FRIENÔDS 0f LonlgStandig The Lake County National Bank bas grawn up with this community. having been established here thirty years ago. Each year has enriched aur banking experience and thus our usefulness to you bas broadened. We &hall continue to meet the ever-increasing noeds of the farmers and business men of this colliifty. Whenever you have need of a bank's services, c orne to the Lako Couty Naionl" k Lake County National Bank .Tduh&m IS LIBERTYVILLE912»OI HEADQUARTERS FOR Vaughan'.s Seeda for pract'cal. -as well au decorative purç9ses, Vaughan'& Soes bring the mont uceiful revults. Order frmam A Com piete, Fresh Stock Bave express charges, ime and trouble by ordering f rom us. Seeds in' BuIk 'or Package anything 'n the Catalogue, at Vauglian's listed prices- no blgher. ALSO SULBS. ONRUB$, PLANTS-&& per Catalog Corne in and Get Your Vaughan Seed Catalog Now Langworthy's STURDY BABY CI-ICKS "re your Chicks from the Sunny Croft Pouhry Farm and Htdhey-AII Popular Varieies. PEPPY, HEALTHY, STRONG. flic kind diat will live and grow. No Delay& Halda Every Week. MMNNYCROFT POULTRY FMANMD HATCHERY Teleçboue 5 A. A. Paltz Palaine, Iflinoisi Colfins & Doane Co. Monuments and.Mausoleums Phone 20 - Libertyviiie, Illiois a.- v ~ -% il Glendora lump Coal THE 50Fr COAt WITHOUT A FAULT Franklin County Furnace Coal LOW IN ASH HIGH IN HEATI "Washed, Egg" FOR THE RANG OR HEA M By-Product Cokc Hardwood Chunks SCRANTON ANTARACITE Lîbertyville Lnmber Co. hoe 47 LIBERTY VILLE LBWRTYVI1E, M 'MMOM ,,M*J1MY. AP1WI45, 1923. Mms. Maude Lusk of Waukegzan vis- 1 lted Libi-rtyvilie triEnds Tuesday. Lo ca an Per o n aAlvin Bliss, of Tilden. Neb., vis'ted LoRI nd Pe sonal relatives here Monday snd Tuesday. G(-t your Vaughan's Seed Cat alogue Short itemns of Especia Intertest to L..bertyviiîe Peop:e NOdT!- at Langworthy's. 13-4t Born, Rasten Sunday. to Mr. and JMrs. Charles Brown, of Broadway, a Mrs. A. Klrby, of Fai Lake. vlsited -Mi&. Juila Pnice returned home Bat- ion. St thse Robent Helton borne Tuesday. urday from Ban Francisco, Calîfornia, wbere sh. spent tbe winten vîrtIs ber Misses Lillian Kiepper -lr e Van hans Beeds--Langworthy'sa daugliter, Mrs. Jack Foote. Ulfers sPent Sunday evening at Higb- g i3-t land Park. ,Mr. ad lins. Vern Carley f Mat- ed borne fnom a tri.p to California Isat -vieiit vth lhe latters parents, Mr. and morunug displayng thse first dandeline Satuday.Mrs. B. P. Evils zor. - They mde thse blossom of the season. Bauda.trip by -automobile. Mr. and Mrs John Davis of Chicago Mr. and Mrg. Jack Bradford enter-, tained Mrs. licAnthur frram Chicago' Mr. aud Mrs...Claude Knigge were sPent the week end wiU, Mns. favisas Heigbta lait veek. ailed to Deerfleld Mouday on account parents. Mr. sud Mrs. W. W. Carroll. of thse deatb of Mr. Knlgge's mother. MM. Ben J. Simen snd tittie daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Kenueth Loveli enter- Mils. Herman Knigge. Mca. Knlgge ter, Edith, returned Monday frram a tained Henry Patr!ck, of Indianapolis, visited lu libertyville, and bad a nus- f-en days' viait inlu ni-oie, Ill., wlth Ind.. aver tbe week end. ber of tiends lu thie village. Mre. Blmen'g Parents, Mr. and Mca. Miss Lilitan Kohout of Naperville, FrSk Rayer. residing east of Liber- Mathias Btall. spent tbe week end witb ber parents: tyvllle, lbai puncbased a nev Star se- Urn. John Cargili. a former resident Mr. sud MnB. Joseph Kohout. da- tr-mAbart & Wagner. of Wauke- o' Aptak'siç. dind Tîîessd.vy evenlng lgan. Wm. Belinski, wba live. ualti- at the bàe.ital Iu Waukegau. foilowirsg Mr. and Mrs. Robent NIcholse have weat of tovu. bas alo purcbased a car an operation for apu)endicitsq She moved Into the hanse, on Second Bt.. of thes ere kind tram the Waukegaa vas the daugbter of Mr. and Mns. recently vacated by Steve Cudaby. 