Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Mar 1923, p. 7

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LiBiRTY VILLE NDEPE DEN "C» - ID M'ÉffLake Coenty'.s .BjgWeekly, WAUKE WEKY U mns t»flI Fa Ot 0.* -uf. i i.,- UeM ias» s lMatr 4. 11 ait. Vv AJVI NAL-tM.I - -. .,.. I%" J ie à wa Mm' AV' _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ -fi tOLriS.e MYiB lu 3'% gwept uburlrvle ad Labo obMlI' uxdar Aaih MWearly àMosdy ot many 4etybw ae4ice t#roughout tas M0S1W 19#4psalysed. The terii Plu "Id mkavy coating 0of slow = a 4 ,iephoce analetectnie er 3'OSeB 10 Sp off ait over a WMe dima. uacdtds of vire# vers r7',âadftd lifty teloptones voro serviceMesla Wauaregan lin ureda lMore ver. In tii. pý *. eoudlal'ntbroughouîtt coun- L" DEtelephone polos veres ~~de" orTelgraph rond voeu Te breakIng of electric light vires Ml verWankoILI caused practicall3 f4b LLM ttYta b. pubsed ltot ta ~ ..Serviceconnections ver. ~.ghaVitlsZias, Cm>tal lAko. Bar- W14fWaa#4orsskike sud Abte ana- 30 11106Ci t tel heflie dar URSeAIl Lhapwn aff57 YlaLlle linente tu ith. plqMl10 **>bath t" etelPhou coin- y thle l,f grvle Coin- ore *JW outaad wored ; %%t3 u ,. dmvorlns ta rewsr the *0.18.te the service. pomArl« vSi va. recelvel that 111 oo oc, Iehad beec obilge4ta ahaèmae oberaticu ecaneit dAmx Irire. Ma"e Il Impassile te, Diiltaii teleçramsh. W Selephono e enetiaus &nLdý thi e 111081àdd net dire opor- 4te trains vithot a deflate sehu- dulle. The sêggy 550w, boos'mrthie heavy ga9e. asde lit diSohit fa tfloptiie te ta Wbecause vndbisidu coffld ý,ýt ekeg e aer. Severa tucc- A.Utsmw.reported front diferent >Despite tb. enormous handicap thse WIorth Bhore làne mnagtd ta main- tain loservicet la Irly good shape. lit wi4 a toria vhstaral vith siight deiels. vhabout 9 <aboR truedtat sno. aTi.lakes ver.awpUUM ly largeasd il appeared U a th4suWb if vouid not lait long becaus. oft1h.! fact. Hovever, the Mon s»vXep up coutlsoously for the grester part of the nlght but the Lccpnulition this morning vas not su grust due te the tact that thm thermmeter ad d ot go dawnvtvry The mir 181fait ea vhole hovever hrughort thse couaty vaa very ireat sud fanmers generTalîr vere pleased Ibecaose it la a great help fe the'sai. ln tact If la luat irbat inosof f Ilsezu bd benu oping for and Il haî corne at the nlght iane. AUImiL. Ga.. March 12.-Twenty *>ersona vert 5111.4 et Pinson. Tenun vissat aItain vas practlillyi -vpA off the map by a 4oruado uacerdlng 1W reports received hors by Alanta oficeof ttbe Kaneican Ret rffa The secretsry -of the Red Le-t-Japkau, Tout., the -irareet The êtorm nle. reporfed ta have $truck heatest osear Jackson, thon Î ave svepl nont h into Kentucky, ?ere Il la- reporled several aIliersj vwre. killed and great pr<perty dam- .Uo tobas enhavlngcousIn- I tk autoble over the locltion of W~~apes ad electrboIltght polos à issé on Main street. The mer- ý.dbAut% on bath aides of the streeti 1FILUted the Pales0 on the "opposite"1 si"e of vise the respective oppon-1 Vnts vere located. After cousinera-1 'bit. dtscsamon. hoirever, IL vas flnallyc ~declded ta put tbere, on th sant aide. Ilsh village coubtïl has passed them erdinauce for tise cos.tructon of aÉ 4%,600 "white w4Y." 'WIfb a fineo 5Ved street, aitlcompletedl and a ite 1ýay" under waY, Antiochi dents can «'Point with prdt" ACTION. FILEDt M.