Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Mar 1923, p. 11

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L£BYqVjI U£ MEVJw, THRAY. MARCH 15, 1923 The Money Shark with the. rede.sio of War Savinga tapi and Victory Beadsý t*e.OUeY Sb&iks PrePat- ing to reap a boeumIKil & A t etet ii cpense of handreds w have iPdttIO ResVing Of years in- ta W. S. S. ma dodry Bonds. Mm wwlI couse te yon sfering airing in- vesbmuus wi*t,, 14b interest returu. We -àtreugIyklie y.nnet te m" .auy investmeuts ore l-yoc have talked the. iatter ever with a bauler or orne who is eqwaly quaified te guve yme i ight ldud of advice. The off icers of tiiis ank are always ready toe veyen the hbenit of theur loeowledge of in- vestmeuts. Don't tair. any chances on Iesuag Yomr sering. Co"nstsone et t"sbauk bW fore maldng an investment. Lake County National Bank Telephone 15 LIBERTY VILLE,. IMMIS w e Men's- Work ,Shoes It wMI soon be time to shed your heavy arctics and rubbers and you wifl need a new pair of work shoes. W. have a comple t n"ad w. km«w " y«M enIe pleadwith di. f Md w.ugquaà"«esof tiern rom .$2.75 to. $5.OO RAY N. SMITH Try a"Wg"aw id60maimw. k vap. » Chas. D Proctor, Insurance of al kinds Phone 154-M LIBERTY VILLE Glendora. Lumps Coal THE SOFI COAL WITHOUT A FAIJLT .Franklin County Furnace Coal, LOW. IN ASH HIGU H' NHEAT "Washed Egg" - FokTUE RUMG OR HUME1 By-Product Cokc Hardwood Çhunks SCRANTON ANTARACITE LibetyvlleLlIber Col Phone 47. LIBERTY VIlL Mri.IIessleDrury see-it -0uudi-7luï Grayslake wlth her stAter. Mî's. George a n d è-r Ô_ __ -à -1 Mrs. W, J. Suyder, HMarer McDole Loc i naPér onaind Mrs Eiaeh Snyder ofDeKalb, Short Items of Especîi Interest taiLabertyville Peope Higitwoodwei-e Suuday guests lIit he Jack Yager Ifa reported as being very Mke Bebm Do taken a Position a"i Thos. Exoi itNiMss Floreuce JPore 111 ai bis home ou Cburch street. collecter wlth the Rîliable Laundry. '0115 were united lu marinage o..Sat Mrs Lw uo I lad p t erln the paceaof Lyle Lemker, who re urday afteruonu by Justice Chas. E > Mom ew Knordstrat byi nesa. e cently left the service of the company. Ma-ion, at Waukezau. 'Tbey are living homeon hir Steetbyt inss.i 'scouuitt Avenzue, Lake' Forest. M~r. and Mrs3. Janmes Yabuke were 1 jr. and Mrs. Joseph Dada, of Guri Ii"A Chicago visitai-a Saîurday aîteuîiolon. use, areo ba.uïy lver the blrth of a "..lent ine 1, vut Iuîlisl 'l il wborne nI daugbter wiho arrived Tbursday evi,- h 'i î1Vli. Mirs. I.J_ l. i IVatWil Messrs. Hurry aud Roy Titus were nin Mirs. Dada was formerly Miss l"ga.iti ttistay art , nt% î o'cloîk busnes i~Loa a CicgoTuedy.Auna Aikofer of this village. Hiat oi'sas g" : ii the 'cau.,l busines visiors; e Chicgo Tceda . Mr. Tralt w ý ru old vct- -Mr. sud Ms. Raymond Ketclîuni The Pareut-Teachers' Association eran.' mi 'Il br oftltuç- G . nd was" speut Tueisday evilniug iun.