Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Apr 1923, p. 13

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'I busines on' the hcooute of tb. 1180 ' ......14.4m6am ........ 25 0 ....... ,211-74 ......750006 ......l.U6 19 ......127,M 71 ........ a 6 46 cli, do "Olenai> r knoviedi sud msPond wt tbe tor of Pablie Ac- RAWFORD, Omahier. el., 1923. CR A. LAtIN, Nobur Public. ,ere! ilSR rer r «ue , Brunsylcit y DAY of the month ick Records .n ire played On rapir CompoeWl 9. OUR_:-POLICY' A bank is more than just-a bidig. t stands 'fer certair. policies in the coi pmunit-e even as .an inidividual does. 11, The policy of this bank is safe and honest business' cou*lýd with effielent and coudteous service. W. should like to do business with 'YOU, and RENDE1. YOU SERVICE IN EX%'ERY WAY. Lake County Natioal Bank *~~~~~~ Td&.e 5uDTILPINI e HEADQUARTERS FOR Vaurhan 'sSeeds for gractcSl. as wetl as deeoraive purpoe6s, Vaughan', eeds brIng the mtont sucStful resolts. Order froid A Coniplete, Fresh Stock Save exprest charges. time ad trouble by ordering f rom us. Seeds i BuIk or Package anything lit the Cataloae, et Vaughan's llted prleeo4-xio htgher. ^LOO @UJLM 3 SIIUSPLANTS'-« a pr ataleg Corne In and Get Your Vaughan Seed Catalog Now Luffl, wrh ".&tb~t l Toîu n m00 r j': k Lô" Adnual Dance North American Uni< Satujrday, April 14, 1i% - LBETYVILLE -TOWN'HALl Corne Ali Ye Young, Corne Ail Ye Old, Fo iuioe"?Y;uWill Have, la Worth Its Weight Ir ADMISSION 7UeLAI When Seamons Look Bad For~ Groy that is thetime touse Arrnour'a .Fertilizers We bave them for ail kinda of grain Dop't Take Chances F"r Seed of Al Kinds. The1 i3est In. Purity 'and Germination Feeding' Molasses Alfàlfa Meal Big Value SMALLý PRItCES» This M Libedyvilte hifiuber ( PHame 47 tmmETmV ~TYlLL, nBf>e~. TJ,~.4Y ARI. 13. 1923. i"cK CAT HSiERy FOR 1 CII BDEN - EXCLUSIVELY ÂT Lo al an IP rs na LANGWORTHY'S.15i ___________________________________________________ arsbati Waldo wae composed of coin- raefroim the làbertyvilte Post of Short Items of Es4pecia Interest to Lbertyvilie Pe4.C thee Âmericn Lego, as folcws: Win. Hagrty EreetBrown, Jr., Date Col- lins \Henry Young, Wmn. Johnson, C. Archie Barnett and Frank J. Wright Doult fali to attend the card Parity hoattins, Peter Hansen and Harry were lu 'daukegaff-Monday. and d"Wat the Town Hall Thursday tiotti. Th> color bearers were Arthur Vauhans ~erenlua, kpril 26tb. Muic by Hapkes NeYera, Frank Kennedy and C. O. Vagh3'4ted Lagwoty' -tCarlson, Misss Mymeand ild Hake is- Xiss Bailly Bush was il Chicago Visiting Lay of the P. T. A. witt bie Misss ?Jyme nd Hlda aphevi! Satardair to attend the wedding ofa rdyatenoAi 3ht1:, lted lji Chicago lait FridaY. lcousin, N. J. Monahan. She remained aI the Liertyvpitte Urammai S1:oo, DeLas Âmes ia lhe gueot of relatives ,nl usa iiigrltvs The bus.ness meeting wilttlbe beld at in Waukegan today (Tburaday). The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Sud 8 :30. A nomnating committee for the Swa i.theownr o a ewety wl hold a bakery salê Lt the nriw officers witi lie BPpointed and a jantes Swnl h we fanwFa=a Bureau D.Uce Satarday after- detegate