'agency. Hatfan of Wbeellng. Ishe leaves ber Charles Kiepper sud family and Misa AIl Odd Fellows are invlted sud aloobsadsdtre mi blrn Grace Ulfers apent Easter Sunday urged to attend thse uext negular meet-' The contract for tbe construction or witbjtrs. Mary Scbley at Pra!rle View. fus af IÀbertyville Lodge No. B56, on the br7dge aven the Des Plaines river Mauday evening, April 9. at 8 o'clack. vas awarded Wednesday attennoon ta Mca. Louis Larsen, af Waukegan, Tbe vork of tbe luitiatory degnee vili the Triangle ConstructIon Comipany of and Miss Helen BOate, ot Chicago. vis-, ha exemplIfied, folloved by refresh- Hobant. lud., their bld for the vork ited Mn. and Mrs. John VanderBpool meulsansd a aQelal bheur. being $16,804-46. The voit vl ha l1"t Bunday. The loalModern Woomen campdone Ibis sum er, sud the pav-lug of Grand avenua completd Mn. aud Mca. S. P. Evilisizor and, bas received the check lu paymuent of td Mca. Anna Deithoru attended thiefu_,tIse Insurance of Elmer C. Young, Who 'Mca. Lee A. Warren vas ln Wauke. erai of Mca. Herman Knlgge at DBee- d'ed lu Pebnuany. The policy was for gsu Wedueeday sud underveut su op- field Wedneiday. $3,000. Mn. Young bad heen a'member eration ou one of ber 4yes for a ruai- of the Woodmeu onden for more than tuned blabd veseel. Dr. Jolley penform- Ms-s. Carnie Mathla, vas hositeais ai 26 yeaca, sud bis total aisessmeuts ed the operation. lirs. Warren la nov a aboyer. given lu heor of Miss Catb- amounted to $759. 1 St thse home of ber parents, Mn. sud erine Meteal!. St the home of Auguat Wîîîîa B. Seybold dîed St the Re- 'Mca. H. B. Eger. Thse operation vas Reichof Iazt Prlday nîglit. Isearcis Hospital ln Kansas City, Mo.. a minor eue, and the alght viii nat be M. 0. Ladies-PI1sebrlng on send last Monday evenlig, atter a short Ill mpaired. your Mite Boxes to he negular meetingi nees oý pueumanla. lRevas&8 yfl 0Ryron R. Prasser, o! Libertyvllle, at te hoe 0fMca.Wslc , o f age.' Hia ibody vas braught to IAb- sud Mise Kathryn Spelîman, of Wau- Court, Thursday, Apnil 1Mt.--Sec Y. ertyville Wednesday afteruoou. sud kegan. vere United le mars-luge Tues- funera services vere beld tItis (Thura. d4y afteruoou by Justice Chas. Mason. +be memisens of the Mystic Workens day"r)afternou at 2 o'clock, vitb ln- ât the offices of the latter ln Wauke- ladge viii give a Bunco party nert J1terenient at Lakeside cemetery. He ia I gan., The bride la the daugliter of Mn. Tueiday nigbt, immedisxely alter the. survlved by bis vite, 1f ns. Jeanette sud mca. Peter Speilman, via reside regular business meeting. Refresb- Seyboid; three emali cblldnen-Williis. on Waten atreet lu Waukegan. - For ments wilI ha served, sud severai flue Jr.. Donotby sud Robent; alan by bis tva yeans lin. Prossen bas been em- priss *ar-'le& -I., .1. K*tber, C.1). Seybald. 4pîoyed .oei-40Inçlepengent,tMdthuas liveditn Libentyvîlle for a number af _____________________________________________________yesrs. maktug bis home vitb bis nucle, Rd Appley, an nortb Mlwaukee ave. _____ _____ ____ IIIThe uewly veds viii go ta bousekeep- Il - - - -n fl l n Libertyville. r ML L Orne Crown Extension Embroidery Hoop FREE with a Orne Dollar Purclime (I to a customer) at the. SPECIAL SALE at the LIBERTY GIt SHOP, of Stamped Goôds. One Day Only. Sat., Apr- 7 SalDoilies........ ............. ----.......... 5eandl 1Oe Scarfs ........ ... .............. ...... ........ . ... 20c and up Buffet Sets.