i b' suouoli1 o =M227%= e ", 11. thle oompleted P9t Y. IL5tS-& D. luapr O 2«0« odlA. 33 f rom Ilarringcu laepero! lial»sd mindu"1. i. ~ t~* taa. ~l1k*.me881pte sevc d1tJ-00I' pqp* aihier 9aua prsonie88. X - af ae &tuant to COU T«Y LAId Cty o us , Lae oinl 114 vou A 09 41wattremgh liemul fronibois: Bs- 1 lt 4,li vM ae ! Irs. I i nr . reeu.Keerr go! f-8te Na pursuinca ! 11 ly ampof t a4od, al» erou 0fee»tl-vld * espar of t,£M0and o*yeortit nai~ us hit lieeiairan 11 e 1115 o 10. u po eios u" "~pêtf ll' tiitita a endiu le81,87' c o n A . DT ClUb. 11cm.iaPO1P2earrm ofo.tovis. a Everl brKilymovd fat UN Te LW estSie a ery. B read. f 41.7 ST- »0Io carneS,*W t e riony BardL...........62.38 OIO Mmsriaor be e mit teu iipo b.oins n uk.... ...6. " i Wi tue. ilion.fGrae No rUs .ore iaIt Vo. etota he 1.75111 s bu Cea i e ordte nd e r. O aS> su fia t h renae fr m io e eOn amd W*~ ha ahitrizd ad OsIWIb&lUO h a lsedfor 109e4Can 'Brd 10 cha itt #* daler 10 a corci.vit' a b.er the oyed aopre pr sdsrve sui «ý fer e m. bt. acOyd >'11ed in4 for Jan or te ier ofueS ai1, .a.lc.~jeig u spervse le W i n the #h daY --OctObe A D-T2, 'y CamIIU . IAdLca te li 9La ,ear a foos, to-vit« . lHar le. . BR WN rt om whPai. osyslaPu. t Am .fPar-B.d 1. W. or SsLao E nreSC'b n.E J rson, . 3861 80.0 dMn rie . aeptdad dp eLAma)£Mt>4............ 238 cou $»Urio anS N S bM]tted aetach A. Jareoa. l lie ......... ,6'6 1I e..po. Northa Sho~ '~ ~ o r e r an Co.0111e> syl 12.7ca to! U ym T arathe C Spgaber vlt & Co..ta eas c'115e do 'RehlItBoardaad te, =1 .a t.1 vaiexpela fr epuloys, "d » «t« y, SMW or Ra,-8*- be e le 3.o re epar o!d111e oie:T IL z.ist. A Vo, rcie«co Wa *. theQ Id Bf o uth e pimr c.ud> W ee oIla 2syare nhe. .T. la ami>' frChe-nau o for I rbeemul sa Wlte'.o the. M abafr tbe .193 ,gýa r A r a t m o the L Rary tau olwttea t.I suTbis uumoa. l. a- t-' mCOIJ.X ..0F . 2 Lç 8.0 I g MaeMtvlbaohcbepta Otf U agSl!~ 1 ie .e n.....e8per To! id 1 AE raaoiNUtlvetsdo ved. batJail for fih aeUt> thfoe il, do Mdw h Grow COD-tea .185. ver. purcba*" and prisions. t or m Thomafo yeis$ay b- 4ir0!lm g« accoutà a renloyet ar te 1u2 moues. MW, Bus s te., >ia m beClaany ored, wai auiiout10 ii esmalo34«.us-aPhir«. toetlmi a!mo H&4 DuadEgyS Tios vojagAyHare Spervtotslmr J. Gree. Keeper O!1the .alIlu nar.E er ebla'.Wlebb, R 0.d- .p Byfila G i da o Otoer.A D 7 4Ige, olhSlaa m =fKolh . 1T. uceý hir me.er. Maviam yPV i1 . mLber .HneCak mneae. OC<lr Szaon BnySTATU 0F ILLINOS là.. '3.COU?!?? 0F LAIKE pe tt i efgp ' hmOberion, MaIlt". OI 1, I.limer J. Gren, Keepe i.l 'M uogt F5d O V14, t» lI. ail fr the Cony aforesid. ldo i &Xb* a , 1. ol m par s w !e duhatthe fod aun ( -prls0DOeia SUbntlmX TU tOâdflprovision& ic rebte sprt ual liin rsoutossu mva le buIcs fo 0an ad roviaiY for = " tmowed t a he he rfor 11 esing 0f "t» rla I »,r îIs am a. i.', s4to he .Su ts for emplu oebaer =IS te the LaakeCUtoriaed sudor 1922. e as forIova:yth on, »Ml te te Pl- -0 Sn Froa rd.Uammi, o! Pue ,,pervior Gt ,Motia o w» =>ta du' Chsrsctor e urhaewi-C .rc ouldlLsamivce bas 01eus J. eka itsan.Met fl -it. % 1 01 iertlgta irorl.......4100i 4bTngsaS ae o!&ay* nare . A. O MJ.Gren, li.........of the il AJ sdna>' vote bent ai, Erue riie n r te Co., gs ,1ngr e,etvot blee'a ol mevas car- Beana.et............5 ;»14m ¶'bos e tfln . ae piioi u Iallellcpons. for2tc- ,»eyrlo'W. MaU, Buik, CbrD, poesaLiorA.d by ii. O w lkit t~gcr, Egomr, liblr.wnc, RoIS- BAud fOP ImLLOyId 1 rpaeain ,-tatan W. J. trattmn-W. A . 182,ai0aafolcsa.to vis Wg$tçut..~ebb.'8à&.. . ONma Orsys Epoyd mI Pl ,1rb" vott a, a'ar uuÇ e.. E.awJ- Orean . 35 ..810of 0te. 8upbose- abu asetM M YU A o tacd, ae ahiUsa 111-15 i *âiaaim si n.r. m*i uiahci socier. ohe vthca !pu- 1*1011111, 1udO1, Me. J. reen, ci 0ef0 esd pril the, ln ?ip~np~op 21JO orgtirwhi s. ta tma o!iUsea 2<~ie>yicl lirstw uuunItp4 suelp moy te d mdv lch pous(a 10 tprov.Stte o4 tae bAlla!fe'vfooi &M raspectful ii tcç oeeIuE, of'fie UClintt> 'e = l a t S re od . li er2, re fo l i e p o: i Ji tmugte a . . resd te se the for 0 WhK. B'omu.ttee ur Dpra ls or é lois, nor the, GruST. V MusaraC atemucau t« nieuelas baied, I . Blimr J.Bons. Keepr ! i jet, #M. tc, do 11 ~ h]' o! hi J&li- orle CO............ j.. s1-0in' ogre. by la'f rmadSingle. l 19-aNrtShor.niy.e -ngti. atatse f00 au " od~tapaeofli oniid "oA. Jiohnsnaloue ......das...r.. is7.37 e ig. v udN ay11 otr, sud hait Se. p' Vol. u W rcbs & mid uud ol taro id b te foRE o71ingvtReQLVWesti pioets lu 'nidreasd ti0.8sa .4h5 1e vflrng reonmésduior ad11ae' sccut foreplyenar et »wg«Ud ! m 110 Sale o! i ll foi e, ulored bsu thed 13>'tic Etyehod aer B uôV odtal' s lOeno 32. d olars. wilc etvollqo K lyar .ovd itthi. lime food ree tePr o ie .s #1 er, aV1e 'aurphiNlaad 0 r, Susrted suis a for th0 e fure a W ou 11e CunîBrrepgt 'b Ird dy Of Nemb A. 0 ~"tbe tigrai W. J.uasti for tise 192% I#îuftm.led-t 112; E192) mLe A ChikZ vo-l ay tU.,e lire.baS? E. WaGreenue351100.« .m.r il 306.60ilnol Sherit ff e= . ounty, Mini h f <kerê byDe'~ Leo . 0d, ou f the 0fulity coupe, 4. u 117 Senator nfli rom . ialat t" and le' ~ Wb.o Psw~ Anit e pur, the. forM1»e ý t~ S b of,.e.t , ft oiaa comnte lau is~jltd n Bus d. kArrw 13ESoAS .i ý58.25 t t ba data n i I00.raE F.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rMý b.1.a4Sus rs M l MM-faldta the *Ulé ori &-)Ott............0» poch. Stlr~1tiVgu b oe *trait co. potgtoosil, e d toa »ue a . nqM 7bl -11 Wamner & XVoiçmors .. n<j thmal-r a dumice lie f* .U. ......... #il4 u44]b 11Un e Od Daratting 4w taul the.expfafl r« om- Discuins the. resolUUiofl Senatol> "eta. uthorlsed bY lb. COMDIt oainger nid: tsrve th fb. li ferothe Short Linos Faiing Over Country., àned la snid litfor lth o atii-Thie ruralcommuuitleE O!fl1111901 Obi the Ird day etf »Mlber fgce sa tras.uporta.tionlbreaiidovi. D. 1922. arm as follewt;4 &U*1 Tramper4tii » wat san me Days £mployedd-Ami. Pals trucks bave go redueed the revenuesr u. 1. J.GrWé .. . 