NEAR 1,NG 9Oth- -VALEY SILL soii& WIe.-Tu buat et 14 WWflbdwi »p gr,éwrceulai: W 4 , aiver!Vu*5u associt,'sd Wa caey ef Seicncés Arts latd bc*w, iillltheladei tiiw P'tas rFeit" 1a mot a lcite lutas trIxita agstnthein Suapi ntste Wmalnghm saiaa8t bbongtruow i'cd eut. utthe lio"i dmes'ipieila"d «0«04 i fore jntckuim y tie vitle u08. *fier, the Blacuiinvk var, Mils Kellogg related, the, Wbnnbao chie. fte w smorn d ac. ueu b tii., eceda&t al her alse et the 7s'-Wlionsln wcl 0»Ou Article at Ibis ret,' sétommommmI ."e101 'r "yp wartOm.a sbt r-M. planti. h orfiat# ,the frut "Y or June son aurM cportion eitue country bres ceded thé, 'lteaited statee. Famine Thecatens Truie. Ti meant p btiirdsiip £gr tie truc. Doint"ii. smm et leu2 tiey hb licai nile te plant dl or bunt osacceoant of uth*lakbavk vWai. MAI vtte, ui 00,et~ ev Indiens besagl Rm er beubngafr 1la*& Tw &sacss5 vas foresd ta an tbmisa xskeou to fre"Utai actounIe. To nmove the flet spring U » landis, ubere no fields vere pr*Ms for plantlug Sem e l Idum nslulx dieste asotier famine year. Tbc« ieged theur agents te piec* M theu' "ome a Pler" ah Webiute ta let them apend one jure sumiqer lu tWe Rock river villages. and titan remove eter the birveet ie. The gsrrnment wWd b,4 ameede menaew Oc@I owt. t~,pie Ire- more by lut. L tMU#e vw4s. ma&e kuowu. M l hil de- tel ts reue t ha t h g e 3 9b :1n epufedtecst ief g~c st4« M Sd lit'a "Saab.b-ti a""t 15h11" endeavor ta sotteatha h4oiurt theii.govermnit go a Iat pîqttus vould lie permutted. ~lt celiers. bearig.'ofthtii ~ .ripgé viiolir m1 ee Unl Îüp»- Tiicy lienS iai lb.N dit vu'prepauta Mra, var. Ce. Henry' Dodge vsw» lki eapg te teU te Wlgnucbaome ii, mUnt ravove. or socre voold b. se4t taemeipel tient. <igeulte prerlous 711.15 UpOl le*%%thie Indians vwre bugbhed. Thio ets arrmaaed nUal~Vith Cl. Da. oen the sus c« Mendote, oppoite M4.aS. 5,4Md b.d for Wep. Col. Do as -m litlb.piteouanesof Ibir 9appole and .ngreed ta turûilthtitn vii wagons anti clat 0carry thoir fanll. le ta the Wsconsin river. Wtli "ibi#"tr eck bwu». lb Indians m , uua ilaaina <*Mr 'dl. lage, 1 la othe b.rspMt a eti oInte. *irt< 6clet 14Rir Ml' v cilýefs bu d n ee*1pfl cdvintuco der, té mfove. Col DStge »M tuS c*tyanies of rangers te makc» s on ,La el.endots »ô te rais tbiel*m ut the reg" t tO mml a. The tivoceers hati doiers thotreat b8Gg#ýr t » 'ws1uhSt4SIh tisa. c*M tradms. vie v» vithlanl the vvlllagena s d C Wbir" Ing Timder. A4J veré IMMbsu br the 'coiemel. 'by wvbm *fP train ven accorit' reprluahiWbkl intgi Tier vitii ihW IM ' a" tuielwsws er, lrasspohd oercea tic(WI*misluriver. 'Whe »Rdian," concludd Vigo u. loe - weneyer recoaeil*dý%> tic Ilot a!thé o k Rvet'iPe.Mr hat abuiacia ,,- sMun bauds WMod qaM asi Ms- ta1 visil tW Xbaveticb ai lavai -M wex. liven t t" ic WbcllduIo Neýtae, vie l ave livcd tie W1 ivi gessalot ilnk et Peck rivae' as»11g^ That. eue "idt 10me, -181 IN~I. A*#AT LM.KTUlLLKI optee orlite l~l a,t as be mVtblA" 0"" The tiomilà Iotm lae ~ ~4 *bl mit c"t#uN RWk. 14IW YORK, *kpril a-CaceyMj.Depew entered upon bla 9go* yearAir 3 '110 t and old 01 ol metkan polittica lia seen four' wars.