Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Apr 1923, p. 10

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FÀII1I ~ ~ ~ ew, i0e ver th0 M. À,wst pui 51~DD IK~> ~ ~ U.I~T IL.Mr. and Mra. Stropéllo thc ago ARERETRNIi Lake CoAunty Farm Bureau iNews TOJI qfflj modht< . PoliceX«» Ofthe Freibyteriso U~EIGHYfl XFARM BUREAU PRES. ket wheui they voe.alaughteted At22 JN fS ,h rb"sy.tnci~ f e TIni SPRIN6 iGIY-8SIX :::f1.A lOU.. poun:s. td eSt tASN Ms b e distinctin f e i-losidiLtu ai 86 flnmiIs COltThe Ration --Igé*lêhnrolabg1coio ThreAr 82Fethre P[AgiticulturaIAssociation itinChicago tanguge and mlddliffs. AU the pige State W4s Movement reii t* u'e au W~,eeko. grims to the Square Mle lut weék ta d cuâsCB POItla 11iiO.kt wers ted indlvtduaily, but were kept i Launobuilat Sprinuffledto e btanât, M l lz r ho ii and 15 Vaietis Fond. ngigislatlon and other projects of together la thrae iots when net eave Sate wg. th tt.The meeting was eone *bIch each. the proportion of Corm tankege - UfthvIII give a play eatsbxÙlIndIu Moisis bumanlty of the air. t the had been planned for more than a year nd mddlngs vus 4.2:1, atter whlch Springfild.Ililinoia, April 8, 1928 Who Young peupe cf 1401Y Croas beckonlng of aprlng, bave started 1en hc a h . a..ÂtnteI a 2::m ~cl l i- nA fl.0O orouaNt4on, comblntung OhUl ll *11&Ive a play entitled "Th thei easonai plIgrimage wth kin- iExécutive Cammittee at lta March ses- lowed &Il thé feut that he wauid cdean inoneé roupthe fsrmers and sports- Prince et U^rs." et thé sohoëlal M th at.85 !teyt p readily tieda .purposea , of mutuel protection, le TheUnsr iemliy helld a rqawn on eue saquare mile of!h tt' O-E.A unhm theheU.SiGan8éerRçorde eigfré ne h ~,a -YA h oea hi elé,S nition.i. n pasturea. orchards, yards Growera' Saies Ca., explalned the the i-:c th isais Ga" nerthe tivé Asof 0109Unger.Ailhohmen th i fthé ,S. and gardiens a9prlng's annuel sang f orte beng madle ini co-operative grain aiaughteréd atà wieight af 226ipanis clation, vith tâte heedquartera ln CptO f Jos, Who la in New Ya, k, WIfl tain In crescendo ftranm the marketing. Waiton Peteet, director ai for.k.liing recorda. Check iplgs were this city; 511gi1 adChlldrgn spont thé dey vet throats of more thés a hundred di- co-opérati've marketing for the A. F. alaughtered et théeltégauning ef the 6x- . Thé plan contemplatea a loae thé l home.I teront apeclea of birda. B. F., taiked upon coopérative mar- périment. Maintenance testa vwere can- hrancb In everyccunty, to bo ofll- Thé MlSMillary Society of thé Evan- For there are 125 verleties ln Ilii- listing. lucted et thé beginning and cloue et rereil by local fermers and sports, Zllud church héld thé reguhar monti. neis, accordtng ta prof. Stephen A. A reaolutlon endorslng thé action thé txperiment. Pour samplea tfram mes. Taeaech loae organization ly. meeting At thé haone af Mra. 1R. Veorbes of thé naturel history aurveY takes by thé . A. A. in auPPOrting each plg are being analysed, bosidles wvi ihéassigned thé duty anddite- Memeras TuessY. of thé University OfI llinois, il15h>ea- Sonate BItta 156 and 150 wes pesséd eeverai composite samplesaon eésh sponelhllity af seelng thet the fer.