f ~ ~-1* 1.4 ~ ~LI Y .ýNDEPENDENT ";Bg Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY a1s- second Clau aa ll atter. DLME XXX.--NLMBER 14, - ~ I Defeats- Fred Kirschi4r by ýVote 0f loto 16 Upon Orgaàization. Th .ciosest ooi'lest ever waged for the. chairmansblp ofthtRe county bom et auiervj» o 0k place Mon-i 8~ ~~~~OO iimif8 k o cCuilogb. ~f Wrre touabID on thie second ballot ~ vote of 18 to le de- lated ?red lrscbner of Cuba town- ship for thie co'veted honor. Showlng iiow close tii. contest ,ou Il la of Interest to notice that en thie tiret ballot Klrschner re- toiltil 17 votes, McCullougb 16 and ReMrd#. one. Wben thi ecrnd bflot waa oelèd for apparen tly one of thie men who voied for Klrscbner swtched to McCullough and the ma wbo voted for Ioldrldge &ia swltched to MeCullougb thus glvlng Mfr. lMcCuIIough a maujiir of 3 rots over the. Cuba main. 'Mt éection wu k'lieprincipal qinlg b.om the amperisors Monda>' coorabwa* tii. perlo Ml rovled for tuat la partilaur. SThe. meetIa vwas called to order by' beguty Clark J. Morse wiio read Met «U lsud found liai fer tii, Irat Uice la many years ever>' supervlsor, Includlng the new member, was Precont. Henry C. Neyer o!f Premont vas nail. tempora'> chairman and HAMr Stratton. 8ger and Ficks e veti p- !plnted tellers Io take chafge efý 0@i vollngz The fart b1ia vas tbm tai.'!ritb thie aboyé e roill M»d tbe 0toi'4 ballot rtuj14 te Mvr. ldu1ou boieng .e<t#4. Tii. e"Ialun. Mr. licCul-j lo.stu%» a"ei~d àAs ulervisor fO= WaTrVQ toabl> i-for, 1101pst *11a. p. -4.* **< Lx so~mnu« YAPRIL 19, 1923. ~LAEOhITY MII I 1] DE W 04 1 I 4¶~/ lUS FALL Meetiag to Le Held at.the Fana Boreu Offies Neit Tuesdy Nla t te Disc &e i.Maftte it was anncunced ln* different pa. pers o"'Ri th* *"l-e'! a thti th-re Ioud b. Yno fh.'ai ell Lhb tyville th syao ceh thte fact the orde uerlod a ito appro"rai. tha oneey msakad for by th* fair offIcIaI..ý But the Lakeý Co isp ar la ne dead, by mny 'means. W1 . W=dh prealdient of th*e mao% atli, h.0 a 00eingfor next Tu*'a,' aig$.% 'Ar e ntr- Win th tir audta'y 10 fo :.iý holcmmgu Mtomsa a tiue*4uY e peirt t# ;iie *w tte. ou l, M $1 .50 A YEAR INA AGEfl REMM ÔF iT( COUWTIfir DSAT HIS ýopl IN AMOCIIhi just "e gIl pro ,word'cornes that HOMerHee 9111ge <, di~ti rnornngat h@.MteiwidAnob f. JDL Haiidsewaseabou 14~ts~st rr of the. county, iauj W' 1111111n i Uibertyvllle. MIlassai <bat ho neverFER misasd eong Lati.1ke County Fait, imie1 thirý; me was 0114 of thé original offiollat of the fair. II inVoter$ Of the. ViIa#. EM &0lb Te anels tge lecti 1ueaia Rt lWIL andEthefine eelebouhto«,&,g oqMOrWer t8sued Against large vote, tRere belng more. tu.s 1M e GOwrgt Aftdress: Many PeOat Ients oa w the *p a? Probate Matters. thougRi fMende of lte 1 _botit tickets workeq hav o h~ otProte Judge Martin C. tiecker T5Pogesv at4u *tachas o!bis court wore kepiTePorsie -rï" blý 's$*nmiy bus> al day Monday 410 et, Riaded b>' jeou. s of beheay ris o pr~ePresident of thie boqi& IîI ~t a 'bat had been Placets o vdtutRe Gg.pi = ' "f ueofit the bu8lest sdMeaann~d, Wh wu 41049e, N lIr.tt court lu a long t.0r sn.I tUilont Part tiiere ver. n ette tte .ol&t ot'gimma-ualterest brought, li lctd for thie Most partn !aTiu. î4 tolutie nature.Wn.I ~Ose mUtaatt a tiratt ltevuet