named to the State Conven- five passenger Haines tonrlng car. no><i, éprnfl141h. 15lt tion to lbe beld ai Itecatur. A social bour wtt! folow the meeting. Alil in- FOR HOT ISEHOLD GOODS-LANG 1Ml. anM s. Weston Waldo, et Laek tereeted ln the welfar,ý of our ochonis WORTHY'S BASEMENT STORE. lt GeneYa, Wts., andiMMse Eleanor Wal- and ctiitdren are corddait> invited and F'rn Âppieyard of Genview spent Ido. wbo ila itteiiditig colege at Beloit, urged te attend. Sunday witb bisi daugliter, Mi§. o. U. Wl... vere calttd ere lest week on ac<doug of te deatti of their brother, At m i meting of L)bertyv ilep Post or Roln.Marshatl Watdo. the American Legion, held tuer Thors- Mr. and Mrs. George Wehrenberg day niglit, flew offîcers were elýcted and Miss Ada Heifer wers Chicago vis- Two candidates were given the wurk as fllows: Commander, Arthur Mey- ttors Friday. of the btitltory degree, at tue J...ber- ers; Vce Con. Wmn. Hagerty; Sgt. at 1 tyviflet« P etiowe lodge Monda>. Arma. Wm.Johnson; AdJurant, . (. Mis Marion Preston uf Chicago was nigbt. "A banquet, the *rinclpat item Carlson, FIthamie Officer, Date Cotlins.' bers lait wee kylaitine Mr$. John Van-* belng Itet tost beeî, was served fol- Afler the buaitaeesof the Posi bud erlipooL owing the business meeting. been trasactued, te tadieâ of thre Aux- * N iliry too charge anr served a eub- Mr. and Mrs. Jernes Laycock werei The aev'bome of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. stintas1 lunch. Mr. Rasufusun of members of si theater Party in Chi- Kohout, «Waf town, vas the scene Lake For-est, wu. preFetraad etiver-l' cigo Saturday atérnoon, of a haea . erVinz Party lait Baturday ed an addrme5. Tie meeting vas held night. ABÇu'flr.nty-flve frIenda o eln kthe roaisof the Libertyvilns Club. G« C. Qridtey et the Fiast National 1Kolidts sthered there and 5pent the1George Follett bag bealaid UV.ipvtb~ Bank, and Judge B. J. Muer are In evening laanenjoyable manner. hILigtht attack of0f muieonia, He la Chicago today (Thurd'>. gettings sionc fine and exvectas te b. n~~ 1 Marion Jones retuk~ed 1*51. week out &gaa soca. RAEfO*SM TR N" ront a stay of severai months la Pres- "DEUVILLC PAISNLY KERCEWS" cott, &$blobsandm aln nov back aI thre Mr. snd Mma. Max Kob"ne ' nd-clùii >'stIts OU vwille vs eres shvertng i. MEMBERS, IqTICE dreil were la Chicago SaturdaY te B i Lake e cantl>, vîtir tbe'temPerature Luespositveîv inustthe petit on or tbegels-Floto cirons at the Colieeum. jbaby 8*0t, thre weather ln Arizonaeoehlat~o ac ini Mr. and Mns. Louis Bocketman and 1wa~f1-t GC. .SAL oico. their ittle daugter were bers over Sborty Milter says it atH a mistatte - unday front Ct)cago,, viting rela- &bout betNoa cazidttae for the under- - tives. tr.k* or aby other office. But Short>' Y i'A l W n bai wora coul two pairs of slapesathe i. l Ai Y5555 Mise lÀian Kohout and Flrancis pait wvesk rulng up signatures on TOSeeTL' Cowles. of Naperville, apent lhe veek a peticUo té put thre candidates of tse I 0 U5 his jUV snd ett h Jod'ph Kohout home, esat Peotilea Partiy on thre ballot for the of tovn. electiosn aIcS Tuesday.I table House yul open wvtlthel neal Dental 4às"ltlon, bsld at the parlsh tva weetta. Wateb fer ppening date boune lbare Tuesday evening oflait and place. 