- The orchetre viii give a concert te* ai whlch are se abundant as ta unanlmously by rail Cali and signed ojy type. Thé aisé and capacity ai thé mers of that county are protected the 80h11001aé*nbly hall Thuosdy insake up 74 par cent af thé total nunt- ai t ter thé details af thesé metaurea tomacli and intestines of ail pige have in théir ilghta, thet ai gaine lava evening. ber of birds séen durlng thé sommer. lied beu xpinédta thé Convention. be obtalned. Thèse recarda vill lbe are respécted and that ail offendera Mie. Radiea Eéchn attended thé Thé sn-vey lias ldéntified 25,728 Sénte Bill 166 provides for thé oegai- evalable et e a ter urne, are praporly punlsbed. tumoal et0 Mrs. Oison lit Chicago lest birds blosging te thé 126 seiszation end incorporation Of C-09em- ' vnefrnrMheaie Pie sLteéMnonl fadn e Over an area comprislflg 19,318 acres. tive marké±lng organisations. Sonate HAWMIW F< pi à*TEERS knov any botter ihen thé sports- Mis ule atni pm lgbr- i vas round theré wre 862 irds Bl10 -wdsttcoOeai m-men, thé gréai impositions they have vacation with saine friandsaietDeKaib. par squiare mile fr thé sate as autn U! 150 pkovl tho o-operat a er- DTOP D11'IC G benusubjécted te." sald C. Fe Mans- MisseltMreda Rnaak. vho la attend- &varage. idanùntim u dowse upube ntaeseiu.iandgmain hé ne a RJGTOfi4 eld, Jr., Becretary of thé associa- Ing Chicago University, APent her va- tgres, svampa, vasté and tfe'lov piSaue Iulé seredarthe tt tenwhdqugraesinnot clcss.iangeet.hme grain fieldi, stubible, plowéd grOnnd Thé Farm Bureau présidents réquet- RméInu!soelathropin.h ueiea1bthcaé.cao thm. - vaad, achida.shruber, yrdsqusîvi tuai copeséooilheir resoiStlon price vith yearling ateérs ted et HaW- "In seinse comnmntlés thé nuisance Misa Virginia Essieu rétued mu_ wonu;arhadg arabey.yadshé préentait te Gov. LénS maI! and ail tiraS Veain, souili o! lAbertyTillé, bas becoine seintolérable thé fer- TuesdaY te ChaMPKign, heré she l an grones. eExsmntd. tétbr a h éisaue hn lhé old an oitering on thé Clii- mers bave round it nueéssry ta attending the State tUniversity. .la pesteras, orchards, Yards and "iiérisDOé lia tauglit us and reil- cage market March Tti, et thé Peak terni tisir ovn -organisations for *Mr. andiMrm. John Weber veré the garée mnycfau bidhaé b»U t thoritiés agréé tht the market- pries paid for this clieof aicttle. The thOii, liveBtock and ther proerty. gilenta of Chicago ionds RendaY. gardns AiuaOfs Oure favr ae ing et agriculture! prodlucts by coin- ahlpment canslatéilof i sXiY-tOur héasi, We elievet la Uow Up ta the un. Emetitelogenterger bau givn their maintenilncé andl multiptut5im m mdity througbi co-operetive associa avéreging 1021 poutés sacl. Té épnll n e-épnlgsot-U oakeigaSgn oUewt tbsn he2 orgin l h MiM , ~tiestala s und la p lnclple, »Ad tb é er. unifanni and ttrative ta th é m n ta work Titi thé e rm er ta ber nice, Mr . Cari .-Lang . tba toi Orgialb^btggArénd vlmd ?eOhtou. -Sonate Bile160 and 66 biyers.Thé pricé ralied vas $9.27 gv i hspoeto n eAk ereXrM grMdl«b te thé Cemaesrpt4" Proféésor verbet tter thé agencles for tIlé création andl a humdredvéight. 