1 1 f WORTlSSF«I GLAND RENWALI I..ke County Man Net& &ql flot L111e One, Hie h Told by Experts. For two years Charles W. Matn. têyasold, weslthy head ef -Matin ~ O, manufactuirera. 227 West Mad- tenStreet Chicago.,liad been Dpi- ning heliopes of living tolie 101 ~' 'Years old on a rnonkey. Yeterday lie iound outf that lie lias the wrong klnd of a monkey. ."Mike," Mr. Matin's m-okey la of the pet or lap varlety. Wliat the manufacturer needa £or the gland transplantation lie Plans salueday to bave la a man'salaie antbhpoidaDo ---a gurus, gibbon, ohunvanuee 'Pr Oran& Rualii ta Ms'"Bdle Mie vmu huormed of ibis .ioterdaY attor is picture ap4eaad An' fthe Pepere foilowiiig a precipitate air- Pane ffiglit on Sunday from liii homi, "Boulder 1*oOsiÈ" on the *boes of crooked late. lAko nwty, tu "Mk's befti4o lu Ohicago when ~Mi W» ereporteài a0k. DL...ugeaoLaureacê Hartigan. ln- atir Morcfsurgoory 5etlLoyola uni- »vrgtY, and Dr. G. Frank Lydotoli. âM»m eiafr gland transplanltations, no W*rXmed -bhi . -Vat 11Wle mkay" sait! Dr. likiiga. "tu the w.ong spelès for %Uand operatiaris. Wliat Mr. Matin, aeeds le the ebimpansse or orang. Tlh. the" iln u gdas closeto flie ba an ily aà possle. ,the bigli- tr the bologloé ceaie flie more e!- eive the glands" Mr. Msrtn lias a wrong idea,-" aid< Dr. Lotimer. % "lie vantaan auflira Puid &Se, One of those big fllave vbo an e norly humanur' Look% IlEm Over et the. zoo. "D of wliclidlaconcerted Mr. mar- thi for a vbfle. "I1--hvetO 10ok nome monks aver anS11« Otsmo more advlce." ho sald &Ad 1det0idl I a tazuvsb for Uin- eoin liait.' Relie lntervloved &amlrd -] P*rbor. diretor of tlie oo. who en- tlgbfene hluinon the. subjeet of Umkeys. lMr. Parrer took hlm tiflronglt the monkey bouse and point. M eOut the various sPeclee ta hlm. a A 10 c a Mfr. snd MEn. Art son, Howard, ai Clii OdysdMonday - Mrris. Mlumard à - '&'be foyer, sud th *ags lanuer quar M- tlfvo day' ait *U. Leele Rogera di.4, YWdar et. lest o * Tii. daûm c iven * imnsclub in the vriday nglit vae a) 3tanela Elffle la FRED GI AIJCTIONI FAR% AND Sl A SI>EC 547 NOR( WAUKEGAN, PHONE F *.A&M WAUICEMN ARLIN *1101 bus Hadlock and lcage v«slted Olfer r ifli relatives itu la very 615k viii te MoeLofdlst par- rAÜnUum d snor0fMr. sud of auanbol lAkeb roob. 0y tioeAut4ach aopera haume let *grand &=cme. 111 mmihscret toyer. -sad the, eG.. liomie tua mder . g -ýThe'gt* fou soma flua i , , neý%'tZlid.wMOMM . çithe *Ra J. . e w u a business vfltor - 'Wlb t. W.bave Wd fho brok- in Cb§odgo Moadar moruli 'dtiIbP&~W d r ft$gacr mooeý%o e~ !Msor ~11vdéro Aast1 vas gwu e t fthe PA cblfdren. Mise Dudley la e tralned fattijj<Ifly % Sy y numbe'e oii nure.t#of the ppi L ckol apaco t& litre. Robent Bmfrt and Mies Rile- --ents lkbbing printedIn luui. brand viaitd évr Sunday ini Chlcago- Si*ff AbltoWmm eld lin 1w Several in bohe re oi n attend- - auce at flie fumeral of M Rokobek WashleponAtony e- Ini Chicago last Tuesdsy. .'mm] Over Excfrïdition. POI~ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sbeller are ro- Jolcig over the arrival af a lttle Flgling oxtraditinp ýom thie State IU d&ughter born Tuesdsy àtterno._ r WahngoWilliam Taylor, D~ 11 quit ladgo A. F. & A . M. bd hsd clasud nbl. gjid fait fa ontribut ta More UuWa_.60Q1 anaqunce»ýsqts of the funeral services ofJs,. Turne!, their support,, refuses ta return ta aoflhe Dollar day, ta o e l Feli. et Graryslske. Mr. Turner vas a Mem. WaukegnIl Wth Sliertiff 1win AhI- 22. Oere sent *ut tadar ffronthub» ber af the local l(dge.strmm ta îtue