%Ilv6auke will mtet at the Mlgb 'Scheel FrldaY well kuowu lu l.aki, ,,Inlv,-. aving r- Mr.sudMr. JckSlu ha a thi~even'ug Marcb lGih, at 8 o'clock. The sldtd lu Freruonut 1In hp 'ci a nain- Mr. nd rs. ackSinkhadas te.tîrincipal subject for discussiou will be ber of years. Tl' fin'i'tlid il e helli guet ast Sunday Roy Graiz of Lukt' "New Mebode of Education." FrIdav afternom, ilirini uuetiî'r- Villa. Jc odnttevlanzn * inge mnts lhave îot t.îin niail,-. Mi-. and Hi-s. Louis Bockleman of ' Liiil pa painfuliujur.i ,tu~ the licttie About iOrîY meuibeis of the I.ibr'- Chicago visited relatives in Lberty- iîu;îr of bIs rigbt bLnd white aIi, u,] tyville Womaus' Club iihl' i- vill Suua.'r u;Ji a,, St. Mar's Aî'ademy îFe Spring Fashion Show,. bellilaithte w- Oscr 'homs, ha arbr a Ronîllui tihi oâî the job atfile Ibertyvilleta tal Store af Mai-shall Field ln Chicago OsarThma, hebabe o Run nwetler. Tuesday. Mrs. George Bond.,MisLuieu Lake, was iu Lbertyvîlie Wedunesday, j-MaitockeadMsL.Poi ft'- ta Ses Dr. Martin. cT11e Womaua Gulld oai St. Lawrence s suoind hmrSI . thFied s0f ( clurcb will hold an aIl-day meeting a o one hma h 'edsoea MlrS. Earl Ritta sud daughter ai the horne ai Mrs. Margaret Mrbiîney a lDoon. where tbey had luncheon in the 1 lvatilloe, were bere Tuesday visitlug the Noi th Shore station Friday. Mai-ch Tes Room at..12:30. Mr, F.n L. l 16h.Laie bin lnc. inssP1eidei of the Waukgn ota' Ms. R.oi-ah V a Plewo. Chi 1eh.inLadiheoesigluch. usiessClub, sud Mrs. M. H. Lleber, aofWu. Mra R J MCaîh, iChcago meiga be *lc.kegan, were aiso guests ai theloa lieights, was here Sunday, a guest 5lit dSelopcritao!teLlst- lb Ihe s.c Brdiar hateville Deo)artmenî Store, says the i-oade Dont forget the dance teb gvnbsîweeu bere and Waukegau are net Dai W. mliss. af Tlden. Nebraska. by the Booster Club ai the TownHl as smooth as a boulevard. He bucketi Was ln Lîbertyville Ttîesday vltiug ori Tlliîdiýy evening, March 22. healetar Mondi,,y morulug, and la bis sîster, Mirs. Byron Calby, and other usuch wiser loi- bis experience. relatives aud tiraid. Mi-. Bilas resid- The Misses Agnts Salala and Kath- ed lu Libertyville about tblrty- Ove erYn Spelnan, ai Waukegau, wei e Miss Grace Ulfeis aLteuded au en- Yearl ago, sud la Weili kowu ta mauy lobertyvilIe visitera ou Sunday. tertalument sud dance gîtvun by tha of the older resîdents. Me la the owu- Racne Klwauls Club, lu bauSr of the er of a ranch ln Neàrtska. Surday Mrs. Jaunie Just was lu Lake Fores-, North Shore Entertiners' Club, Of night he arrived lunClî.cago, lu cent- Tu-,uuý. o ated the annual lunch. whicb Miss Ulfera is a nîcuiber, at PsnY with tweuty ather stock raisers eaun ai the W. C. T. U. ai that platce. itac-ne Weduaaday evciug.firn Tilden wiîb' thfrty-'aur cars of live stock. They reached the yards Mr. sud i-s. J. N. Bernard aud tam- 10-eut> aluminuni iiercalators foi- 75c; durlug the Storm, but had theli- stock