'certél in hevey feérl fré-sorn uthn 1 pat gas l t JO& .Whi ecertain SPecis »v. smi-opration of co-operative associa- Thé stéérs vere Héréfords ef Texan Wi&n ryfar« -a fllnois Arthur and Bart, Kegen of Hollanil, fétuS eviliy l smeA l -U» tion." D.origin. Onlyae nth béton air. Iflal ows hatno hunier vil set tact 1Minh., apent ast vaek vith Mr. and «Itinanated. oýbers hv ré i Préident D.H. Minia, oi thé ILeémerkoed a carioad of stoeérs o te o- slni fit la 'posteff or vithi- Mrm George Barmmes. érOIS ta vabor. 1hCounty Farle Bureau, ttéeddthbâseélchas et thé Cicazo tocki'srdseut hies pemissIon. that veni Dér. Thé comuitty vas very muci 09 he ir POUWW hylu te S a4ted hemn ai thé op priée o! unson vba kils a gantsbird or £51- shocked MUcday mérulng te hier et -o-- thén t andrdayeih vsta 105 -niai out of sesson, or in éx«Su of théeudilen déateaitan" ociock or Tet "é VOUTLOm< And a ~thé légal litait Wii hé é eriy Mrs.'lermasaKnigg, Wvia.uva béer et ib«. TE DIRYOUTOOKThé Qu5flty ot thé 15mB ishiPDléIt dealt vithi, and that a 4etermlnéd usual heath vhen retlrlng. hortiy * baé é*Ue Ibi th né Buter n aonae nv, a coparil as shovu hi lima r=ge0Or leu Of sud vigilntat t-vidéorganisation a eén io O-ocok heh« *uad- va . m1 ueu*der- Vith a year ega, ehava only oiaé.tourth %teesfetthis etvati vh lm é5 1M la on-. thé job ta eo t 11ai bis aaened byh« lerb«avbréathiungbut uj~~ *~~OWMOV teC' t t ci- héSihttabaud, cenééréd vIth te $11IJO ahundgftbt, a verir fe pérsénal igita and properxy are but hbeurs a ygo.oelIb-s uaS C =eil*iSlY te 5Psurt-' 1922. Butterpricés ara holding P hul a'the e bihiertoo' encroacheil spcn, thés vil! thé full se le ld pssied te fia. ternal resu. tu.s(~Ualnose uoh as won., a-iut tu faa-eableie*à -.0 Mr- Insul Je0s thé crottliéhava wlpurpese eft tis organisation héa- Rie Isavezsa a tmll qr soven sous and <iâ! t 0Oo or 01 theé habit&, thé patrosaof Minnesota sud wiA&Ooan Usbis n e 1ié v proDet'b"Mss- complishe& . io daugbters, thé yoasgsst a boy of es né ténv cotwieio sia-e.~~ nsi l raiamrrcftéar- ,Every fermer and évéry fa=8eéis n'ne yésrs. Thé funIs a éda pAéA. wdhoSt 10* ltgood lT e atis ji, a.s tords fa nibeir .elaY-fttefllng ?Adl tsar-son, every nature lover. everv hé- thé home Wédnesday jtenon. thoir 01,11551 »takt tý ghleIèefr théAai5 toaptag affly. ilever in thé protection - sud PrOP- taée ât.rou btlo!thi fr te ut ol0 gation o! smansd a nlgidenfoncé- FORMER DEERFIELO GIRL DIES thééstermsrktan »0m @Ad0 £@ @ q) ement o! ail gainés ea i Sd-IN ARIONA treéestint arkeé étr andqitcites.amb le none b ti klndred spiris In thé MrM.John W. Wsflker, vih etne Prena aiove urîsconala oitve-a R T S CR00 L embership of thé Illinois Gainéslier'manriagé vas maie Due , dauit- cieefatarésrcéiéd5~v~as ' Potetiv Asecltin." teraof Mr. sud -Mrs. TlionaeDutty, choes, actrienroctivd, a *Vrq»dléiiMardi l6th, ln presoti, Ais. pro-e 240trthï.ill 12,Mrs. Waikér vsu bora ln Déénihld ? A zf e s d i n g . , T eiheffét ln g 1 w a r W i n a - i o n e t t h é h o m e o f b e r P et ' - sI W I L , r-Ic t i e n l u t h e P u b l i c s a b o i a o f t h i s v i l - MrcSti hae DuTUucamé A Yattukladylaie maOW.Dlie stS psti b'aoai lomo lg Later, have-ver, vies aie b.