lttt b À&ndresm ln thie caueof i.da ~ $ han. Andremalà ail ta have " Yjproierty wviclt la salît son ~ M jthe MarhUemiate and il .1=dlP sb> te, court te appea make ru I>expianation. Themi. a'n r., 1 0 u. I) ima tt onW'sl2 ~.. wv -R '-- o4DU -Im m . it eo ù-r wt îtr«treoum&opened up * UWWubl'lln adlolnlng v om. wia th »W ourtbonn S thie tract portasied by the r1i0ilrOAd & a CAm under construction and l vmrloua otier F R Company', and tilbs a sstreel. L>'on big things ln store for Lake eounty ave. hhrouft Rt trout Washington tu oun - t lea abig tank andi1 am auxiou II D ' Noîsret, Ciicgo r L Jo heart>' support of ail mns $ 00010 0 IOPSJ .2a.801dl15los ut f hesu-iAINESVILLI3 RD. therins itr.eý.-#*i rpot t, th- ber Zone o!flthe board andtrope tRie>' dilaon. ,n arv ttt- r&I tportie wtlU ait assist me viierever possible -For years te North tShore lune TRie.oad sd brige oomltle lin earr>-îng out te bg responal- Takes Titl'o Lyons Tract t0 bas ha d ln mmnd the removal o! its Sunt Stafte4 d îui ourt Iielga h fieo hre ý.ny, hr hp ill Be Mov- car ohope from Hlghwood. Ti < " ~yPI ÇIet d i ou ffisue o hrl es£n !a~F aa ,hotu ~1<lt oP Upou Adjourninent Monda>' teh Dwnev ieiy ol tlw, oay sdelfde t eetaosta Of report = theevote. !aiarmau. started tn ta form bs uhas PomHîhwod prtalb d e ortie onturujct0!res1 utae pp4Rpr fsleo *ooIp .committees arnd te specisi commit- ______hwo.ts l z atilbd o tecntucino oi .e pr te nrls igr grandi O'Con- The Chicago. Northt Shore & A98R SETh mrie c«hI the threemiles o! concret. rosît James 14e-.-rt andi acmt teeanrulsDiler Ege î Cq. betweeu Round Lake and Haines- praveti. :no, wli lsoreprt hentheboad aMRS.eectAMBROSoadcomajYofChicago, P o Teranc:" ville, wic: wre rec:lved :evera: ila isiâmlyxo P &gan cnveesnei Moda etlu hurda lok fll(tathe65an antl-Klïz n re nmade de- dy g. rvd W TRe-ne -con>'cnlran ba othe yestaltelo auk a e flet l Thte' O otwetciyl4iso Waukgs1Wlkegan awarding o! thie cantraet deepite th raie mn:appo served fr0,' l!arren tormlilp for te Announcemet'vas ms-de tRialtté A tL l'u t i ldayl b> lie Peate tact that lte.bidi v.e.informeli Mary Hsrt.-luvtyMry approved. Tor pu.,st aine years, sueueedlng Ralpit comnpany .purcitased the property asi AT. LI IIYiiLLI J.V.,Bals Yl Is thie out- due ta ltetact thntlte>' dld nut' Hannah Eiinugeb- invenarr'ap- w Chiltenden. motn a site1 for their car shopa 10 Re con- grahiof am ade on Mr. lntde tRie turntshlg of cernent. proved. o knl~r moran atoncoal-structer at an aprpoxlmate cost of tlt Ri fTo &-,pce"Tbh z- :t were o! tkw opinion laii-"~u~ ~i W~..<Bi _,eMbytb& jioe -lut Moada>' vas . -z -t Ri said ~ ~ ~ ~ t tt nle o!l.bgra 10Wautîegan. C. E. Titompson. as .York. August 20, 1840. lie waa mar- Ba wtcz r.tui selos0bo that I Wv " erick Wortihwelr.ff~O-dcddnt1 tep LMIl rgt naeÂba progrsm vhl.it Lake Counly his la sistant t0 preatldent Brtten i. Budd, rled to Ambrose RaugbtI on New Yea'r uIie immd tiis year irntuisese -lley staled til ltecompan>' hopés Eve, ln 1863, aI lite borne of ber par- "- K iu 4 aBatz, ie The talue 0ftRie onte treslelne Gerge an d Orert 0 p sy1 Ui tattliAle4. b pa'ti mlyeo l fiemr 0glstarted on te consfruciiî ents ln Glencoe Mill. TRie>'camne t1 lIýe o!t .es in of notolî- teflueo h onYl eev ereMa-re.t a oB.