___ U~ER~YVILLE disoWcy »ferg et s. ahat- veae ofer m>aplu.it- ent ohant thnste tbis ubare dlspaelh se. andci a lrge ýpeltu t-e hecoheuse la Cant.u à-b limt-at andrIute- en f he berefi a tiool., tbe om itite - ysl0I TilERMOXMI Important to. Study Warmth of SOMd BW for Proper rTme for Planting. IJ.S. TELLS THIE BENEFITS A upu hermomneter shoWv.lu& ,id by llllnol 8farmers la 4et-erDIiug5 Wle proper time to pet tbeRr grainl grops, temperatures lsaued 1>1 CIAI' tnCe J. Root, governmxent flCteXO- The tempçrature of t-e Onl b" 01 vital bearlng on grOwth o Odi001"01 gb. proper temperature fr dfferint grains varylng gretiY, aecoodng la t-be data mpie4 by t-be Unlted stats4eSdeartmeIt- of agriculture and adaPt-ed t-a Illinos by lir. ItOOt. ..Wbeat ad oâte germ-n»at a lower emperat-ure thanCOcraand corn requre. 1.est-an dos Cetton.' gald Mr. Root. "SPrlf9 tl 9t toes and ipring wbeat deveioP hest wben plant-ed la a mOderatOY Cool soif, wiie corn and cPtteft pw best wtt-b hîsher temperaturs and- are lnhlbited liy a iow 8011 temPerature it ls found t-at a seeding bâillât et- tacks wbeat seedlings grown lnla warm soli and corn seedllflgs gmowt- in a cold soi. Air Controis 8011 remparature. "The temperature of the surface soli la isrgely controlled by t-he tem. perature of thbe air; bence fit ollows t-at the date of the beglnnng of âeeding of the varlous crops agrees closely wth t-he nortberly movement of warm weatber la thbe sprlng. "Sprlag wbeat begfins wth a iower meen temperature than any other of the main sprlag crops,. Plantin ua aliy &tarte, la the Daketas imd-tN braska wben the normal dally tcm- peature rises t-o 37 degrees ad in Miaesota and Wisconin whiSt-43 li reached. In Illinois, 43 defresa l reachet about If arch 222. Early potato pantlng begl"ne as rule wben the normal daliy temper ature ris ta 45 and corn DlaatlnM when 55 la reached. la Ilinaois, 4j degrees arrives about March 26, &n- L5 about April 21. Cotton plaintial usually dees not begin until the nor mal& daiiy temperature reaches C22 C'otton requires more soli wart titan any other staple cr09 grown f ,lie United Stat-es. niww Panty Dresse in Jo arlous patterns for Women's, in aIl àtyies and varion luse golf sweaters ars la Nr .oeretmeb>ch ada u*t -. at--bamnthe vîit wth M. ad UJUIT _17 . retoe Rockenhach of Holiy- Oosd uS.ttereet vas show. wc 4,Cal. la the Masti Village dece- M lb. Oe e z vlslted ber par M tion. Tbeva e re oyer 450 vote$ ente Mr. and Mru. Cookney of North F 5 vote: Mr. and 1fr. Henry MeYer are Ctlsehlo Ticket at- George StIthena unt-i theirn pfflldent, Llncola FeUla 231. home la complet-ed. * w Only a IFews in the, CWk.bg eigr4,') George ltt-s oew bungalow la City Gie Against pok âleMe ErwinGrer19 reaciy for t-be plasterérfi. . «Trou"u Miss Nia Knlgge of Chicago spent-V ' Tm11ELR'TouIM the week cnt at ber fat-erse, lier- --- NsU7 A. Olendor! 