reepnibl, '1 fe Ift 9a UtiX «t bl* r.Ï otlie, to ao »M a cane ) .w e nia, ofon~$< o. L shhfo olm lé" paMe cior tb» erw and mke aa4i WOV IOU Atfils, nob, tol.LÇ hl1E*8» \11 Gae1amgegat o h rpoe fL\-r ton Su *Mdtd i *~apblier 0 Tb a ete.tgethe&with the » Y Ue osrn Q J & on 0 Me ai t Loa trvmnt nOMoý pitas. t lvbili .tbo amui. bah en ortu16 AI x4 n eu ce wlth O4y Comu4tioii nil enduc dvnto10or 15 tbls we. t7qc<ockP. M. Apr4 IU, Wtnh te SUiV dnb»yPrdOce40ili# o isifrIl moabto. Firat $75 tkeo a MR Ut enhdaae on aethome t sa lIIIVîflsge Hall *a thé Vllgetif I>Dated4 at L.lfUeIsllinohe. twa fa' 4 «I~. plats, 801 "bx3'.AdOjeun "B"' 010 Indeffl- tUlbi ___ trst hocuge te soldleertyville, Ilinos. ?ne BMdo Lcl~d de of! là, A l.19 8. epS E'I âte apo tei *'phone U Womn 4akej therseat show, or on the streets . flay and ail bide ase u oni u 'OHu N 4", .s,Vil"of rÀbt,'v04 F5OR 8ÂI,4 - iven-Year-el ick7l ep nad e mloe omigewthIfVOV0elA oev, Jeh qrOR tÂ1 SAeofiee télse lr f ~d e -m eoCeff-oui cooperation on the -part f the iConspaxueaor firme bddlng vili give 1 Mem4org oroftise Boas-d of ocl m- furul4ed iby e']4 rd ud tam i ~apUt. ourt-ttrsoue trottfr colt. 1. buildiasi tint. ~aI'Rti~. parents. thse ndividul nLineOi,pt théipe vlt0t rovemeseof 8the' Village o ie. ue 11 lamclu hq. o -)nBq Route' 81, Libert'V1he, Ili. hbuses, The 2aster Bwsny le appèaring with compoelng the compa,'o fni 1t tyvilie, 3AKi Co«mt, 1mnos 2-1t tacisw btih cÏ0aie hoad Ou n >u(*- J2.102tbee thse ch4cks and duckesud cotler eprinti their respective LddrLeae as vllte li Ws«d Board of .oal imrove- mugweiop ren vrios prl thn~B depie tse ~ i thse name and addffea of tihe fini..NOTICIE if AWARD 'mente.,or tiur. e eu h -. FOtR àXLXI-GOOd bonmegon oe-po' 0couaty' ver* boa,' Frlday snd Mixted larada.Psa.dntet;,5 HAT. IRoam 104 COflWar lonlnet toqaif q estaleM thtie trin. taJil Peieto! tii.Boar4 d a lpublie notice -10-héreby given tisaI ao' MIlil iIi.4touat h.a sCcmpa- visl$ th» enlat.Carl A. Sébreck. Te, phone 2 em ti teamenul'examina- Tise children ver. egger tD get back Imprevementa. 12-lt an avarii 0f thse utnact for thse conun&od 1>,' euh or- achbe*payable tw the ptionse$7-X-2. ,10n--t - v'iâ tbe L«Icef . Suipt. of t owork atter thoir short vacation. miBarvit IMMf__i__aie___loe_ J5T.a.inspacesln Waukegan. Thse second grade la througb vitis IsIfUCIion 0£ofbtheisrolsenLt hevz-oic tderof t Use Pfo$dnt of 1 . L l-~. t :o C'0;010,OR el eJ8tOthes graduatea grad- the rendors and are reLO,' to tart tvo PROPOALS P'FORLOCAL Atlér IVaorbed bas bcaumadte -e i entt.~ 1v e lu b*,çfloit 0 sale.'IL . 3. eioll, FR8 I thelr varions higi s choole nowonee. . MR>vlEM4NI8.tho; rsovie» u&t tprast't -# î* -lit a ty sflutia puing- Ties-e Thee blidron bave made very tet-taut sseis Aideau .11Lhfor bu mseuat t iri. li îulal ~uO our expilOS-eOd teaci tractive buors,'decorations for thxe OfiMi£tlOS 'howver.