74,COIJTJS IN, STATE LEÀÛUE ON OAME PR6TECTION, 'lavement ta Inctude ail Inter-1 ested Citlzens ln State; Spreads RaiIdly. LANDOWNERS CO-opERtATE 9~ 01sled, M.LApril I7-*eveti coatmlesaaIreadr are aumbereflu the immbip of théIllinos GaMe Prtulie asolation, the név or- gaatof etarmernsad alOtt- aisvaare baufflus.togem« t 1 avat gaine lav violator ni" 1W- = ::, uoao depedatios ]AWhv the ase.li apot c01lflflO- lut afleld vlla dot aMd g bii o diafavor addsrxuela e l 7law'- ahiffiug cominunlt hle #it" Promotèer th le assocatin e Ileve liers le âa cyits eor aucli a organmalcu.1% eadeipd t0 on1 a tu"te « notc* ociMpla lr air ohier. kg PrraI'Put ln Bot te former lme tatteala of tlie spotsmn itcoti, be t 1fur. nlsb tarmer ansd lent ounua Pro- tection Cüitnat llct buntarsanad trespusaers. Heret«ooro ayir sdoufet abJect- ing tW the Iattudn t efnuitef and undestrable VilOraî bas Me conipellWd te prteet Mos lad et bis om effort and expeiae. Net iftreqnenty he ias4ondtih. uuter- takag jmon liai le conid Si con plim. Th*. Illii Gaine Protectîvo Association Plans te put tha fuit foc. and atreug fthaile ersan- izatian teck af th. la'o.enfarcèment maoemnt lu ever twhavaipla lthe sate. It Jla listaeature of ths npav rg&nlzalion that lias atlracted tb. attetion et farinera land land-. aunersanad branglt hundrédu oi the in lto its membenship. A local brandi ai the associatton 'oiii le formed lu ecclicountY, officeréd liy local fariners Aid sportsmen. Thèse local nuts 'oUI offer overy assitance 10 the prOse- cutiig eOMMceoa thle caynîrl locaii« nad puniuhlug al cffendere agausl lie Huntng aid Tréapasalua laus of Ilis. c. y. Mansfield, Jr, secretsry o! the aaaoitin expect the mou- berahlp te extensi tu everY COUnîr lu the tate letore the electiOn et permanent officers la hielsi next Juir. Theo oficeranDOv uerving ver, meted cuir temporanilî. ao tiait the l, ,Memberahlp May have a voice and vote luIlite formation ai tbe per- manent organitation. Ancenta Had Knowedgé. Ti. tlieory ihat te sua vas ltae ceaiér of te universe andt tnthle pluets revolveil about 1: vos ad- vanced 15W B. C., andd mani ef the proven factors lunithe knowledgc u4 nov posacasof!thse iievene 'ore -iraabd out centuries ago lii men *aloge Warka have liefome as brU,. liant as the planeta tbéy autie t Re*-da SalehF bu 'Ws en 10 he ho 1n JI hat l4 @ la thel nota the dl~ aig Mt and iy mo t» Kt lut he luncte t4 gp ci oaera thégair ogermhe ng ad te dTii. ru bth aid tIe amonili tii tai ] u mlie t,.aifl S& mat dbyNa~ él r- 's 1s~* At s eu Uitroei t in reafl7࣠c aOte Ot hlgavYs,f.edàmg fate, a wa brOu Mata mA. TbJ iad iteM Ibropoet ts hW& ~tfova lte toa matin coflIaat.motrmeh" 0&bcd Wit l Ita Utt t.le -.NIaor, tlMm the W«nre icngst river. - In rcailiiMeb.no=a amerai-v 1! Theme marIera ane lte.d t n lati vententnt l au léathe laig- uta way, 10te idete rabber.tlred Mi. vaymat am hoehbithie hlm t'e, «0 AMaetc a r? thel WIth a knowldge cr the. mean. ÀA int Of the rtoastfl .Cotainei ara tu thea oclalauto thalls uap,. lia uhicla are lhe kmya the marked travi btbucys. the. prose.ctive tourfst cour man obtain fl Informatlon a to prop bus rOUte. typa. of toasta teheen. tnl " àe.a aw U U ..i ratiier