214 mn 1tngge's. e-r'IE A IL 2T ArOr . Werner 198 Mns. awrence l-oebeln and daugh- IS EFFETIE M'U2T People$ Ticket ter, Mabel, have moved loto their însa PreldntB.H.Kres 22 new home teetlty builît by John By a MnaoraiT, [,es as- <ek, Theo. J. Knaak 211 Idh.lre st0t<f a oDy Police Magistrat-e, Win. steffis 244 l.t-aacks iling station On t-be Ugt Savlng p' n o et Trustecs corzer wblcli bas been hat-dlng SIn- et-tbe clt et O. PE3d1, The lams OConormicinr prodnct-s bas chengeito Stan- majority vais 35 yit.Tie vote Arthbur J. Eoder 257 - dard Oi SupplIes. on t-be propstio*W4 5. ollows: Wms. Osterman 238 Mfr. ant Mna. R. E. Pettls enter- FrDyih Vr3~u tainet aet 500 Saturciay nilht. FrDYIh 1fr.. Atbia Sueiker and Miss Miss Johsosn, t-be bllnd intructor Against rp t140 Lueila Wilmao apent Son(dai -b1of Chicago, spent Frlday wtt-h 1fr.. oaëp-ca rl.suS e tr-d hi' their parents Mr. and Mrâ. J. C. Jessle Pet-t-a tliia e.basket ly y t. ý 0,~ au>e of the Wiliman. wonk. 1fr.. Pettîs le a ver>' Pt declelve vote t-I g'umzlt h prrobable R. M. Vaut whto has 1aid an at- pupîl and has turned eut work t-bat Dayiigbt 06xwrwî I-rvill tack of t-b fu la able to but out- wblcb would be a cedît to anyone îndeflitelir, at lait 'bnt-li tître la again. who badtht-e use of their eyes. a pettien t-o bave 'l@Ite -orositiont Mm. Ann Sherman was home Fr1- Mins Irene Rockenbacb of Lansing, placed on thbe blloit foi,.&rother day and Saturdai'. Mr". Sbermtan Mich.( vas t-be guest of ber fat-ber vote. Mati' ailsi ,tbua, a vote la carîng forA ber aunt MissaItcb- George Rockenbacb, Tuesday. everY Year làn A l'ltOde' -iîense *cock of Artington Heiglit- Who Id The young people o! t-be Mli and jaconveitienOe, t in. Cros cburcb viii present the play' The new tlau il. Onto fet- d Mfr. and Mrit. Rtoss Sherman -prince of Litre' at t-he achool on tbe mOrnlst«,ý $un(lay, April t and daughtt-'s apent- the veek endl auditorium Saturdai' evening, April 29 at 2 AÀ" WV t-'x1at t-ure t-be, a vît-b Mr. and lrs. Ed Bach 0f 2tst. dlocks in t-be CUt$ il be t-rned' eNorrh Brooku. Mn.. Saille Beciman spent Mondai' abead on. boniu4a.Irtolt t- They feel hlgily bonorel. os Dr. vît-b ber brother, M. Perry, ef Chi- t-bat- vai' tU. aie t-omet gC. J. Davis, one of ther eiders vas cago, who lascenvaiescing from biotd bacit next- taXi.- ewArA only i elected by t-he Presbytery of Chi- poison Inlis foot. titree Or tout' r lu8bt-be Citi' cago lest- Tuesday as .9 Commis- Harri' Muike bas meveul bis fam- la vbicb t-be o'ystto Dayliugt- sioner to t-be Generai Asembli' Iii tnt-e the ne-w bungalow recentli Saving ceet-13 iS votes. Meeting in Indianapols. lot., May purchased trom L.. Pet-tla. 15. out o! ten Eider. to b. Sent tfrom Cicago Dr. Davis recelvedtht-e DEERFIELD GRAMMAR SCHOOL The $mtithy .ftration. SAl Sundai' meetings o! t-be Pr..- DOcrothi' Match, Reporter telescope andi ýO0ý& t»it lit-tle SPeILs )f byt-eian cburch wIlli e* bed et Thie Nort-h Shore Electrc Corn- direetty under >iOîJO'W bit. It IR fS ý the @ch(ot bouse ont-Il t-be compte- pani' plans to mon a bus Une trom l tion e! the ne-w cburcb. Mgla akt eefetadohrrost O mutntlcsll7 ,t-tg Otfi The carpent-ers are begînning work Hiwt~ghlndPatotb Tht-la bus l e u h Iere cosmlc fos1e..