ïait U * bI.i jnaney te>' are gain& ta lose saine work nexi yeur, as te plans arý Illinois about 1870. and llvedl for. 88 o aiea t ore tmap tvo bidao lb tir.v'd anes d.sRre on thae Fnhan QeidMI'ob e o! te Moast eflicent ieip. He pona. nearlng ,omPletlon. years on a tarm a t VoRo, llte western 1t111 anconduct a t hadtbeen sd6eetised. Mead, deceased.vau tRie tisuh*w q:o sTbg1a1 .4 UItiattv enîner aredy Thi l o. r he oî Ipotat!part o! Lake count>'. TRe>' movedto ta smath.Wiigo Mil, le -eorge Wade vas lte 10v bldder John 1. Marshall--Citatlon for (lea. casAllen. laiiiç Llbetyvlle15 ear aga an Imedi runi r419ývr letone on lhe Round Lake-Halnesville sec-> Andresa set foi April. 26. recelved ua i bave resigneti and tva more are items of news about te industriaberlvll15yer aa nH m e la rutnig ommîsae 0r- in ereM aeFnlaSuta.ctoadwi et seady t0 do su unies&tRie>' are actîvilles that Waukegan bas Itearui atel>' unlled witli the l'iraI Methhdisl elen . eer froM lo ereM aeFnlacoa p ain nivle is> Sie oepy e ugdfntaEpiscopai church, Judy 24, 1908, b>' let- Patrlck IH, hc ..- Proved. . Baae cloaed. Rer thoa voe.tl ce0t giramoepa'.le rgdtRalSabout ln many montits, and core i e o ol drleh0aî ! p~j ~ it. hJEho Il Rhva Uea Marlon Nogle, minor--Anuualinl 1810 beleik f cammittîse Invetigate vint otitér s fltlng climax laasotirer big dealthie Rev' H. P. Lawie.h antTh e-J AJ~N IKIIR 4I IELrport approved. Isaac.o iy*tt; ~& counlties are pa>rlng andi determine that vas cîosed by thie Northi Shie Mre. Paught was an eso-nest Chril- ter w» Mse ,Aa, ary 4.ji-n Roger-4niterltance t a SamtlSMm for tiemseives tinet tRie Lake CoutY i> ne lunlte wînter viten liey tlok Il ten la~s w atchiag tu do a kUntiset tetion. rPta b 4y them~efaIltbel mtn-Etvnm departmena t 'a"lng n ropar- lietu .he.Al nton .o -- sie,.o.Kln -- hib lJKIColIÂe anc. lbig. flot lie 10 tue ArîtugLon ,,O~~~~~~e, 5~~U', oh ~for nome one..Her mil wa bitî, COURTne *lLI 151* JinI ariai r-Bn oiu-MaAIN4le<oqe t lion la alher plaes. vicitthe compan>' wlll contract a lier memary woderful for on. o!fiter h ie b ti*< en . îabJohniod' mi- 4 1 2,. MahatJor>' dproed vas a prà boç!emmap lie tiaughltRihal ve vere tt7lng large passenger depot&aod train ter-:e-tra.No ciltdren came 10 biensa tRiri Immetel'- - Jltea an MreSid eal, H ie courts Mall.ncdJus$se0A. Iuatrye apy& ai-brb s . hs -ta put over fou bg s program an n h r atrsdn, ai h*orsaan eBeA utr-re oPYtx ugP.1êë an Inadéequate pa>' rail la Lake mnI no.A dpeiduie MO ticle Mr. Ba1% -ter op wit wii a nev plaint e.' mnt IMM grand 49ýb*beWi. nt.TRie plans fer thie car siops tu Re ava>' tive years aga. Attorney meaua raeciPe 1la Salurday ehsitfled au appeail.-InthtRe Benjamia Munson-Decre. sale of IRis. ,att'u mo-ui W TRie malter vas referredto 0ate aaei nti nIalare eln rAne lgh t" vii Re zm1iolase once tR. $2.00 * as f lied at circuit cutln ieJsiecut eiett nlrt.t New lauai andiW e~ ciel committee o! Kiraciner. Mav- rusitedti acompietion under tRie su- R" egtas ievsli aoco! James H. Duiffy, of Deertlid, Patrick Cullen-DecreO for aie Of Rien hiMad ttibal Pau4st00 bu ami and iNeyer 10 meet tiet mter- pervision o! A. K. Johnson, tuperin- shtortlimes, anti on Thursda>'y o UZ.. al et l 6 »0#nt whose justice court Rie ruiedti tialreal