aie cherges. Waukogan and North Chcag' J. R. Crilil attendait the fumeral of a Traylr lus eing backed In biis con- Chamber ;of Commerce by the relative In Chleaega Thuraday. teution by the attoaney general of -Oommercil a nd Ratai dIvIsibn aof Fritz Vanderheld vas oper&ted On; Wssbjngton state, vho bas wired the bureau. Plans are undervay to lu the Vtory Memoal:baqiltal lui local authitnem tliat ho belleves aeti b os ucuu &- Waukegan Manday. Latest reports are States Attarney Smithi la in errer m ae int,.110fmceoflbr that lie la doing nlcely. i lesulng t4e warrant. and h. abg e, gain day oi t4io long 'l1s f a"mcc- Mr. and Mra. Arthur Van Patten iud ma.nde sm affIdavit shovlug tht Loe-os. Mr. snd Mns. Ellis Storey ver Clii-- .I taed e ta ity cdt sd Judge ago 'PaSSengers MondaY mulu -O!ftP. L. Pron fl ty uudge. la* week. Blierifi ,Ahlstrom bua beeu gone ton- Jason Lynchi et Chicago Uieiit the days in an effort f0 brIng. TsYlor past week at h% hme a AttuQ bock, but the refuaI i .,fte attoruey Mfr. sud Mme. Fred Brawn expett te general te houarI ie e«tradition pa- move Inta their nov huuigalov an Na. pera af Gov. Sinalbuas lmEUp sau Main streot sean. renders t rlgfib'saoe by thle afltlior, Herman Ioslng veuftaeLar e Q- mtes u wna4e, as'evreh neya tat vo. baud eniered the Nothf- wuvas eretedo eraph warrant. vestern Mlita"y Academy the-. Taqlor wuas looated at CashlOre. Miss Myrfie Petersisa se auepted Waeb a position ai the looal tel.exibaflo 01- holet hi sat chanuge. Tyor m s bfuai hobit tmh isr Mies antis Va Duze bastake alleged t'a-ve cammiltrei the crIme. a position vlfli the Wiecanslu Tele. iAL Phono corupauy et Lake l3eneva. _. Sbg * *aa***a*a**F RS L reslgned lier position at ;the locUleft-* .AHo change peb. lot. * AIEA Mois Chatles Kelly, Jr., la entertain- ing iýe ulster M<O. o MeAcen inu, MIic. Mdri. ~ t. and Mrs. M. IL Wells mpent luat CEDAR CREST FARM Nelson Drmhdtemntruet mdyvif#h the latter's parents, Mr. l..ke Villa, lit. break bis vrlst Tuesday aon 0 laut sMd Mm. Georre Groos, ut Labo Zurich. A. CL. S11IIOON veeb, crauklng is car, sud flie firt M Bort Swa and Mre. rThomisa Pivm Labo Villa 141-J a!f tbis veeb lie vas quarantined far 1"gen. ç4led an Et-s It-anie Klng etI scarlet lever. -North ClitlCaO 1tdy. * -- - The theaiers and bofLh tiei hansd Mr.and4- ;Ere. Hareld ells apeut Ruru 9 te 12 'a. nML, 1 te P. m. grade schools vere clased MandeY for9aai I«t*Ù relatlveb et-AUlCIL. twxa veeks on account of the scarlet Mm-. R. Ir. Reo sepptt Enday vltli lever cases, liber Oàoïbier, Mn. R0slense. L J. H. HESLIN, D. C. i James.Hôrsu lias roturned homne MEr and Ers,. ,Geatiee 8mith spent KAISERBLDO. froi bis western trip. fluuday ~ iMr. sud Mns. eorge! iVaIHLGSOFC MmJ uila Walker and daugbte s $ ma t *mlny. V51MROA.F maved lest veek ta Ksubakee, vlee>-B. z. Lycfiamade a business trip ta Tolophoe *26 shie wIli keeP bouse for lier brofliar, Clcago UMnday. 1 LIBERTYVILL.E, IL.LINOIS = vhose vite dled about a Year Rg0. 1, A.Munrie returued bomne Manday MEI Mns. John Clark came home trom evenlng,,afer speudlug ev"aleeke BR ~<J jW. COLfY Maya Bras.' liosptsi Manday, vhee lIn a Miohigan sduiariumu she lied been the past four yodsa. ae Mn. George Rose, enfertalned Mrs. Office at Home. on Cook Avenue Mfr. snd Ens. Pote Pterson ver. ~J Bouse Sýturdàsy. given a surprise party Frlday evening Enr. anai Mrk..Thoxpao Ruselol and 'relojhone 1P-J In honor of their nineteenili veddlug iarily vilshf d relatives ut 1Lske Fat-est LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS ' annlversary. Sunday afteruoau. * * * * * ** * MrmMra.obnltcielltLler- LYELL H. MORRIS *FREMONT CENTRE* a **'rn* * a a* * *a* u* aa * * HALF DAY L»' AT±nYaLL W ILINI Wearsaryta~lionlletesel- e ** ** ** ** ** *LUCIUBBUILDING oua Iinosof Lawtence Ttus, Mrs. Will Gerbent and E. J. Kelly autaed Ploe1-M OfeP Mebielu sud Mrs. Jae Titus, ail frein ta Cîheaga asf Thureday. mue f aiuy. Mms. Titus, wv a le ethae Charles noate baes returned trrim the MARiTIN C. DECKER Lake Couty hespital, la geftlng along M. W. or A. Sanifarium. et Colorado as -weil as eau ho expected. but MV r. gsviiere lie bas been staying Attorney4-aLw 'ritas and Ers. Melirlein are bath crit- for e yeer,, takmng treatment for bis 31 Washington Street ieally iii.lunga, greatlS' Inproveil lunliealth. We wA&uE»GQNL1LINOIS are gladta ses Nighher Foote iiack 0d hn 4 e.Poe10- BeyerDPutz.r Nupilsis1. - vth bis fomily, sud truly hope ho yl Ofd hn 4 l..Poo10- 'Wedneeday marniug at 9 a'clock ar retan bis recavered heebth. - St Mary'a Outhlic cburcb, lu the Alvira Uchrooder Ile 0i% thcsick jiet. [) O .BUER EL pregence of a largo gafherlng ai rela- W. IL Meyen snd fàmily motored ta R 0 .BTEFE tives sud fionda, occurred the marri- Waukegau lest Seturday sud vlslted VBTIIRINARY SU *RONION age od Johnt Beyer and- Mise 'Clara Mrs. Cocu,, v a Iset%1 unalile ta 'walk, Assimilant Stâte Vete,.ln.arian Thitaer, bth aif Freinant. Rev. P. M. eltliougl aIle feeling fine otherwIse. LIBERTYVXLLII LLflXOiS Bey off icated and read a nu*tuai higli Mr. Erneef fchrooder, Mies Bita ________________ m a, vhicb 'Wa eung hy the entire Schroeder, Mm. Aima Anderson'-and chorus coiar, as fhe bride lo a member Mms. ftorck vere libvifed ' ta the home DR. J. L TAYLOR ar the choir. Muçh comment -ea iade cd Mise Young for an attenuoan lunch- ofice. In Firet National Bank building aver the hessitul sluglug. eon Tueaday, Feli. 812. The To1ungs HiR,.m:-lta 8: 30 sud 71 ta P. nM. The bride vore a gavu oi vhite are lllng tu the. Sam Preeze Place, georgef te crepe vif h vreath sud veil. hm g g saie last eummer. We Reeldence on Broadway. c oste Pasrk cerrying a mans.flicçnt hoquet oi volcame thora inauir cammuulty sud LIB2:ETTVILLE, ILLINOIS bnlde's roses wlth streamers of sw eot -lu ur churclu andsocmal affaira. ________________ pesa, vile the bridesmalside.the Miess - Miss Knox sang a fine salo ln the_______________ os Cedella Dutzier and ElvIne Beh-it chut-ch s eeok ega 1m8Sunday. m wer. Mdtred In Pinkt sud bIne creeWe are sotryxreport the death. fI aver satin and carried huge baquets Uaîwrd Georgé"S ler, thue infant son ai pin knasee. o! Walter Seller, wliooodeallice- Llectrc The groom'. attendants vere. John curred last Friday.* Feb. 9tli. Our.-j tltf tiseusoneoruneDroixez "-tihe :km 'banquet at Weukeg4n licst d l, tes ever frod the a.ile o! 8t. Mauday evenlng. oneEanyLashnrcM. Th~e scbool vil! give an entertain. Tho bride i. the second daugliten o! ment sudbaoket social on Feb. 22. RA B EMr. snd Ere. Ttis Dutzler, and a The Young Peaples' Club wiibl meet Yaung lady ai fine sud pleaging par- et aie Tolm RaIl mrt Friday ove. EERING iaalty. ' niug. Web, 23. TIhe program fa lie rom- The groom came ta ibis coutnry at doeS canhoe eslly guessed. the 8<0 o! 15 yemarnsd for the pasf 12 Hennisu StelUIng la f111 confineS ta TMC y1 eareasuheen employed ai the houle hie bed anS noti; 1Vrovlug as mucb as a! Mr. and Ens. Albient Behm. vee - e-vould like ta se. lhi% Sa, but hope IALTY ho vas considered a* one of the tom- for a oomplets