v& omneh libebtring a jit. It doem't ~~1ebusiness et#,U you begi to priee an gttig alithobetter. Tkem e am cttle ay Wsigton elerks, bt tfewer ofM*them ktmI*.y, Oddn't stand aloof that othe thme Mod efu rvez laome who ean make. the car rab pay-m u es>brd andl bareh ho se.ud a Oea-l * I fom ilatunxtue dry la.- *io fet tbut it.1 and ifs urtped -01ate& ']W> mk mes i. he moeCUmble. She ma xl.>ty M bottea. It »Mmgb hve ubeijaxuh if tl hIççMber mm but it ' *mtt-aad tatit freut ylators iilbei .e , .y, tha practice wIU grow and gro. ompies Of tiesrt anre amoS ai zeess3. e touny >eeas a Whouied ibkeumts de raemro y teobe laomie A tIS *c* laî bavboei liweb the s-tu ,p-1neofthe Mtie original order ZmOW stepu 3ise bee in0S he ipimediate fatume t IMrovement la euttizig ont b"~i ca»â tfor. -bsie of g Ili ulnder way ma1thi W1WI npleted before anua i 1of jatest a~I.t*uMOvr ~1i, duty b 'hi hmg troo eon bald in the ript omS AT MTE 'WkE <ovemnorsmiilI ýwaMIUY tT later à jury 1 -L oimydeoidei 'w.e uot s11e .ted =4 tonsequently aeqiitted the govemo. B BrahUge wotld, NOW fty te fftý MP 4ovein6r 8mali -for hI lerrn RI(YITyen bHa , mân woula se« Ith4t the # 1 Mttethon was eoncgnfratýdon biM owjà trWli anaIteeoe~t*r sity b. 'ýffeleee& bawfsIiy. I' ]t~xd~e mstma a t *t ime a timm 1111tia h hd ~goven"or on Ido au met tue. state lmuit b. meo&a ho. hvhfie eoverno,- "Main New in GoVa ssms eo4expeet %ov trialfïor b Uf, of n atrW whi*DD the deathofhid v 1 ' JI~1 be able t u bnteh"ê bevoiku b ng* for but wotM, et b own mco i4, »ul n', of?, Fii3te ÎQiit*~r~sri i ~ kegDan lpreatiJ, ibe teý1ki4 itU pce, mB rtumse40 me»0 w ÉFeh tI i WOSeage 1 te overnor.dk ~oenua~1o~~xge e ùý %e b d r tmm btLbJr .-Wtb"uturhce »ue iutzhe ~ rnem t ia Wk &mi ebÈ t li ue a tuai yarpUeAl woant. O ayWute. 00or Darxt u or eub- 41 'ri.,.pare4 A .Un4aaa Ibia i nta .Jueli t, or ia4ca4 t W 'reloreln A vumumé in UutmM* 'USooM -400M xWrie (>M w toilb« atm bt 8Ie haeIr W* itrea »W F1.qF litw onk- Mm fa Ife~1* -11e ~~lsa. a *.rs uLo. is Ala <5 Su IlC i1U IUC luSue Ill ailu v top * ml té hoen,*&i ii 04i cBixeW cg-d65m , sr* ogit tiPa im rt.lo l-ien tier dfg tEr. Mi. n fouea ~Us~~I wxtr.Joep Rt4uiuh té . Staff au HOW Tb* la,1 tIek Ah 7à MQvje., c""04a* March 28,, 4M î . v» tbé *um a Î, goy, blisé yq.u Boos bft mdnf4ý "h t»M 1»Oahff otb tii ,aua fr«*oe. Nia. Umu uft ea. b 1 uoMÏty fU !hrestta 812 f4. wa.u.b" lat lO.d 'la 1 U dv atoéea u et Wa.rr..l 1e. reniatu ile tabolte Khm ut*VL a dul*Madb. 00 tee I hulow-sOMOueOo 9 IWI a. itten boualt -the WPfe - P. Pmmwoym sciai la sW sec; Ce& I. wle*andi ft obt tam limas tmi Bneth an Viciait. Bv e $MA POM 1~ 2 / j -i n 't" 't' We you "b.ut* free this ÀIum muuu Whoae »WaI oeoginseat if you. LUSO a gas range *ýequipped ith the remarkable "oe -»Yoen heat'reu durig this"t'*e. mie Roasterj ,Quart Stew FERTMII -arnWoeApr 9 tol4 bw s40~r te home iu41.-wm. -Ilt eswi frocba for ay>iu M ~dy, leourtMn-to si et-to fùw~ ud #uetc o b,~uge g"«q# . ýs why gIý h xu~ek AIsst- e ul4ways provitie uh- Ip. t<tfrsa~~a utSamo yu mr lah via.- ,AIU 4*S.tM'Coms4bof 1 one-~ t* a epiors oolora 1 Atý'àtractive1 »J 4patterns ou atine tiens. That~te ar urna- Ir ttaettiv Ao. .1 t Yeu$lai t 4ic yard. 7-A ei4 wsatOnet 2k17eitfi rtoe n sl 1'çhck. the r s 6 7-+z a"r * * 7kYa~i1 -It-lacA luiorlei -~ Oiriiei T1*ke Glaaliaum. :L~<lCflhic aut ecêl taIrAs. Vie yard. _Z2 Imm in Iipote4 re Ag bam in a vendarfu amrtuant or unewest ermola.A2*olutelyfautý meIr. c ad -27-l"d n lle cei amt 18. ar lare saIm *lez* Jt iit necesary topay " mieonry a spyameaidowhif you >-4e balance i 12 mnlypiymnts inkes it essy tW own1 one of f qierful cabinet rangés. NOW ou 11 .ayat, tek. lik lovaus wffl TElS OER -oit ORLImITi> -These dremss ar" o uusway ttb=Uve i styl« - axd 'mAd of such pretty 'ýfL8 gigbznihýÀt GiffghamWeek displays, would not be complete with OUY-irectirig yeur attentîon i-0tbem~ Two Valm sare !eatured lWWs*k #4Snd1 -ÂtelheC4iu& imsu eea o'ybà.a ubn~1h.eu* D mee d 1$gtug Pund$-eTa-0"làl h. alolu