--------- ----- --2 Childs' Aprons, three and four years ------- ---------- .. . .....51k Childs' Dresses, three and four years .--. .... ......... $1.25 10 per cent Disount on ail other Stamped and Embroidered Goods. Liberty Gift Shop WCE FURNITURE STORE LIBERTYVLLEILJ --- --- AUDITORIUM THEATR E "The. Show Nous. Dethtful" I1FRIDAT ad SATURDAY, APRIL 6tk - 7tk. Barahi Elizabeth, theflve-year-old daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. New- som, bas been ln a precarious condi- tion since asat Suuday. suffering tram vhat fe belleved to be -ptomaine pois- oning. It lsaflot known muet wbat vas remponsible for ber ilness. unles t can be ascrIbed to canned corn, whicb the family had for dinner. that day. The litti. girl vas :ken 111 Suuday night, ani on Monday was ln covul-! sens. Since then ber fever bas been at 102 degrees. Her condition was aomewhat Improved, altnougb she la a migbty sick girl. Marshall We.ido 'son of Mr. nd Mrs. A. W. Waldo. dled Tuesday eJeningat Hifles Hospital, Maywood, alter a lin- gering illnes.aitbe age of 25 years. He vas a veteran of tbe world war, ' avIng eerved tva and onc-hait years ~witb Cal. A. V. Sm;tb ln 'the 149th Fil~'d Atillery. luneral services viii be beld Fri'day aiternoan at 2:80, vitb burial at Lake F'orest. Tbere viii be a mllItary funeral. mnd an army cbap- ,In.wll couduet tbe service. df bis company wiii act as paîl bearers and tbe tiring squad and bugler viii be tram tbe Libertyville Poat af tbe Amer- lcan Legian. "ROBIN HOOD"e SU NDAV, 1g MON DAY, A r TU ES DY,Ap.891 AUDITORIUM THEATRE' SNOW'S The Farmers' VIE WPOINT We laok upon the problein of rural credit thnotigh the fariners' eyes. IlTerefore', our efforts are directed not ta forcing the collection of notes, but to put- tîng the farmens in position ta pay thean when due. You can be sure of finding in this bank an * interested co-operation that will help make you a more prosperous fariner. USE US fREELY First National Bank LIBERTYVILLE . « .ILLINOIS. Resource. of Mors Than à Hait Million Dollars C6auifiod The ladeda" seumr ruudm. <av trwa "md y1«wu b. virncod md w muv oythe lb .ug meuh. TYeu m *d fi" fEstc e ba Of styls .t Mlbfdw4 gprie..: MEDIIM HEAVY STOC EMC 8 bars, 32min igh,12 in.sty 8 bars, 32 in.bigh, 7 in. ay...3Yp 9 bars, 42 in. high,i. hstay .32c 10 bars, high, 12 i. stays...-........ MED1UM HEAVY POMJTRY PUE 14 bars, 46 itnhigh, 8 in. says....... M 16 ban,58 in. high, 8 im stays-- 47y4c BARBED WEE, 80-rod Spools. per SpWol: 2-pt. Hog -- 35 4-pt. Hog.... 2-pt. Catdle.. -....$3.30 4-pt. Catde. SMEELMNPOfsT, each ...... END POSTS, o ~ _ _ CORNUR POM «desL..______ PsndAD»UST#M E TEELDRWAY AT u Calvanizod 10 ft., "S; 12 ft.. l»30;14f.,ê4;1 , PLAIN TEELDRIVEAY GÂTE 10Oft. wide2*$5.65; 12 fLwidce..4&25; 14ft i"k...$ SMEELFOUTRY GATES 48 in.ig..-..42.O0; 6Ohi.biL. American Wire Fence Co. Absent. Rel1ati îve or Ei 52-Issues.for $1.50', = ýSILK WEEýK Special Values in per yard Ail Silk Taf feta JESSE L L&SK F P.ESU" A GEORGE MELFORD PRODUCTION Biâi3TIOoardom a qumougi*âe VOR folks who are looking for something worth while-a per- FL fect production of Robert Louis Stevensons famous story of lo e and, regentration in the South Sems. With Lila Lee, James Kirkwvood, Raymond H-atton, George Fawcett, Noahi Beery and Jacqueline Logan. A BIG MICURE AT POPULAR PRICE per yard Crepe DeChene a good line of colors AUl Silk Messaline $1. - - - slip' - - $1.' il Canton Crepe China SiIk Paisley Pattern in FiatC Hours 8:.00 Ax M to 8.1>0 P. M. W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMI? Phone 29 Ubosrtyvinil. l luit dwim at t' E IN AT muid ay simd by mr la kbocme, Greatest I&y Il Knil ý aboooom