Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1923, p. 13

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Tro~me an& the anti-SmaI gang W ota$ngthem inithe face in the af Sp*,gijlà tbis week. when the] .,Wtalruundage million dplar apo re the hoas fur avtis evidece in Sunday 'a issue of the 1 g paper., It te efor tpmold sentielit against thý the ndeaoYto encourage legisiators tô eadho04e Who .. ht oppose the governor'S be he eaer w o "eould coune out of the Sand porbaps lead the Reuilipat at thé Tribune tried to bring, the le gisIatOra -.wagoni by intimating thât g re thixgs wOL be done for ail 'legiltoswho g<,Psxnr's veto. The manauer *4i wlich the tosubject shows that it relssi~a ~9I&iib ad, that the house wÎ1l s eu thdi veto whex, it cornes up, for, a vot e us"M ýfiibius o t be more caustie, it e ou]dnt mtap igto the legisiatora- to leap ,at its leash Wt the. governor in this issue-'.whieh te ri" e lefistators. - 1.e1: 'iwev&eroescan read 'between the 4ipcp, that the ae a&hx" il has not enôiugh, votes to beat the taet la that Mr.Brundags Uasgoxe so -trong dema~iga for a million doll aaPpripiatibn that tàê leqisators themselves who mght wleh to favor îW~opkiation camiot go btek te tbeir constituents we them if they support such au enormous sum, àr tiviss larger than aaked for by attorney generals ghboing state& Ue Tribune, says thatont of the present legisiature omne a, gub«ruatorW. candidate two years hene ttimated Oit prape the one Who leads the ýforces n fWru im4~3 Ui this present issue may be the ý'ûWoW-- : m libuÉe aecordiugly, by inuendti, tao4d out a hand- of encouragement and intinuates8 WI MORT.Ibe given ta sueh a manx. -., = are there won't be much clamoriug # an*wluon the legisature.-votes on Tu.esday ýýàtor'svcto wil e suitaiiled-by a good majbrity. e et6 ofe At). eiterd lBnuidage's [A prptWJon n Th. rgay dkanet corne me at pM'~gfield, Itha 'd heen feit geüiemaIy ývoû .wuuld: veto tiseneirmousapproprla-j wet hrh the lieus recently. The gover ,4étmiaered tevarious iterna wmthgreat 1carTe 't 1i waaon«rinous aum for the attorney .korawsuo~±nntniIjluis Cmpaed a tats, l the uoedit showed thiat a atto eg~eral wasasakingma âmres Sinith bas anne'd biI nteitioins of Pr&blig tbb > calitd boozes zan(lal on the sa>th sie ef'Wbleh the Sun bas given.4etaMsa of late. Tin fact shows that the state'o t 4torey is cloirous, of, enforcing thie'law froni ail angles- and haubieiMhive ýthe hearty co-operation of ail elsmevMt.0 Even the bliiidpiggers and hootlegger who violats thel laws would 0. K. a pr&-.'edure- against any clique f xwen who mlight,be trying te. act as 'xr"and ertalnly the' bettek elemeut of the comxnunity will -tand' back 'of the prsctr. heunhad& no ulteýior motive in bringiung to lgt. fhe stqry iun ùnection wth the so-called " booze fxin 'iiç te seec that such pu, arrangemegt should etorned and there is no question about it but the public- ity given by the Sun*brought about an instautaneous dW'eussion of activities aloug that line. - The fact that the state's attorney has taken thej matter up and will present to the eaud jury wiil, of, itself, serve as a formai and final nàotice that such a "practice cannot continue iu thiÊ r omnity. \ At no. tinue did the Sun ezt any aspersions against theprowecutor and the whole story was prôduced rnerety as