Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Mar 1923, p. 5

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IE iV I DOG W(r. THIRSAY. MARCH 1. 1923. _ ___ The MoneyShark V6.,4a6o of Wax S.viptaps in# ropuI w.Imyeetthe isf te W. Bn mma WItcm* .to Yeu oeing afuing Wn vego" '" vila igh l> neeuretu, W. tr*' * V"S OmtMte malte ay mvestmeiits mg tyen bave ttahe uretter over wâa laWmeh rm s ai equafly qualified to give yu the ight hid of adune.. Th ixles of fias b" are always rendy te ime youte f themoeW1eIof ia vc"eu. DWI'tI Me amy chanc esoIoing yoursaviag. Couuh Somenet an s uaie fore m ninvestnen. Lake County National Bank Tuephm e15 UBERTYVILLE, I.iNS SUECRBEFOR TD DEPENDENIlNOW! NOTICE TO ICE PURCHARES Prise ebuW T ickets met ho delvered t. The First Naional Dmà monor before Mardi106. PURE ICE lle following report of a test of pur ice shows its crystal purity GARDNER-BARADA CIIEMICAL CO. CHICAG, U. -S. A. Sample qf ICE Marked il" Bacteriological Receved from Mr. Atwood Lab. N. 84386 Jamway 19, 1923 Date of Co.ecio. 1-1(>23 De of Eamination.--.. -----. 1 .23 Physical Condition: ICE No. of Bacteria Agar a37) . ...... .......... ......3 Per cc. No. of Bacteria (Galatine at 20 C). ... c. c. Fermentation Tests (L Broth)..-------g tiv Ail presumptive tests indicate B. Coli to be absent, With reference to the above resuits. would state that this ice is eracticaily sterile and does flot show the slightest trace of con- taination or dangerous organism of any kind. (Signed) FRANC E GARDENR. MR. SIDNEY MEAKER bas urchased our retail ice business and present stock of ice. We bespeak for im your bearty support and tliank our patrons for their valued patronage. Interstate Sand. & Gravel Co. Chav £ Insurance of Al kinds P1ione 154-M LIBERTY ILLE Glendora Lump Coal THE S4F[ COAL WITHOIJT A FAULT Franklin County Furnace Coal LOW iNASH HIG HU ET "Washed Egg" FOR TM!RANGE bR HEATER 13y-Product Coke lardwood Chunks SCRANTON ANTARACITE 4i. Loca1 an-dPerona - RAYSLKEMAN LA.FcaI an~OSE aesni'""~TEETli' NOW Shorit lezme of Especial Interent to Libettyvilie Peope FISIILINS BREAK Mns. LuaI ÂDley la iii ai ber home lewell 0cbroeder vas a Chicago vis-- vus oPneumouin. Itor Buadsa3'. iim Maya of Lake County Mr. ansd Mm. George F. Pearce %liat- Chas Kaiser la iransacting business Causes Consternafion esi Tuesday la Chicago. ln Waiiitodsy. A gteFsemn Miosée da Meyer andi Helen Cas roi) Harry Abmond, Wiso bas been ili for spet g* 8uda l Chcao. several weeka in able ta lie out ga" . him Mars of Grayqlake, wbo spends SIiOt 1* Snda ta hicgo.agan.hie winters inl Florida 1leisaving ant William Bader of Waukegan vlited Thse Womena's <uid viii bold a 4sk- exctlna Ut'me cown tht-re tbis wln- his moriser.vbo ls-illl. Monduy. ery sale ai Walrond's store on Satur- jer. Riad tbis itezm as prjntptd lna day. Marcb 3. 9-1t. Florida &laper. Mrs. Frank Ligbtbody la sonfined 1 Ta% ares - orne t%, off the lisii to ber home on Flfth street by illness. Mrs. Firank Suydam andi little daugis- pyren. both local andI vi sporti- ter, Berne.ce we Waukegan visitors onl met ait Ga; dier's gar'iel t evenlug Mr. Joseph Mann la viiting aitishe T17ursday afiernoon. ba sînto n(UC na borne o! bis sister. oui of town. l nIdgnto etiiota Mie Frnce Klppe wa a h.- Roy Klepper viso bas been serlouflly cOuntt of a Lncùl!ar crutiîtancp in MissFracesKiepervasa Oic 111î for aliveral weeks v!tb pneumonia the waters of 1aIe Dora it is this vsitar on Saturday andi Suntiay. ls able ta de out again. way. About a week areo JDm Nla.s wa- Walter MeLaugisj.