*rs. John C. Foley, of Waukegau, ,Ilutmtrîx af the estaie of Harry »bibhlè, ho vag kIlled by a Chi. MiIwaji]4ee & t. Paul train ,at croésang several months go, ftled stftuithe circut',courf thse rallroad campany sait- 0damngs for bis death. Coducted the. faran of Dr. î f-fC~~leyitear Gurnee. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS One of theinziportant resuits of Th ne kpSbdnt's rece4 big Automobile Contest wut dit practically every subocriber whý> had bèeninm arrears paid stibsriptpn *full. In ot"er irds, aur sucripuon list bas been broght rigbt q> ta date, and it is aur purpose ta strictly comply with the postal departmesit order diai ibs condlition be permanent. hié department does not allow newspapers ta carry subscrubers who are in arrears. A auocrbe who alow hi.subocription ta rn behWn fiads it barder ta pay for it wL e im re carnes than if Le bad paid if pro.lptiy "eahcar. Thu m ork rta keep aur records dear and to akàmd ifnt aier for die subocrofiber % nh mk frosa now on wZ fdbw the policy of *nqping the paper at the expwnthm of the tins pid f«r. Die Inclependent i. ose 4 the grcatest, Weekly Newspapers in Mhinois, anad is one of &hefew papers wbich is fuxrnisheal ta dii peope ai the rate of $1.50 per ycar. Most other papen cbarge $2.00 or $Z50. îanaldiear papers do flot bein ta co mipare with The Independet. .î Therefore, in order to maintaiu aur standard, andl continue giving this excellent newspaer ta Lake county people at $1.50 a year, it is compulsory diat no asbsruler be ailowed to set bebinal in Lis paymeuts. By informing aur readers of dus fact S>w d=ee shoad be noreasop for -any*i ago ffeid n seil. if their pape' is stopped following their faimureto, py up ai the expiration of iwr susRIW460C - UBFRTWLLU£PEE NMf2f. 1= Clams e K tà Care ot F am- i1Y that Should Have Coun- tyHetp. Rt. P. Eand Of Lake Bluff, a mo- lori-fan on fie Norfth Sbore lUne. appeared befone lbe board of au- iervlsors Thursday and demsnded lb. county taie care ai the Lee Taylor he la golng ta eleot tram their home on thm Peabody farm iu flv. day-a. He declared that, hhey had ual hbeen able te, psy the ent aud that he hsd heen supplying theas viti food fn-oas Lime to lime. Ho said! thaf e hobusgbt elîber Waukegan or Libti-tyville township, wbere the Taylor famlly formerly Ilved should cars for theas Supervior of Pon of Waulcegan decîared liat the untter hait nol hotu brought ta "btis attention un. til tvenfy minutaiseg," ad that if tbe Taylor famlly needed'aid hey sbould have corne ta hlm sud slgnedý the ususl forai. Supervisar fEger of Uhortyville sain the familIy came tb Waulcegans lu Decembor and he dld ualthlnk they vere chargea of bis iowusbip, havlng' live4iber. more. than a Pervisor Balmtoir fôr sniestigatlan. NUPTIALS 0f Miss FLURAI 11 AND OIR. RUST Dr. Herbert E. Rust of Rock- ford, Weis' at Libertyville' Make Hume in Rookford. ' Rocifond-Mrs. Louis' Rieckhoff, LIbortynlle, Ill., announces the mer- rnage ai ber sistor, Miss Josepinue flan-e, ta Dr. IlonherI E. Rust, lRock- ford. the ceremani' habng au ovenl of Taesday Ilu Liertynvilie. Nove 0of tine edding comas ta fnieude as a distinct surprise, ta- day-'. coreoay heiug ciosely guard- ed unf il Ibis mouanuing. The bride, vbo bas made bhan ome ini li city for thse pait yaar, for- muerly lned Iu Lihen-tyviile. The