Il ..ei 'Pliai. J. tahlimetI by h aleBi 0f Sermr~ ~te 1>6laleGneta*aw Vslnd to eftf r ber curloslty. e .ad& germon emt et fi,.4%tst&tt £ tentidl <f' it q uesion;e - ow a -epe o étr$"1 s zr m ý Poi * blind, asud th,-u a-*tth# dIi. man bIif. or blépapr" mutuel hl*g dtj8 ft-aloux- praçtlçi »r.zat ay iaspel. mudodclarod thtpq;eplsseoir -mapy ubterifge for ln-nl aelatacapt menal ttenitta, -perutal lanegiea, amaay < aldeis ltea -.beid ambc aekes for' thectpersona i mn. 't- Jiald ali mn e l.flt [in n a"., gUm aru lia,' inImaied wtate,.but tbey, ialaudiareJ»da"d lsfInI.Ana tâm irla-,ne eslbe oue etfescapln ug nubmt Sfer n.. But thora Je a mt~ by whlch 001 VilI tofgle. mln~ Contessing, andIfraIi a, laccwptnig ttdlbt o h!i*et et9e (041the Ph¶tr, da*ehm h rk ths oft.l d tht irJws CabhI1' -Mitet iliv410i ttueuit la it -UnIle. fThe i t'laofsthellê "tht mals e la, ig epecLps bé "'tb.y r" tu" »ilut ls tsmibot viii atât% 1 id t he l! 0 tb* f t i w I b * "îh bot ea et tht R or ie 'ike'5 day ulabt v for. mmita' t, aS * uIft ahis .b. taw.bé.r e" rookt fMau" tthm li ab. xcutAd, teVI b 1 Drl exnedf U*~f tm bis la a 1 FooI1 l at1a"od-ea*# iuatt me jý M' ilt11# te y -me te Ib. "V»ýàxt]ý teste.IIN" matffli scbUnsO ' i speeImty ;gau ite pta a e butét. sd î, PUlmlA»e rIma l1 lee a1lt RtattberlI'ktfii did ntasnc uncd td thât i- à pleas . Wbeau adhepUltl'on t ttmuIt Nk 4fli3 Mid. tot OR ited a otal ord.freakinb7à ti.e, né iht en t prl 10.aSÇOOLl t le ue tflvfaiîs n)Ttai Ite rfontanonce 8 tod a Ibut tit o.fAuact enid - t l eon e an seed ta ulnt1 stuy perora e. io Qa att-' î ;xautca Corporation of PAt0f'. era othe-Mat>' DePartflult, d . iare corered 4an'ing iao test 0 àmà a Ctail ied malutaiti- -4t' iaadistance Of . porfera 4àmirtt eat asfe uac m alua l iatm e1 tOAsie11*nt. 15tht tbtcake ci te 4 blafoot and t-b we ed oui>' 15 #4 théha t i mi d Va hlpai in 11(lut i a" dle. t u otheme Zeaatsei Ucchidren. ail]1120 itiMlY us. tht Bed Blet on *aQ asq e Cnider that icur uta r=noir WWMadIthé bam ui lat gs.Irat as 'Yorm. R«Dt pc 0iIl~b1g bJ>.humble, - tatIl taon onungmul mandI U-4 . eoaattutlon octh» Utilei àIion'î b. eaaî uxibm Um Don't.gosaip. Tlautbe n tio d- E aie, rosbotot o ombodt Don'i ai mIT gtwht tI Doc't tapeiats ou theie mlt'k. 'Cotur your face oaly met en. Dm% t iaiusi$à yos hear. DI't toat tharq Lu vow heari. 00U mie W h"a doati sMaes îe%. ' thtàee, o ua'icriag. *Aud d mtt b. aa aprotound footiet 'U te tbck ihat Fy Mtii 55-spoal e "ec l la haem -If inast ~pot reali ~tbtr yosemployer basitmre Iflalle - 32Up'»ditp a girtaijuil te tel ;ag o-f*4a fMroat ofthie hou», balAutai vs "p )~ '~ r ~ - -- rn~ I lux athr. ba4 bo UtleriaeCN>W LU lie RâJ Ev Ide e- W t a owse»- u MOI*e scau , Ve- ancouver, B: alest-0. paa onte ayrd vrt boWi . .Wt v- tor LaUo~vd>@ o ."be me aneuvr B Bl 1.a t bige i ,r« b-irei g v=tet WAGEINCRE'aE"0RANTSD afOIAndIOS. anti la wb i 4m ý ffort. nocmenl tomda t Brlttob olam are bait i"g 88.*be' elouhlutorksi'al 8aa40 tel gsal A. M. Miiu Eliiag Ceai et Mreiomaf"to O te mnga-Wgp liagsicregus a.t £from I noi ou*Ceoi.tIý*eu c mf ofht Opriacîptitq ope t dis- S at h51-ou nit>e&ad 9 ppar e= iotaau mi pon th serIt fowm a,= wiicmlstradt 04,C84 are t e b.lancel by lie o Mti Miroe"se t ra lsara" hI. ata ia ooiket Manons-Thle cumMltXve e««t-« t he prce tarOot. Atttrn*e>' Cecai Mia oerl wffl*ui l fi iit adtances -'vuiii ot -b. e- t Vs ulven tuturin, b1>7 mliii.- vaa e~ cSmmer 1or acief imouta, llS'~'etu4« ator i mi tOttawl6 thodhlea bars t ùlpe. a- in -See the Cogts t Our' Wi ndows. They ttiii gît e- oit fal> indication of th. orpnf-iat uhei l. I4sale. DICE COURT Cap8to " aiaiField "'SECRET» SEiTEMENT ot u IsrCtrWIliuF.ed o. nao w aoi"'sv ltr esh sMd slgl -ovat -ber là ttrs in -làie~1lit uhber bu, s lVIaez8"4- nld .- ber'i..- bI i--argehaaaftIttcos est, secreci urouded, -tht prop. euty settltanent. 