- SUNÀ'I'a1 a m 59 Bntail er Maris a ybe vasadyWaitegaadlest fr*a nsu-7rc Jspiead &ChalesniuBe-E hume in Chicago, viéré aieeaccéptéil ___ d-"mported 8Bvis ChoeW t aa eskhM Çae ndAmaTni 6 E if I osition ln One o! thé large rétal rair om hoeyer bat his eéese eeel-ee 10 tu pM Ân toit-k-stores. luter be-omng essociated viii guééshov29r.-haThe I. acIved (0*"yu plli e st LAIIU yI'IJJL3thé office farce ai thé Chicago Elian- seteWb , 284 t ellvascoasnor by euM anSlm rouiay Freetan. tuer, vhere elhe nmaîneil until lier ,thé Wisconala or 0h10.' ~~Reimber, ais1, Bernice Baldvin returnèd i3ilte Xoli araéo ir oiil 99 jaet y & pasIre, MrkOttue bl. 8 a ratiU & tÇOw 5-te0eMondai, citer a véék's ieé ho- ra ! 6pa enau ral eeM.rt héini berbus l,6»Muàstig«inatthé bill asduat titi ooatry Oecaniatram ttée 1causep ofimpersent I the value lesbs w *é ébtt, Bugsh*..agon150, ail biue fazmer5 coopérative taactrie. RuM rémStbas beS absent for 0 lvlnadrn hls re daea rn hcg nltc M tég.Tho WuI »ovgens te o net thé chose tfacs suggest ta -ek eaueaismi oii éyéara la shavu iu a slatlstlcal surx- 1d ibéir rnl asoln. 0hio, tW âoWsé, -and iiesns héney ottén comeutié aéails6 h. 'viii soo e a éae te ho wth vey madIe by thé UnitedI States dé- adaityeir she vwu sîricken lFb- bo! providés tbqt elevea 'orat-e soiving thair mil marketing proi-, us tarjn. partinent o! agriculture. Phov hlas th a long ilinegsa, tram vica e , otu x*s ms a riS naon t100- léus? If théegriceé milkproducérs a éraaeae eu lyig in uthé Untéd States lied an average vas un5iie ta mre. Reyerel monilia n~ée1eééaie" ééII iigIigl W a-oiré lhva b oyshé h w ave s. -relu ba e o .53 par acre Merci 1. eg0 In an effort te regain hinrhealth, 4tigag4luraiproducts a! conauréuers pay, viy not establisI Thé éhilmrenhave natéil thé xeturn, 1923, ai campared vith $69.80, Mrci ev as taken ta Présoott, viene her Itoe.»ubem .or te supphy Inméa éhesle facturiez or creameriestomr? Jo cinvepekrneadov arts1,92.vt 878Mri,12.Ihohé WlaadSserAu. jwMi h eelnry or ther e4ubfvnsi-Aià thé Tvi5. Citiés 1111mketuing and a bine bIrd. rand wtl $90.01 Merci 1. 1920, nav réside. hdplng thai the deUlgitil -aosetsthé minou tertni f ai tnt- C(lePifi b elis ail 6tL Paivt iihO eufah Ba aldwvin vialteil aurachoal! By taies. Iowa aiaws thé largési climat. ani lhgialtitude, iigit hé buaSbipai Isé years. but sets ne OStrOlâ oser 90 pér Cent ot théeptiés'let Vdsay. Idrap oser thé tiréeyear peniod. reg- thée mes= Oai nstOrIng lier iealth. Thé milk supply, paiS on an average ta pro- George a»d John Drummond, Marge,- Isténlng e decrease af $66 an acre. cha sud, hé gvr duBnetgravevoene. "W geamepu*$ 3te28t 2. thé duleX5 la 1922 a zoad duelmore than aet Mciformlck, Mande Raid-vin. RuthIllhinois 18 nazi vIt> e drap o! 344 au sii ssi n Je guay ie aha vs Cot2bétmn MIL provldias ter re» w-Va psinluLae couatyfor that yesr. Freeian vae be tMna, acre 1 Indiana tird vih a drap>a!of à elinbdhdvé . h é ~p~I e éoxt an muicial0#j k dHerycauatytarue reeatly Thé aévénthad igith gradés are $37, South Dakota tourth lvti a maied milier Wadeati neanlyhobe. d fu r à n Slféf tuéOMMia O umie"Sias' p Ithat ln Wkéting 244.91reieviiag lua ge y. d a! 8f 32 an acre,/ ndNebrasi en ~te Inter. Tb* au» seuumaeuslséS tseaudafnuk that lié vld haie ré- PAW Dub& W ~a bsenatttredeysUtaht and Idahaoanxt. eacb shovlng a Uer gentle di#pouitia nani charming -M «iî r Rvre.attve Bos niat tia esaveS 4147L.54 more b»ailhéobéésable lut véék Iiééat of ilets,. 