-and their aftermaktbs. lebsbe redo ldtntf stétes"Mitostd of Joe jeffersc, the, nctox. H has made speeches in ttliehalls of congregs and before théin fotley crawds of the Bowery. Sie'e bbecarne connects4 wl thex New: bC rj iIoqi as. grown kfwa Jength of îi2gnmiles tqý a lezîgt of 5600 mlp $be bas scen ilte nitads.of th..IUM*t.4 ý *çnÜ-ào miles ta oe1.pamiis ince hcetietr4 the railway smri"g Ut bausurvived cute aé,fadg andÙM Mei *fn i s i " e aibis- nother tfaht but. Whbat are the nine biesut eveaf tb1* CýAiey.1èpeU t ls mcain the nine Aceiades lu which he las îed' lie t4jr of <uêbort in his awn qtSreyitten at&,pX est 0f NEA.Se«Vime By CHAUNCRYIL' THE FIRST bîg eveit *t>t Ieu ewas, tbè. 70àkm War. 1 was 14 years aid thej anid it atirted me wth tremèn- dons notions of chivary. Hq4wev*r, I coul<' ùot ieÜtude thé Meican War as being one o!ci 1 e big evis fà àch 1 have witueptid. Neither coud i incdetge 4evektpqient ai the rail- »4as a liadevelopmcnut bu wcocred toa bong a arfod of lite htulie dbe4nut"an.,= "evet." tare. hoibm.are the ninI b4g evnts wbicii bave rdan f5 Mr f*00e. 1mi ceasr them blg becangi o th*r far-rcgadiug effecta OUnMfiMA U rae& .% ONS: qheemi e scln.2»rhm ULiefiit t the plefssas' This ~ j~ vas limportant sot cuir bocage, of Lneoi's a*.eiation W»ithlie Clii War but 81,0 b.cauaa af the lafluence wblclî tii aliaactoBr et Lincola bas ho& en th& iilveN TWQC MW. vrejimm"e reekg lb th avos Ibis iam ltiet ponat blow at lroberty w" bba hertotes bq5 tal lu puId re- spet lavas tfroeaac aWte Prob.nt ad*0 6 tsgM la -ti wif ii4 of Pcoertr. Duitit sl ayerr out .et the Prueet 1 àba ld usA thei Declsztiau cfLindependence Ithe vital lde4 et lhe Unitet Stata, 7115<8.TUi.World Wax. Ti* wvas mportla$ beaue b,' Is erY = l barror t ibu pevel tie vayr fer mase. Tiihe vcnm wâ "bllhat'- gal e icWorM War bige. itM crerthgev,. Vunr lm*M vt a be,«eauas*.m É& rueb tata w wube lie flcct at bat Mgp -aIt Ion ther jotbs lai conseUnce 1 5: Tii. uiilloion of Drvi' tbe.rr et Qvou2c8a. lbe .11e54 temcq éiue t,. ;It bellom te berni sa 1 ap us.2 maa deviima ia btu ho.bei; I boved thâtat l hbare atelua 6.otal prIr-ý Th@icft t t* eorld of Patersddvlrloe. 1 eBea . IX: The. preaching b,' Emil Coue cf the ",ersi 0ft Utoiuttiofl. Coue did ot 41scoer autoingesUon but ha le isbowliendm v Omu hoy tic,' may tImprove thiepiacve. vitit IL. The Uated Satul l buifft nu awdevetayuecl.t btvIhal. &A»dcu" d ai a'c*gy t big wbo vi taftume OBVEN: The' inventiou et thi. telepbouce. Wu*& the tiret telephonée Sain 'ave. B is I 1 ka soen u* M &t advioemd kIt ferbi &bout A. forgs"MI1teck mmsls addImiput PtbiM' fud b a tr boi t ltiir tun1t IouM today lie vortit buadrade Of iÀc f dollam s. BUt 1 vauidst b barc hianoiot1. The ecae aMdlth e Mdianers would hbu«itimclut avo.1. - Bafmsr's ditevryf et is e ct u5 dccl.tIt laid t e toa datens for ont.etfhie vorld' baste laduetM N M ,-U. Th i dlc ove 't radio. .1c epena up a fld et devlePM Ott 09128NWUT M. A ADTE M IGrTZIC :' I I y m- .V *AfTed by Ex- ty L~ Temratures So Late ln tSprlng. MHER REPORTS GIVEN Wauticr ebant derlg ltelaist kc e uaI b.m âce cVi' afecltd V" b ê bâ sd at ytet aorer; 1,0 ~m;ifsand spntgclaver vil$ch ffl sauilatad sprint plattliig a eaud4nyc< b, cci sd et vealb- = 49t ii 40d guseua ral.xxcand amcva te northt 'avI liee4 banale- 10 te faIt grain uid prIrox-ement t.U5~ sovul '.nter nemI la ulcata bt later seedlng mc o mè ffcaisre tarverIVy. The Icmagc'er ie'cate .l itted, ÏuMs van La lb. oulu. Itlaledoubl- ut aIta e fIroots vii show au» tics av euaunt of dam- sW hati, tte 11,',atood lte cus afair caudtlon. Thbe moyement ef cor f rom fartas " mea vibobi iu moderata. Seeti teittg rmfilIbave boa IW est- dvme. Oui s.dtag.vl liati"M 1 b sgsu exempt la écsthern bîd enion.Wftli a earie fa- vorabe vetiierseeding 'WUilb, qullo Ltani', del«r, patliil*il n soutiers sd eetiveeterfl 5va". 