1 'Pl ieleld home on the, norui h ou, one cli the aber placet au Phrlliaita rfoad lu Bij puff, ràlmns- the propçhy t f r. FIeid itbIs frImai 'Phe mIner child aitbethé l Zosepl, 12, ViII dîvide hiem e lie tien Mr. 11e11 and Mrs. F71.1<. ,' z- lM fatiier wmli har mliliashe ex. penesut lais educmtlon. Tht yongei daugliter, D&phxue, . la st Predtek lthb ler inother at 'te »aho m lilette Boo60 - ouL a Europsat toutr miek rs. Fiel& e,-mafried 'lebteeu rnèutlis a Rear "munrai BuSh 'odman e th*i Vjited Statea nauy. - U. 2Ield vuidmùla 0£frottbe 48.000.000 tuA crtated bhe tu e ,i halan ]NOM11 fr the lienel t' lia gl rsdent of the miumenlia An an ofiIi theIChié opera 18»5Nfihe*. aiter eto. . .:w; ettof " ewuaaiiàe rp sehal foixhio toi théfr' tebill, Ur.' 71eI w»,tg *amie o »0,had deaert.l- rh.~1e cume"làa oscar John POePDel- 21l Ft Atkii- Giatfyn mna fints, 1D, oc* oe. WI <. Richard E. Pritchard, 21, he - Win. * hai. Horenborger. 48, liait DaY. ionls Gfl e d atY v AlIge X. Smlith. 40, Eyanston, lit- fiovard F. SeilerI, 2 Stevens Point. M"1f4 Ffl" I s rG8#WIý ellel K. Morrilser, 22. m Henry W. KaPppor 30. RaCine, Wla - - illable Mulien, 26,'aMil.. pungi l1.-One hundred >n"d Roi M. Bure, 34, MKit.-Wia. antty viles or frankturters. 0ý Jane C. Burtoas. 41, aLtO,. 41.104 limnda. were purchiaàe John A. Konltzer, 25, MIL, Wis.- the minis cfr1lols last Year to' Mfary (iraczyk. 18, smre. ten.d* lis charitable. àa,.Il penal war4i'. Jon ager, 23, SheboYgan. Wo Mathilda Pflanzer. 17, arne. Teeaeabout n1*e frankturiem Alfred L. Oardow, 39, Westfleid, WlS, t a~oni d lnked they woult Flora lNedzon, 24, saule. retlihR aPoint b4yond Citago. Chas.'Martln 23, Evanston, 111 ;A report brepaj'ed by H. H. Kohl%: Vernin lAwl, 21.saute bondof tthe .dsrlpat cg f pur. Vernîn Levia 21, srne. and, Supp1llmm. hoirs a tota S«gè*nti fr -oodtuud of $11, RI3LtASt fG 6S2:6Î882. l h l il EiERMÀ&N LEADER-$2,9.4 Brn, April il-Stat e SecretarY u= %,>,rnt.$S. 4 1496 Hmwho waàs arreeted hi the 72.848 cana et corn, tSIi',it e'rench white on his way to Bonne 1.4 onset he ý#1 W, represent Chancellor Cuno at the ,4 oud toee..;~ fu»aruk of the Krupp workers, W "'36 852980Pund@eof it tumed ,to Berlin today under varat- fnn, 802,761.08: 42,944 barnis lun Ï iMobithe French nfot t tri lotr, W8,49liM40. 'Pler. ire ' -tfhe Rulir again. 0800 pouada 0for elf ,~dStnpe. ho aabonght. Aliproxlmately 2.," miwybox car whitê e, lxudm et61ccrsls anif-5. fder y heFeh at meata bôth, fruali antIcue W Vas place4 in consumed. Suaanear B atop. The bulk of thoe t op&sVent. .'uDeà rdera the 514,1, ehàrltshIé_ 4%sttjjxý lemmur are In addition to'tb. gr 11L, ~' "lare,-The doods are picIttnaa&54. Itubr, plled.quarterly troma tht 1#hisg - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ dgt~ , it- er, colislderi theflic gAIt." ______________ are opened e#ery ilire mbu#b% -< I~UilY In the office of the deMattomt4 M'the tapi taf building. àdi*ilïW4 U tr the Suppliesar "et the Set&ttý ndmail mt. Rt fi rin. mdAO 't.,. eut lb- n. >5v I 'a' I ah i ta I o, b. ble te trabe lUtuor daroqs to 54 salinsbeaoor. mttla l1 ti ti.s nos ylma II iteai *trsgtlieuthe bande . et P"os mnutbha itttela Imtag wu tllait ment untf-: -t pptlea* Ir yen Jlandinl' >I iýney won Needs a Sport Coat ini ber war&dýObe It willbR~~jÔtIi ini the eve3ih1 Mnost ail sumIm~r EXTRA A! A'Special New York Purchase Srt Coat Jiist Arriveda~nd,,iéd" on Sale 'Thur&y at' T'hey're Coats TF-hat Seli Regularly at$2 Dozi't confutse thiese Sport Coats with the coats you're used to meing atsueh a price, o thes pstivéIy the equal of any you Il sec nt about double thé- cost. They're the >'eweet of tbue littword lu Spring styling. Every one us eut on long .waieted li~fh a fUlil fi ps4aeýuMy appéaling. ~ TheY're Tailored Ftom rFi ePoIsfr In t4 popplat TaIIs-and Carmeus., &nne -are fle d and ss sorm-'"WI tl nhlla*ro uxlied AI -inM - tu , inax a *01 h'A Mi& 0V 1