estale enlereti. Oclo ualsy * pseru Doon. fendent af siope and equipment. April 121h, ar mitevetu10sloop toaaa -________ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e inrv odPa l'i> nld o oi'tan -~l the Honelcitut viere te viii "It late m$ uet,ai 01 the v as ln ivful possessioao! ofRuob" fotue r !oi* Ylb a aJaIn 'lte fatiflr clrtle. te being the tint>' RaIoe oc or certain Property beiaaging la TRion.. LFfla- ashau auus slaebxSiy or! im Superv-tsarsllatue aflernoon atiapletibut repsîn ibopi. aud a netwok 0satoeohie~aIy ia e-Wakgnue ~~a imons O! Chicago» AUtU 5dIU4II .4 oeIlatimS~h- the comrnlltee'a report wviict roseilci tracka. Thie plans ta dafte t cn te =y.Waawe augo sit al e h uit bave recelveti as tRie Rring taambotiij .=- Mr Site te confident Justice Duif f ' i. avaradl< a tttbilàa e ildeie tial uperntenent ogt- tovever, are met near enaugi 1o famiR>- circle vas matie completel Her Bals stateithé cZ;5 P,r , r. n lzloaaevagat e I'IC~ T ERcn. vsatu . ways ItussellaithhoRiealove ta10compiellon 10 enable engîneers 10 de- ageti husianti. braken vith Barrow enti baire ehobav ". toreati>'ta try to prove it. hetore 1 eCliai n VW Mi' i ouadhr tewl s.. InHya til arIsb lytigl tttUV t I i e ugeEwrg DE U SD YMsHst V tSbl necesar'1 oti kl bsarroni n mlio olas.doti utlthea otitrn i i ut tla eleve*ttt ii'ibee cac uta l 4Wes A ifunc !br geaIa e*st lie ~ ~ ~ or itee Ri> r n thi 1.laar orkillon dltcostructi n d le In ore.Titirgonle wIII ina I te a i IIRinMostngWOt deparîmrent and pa'thema tRie vagea Thte compan>' alto Is about reati>' Rer lu tint botter land wviere partlag 1tiespicabie rSCIR EN3RYL.J U influeceio wa oci re ie bslm ht1tH C R E E N Â I O Mia. HYI&tI W Titis vsdn aodr titlhRe a large lemporar>' garage ai 22nd1 been long and aveet. I 60 yeaim of il1im 1* ! 1 £I1YI~ jlte miamictia lu Roati office viii nol be placet la treet. NorthtChcago, for tieir large marrieti lite no unkînti yard blis even - lie Ku IU . <->W, tutuSWa BoinTrne . .Penpsaex1et jecpardy. iue. passeti belveen I tem. Nol a murmur I neyer have' ltoiâfur ,inher- IJIESSU» À was om i County ýyon,T. 1. erUO0 1 Urge Sponge Squad Support TRie prce pali for the Lyoua tract jof complaint vas beard during ril. shîp anti no MO rou u nry ne- Iead aet ak- lairo Re~b* ecea> oieit!tR.y. M. le $30,000 and ititi. as takeon lnhlite ns. Site vointisay 10oflten 10 litote cordt t te catveq. 'Ile % hit iîg Heur>' Scireener. aget 47 u'ears . Iead aet ak Scanennsbaisi"Id. "2fu*0 C A.anti tRieMetbotia latr am ! anaî . ur.v e ve .caring for Re, 'I arn ail la a cantemptible ptheneo!ît , ted >eatertiay at lie Lake Couat'gan a 21000 >-eany. cari, Y=M t apeaet bfae Ri Bar aM ie Rtrc i esbewen ix ni ght. Saosellv as ant in lalesnov. "Tbereare rour 1veft i .' nWall- I}eieral Rospitai alter nsaetedoti bie. If Yel vu l r" >- Supervisors anti urgetititnoa" IthRieandi o! fadele8saday kegan men viton n Mcal iý r(e illneas. Deatht as due ta ulcers o! Thomas McCana. Sr., ageti 93, wvit inlatRie beairt Of A*& lion be laken ta force tie State's Lies i> or(urhckc Raaakatcertainl>' hestomaci, Il la tought. H iat een a resitient o slcguhearta of n> ' U eaa Atorney' ta dispense viiththtRe Sîtoge lion vi i Cmlîa uir tRie Raatneyer .98.5ava>', abat' blinI tem Jula