1droip ai $29 su acre. Théesinallesi pma~ulity van for lien su excépten- PIlu toe s glCee ou Pr t 9rkeé it h rougli thé Iln CtieqM9 Mrsud Mm. Besa$ki enténta,11lné,decrease,$2 su acre aven the tirée el' vitte crcie off!riaiis andl au- FassévloU éty' - tne usee t ete MsskéitizgCa. Think e-er soins of c'nVan £Ift a iéa.Chicago and 1yèar penid.las sievulu Maseochu- queltances, sand lier sincère and falti- thesé tacts.LlbertpvMOL uni. éîasuaevmphn. C 'Wea- edvotIon ta lien parents end neis- A bi istadued b fi-astr Wod LINSQUAUIfl~ SML lcut shovsa ap op f $3; >lebama tises mnishestéd tl!!In mn aya., Çhleage, prVilins a ch*rg cisurZS OF LAG $WYPE LL, ~$4, Nev Yoansd Floridea, 5, Vin- Thé romains vère breugit ta Dmer- tee ~ar ai, ~ ~ AND LARGo!TYPEtéiin plus1 1O( - ginlé sud West Vrginla ill.- Anlu- flilfor hurl, thé Rev. Tather T. F. fi«d oi i oea.lier iuor »m!mie ai stnSy LCroase a! $3 per acre In e a-u ln Quinn, 'of St, lY'véster'a churcli, Cil- vbAo"b--deathresntts, vas nepairtéil IeS Of 5mali, intiuniadlnétpe wèewNev Jéraèy. and a! $2 l inlRode la- cage. atileiatiug. It vas oeeof lier ieè Sélitér eupqI*lV Milpnovldlng 'vO* lIttfra5.b odl e e roduce ié,M ary ' IA ,liae ocurel l éa!yof .Wb- a.'.s5n v euae Aer fur -a tax on 4raht Etassa- vas ré- muet rapil andi emomaesgains. Mr acse i Wetuvaîdtruck cr09 taies unrli of South Car- ealedtath aricltra cmmttu Wlterth fedr aee ùr hei d ctIu Fniiy. -Clinsanad geuerahly lu thé ctten EERFIELD GRAmmAR SCOOL commutée foretheierlthé ttWeder steerCntonuethé reeéaenn., la Cordie Hagbîom, l!pbrter fu edatn eato* wu blll.eib a« this type have proven th=- Thé cooa_: fax- thé Kellyvangd vaatte a.- Cn i satein peltlu.-adand- # .15 Sé-ia r eprplalg80,0000 étéUni- selves te héo!f the béat = iiîo h e,, .iif hra r Approprison '--$1ti6draf00 tietvééla Parese: Wraiyelly suod Sean hauluoiteadl th ca éitdbaydkIri Deerehèd, ater a !ew mentis3 veraity of Illinis wlat te seconleorWthliameFllod ar hmvthetthèlt ,ornd lusthe lood. wtshlandlukeAlabAlaba va v tlng relatives.s védnyo Lhnlivn t e ofotithé tépe hnio tae, t L h ou fte s et, adL ail Came and Pacifie raglans. Prices vere jThé mor-Iishow Pridav eveniug con- 0f tetis shovn itra nd t -é hé bat ai ethedahleudr. enrdBunandi éliove -$100 pitracre Mrci 1193. lu slsta a! "Thé Héart e! Mryleud' and _____________aypteSdt sd gyaise u étyee psThé aon. only tirée staes. $153 lu oa.1~26 iau intéreaiug camedy, Larry Senton héay ai. pg meySu h *~: iae ivngPerfect tteudancé l hin olfat 13luCiin.lin "Guf," a farce that-wIl!! maké ev- lIN SE SW RL) epeleuP!ndhns teméim iha lcIMryKlyCirlshri-ieggéd, chuffy sud tblck.l Intis durngtémuliaIetia-: lioypi(andere$223 l loàla.n éybdlug.Qeithprmet exPeimet Plan cebnt fShmdumel lood uMrysKllyd hales$26lu Georgie. -Alaliama and Mstîslf Men défiued guI!fer us. Ouf is a C'S ls t han 1t8i ofa lai-gar typa., Thé Dortiy Flood ajd Norma Sm, ippi. gante for atout men. They dbase at itI- R K » D N s li y a tn efosé i em s_____ase____________hrs ay aft r onthé, defesseless hall arund thé lik s RECOR ON E l ln rayertofte:medium tye pigv.5 aieaMva Iros De u dof W innsien. ** 'x**-*j *** ecauae tliey aeétueeatout ta as Taylarvllle. Mrci 31.