-1rh ar Wal. Mots;IlIlnoIe, MAàéoh 1l' u ~asti AS y edgoi a l eu lma sO*O52k, ata b gad r ranJut a goentie rnindes-rouhs-ng mik 21 £i~ton 8yte s~515 3s 1~ oies , 1Ih .cie -ulsecu *o bu" éWIiMii -oe al i h ek 4spioposatî vil ble recered Mhsch, . D. 98 or thse foilovsiuctica o m proveminatu t» 0 u f lMtic* «P O aka i le vasbcomoned by aradUe vl i seBal0fIoa Ipoeetadsrbe x"VMet, to-vit; 5aecumà6 5to-vlt* Se«tima onie, isoi otk - &16; #.Qo er 160. il~$7eut Obivoa T *-d Is-- o tseVilae o Ltrheul, Lex-A L.ctWst c fmse . t ' 4w tisat o r fMid liprven.aito; Odw Ts, amt~~l u i Mie Joan«n cmeMonda,' . V nf h IsAPof U tlleak e pa,,ors, haSes. "er 91touy Thono takingSUseolt-oMima 'e., ,camec-el , ..Yi, I lob. b,' wbo irllig fluq e s* am 11M 2pr 1. 100% allqý de. bu âffl tisei3g theens mimd ion W.1Lsul.dpp. veri ataunhItersetIng lesson ln tÇk CO tenty, 4dteyf ADrit, 'A; D. 1023, tci m s-thrnom<tuAi t o e sid" « th*e isotes-ule of«M UlvemyPatpMXA.aliPP. Kadule i; - c sddr n re on v ls e t Use V illage hall tu t i. V llle ai and 5mg A l f e r th he » tô b a m da i08 Ws is, 4 to L .tv , iM eh la. 09 avlln, au onda, Illinois. ws oopîng c ousis. r o t w i h ý L be v U »l . Lak e o mty,' M ls , fo r coM h4 t od a d laid l i cas " a qu r la ti aI p tt pu et mu d ln p m e m u dàQî0fno 4reu rtihafoilow«lmt- d« Spart, of Pal*kAve h nuage, ~t llgtuxeied tusection - neO obe0n*An*5.GrdeV14provement asoa Visale.tixwt: I'PUshéminsner- Bbqw»Anuat footsla DThO 1Voftractor sdhA lpald for 00e 'mov, 10 toma baled stnae. P, . <Lpe;à eseWiI.Lake Villa We now have a tank e! nice goid A connected systens et six imou Lt - IOdinaitOe PU«suland appritdLb,'tio#OLU in caoh, Sud i0Wmolluon ve'n"., 730 N. MII*aukeeAve. Tela is. Roma Floochi, Higbwood fis in or room. Iron jater suwpiy pipeq,%_tosetiser ithi Use Ps-padent suid lourd oTruelem ofùe«t l fvotheansd las bouda ýbesaajg lu-sa. Pe 80.S-OC1 Ave aud ha, Wists. Arn We have huad our radial; tens and fis-e iydrants, sisut ofr valves, tee.s eald VIDage ci Liber-lyfllh ou t»k lOti tomot-&t Use r%4e of eh bas-cent (%> ' e Itord t, Libertyvilie ail are ahovo tandar& 1 1 and epedielCut4atlipUail otiser neo. day ýot Otobe, A. 1. onnuiea~tit.ise308M le tu a peaton le Andossons. Srtyvlii We are -gad tose09 Richard Flagg mi aly adJunetd' aud materis tôtorasa 0rovldeid 4,iiy Sald' F A tR M E*-taeabe'pd«ut uV. Slow. Zion back ln scisO& i agi saine, te lie suade. eenstnssted and laid siausceorof aad IlIaO. ~ae u Ielsio iepoedna fT L. MerrsIl Zmon Tise tisen day icpeling clome vo ln, &long sud undor paxt of OMio#Ueo apps-ovod Otobur X. 1922, unie".tseisuCitatlr, attorai o, f or C. LaBelle. ZMon isad tise wr o eeTise louher Olt. ln s sd Village. ln tihe l48iOs - »neni or a majri o te iefrout*ge hobice. Ilinoe, upon paymqesst c Fet- M ta B. P"r,. Zion asked J. H. the 64uoen: "Wbt Co- shovis sud set forth ian O0TfhnS00'of the iothansd u usd tting ues.thiaichargea for uaélaopIin. 