an aid to him and lie has shbwn bis feelings Dy eming forth with the declaration that he -wMi nuediately>aumn- mon the men wlio clainu to"'hwreevidence aloug that lUne before the grand-jury sud if possible §ecnre an indit ment against the men who carried on this precarious p actice. Iu this connection it la of interest to -notice that as an indirect resuit of thii ex pose the sheriff and the prose- cutor. have evidently beçn drawu dcoser together and in- dications are that their offices will co-operate on the matter of law enforcernt more closely than they have hitherto. - These are both good- signa in the local law enforeeent matters aud 1the Sun gratifled to think it may have -liêd a,.hand -in bringing te a climax the so-called booze scandlaid incideutally possibly as an indirect result'breught the aheri,,and the prosecutor a little e~i~~together in the mettgr ofcoudueting. theix regpec-, tive offices which, to' a big extent, areco-related very Closely. We again note with interest, Senator' Swift's un- faniiliarity with Lake (Jounty matters-he refera te, thei fact that" 'Mssr. Strattouu, Smithi and GRIlffIN" hold1 state jobs.: Qan ydu beat it! He prebbably meant1 'Ehneri Green" ingteïad of Griffin but he didn't kuow what he' meant any more than lie did wlieu, recently, he addressedà a vicious attaek gnthe Lake County IBoard of Super-t visors, but instead ef seuding it te "The Lake County Board," lie addressed theni as "T 'he Kane (}ounty Board," sliowig that lie doesu't kMlw for certain just 'what counties are iucluded in hbis seuatorial district. An-d new cornes the latest wlierelu lie seems te' thiuk lElvin C[ri!i la 'a state officiai-iîKhereas it's Elmer Green. Suxely the Benator's ufamiiarity with Lake County I xutteri seems to. be growung worse aud worse every day in every Way.- bIh3m, mppY0prit an3U.cwh811555from OllltiJIa $50(wIudicatlng further the desire and effort on the part ~e-SNt#Wtro éy enwere ,twvrm $40,000 oa$50,000of ,the anti-$inall elemnent in the state te persecute Gev- W'i Wkwh aindolrsastolr a at -ernor 5mai1, we note with inuch amusement the manner gene asliig amil olr o the tWé years' in which eertain follis are trying to hook up the -sponge k ho. - .As the goveruor lu bis message te the îegis1Igture squad seandai" withi Goyernoi' Sinal's original trial and ,thé, attorney general waa not short ef funcls hen the subsequent so-valled grand jury probe of à' jury snployed tweuty attviiucys te, presecute the go'-er- tarnpering." You îîîi'>ht just as well try te connect up p ~aelua1~ euuy. hereaeeed e bi amleà Ku Wlîîlx Klan uion meeting with the' Kniglits of b to do tuisand, uýw ,he attorney 'gener 1 ask~ for CJolunmbus se far as the ce-relation of the two is con- ~~~ilion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X olasurbn:<toyer.sitX' odrcr-it would be just as reasonable, just as sane. L 1 ÀU 4-1-. MIIQ -. A ;- - Il.- L the gpvérnor vetoea tJs uing so aeis' uderhig' the intérests'of the tax payers of -Illinois. l. a message te usembly, accornpanying. the ~ ~i5S.m4U reviewod:th. demaud made upon Attor-1 - go'forinformation, regardihig the e re 0Ip eoml, With this est cauase tû veto a l1Ége portio ù et approriation. .