lly were the guestsaifMi-. sud Mrs. Il. 27-luch Rag Rugs' with inlge-very ui1 e ugo sae r ia J.ilsuuschlld ai Chicago, on kSuuday. SPecial for 75c. Schwartz Furniture u ad t n odo fr heaMr lsd M1isses Lîlian klapper aud Grace Cp 36181014 a .eueaee St., atocen l lis state for the comiug Uliersastteuded the Perîuluiauoe at just soutb of tbe brdgae, Wsukegan. yearis much brigbier. h thît (bicago Theater Saturday site r ___ Mo. is. J. M. Woodman sud daugbter, NOTICE TO LISERTYVILLE Hi-s. R. A. Joues were bei-e fi-rn Wau TAXPAY5ft8 Mr. and Mrs. ChaIs. Kaiser sud thele kegan 'ta ses the formeras father, Mr. daugbter, Doria, matored te Joliet Sut' .î1t who bas been lu rather poor TxsaePybetam tlt is urdn.yOsudareKaie oer dday vie- helh for soune tîtue. He la reportedl National Bank iram Mai-ch 9th ta ltlngOsca Kaisr su famly as beiug sornewhat lmprovedl at titis .Mai-ch 23rd, Inclusive excePt Tues- Jaseph Kobont left last MMaudsy for, time. d:iy, Mai-ch 2ü, ai the Citizens State Bank af Ares. Chamipaigu. where he la atteuding te The Citlzenship Class, in harge of>i Hours-5 sa. m. ta 4 p. m. excep hlîual Stte Ia-taa' onvntin. the Libertyvîlle Woas's Club, wiîî Wednesdays, 8,a. m. t0 Noon). Satur- Mi-,. Frank Lighlbody la couiied uteet each b ursday afternoon St four day nghts-7 te 8: 30. ta ber home ou FiîbaStreet by ihuys, o'chock lu the Village Hall. Mi-. M. H.I HARRY C. MEYER, sud la rePorted ta a crIicîl condition.' Lieber la the speaker foi- Ibis after- 10- l Denuty Collector. Doon. Ever'ane la invlted te0 attend__________________ Miss Britha Pro,' ieturned home t heae meetings. Suuday tram Chicago, wbere site vis- lied ber sier. Mi-s. W. McBu'lde , for The P. T. A. benefit at thé Auditori- .- G.'t. ue xec '>h.ase ued j te Association about $100. Théb at- j A DITO RI UMl G. . ue x*et. t) ý % eTuisla tractIon was -Thomas Meigitan in for Mnaato look a:1er io.p ail a'îd Thte Bacitalor Daddy," sud la reporîeulT e t i-cal '9ate lntei'esta lu tha uaortbwelt- as belnig one ef thse hast films ever j C--r Pin vî,îe. Ha expecus tlu <jjI s even-d screeued at titis popular playhoush A' "The' Show Houa. Dolightfuh', ,VcIl thséb caming sommner. fu bouse was in atendance. Pla StuayMi-1.7 YOUR LAST OPPORTUJN your beloved star WALLAevREID lIn sfausous Automobile Camedy, "ACROSS THE CONTINNT -ud tareceives, fres of charge ans te a famiJy. bis beautlu 6"xS" Âutograillèld Phtogra» Friday sight la Home eMer- iChaula' Booster Mght. sud wiil 'witzes a RDaDOUDment oeutiane of lte bIlget avent. of Ils kin-1 exei- ber&apin luU&e'tyvlle. Dou't ia IL ftnapy, March 18th A-bie alwaya icame bawk.." A oul-atilag sjcrook Stiyw.