~L5CCOM3 NOV NTf !%rMû~t Weekly 'I NiA WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VO>L. $XLN 1 $MITRWS OFFICE USED Acting Mider orders trous Atty. Bffs runPgge's oft1ce, tate'a L t A.V. Smthj of Lake coaty li. ltell lendlng bis assistance ta -%lut la taeMed bY te attorney reperays Ifivetlators Who comprise trft mes and one vomi», to "au investigation, of the oaua of the Jury" whlck tuled Goeruor Smais In Lake CoUaity. At this lite day atter harrais. tau andi persecutlnste governor juat because 12 mou la Laite coqmty bditse«ft 10 exonh7ae hili of al crbltal cbartýp et bandftlng ate lundi. te attorney geal appar- ently bas fot let up *d te Laie COlY Sltes AttOetrbau bee foroed tait la <bts llesed ln- veatigation vbicb Viii40onothlng more tbais merelr brlag thein further emborrasameansd %sir up more feel- ing throagboçt 14ke Cecnty and Ibrougitout te sate. It developa Ibat titre. tien and one vomi» rom u au iveatlgating bureau la Mtcoffh ave boa» Sn Waukegan and Laite Couaty [or sâme time andthelb.report. la <bat tbey rrtuent te attorney generars of- fice. Naturally te alates îtterliey of 1Lake Couaty cornes imiter thte direct jurlsdiction of te attorney general and titerefore Col. Smith bas bail ta enS bis1>fficoand bis pues"naleffortsa*to, MM yOnith tes. lvestigators libat have Ithe 0., . 0or 4ha attorney gegsoal. 9f a oiis e" e6149 bt but iS _______~Mia~d~~ I ...e ~ U4~U M lors &Maik la litss-vbeis'sa a ubtet of t aarnOV ai bave beec bols. Tt 19 effalitait v«y venr- man vhob W urthlng te do viit ltae juty eterla lb.eaitpe « living beeaurefuseS or vito vas later selecteti on jury service basi bem cilleS or lla tebh a cieS before te attorney'generis i vestigatora or Colonel Smith. ' AireiS>' t0 date Itla1* ernoti tht Frank, Iteardoit a memben or te Jury vhich oxenerated Goy. Sllil and H. P. Reptow, a f9rmer maali carrier vho aio wvas4titqjury are &mont te ex-lurgmsn viti vre summocett betorie inlvetigatori. Aise Jiatuae Falu, a Veil kSnv Waukegau Young mna.bu been likeu bef onethelitevestigatora lu Cod. Smia office and aIl inds o! ln- quirie# veft.put la hlm. Thea re- port la taI lb. Attorney' Genorai le lrying te eUsh utte lacttht Fatton mlghtl bave beou a go-bolveon la **netolIalions"'vhIcb th. Allon- kbey Genemainlatying tearat ook place belveen Jurora sud "sontebied> * on titp outaide." Titis la iit. u ina»vitb lte art"in-them Sau 9Tue to1 t <Nefeiet' <aI, a repaort vas cor- - ot lu Chicago that a bit Cilcago office boiSer andi sevorai ver>' notor- ious gaumen venaisao incluSeS lu te report of bavlag laiton part lu an aliegedt llnpeiig vith te Emai triai.