leue $Pac i irface. " 'I ion with *e self ityo« we ST CO* UJARAMM~E IICKS tmd Up' istatin lài Uni on. r of us N,9J4 cnutDhA mIflNE Thoeha uapretmark$ linspun- a dwed8jiCharlea SILV R LÀ E, N , x z ý"alroj.ý ton Waa- 1 U.<LIdIA, an, mmet Johinson, Howard Wsldan,; IN ~IN Il TO 3 TILT Joine Oui visiter» for the eu week were: o LpseTher FrstRtogala Goes on Battrng 1r.PwzadMe ers. o fYu inLau Spree; Tags Wedeking for NeitFia h at<urn News1 F clmeubnmeetin îlb el.Arpr Home lRun wMill.b. se bUn peilreatr -Waukegan lent a hiertbreaker in Antioch's eai gg ,ng baseball team~~l lnwl .dcdduo o et J fflsi iaahg ! hei btts lst -.won au easy victory Il te 3 1om hean aftenuooziwth Leertieu 4on 1Silver Lakes nine on the Antlocb dia- Miss Sue Baike returned boni tram tIn c e" tter tbey liad been lnad-' 1mlond yesterday, when the Antiocb Rosai-y catI ge ta attend the wedding oif i byras mn up to the fatal 7th men gat ta Wedekind, former Wfau hler cousin, Mise Ailes Baurke. nain Th idaledcoreh wsth - 3.I$OSTD kegan A.C. hurler, wbo recently The Marten fsniily are redecorating ter Idboe ot iha "run signed wtl the tiv.Suer Lake team, thei home. res the seond lning.This vect for sixteen bits. several of' whIch rst Sevened lu the next fraen.wben were extra base blows varying fron. Thos Gr&ham of Mlwaukee road, la hari 111,1 local Yaungstera tore the bide to.bs iaWcrutsahs making preparations te build bai by Ine aeere t i- a marIn Àte - ____- Davisonl Waukgan eagstar Napoleon Johnson and dauhlar, JTd fiel il isun-ot re itadlu teArigO HihsadM. n of the BiSlex team .In the industrial Eunice a tended a theatre party lait $e itl. hntn wll1 nater ait' te AlintonHeibts sn Mr an M' league for the. last few yeara, did tht week.Th Waukegan youth barkëd bank witb S. Johnson and son, Saleof Rait!Tu b bac etrue hetthStaniei Dy. twirling for the Atiach oitit and Miss Foster was a Chicago visiter. ent %I sieaA3 te 9.This lood au Ifl The Mensç-flub held a 8peciai meet- held the lilver Lake team ta ive Frank Sedey of licArue road was a I ât would be the fin#l caunt. but tun ing ThUrkdiy evenlng for the purpase scattered bingies and whtffed tor-Chcgvitelstuialy. Ou 'the 7th and final thaiins the down of discuasin gthe transPârtation prb Fildsi ormer star backstop for theCic tihtrletVidisia' Wlior team broke lems and counted lem. Antioch team. caught D)avieon -in the Ambrs. Wall, president af aur quel bits. rune before the Cty PiePs Mr. and Mrs. C. E. i-enman and Mr. a bsence of Kingsley. regular catcher sehool board, piantedl a tree on tii. P ýý%*d stop their ramnpage. aiid Mrs. Schuyler r..nman of Mîiburu ler tbe Antladh n.tne, and Vlnnedge, achool yard whicb was douated by Wm. tw eeil uitthern gleaning sva îîdofHM iZion recelved Wedekihnd., Buke. _he _____nBo____ a ber Deemflld oiF.H. eyesthttsdy Antiocli Scores Lari'. bo 1« blows off ithe delivery. or Georgevea ..ee'sWdedy r l aiklhn white the offenungs of 'Der , ,rs. J. Murssa and chiîdren o! Da- Antiocb did ls beavy scorîng in**** ****that oe.I> zetteil 4 od blows. Wauke- eipart, Iowa, are sting lMr. and Mrs.ta , t îut n îtb tae,**Wh Uni erred four Unes, Deerfield .H Sîggtî1 raeo cutlel -eV liwce ra. Rosa Sherman met lber motiier. forgabac fcores nte OTI The ineu: Mm E. Och.In Cicag Priay. laflist, tour In the fourth andl two lnaot WaulwanR H E Boch Ius* returneil fornm Foley, as., the sixtb; *tbe second and eghth In. u ........ 