îb LIONEL.. ARRYMORIE Clig: 44KIK 1H" The blggèst melodi-amatic kn-Ikst in reaa. vtt p.RelI 'lô WORLD'S APPLAUSE", RIh ebe Daniels aud Lewis s "tn.,iHBB TIDE" sud 'OUR LEDNG CITIZEN." TIPS ON HATS FORSP_____________EN $ .00~~ $5O - Everybody admits that the new Spring H-ats are the best in years, and we have bought the Iargest assortrnent and widest range of styles ever carried. It sure is a nice lot of hats. The fact is, we like themn so well that we are giving one to some- man (or womnan) who attends Wally Reid's trip ACROSS THE CON- TINENT" at the Auditorium Theater. Friday, March i 6th. If you don't like a hat, you can pick out two of those peppy caps mentioned below-enough to Iast you ail mwmer-and if you aren't lucky you can stillbeat thern right here at home by com- ing in and buying one anyhow. Corne on, Buddy; let's go. OTHERS, $2 to $4.50 SPRING CAPS Our uelw stock o? grey and tin tweeds, sud sottings, lu the big. luSy b is tylers- the oninent all ewreusay In mysptrl* g crste-P thend ayre ud wore 2.50 good Values, at each _................. _... ... Other Styles, 50c to $2 00 J. B. MORSE & CO*' LIBRTYILLE . - Phoae 14 - ILLINOIS' I ...~ - - i FLEECE -LINED POCKETSI HOW CAN YOU BE SURE THAT THE PROMOTER. WHO OFTEN COMES INTO THIS COMMUNITY IS NOT LINING £115 OWN POCKETS? YOUR BANKER IS IN A POSITION TO KNOW WFIAT INVESTMENTS ARE SAFE. HIS ADVICE MAY BE WORTH EVERYTHING TO YOU. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CONSULT AN OFFICER 0F THIS BANK BEFORE IN- VESTIGATING. - First National Bank LIBERTYVILLE -.-.-ILLINOIS. Reaoum'ces of More Than a Hall Million Dollai-a aaified Ads. in The Independeut seue remub, Give them a and vo. wD bé eonincerdand wl w inev ti. «ii WIRE' PENCE Yu areinited to ceu"e te aurfactory wfm r e qufrF ments. Yoeu med fientou ijstof ajpiBd of sayles et te fonowing puices: MED!UM HEAVY STOCK FENCE Per Rod: 8 bars, 32 in. highi. 12 in.. stays........2 8 bars, 32 in. high, 7 in. ty.... .36 9 bars, 42 in.hjigh,12 i. stays.-- /2 9 bars, 42 in. high, 7 ini. ty 10Obars, 50in. high, 12 instays-.-...35c 10Obars, 50in. highl7 n.stays - 54 MEDIUM HIEAVY POULTRY FMIC> 14 bars, 46 in. higb, 8 in. stay&--391/zc 16 bas,58 in. high, &in. stays -453/4c BWRED WIRE,8"-o Sp@ols per SpI: 2-pt. Hog ---3.43 4-p. Hg 4 END POM3, e& CORNER POM « aek ADJ USTLESTELDRNVWAY <UTLS Polnrd.....-10 It.,$7.«; 12 fi., "e;14 fi., S&SM; 14fi. *4 Oalvanlz.d 10 fi., fWo, 12 fi, "U; 14 ft, 0"; 14 fi., lt$*' 1Oft.wide-.$5.65; 12 ft wide..46.25; 14 ft. wd....7M2 )end The IndependenIt ïo Absent Re1ativeW or Fri end, 5Isuùes, for $ 1.50 SILK WEEK- Special Values in Ail Silk Messaline per yard - - - Ail Silk Taf feta per yard- Crepe DeChene a good line of colors $1.7 - - - - siel Canton Crepe China Silk Paisley Pattern ini Flat Ci Hours 8-.0 A. M. to 8-.00 P. X. W..W. CARROLL & SONS' COMI>M Phone 29 LUbtyvil% D i J'- àwua M * 1 z'emember, Englebrechi g. Hie made rUts. When' ani sitôt ev- fer fear tey MaIs, lu opii.e u. layed for r reStverlng !r- than "Old ,e doue If h2 M% a 0v1 keir )Ur on to 18 MMOM - - - a m

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