- 'Ple men meulioned front Chicago, -*tatI 1 lbe punman. voulu avoiar te auylting *for a duau-name of lbem are tiven nov lu Prison. Tite cou. nection 0f Item vIli thelb.iar lu- staly charactrrsate Seplts t0 vhlnit Govemuor Smdl'ipeniecutona voutd go ta furlten haaa hlm. Try ' o Faetn "SOmthng" lu connection viit the lnquiry madle e! the jurmen lu Col. Smitit's office il la doecietese Lakte Couai. t>' mo von. atke vJittlhey i#ad bon ý proiseS <la51v.. a verdict ln laver e<t uhir Oovemuor, a. miot ab-urd tblg 0d bawodmerel>' on, te ti-teo'<at somebng lu theo jury migitt reliws teéverdict se' lbey mght b. gWironto au i policeman *on the ilte ,ilS Pltrol apptm.ut, etc. To boas thé IWVO«tpgtorg taIt- one wvould tIbl alitaIIis police job lh 0n0 whieh avu omtthons- anSs gr don=imaa ye h uutead or weng one of lt.e $200a mut jobs. TheinteUvetgatoravn Ivont se, !.fer as tea sait Que ;YU meai boy mttcb meney 1tO t e>bu.tpaee Rince te trial lu Ihelocal bunis and other eni.the laerança or course hing rieurtem effort lia- Ingte ta stablisit If possible ibtI li S yoang9 men sared a s= fn <om &DM soeourceo ulto01te orditur>'. 'PEV vitle matter has been car- riel on secretb>' s0 far as possible but the Son bas knovu about ht L for somnetinte. r Mono vuas a case itene lte jury tflteS the Goveinor. protuced ex. brougt;ittheb.verdct ef net *ulty. Byer inco ltaI lime th. Attorney' GMe-i's omce bau net hein ahi. ta illve eisdettat andlteuy "'M resiolie it eteaYan tie> an tà4epîte__iaov LIERY~'U1- AXECOU=f~T, IL O~ 2WT8ÂMAlICIL15, 1923. BE-OPVICLLFIGURES9 ON PRfflRy BAiÀi-E MARCH 13 w iM ~ w 0- 11 12411 48 2 3385 ¶ 514 ~lSj 1 51 22ýl231 73 4 *9 1 200 ~1 888 4 In~~ 510l 4 1532 1 1 k 124is 1 38 îa2t 1 71742 M 2 u 94 1 "n "61 i s - 1 311 uil à 51il1 i 4 357 4J7982 51 11 4 82318 66 31 1I11il m 217 44 11 2 15 5 8l221 51 40f 1 10 7 4 1 9 9 1 31 6 52 7 61 08 l11 1 2 6 Tetalf282l11527 f f 11 Uf i 84î 138f27j534f11578f114301 384f43 8*7127-17572f7111 414f M090 12f M;916541 27611700 Johfl Gllmorand Sam Rose Charged with ft.bbng An- tiots iank. $10,()00 LOOT IS TAKEN 'leIta og deferred trial of John 'Giml oeanti San bRe, allaieRossa- lierger. chargeS vîit lte 10,000 rab- ber 0etlthe A»Uioch banit four yeatw ucow ve tarleti ln circuit courttIbs moruiig. The ltobtailed t nom lheian wauasoblined trausIbmema.- et>' vanls wvItîciter. broketon mb anS consisteS largel>' of bonds anti alter aecuritiea. sititougi th<bre vas a couidonibie quanlll>' ot cash. At 1h. lime the grand jury hu- dItildS imore, andi Rose iyus ta bave been a sate'. vituess. Iti ax Impossible ta brtag ln Rose and tht miSlé Il Impossible la bring Gilmaro la triai. Thon the grand jury lu- diceS Roe. DI#leuly <bon vas eneuntared ln fiatiug Oflimore. Leitt aMli teate *placet HOméenoittrial but lbe jury vhlcith S te evitieuce tfuie oti1 regeloa reententi. Toai>'bath lof lteédefendiats vera placeS an tria- togelier. la te trial o! Bose Il vias hav luit the sta*e baS boeuable tg trace anal bauds. bowver. Rase gilethlta ho stoppa laU te alla>' baek et lte pgiss boro b.ova" mployed su" a urbger vitontha nover baS aea belaie sud vhSm h. bas not aia laaplaced 1he bouds a l % banta and aited hlm to dispose 0t tient. Re saMS hediS as requesteti withaut tnovlug tat lte>' laS been stoien. At the triai an effort vis mode by ltf &aita ta Prove taI Rose itad beau seau and i detifled lu Antloch on lie aigl* the bank wva robbed. TO POUATTY. IiEI3RILS Off ICE; SPringfeIC III., March 14 -Tite lover bouse o! the