaon adnltedSeIf. lIlo stIfUlY drive. in by !roector 'Tbrougb t Asitant uChierot » o-i I on a uti liaesolu u au aiock's contflu h-l hni.lg A a l1.4 100Thomas Tyrwelwuatwit bià ,"btsad n&MMat o 1s-rd. the chlp suspect, formed a prisoflers watching thefr every niove. Cl susb de, bt Unplace vas pellfect figure of a gallown fer th~e lu hope. ofdiàtectimg a aig= or catch cl0.1 for a ydar 1w alu inuattou j> lubkes nogro iuhose tUutiifui an- a word tW v ould end thee. anedi by Judie Oeffle T. P Unade ammrs cly made bis case look the Dr. T&apter îePît te gus.Rethe. abstemnent clause of lb.%jhbi- blacker, Vutsd it sas thémmentneo of0oe tien là-W. llut .eold science tfaci a baud. 09tf eotii 001Peelliar caues ho ever i'ollovh>gtii-. hours of testiifofly aUdled, he clalrned. Bld ays the from i vtuesaes haives toe Bwait lacts of the. cueevwtt!go In a ici-aD th* course of the buliet wound and book Of treaBureit unusual bappen- teni deeply ixuledded la the. te, thim ho bas cbrowmcaed.E1 .. moral artery a pacé et glass tare. The body viîl be taaen te Chicage IC LI luche. long and a hat Inch vide. todoy for burlal. (t wus a fragmnet the. ulndow AppliancS through wbIch Canedy had leaped. *****e *e Both ends vers ahai-p and thbe etigei were as keen "as au ladian'a LAKE ZURICH * arros'" as Coroner Tayloi'B report rouate& , * * * * * * * * * * Ç In the home &ey sve folle At the. point wiiere physicens bad Mrm. Schallenkamer viefted ber hué-. lbo 0sud teetted tii. ballet had entereil th"' band. Paul Schallenki mer, vire le at lb n leg amouter amal piece Of glas. the West 8ide hospital ln Chicago. Re wus fond. Deatb was due t xet to coule home tbf. week. <Teie hemori-hages, the jury tetind. M-.w .Hr»inhsbe ntheC I he icse comfort. The bois rau il Ithe way tbrough si-k st WfG.lic p a s ek o the leg. Dr. M. J. Kaye had satd tekMrs Wte Page ae mmko- qThym.i il bd ben caseitby abullît*. erbcrg vtsited Mn-. Arthur Klrschbaum Coroner Taylor vas ot the 'Bmrneaet the 'Palatine bSpitat Monday. She Couvenicuce. opinion. William Wetzei, u ndertaker t, comng home tbis wet- substantiated their beliet. Evenitone, Mrs. Mab'i Adams and twn t;m.!' wh liadt seen the. weuud said the, children and Mrs. Jeu!.e Adama spent 41 The Bda of them us long. buet had made the passage that 1h. week end i tt Mrs. Graeme at bail brougbt ileath. The case' bail ferron. been based on thus tact and with t A. G. Crawford has movedI lto lhe q W sea the. ae went the pesbillty ot murder. long F. Pewler h&1se. trials aud probable prison laentences.j The play, "Tire. Pli-lléIna liaifie." Ford was given bis treedom, andl given at he schoonibouse Fifday eve- Any of our customers hâte s t g was bis erring vite, who admttl dni n dr-e-vqûIte o crowd. The. P. T. A. cei con ihu hc Ou the .witnesstand that ber rela- mt i ntiie atternonandl a conlittf e céi cotwt u i tloner vtth Canedit the Youtiiful was apoôinted fwa social lime durtng ho can use In buying suit bli. hsld been unconvetonl.Wl uhp oming montii. appil4not, the terme Isen *liani lBrown, andluvtte,reaie of Ms m iulxfo erFar o.gaIv owas!c the Ford., are aIse treedl cilof-mna on si;afI on sac A * tow-beaded fielder lit l iiak recoverng efi-rnan opérat ion i hi fe str wiutnss i ak rkhoqpif ai. i nn yprs his tens.wazthefii: itnss ?à Fnil Mn. L .Mi lier. Mr. anld Mrs. *called. He saw Canedy i-un t rom 1 Ffnk. Mi-. andi Mi-. Bueschinx. Mi-. and r the résidence wbere ho 1>54 leaped 1 Mr!ý.C' Wpwptzer. Mi-. sud Mrs. Wm. tirougb a window to evade en irate W'ewpixer. Mi-. and Mrs 'We.aver. %qr. P bi -" j *hushanil to a point 325 feet frain the oand Mm.. Tnne, Mi- andl Mi-. A. Heett. Pu l Sevice Co~J. bedreom soepe. Here i. fell, tifeiMi-. and Mi-.. W. Piehm.Mi-. and MWn. O oth U to crawl, but tell again. F, Dubl andilMT. enil Mi-. ELnman fGeorge Robins on, colored, teatiflea wfre amongo tfe whe attendei the. >f b. hall gene with tie white Young- ý d.>nce at Barrinzton evenlog. star te tti. place where Camedy lait AU report a aplendii tinme. i The à ochiBat S'oside chai-ch. Winsbip 'cpblue 1 cago. M, e4, s-nd end nu* 'i. s KOU"* ubn" Accori the emu dent vs -whtch o scad lit ;hie. Nef a"..le the Anti 'torne in -'.41te0&cg ehuuch m latter as mrrangen :Bunday * lirap Vlrst r -ceremen' Mes. lve.. la tirs. Bye Dougma I triss al Chail itin.g rei laie JIU 1, BUiîl Mouds-y. Mn. ani lioch Cal Mir. aba Mlenu. VI Thfout veek la lunale N BIE-tnad A num absent b met 1la" have um compeai 0000 @ PO] 0000 Thase monta c Ether 3 oui- scie tas Bai-r - reflmenî W, or doon gyi speiug grades. for the 1 lhiu-gE stuly et Max Waukeg . Mr ai itors aI, tarnlly '1 Mir. and lly. tir. ai el a ne, Keep ta. datE Lambi Sunday l.ed ove hei ps-i -Relmenu Herol et teh 1 Miss Heeschl Atrout a saah - Deer 0 joyel a Elmne Welneu -- recever 400