Dllon's tones ver. frm and buoyant ehen lie pieaded gnlty. X~e ammled wolen lie hard the. bench's sentence and aald the. ooner lie ar- rived lai prison the better pleasesi ho wouli lie. The. prisongr vau 10 le tabou thé afternoon to state Prison. CATIIOLICS QUfl ITALIAN CAEINETiý Thnrsday, and vas as-teaced ta ol- itary Imprsonment for lite. Th priet stautir denied hle vas lnsan. Ramne, April 17-Al Ppar Cati- The prisouer hast a long conférencie mmberi af lie lt&Uau gar- vithiJndge George Weimar dur]nS ément Inluding a milsi ter' aid 'ohicla the jurlt attempteit W deter- séveral under secretaries. resigned lacU Itere voesany basis for d«ult- ladaY follng a cosultation vti lnt lb. tubMas nity. Palter Dit- Premier XKiisall.TI'rclntli" Ion w'os ndIgnat lu hie.dental. H. restlted trou a ,nlaciI ole ma*tàtlad that OWe appaved o! bis taken bY hI e pplar C*5iolc Party f004 lçWard A, mau besai aatçd lat veeb. - DOITLE&WIIYTE Clothes of Quality and Fine Furnishing Goods *2Ô N. Genesee Ste, AT N Young Men'. Suits Boy 2 pair Knicker Suiti WORKING MEN 20N. Genesee St Watch Our Window - -Big Surprise N Dmonstration r Special No. 1 lleadhight Union Made Overalls gr Jackets, plain blue. GuÉaanteed to out- wear axiy other overall at $2.25U Special No. 2 Canvas10 cloves Large size blue and red -HancUterebilefs 2 c Work Socks, black 20e .and brown ..... -.. Rockford15 -Léather Gauntiet 55C ,The Headlight man will spend his entire advertising appro- priation 4gZht in Waukegan and will give "you ail the benefit of it in real noney. Ue be1!eves in advertising dircctly for the benefit of the publie. FRtE E,. o-ec NEW SHYE RWALDIMLISnB The I-eadlight mnan from Detroit will be right in our store all day Friday and Saturday and will give away free new silver hall dollars to everyone 'who buys Headlight Overalls and Jackets on DemonstratinDays Friday and Saturdy, Apffi, 20 and 21 Two Days OrIy FREE HEFADLIH SOVERALLS (nion Made) Ouitwear two ordinary p air; extra denini. Extra Wear Guarantee on Headligft Union Macle Overails if, wlieni these gar- nmnts a r e, cornpletely worn out, you do not thikk that Ileadlights are better and -will ouLtwear ai overail made, we will g ye3ou bckyour money -ba IIEADLTGHT ~OVERA-LLS (Uniae O)utwcsr TWoOrd arai Demou8tM~tiOU SPecial I!.3 Hieadlight iUnion ]IWOd Conbination Suits.or Overails, biue or Ikbû.t. The beet ln the $.) land. Price- leàalght B"Kapzoof amd4 Waterproof PAUs, va anteed te outwr other paiits b at, price- pant, guarntee& tg, any bar'd weajr. N~flu- R imcf etbt.eblasofiril cf lbe continent, as masd on thée oULClal tebima ewI,» btbe -laalaspi River Scenmlu~lgaw~. lit laa tuthi liaI b tvai 64«2 dbq accord fOntalpate. lO Il folloa lhe Paller of Vatml, and th. roteto!U lIe,b&M tble ,xlgbuay tl ÀAniurlca=4 th. la AMertotaBroadway. - astus trm Port rlinr.