brldegraom, le a veloran of the Wonld ian. haviug son-noS o4- seas lu an artlle-y unit of the 41sL division for mare than a year. Upion bie discba-ge tram serv1ce ha came ta Rocitord and opoued praclice lu the Culhane block on S. Main et. Ho 1s e son of Mn-s. D. E. RuaI Of Monroe, Wits., and a gpaduate Of Monroe 111gb lichool sud ltha Chicag!n Collogeofo!Dental Sun-gary. :Iass of 1918. Ho l8 a meniher of Delta Sigma Delta 'fraterniti'. D,,. nuSMn. a ar-e speudlng a hiLe" onya b l Indianapolis 1-i rettir tta u l anl k n d 1 et 214 2 V nu uupaud Sf _ _ _ _ _ _d he _ nwm 3'aieibkovue t iMarket et, .J -os. wqPfflpc m1 SPfiCIAL CAR*S TO TAKIs 10, 18 IA m harged villi Poe«Seeouasi,salê end lttiSa.0.m i e lw4ý J Ifp CROWD TQ WAUicgOApaMOf.).L r uia.ciia 0fbiquor T iro spec i a u sa u tie N orth « o reMet L C AP .8 J h F - av u or , ai t uler ua t lti i et al juot fml, Lie vIi acomodte tise La"teo'm, st'<we~at,, la cherari!d vth cashing a la thmoefaal *s .1,â ost Unversity os"tadeltoea »f Apls le~ftP I as check on tise Arneica woolen tAurMlls me et d bMA. 8u Club St. Pa4jiak e st d anc t e X es51 flNMu. . . . . - M ile- The Plag aeiM otel sud averal fAor eqai l asi *m i a a ~ o o sueTemple, Wau»pas, martft ee16a. s- lmt o other frpIssée.axtvgi lhàë -ecrd'"g ta plaus madeby 1he.coasi 10 ,LJN IL!<t»» i 4**htorJ.Tayor. medty dh.vli as.i inlttee Tho nenaia4srcf fit Ju4ver., "idCted fer onticing Jmtau 1d ----*-- W sity- craird vwm baeca bite jTawoej1 g ase d e ruaIttls ttnd uutomobibe parties Wife of Former State's Attor- '*îeg"'adBln htNgos The Htunensudwhelhavehattendagrothe Kap adWte d Ieou teWa- ney of Lake County LoseS Ohat-80duts-h*vig be ai T X~ E T R kegan Manousie Temple have ilvays a Long Battie. EJohanauB, Wells lng ve. ihhv heen iaprssid whicb expialus thee big log stolon a dimond ring and nome croird planning ta attend FrI-duy nig Waukffan people were ahocked lait clofbing tram the home * f liirry j< jI M lP ' ofthIis vomi. Monday t ohear of the deatis8=~4" G . RtIer, Aftlighwooa.dOR '% " Huai Oltare sud bi& super orohos- oveiing of UMn..Leslie P. Haine. vite Ahbert Rasenbush, of Barrington. 1 ra, of Chicago, viiiturinsh 1he rnusic. of the. velfki o attorisey-, former charged vlth having given Oliver Tlssy are maitera of Brunrick and sfate's attorney of ILaie Couaty. For, Hook of Grayalake, a irthlesa check P'N E Gennett records, have entertained etiwhite Mr&. Ilauna had been aloi taor for $400. tse Coleage bn, tise Trianon, Andi Lwn a long ime, if vas Dt reallzed hi' The couuty tre hn "e iih payed for the Drakte Motel broadeaf- ber fiaonds fiat ahe iras lu a crifical loin ntaï iet oretri th lng station. besldes hing lu demasnd stale lust, nov, lu tact. t blbienuU fA5 l IIII oleuonasis: ecoslal ah collego dancos. hoped ah.ite asi lproving. Tie onnge m1H sauRR aaOF I Rsa a entea-ttîWelton. 'et .Tirai for the vorse came on Wednesday _ Natteffl.