couat %w heu the ivet vili bis faml>' at 430 Lin- for nast 71 >'ears. tiletiTuada> rorn- lavtgnint Oernt8*< * Squad. TRie>'argueti pro anti con elreilding. Tiptea o!riglplns Andt Iere ta na aigRit tiene. triai of tRie cae camtes up colan treet. BesidesthtRe vi.ite hr. lng at the borne o! Rua ulece. Mra. loved Stnday' Selllil ani ai tia tie' ei I vs nre bild imnR>'Tenoriinalpabtnos h îeaa> i tassT ~ a large faml>' o! ciltrea, suri'MeGuire, 120 Junîper sîreel. aler an glaice léIm Imoran tin lta tieBordc- unier te motion csrried totiay ti hr'an o ntea aor levi cesAraeenolt e tua- Mr.iln Cann titrs ws.anRioou ti yte iben.r~i c hr'nodeati, nopain, rtsr TRie Issue o! Tolerance Itriich te e-aitrvcsnaeul enCo- Mr Ian asbrintutyheymtl.sudbelyl.A openate viit the State's Attorney' entire place viii Re excavateti aî Andtle>' coual nol lime b>' yeare, article about Mr. Bais aineara also. piletdbut Illa Ishought tRal te>'Tyrone, Irelanti, anticame 10t tis ltImtt lle, au ta titis extenl. However, as thté spe- an atitianal cost a! about $7000. For there la 'no night lhere." contlasna u attack on 1wou9,Iher eau wtt ho b heit Tueitia> mornlng. - country' wien Rie was 22 years o! ag6. kee u 1 cial meeting o! tRie Board merel>' On motion o! Kraciner a cour- Funerei services ver. eitil Satur- dîialea vitse naines appetred on te He made isva>' dineeti>' 10 Wu-aii- im calleti for action on tRie chairman- milîse constli;g o! Paddock, llaar- day, April 141h, b>' lie Rer. Charles J. Icity ballot 'ruestia>'. Te attack on Attorneys representlng Antirev kegan viten Rie camea to America HO udtinure QA. ahip etc., te malter of tRie sponge baler anti Brava vas appointet i vtRi icke>' ai 10 a. m. thema, toveven, vasn nt no severe. Wihorg. FOX Lake mati vio vas wa eme nWrren lova, for situad wvs.nol op for serions con- Instructions 10 adverllseefor bide for cnitdl cutfr f il-y ar iner' oflu at erhoade- =ig oldenaatin aItistilime. Therefore. cernent ta Re ue asst nthie Lake Frienda o! AtItlendee viii bo glat i Blle Wlntenaeeen, dlet Aprit 131h ion oflCthe lPortRin . a eas no vcio as taken along tRal Counl>' Roati program Ibis Year ouail- 10 know filat ho la ileadul>' Impror 1923, et Lake' Villa, l. ae,1-ýpea o li e Proiuit o rtIn.A u o! h eryear ie and tire - n hei,.me w i line, orlzing te comrnttee If Il seemed Ilng foiiowlng bis recent most cr111- yeara, beloved son oatJo 1n' he' Ottawa tomorrov anti ask lu bave Ahoher, aîndion,. ahnti e . ons miequfer wohai iW TRie Boardi ilt aftenoan' atiorlet atvisaile la bu>' anti store ailtlitcail filasne. He la aile ta Rie up antilate Wihlarn E.0,Wnter e r hie action Rere revoketi. Whbor g Tiim 1niJon0b0a19,ag.ROe erv W~d aresolution matid ue rr our rent necessary for future use in about lteiballse, dines viti 'tie reat fler B eia. -wIlier edv Itnka appeai meltîi'afl anti Joseph, Ili lie Dakotae. survive where 'here la 010 Obee provIdilng tialt 1h.excavation te road program Ibis yean. TRie oftie famnil>'anti la, lu tact, gettlag 2ýg, P. M. trom 50o2 Woaest ntiave.- ..e bad .Rieenfunt! gulîl>' bereantihm. Be was also au uncle a! Thom-n- et longi ulntier te aev Court Houeas sii- motion carniet unanimousi>'. back la normal rapitil>' ne utn nemntI IFn'ôln. as NieCana. te .~-K LAY£EC('C r-