±pof Highland Mns. C. Spring bas returnesi from pulling in a te.i POunsi a il ù Park cailesi on Libertyville friends !aet Appleton, Wise., visere she sPut sey- bis excitemc'ni lbis luise teeth MossdaY 4 eral weeks vus reatives. netb oeccxaorElnak Mr. Frank Weeks of Milwaukee, a Min 'ueisKnîgge and M rita ca51 until thse line ir r.nappe l it a Libertyilile Busineas calter on 1e- gg pent Friday at tbe home of ivO nesdy. M. ad Mr. CludeKzWi. ,Wth lines couling from $1 10 il nessa>' Mr tas ifs. laud Kngge eacb i la Io wondpr thee liabermen Miss Marguerite Biere bas taken a Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Sciley a" f ain- Jim vaz orderesi to recover bis pcbdtioL as clerk in tise Libertyville!ily of Wsukegan, were gueats aitihe teeli fronm Lake Doici' g ene. or lepartment Store. tinarles Klepper homne Sunday. at, leas i re a dentisi 10 ru)) tbem. Mr. andi Mrs. Leonard Disey wer Ail Mystic Workers not paying the, la Des Plaines Sunday visiting Fransk montbly dues betore thse tiri Of each Dn't forget ta attend the dance to Robinson andi famsily. tmositb, positively rank suspension. ise gis-en at thse town bail on Tisurs- Mr. andi Mrs. Louis Bankleman andi Maxy Carney, Correspcondent. 9-lt day, Marcb 8. A good i Ure for aIl * daugnter were guests of relatives ini Mr. S. P. Evîlsizor returnes borne Louis Dietr, local agent for tise Wil- Chicago the firsi of the veek. iTuesday front Evanston, where se lys 1,igist wvIS go ta TOfldSOio, next Mrs. B. F. Woulridge vas iniilîcago; etsevera dansvgig e laug- Sunday nigist ta attend a convention Sunk.yto,âgeberdauhte, MrgUr-te.s. Roger Kibï, andi otiser relat-of Willys Ligbt dealers. to be hele ite, vh isaathse Hahnnemanliosital. ac6ttlo. bri John Vanlew, or Iteloit, Wise., and -MIsS M. Gronrt and Miss Wlnkler Mrs. Mattie Hansen ia visiting er1james Van Plew of EnglewoodI, *.chLcperoned tventy-slx students of L. sister, Mms Edward Schneider. andi!are visiting Mrs, Sarah Van Plew. T. L S. ai a bey rack party to thie helpiog ta care for the cblîdren. vWho zsrs. Van i'lew las rapidly recovering Viking2tiome at Gurnee on Saturday ae ill. 1f sorn ber recent liness. nigisi. Supper vas servesi for thse Fred L ee ro Elkiorn, W ise. viites I ap HaI erson of ApLakisic was Paryafter w ich tey dances it t e Mr. and Mrs. Abner Taylor on Monday. ln Liertyville titis morn-ng. Mr Bal- pavillon. A very joIly evening vas Hia mother. Mrs. James Lde of Elkhiosi eio i n niulascc 'lcor of seiiyal la vry 111 stamps andi vas bere, Intervlewing a liev. Gýorge McGinnis. Supt. of thse- Retîben E. Thomas ansi family spent 1 numuer oi tise *bugs." Nortbern Distrct o! tise Anti-Saloon Sunday la Waukegan at tise oiste Of! Tbe Ladies Aid o! tise M. E. cburcb League of>AInlnois, canductesi a ber- bina. Thoma 's sister, Mrs. 'j.-A.-l8'-P- ;vilii=setai tbe borne a! Ella Parkt vice aet tise Westingbouse KYW broasi. son, ansi faily.i on Tuesday atternoon. March . A c asting station last Sunday afiernooni Mr.ans Ms. eore ollt5 ns li ar rquetes t drng ism6»s.A e 13.0. Hie 5subject vas "Anglo-! Mr.andMrs GergeFoleLtandlit!ar-reuesed o bingthible. ASaxons Prepare tise World for tise Sec- le daugiter, Misa Juue. vee ini. i goosi atienciance la desîresi. ant Coming o Christ. rcal Bîris yevnog, ane gad a Ms ar iu.MsJ .Bo n Te thosge truck usesi by tise leli- reciniby on Gouno!,uns sndMrs. Charles Kiepper, Mrs. A. Zel. of ab i..sînury came to grief Wednes- opera btar. Waukegan, ansi Mrs. Edward Welcis. aywhle on -thse Belvitlere cerment Mise Carrie lichroeder was in <Chi.'of Chicago, visiteci Mrs: William Rn- roasi nortisof tovn. AuI mportant part cago Tisuray to attend a party gven dolpis ai Htgbvaod Tbursday. o.' as 'innarsis" gave vay, throvln in bnora! isebirtdayannverary Mr. andi Mrs. Josephs Pesdile o!f111gb- thse vebicle mb tc te ditais. and smash- o' Mise Flarence Wells. Tise event land Park, annnce tise birtiso! a , .sie si1t en.d.Tise truck vas being vas beisi at tise home of Mrs. Schroe- daugisier, viso arrivesi Tuesday, Feis. drti by 1410lameuker. visa escpesi der's daugiter, Mm. F. G. Becker. 