9 aeoor eieetxiUnes and short haul t am « R Y...... 8 7M.80remis tbat tic.. roilroa are belng Ra- 180attachi[dame lh* bilit faoed out of bugiuiss. whersand1 etiCr e014c.«0 »f pu> '-The Aurai.&ADeKalh lectric of food1 Md ptaVMioS. te- Une in our conimunity, sud the Chii- h9r wlth £a tesnaak \tbO ID cage. l'oura & St. LoulSs seam lin@ plo'yed, vhlch âantàuIsboti-total aretwosymptoins of Ibis transporta lof 431.72 Douom e n ~diweàse, tha1tlespreading 'like a La of vhlch la ropetfuuly sub- elgn.-Oethe. entire nation. ed. «Tbe utti. rs.aitS s ad 1the eleo, .mer J. Green, Keepei of UtheJail tdr& 111 aeslc)t. Their credit 19 K. By CommIttee mpird ndiNwr evenues are r- V. Murphy. Ofl1rman ducal by 111e plus8ure car whlib rry Stratten a s.i~ u b 'TE OF ILLINOiS 1' w. are building bard -oan d SB. the sale or automobilesle lncreaslng VNTY OF LARE àJ an suenormous rate, Of 12,000,00 1, Elmer 3. CGreen, - Keepe. of automobiles in 1the world. 11,000 ffl for tbe Cpunty atorasm1d, ire in the untd States. 11lghty-tiirca solemnlY avear fiat 4lb.foodper cent of lthe people vlio sttended dl PrOvialla n->e.Ortad àADur-the Matge fr ofSpringfield last year ued. ver. purchâsed and used eme ~bi sauto. - ly for th1e prisocers la salît 1 O.Kaib Lino ImTPOrtant 1andtI 111sfthe accouaI for oum- --hsAurora snd DeitalbhUe in 4 "Mlot arafer g0»1"e» s.utbor1 miýiprpstionsalhougii very lnM si by, thé6Couuity Edard. I amouat otn atbe-nmte evd ç 0 taithetotal rom of Thre. riortathe11*OminlO Pia- & B idreil Thirty-on. andtke 12O/100.Perimi-SL v-, hicli aiount ta due a don-Louis ralroad, 4th. etiier roatI nained Id after allowiug ait ,ng eet& njhe resolnutoIispremofed bY Sen, Elmer . .Green, Keepar of th. Jall eorSearlcyand nysXll Subscribed asud m a 1- befote, "Rar taSarafroad ruuulng thru a t1s 45 dliiay 0f Decep»iL IA. D. itiesI, tàvuî sud VUilasear srla 22. s 80.000people, 50 grain1 elvatorUs me Ley A. seadU, Clark ex coal mines10. and It la proffled te Offie Cfof te SObrtS, alendoli t$ lna becausé ýt cannot Wtk«=. inoishlcl. p« txpelSe& lit 11118read la junked December 40i. 112 many of tbese tu. svili be vithout the. Honorable Boaror !fl>uer- 1transportation of My 7 ind. aitpf viors et 1,4a CounOmis01 trucks and trooks are fnot pract18 iel I'ba followIng la'& Ibat ot orpenf many of the eoutieu boe thtfY1 vbelp m»d fod for prisoners Ilu bave 1no bard roads. Anu& if ley 411 MCeuaty lait fer 1the mmnth eth%,ra b r aad trulcks 'big rana. for feed for Novem- «>uId nflt ha blit stronÇ ellàugii 10 ,brte1 December 4th, Ubegl r 2 3.1,up under stlci traffIc. de Rifr.................15200 'The tranmportation iprobIenm 18 ce lie CoufIy for board- tOfou-fold vater»' s ard fflds,' nug Goverament prisones ta ro and 1*aicrik rot&.' fer 3tgYember............432JO0 what eau 11e done? Elmer J. Green.,Siierlft "'Pies1dent, gardlig luniihkmessage Superviser Webb moved ta adJulinu tii Monday Marci i ti A. D. 1923 sgg«ested.that liard roads b.e built as L10.00 o'clock A. feeders ta ralroadeand electi-ic Unes MLotion carried. aud flot.as paraflel Uine.In stier vords, a supplemeut and not a sui>- TATE OF ILLiINOLS i titute. >UNY IF AI sa "nier. tg one thing mure. no laW OIT FLX or court or usaof commion sonug.vi ll 1, Lev A. Rende.. Covnty Clerk seek ta compel man ta run a bui- suad for nid ConntY, lun111 nasa permignently at a legs, tae aforesead d heper of 1the Can't Malt. Joseph Km nen. 