Stafford Sohool ngsWIdoifis an~d It KNU WuNsd, Dg Most suobosf*d. HiOW-TUE ULN WORKs (By Iuru IM mort« la t*e ti Ibit ou. * à too* tusi-utal llga in thet moruing fi ai * ls lvi-m on the heaie- et *a Whi 'Caad ue ore trma U 01111e1ves and oui- »==pl *qu " Tl'Is tenu jroei tý ýW l- ho vil , l tle si W 1 8U 5O k 00dm ' oumnt ae a, s~sl vsad diivtb b«" v15 u Sl eom stoe'uc ua ~v e *9 the p "pa Ilg e*s Wýithla Mswig, xs eMr* vle i Tht irw s' circl-rowu lui. a kitdkietwe vie. a e the tO eeA" the UpboaSs i vI th. d'leu~, *te-, nea cpt'oad o ýtMin bovia, eaps, Inîru. toits. sposalarge kuit!., a double toiler a teabttl. and a diis Pau, omilnln Pmn, ovela, e., ftr wyah-t bt hés155.t hahdar lys different eust jrsîi ethfe vater, Pi-sparetheîle o4* thOîe urviig adauls; lthetj An01sd tIen dean the hlicheu- t Mie. We toel turne lrinslug the to ad inluthat vay pavi Our a IletIers tht trouble auddtaugît us au,. the boy$ s se veuasthe msslb «ftrlgsd propotiosing th a Cod acrvldiug te th@ number par-.i lane Iloui of tle various thînga assi Vue chichet, peai... prapa»rel lfrrutly. ecco msupa, riftepud.- = PrUnOe uemc, beau, pd t macaroni. th mai-sti eo-OpmrteSwthu l Wood*Ully ad Viesl vhflls ted W»elua masOur hot lh a aese Ad vs yu te timeul tise a ud zop that ls llleving yrav init W as sue-sful as ibis oeuehla0 Win, 000.86 I àiplb id by tht Act tba eslgtb , =le saId ta lu ix W*. w;ta »Unft st atue M as tàr wu * pover a it bu-Mm& ±los on tbet is»M1« taeuxuor «»tn, ýÊb Cort le hIai tht Bossa ue-w 11< payast et panle -a pftle pai-hse «d not -hleu -abuonton, vas a moral salsbt fiom the candi. -~ ~ ~ ~~b e antesap htcov tht oe 'aes sOelstlg l tht urets e01t" L. Jdtvdua lAUtibe re veltre o et ht a tim srfse te a cwlai ppeshlsg te 84uesi eset farsseA" *si*e.b!e v.bave SAsiie frtecourts*Ielilng ia 'emorat Mlgailnsass p <stsate sOtfact ute n «w n îe 'Ici befo, uWv are osa*ial ta &"ePt .tht centra-y 1"*v. W4 Aý or the opiU4n that ils e ctle m M14eci toeeb , If' is> objections urreld d a tliv ceiler vas 4laisdlulssug t 1111 for vaut «* toty. The Court bell legCM d5 tenlion Of the AiPelate vas# 4b« the Act violatedti is lt eaa CInl lduala by lauance et bouad an el 'r aynients of tht proceeds-ii tht retenu,, 1ý "The t Bal. uses iiici-tta sus eOfproearig ihma. ends" it ils anly gaipflos f ils Lot le & privai. ose tee-tht e e ot individuels, the Act com wli lis the pMWb]iblof ethiis 55d-n «l me econtitution sud oauuot ha 4 uuatnsd." il eCourt ,sittaiel-W It cm b. mess lover, lIai ths purpm eet thet à*ila oe vhleb [the «alte muram'caryMt ltact 4 004.l as laclisut te lUs executb tallluàa sarn heatte4lanmotee- c t Moore the Adi a priVal fo er prilvate litMONUy. ttst