'DO PMniaS;osk «stlebave eirzlei ffagher, Wadvorth qutte tNave va befxd ot heforo?' pssait ud a ppôved b, tise Preaidesst sa'd -prihioied iprovoment. or tst N rp.i stbd ii -- pasid a£in Put IAu qbs efor Use long,. use tDeMevfr, urnee Imagieoururisee. I iehosald. and Board efTrusteen o! said Village agente, oissu eter inie aavs-iUeu con- 0.1104 Sang aacepatded b! a1t0is. ssev or phone une and vo vil- cnfor tiss f.AaLlbertrvilie -Peggy Joyce..o! Libetyville on tise Otis day of Oct- tract viths n s daya frein the1.tin-t cisecks or caoai a sinastise Party' 1*r lidge &ra_______cher. A. D. 1922. ial - outt-o-pubilcatlen'of tissnotice, toode jid 1offeriVg l aau urnias eovidae qqAETIN WWNGi e CAM. lon laid improvement1iilllvcoat o- ok aud sn4k~a Id improvalnent at letacton,'te mid Board of LÔcal lm,. Whatevai la brolcan, woldingug an mM aKoMa«,Chcago M Sv o i ced i accoodane vith titw teffl of to es ~r cent leu tij.ilve isudrd1 proveinents tisaIeho an tise aeC.oeb@Cl Uy. e usë OPRC ISml osslinaasO muid la accosdance vith s netY-slx ssd 85 /100 (g95855>Dol- facllItles, abluht,'and *4i.wý ,, C onss-e- eU~UIRK'L~ lb> tise plans ansd spocit1ùnou of Keiken.Ir szlea ili iesueiaamucat uflU.cni o s IE to teprc A hihth am asaiff tfufllte mitou jfV» M TYVILLE AUTO nwatrn fl etLèuw & Cointian,, vicis plan.s ad been awarded tu, said Anthony Fra42 conIract a"d eocu tIte vos-k, abslsud - IAEJa#LmecliatlossU are on filieln thfice th~ Ue coulvactliead h t o ira.L CAlira.RED M France. Koprlvec, or Kops-lc Contractue- are te hoe Paid lns atieUil imm uS ,ATP. floatioo. mand ase tise leyt widing>ftlsto cfsoag lisel fAstasiat b da Lh b ouda Wil JOH Besta * mebunid vork lie A"io sourt of L46 Atiut' aStis asla siwaiLa, LiIe P3bwsifUi.PrsiOs 5 Meoi « 0ftws,.l&ad &=1 ~ oma5ýrec*ai- au #loi q>gruait (2"- entasie of strdeys On <> argmuet lbe ade uo b"aIsMi uraile V«,4 Me* Village et dooue aUeo e tm4" -mture et »bmu ade "ei Rse, Audre« 91ohavlug vlioted tise probition et the office of Trustes o ahn X-2z< r iam .couur, u-as he'wuèi, e ~eitp'vmna A e Y u .i tlbwr.. P. ho~, lIda. t ir u. 5h. isd- sougitto- escape tar-d, e aI. î1eGarage. a-Lcalt Tise -lourdur M ,'S>visa. %"Cm2 otFo UIPse. tsonae boeause aise vtai takke l vII., snd muet ho andenmed P @.=UîtîO .o-lc ooee 1It<Os aajO Md ai St bhea »M»e b,'tise Appellte Isick abostlyatrbhg icd1 isa for vte-systeon. O Odsunifroa yl SL adê, -r oa mstb s-Or art lise,'moe, tolsnhrove- nuit t# th isesgoith is o& saË seWlkron compnted b, casis or is a check fl-lha a mmml? . 