ý Bank, Zion, STAIIL ESI~NSOlive Edwards Hauna wsbor,et CAUSES BMY T OSeUy .esddteeutlber marriage fa C>rA#PUo <'s'LrU' Bions, at Beo 6LeslIe P. Henue, Octdbor, 1894, et S AR«V! jLj<state Rani,, AnUoos AS DEPUTY SIIERIFF; home lu Wauiegsu. Shecirai educeted Lake Villa-). IL, Maisier, et Laie NO AN (ET J B ln tiese chools of her native tom sund Nathan Levy Refum sto Eat Villa Truit & Savings Bank.. lait, NO À E SJ B l in oi e La nies taV BloIntnIlios.Se aacou- Ayhn;Drinks Only Avn-ChaaBrtike, at.ierchinte - -t . stetent and- Active -suemben of thse &Famr'Bnr ry « ta etodist cburcb tramt early cblld- lV &irerm. teBak, Rund Laie. fa Mr. Stahi Gives Up Position ta hoolit until overcome by ber fasut t1- Oneso f the Most Po1 culiar forme Warreu-.Gmo. M. Wfnfere. At Devteal Hs ~rneto uses vhlch conflned ber to ber homeo0f tnéanîw e ver found fig *aukegan FanIon aud Washhurne's store, Gui-. Révteali Es T t- for onor tiro geai-a. The flash aura. medices>iras that tu the case of nse. mousstte n came Suuday, Marcb 111h, a Nathan Levy, aged 16; son of Louis Wauegan- 1 5At f To" fiveo ocloci. She la surgTIved hi' bon Lovy, U35 N. -Counf' e'troot,- the urer'soffice. couil ho-s ' _tiandhon4afhter. Ruth-. ben si&- bqy, vise vgasppgrently n oXUIl l'1. i "- a te ,.4 gu, hrâtFïii pst National Bank. Lakais proal. libn-lt infthpeLBfl50f h,. 1 "-~Arthurr Edvanda 0f JM.onv11e, è lope a horror 0f dIrt, vbicb Liberty-vie-g&Hany C. Moyen, at thint T. J. Stahl bai offered bisand Hovard Edvards of TlngleY, la. caused hlna tôashun practical -eeyrrt ainlBn, ietvl affect aL once. -- kind of food. Tht only uourishmeni irt aonal rani, LibhetynCM- - h o uId taie vw u ili. pecord- snPrBko f A-3ras.Dlu a II Mn-. Stebi bas beau compale oIgt ot othee 10 hïnI)aB ÂrE juxn' a0fAr.8.PwrWu taie Ibis action, ovlng ta the fact -Fengtareors a iesool ff. auoua-. . avra Wu that business et the Real Etate cars. adSvng ak The boy coudbeTrust aud UavingsauRani, pffice of T. J. StabI & Co., has 1ho- ni e Tiin b oy b and nwetugl ugWtchda come sq active as to demnand bis wH4L gJJJ WIILrade. s bool sud oas lu Ihu Cuba--Mlles T. L aaey, uaI.Bar. etre ime and attention there, sd annb rde. uaiily-o!omor tram this limé ou Mn. Stab ini viiof bh ieamli' b gel hlm tn est t Eaton . Vcau tt al dovôte al isenrgies ta bis rapid- Petîtion vas flled ln the probate restrlted lu the boy becontlng ema- Laire Zurich. ly gnaving broierage business lu court. Waukegan, TbursdaY anksîng c73ted ud d ayhsviis ny Voraon-.ra. Maude MnIt, at Prai- Waukregan sud Laie County. thetthIe viii <of tise Ile Mns. Julia P. ,78 br unds. eilashv ba i lw Mn. Abistroan regrets losing Mn-. Morga, wub vas the vite o! Capi. eA In amefort esIlt havbee WrestVIeer fedI.I ee, Stabls aservice as chiot dePuhy w Otho H. Morgan, prominent Higin- alled l u o onsaeiî etDeIl-.P.Myna ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t tan~epnec n ag sdPr lie.aka htbrl ormalcy but It vas vithout avaîl. Dooriiell! 8sf. a nOB"i, Deerel&ý Ien- o isacqualutance atb lrogtte vlaidbPak ctieta record.Ther Ho la In su extremeli' nervaus con- Deànelld-i*anry Paul, at Mhigtnil ceronuty, buanac oguttagee lM.Sahei eamte crcr.Tep-dition. Dr. Charles Leiber sud Lt. I. Park rnwtf & SavihnBsg ani. Htgi- cthl bu ption 0f cit de.utne-titiau statos that thb sate con- T. Nesbitt, members 0f Ibe sanity baud Park. tr te sitifonofs Lime ed Len- e.sisa f $210,000 persoual PraOperty cojuanisson Puesday adlsded sti of ________ lin al f i' taln le aofficen-basnsd$30,000 roalty.usoand mind lu'the counth' court tion asthe wo'lnrostheogic. bs Tbe malter vas set for bean-lng bsfan-5 Judge P. L. Persons.ST T T sherift Ahlslrom aia annoances April 2 hstaoeJudge Martin C. Simll&r action vas takohIs lu lb. ROB theo appoinîmeut af