15-lt weeh, Dxý.IL K. Smith. of Libertli, - as elecWe president of the asca Misses Ri11aaV and L-Illian KieP> lion for Mis mrrent ysar. Dr. L.E. per atlei4ild the performance ai Mc- Goiâjn. slo of Libertyvitte, vas made VIcers Teater la Chicago tit-t- a memW o 'f the erecutive commlttee. M Miss Helen Carrol an be aister, W. 1. Cclila5 left Tuesda>' for Boul- Mrs. Jack Davis, saw 'MosaaTimle der, <lolrpdo, for a visit vltb bis vite at lb. Apollo Theater la Chicago lant anli dânghter, Mine Virginia, Mra. Col- Saturda>' atternocin.111Wabsd UpOgter are so veti imprees- ed viii .adrantages of Colarado G. T. Luce returned Monda>' frein tbat thet>-ray poslblY- rentai tiers a ti tet Biltings, Mont. He SaYs that 1during the paming summer, lnstead of the oit buainese la boo113min lthle returaing homets his sprlng. a4 lad western state. and that azioîber hole beneniat lant. wiltlbe tartsd 4)b bils farimabout tee flut o! May, wbeenlhe expects ta go Oet your Vaut&sn's Seed Catalogue bsck tel motana. NO W! -t at xgWtiY'S.' 1$-4t AUITiORIUM MTEt "The sbdw Hous" DeIghtu ./ ~Fridy M ant audy, April 13th - l4t- DÔROURY DALTON Suuday, Apeoi 1tF- Wedeeeaî. ApIbSl.- 14ARJON DAViI. UAgbAtt-AND avr. Wfth 1 'eae lehu r Thse n Gold M FREE wing y0 YU. An A W. bave 25 Sait$, ve~ytaliona in Chicago,1 Very Thesesu If r THLES SUITS Wl ONCE and make yt Veek b. madie ai a sisal o.RAY ILLE OUWEBWflD ir r Cha.nce' to get . dl W601, Sùi-t, at a low price MADME TO ORDER, by one -of the best ,made of the bet woolems and Iatest styes. bat are known as "ualeti fWr"garments, mes up ta $5.0.00. Youimay'have )O Per.,Suit ILL NOT LAST LONGé,SO COME IN AT roui selection..AJIy alterationSedtimay A oýddffionaI cot. 'Red bargaý&in dothini. Ne SMIWm,-lH II i~ ------------ Special, per yar Ail Silh per yar Crepe 1 a good Yearly Rentai Thcre's »o place in your hom.« oSruir that is bugla, accidunt and fire pref Do flot trust t osuch a place, therefore14, mottgage, déed, contract, tecuiies, otee turance policy for these should be kept safe:1 againsi u»Y possile detruction or Ion. Many modem devices assue safety f«r valauabeskeptinui4he Iocketi pvate boxe in oui bwrglr W dfie proM vaultY«o cia secure today the only key that wilI epen you'box. First National Bank LIBERTYVILLE . . . ILLINOIS. Resources of Mors Than aa f'Miliiens Dllaça Tou me àdwd t Mrf 8 bais, 32ii. 1h 2 d'À & barst.32nmIugb, l7n. 9 barn42 'Iiitagh,12m.aay.l~ 9 baia42 ii.Lgh, 'ln1.7ut lObera, 5o in. mhi , inta 0Obam 50 W bi#lý, 7~.saa 16 bars, 58 in. igh. 8 îr.stays- 2-pt s. ........ .... ...$3.52 4-pt. COIR ?oSTS MA 10fAvanzs 1 f.I 12 WwW.V* 14t5tg8 48 ÜLhk. 10l ; On Am.erican Wire Fen<C- Valu es in Ail Silk Messaline cTaffeta $$1 d - - - )eChene line of colors $812 Canton Crepe China Silk Paisley Patterp in Fiat C - Hours 8:00 A. M. to-8,001P. MX -W. W. CARROLL & SONS', COMPI Phone 29 LIBRTV= L Li Ub.ertyvifqM L * Send The Independ enti Absent Relative 3r P itHONE 306; .52 Issues ý for mm 1 m )n -Vv, OLI cenr"-Ir '%, L

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