-4refrgn'oe ir on the interor o! t-he ne-w chie-ch needet au Ibm trains on t-be MJI- lune. 't la18am*te-Oruunb fl aod hope tobave It- COmPletet bi' waukee atdlSt. Pau-l don't- run Olten nie. i. t-he fir.t- SondayIn b .unB>. -u e The Frlenull i'Ible clam of te ÀAmneting vas beit llut Tuestai' t-, Evangelîcal Cburcb belod t-efr reg- o! t-be base bail players o! t-lte feer- andtht-e evenln*.«%Iueh services yl1 na ii mont-bu' meeting et- Erra filedtGrammar lichool. A nManager lbe postponed& tlifurtber notice. le FYI'tzc's home. njcpanvr ce. A 11e-up Mr.ad el* Xieil bacb bave là C. G and R. E. ret-is are ro- wyul appear ia next- weei's Issue. ret-urned fionsm *~-illu-St- modelling the old P. C'. Brederstadt Watch us go nov! ordai' nlgbt. %1kev,4 oyed t-be trip home recently purchavut hi' J. E. There viilbe no school Friday VerY MUCb1. - fo ibsF- J. Woodman. of t-is veek for any o! the sciteols The Movit yo4 o tbiPFl 1f r.. J. Kiest and Min. Edgar eofLaie Conty. The Illinois St-at-e tai even-ing la , peal VitagraPit SWesslilg at daugiter, Virginia. O! Teachers' Associaion VII meet- at proction, "Tte OL's Wife', and 5 North Brook, were the gueEttaO! Evanston on t-bat- date. lerry Bemort ta 'm'1ick". The id Mr.. Arthur Kleist Tbursday. Sunday lichoot and Cburch ser- edocatienat-l AIMO tha s eirare ag >ii-m Fag a adet ie r -ePehteia brhaottb ea&r. 'IrheYy l Dr* new Subdivision on b!s farm. witi be bied et t-he gramme" achool be shova 055erco e2- H. G. Cinuse bas soit bis borne begînonog next liday, Aprit- Elat for t-he apea W b ..i'te snoon th on Osterinan Avenue to Mr. Morgan ontil t-be coiMpeton of thelr eburcb. çbtdren. and ai~-f! tbe people la of -Glencoe.. Ife bas hought- a lot- The young peoplea Christ-ian E fo!t-be n.- ec tt-t omai' 'e-h ia t-be Von Linde tobdi' islon and deav-or wîll meet- la private bornes t-o are them. t- Je BLIL -..- . a a - ~ I wwwwww- -. Jiffy 'Te popular siceve- TOey're la Ilohiare, L- HIT EBRUIDI Pants KInerS""ktnOm.uà naire for ThumdOT. FridaZ &Bd New SuitÉ. New Wraps, Nt JUST ARRIVED AND PLACEU) ON SALE FOR THURSDAY Air PRICES THAT W1LL ATTRACT UNUSUAL ATTENTION Women's Newer Suits ±ImoSn ape atv i sF the higlicat type suit-s for particular wome-ensits youil estimate as being teo*fer et theu. exceptioxodly 10w pricas. Theyre beautifuily tallored iron th-e mach costier t-an thtse price indicate., They are taioret from the richeat, new po0rnwsf ufcd othe a"s uhi ou hssrn.Yeu'1 tula e- +%& uraes, ofUue efbic semach in ogute-bi rngmdeae n fiLlnnesnbu lo"el' -hsdesee. e"ý=3-i'&asm& nent. ehe srÉL c--t-beeaew mode are ei*- surm diation. Every vernan wmnÙa sW si»laer sprÉg wardroe u azthis ~eecnfets aywansves e.a'fz .Qiv~ array of spring beanties 'wiil solve thte problens. The prices are very moderate- lfavritemodel is liere atndl t-he prices are adeliglit-ful surrise- 'O.R ýQ751?)A O' ;Q7 Women's Skirts Stvlish skirts in the popu- I ai new plaids and checks. Varions pleated styles are shown ini a vaaucty of new shades. Sec- $4.98 House Dresses An appeaing group of datnty Glngbam Houes Dresses in ail BIzeS. They'lre well, made Of excellent- new gingharnsin nany color combina- tions. Unusaa values for thiIs sale at------ Alj Chemises of CIO()( qnality. FuIl eut anti daintily trmil d Withl lac»e an-d elmbî'oidci'y. Al .Sizes e at -................ 