43. ie .tise Lfumntntl *Due" fOtm0rsaei-Ml fitgg-ber polluait 1for a vs-t able tu, theO oi4ds-or JemSo . UEl' M vATotameast o! canol»isM 01* RURD ts as .sscaWas.o- ýllWP*tquae of a tract or ofisaboas ces-suas 5014 tia te tlie Preuîdent of! the oaLsd e of I 715m- 1er .deesed, yl ttegd the Pro- Q)0s» ý u m$ telplabsnexnsao lot 1bé 4ke. The mtter lias auet tu ntise iscpitai dle dt appy' issovemeta ces-ilfi 'ait«onllbO e Cn-$oWlk cuatutaten ý-,WW M»vison e j1 aetn. hecaebb"' o i8 is 0e et l t Useagge- shil ore oSlesa iecni Board or Local lu,-?aet, th iss vu a 'need ,reneval. -sa 5 t te 4 Vt ile h1a lut e si'.et mmrt te i prmk"aitaftse cin o _________ gale o! tise ropraa lo«»e t-a aeganlas sali VCoat, Ofetht-e OVr lage et Landert3'viil mer J~fiJ>E Bia viii ho pons S,'tise Boarsd o! OSUse tis-t Mondur' of b tbl au Pai. ZflVtO1 aidsu feh Iet.Caar Pv'OPQSAILS POR LOCAL Ipovnue ioeniU aituises u W5"M ii ow4e-f oushaitieoadac i ~shIe.C IMPROVEMENTS. et 7 o'ciock P. M.. A*inl 2, 1928t l udnusi tla*idotesain tuOtl.lgisUsg receivez Our epeecm a- sadVllgoal nIb ilaeoAI-" Cutfo Ia adLTELEPItONE 400 AND WEILL MT M IOIIcR O f th o! i. rg af Local improve. Oti'vifie, Illiotais. e Board et id our I EI-VILiT O YU, iXE Menti, i4s-tyvlîîm, Ilinois, Ranch IlnprovOiOnts reueSes tise igit t rs-- B<sCil CALL FOR VOUR CAR AB hobloe iejus ect any sud ai, bide as the Board inay W&ukega, DI., Marais 1*115,1823. O IN BUw a .ePai,' DLVRI T OIE horsb e id la o Wbet *Soaed Proposais vil hoierecelvtye et. " Lreei-e.uA.stetaionha-ee ttt f tiianti Park si,' tierofsl ocail imprewemants 'Ccaapanioe or.fIsmm Stdding vii glvo i A eneAttaoir. 1141Tqru 1 - 0tk hrl fMa- R11 IO L"S boy Gore f is Vlae t :brtvlle Lis tseInivdul a oefe!tise nembene - . eturtag theu- produtn thi s terrd- UPN 'RTCASMA. Geoge f te volxe o L*beryvm. Lke he ndiidima om«tory. Plas-nisigafsrn$30 tu $40 dal,'. b"bad u enCouiz ui,nntil 7 ecleck P . compolng tise cosnpay or fis-m vitis ADJUDICATION NOTICE 55$ 00 0 is s-aCaiuS-d for eqnip- 0> sx y sw*b duc Ap i, A. D.,8. e tiser respective addr fflem as "wel a s Public notice le isreby ive g tlint siut T ol itswa y ou ae doS w Wirsr et the Hall i lis Vill&a e Uname nd 4 ddre.i 01 the ss-m. *ts ShcorrEeuas. 10 at -write, Maisager, 2184MallesaBi4' TIsus ~~cksLute Vi 0 doxaty. il"su. for -sss YT, Wfiiiand Tetaueit oe es 'Coresos, f. ut O st doptioni d, ethUse eeasutose ts el* i- Presdent or Ie'board o! LIocal 4eemegd, wvît attend Use Ps-bat.e tise to-hesoilypoemet a ien oe -v0i l luprovemonts. b il-lt Courst 0f L5ise Votnty,'.t a t Atee - Im8O- - grorÀM itMMf th *11d lit,* to te ,A essectecl systein t six linlcowcah bidn I seCos-uHue ewANTII mueA girorvoabl e dc* th I*wum' '015o fron vt -alpippes, togetises vitis NOTICE 0F AWARO aksu h ai(ousy nUsnl-touhmevoin. mut.hoaSIet ool 4 i tisena-ftu Pre i-eiydriU, miut off ivaves, tee and --Monda,' of lMai'noit , w ises snd i sfe Poeais 64.Mse. fa ie, -art- sU* t p6clal castligsAand ail ether noeso- Pubilicnotice l.ieroby sivn Usvis n al ers-sbisltci le. los14M 2 sary' adXisste and suterlat ton tise au Ivard et the mrcutadfr glstmideaeâenthoi -Ot &Nq.,,'fJ IEA&R fs-niowser havIng sunie. tu ho nade, contructed 4andils-ntion o is 'tiea ent tetdh repUeauet ad arim fer sole; glve pasticisatand laid la. alonandsunder part o!. Nôrs-ller- d esle a enmd~4~Cuntts ootjrç.,ouJ. Blacis. Chipp-' C & D uui Ave. Second asd Tiird Sts in aid tiscn,' Predues. and tisat pusait te Rioenl>s- va Falls, opnasis, 1_1 ST BXE it u an rltseanermhowsx4andiav- sudeprt c:iuhogsu. iiilieMautcrail li: .FOr2FU'R II-ira5ISOGfront roem.Monumentand M fo MeU h W fe nte300Fy f iLe . .MLl ) là,fo efooigNOICESO I Ie M acOn * g to hie Iu. ogeOberlipsuenpot ,co-wtpu3Man udes'Phme 00J lOO ui:tsa eSeldhi accrdvmna llc vilS tise te-Àe! ns neca!gtmO asssls T~lnftacbee. ono- >5 FILtOS *pis,maemInI-nt3.sef. Hawtlse5e'fft r in acsud Oodlusuace andinesermc îut~~sd i ss se ofs)as C. Rsifta Ra*LARE) le case i<thoRItise plans usd ipocîftctons o! Keiker, -sud satentl f on tiese mé,.te, biemade, I HECQUT VRT Oài"R ---I RRNT21 n trn aI& lsla ourtssd DeLeuv &'Compçan,. vsCsplans 5fdcn ate sdiCdls Losns UX A~ TIR . ILOISte sse. l RMT-15yviie Il. I _______ ~'Uexaof ive sud one W b al!plleationsi are on file Ln tise Office don part of Oabosr I n 54Vlag.I HM&1'l2l0 IE SÂE TOMt Jb 0.~rssd5 ier uts aurelow i e oti i0 LIABAH4 D. PPle e o 5t uu o aisstyiaua,' rne114- Uvih1P0Sra80 lt Ibeta'ie. Illinoi. an ordînausce passd aitýAd appsoved bi rSUMIIO 'tOBE DEAI>.runs joosl-acoraletohopad l aecai is Pesion ?dbad t T-u T: 'la-aBlTOM IE , ". wd e icis phonognapis.large ase; one C o t a t r i e t i p l n s e i l t Pef a1 id et ql Bae b r dyv ofi T u s te «1W isaOClara' !ta5 P houogra-«, W e O f f er ( o u S h ip p rn g a muet Se made tapon Siauka furnuIhed legs passed And çpproved Octobes-89 ,',ocn:- e'tishe offioe e! Tsustes John N. Ber- 1922. uuesa' tuese saon You, an-1 eaeh of yon as-eheseby ,ne- SALR...Almy,81E-4ALE MaHa'tLlertyvUl 6"a LSs-,-o!tsefeth ge "x-*of a azde tified 4hatapplication han been usade .We bave Inat boe a treorndOU8 r - - i, 11;aid muet ie ,endoreed "Pro- of tetiuge of minte lo&and in litentifsovie easitled C&urt fer sltstock o! Amy,'Mu==eantohm for WateriphsaglystSd *P ye Court 10 judicial,' ascertain dter.i- lho affd te tise iIlc dir nicoima £WUYv te., -Second asud Thiré St." and sncb a en, rtein gupta itl en dyslute and dectars lis e blip o!fsamtm.'ys Thmo*boeoa$ aia100% iU propotal muet b. acconioauled iiy cash avte oisaIvthntndi!CaaBahalc ~eumdl 0dadleaithes- itis ieavy doUbi si eO "«seco or daxuged cai orb,'a chek payable tu tise ondes- of ;tic'.tdo'sud ma îaid ntthUe tietition stthi forth ise' asd, sali - Tish tpr see ev rm5e fnt 99pfalf !tIi e-ob l Is elov ai- eTy IOpOct.Note decrii ______ -- - mpsovement etteIn ver coul Ibis than affivit of Use prauptien o! ý eâthSgue, thes-oiy makcing them vaterprtio< Two hundned uinety-soven and 15/100 oflise $nid Cliara Biacbaisiet, havi 1e&,bmare soii4g- vas-y