Arnold T. Nolan Docker. casdot Vilrgil Boucher, of the couaty- as hie dpat t 61 th vcauy arinet, Lihentyville, sud the Lmoni a a e hi' Mn. San th esiguain. IIlIE T Eert ta ho taien 10 the state bas- flON CON TIUIN Thsdappoin tat euteswtgen- r j~vital Tuesday'afternoon. oral approvaI as Mr. Noisu bas beaucÀCE iu one of lb. regulan depulien $Iuce Vr4 Le CLA Sherif Abîstroan tooi office sud bas IN VONTu DEÂTH pi-aven hise offciency lu everY' vsy. MA E FOREST NA A ste ES NhoffcrW, lchAck Ho 1a an ex-service man vitb aven- A sîaiote b ealt aff i htlherl 18 mauths service overseas. ïew Inquest.into1he death of ArthunrT fl lA JasinZo 0sOIhtdpîol mou lu the caanty an-e beîter inovu Vaugî, 58, Of Hainoavihle,. SuudaY jÀJJBif11PARK LT .AN bas nat reached a son-ous stage thorê or bava more friands than "Daie doveloped Ihat the Haineenile man Numeroas reports bave como lu Noisu, and ho viii ho a great belp Irad died of heart di4ease, according that tliere are manY cases of cou- la~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'b bnt~ fieo bsa-1Iecrnrbd~ aig ei stheo altimate atm off the Laie faglon thor n-aad 1ha1 noue of them caunt. -dled suddonly- Safurdai' afternoon lun-est Pari board In gve Laie For. are under quai-antIe. a mii bouse ou the tan-m ofhis est a system 0fr -,caeatiou tinat vi]i Theo reports have come mueli' INSITTE ASLAGE8 EERbrother. XHo vas fauad lbere..un- ho second 10 noue l in e county. Teom-ou ndividuals ou the outBide 0f INSITUE Wà LRGET EERcanscioas hi' relatives and a doctor do fis n ieulimited iunuits.hovever, ls theo nelglous fight tinere. according Tine two ay Mtd-year touchers cou- ras calied but ho wes dead b he Ibe a ifilcu t asu il requstinidn-et e la o oc or sud ho gavedorn- venton, whch as eld hurdaytim th phyicin hd arivit.Laie Forest sud the use af mucin vol- vastisaled tine situation lu Zion anS Fnidsy at Laie Fonest sud Laie ' utoor blp. througb one oft1he1- doctors. This Bluff. nespectively, ras lb. Mail SUC- Tine Non-fb Sacre LUne lasconstmnct- During tihe lait geen-thora bas heau dactor helievos binaI thon-eare tom ceesfut aven- haid. Thse average dalYi lg a sef ai gales sund tomer et Laie -tu course of pn-epratIon a caanpneheu- cases of contagion there, If ani', atteudauce iras about 400.. There Bluff. The croBssug la regardod as a nive plan for Clly-vlde participation and that tIse mai- bas ail corne ware a number of von-y ahi. speakers..non-y daugenouà on.-Tht V.ihage.bas lu s recrettion progrant, sud a part ti-omu'the lest piague of dipbhenla Ali' theo grade schols f Ibte coiinty vaitpd for thie gafes a long time. The 0of ail o1f mawil ho preoufed ta the lest tal. tunit' ta avtete - f àp o ytoer yl cont several buudred doly arious organisations u in e near tu- The elato doctor yl arrive bale huiyt ted ans more Iha ani' alons' the litie, 1tiirt, oday or tomorroir Ifla b elleve BY6ANDJURI lakwel n nC~8U CW 110donen fr urder of hugeh MBiI. ir mcwen, ConrAd k& Bruni id 74 Caai.memniers of State Atfrne. A V~SSltb's dry squa was'. udicte for the inUrderc ,$sePb Blskit North Chicago boa Iffler. and a. eother perses.wer Saaedin true bila retuniied by th grand Jui7 late Mna iaruo C o e z s t b l se l ak18 1i=e e c l c i cba»ed wlth murder. ho haviug lCm the batthstkiled ieleki, bu as dfehdnta ecan e tiy ver vitix Bitebel vheu the bcotej gees boule At17 Cmnumonveail Aveané vWUraldel.' Backwell's de feneevlbhoetah.ebot lu sel defense. cWaml" that h.