- ".Il'app~rlaions v1etced," 'Goýveruor Small -said, r"vide a duplication e-ofuneàtius ilu aa3ùiuch as the ziey 'stiIl haà 25 amâtanti- who should be able to iliaüy legal work previdedfo*r lu the vetoed Iýems,~ there lu ne necessity for p làiug laresm ofet ney adtional counsel teperforM the saine dutie." TXhe governor's acti,èn did net cerne as a surprit;e, W*gh the. aieunt of the veto created mucli comment. lad te 'the $4M,040 left lu the regular blil are two ýM for $75ý00 for proaecuting the Hlerrin' mine Owere cases and another of $53,000 carried' lu the Wappropriation bilL. 4ouvptooainthe bil were: Por attorneys qf the state department lu carryiug pèndng* iltigtion $250,00; for expensea of litigation e the eonatruption of the Illinois waterway and liti- Isuover titis toenad recovery eto state propertY 0 for cosasand expem nl disbarmeut prcee - êel9,)Q; fer eleymfent of inlieritahce tax attor- 'lluide Coo k '21»2k; for dissouti o f e defun t <Ui uet ipmclding costa oft publictionr, 30,000. FILLL ~AiI LilsutplkU. sal « mwon til 50m sDof yer from oOoe mtolt teres diamonA lut fiumiay afteruom, i&an~gtsinltaod game, thre final score belât a 1 W i Trhere wu a ago&ihhed crowd of fana...ut to née the pme, In spite of thre efiflybeesi Ln Greve pulled bard f# et: l fotes toW i. but the L1bertývMle team won a littile toc, weli hooked up fer themn. >ollo*r2ug la thec- LoSg Grove-lPryo, cf; Sauer lb; EL Muam nif. Wenaar, P; Brodhag, e; Glake 2b; G. Utsmuses; IL Ha&- mnan, nf; C:X. auanSb. Libayvle-'àocI52b; Carlton of, Lyom ,'DMer b;Wleae »#' LItta e~; I. Dits rti Mydala c; Prian P i. Tue I4ertp ,>" WIuB.ithtee=l tak,ehd =Z22esrog~Lk Z"Ur'Utlitea at theelFur Gronadé %npt Sunday. The gge. vOlte oaied st 2:80 oclok. and a record crowd abAild be out. The tAke Zurich team tela id to lie a strong ontender eor the te . ounty cham- fflonsinetibsa 7-. maGHSCIIOOLFAOULTY The board of truste«s of ftheIU.T. H. S. met lest PrIday niglit and complet- ed thoe? oit 01 engaging the faculty for next year. Tie SHt follows: Prtaclpai-H. N.LtTnderbrink. Commerce ani Assistant Prinipa- ia lane Jump. Manual Tr&ns*l-P. J. Hawk. Science- and Atiletcs-. R. ?teed, Musi-I.L.U Walket. lngisah-Margiet Smnithi. Ungliali andi ymnaslum-Alexandei IMathematics-GOetrdcKMachi. Eocial Blncee-ultan Adrichi. Homne Uoois-al Wallace. Latln--Joephlne jobnstbn. Science-Harriet Johnaton. Spansh-ffenrief ta AureIL Miss Quinn viii remain as thie school nursefor fthc nert ycar. M I r. MORT PRU5BYTER1IANj Rev. Guy Smcck. Pastor. 1 Sunday School ai 9:46 a. im. W. G. Wells. Supt. À busy and profitable; place. Tt 1 sadepted te every cgc., Mornng sermon st 11, on -"Mose' Loyalty to flic Uother." As this in Motheis' Day. thie Amerlesu Lgloi., fron lis headquarters, bas sex4 ot; an urgent csJl toeias memuiers te at*, tend soins chureli on this day. We flot only invite &U1 so incllned, but urge,î evrer y ne who would bonor Mother, hood toeniake It a church golng day. youag PcOple's meeting uai8630 -V.M. Wvenng servie ai 7:80. Thie topie, ofsermon, "Qalung by, RelinquaRi. lng.Y W. ane nxious that Yeu ubal enjoy these services. Don't forget thie instrûction clam Sunday alternoon.ý at 3 o'clock, anidfthc meeting for pray- er on Wédnesday evenlul. Clood musie ami a hearty velcome.' Mns. B. U. Saure, eburoli organlt MORT METHODIBT UPISCOPAL Chas.