fuel sudTlR FATTERN, 8 Walon, s-a: ($297.15> lDolars, tis ye trlek W m Spbeut.f1104lln id Court on- hls b We I vsee yOu teos-idos- et once ta 1fr- the ca~eme h"<beendwarded. tusald 70f Mncis, A.D., 12;, sud "saidsyour order.betag flle& i ctual weigl*l 9à to 20* Ibo., extr DAleho'Pudie.vleIlnes ui ston pald date entes-ed a ast et-0ero! ,rIAise.s *o# twil e» vidtbi. Pay rsoled bottom .wrad to siffeh, bl Datel liday o! Mas-ah , . D. 1925. - record -l i s te, mtt of.!aad astate s50V P osL~ n 4ftàipt e! goud, os end ered t rst e cylîn dar- iDou bleC i JESSE fSarc, . . HA23. In aIl e hai hme'on dér. .Mause,' efmaidod if Usel~' nI!~ftLLrEft.~ I ISSE S. HYA". - M bois Anllts12 a s at-ms, n. o aeslr' tanâ3ard on al our cana, *11 sean £HR I-S15E0LEf554 aySo'aa -- "se U. XOe% tiC4,.e cred. IDIIIBPbe irm h anches, with a@t tebualase4aOC «Id '141iei" Mw 4- Cty Memrnsnof tise, noard e of aWlmluscous-Ût vi fi o it.he .court .rom ,jW 0p pigog. A cus deMien.d 1 YOU WILL SOON WANT TO I-AvE YouR provements ef tise Village of lA2in tisheas-Irtroom ln lb. City' or W&*i- '1R'AUU.Sees. o04gtnntofet rôd anhig. Raui ati WRE N D ANDOF couls9 YOU Wgfrtyvilie, Lake Count, ,Ill5tiL & 12-11 kaou, lns sain cot,'and Psalsore- tinsetibla,'. M2iDUI.R. Gleabon, ra adig euâl ea' THE CLAND ' TE VRYlES WY. OTCE F WAH nd. noaUali' ccaped by said court.Prairie ier, M1 1 41/ w $475 to $5.50 Our pnice, each nU CEANMIN £ VR Uf WÀY NOTCE F AWR . / At visclis ime sud place evidence viii THERESNO E1T~WAYTAI~ NPTHA- Pulic oticele ienel,' ~V hoie eard t10 aliet smuid applicat-lon RADIO QUTWIT FOt SALI-We aOe, ~ alQ O 11 EL*N BCLE AN NGN.- Pulentiel urb Ë t-at, and ea hicis lime and place younia,' dlscontinung ouradio butsiness audtl 0H10 PATTERN. glonilc DRY CLLUM ~~ ~~an award of lise conant for the con'. appeas- if yen se. fit. bave t*0 $160 MOdi X Croi1.,' -elv- 1 w&t1 o1 ;scntuto TRIS AY CLANS T1~A T-1OROGHLY truction o!ftise Imspsvinul ie-elu Dated liaE12, XA. .1923. i onbsse--ia± o ,tisPiafrernhh e 61 e7 bsxcpon otrhe1 ~, W !IR AN) SOT AN) RNDRS I-~'Ithon,' Fredsols, sandthg~-pueunit leCierir of tise P-obate Cous-t of Lake gýve ne-week't tral- mplo wi ' infdreed on outaida af cylirder to FRM FROM MOTUS OR A OSBINO ided, a conts-act viii hoie etes-ed litho Max Przyboriki, Attorney'. 11-4t 1er, - ibas- hagar and, evortuli. mi. OIC rv ~~jfl4with saiw Anlbony Fredson. Dot teess necou',' fer good reOlvlng. his mt handlas suitable for factory and NMM LATER ON. ~~ ~~~~than ton dayis-nrom tise lund day o! NOTICE T " ATR Mreletoiw o20 i RW rrti au s$.5t Marcis . D . 1922, for tise toîîowîug i ACTRS itI L mev rn 00 e20 us. aua aatvau s$,5î CALL LIBERTYVILE67-R WHEM YOU idescnibe<i îxpnoigmont, to-vt- Sealed bide i iieho ecelved for tises---., Iib IOsOr-tyviIle... ... .. 9A«EREADY AN!) WE WILL CLEAN fl4M j A conuectéd syatesn o! sanIIai-n~ew- cons5tructioni Of.ountheletrI Cen.