1 0 wbere she s9ent the wlnter witb ber' nings aiso produced rune. Thle Sil- S. J. gtussell made a business trip tea et Xoffl ard......... o 0 1 daughter, lira. A. Muler. j ver Lake scores came ini the thîrd Chicago Friday. 3temtyom iât.......... o 00 m iiy Freibus or Chicago sp4iîu Bat- and fourtb trames, twa i-uns crossuflg MissMrae, aeadAlc _ ~se~îîn » o i ourday visiting amang lber littie fri-ends. tIbe plate lintire third nnin Mimes nh f hagore, Mpe anti Aliweeked Sif 0 o il John Stryker in erectlng a modem In the faurtb. ~Ms .V a-U.BC ýMKyt et ...o.......0 o 0two-tory brick building between the Rogala, Antioci center flelder led i*-,raut, d ......... 1 o bank building and the Wessllng bard- tbe fireworks for the, game, rappîng Lswrence Bediier speut Monday in M '4 ....... rf........ ........ I 1 0 O eStore. 'out five bits, ail for extra bt4, P.0 Chicago. Ing, ca ...........0n Miss Auella PeesnI a gradhlate galas record yesterday show@- tire. John Waltan, son Jason, and Misses T 2>ole c............. ___ f the. Presbyterian Training Sceel Of triplees a double and a home in. H"an Sd Eleanor Dillon, Sunilsyci bac, Total .................... 3 4 41Chicago. Tiiecommencement bxer- Nexi Sunday the Antiht«,m wili witli relativesiniiiWaukegan.mîtt DeerSeld R H E s-i bSh atth h-t r ab d e Wllmot. the team d.featsd by lirs. S. J. Rumansd daughters were M 20etal id ........... 10o0taranceburch In Chicago on Tiiuraday, 1ILakeVillayesterday. 'Phe AntiocliWueanaopr Stra.gaa X "' 'u. ........... 1' 1 ia. o 1ensaewa tesIteam la gotnsgirat thlsyear snd wae an s opaeliK bu h. Ma I efi 1 blornhe iii HlgbarnParkbWedber cuntyfilag. Five or more BIfiez day servicest te. .I<L cacL Mayer j< ~*iU0i li............~ lir. IL Prederel snd Misa Evai't stars are on thes Antiocil payrol titisi- - e- ffc.................O 0 0 î la ïflrg.. fc! ileta -Aid wus hellet Fiday. Mmi D. V. Beai .'» .m i he bonne or Fred Haggi bas beeni4. W'i. preaident; Mm . L. ue., lia o 2! < f 00 uamanttlnes as (.Vivian la * * a vice preddo; Mma.L.es.VHas.lut Ceoad..............O wtb a mlld attiel a! acarlet fever. <' ANMT10 CR B ioetuanadtruirer, Mrs, le. O- O Total................. ô 7 2 Pired Keriten of Chicago wuasthe. Diom &Wd nus Bacon, mou=oM.lar guait of C. W. Pettis Blinda>'. * * ** *Mma *a aés uierm "'m Tva baie ltSn ion Mia;Eeaor tt tl8b.bore r.is &M M MooeStOry sud baby nex mmeinwili b.e held ait te homne L « egoubali-liackltn 3, Dyer 7 w we re St a, sbipta nCf casa. therecenti>' underwent a ritednyol t 5ev. Bau. f m osphgerdmthr icH ur>L', ,Utt b>'pitcbed bsllm-Dyer <Bariett> R*go, Sryernerai e MetmBsu li. SnMaisdsn ii l daBau iCytlLie offOf iclu.7 Dyer 4. a peration for appendeltit. Rv agrwumteo efm vrmpire-Anderson li-. rs 1 28 46 47-R H E eg n Cltig Tuesila> afternoon- Junior oa4 Ch , .vWit.d on Sunday naet wltb the lsd'.. at ti.he in, aiof T - - rfeld ... «0 10 0 1 " 7 2 m orge Pettia nlI ieb.hostesa e ta ithe. hc me ai Margaret Devin. Mm .Wu iDlon, Fflda>'. re Waukean 0. 0 1 0 02 0--3 4 4tiie MaIlausnry Gocet>' of the.Presby- Mr. adMma.Stilar ag erutriipei MisaMaeM"aWrftl of Evanatan, M ter" cburcit Tbumidsy. liay'17. twoatera of Mm. teln.