f attb1Oi1it% bt hy ca* te- brem ci e.tu th« case etfi obos r e fthi.egyPtealeixai- tft.a rLuxor, thse Lako iceunt? "Ii4' cotnsof thse ariduxtai "LrniV Of -a ft** ehotgxxn and twro tlubfx9 roda 's el4w. t -the bottoi c i laneM years a go. ~i roda and guui were lmt. bY a hu~ie *b0n bis boat urVertxflied wea h. Gschrged thegua *Tke Weapon wali dtsoovered by 'Vie-, t«r Crr. wlto hue is e pin, and MOI rt elerk foud the. rode wbile r0t-' tmg j. They were not badlli ruteti *»dwiultim lte peillhigand ri- bini er. broxgt beck fIO d xdC09 fl xende. former co-nty clerL ci ýl 14M C.o=utyinlu Meaklng tfsig«st tue uermce xmade by I"rs* uiat oa5a.,lrAY in wh cMr. lt wiIbr e* tÏ tsake it Appear tbat 3. Hall-' de . bêuh etlrea front the Couaty, C1ehifltalm bad aIMa m tis. n fmiy to Mê* 1UVtu ake ceunt. Made- heft records sb»w tiat there a hference of l: $96 -te- twe~my beboand thse audlfirs'rEý porto eFveýrkg a period of tai yeara. J i Mdtbat l bad lard x4time qak' tnt ',up te. diffrence tôt 11 e anitt *,u4 Qteufl uaeit. dld make moertep t-raine that 8.06. lii4wwcet flaliy managed fa g.: it te"wthSOt berewlug ail. ttu« frm tisst aud tkus lade the *dtepeut whilch vas Matiolatory ta tl tti lciala kautxxgIbe mat- "WIxt eIer«e to Jstlsteatement reiticu te the $250 l del, juat kM ti!rl t0 Wver uphhe facieut -and eue : èâ te inake ft ape.x that hlm $2100 amte »M'art ]L4W <fle.) M'e ara i St.~a OéOrêï T e ttla tbafljet dae -*t1 at &h bee xln ug ça 'Tmdee .vteln< at $ke Q wi 6060Wa tn himm tffli of Ibof s B. Naa me, ret hs- Ie I ~I ta shreIma le ta bI2e a umh 5A thloa Iii 't w>Jaltt%~ le acueSW lamer ihea a gd~4heê m1~ b.n~ *a~~~- *4. t ebilt 6b s vu .100 and <MrI lore :Tudce P, 13k ii ~ Persone ta t14 e otily ort. Wheî the dry i'sad mre Ifidtx-og gneplace Îâey tcsmd labt veek ~ilhtIt>T ,, J1<EAtwo stills andi a quauttycf"mi' Bd »V0ji1, of TUHighld P'rl Thmuxht fbe tuS cbured wulhimakinc moonslxne and Élepe*tlng oll a tfrth . en do bareu lisiorla hl Posession, teday ~ded Iuttyand drew &ane Is e Iax"tsuteln uot bill in*6 d* ocïstff eaeOb but aubw.ttea atew# 814t sZsat k sa of deth oitim btim lire wm lu aiger ed wlih be -n MW bis le a Jusaà( 1*. wftoinqe - ti soie lxx td cfm wboae idetty ho ascercmi. «--aud v ct wllth3 knat able but . unbfopiy e, pnInbesxeI 3W fer -tl - oth 'e apoc u nevhI u it.t14 ,'ee* dbp #ix u iè aine rte tat eAP dOfflbc ' bota M14d18w01h'1 lt-il tue.tad ti v wi', .wstv»' ,lsu*Um I on ts* ý 0 w a4m4lis~s i FAu, o wamd vice a ÏÏaw v»i or as çcOUIE11 b JSh l-tIrg.rln"dl1d e t0 it. 1 PouIty f r~i,-~ bs fiu)y. k.flW il% frget 01 j.formed Ir 1elhos. ne oueéits hhil WWtaIte bdm tb'q ntersection et tla Tdwn -'De Y*cý Iand the . rVVr, 1* hc>OW]D tAbld BIL.Utco pc#,- ed oeC1> 11mthi e Ot h. ird0£.tLmr iagebosfU' I1Lake (:ooet>'la.Mttheb. ps u'eu constructoid ef brick £rom tus, 'Ih waes ofO re - dpariMt kop bp~Eqt 00 trace of OVSIIÙI, and St *68 1iOfuiLta tg Ias 10"4l. check the progess «J the OaMle& - o... ~Oyr.amite. 5usd tg iftped 0* UjM1I< fer emewee c¶rlousty enough, oa" of tf1ndw i a UO&L ù.. r t bearaelx dyemii l xl a0I* 9 îgt vmor buo ye mi r 2 hA*êthe sOaf violent of aIl eapîosve.i Y--. ua miaute mm cuqpt tu Vereceptoiii llrwn..1 stut ~ ~ dyaamlto wUt mot enyIede utoi ~~~~~~~wv ..i'u m ~ rc IL* lâtesly bot flashtramu alqasu ashofinsmm pkifld et detouatmr.À stick <ef 14 hilU-*itEtIflOk nrm be lit and Wdhaf l athxe 1,111 Lkë a eau*& t - N BIçior Brôwn Ki&Laoe Shoift. 'y"boUptG$12.O,aPâit $dia $iOOf *buiar., a pî a Pa~ot j~ir.a I~~r 'MEWS oe Brown Ua~c 3 pairs Eo~ ~1 Soie.- 3 s.o~ WofflNs.- ti Mc Uli Ch~ 1 «