-1e,'puc. eah - --- * rs. manisoles. "Y" branches. conniec- Milwaukee Avenue lni tiseVilla oet BoArtD AND ROOM WAliT»D1-ýBVI TUEnAPT A Y. tiens and ail otiser neceasaa'ejunbts Liertyvile. Cont,' of Lake sud utale 1,'onsg meu li Apea homo.. Addres I1'4 ~~~ l'il v an55i r' il La!r sainie, te -semade, 1o!If 11uois. S,' lmprovIng sud, gradins 1"*R" came Iudopendlolt. * su - W 1tsHA DW IE .t of Pri V ai» two li. Toi*- *U4st klm 0E XCItANGM-0Choioe Mr bamu, 8004 Iouft and o4bsr S16 Hoottja catUe. 3i 0od poultry, 1mbteeDts and £004. ats »Oesaaeon; . owner viii gr Waaksom or iNorth bifl< ty ad no duh fleded. T. X. & Co,.,«aulte&a, lu4 lo ~iiiL~iiîcu 50 are tarin. In ramnge or wauefl; pn nodetn boue. #»od baM -a4 other out mental . 1'X . tm&0, qpu. Plia.Ut5Vor ils- 11-Ut tn 7aka tý bfh5t tia"; s qood yo= orobard nie vtne9aii; .»V e1 stwUew tis. yrtak etub, 21«5 Uomt àdve Vbl.saO II. #9 tltM r, Ena VFAM. 0080fiVauO& »d Detvldssslie. 4-I RS! 6id-itsn. Dring tbein la a. ?M.TSERVICE %ke il m.good as 8»w. RIEPAIR 'SHOF PU I" 0 >ane Co. [ausoleuma çStatiao - &I elsewhere, not ne,'but ffrsts i ptions and prie« ilroad shipping cans.- tra heavy construction, eing veted an-d sold- ne construction t. ,me n4 rivet l sold- th opening for, ship- built for riagh Ti- value is 38 rai delivery cari, actuai n idcnncalwith rger bottonawhaich je rW- ovith 2 1-2 x 3-16 inch ed tô qrlnder. Pipe d creamery delivery. $450 $310 As*e McKinney 'Y & SON, North Chi>go, inI. AOIOURN Ni Atting upon t formatioP n li a 1 lvier Bsslth-oi 41ieto Jaek Cia for tise Brundtgf as-ry Ioda,' duoe Rés o te dcv. I tu tise alleged s ,vis tise jury t' $mssal. , Tise Sun fi aa *ttarmy declaset 'igî vitian ei as lise, paime qosart room dur l4warad mass, t IjU rfgisI," and ,-tss-l e, ccdini tetr q curt mta To go lut. 1 foatureaf tise lu, loiswve ecal MmeronJ, Cree dulo tetrial. ý .A 'Rub' e*ou, visavas a 'the aman jurtsy. ,Wison L. Gei ellsenif AU Aof hese a baise téatlfied tisu ml» s.remarins lai 41s .jnoy agit , 2<aOIJeIuam, tWhaesL Who k ttsI fSo- ity would ho c - juroe'u ded on .an r ss- ,'this floIg tiese 1,1. totfalentl w Âla,' a! losnooui. »uhsand Speel ,1. Symmem van. tromn tise jursy jus-ens tisonverni tosand cousidi iasbal Corne lte c e. omces-nI tle hntun tha * t, lhsugis jt hlm chamSons ne roquet ors-s-mton au aî It wuvas earne4 y ct' iven ea.t Altos-ney W.rnn oul for Qovernor IVisat tise vieiltt 4rom Chicago ne Were 1ob. pld ÏIWi l linitliI tv giton, on tiesst Iclix ni lu Stringlel andi Edws -d asles - hoSa as r Boylem "ýTiat il,'yy Lat,.aat a tlii utti e asIninlb acisroodor lea i "1rallier mus -but it bai turne jaugterons amusw The grand Ji third4a11,' sessi ý;éth ie evide FOiset tnveatli !ist menîba rpNems ,f*71pr o-htt R.C of o!Coc ISsnot Yf îwTuem, , tlIf ho eOM, bl*aait 5~4ho vas .Bou'ie'm wlfe 1 r ioPfil but * rShenif Aise 4liîgWStf0II ais