«g afioni apaent the.week-end l intiopmruni>'. Viti A numnber of! hiles enoJyed aaiu- Chico lut u weeky atrd>'B * aa aa ea a* TEustdaowth r .M.Wlltiip Bauiiro of Chicago, viitdssuugvnrte.pCf i>. S DIEERFIELD * HeruaCokeyof Nortubrakhbas laut we0k at the homneof Dr. sud Mm. lata. $33.Ow tak.nf.at the dome. t.O moved mi-b te bungalow recentl>'Pur- G. W, Jensen. ScheelI vii clomed Frits>' while lira. ~* aa aa é * a isel firn Walter 1. Lange. Thei. Mr4iC. A. Clark etd severat days Mattiievi visited a standard seboollun1 K. IL Obeldibas moeuId ia £Mtiy Lange fami-y in living wkth Frank tait *set athteihome af hem danightem, McHausry "tyi>. , to i-be oua.«»avueil hPd1 acoaunti t her new home la coa- MmsJames To<td aý W hvecaplte oi eoet> .1 Mrs. M.onJ. eemao' ai-and. Mr pletsd.B..J. R a! ofGubuon City,Ili., viitet bookIpta. lal tonhetb arcbltect via i-'s iaM. . trm. leudtaugh ers Ri rlaiesi suitan liaitcilsge O! tii.neW Pr 1of Nortbbrook nere gubtesof the W. ltw.kvhreaislutls vicWnt>'. Thriee who neis perfect lu attendance 1j. Oterman tsmily Soluda>. The. St. Iguation church bave pur for the. etqhth montit of ichoolare: brr&o ciiiiicb.Misa Florence Osterman entertahued chsed the. homne o! Dr. and Mns. Ga ui u it uoJno is IM. M ai-ans554dauhte i er club of Chicago Sunda>'. Olcott for aRectory andnul have Ale. Russel sud Walter Vse>'. Mmra Saile Beckmtian sd Mm. G- Mr. sud lira. Bruce Blaine sud terpusinJunelzt.u>r.Oîoett " ex.t foomaanerelnvtedgnou .~u~.ds.giter. mShiey, speut lhe neek eudte adrive ta Baker, Oregon, tih ofl of The eightii grade are beghnning their r.onden wre oCitalLds.gue.teo! the'et F-ali Park wth their motiier. bis daugîter, lira.Wrght nier. th>' nork for the. booklet lu ph3yiology. aude gusbet mîgl.nie Noeverf C i rs. Sadie Blaine. expeet te make thefr future home. lisu>'ofithe achool chldien attended 0940 ongetngt he r f - TegP.T. A. nl Misso'.i-thept>' grlath Me asv. ami lr Wm. .onta fdmeetin lda', liay' 11. t nbich timne MseAddie Sebafer bas movet berveni at the 'Yalo M. E. chuici , amlly unetoi-ed t oota i te i- n!tiey viii bave the. aunuel elecion o! mun.iY pJlol tethe. oIt Wilt.nrnat.t'nstmeenlaogu speciai- pi-gi-sm. bBureenjoyed b>' al. da, Drr ~ ~- ofcrssd i. and, Mim.Hart sud famuiy cet =15 Jo=ati.Chcago, viited severalt aya luit neeaiThe Pi-nair> gmades aie drlling.on Mm'. M. RHenusie. entoitaune beri T AU"EVANGELICAt. attie honie o!flMrm.Paul Vset h J fpntaio ndneto club Thurada> afMernoon. ST PAULS leEWSeus. teies !pati on u onet ThIe lIa-calSooolity a! thé Pieu>'- -TCHNWS*he Grdn o! Sal iù"ven îtbyilire ingwok terlan churebmet nti lir. W. H iuet>1cnn. i> .t ou u ioch ig shool lait Sriday eening - Kienî TburaU iita atnoon. 1peope of SL Paul$ Ecangetîc-al cinreb vas a decidled 'sucese. O.ver 70 ****l MsSa-vPetisa s- ic n pleuresy.rmet inte Sunay Scheelioom fur he -itii.sd teplay *h wuvate it* AS Y S H O * atIl $hbme of ber aiter, lir. ERii purpoae o! organliug a t. Paul's ever given lu the high ,h,,Lle at* V S Y CH O Fi-ederlcki.. j Ypung People'a League. TPhe follanhniIMr.i-asd lira. Walter Taylor a!