linuos alite logis- laluro Ioda>' by a vote of Pl to 42 sus- pendeS tse ordon or regulir business anS t np r.soIUlbos offened b>' RopnseAtkaie Ios temocnat,. or eli»cagé ï. - lkoitnw, Stepuit. ilc3., o! e-, -ydbwgieua. luvea. tgilian of lte office St Militant Oén- oral Cqrlos E. BIacit uring the Her- uin mine riais of lul Joue.l itrit i2 menno MllIdeS. Tf. Sonate paset WoodYs' bibi ceiling a contusion for oservance of the 25th aunivensar>' ofrtte-pan- luit Americait van .d ant slang an ap. proifiation Of $10,000 fth itssosm. laution ot Information roncrning tht var. The Womin'a ElghtI Boum bill vas Ioda>' reparteS lu te the bouse bylte cOmmittesoOn corporations and Indus- trial affaire vltit a recommendilion ltaIt Il PauiThe commttee 100k ac- ion lettlut lh. bill stand as taire. SucS b>'Kr&. Lttie Holman O'Neill, Wontan uueiber. The hOW." éecion 0camlte. re- porteSdlmisab 0orlte outeaI 0f ,CoulOn for lt.e %st "d Sb>'Lalrrence O'Brien la lb. 281h Chicago district. Botit are Demacrata. Tbey hati ef- ferleS a compromise anti M. Colo -diS net press hie suit belote lite rom. milice.. Aller couslderable vrangling. Ilei. 190e vllhdnew hie nesolution la fa. vorn o! a similîr oeeintroduced b>' ,tep. Mccartby of Elgi, iticli the bo10se dipleti. Il provide. <or an ilaigatton b>'a conumillee or sev. àl ebffl ate beh aimeShy te speak- or Who are te report tel fianigu t4 lb. bouse as speedil>' as possuie. TPh. bouae thon ussmeS . la ta ite -IpUrePrtou bibi of $120,000 ta lte Adloulant (leo1erai oraument ar natiaai &*s e Meba fr onmil and mine sUItes lest ,iusmer. ltereoitauo Ges lttroduced a joint "esolution pmgvitiin for a conu- bers a-lIpa et çmenia »'- <<ln>'blo.of:rtomet ~fM& ardngand lier ffosteuo, agatPicked Up for Seu- ging in Hiohland Park, Lands in County Jail. ENTERTAINS THE BAILIFFS Franke Barlos. 55 yeana o. 11gb- anS Pinki vraile vagabond vas brought to1 Waukegau Ihia morning b>' C bie f o!Police Marone>' of High- land Parik la maire a sojouru o! twonîy Sîyîlu lte cou> JaIL. Birtos wuai pcied up lua1High- landi Park attOr aqeral compiaints baS reacliti lte police dep*rtmeut ltat ho vas boggiug moue>' on lte street anS vas mahing a geteril nuisance of hlmueif. Fan five days ho steadfatliy refuseS 10 tlbi. Thon it vas SdeS édta bring hlm la te rout>' jIl. In te sberiff's office ho hecime more baquaciaui. He began 10 vitistie s menry tinte sud Ibm> lu p4tatle uccmpeni-aS btmseif ounlte violu. WU tit bot amn crookeS 10 reprosent lte vlolin he'used an Imaginai-y boy la kood adrautage-. Finesüed vilh ibis ho began la sing. "Say, viten Sa vo est," ho de- mandeS au ite ooked about lte abortifs' office witit a hait Scfiunt. hall appeiling giance. - 1 Be fîtbeS about In bis pochel anS finaiiy iocaled a penny. Ho slamnied thia davn on te aberiffis etk vith lte air of aun aggrieved restaurant patron. «'0lv, me my breakfast," he de- mandeS. He vas nemovoti ta the rouaI>' joli virer, lievas serveS vîtit a break- fast ltaI must bave chaseS awa> ait ttougitta o! iuagon. PfLNT1T101E LARGE Employlixg helveon