w= Saithuet il thtpo@ e ofth bmAct le11« 113 sthe o sfth lai,. tshed"t et ils Uo$êR~ I MOT TO STRJI(I IN CITY, REPORT Satisf ied Wb Aqreeet or T o Yeh Period W% NedhShore. BETTER PAY THAN CHICAGO Although Chicago la facing a poss- Mbe atreet car ttikie t ia net mast c1Pateýd thtint Ii afteet Waukessu or the Northi Shore uin.. '1ihe local division of tht union, S No. 900, which la linkeO vith the Clilcago enjeu. No 241, indlrectly, entpred lai, am agreement at the Urne &at5r*tt, threatened here last J Year *ItI l e oftiaiasof the road enu tht 464131M 01 the Court e«P"reuse ut<%r"h, «et Mton ceo"d a M tIs le heRoese, r.. Bptrerlatlg il *0bésndete voffl m = th tle b "0 »M aViM bu oruablt lIoWX. bt* Jkmous.A ~*V l lifldel ves îe l sprbl4r ultbeiof o!en. t'endam.,Eowae lia*$W MeNI t~ ~ ~ e , Me! tlhaOli e.sIiaeInetite4 0 îlelrdly pro- Palmer 1% #0 Ný àW-te1r1CW Of uS v~ ts'dsgiSs.mAtessia to. teM »îleBoaus Act tht e ivice ReougalM-s d tl vft »Mdin"n eeioàW refased ta lune 1 a2 thtesigledKat.t 1Ue E. NagEa Usthelegsiity parments could le liarl te a- ;oftheActbadb"W«*uishehd. soldiez, aud er dayendA91 te accept asmale or out, u heur on the main lino um 1 eta an bour on the ctty un«sloir thm Scr.This agrecise n iin«tle Coken It la thonght, as th* Man are apparently satiafied wlth thql 'Iarges and thet alig lr agr-ement vould hurt the nWons' standing. The main lino wage, 73e, la th-eg cents hlgber an heur than the =Uge pay. The Cbicago carmeu. accordlng toi report,, vaut Soc au hCUr, a p&Y tlîeY once reeclved. The clty carmen hem have the rlght te, go to the main Unise ay Otthere la Ia vacaney there snd promotions go accord£"g to, senlorty. A eonterence betvela car heada and Henry A. Blair, prealdest; et the surface Unes, viii b. auffl la the course of the month ht vas 7e. po,'à-d yesterday. A Rua t f*6.e nu ttemPtlta tucem te drid.up bed et a cxeeubsar MUrgea alUms, tu the Mai-es. digrici of ventes. Au& trais a -mcr beenie iecIti ln t the saI. and au effors tt exirieate Ml iOled. ThaumIL. Ma1da* eceld Ie smniody. Sbeasta. had mat lues 1complted, and a gotles" ot surplus v o ui vas iyug about Mîle fo ur et 2the Uieariag shed, aud'it *» ded*ts tte lag lea a thicb blaflk«tet eoQ t trmth river bed. Over ibis rosI, ,li eurtoa uaiosda vas esr cp uOMcted, thé car lusIymale liavagy te aR *ro5 vu.face. men. IaIN dan, hI Asigpair c 13%lawi A fgee pouofaat veela.èe,ý On arGmRA$ 1OX182-ar Guinag$ $78-0(k 5UY NW ts Upa is Gaob tenteWmreclm g open umfblfft o ovvec CAR QWNERS AND RADJ0O FANS *SAUUSU -IinhiI mile C-m cesFray ApriIG&Emds 14 ..ILU Yeu&r GREAT glaKm VAL UC lt fain 'M sM A IAU mmm luI5iI Lpl Pin Zrlug-q ,etl b g Wot 8u 2.10 nev l@s10 q. fi. Wi, s-~-Worth nov84.M& ILibinuj«f& lax a# ln.. tlteelpt f«. bars», 82tu ab-aix1% 3 ex garages, e. Pricd rtmark- pa»eis. 9 igW hiasoTs, muet- Sably 1ev . 