-J. Dlckey, Pastor. Phione 112-J. Jack Bradford. Choir DIrector; sErs. Lyeli 1H. Morris, Organist. Sunday School et 10 a. Mi. Oeo. P.1 Pearce. Gen. Supi. Annital Thankofferlng service o! the; W.M. SatIl a. m. MmClamaClen- den,ýi. ü;Oak Park,. viiibe thc speak- er. Thls el !'0 Mother'ls-ay. A car. naflop wi iiite given ta cvery mother preaint, Epwor; h Lague Deorotional service at 6: ý1 -1. M. nniversary Pay. At 7:30 p. m_ý the Young Peoplea service--and ai tRose vhoseehearta are young. Installation of Epwartlî Wyou amurged tu be,ý anotlwr bking powdw bd- 4k -Il#'it made front cr=am of Tartr? Baking PO'Wderý Contin Nio« No itrTaste Grand May Day Dance and, Prize Waltz! 'VOLWM ME CWE ~UAN Ope ra Hous,-Grayslake IPidy Eve., May 25,9'23 A Fie tPrize Awarded flelady choses as May Quem A.Ech tiket te the dance will entitie ySu ta Five Vows for yoer chice A prize wiII aise be ,awarded te dt6 cSWpe sdel as the bust waltzer by the judgms Tickets 5o Ct. Each Pero New BRUNSWICK I1PcanrtQ llv- tL«ague ,Jkicers ifor téLUs uin ya r. IL %P %0%10W W W IM FJtANKLWGIIT »Y ers. Llke Dorcas of old, thua vomnan. Yqu are cordlally invited ta these vas ful of good vorks.-Above evcry-' services. DUED MNDÂ T APJ N thlng site, te vas a devoted mother Wednesday eveblng al 7.30. the mid- and gave herseif vithont clt l i er veek meeting for prayer. Bible study SEa.Frn. Lghboy le càler children. and telaowshlp. Com6 and spend a home, lu theeaatern part af tue village ' antay n Iiulsy poial orvt s [f2Liertyie, lala lndat atei B. Q ett hbmlahdsadew LIeývH o h at1 eradTIkof ber seUh as tRie came, Is - Thervie eson Sunday. Kay l1i 3thIb~a tl Liberçyiefrns the ilag9 er, wanS5h. lin nt dead-ehe liniust-ev*ay!l" (tue Sunday afler tue Ascension) wIlil the montlily relefse. rdegre frie de lu flic vlagsre, h ____b__ e as fpllovs: regrt ler ascna Se l suvlvd -Mornlug prilper anS serin ibRy 1. Instead, we noiJ oËer'-you new Érunswicii ,y Ren hushend and ciglit chi ren. VHILAG BOARI ORfANIZS Vi.c Brook student Iu cRarge.o! St. & ---8'uerl services vere liely et ber- every day-e-ny day you chooac ta corne iii fais, reldenqe, $4.PiNffli street, ibis AT MEETM N ONDA! flTEIgnaf lus' churcli, Antiocli. a4 11:00. Mr. OvYnnu vli OfficiaI e st Antioch <1'brsday) sitcs'lno May 10, cf 2: 30 ai 8 anS Il 1. mi. and cf St. Andrew*c You can gtt wbat you vy the Rey. Charles 1. Dckey, lier pas- 'The Village tonneli met for the fIirt oe»ystake, St 4 p. mi -PY1n ru.wc for, officlafing, and Mesdames Davis lime durlng thecacurent fiscal year et The Meimbens of tRie BOYS' Club had D Yo rnwc and Haty ftrniahluginua. inlterriaji flic councîl chanber W ic erillage bal a cleaning of thé rectory anachcurch the popular fox trot of1 vas cf Lakeoicle. Mandal, niglit. George Mason, vbo grou'nds on Friday erening, May 4fli. the latest son&, hif-n The.follovlng sketcui o! ber 11f vswon ouftcf tthe elcctio Ârll 17, vas The vorkm eree giren a haty sup- read by Rer. Mr. Dickey: flthc only ne wisuember taeRie Installit e r. afterards by kind members q! glways on ait., Muay lHelen King vas boru ta Tnt- anSdlie vas prenat fa take bis place flic Wome's GuHd. ro» Nova Scoofa, August 6, 18U, anS as one of the. village 1ev Dakers. _______ Re tramthing zi fliere pcv W young vomanhood. Af Prealdent Hyaft, sud Trustées Ber- Rmme, the age of 21 th euntt WBoston, n"rd audGeinnItt, too kflic ast lairfl1wKIs day on Brunswick Rtcori Mass. She wucm inanld 5 r