Ivo anS lhree bundrod more men b>' tbe mISSie ol sumemr, te Creainr> Packige plant In NorltChticago, ocçup>'ug te olSt Davis Wittlus bellSlng, vi ioben01- argeS unîl ItIle's probabl>' the larg- est fit o!ci ls ktwg la ueeountry'. Tho>' have beam groving nipIiffl andi vilit ~ lb lW1get aevoMI sicoblS tares, *111 b né ure business tu temi Nant Cia planét. Bàan>' of tem emnpboe w1b l aecctmpan>' tm fmrA qb> « À il F~ RODRffiUE S T(J3SAY EV13NINt Statute Fixes His Penalty ati from One Year to Lfein Peniteniary. ASK FOR A NEW TRIALI It 100h a jury lu circuit court eîniy Tuesda>' evenlng bureS>' au itour ta nelumu a verdict ot "guilit>" lu th. case o! Simon Rodiguez, chargeS vitb vobinlar>'man baugitt- or toilovlag ltee teilb o! Marin Dnoitoveaky, a <010v ow orer ai lthe plant of lte Vulean-Louivilie imebt- ing comPan>' lu Nort Chicago. The Penalty lireS b>' stalule in a convIc- tion of tiinature ie confinement lu sate. pigon -fIa aperlaS o! .trom one Yesr la 11e. Motion vias modie fon, a nov trial. Thte evidence ehoued t a ,dti tuez anti Probovegitvbo$it vqroe @- ployed aI lite havitChicgO plant. One day bat ant » Dnilovoat>' la i- begoti 10 bave ruIleS Itodrigugz a vile nanms. Rodriguez atrock bIm nl lte lace, knoaclng him-'la the. fonr. Droitavesky'astuli vas fractureS, He dueS la a local hospîtli. Dr$. A. F. BuS<? and J 1. Taylor testified ut thé triai tis wvot lIt eltien ltae biow fronu Rodriguez lut or lte lance et stniking lte comont faoonr ouiS have ecauséS Droboveiky'g Seutit bot lte>' ere lacuineS 10 titink ltaI Sestresubteti fram botb. ltadriguez, taIS ilasator>' lu court TuesSu>' aflernoon. it vas a simple alan>' anS direct!>' ta the point. His excuse tan itritlug Drobovesky w&vs tht ho vasreliluing for lteln- sulting usume LIbat baSbeen hurleS il SmEETO WAUKEiAN Ja>' anS Th" ~rOuaa! orIngle- aide ver. ila WîMkeMau oda>'. and lte>' fond lta -4oe 80gorougIt antt snovyy-.>MsOvgbftd them 'va> tb a depot an. dS. lMte tnIp b, train. "Thte*' INa < test 1of< no* out out va>'," ,TUY Ibam antsISanS the oudsiAO.; bad sue vpulti gel a tac vli g îâdnt burggy." lu Stmuley' Zlbonde, etN mdi>' v as Ireed ,lImM w1 e vbre>t reooget wbocausa 0< falli.e et a, bosài*' cba- Oligt'it vTioS fer triam 1 oi 620110341 2Mi Mi 30,5051 617J $1.50, PER YEARK IN ADVANCE -nui PRMR<Bi! sIm.A w LANSEIEI elo.-1w -NM *ý- Balsu a* o1ishes bis frlends as he rus farabalstof oeth candidates for conwilsuioner and-getg wUtin four As mauy vote# as Durst-Def est of Oommildanar Atter. bery and Dletmeyer and Bucceu of McfleRI»ot, tbo Iony premt off1cipla ruunlng for renondtiit, dut.,lt stnigfeatMr of prirnary boýtte-Ouxdy woma I candidate, Mrs, FoIts, riuis 238 votes behiiîd lut'ma Ifor commissioner. J 1 il, INCMY .jý -ee Théodore H. Durit, president of' the Security Savings Bank andi Les. T ESORYASSE lie Nash George, owner of George s HISO YA SE nm It ~ [5 Cale verethe tvo ifiayoralty nom- I I U E III Winees ln the Republican rm.e cm ue dy hou Waukegan votera FOR MAYOR selected tva candidates out of a 1. Theadoro H-. Durit ...28i1 field of five. Mr. Durst getting R 2. Leai,. N. George ........ .1527 vote of 2821 agaiuet Mr. Georges î Herbert r-. Yàger ........ 8#1 1627, thereby baylng 1294 Votes te <î Carli Hanson ..............608 the gooti over the second mani. 5. Michael H. }tussey ...577. s Durut fieeps The Cit y FOR COMMISSIONERS The figures showed early In the 1. Juliua V. Balz....... .... 2817 oesning that Durst vas sweeplng the 2. Peter McDermott ........ 1760 city andi the finale sbowed thit 3. Nicholas M. Keller.- 1654 ho hadl carrneS every procinct and 4. Robert J. Pearsali ....14 la each of the tweive haS rolleS 5. A. F. Carney ............ 1578 ~ a e ! rival, Mr. George. . Edward Conrad.......... 4I WieDurit carried ail precIncts, 8. Thomas E. Gray ......... 981> Gogsecond man In thefiae9M.J ny........I2 ddntcarry the Other eleven. ln- Il).lRoy C. l{eyderleer ....... 99V steid, Yager béet George lu lWO 11, J. J. Dietmeyer......... 837 precincîs, lte 101h and 121h. Tager 12. Merton R. Davis ......... 784 got 101 and 183 and George get 80 13.Lella B. Fouts............. 752 la bathi. Furthermore, George and 14. Wilson 1. Geeo....... 711. Springfield, lit., Mardi 14-Gaver. which Mr. Durit secured over Mr. 17: Benjamin Il. McMahan ... 621 no mi hsaftennoon rPe n Hse uOeofte -sn,1.Ewr .Yeoman ... l rumora rom Waukegan that allcd e il l at the commqnlty that t0. Lec W. Gould............ 414 bribery of incubers ef the jury whlch Measefrea Durst sud tuîsey oOuIQ 21. Léonard F. Townsend .... ffli acquittud hlm of charges of nlsaap. nun a necit sud necit race antdi U. Barl G. Alden............ 314 propriatibriofa lstt funde while ho that thoir vote would bo. aimoSt 28 Charles W. Tornunist .... 21fî waa alite tresurer. at the saine. The bettlng -ii vWho 24. Herbert A. Shes ......... 278 anmlSwt h ra l wu. &d hbe third mninte ea-2.G. F. Fluer .............277. aBrundane knows : en voryle erally coaceded raco that Mossera 126. Nicltol arsn ........ .276 e»cnetdwt tetle a. Durst, George and llnsy vould ho__________________ kegan knowa that ne ont reliraient- lurite three top psîtiona. 110w- Inn me ever attempted In any way te ever. In the finale fil as seell thit third position landeS luit about bribe or Influence a juror or a wlt- Herbert Yager landeS ln third place vhere ho haSl predlcted ail thlae ne"a In tbat case," tbe Governor sald rallier Ibmn Mr. Hussey sund that tinte lho ould wind upIn l the finale. In a bel attaok upon Attorney Generai even Carl Hansen ran aheacý of th e *sali' ho xisht nrnafrat O'b" Brundag vit. beaded thé prosecution. local coul ma, 1r. Hunosy. * urely voulu ho nothing balow thlrd 'Arly undue Influence brought te beir Herbent EL Yager aurprisi the position.