17 Y utIharudware.Aa u- cua ai .. ___ cepiltea M.value, Wojrtïh »V fur, tachat i - q umafi, 12 11hta stc& ighi 3Svive et pnels, 2 Lt,8 As. 10 ln.,by 15 ii. A spkledd by 4 t. a Cý-- '-cý '4.ew te- ,ft ur.lm emgew 1,79,Il" ...~ i5a tofttae. vIfi. l I& lardw are_ 3. by 5 fi. OSiln. Pr-ameenis <a- each .a Ped yl pultys and fits ZX4 tuddlng. Complete v,n- Prame and Casing fer 1% <0v and trame. y JIn lch llde apecmiyr M.e.rai 4.50> doors -. .... * NT:Ttquait7efilumber Md ulilvrk used lu thCtte ~ttOf etblu R cMP lvas gm=fexsId t l ery but pude..The buildins ne dLmtU w" * gtes Camau as au &0% amud ü e Pm cuidiios et lte aumberi 1,presem in ~ga f Hsan ý '$425 u 'Was b bowbtvi.pareua enIaieled ton I rm"aie l in. Includlug vhite china or. -ýý 19 in., vl'ýItk ive trou enasneltd 10v tank, jý lcecIpltgl eempedoobu itted vith lateti toproffl ~(auets Codplsa *aoe~ brasa interier irtmuinga, a aiand vhite titi-tous siphon, ~dP1uslW'~m'taoion na cibovî. speeial.. = t iti-ous, JO$*** ,a. 17 grlced $0C loset- ut ........ .....L esFV vav ii thuuo~'Wl Rdam rgai 1f ai, a a"o'- Steop imbTamiti loi- steam and hot lie-gallon, 30 un, Ils t.,, vater, Il-u rety of sections edvay aselplat#, &6q ' uanUnis. À vendezsr hÉile tbey la..$25êro luL aepr 'q ftLL22C eums QUmtti 'dtPOIpse, Va, m n htNNp1 i lute 68lu. *xces-8&VEI*Uî 0 JG00lu 4 prga e uhu1 By &Ul mesus CMNSTO 1MM O8àP8-Tome i"otxc Hlaire A» Mld st., luth meeg o. 0e use r A&C te tt uaion Sh«yd" x oa&.To* owur 631ireii l jIL unî may be your only opprtnity to obtain Stand*u- Eat last January's. price-a clear svnso 20-% AOT -. Id new stock wont last long at these pies&. ~rutrU-InfU Standard Cord TIres LiotPric. pabe 33 -410oo. 0..~......... -,7m .5 81x4 -9» ....._.14s 89x~4-1485 ...........i..-13.85 Mh4 - UYS - ..- . 13x4 -37,75,.. ......... 17M .84,4 -M8.5 ~ .. 18.50 BACM «'R"OEUE HOE"' Lat Prias PriaS 3SO& - 14.40 .. ...-...~1 - t 35.0 ..-........UM 38&61i- 43M5. - -31 This -Sale gives you .ý dio fansa and. C,4 O nets an po<uiy to £16- "1Dlamond Gfi1d" Etèesat th& lowest possible net cs N t l list price, our lîbers!aJlk>wnce on9i5 batteres ind rock bottom net prices olflred below: List price $18SO, allovatè uco vos" l14 btkiry $5.50, Td mice $25.00, afowton for old battery $7.60O> Çot$f~ List price $32.0(4 , aJf*O'aOe o old battery $10.00, I.hese are- standard Philadlpbia We carry a fullineo1 aW~ Gords -Whkh eau, be obtw*Md at. nuâtry Grid Batb tices- 7his ians, a saving of Sae Segias Friday A"il'6lad EW& USturayNiltA I -SimD.,RUTIRE BIER 139 So. GeaeSe t.m le terie-e