205.5. Mrn. Pesisle vas formerly Miss snlslry. Mns. E. D. i{bbDard vas taken to tiseMarie Englehrecbt. o! Lbertyvills. Tihe dsi.ho! Mrs. William Cater oc- Presbyterin bospital IastSatu15rdaY. E. J. Brixen. o! Buikley roasi, la cnrsd on Tbuxaday mornlng. st 8 o'- viiere sase vii receive treaimezat for probabiy tise Ors one ta bave a battit dock. aitihe age of seventy-five years, disisees. Thie physiclans there give of new chickens for titis sea"oz-at Flu belng thse cause of ber deatis. very encouraging reports. Mrs. Titi- bis place thlrty litile Ilihde lalanti Tiose viso survive ber are: tvo V=si bard viii probsbly remsin ln tise boa--lieds plcked tiseir vay tbraugi tise Frank Cater o! Lbertyville, andi Ueo. pitai for a montis. siselîs andi ta date îbey're "aâisong Cater af Califorisia. ansi three sîsters. fine." Mrs C. Sprlng, wlxo conducîs Mra. E. Osborne, o! Llhertyville, 114,. Lents.n services are iselsi eacb Fri-'tise restaurant la LibertyvEle, also Luther Prm. af Dovagic, Midi. ansi day evenlng at 8 ociock, a t St. Lav. s~ a hetch o! nevly batchesi chickens Mis. Nettl# Mýitun o. Chicago. Fun- rence» churcis. vustiste Re. Mr. ansialise aays il vas neceasary put eral rervIces Saiurday, at 2:30 p. m., G'wyn. priesi ln charge, officiating. 1stoolingsetn îhem itirinqthlie recest ai bome. RIv. Chas Diuckey in cbarge. ltev. Uvyn viii move bis !aaiily ta o gzeicr tukblnlg ots bt Ublerty4ýille tiexi veek. andi assume cl ete. rc epgn c h ht bis vork as rectar o! Si. Lavrcuice's. About eigiteen members o! thse Lii>- House F4arm. Telegrapis Roasi. ansi - ertyville Osis Feliovs lodge vent to- drlven isy an employe, vas baslly Aboutiveny-fie frinds-o! Fed Wuhegan TuesdLy nigisi, vien tise vrecked mast nons o! the Reuise Su> dam gateberesi at bis borne Satir-! variaus losiges off tise Norths Shore Tbom..s corner last Sunday nigisi. It day evening to reminds iim tisai ip stagesi a surprise party on the Wau- is repartei tisat tise driver andsieis io li pagsesi anotiier mlestonte in tise kegan losige. Tise lnitiatory degree companions, ail Hollanssers, were in- journey of lite. (Pred lsnt telling tise vas exemplb!ied hy thse degrés staff taxicatesi, andi losi control o! tise *,rck exact number. altboughI risa mot' han of tise Evanston losige. Afler tise rit- visicis -an nto tise siuici ansi turnesi 2L) Eucbre vas tise ciiet diversion 'ualistlc vont vas complesid a ie turtie. No one vas Injuresi. Tise truckt of hie evening. ansi to gay tise company repasi vas servesi. severai men*ers vas irougist ta tise lie Garage ln Lib- bai a fine urne is puttlng ht mildly. ;o! tiseisome lodge baving iseen bs ertyville ansi vilI require conslderaise visile tiseir guesis vere intereatesi in icîairs befone it ls reatiy for service E. D. Hubisard ansi Mis. J. J. Porte- thsiegree work. A new losige o! Odds agais. ous were ln Harvard lest Sunday tO Fellows is to be inatitutesi ai Siermer- atvend a birtisCa, celebralion ii, bonor ville ln tbe near future. THL INDEPENDENT printe ALLI ce tiseir motiser. Mrs. Marlon IlOIbiud. the newe of Lake County, anci can t: Fie daugbters andi one son uf Mrs. Jacobs Cbnstiansen, 'suis bis five-relilesi uposu as accus-ste. H-ubiard vas présent. Mrs. flubisarîl yeiti-old dàugisier, off Bristol, Xis., vas __________________ lias been lb poor bealtis, but desi pte liý Antiocis this (Tbursday) 'nornlnit ber '81 veare and