-of ***** Sidra. Dbugetty and daugteî of Chf- I <fIcere ver.elected for i-be enaixing ankgnvstdseea ,,lt.hr eeeee ppl qeti n«o ere the. nee lent guesta b! year: Prealdeut, Virl- Seîîg; Vice waek wit i it etivesa. ay- lai mmr. F. La&bobo. 1Pi-esiden-t, Barbara HuebIl; Secretary. .ttenance for the. eighib mnonth of Ur. sudlira.Clarence HIbm bave 1Ailin. itggaw; Treasurer. Maron 1 Mri. and lira.Lee Stiang snd !auily ienot. - -~~ ~ iia"uzg. MaLrIoa Landau. Th- e. Xine usetiug 'inatored ti-oWaukesran S tý.. t..r .a.>X. lir.ad lire. ilaes o! Jouttnetmo e 2. at.8 octock nen theiiarganeest Sile ae ud Sulave moveil la tbe Cari-flat. recent-Itime). Mie Igrtan an yc 1>' lvacateil b>'Clarence Euh n -IThhe Ladies' Aid vas eutert«ined'on Mr n li rankver Laite Su d and Mies Mie arrtond Ciageoy, Mm -r.John A. Stryker returneèFr-b Tursda>' atternoon by Mra. Chartes sevemat. relatives from, Evanston Suýn- seSna' at the home o! Mr,. and .dey from Dectur,. niere lhe bai spent Ral.a, s..V. Mr-u lr. eut n le dg ahnste thaT AsFnisi iC5Griffin entertaunet several o! Alvin Dawell wui absent tiMw'dek. MherBanda>'mgEdtswir.JohsdnMrailas- **l*i ~. em scboolmatee at- a Part>' Saturp - epit Muhilgasud*son * dda*g* * * a!* MIX.LB RN * aMnict hiheeyn a lr. Bednar vas i Chcago, Monts>' et>4Muliga auson nd atihte Of MI LBU N *delightful timae. A taînt>' luncheon of!letiteet. vas ssnved. Mr. Luebbe o! Ares, wuai fxing M!. * ** ** * il* *~34i ~ ~ r,~a tisite DilIon>is well, a pipeftell sud brkeiei Mri. antdlira. S. J. LeVa>' gave a par- lin Chicaga with their taugbter. Tii., seventh sud eigbtb grades tenir tya h asnehl atra v-plctures o! sestrees Satuida>' &fter- About fifi->' er. présent. DaInt>' .- !reshmeuta af sandwiches, coftee, GSAUDN SHOMOlr. sud Mrs. IitI>' Pantins sud cakeandteecrem ves srve bydaugbiters oi YorkvüIle' Mr. sud Mm the hogt and bostesè. >® @ B O OO O ® Jm m Pentus, dauglir ieeM 4~ A n,,mher from ths vicint>' attend- 'PieSpaulding stand on the camner nephe . masd Mrs. Job Vase> andi i.'. ~~~~et the pis>'. "Inithe Gai-deir thetiofaiGreen Bs>' rosit sud Grand avenue cteh !=er; m udMm Siiab,'" t An-loch higi suhool Frtday lil been opened for business. The Haiiy PassilleIt sud son viitkt et the eveuhng. William Atsud at Green Bs>' sud home o! M. sud lMra Ja>' Vut>. à Ti. Rev.. Atkinson of Chcago fluedt ih. Wshntn treet hsve tutalled a lMims5 Mairel sud Baxter wnom visit- R"» pulpît Sunda>' mornlng sud gave a second filuhng station. at the borne o! Mr. and Mmi.Wn. (u.,fîé>. goot att Scotch sermon. Ino nStra n udy1 u t; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... John LeVa>' ot Chicago apeudtheTi 'he Joler fanily ver. Chicago uoouaurs'udSna çfti week end vu-h hia parents. visitons letiteet. veek. 'M. sud lire. Eatl Heur>' and daugh Two large trucks. broke a manhale on On noon lait veek the chiltien vent ter o! Rasecraus catliet on Mn. aud Gi-sud avenue, ont into the vooda sund slough te get Mrs. . 8.Denmn Buda.soine flonera. We bave fouud the lir. W S.Deuan und>'.Et Becker o! Kenoeba, visitet et the buttercupe, cowstipa, dogtooth, violets Mri. sud lir. Ai-chie Webb speut1 Baumen home lait Sunta>'. and may fanwera. S'unday with Mr. and lira. Wilta Web Ili Wisconsin. 1 UM. Forman the mutk tester vigitet Mr. andt his. Hetier entertauned the Kulght & W.VlterniIÂN -compan trfian Chicago Sontay. 