6e. lacs ducalé W . tefrezes. Avan alf"afs print cte'vr. wviebau covtaasw, Wm alb fmtsi.lin sre réaalg-e M? vetr and icI pocés ey*vacetalled the. a'ove- ,M"t et bar hum l8.5*1... Repesit a-ou 411151Des"> pvins 'ctiens, judicata c.nfdrabl. dam' agie hi lmAif ram !rceaM but lucre Je, peobiuit'a sulfoient inaubr Pt bfde lefi for 50 10 60 Der catît Of a e' it fnturq veher eduitions are $4iommwtw or ir devebcpmamt. t*wc t. la In fair condition, but bas et sprint plgs ih- been 1 mev amiy sachous, duel. ~~1e ~ g tcsc severc reaitaer on.I Il. 598 *ttam laber ever the l51 a Sdi,' seace aI vaue fa- téa *mis 1o pay. JSOu rt,1e hem jApenahlni10gel 11111e iired ieip u 4~ W~ s~pe.dthe burfitai t*WtIite lai freeze povable icbags.iad tWgM pnmber~ iM d" btalntilayear. As, oa iadm'le » inpcsr -if ulgW' CHAUN= ILM.DEPEW1. A jewel may be worth a vast sumOf money, but a tfl reeiizaion of its yalue cmi only. be had-by compariug.: sho fl àpet;myIoktob -*!.! Moe>~yt whex> plaMed uidey sie the trpe values C-M be..pka- lyseen. So It -Is Wîth Printing It takes a -Comtparison to show the value -We as ou t Compare Pmitn du i oürmodernmplant Anytbing in Printed Matter -is given., spedal atteitiflby our expert prrntus, Soeusfor our ncxt Job, -t tSubpcribe, for the independent Today3 - M I saumwm theK ow ~d U'i Wose reet 4 40s WaI tre4« itol và4We le fh Xaing per--'aa~ te in lu empb nea~ toàtVov tbs.V tila» U~bs oif~ 'tG ut *4MdUw" con !É15e t< -hortn W'f e gomae -Wall stretP vb.i ituldrsforeed h 1908 t* ïatauui ta ceads«-a rW. *"Ud t. masameetiag forI xdtb uita toart 12 off s- Rete s e Wii orl&ls e"A »Mm Rsua long limesaise ub Lpvepiocame irue. 1 wii SeIl at publie *uction, farni of 60 àe*s, sk and machinery on the fal'm kuown as the &rowe Farni, 2 miles northweat of Wadsworth anêl nixiIe South afRoseerana on * $ATURDAY, IIY $-M 4t l-p. m, the following deeetÎbedpretfY* ~NI afFul oodedCi o*itr WI» lo ~~6, lachinery aid Tool lJauî«lermn of Tnof d luag~es *M 1lbe aoUd.8 aeres l!Ît*l ~ioa~21 arpseeded ýO alàwfa. Balance cor p4* " iture. 'This 6 18z l seca y4lin - aVaf Terïns te be announeed JORNL. l*ýG , Prop. L .OOCOU, Auo*.- 4$" WELÇHt Cierk' "0 J~ ID. as tap A U ~lsmpt, SUý OaiPlue . lzuêM-,L >~~ t*' 8 1 "7xn a,16l. 46l s i x 31.. iç 1?4 CÇ for , b M6. ne, St' 100 Abù. tt " gatgS, ie Piced numask- lyvit hardware. An.a,< abiy loy, âAcetoflil alue-$ 0 euhb at. - RW Worth mtm *2.25 *ach a 14 Sa. b by &tM.8 là. au&lS.e vtalov for yeU1I1125*w 7 M .. 1ke nwiM P 'w aottage. m» 2S La.10 ta. hardware. - wtii jUpusd titi hs Lait4il.<*aWa F,.m il; 49* ik mie. Y s 5llh InaideA "pçcahly i»rle.2at 4» duor - 'NOTE: V O Ticýe MwkU Ib 4MAé, A" ti p ue »W Wtiinsb apr«smd' ù* Pub 'hi fl.ating M*tém'i U~LZR8-4]Mer Cent Né* ut elpM.2's -Teur inspecllion invite&. 4425 s;a-n Waah.,"u Rev Ue- iPotulait-n X 19 in.. tît;;<i v"t ro etulii pi. nickek plated «cU15 Ita* itWl&,U i$ MA cat' an-...-.-sd Wvit*levittqu w WMitè IfUpuo. ý 't Iîriceh ;j 1, Xhah beait'N ,15*.mer. us vila bsîl*t..4a;... brai. ~..ntM~l&#~c ef , a Jtii ou pdnffl md tu»R" o IN YOUR LIFETIME-- Wbaýt eveitta woutd you dass as the greatest accu dur- ing your tifiùe? ChanoM e1. Depew 1hina ine on i liaI-an average af anc a dtcade How wiouid your unIs compare? pli PF 1 a t