<ca- ada. te Port Arthur, T«a». t&= *WWnl e NovOrlee nd 0" sI ;vet«.; front Mantolia t10 fli*ih froni the gnou Old. aetlie Nortir1 Uutbregthe golden cornnboit*10 the taWo"ttou OIds cf th. bull. and on agaitte hhe goldea orange gcroyes of Floride. SOLITRY CONEFIE' UEn FaRLIF UOR PRIEST SLAYER Kaiamazao, Mlch, Alrl 16-1'he Rev. Father Chartes Dllon pleaded gulty lier. today to killing 1e. Father Henry ONell. Ils superlor ln Et. Àugutnes Cathollo church 1 .75 Moat- on leua 3.00-1 HedMgt ld UIiTn OUniônadýe OvJàlls and Pants Ina or' tank. aDrovcd aninuga, siphon ad bolt 8etiona ML 0 direot oIeutm MM HiSUfONSTTWORST FLOOD IN STAIT %ft [lOiSErway TOUR TRAVEL IN TEXAS NEARINti POODemCEIUI A TRAIN DE LUXE pe-ot ea, Avri 1-Wth jlE5 Palace Sleeping Car and Other 11 brid e wched and abnlooe,, Work ,oIlstszt moon on Ithe con- Luxuries Feature of Systemn ers continned to rise today ln 'oliat strittoli or a 0» newno <athohi. ofHthrisW r. promled to b:tlieworst flood In thie cu tVeo.aThe edIftco Vii coul I More han on.eliimdred liomes lier. one et the. beit hin offnu. SHIP MILLIONS YEARLY are mider vater, acii-npartlally Âlanoiite i oiiitO aIr ,addau, siat fthiz hu cOUSm« aime UPOUenli Ied et tiiousands af dot re. bulding of tlie nov Catectie ciurdb ta Ilie luxnry cnjoyed hy Sish wieu Several villlagee ln Hardin County, lia juat leea broken tiey are on tour ln the jlinel Sali Texas, liae been e~ut off tram coin- car manication. Crabbe and Tuiler.. 1tais car. dealgned for lh. purpose ________ Cau you exilain or undernauti v of tranasportIng liée lihtrouinthe 7ituail qbai u'afurVUt 4R& stigte flai hatcherlea ta points aver Hl-nhWth nisino rbe fteajll thIle :1*40. centaine 12 large tanksIal-iCiwé. u'ta orrbie Iftellda utIr" . o£ICity of 150,000 fingerîingli. VWbt la caimed ta lie the amalleal Ilie mRn, eOUMd liee b16MM 8mre Tb@ e aefffga are baby Sihon. ta precsion voIchinluthe. vard, arag uldey diffoent lian thons tIvlO? i tw u nbea lm&g.thie ours lins bat been coêupleted by »Ans PhasU?. eau lie taeU fi Oa. Aboe lbe $02ILSare sleeping berthe a Avisas frm. It la Inciosed ila aplat- b]Wu poetry trIilIiiu raller) 1h51 d«» for tIerc osumaw gthe car, 'ohil. hum case measuring only 14 milii. b iu W4 l0 Ten ie % nueaat la o»O n 1* a kltchbéiiand iniithe mteM ,or aligltirmure than hla! au aIat ouf M 1'lT»Interior ut t liapoÉ Wfflotiier a purl* and fuma room. Thie tuansd la the reanit of >ears -a1. emmd peu ta marvelotly exact, bu, S exterlor et lb. car resemblesa aPull- bor b, lthe mont sablui oateblabers w icia idme JO l ob but ce a I mai.,aid exeeffrtu te.tank. th. . iEnrope.Tliêcase lu encrusted I viii flel-mT" * IASa of RIe.r f.M lterlor la p0*04on thie Unes etoa bril WordVuruem MM 4by IL.IL.r..36 palai paor ora. ntered. au lne»UM i cthe one unuesalfeatueof t" car le ______________________________ ride tans, bie X tiug.in-, tii. tact fiatth b _fi arttOfi1 I IMiiMt torft, i8Pltced aappUied vthiMar dUMt heg lb. t*i ring - hé *ê&r meth.* air la PUMPed dlreCU tl Oothe vater 'One ofthfe ReuISecretof go*y 1&as e l aiM the by a force pump. The taa could liat 2ec nla .l,. long ln île-tante vIlle ouaed, me muasclggR fl cel as tiie air lit lie insiste la aloI oOl- * MIAUTY la borna!r health guay la =«an 4 tew dkcent fooi helr uutenaie.an elhatefod- 55 do» t1u *a*â.Iato tsip itpMllion. veuri>.. tion et a athé f fe."ng- 1on to hnou I«dt Y la today Tii. car transports msay MIllI s , » vOMeasak-'How can 1 At the Eob.ot t I -4and tie o!f îh yeanly toa ailprte 0f th»' stat ep My bdy 047 ung?