- .muet have been broughit by the rap. community by runntg lu tiiS ~aeRobert Pearsal vho -hs"been cou- rmnutativea of Drundae who la over Mihal 1H. Hruey Who tooi uected viii lthe counly offices far spoisdlng thonainde et dolîi eft h. âfith place. yager'a vota vas 89, Marly years la a dorIcai vay aur: peaple'e maney appraprated f usey's 577 and CariliBanensa-vhie parbeed bie friends by lednt illa alter purposeà In bi* effort te destroy la tourtit position aisoesurpriseS tte fouril position a ettlug 56 votes me." votera generîlly because . î wsflot ahead of hi& nearest competor. Mrv. Continulng lte governor raid: felt tht ho hadl ao chance o ame-l..ti. "'Titi.ia just a continuation of equaiiing the vote whicit vould ho fi laleof interest ta note tht onu tepersécution h Ithe rouI rarfi- rua up for Mr. Husaey. four Mel,~ dropped belby the 11W5 thern Int1ress rom gho Attor- Th Camainr ac vote mark . Freuf Fluer secuired 277,ý teriGnérl whomats i heCmisinr ae Nicholas Larsen 275 andi Herbert orders. Titese tuteresta realîze tijat For the elgitt nontinees as rom- Shtu 278, Charles Toru«uist »â5. I stand luInbSîér ay In my effort nissioner the oustaudlng fouture wasAUllte relit rau up abovo 200 ta Droteet tbe people frain,5 heli the. manner in - vhicit Juelis Banvote.. robbd ad tey eekta ivet pb-an avay ;wlth lb. field W' gflot- It wiBas a Itefttlg ¶bng ab rliedsuention eoi tadréerl questontlug as malny votes for'commlaaimerv to notice ltat Mr*. Faits, the oniy lic ttetio frnt te ral uesionwthln four as Mfr. Dur i >nlg wo»titcanddate, received 752 voan In vitici 1he people of Illinois are flista ied0f four onutheticitet n'nuaaln sd oal f Coramissioner Cari mont vltally Interested. namely tl foruMeyer, Balz vote belug 2817. Allorbery a recogulseti politicisu 0of Ilinois nouS program. andti he bew Under the prima"y liv lteeight lbhe commualty vito receireil 635 $100,000,000 nouS bond issue. hlgb men from lite fiélS of 26 bo. votea. 'Tor neurly Ivo yearis paît I have coife lue nominees lunlte élection In anether column presonts cont. realized <bat Attorney General t6 ho iteld Ia April viten four vil ploIe figures precinct by precinct Brundage vas speanding the Btats ha ele4fled. on ualtite candidates for mayor funds.of 1h. sate of Illinois for In lte malter of mayor of course and aise commlSIouer. te purpose of prosecuting me snd it i. knovu ltaIt the a b igh mon Second Procinct bla Up City lryltat provent me front perform- becomo the uomtneee and have ta The élection relums l caime la. ing My dulies ta the People 0etlite fIgitt Stout b inte Anil élection. ratber satisfactonI14 s. a iiole".. slate -of Illinois, anti, for lte pur- The vote' on commi.sioner îhov- The. oitly uforlunale situation- dur- pose of casting aspersions Upon MY l leIng the vie.evenhi i a I~ lté chaifferin ffot 4»rre .è Of the ugt - Ste.,75M l& Wnegan Suae. Ia ooerer-Rb Seasi 64ltrect ieo roturus tbeà "and ' or a Clessl ia ae An L Pt. . Y er 10 aSbebrpreSI.1h iirti. ml oftae en , rosh tb hyIre hmsE ry 9 lvs but80 'bc iteg u reprsenativs o Brndug. vo h BaizCares ine i Tvoi. cthiprclctv rtîA teS oflt. Lb o!keil dolasof tat n eer opertp monoy,1634 teat of lite reci> bu inutes. propinie for tempoesl a lub peis.carneS ae1l578 Iv ire t lve u herath it cae luii eforta t ess htroas. me. pr Ct.o ba iefnra,1439 had b<sit litaI lted ase nd oulu ol mut haeen m ove iiiite ur aSIvthlieuth frt, Xaer ly ol 8:0vi lc vas not lthee rprset thespopof lling. o ayJOt 213 10is N166; wl te 12hl meese«ages redsofferam moed titan Il I1anme.