- A ianred Pigestade théin gaina ou 3 pet' cent Mahomet durnug thé api»g vacationi+ DEenE D lything lsé. 1 am sure ail gulf play- rock lheu belanglug te Hanterd[un.- légsa !eéd thés thosé aofea sntanitypée licianna Kelly $pettthé e e end t- -DEERFIELD *ersa vI hé istérestèd. Cointésud bing bsr, living wesi aifttis Cty, baes a andl on 7 Per cent légsa !ed th"m the viti lier parents in Wilson. * ** *** ** aclieadts. urndle prend note lu han cackllng tis vèék, o! a large type. Thére la nodisposi- Mr$. J. B. Tiggs sud ivo chlîdren iacln n rn urn a baiglaid a egfor vicia thé -lin as drav final conclusions tram vIlI aPénil a fév days ai thé haine 1i1Miss Isbel Hasklus. Who spéint thé brthdny éarty Eaatar Ruunday ilu hor woll i aposa l ev lag £5é1thia éx4erment. silice funièx- v.rk ileofA. QonyoaietWilson. veék viii Mn. and Mn. Htoward Gilbas Of théir anniversary. vod'scaaînaî abin lJthé cenducted tiq yéan. MM-. A. Oosyo a! Wilson vas!retux-ned t'O lierhlianluWihmette on - The' egg mesurei sévén and eue- -- The Pige caîhétI Saturday on a Case ai 111- 8111ndai. -TÉLÉPHONES AND THE STORM touxt inlchés eround thé middleé, sud Tvéuty uuitax-m pigao ofaach of th nes. j Mn. sud Mna. Roy Heskins and chli- -,- % uneé sud one-hal! luchés thé long iliree typés were slecte-i lun Mr. 10e Ptaeselt and tamîly, drén vere thé guéais af Mx. and Mrs. - A. téléphone seni ér whapicka up wyan'welgied sxaunces. But 1922, and Wre placeil on xernen i vlatéd théeliane af A. Ptaseushlé P. C. BeleenstiSuuday.,-bils'Insatrument la imp.tatent tealégin' veY.aud et véree végîta me62ta Sunday. I MmrtéiEeeton la vlsiting hlxeauonilking ai once. Hé emonts aehusy slg- thase measures are net thé vuy JIY t aeaghi sof6 t 0 Many .baya eeatWlerDezA. Clark, luniRegina, Resk., Canada, »4i as though I vers a part o! a cou.- calts o! distinction. When thé égg patuds. The amall typé Pga vere te- lilthday Party Santday. Mm. Henry lio!!man sud Mrs. Jainsaplracy ta thé apérater and 4aanager vas toudi h cotainai tva yolka lu léctedt ramontbvaords a! Chantpatgn Mr. andI Mxs. P. McGarva and sWllmms ver. thé guésis ai Mn,. Ricli- ta depnivé hinm ci omething tan whîcli adiion anothér Complete egg. vw" camnty. Illinois, ta réPresént thé type Beulai vIitéd thé H. E. FloodI hantéard -Brlknel e! Lake Forait Tuesday. hé ta peyiug. Hé la uned ta gettilsi- bari l a!sd af average site. PoPuien a nunthén af yeazo age. h was Suudey. 1 Misa Isabel Biédéntadi a! Highlsund service and hé expecta ht. nt posîble for us te flnd any af thé Mies Bindlla Flooed ai Lake Caun- Park "eut thé Basten season ai thée Thé suiscribéildaéan't thluk viet pige vhci rePreaenîed thé' type lu ah-,1ty TîtIé and Trust spent thé véék F. C. B ledersaait hainté. hméani ta thé ilephliné cunirani' 6 ER OL D BOY respects. Havévèr, mtiti thé Pîga end t lier hume lu Guruée. 1 R.