office for ith ecouý' ternibeing ne. - II~ LioIebody tu LoveiL Macs.. ebUany elected thffe veeka aUe.NE- D S E 16, 1884. Tb"ey Iyd lt Lavi about Dennha LÀmbèry vc& neappointed fire ycars sur tueli * mgail and villagemarchaiand che f atue tire th" ecme vestt U OW te Menliving depetment; $,Il. zUvllisor VasnDam- R Q E T N D Jn, s<veral plaçes là, t taté fia short eelSupt. of -the pnopia; plant, viOle E T oAw Int erucieWLbe1vla1, IKlba biahepsiin0 a AccOrding fo dlspatcs t ram ?esr e14 rnSuoie oebn t iiua tue vater vonki blalit.Dale SPrmgfield thie Chicago, N'orthi ShoreLove d theblMc fiien, tw i v of iom ded l n ty- Colline lasappointcd village freasurer ad Mealc afrl opu ýMMs gfbody vas taken lU last and CopyLn 3'ebruary. The lest meetInof tRis, PrcsIdent -Sytt aungpupeed hmHo Sied a petition witb lb.eIlnois LadIes' Aid Society vhlih %he attend- of, oommittee assigumenfa asfuo Commence oCmmiPlson May 3,aking sP cd vas helS .st tue parsonage Tliurs'. Streets and &lley-Ber il d, Krum- fon authonlty taO Perate a mofor bus day, Feb. l$ti. Rer filed d nef ery and Ma»Waouu", lI> ne for Wassugers sud hWggage Re- r V m drccm thxt bhrn Ilues a vasfatalunatit Plance-Sturui. Grmi-an-sd iveenÇFlighlcud Park eud Wauke- wt. a short Ui. belae ber deafh. vbIch l5et"i. afL isvti uePrOPO ca Unerurba n camea as d great shock. Moud"y affe>- Sever' ami Saitaton-Krumryny. me because hit lepurposed to run napin cf 4:40, vithout;e truggle, ah Groiaimtt and Serum tabu tfiS.guRin peefU &" w*.-Lighf, lPire an# Water-Biatan, Ber- Re uc ef SiWukea ogLvl uuo Bemidea lien ercaved husbazd, 5h. ýnard sud Sturm.tRe akqnralbrghfe- in survved by lier elgh2 Cho"ie:,lira. Partsa'and fBuidting-Grurimittf IeL6d taetIENISand Park, thua tappIng Ida Schneider.,SMra. anuy Smitib. tnan sd Masos. su' *euttrely nev ternltory. SucRi a TAn"k M., Jr., Walter A., Mr*. Chartes Llcense-Mason, Sturn and Enu. Unei, itlais eedibted, vili -0111 a long Scot. trmPeter Hansen, Miss Atme . .feut necd. îaud William, al afIàLbenfyvMle; two 'Otuer tuan teh alovlug ai clama,,*,, 7 grcudcàilldrn, Wlliain Udw..r'lsndRber* vas no business q iImportanCO. Thte good offices of MarchaI Lin- Agnes Helen Schneider; han., cgcd TRie meeting vas adlounned to Thurs. bcrrY ver. invoked Sunday niglit fatTU as velliua a hst of frlends. aUdden -4eslre tW eli fhe houses aif N Mne. lgbtbody vu àalife4=ong Mth. 3Max SElier wvo n lu &Vcittkv fle io M a lihora ln the «St pag of tue, Leia, eciu uifd i5 tat$)urhbefôore Judgc flbard Monday, lW e village, vitu Stones and aiytuinlA1'lNo çR. PH AN D B it» oplceaibe»r lWuviai eu eeinvolving. daMgatebisacauto-, 1 tRacame liaiidy. Andrstr vas enj__________________________ *yo« ielm abé wuva lisi oil.The e aa via. WDé. X N. before Judgc fuRbard. vbo csse ________________ ttu Ü suinooniplatianin auS b « lerBVali fter coalderabletéstilny a ftaIn e 0andl aste.Tho mon vlth . ilaenos v IU> ferfI a" a4due. o otli Bides, a jury avarded Mn. 11- 1fthée IPng Mmesp«14 bis tpa aijalNi l fI # th I II It I Sbri lagi le a. on' l, h tvaliier 4«magesWhe # sai f 165, 1tas relemssd. fe piclse evr¶IL= i always 104 f ep aMd omfgote - the coassaesaed againsiDr, DeVault.-go auytrthen out tIbo$eivn k Records want TO- Record - thi heur, liew evcry rdsf Gold Iâ L FriW The 1 T Sun. PI

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