req.iery--aon. 11Y, and ho gives iliem the credif for The children of Raille-'Masan are COUNTYMT. hies uccess In lifs. and says fhey 'wl!! ou the slck llst. DIii IS Ilas s has dear f in m a s mowii Olive Jaohnson lashanot boom feeling 2441 folks, which ho bail ta, bave aetSuci go fine for the pant fev veebs, but an early age. tuth lb gl so .l i 24 1Mr. esd ns. Beh u s iebe as tustal goo -0beain oo e n.i amb- Cens proud of the youug mian vba gos-w ln aClunrd e al t mauem sasuu sucli fine unanhoad under their guid- Teachers' Traai lugos.e t 9:46;. Sali- aMc. yrsuel n ut bathSOchool st 10: 80 &M thd flie vng tir Beers ucbesu aut ram preabilng SèrTicet et 8 o'clock.. The SlOW KaneUa atended the veddiug.- vhich sermon ,sublects tram mcv on until UNIR -OF o wan -laborat s attelr sud hetd etiusatense baed on De"g gs-wort's the homeofa the brlde'o garontg, Ur. evokaiWaîIMsul os ~ GRNITE sud ns. ltusDtuflor.I Oirisfl.» "This la oeatohing we lUIS Tho correspondeunt Who h5ai eshonid ii SUov , go aa«,>,d attendanée good fortune ta be InVitaS ta eVery la x Ud ek of Evey veddlng lu aie commnnty, ma trWIal. A debt. vI» be maged in the -tovu fuily s&Y ifvas ou. Of the pillent*fa- hallai.4g P8. 7 -tSp. Mi, un- plin aira aie ever atteuded, and evexyfo dero tho,%uspieSg et tho W. C. T. U. CE SOICM PEDp-sent soonued ta have the. fime inu Saubln Ii , tht- lif. I'"a b ,',ew. mrcsr Til la UMMs St. Aftr EMt-ch 1sf Mr. and Mos. DOFt- et r pte b. atam. parlas sitair, HIJIOS Ilîl tae.Possession o!fie George but e remi .sxet»g time la ozbooeed. Belinaferma, v th letsboat. of frienda tell et brem. tecks, uumar sud pathom. vlihiheni ! ue sud attet "Mmem -- very bleang GoS eu Rive,0 Bring *sacs arauud Ibemn vhllo they MALF DAY SCIIOOL NOTE Ilive UmesMy Jack, teachor of th.e MS 'GTON obll. visiteS aius sebool Wetbgesday. FLI 'W. «ored ber aluglu; sud lDisyluS GTON tDOCrORRU9Uer in U sud De ne ' glvugth* man fra andes-4r ~ asSOC E OCUGe f ULa Io tes, The bepv treçed lthe tlti vit h cou- 'eas aile-io« the,0me foo the mm, coPÇ Srvie«osiend.red tihe late Délaveli 5o iya. w. sujc owr*&,et ________ Omîit, ullinaIe Lo. FoSot as. A8eKom teckoin. plourm ofthte '48 ent man" puli*enof, tit ind seboolbouseta.aoving thelievntry as- t mao s Nu. ýDrl e. ofleO eg ' ea-t t tbi ue.ý i nani W&sako l Nb«ut liath»c«> , Meighth grade lias ompet.d [ta.'- ty court-iM . - M " w"àeft ote .10«- wv or tets e is n! a oa or ambunt. whieb the dator agroed abisota> ----- 5 00ept ws bave à nev pemil aharjiener lu qIl the honme they save Uie 1an ad q m.,y croeucomfortk q Tii.7 nUltpy Convenience. q qThe #dof them i,Ïong. Ç We un tem il- Any o! our oustomers heu s credif acceunt witli us which h. cen use ln buyitig any appilanoe, lh. terme given boing a littie down, balsoce In monihly parte., -Pu-blic SrVJçe Co& of Northen Ë"lo~ ftu~2 t Which I~I~ ~r Sales Diy of, theSes. A Day that wil Deinmntrte t&e. Buyimg power of Y Dollar in Lake Coiinty*s BA..RGAIN CET and the Bargains are worth coming miles to share For Businýess and Shopn Use the North Shore Lin e *Limited Trains ieave Liboetyv&l ev.ry LaUhou frin 5:48 a. nU.. to 10. 48 a. ni', then at il :40 a.,M. and evoery LW kowitqefe ~-n:4, vh, ~:45 p'.andeyLru- after untiilZ:48-a. m.~ colnectint i Lake Blaff station ivith fast express trains for Chicago. quick clean trip from LibertyvfI1e intp the very hèart, of ChicAocon en ttQý businéss houses, theatres. and,, iadIr'oeLu stations. Always A Train To Suit Vour Con venience Chicego Nort h mSor & milueR R. ~vlfTicket Office