Ltiywa IE ROMW. THIIFMAY. FERUAY 15. 1923 Ulbêrtyvie nd BurMI 'We list afew ofthe M~ CUTS LOOSE WLTH AGGNI ~ ~ to' do this we are gôlng te give thO peopl Di inoy. Imec assuryuoiha'tth e naef«*d,»« have~sad a sueyo httee r ide~ ar 4Rf ýtt.tIe mebear hi mid that we only he.limted "qnatities of cerai item and. advise early sléin u etevlrslt" we are offering during this sale, we cannot make any refunds or exehanges during'tlis sale. Sale Starts Saturay eb17 at 9a i 12 PAI2 HOSE $1.00 Men's Cotton Hose, -al sizes and colorn; only 12 pair to a customer. These are regulal' 20e values- *2.40 worth_1ô for - _....... MENS CAPS 5Wc These are $1.25 and $1.50 Caps and we only have 2.5 at this priee. FREE To the Fwst Tes Ladies who miae a $240 Pardiase we wi ive a Homse Apro. tint retagifer $1 » MEN'S MOLESEIN TROUSEES $1.85 -Thèse are high grade Trousers and nevdîr have been offered at this price. These are reguilar $3.00 values.- 12 làlq'8 HAEDKZR OHIEFS50C They always have been sold for 10c. This means $1.20 worth 50 for .. ................ 5 0 Only 12 to a customer. taé'a d res Wa-Sluesat tUeàrd of Pri3ces ADI S. ing, Apparelat Loer ucs _ _ _ _ Tha EerBeorFIREE: To the firet ten ail season for 69c. YOU Ladies who make a s$ ave 82e on every 3 pair 75e Ladies Union Suits purchase we wil give a o" buy. Reuaitr $1.00tailfor $100. . $1.25 Niglit Gowvns- Redueà lfor I this sale to 89c $1 Ladies' Union Suits Special for this sale ........ 9 $1.75 Ladies' U'n Suits Special for 12 this sale ..... 12 $3.00 Ladies U'n Suits Speeial for 21 this sale ....219 1.00 Ladies Wash Drees- es, only20 to b soId for ...........79c? 25r Cbildren.'. Stocking. reducedton ony.... .......14c 75e childreng Petticoats, reduced 48 to ....>........48 25e Infants- Hose 19C only 100 pairs ai Clark's thread . ... C per spool -.- 7ke Children's Paja -_________ mas, nedueed f for this sale49 45e Children's U. Suits. $2.00 Ladies Corsets pea ZLd ruc for 1 i this sale this sale tol,49s ____________ 50e Braziers, reduced for tis uN n É to~ . ..........-a lc 75e Childreîî's1 Special for this sale. U. Suits -49cl I - SPECIAL JOB 0F LADIES' SHOES Take your ehoice for .. .................-............«....75e $2.98 LADIES' SHOES,$2 9 Reduced for this sale to .................- . 2 1 $3.98 LADIES' OXFORDS$29 Redued or hissale to . ....... ........ 2 9 $3.95 MEN'S SHQES,$27 Ail size, reduced to ....................$2...... . 79 $4.50 MEN'S SHOES Ail sizes, reduced to ........................$ 3 1 $5.50 MEN'S-SHOES - $42 - l si z s e u e o ....................-. $ 4 2 Many Other Big Bargains in the Store1 Not Enumerated in This Advertisement IKIMONOS $L39 These are regular $1.98,' (1,wsellers and wil neyer be.I duplicated. FRE Te the ruratTom <d.wb ak a 2S0Iwthaàm v vu . Home. Apwtn oasfr$. LADIES51 VESTS 21c These are regular 35e vests and are only offered for this sale 21le LÂDIKB FELT si PERB 890 These are regular $1.39 lippers and cannot be uplicated. u Ia SI di Army andNav Surplus Stock $2.50 Men's fleece lined union 16 suits only. 16 81.00 Fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, per69 garmeni.... .. 9 $1.00 Men's Ribbed Union Suits 9 redueed to .... i69 *3.00 ,Wool Mi.xedun ion suits 18 for only To Be Sacrificed During $2.00 Sweaters. Buy them for next winter at 11 only ..........1 1 $4.00 Sweaters; Tri- tex. Reduced Q $100 Slip-on. Only 20 to be sold 59 for ........... 5 ' 500 Arrow Brand Collars 4 .only ........... 4 6-Buckle Arctie-Conv prse-- $4.50 value, 3.19 . Special. .. $1.65 Reclairned 0. D. shirt. Special 1.19 Th«"iis Sale $1.25 Rubbers, U. S. brand, 85 Special . ...... 5 $2.25 Brand new 0 D. Shirt, Spca1' $5 Regulation Army Specal ........2.95 $2 and $2.50 Men's Dress Shirts, 98C Ail sizes spi 12-oz Canvas Gloves, regular value15 25c, pair ........5 Only 2 pair to a custome r. O. D. Wool Breeches. lleclairned 13 Special ...... . $5 Leather Puttees special 29 at ...............9 0. D. Overcoats. Re- elaimed 3.95 Special IRedueed