1 John Wagner and fa il>' motored %t CLEVE A D P Y Miss Jackt o! Waukegau speut a fan 'Chicaga lest- Sundsy. tdeys vu-h lier brther, A. J. Jack, aut laiyi ra. Johnson vislted bier dsughter, IS B O EFN Tii. Misses Mary sud Margaret Jackt Mrs. Bymen Husi-ed o! Chicago, lait speuttheii.week eut nlth thelr parents Suuday. hei-e. Lewis Muche*ski utrcaedanen George. Ceveand of Round Lake LJSt :PROUC J. PETERSN OR FORFEIT $MONO )urt Orders Joe Oitusky, Prof essional Bondsman, to Produce Defendant. Foe Oltusky, a protessional bonds. t, muat protuce John L. Pelai-son anty court lu Waukegan on t-be sdaY o! the next îerm b! court, îely the second Muntay lu Jue forfeit the. $2.000 bouts b. put al. th l.tirne Peterson vas ai- ed t ailAI. Bluff on s charge ai ring vlalatedt he prohibition tan selinlni lqur. bhis vas the onder issed b>' dge Persoas vien i-be case o! si-son was ailet for trial last urats>'. Peterson nai not pi-es- o nd a de!atilt arder waa taken. s-as i-heu tha- the court onteret tusit> as the boudsmau i-a produce ?detendant or take the. couse- enees. eterson le a ait io bave alîppeni n several mon-ha ago. lu tact artly alter- the liquor charge nwu aght agaluat hlm. IL ,.lasitd et no one liions bis preseut treabauts. rhe court vas not Inclinet tsi *elt i-be bout vithout givinS ou-I iy s reasonable time ta locale ai-son. WRIGHT SCHOOL Most o! tic classe. aie non reclen- li avhig tinishedthe. >ear's vork. b. 7th-sud fSu physIology classes ve ruate a healtit poster, ta be su 'b- i-et as part a! final examIna-in. (r. Joues presentedthe boys nitb a td bsllbat. rh. second gratera are rmkln. leut tis veek. The titis of It be- ç Tbingm I1Lite." Dorotby Freernan, Glatys Mulder. ancea Bleuili, Mari, Duba, Pe&a bel. LhI" Came>', John Di-mronl, -mit Radko nere perfect lu spellui neeOOL 4aiys Mutler apent Banda>' ntl ite and Aie Dubkt The Belamui ifânîl>' pent Bonda>' ternoon aI li!Day. .aura sand Luelia Freernan nom, In aukegum Fr145>'. Mr. sud lia.H.EL . Elterimgnil ter Duba gpr'e guësts of Mr. sud m Pearl ui uda. Thle Freeman famil>' entertained [ens !rom frain Grayalake Si-maM'. Mr. and MUn. Cý. LCase>' ail faml lited Mr. and MliraWlter Xasisen inda>. Mr. ait r.Mm.ltier eut fainE>' via Bd ai- t.b De Qi-af! home, non-h o! Lystake Monda>' nlgt R United Stateslires «iare Good11ei A l stll hefabie *iou.y's e Wor~th Iof America. if yourdqalh, hies to sen pou8Pfl tliing.Iuiehe Wo% bê 'surpris.d if pOU t hlm "No.", themm eoe he y make Royal Cor&a This fact coet& "aux iù buy US.llaes SCÉANCK WARDWARE CO. LISERTYVILt.E, ILLINOIS WAUCONDA GARAGE- -WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS bim mmd y"s w* b.e nt" md uS Or MsM Chas, D Pi S Insuranc of amlkid LIDRTYVILLEPASSENGER STATIO TELEPRONL-LIIERl A New Sch edule is Noô, in eftect on' the North Shore Line Central Standard Time* The change in time on April -29th i changes in our schedu le, -to, meet requirements'-of :travelers W4., using-Daylight-Saving time. Trains leave Libertyville every tirty minutes from 53:18 a. um. to 9:48 a. lS'. then 10: 48 a. nM. and every haïf hour until 6,48 p. m., then ut 7.48 p. mn. 8:18 p. m.. 8:48 p',um. and eVe>'y houtr uztil 11:48 P. um., niakîng promnpt connections at Lake Bluff for Chicago. Baggaga'Ch.echcd ib AIL Points on the Uine Chicago North 'Shore & Milwaukee R. IL irsmusco Ilme J IV