98c*' Lingette Bloomersg FPu-lleut bîcoîn i f dainty lingette, the-'fatbi-ic that looks lite silk.\ cxx strongly nmade. 98C) Mll sizes at......... UFC L. Wash Blouses whteinity wa xcblouenslof wtaoed dpYEfxe fitmg. Evloey ond e asfesh audl vrispoase as b e.Wo ndu valnes $ .5 Bi1k Scarf s Woinderfitlly prtti' silir car!. ln s0 varied an array o! cotratant petteins t-bey dat- hadescribed ln words. Tbei' are ve: y et-yllsb and are priced t ..t 39 luie thedinteestyes ' Ian te. Ainil restyles timgnae. They 'me lil ly soild f'orni (ipIay'. j Vaiucs to 59C $1.635 at ........ Girls' Dresses Prctty ginglittindresses for girls 2 to 14 years old.; A -ýaricd array Of pat- ttorils andlcolor combina-t ýj.()and $1.98 .5 W- .9w 12mi!! LIN EN KUGS V CAPRPETING For Every Room in the Rouie P-riced from $4.50> to $45-0 ROYAL WILTONB, AXMINSTERS, VELVETS A"~ BRUSEPL U G IN ALL BIZE 'Whether you xvant au inexpensive rug or a higli priecd one it will Pay' you, to ýCorn in and look over our seleMtion at this tinie. Owr Stock of iànoleum Ruga and Inlaid Linoleums is Most GOMPletO I 7XS4 Veivet Ruw-$ good 9xl2 Wool Fibre Rug-This. I IilBids e NfOnet Itug- heavy qusItY in attractiveI la nexpefl5le mg for bed- Over 15 patternls t-o select xatterno,5yto mroins. Prlced $ ~ f rom. SpeciailY be sold &5t. .. ...... .....................e Special Alcazar Gas Range Liplay QI i lUtAil This Week jW~dft0 rimIIjure An clevateci oven ,gent-ufe .0 Éïer you Alcazar Gas Range for '<* 4-fford tbIns week $37.50 Ï,4"P'&Y ~only .......... Otlber Gau Euges Priced to $100 1:, j ch n1 te. LOVýELY SILK DIRESSES 24.75c We ousider t-is event a rea merchisiag triumph. Inclut-ladare scores cf cbanniug modela la a bowiidei-ing *yie variet-y for preselt or later wear.. Tteme are fasolna.tiusg odels in styl suitable fer Mst every occ- %ion. ThI e uei 4 cinlude -binics, fDa4, ail-over besdiùg and pleat- lutg, flnting a"l e=llJiern There are sidý andi casèmde "rPes, Egypta drapes, mihez, ,.Ail tbtamartest- silk w s are iiicluded. CIILDREN'S CMAIS AND CAE The girls are just as eager to get in ht-ne m -ti the Sprzmg seison as theh' niothers, and in these spe-.isi. groîîps -of xnodt-sl coats antd capes w'e display just the styles thc-y'IÙ delight to weaWr. These are ail charming garments for g irlaid juniors froni 2 to 14 yeit-1s old. They're beautifully tailored frromien dnew- fabries and t-he modes follow the hîxurious lines so popiilair wilth le older folks. St-tpet-h gî'oip8 specially prieed at-. 500j9.75,-12.98 :a 1975 ý9i IM.Aliolk Voirinai nnàl Wrfln.0% ---,l 1