'Lcords and sesil tera.! do, hereby "The. Aurora snd DeKalblin1e was rty tèw. foregolng te b. a trua fpot abandon ed by lu" .3080Db. eifeet sud comploaet opy of tu0 ,& ael Josepiita lot arailload mit woceedinga oet1the »owri of Super- -. bdla netll1lrsrtaS i ruaalng a Bora o! nid Coutyat Ilisr Ueg railroad. ael Joseph bougit lthe De- Jar December Sesstion, 1923. aI alei bdeuau- lerun etmy W1an ndILeddoned by » a tockholdbre, bond 7renoset my*at sud icebotters aMd, <rui the court itsOif. ho,'" o0f 5&lid CcUt <~n7ofi Perhaps the, cmiiecomumis xiWaultegan, ln «M14CoûnDA ti s1 _ col 1 esndlt su j1h1 day or .lauaryA. 1).]2&3. ncudlependdt su leal) Lev A. Hendee, Clerb ftemuiorary rentralnilug order, su liat the Une wMil ot bbrutomplm util lia people living ulong lthe lino bava, a WNS N cance ta iuj_ Il. or Intarest' oûsuh BLA CIJRD CI-lL a abuenth-at w 'etta. M. . Jensen entertalned a te S O R tends -da . nths pres- it Vwer, C.* asseman'aud famliy of 1J~1iD Kenosia sud Mr. sud lira. 1Euude- IN OPERA I1 O EI V. Buudsgaard «the ii.Gol road bu purchased the N:rnery iiome on TUBE),RULI' ME Durria brothers av been bsullng dia* for 1l{eury Thiele. To settle a controversy of mors Heniry nbiele sud sou apent Sandat thaonsamontWe standing, ns1talthe t Mr. Fred Hevers.lu Wintbrop proportion of tubercular caIlailulie. [Urbor. Henry iierda. a public tubarcaloàlÉ 3x. Moo-re and faily> vidIted Fred demonstration vIIibç staged at the toeier o! Beach r f. air gyundea t WoodstockMaroi 3t ýD«e teb.cof _¶1i' b fl-lnder the ,upervtslon of Dr Aiu- lus ngebidre a intalied 1110fr tup' purer and Dr. J. J. Lintuer. et the vai good attendajce recorda. for 9ii United 81105 department of agricul- iith o!f3'ebruary: Vaban Piwi t um .It *vas afunceul today. 'rTaik Nemsa) ýtcWliàm - SflQb. Davtng tk w~ek lthetubasca- bjpii t J"ea, gleMt I U ln last was= aHosen 5io Pli rizigion. Rieê loi. Whkoi r !'tii. lar a banik sud J. lUt Ptizigiau, Frsnk G00086,00n1 WilIM4=eard, proustneut Greenwood lovan- Mopore. alM tuer. oh thie i lers ha - t'rlday .fternooli4* t Bgsg g aad10donat th. cattle fe, the114o» à#48es - made hlr 0itifr . depntaO.s,10' tai readlnst cirie gutnï*11vi tedefustait à 0t L4aaslle radhl e~l 1eCll'tii vw.Iit lit ilb1e'hieFd aI' ltheop*ra leus the. lesslu gool 'e là11ý 'ThbiB* l W9o4etock. vher, fa.cto r.gardlil portlug f rom current - ma '5. 