-A. Hos of Leringan, Ky., vas thé vhen a blizzard breaks devu théelisesj IEAJ~OLD Pravei ta hé ef a sliort-iégged sud 1Allent Smith la 'abisent au accotnt gtet ai bis mtièr, Mrg. U C. Haolé, andI keéps lina ès vox-king !ng iiick fléahéil kind. Ramne ai thènsepigea1a!filîness. ia udyutl usave éBut thé çmployea are- aIentanne FEEBLE-14INDED !atténeilat veiglits ai 160 ta 175 lb3.1 toret for- Rhliy, Mont.. ta apénti séveral sotreul. If théy casuet get a mes- m 1 y TO C Commercial Chasis, Plain-. Commercial Chassis, Starter anduJ ntbeRm,-M, Roadster, Starter an d Demioumtable RM-s...4,414 - Towing, Plain __ __ __ Touriug, Starter asd Demnouatable Coupe, Stgrter sud Demoustablc i s...4 8 Sedan, Starter and DenoumtableRms...,.65- Station Deliveiy Wagon, Starter DemIount. Rims._-$610 Delivery Wagon. Paeld Top, open front Starter and Deinountable im......- -.-..$60 Delivery Wagon, Panel Top, Vestibule Front, Starter andi Denaoatable Rima---. .-... Delivet-y Wagon, Six Post Top- Starter and Demountable Ris-- - -- -$2 i0 AHART & WAGNER ltSuhSheridan RéaS WAUKEqAN IU.INOIS Tv7 a "Wamd "in l. e: WENDfJr. h wim brins rmdts. The "A corn" I This range can be caged frosu a rig to as left baud OVé-! whtOut extra parts. No matter where you move, the Acoat Nm. 6 will meet ail conditions effiiendy. h re- qanres no moro room inuyour kitcheu tdmu te orimary box cabinet range- Furnished with santary wbite porcelain enamel door penads, spiasher, trams.s"e,.back raili boletpan, legs, si"e ami top of oveai, boasies of "hef bracket aud with nickeled' parts., make it a tiost attýactive kitche Range. Ilte Cas section uses ezthc natural or artificial gas. the Coau section burna bard c"a, soft ceai, coke and wooci, A, tomplete gas range sud kitchen heater as one unit, occupying lms space i your kichen and giving a large combined cooking surface. Bota dme Cas and Cam Section can be uaed ai the saie inte. Cail foi- beatiug water tank can bc used in cannection with the ceai section, In Business For Myseif If if's anyting in gas, electricity or plumbing repair work, eau Ben Sa: frfaction Guaranteed BEN CLYBOURN Telephone23 LIETVIL Pay Rent to Yourself THIS PIMTUESau ail-too-frequeut ituation. And, the man ie thinking juat what auy of us thinks unden like conditions. HERE'S A REAL SUGGESTION! Make that bird ith te teut mouey f ly the oihen way I Watch the expression change- when be-on yeu-paya met ta him!lelf. It can be clone. We cau do it. Jû-st phone 50 and we'II gladly explain. DO fTNOW. W. F. FRANZEN, Jr. TELEPHONE 50 LIBERTYVILUM, II Notorjous ta IJniq C It coai W *'*idram" ai gulity a! cri IV& ataurday Motion ior rlad. 'Trisa casé sid Juigé for ether N amstiafled ln- - m n utetI Othén tlaregi Sinistens o! exemples te bis opinion n . Provocation. sec came lut atae bar et is ad Ie lm thé "u c, 'bJugha 1fthé seaesd ntsané Thebaoy.î aven uoub Dei» lute theaI e .ratteurva M.Voie abuhi anytiody aMing :~they'ré hurl0e Inuni te iéh Ift th coru -FEE EL Of$ 1) A Tai (2) AnEh (3) Au, EL --If Il ha vlgded %A and th named, efélit C ailier m of the place a semé se Toaster. FuR paria Electic Sa] est of wlh WAU 129p Te Public of NO LSMYVRLF, DOOMM. P"ýMAY, MM, 5. 1923*

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