-vteon t Bels IMc ion srclved 26 against u hend ver the ti at on.llim te ecadllir t e o s FonyCase" b 241 fo r ia. luttoela e f lis tte. m aonut45 mitoes priat a rialluer sntp5ence v a lro, inc cHe lent telllngpnocincut henthlueth pe cam e l . -effrti>tgboiS til, bye romise < via, . I te nt wsfaitre hteci onld wenab i- h lmmuitlateti. sa i la haveeno s r eleaStt dsiclc get- ow mplete c beug irntb thes-. piduet ta tepeoplre o iois , acn es-tn21itbaste 16. i an, th e t $"iel renongs vhwre igut fro lug ~ ~ t laaerie ,hii he ner om eleic r o roeS3 p503Ball e 2g une Office and luetvOne tu» hi. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~g's thilî ctms~ u ! u ih wiea eiralle the thr remen t tvas lulis 4,el ed uib poieo i h eue. u f 1 h mutR ioradtetmnte. a Immniyhoin'ia- t hvebe Sellr. neoitncin fg t oultil aout 9:la iutaI su qU. Indcedte perurehimelt cofes ne o!the, ge olagfa singe sand of vas aost 2 ouwr all liei log t a cIme hJch o noe vasm- he tfrt horl com0nilàitheficiaisbut lite 101hicielsI i o, 1< Rm AUtFOR Pehl 1rnaecayo terMcenot iilieony no1 gl. vta h copnn b te ltii amuvià hiepolticl ahems"Oto f l teet'mmiesn ellervas ten the ir ig re lrt augit 8i Rin -a eminld MesenlA tehery sud 0belb Daltheu-rota»:f.m th templug a alor Io god lohs o moyn reeive 8an tboutr andfe i nu te s. il vug~ MursfItal M GiUt :,o aigvo d ne. neninneau e tvs outie vaot 9ethpitats.~ appirS efroJutie Hrvy ou- ha M n,. oua B. Faints. ojtie ou>citt5eporgt cets f: bacl he; W Waul souSal tdiyant idlctedth voin unthe f o fficdig etreetiIpesible b lýhuiRe a 0 r5< 4 the' vuidpleti nlty a aSitrg as5 vo tttea r 29 otes beblud Mil fi ile n vhe u7IM tiUVlit o 0< i4D Mial n alR>' sud res t n> ltreroith min.the olitone.ta glitTt25iS e OMte> h-'o nol ~ ~ ~ o thebuupimSael'a n Baisevusommi7sotes <o aS ln1h couftgurelit SughM. Forl nal a~d Situna, an îbe pa reo! mcDn ot , M sses teond m anlu dits flthuaDelfllyiM t tr o!Iltric ONeilomndHiiamdve.M ac emfor ctelasiote aide At1volte thugba t fr totforcri 4M bon, it lol. Mn. lt et trbrs> lu ingh5vte ps wIIti tshe hoorefurem tta if 514uff tempi-g-a-aler he god tnka f 9M yoles ebl i te aîv837h tan, u f ist Ww w n the prlad uo4se* MarbanDLJ. ibs, r Hghoo-LMnoe nt 1 ouue a dw hvoe wiq s evtral pUcâs". .4~ appaff beore ustiMace < 14.-.oub- ta ta Mr. lad lta .hoFas.prtecaly tany a, Su t - seni -I' u sonte oday wandtluSu ve defeba te oeil> caindidtefor offirce vidto eibe a Y<is- - Iyvoud p* uit ov t o tit- u6Z tes or speu tesct belie lIMÉet the viTot. ëfMMoel 1 et *lasut and Mojtila aln rI GayS uhemou,>'te a, telglas ant Intte R abotes 'eonvlil ëiý bi panffee.Ther a se viicousel of the urln lb. t1v iy a ti r. ithdOum Of b" ù ne h tke p 1h atelo u u Mfr. eBclon 5s106 vote tIs aseil>thecri a the ad àvga41M trrw t#=4Seran, anthr ~par -kovfie vaotsacondId ate. é net neat td te td et enWiWsfrnt ighoodwee rceNcoraissier voandSl es uin als orit.