- ceg, crack 0= 0-i1h. renewig depleted atock4 in riveras oditiflo investigationnaloiig ba river, voaI UstdfY, aid and lakes. Mestothe li.yaiilg ehiiMedjMtuc a g be las rovesi that canaea of lie PqCnadian corne froulthe claIe iiatCiiYey at ma' bleiu.ltes af theé i ara ragentsve t» Wofre tiat. Sprlng Grave. 'ohici ranka se oie &md ef g dloordered tomacli, river route et hrcéptible of the fineat batcheries lu the voild, and i succi aji gree that Impure Ldes from the e < & $= r o!rlie1 Mauy eaihein misa are tabou fmou o .la eàueed by stamach Sth to the U064pideltall hacir waters, 'oler. thliy have béen trouble. veraing tlrh b.4lu lengthia lett l>y 1100. '. ovly akin cornes trai utry rida baRu t inhla Laut fait th, crécha andi lakos l1 ti JLu." car radiant akii.i. )prly lie Broat*Wy et the con-, by te l d of teI lelinais river znear oprU*gasen. ,a rosy glow aiof etBearstowv umrliicd manytruyIrl eultb, W, $M Oie ta yoiiIf tonds of Si, 'ohlch vere aavod ad ~ ~ tmmeli toula ditributed by the tata game id sud bIj= gIner calléd Dr. milh departint. The Usi car oper. pierco'a pleoyery. R I SWO MEN alacareofJhnEtflur b»Vti bireey mhe departmeut plana ta install th@ Mie IIlftiiDscov- ________ durlng the camlng year tva dupll- .ry, a onpudesd lieu OrlogaUf, >pril 17-Dep- catea af the Spring Grave iiatcbery. h »y IM co veýpnn ttyyYeats uhy Siieniff oe Estipinal and Laist Year 18,000,000 wallosi .y. pie. agm of :W S andi roots as used August Eseve * ibltion agents 10,000,000 trout and million. et othl i- y the ana.It givea 7011 or St. Brn=r aS.sautli of this er fplea 'ocere hatchesi at epning more Wpin e mre bioad. A resi punch in every muscle, a hi. 10 c, Verl city ver. Meitiy Ioday in a Grave. Tlie main building contains nerve,-* yW to your Iliotght&. Perliap.i ibère la noi mare convuncina pn batIe ui runners and glass Jars andi tanks 'ohere tlie Sli tetimOW la the 'onrîlio! Dr. Piere's remedies, than tlie facI lIat for high Jackers. 0« thle niim nill- cggs are bathlid. Articla&l ponds moetbi a liait century tbéy bave been endaraci liY thinklng people néra la voad 1 Leolhérg es- covering 20 acres, ted by apring va- ,very'oiet caped. ter, have been constructed for rais- Everr l.1 lii ings Or. ]Pièrce letters such as thé tollowlig: The gun flet tukplace ah Violet lus Sali liaI cannot lie naiîcd ln Vlnee4lnd.- I have talten Dr. Plerce's Golden Médical 1Discovérl La., nine miles loyNew Orleans tanksThe liatchcry lias béen oper- te 1bWiîî*» -Y gênerailiéaitb 'when 1 van ln a 'osak, rundovu cotdi 'ohere deputlea W~eil twatruckt ating 13 yeara. IO n tsa uî pm elîias ans ahm e treu&th loads ef Uqui rpè fhirI mn'b saradl lvr? atlm. in lgly nécemmend the "DisCo"erY" as a the. rm urne. roasia -Laike bissonai 17 Je agoing l ga keli Ujý e ba hrétorer. -,Ilrs. Mary E. Viebe, 826 Upper liii 1t The ruai leaély armed, dud aItinbt agi'. Dr. iplcrce's ilgh standing as a citizen A d- a yc glelai ie g0f' aid OUI lit otflccri, ~tee af the. purity ai lits Golden Médical DiRes, l iéi4tnw ponresça '1 ii u- Manrtrat uebtrtT in tableta or liud; or sen14 0c for trial'immplé ta Dr. Pler-eýff 1htý r con.e ao in theiGles uat- . apesloe, 665 gain St., Buffalo, N. Y. cem' tAgy kUed dst te caets