- did no ire unti l ielskl had lnapped M, rvolver At him two fins. lt vs clairned iat BielekUo ous had fila the firing inIr f the revolver be cause tb.y fesred lis vould suIt meiers of the sqUad. Who hW vlsited :his placeS »Y"rimnes frthr. ke uth p PrbCtur Bulklem atethseelSM pskime o he praeut .dhtMe shi maters vte. rsadcJwAso. Ti.otes es nice a o lae» éelt ot be» MhtdithZéeb.nt rth Chia"e charged -lth bavugonasauledr *Ib at 14boie.h& llber a tt. th tom Pl*b"tis.Dm ê ILegd y- BIDS BE, OPEA MARUN2 FOR T PA«VING 0F- AVEN ASKS LAKE CO. TO «SEND DELEGÂTION ho TOROÀD 1MEETINI Sp.RuUOeh SaYs Good Size Deiti MRWIIMean re *eml*GodRoads. r- bh Labe CouutY realdenîs iho a le lnt*rested ln the builingorfsgx «f roada areurged by coooty lffl t Intendent ef ltighvays Ces li U -11o ta fOras a big delegatif on t 'psod e":boster Meeting Cta ,d ellionMay le. ~-'Il weaumaend a big rep mt&m stt'delqmtu~, .ta tljis meetti, Id wreis la -qwËiflo, but tiat * 10 00 a- a l gwu g bavr4 ta 1« "dd eO ad nff or ~ tii. islrt t a!Publi1e tIs 114, higk"'y se5mtpoti« 'Qf Ia firoîu tst oss d U5l anIl t lliss T h e w g t o h at 4c e l a l b . v a g o C g a lng Milwaukee avenku. e emhsglg b- nremoved, sud ls lu oor ti- U r this liu»e vii hO fonn*4-e g calling for bis for thse o0.aaet.« the improveenet tisrougb 8* e Oth aedate the efat, m 4 h Omtrac for thse paving oi the rffl f- fot1he Vernon tovu hue nos-tiit also Lo the prt bof Liberyvilal dqle= ati onf mn Q a u a g r ~ . !ed spAing im d tod y tryiiig t a O C rai* er out the nlght of vag ta»4lx t1* neighhonhood. and il Is,r eorffl gA agreemeunthbu een reho&d a e T ii. vay mater, look -n o ui#$ o 21 iii he o capleted the otIg s q» mer, snd lt viiibe u osible to tr a te -frOnt Chicago te, the Wiséoün iu fab tne D6Ona Cornent xoadvsy. b. 1 'e'ili be a Meeting toantw 0 te L "hrtyvMl village hall th r h- a1rutmannsstreet lieltSt'etIç 't telopusocnd 114l#gh$Ie asose esJs~ o e Oh mMe L ut tel 1k ~ î JOessnaq beptvlM the e~r~~I aieebt i>4 lsa ithe1l f idi san tSrsfed0rO mi4l240, sudIbis 15 thei las MMset *hIIup* t «n v5e o"ïmm# ,f t2.20 tand f.t r 3.0sul ij qoiseW Thgé fo tmot al ktu lb*OekfR& t tinvieh a htprleO Ths ee iw e*Teut, ss fs rat t aham wt .tl*.w ri et drI lmonieyfor0 and Itàtb oulo ert»al* t " or aum ith l thfor ise ofrvt o r340rt011 lise foue o r ra e.ate Ch anci rovsins las !dovs: Forfedr' a.1P411 *4GUrM,:fo res adsdtria 3009: ýTise deral aid ro«a( c uto propniain bt no9300,0etu -mer orefflallyationixea the &sf4re0.7 ofagriulture a p prove fedebi UXt preoact eru teug le oflsuin 1 Fois soin, r 1.&0d,1300.0.fe 'tohe eIauguaes f hob lb =A t publiectnrads $473 be80, tt r3' Î_Th agriultreah r et u 5î Ios sbatotled a hm ul., wo a00poroaent oftbf, uoflt ui*u atdhe a ar a e ' la %> obaion the IderaI Ova spfor ll t.he psy esmen e 0feius cotrtinerelo."gt* aaflu Tht direeor $5,00,be60 The elngate sofsmte hWl th coneai, rcmdsd fariultaduroe a. m*tlP m mite roduced -ts by- ndo arutiovded f tir ,brt*t snd trailapp IslefsaOnte a pe he h director oftIse A acodng 10 eo rqdean- ptnaenfs t ofla - tisa t f peIraI *14 bu coIltt.4 sae tj b LIBI[RrfWLIX RLOM THMAY. MARCH 15.1923 lz fi Lu tsmiro 1 t ý 1 ý l==

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