66 * «t laberctuloals shmong cattiee t Mn- 11 ~enbsd lhh ~uéi hi-Hu>'euty.i bà%%.Il ao-nted ýb- $Ï-00,OQO MORE f OR 192à wiitv w KRhp~frqs1< MWFadhiouyields up tantlzn glmesf "styles. e stai fasciutingly formcats the new silhouette, her new eloo velue fbrcse e domiunhg thing; eveiy littie imsy. Ia*ere are the f in-, est ef Spring te idhnt m.s iearly dupas Ut lun- packed here. Your New Spring Suit Is Ready, $25 to $125 Theo ot8tandmng feature Of the. niew se sonleasily ,the costumne s'uit, so the three-piece puit in sports' xariety is easily the leader-fia -is - nterpreted in fine f abries, cornpleid color îoïinations andi exqul*miteiY embroidere. A varied *h<wing js to be seen hýere. TWo-pîee snltà, $e5 to $125. Three-piece suits, $25.to $85. For Every S pri ng tim e Occsion-A Wrap $25 to $150. -Bcautiful fabries interpret the mode as it relates toa uew Spring wvraps. Light in weight yet so de- signed that they eau be cosily drawu about thae figure wheu a breeze springs up. Those of the cape de.- axg ae topped with fur collar. lu thsearly showing varied styles are seen. $25 to $150.. 'Froks for, Street, Sport or The eontiUogvtue of the straight UiçIhoet is no'wiere more aIpareflt thian i& 8Prig lroeks4 TrWmmuigs take on mdêtaiumul iiù*ortance in many instances giv- Ln a blint of O)rienïtal or old worldj upedor. Here Âme values, above the cr4înary at prices; ranging f roui$1 Sport Çoats Take (On Newv Airs, $19.75 te '$49.75 Carneishair -the -al important fabrie for Spri ng sports wcar - is cinploycd to model thise attractive, sport coats. Inu-plain %hades of tan- 'or given a bit of eoi<àr by large plaid ýeffects they are miost desirable for towu or country wear. 'lu fact noth- ing in the Spring wardrobe %vi be »ady to render 80 niuch service as the sport côat New Spriiig Milhney-Patterned Af ter ýthe Latest Crea- fim sYetIndividual i'iDetail, $5.00 to $20. N~ew Spifing Milinery-so colorf ul, so appe.almpg, SÙ artistie and 80 original-makes its bows -tW the whiIJl cf femiimty. 'AxtisticallY bedeckt3tt xak ivAr_ fntiniM-wnd- um,%.rnw& nth4ýr-ffÂmeies thev are iuodelctl ot imniy uew fabries me1uding Persta-n Striw ,Ijotb, {Jaudy titv -and Visca Braid.. Specially Featured Are New Spring Suits, Dre'ssesad Sport Coaets at' 2 Specia em 'ha$]%*$ Id . «. on à, group ofNew irgS"i rsesa~$ot Cuos featurd 't -$25-the resI fSom Iever"peciaNw, PIW chases -made byo.wbuiéi"'où hIdsrêent Eater trip. They are ~aieo,.t1at çanse1dffl' dupat- ,ed at this price and esecialy -this eùfyi . >,e# on. Se the saving takeson obeinoüac. TIIE DIRESSES-aie of black or -firn acanton knd Mfat c~ carefully finished. lu ti rop - î;s es'.of mvryfare e and many novel trimrning dtu , .re~o~.$5 THE SUITS-Two or threc-picce, inodels. fadie 0f Poiret twill and fabric and silk combinations. f ailoiig is as perfect as if you were té pa.v several tin'is th'e priet. $25.: TIIE SPORT COATS-In plaid effeets and s9lid colors. Wyell tailored. Values far above the usual ot'fercd at.$25. ut.7 Ib Le& ha& &% ru Ca that the wd - y. j-W1 lid ou mato. qe- UT. Wb. ~e94 .4 "-<bat -'- led ils k ~Sre - liS a' lite 's .55s.. j 4 ,g baU,- 'p-wsa le;'