Illrm . ccnîlitiof. to do orne shopping. H-e starteti bonfe geith ejoyed 1 i-Àt o! lier chui- ansi viile croslng thé Sua Line track ÈOee sren. b isa car vas strucli iy a aoutbbond pas-S E I) W , ranani*sim.le. Mr... W ' A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a '--' dlra. Zi---- . . see tise train untll peapffe vilii e solnmnized at. Lake F-r :evas upon the -tract. visen he turn- tInext Tupsday. Marri s tb, wheni ed lita automobile, thereby iessenlng ciursiistn viidi sii thse Impact, but is car vas demollabesi bi-tie Miýsa AisIeSag, o! Laite For- ansi le and bis littie daugter were est. Mr. Hoakins la connectes i viî buriesi in tise wrecliage. Wîunesses to tise Foulsis Milling Co. in ibis village,'tlie acc.dent rushesi to thse wreck, ex- nrd ls a young m:,,n well likesi. The pectîng t ottas tise occupants of lise yewwy v-cdw vl r(eside, in thee Mrs. S. car deasi, but lbey were only sligbtly J 1,e bhorne on Pli-st sîl et, now Occa- injuresi.. Tbe train vas about« tiree pied by A. C. Ree. - ours late, and! 'sas runntng about 60 Gilser T.Luc reornsi Orn la! miles an bour in order to make up bast Fridav trous Billings. Mont.. wbere be lias iseen on a business trip ooklng atter extensive lesses lutise Montana ________________ cil fieldi. A well wili be siantesi onr tise Luce iholdings about the firsi of April. and tise outlook for a gualier le AUDITORIUM brigisi. M. Luce says Ibere yull be at n îeast ten isoles sunkIthtie territ ory h ar near bis landt tsi sprIng. Fle encoon-Th ar teresi munis snov on tise vay home, es- 'The Show Houes Delightful"l *Slcally In tise Dakotas.j Blossome are the beacon ights Trhst chier up glocmy daye and niglite. DO yon knov o! a soul sick sbut-in tisai nedetise ciseeinge4ensl- %S ahip o! the fvr~o isrtbclay tisai ed. e MseMnirance, of!9, Xtber te visom n tites ea music. FRIDAY and SATURDAY march2aMd 3 Dorotby Dalton an.d Milton Sis I-1h a Melford Special THE WOMAN , THAT WALKED ALONE PýIDY JS- 1«ANS boom E Xbf . UN l'Y PHONE,30.6 To Every Fariner We try tohçilp each fariner,- who uses titis bank, to increase hie earnings and get a more comfortable liv- ing from bis-farm. Our firat effort in your behall would be to helpyou seom'e ade- quate capital at minimu m interest rate.. ' W. specialize In high grade Parm Xortgage Loafsle 1r farmert needlng funds for sound finanolng. First National Bank LIBERTYVILLE - - - ILLINOIS. Resources of Mort Than a Hait Miioan Dollar@ mms yen' y saving it in and ) WARE Co. SILK WEEK Special1 Values in Ail Silk Messaline per yard - $1- AIl Silk 'Taf feta $ per yard - - - - Crepe DeChene $ a good- une of colora Canton Crepe China Silk Paisley Pattern in Fiat Hours 8-.00A. X to 8.<0P.,M. W. W. CARROLL & SONS' CQMPA Phon29LbwyvI»,5 O s. .1 I. mmeni Yo mcand hm om udtca.Of a bwguht of Minesai te figowing P"i.: ,]PU Rod: 8 bars 32 inlie 1 2instà ~ ~ 8 ýars, 32 in. high. 7 n.tay 9 bars, 42min.high, 7 in. stays.. -4lc. 10 bars, 50in. hWgi, 7 i MEDIUM HEAVY POULTIY.FDIC 16 bars, 58 in. hi..,8 in. stays- - 45Yc BARBE! wuIe,8-Mod SpolçPspSpo: 2-pt. Hog - --$3.43 4-pt. Hog 2-pt. Cattk -- 3.22 4-pt. Catle - STEEL LINE POSTSeack-.- END POST, ea.2- . CORNUR mmT, ec... ADJUSABLE STEEL. DRMEAT GÂTS pai1sd..... 10 i.,*7.5;12 fi.. O" ; 14 ý f l. J; I0f t., Gatvarslzed 10 ft., $&90; lh fi., 9.70; 14 fi.,%;10.4; lt, 411 MLIN STEEL DRIVIAY GÂTES 10Oft. wide-..-.$5.65; 1 ift. wide..-$6.25; 14 ft. wide--$7 STEEL. POULTRY GÂTES 48 in. hig... $.10; 60 in. hg.~~~Z American Wire Fence Co. Libertyvillf, Illinois Send -Tli'r In , nAçý%-Ae.nt ke _g.d byamtr ni the c..nty. "-s ST, thods., Libertyvîlle, IMM-47- 1

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