M~lm. bich te leflt UlvrdHo Med f be *4 t 1the juary bih bében on tfie 5or ib bofi 1120 a" Chicagolabor lfumtani eonuwttOe's report oepmad fiat 51101 of téttaci betng .,o tbe *SoViMafover tbo mo»*egM et vq u se aerpuits* M*t liâ fie Iss uff ~q gYcrOY.la vetas ýthe ~~a<I -4 took tic ft= O* f the propesed VOgiéba um&lif graiied. hi ýayGonflaruaag lunbnud-ý lu p11 ermat itisuai orgaili. e- MWSboeEDeho cf urse vero »Retd Id marrie e ouday s1 et Pat*, echmb. Wgdawoti. Tbey Wh*am li7»1,14e vorea une ua«M at-. MLRSkutom le emlo t fie Operi Boer "* a temcmpe ami .0 mabce lei L 3..SWOUZÂuct JzE. ROOK, Clerk The undenuige& wU MUniat pabli a5%e mn the farm km,» a tiJohnA&- trang- Jixtm, in-the Vinflof uci Nr1umu. on Saturday, May 121h Oommofn et 10 'CIwk, PttÎ@Oy, Ew fi- - ~LEX flzi~ Go. i Cicago 3%7 1-1'bJ., Aile» Mi, Eîunetbal. both Youth bav* 10il ~ t, NSt4hOaiSaa so tatorneut regardins the clasc m pridot - t Ila ai. OfscernmbWI Il112î ut C9et t in Inttfon 1Tï ftm jAapoad, but thcfr e(etdi. .tsa vtmtb mode puMl 4 104 ome ~ok~utb»k.Y allou' borc the grmd 8*. uet" oc in » mbo WJIan ais.letbh omle ci dfpcoered I~14~,hd *& lott ffl te a if hldd. benMetiha lbo ie ~b~e me et ioeu nder a per, et EVARa- Imu 1ou4kerefbout Abis e eedVi~oGnm la Williain, lm b«.ht i uosos 1~ aSU.. yuate0fafor8U4 thtyplwl5# k3 -êd tlIre and 1%9 wm.cotinm.li toa tomon-uf OW ba uteff d buIon tiovmai t8* »nvo Ott-&d tSuXo# tUpc. lIbo ciao.rush tu AU. M et i*il ea mtfnyC owo a = dos irSitv*o bc"oy .-oaM tbey cet£ a W*tt tt e nias ul 11sf romrer te ynem é c ma 70001 vhs. l rct mw1.lMgsla amOt W$llev4 i bu VISluth- duo vs 3ic.nthapleau,.&Tbheuu* M8fy >sk M a B SeMade One luc f thêIW 6«"nein Auge tb. ebols i44moebeeut.L Tblkt u xel1 ew il abbdl, m* mith-the tr is uw t OLD VETERANS NEED HELP body béé but asretelsoute dW ,Wmia-*tin eblU tance Lio the.plc uer. wbeb it Coultralaiainl en Vag toum 6" dtbàt VitIIn theau. l 1mafa i* o vI e mmOtb.hs Wben loIrered tIbru ed t.ha'g utti cba~ the hole. tiOB for Mereri 1y-one Iliat l Othem Whwbvere to appear Iodai C00am aOTbW V*itith-$o f, a beftor.ek.gran~d jury Ilr4ded Preei f Ir 7M ffl Wth feie uea 1 ieut w*it.r DNIlSSco f ZNorthw«£t- 1t ab ke the0tnd cRth* 9 o nd4~i1 fte onC aBléoUIdOi01Cthe oXld orm , J3l7' 4 boa tiunflid for ezarnnà tio1- iueftlgt-euimk t* ty ous:thoal Ailrtur 'UhIer ivaut a IDOUI11Ba Mm. =» & prmbirnn.wuaaboramI hTMtha 11» e ell, e'1 tiovu thelb.lako the diy mouat user tbUpik.l s u u" M, àAssistant Staws AÀttoniey Roy em .b eiIId ta hea.* Fairban" a id Mou]a kt»lut'.M 'v i a *a m - e ~ wobmuce W *be prodnud buor. the rand Juror.yor on that vA» bov ke le v b » ad '.11 bocorne ExhIiet ÀAut the «krme tbtat va have O*9 forgottIC douce. ln the event et 9, triailuarim-- e mat «T, 1fo» oneAmn v19 lual court. Vmrbu*ko dée rd181~u .do ail In *YJVI. it la the firet ime lu UlIe bltOrta TheiifoloI. Ing ergamuaa*>p6. >W Coobcouaty ihat a bunnn akeleOWn alywM a proeho4 vWi. a re.. ha& ben taken uto hl grad lury1 quot ta laie Poe; 1%9 0. A. ILI cbsmin. -the W. lP. C the snii* Wa yak Wbile the gra d JurY vus lu 'ta- ecma. tbe Boaseett Vofl ma; le Mm hebre Assit aWB IA*' ttorna ,ue m«ty .ý L,& % ~ oiM Iuu1bi ciqu »ei augbtutu -ffie l Ag1;lie ol b» ordWors ___ sehc0f ca R and bo utw .b»i hbulobas I ~ ~ ~ "WOu. thtiuar tdss eC~ e iiierty A 'an W tom tlir bomes ~WnaUoUUUKI Va-theBum g I~dDru cio.mh 0 'the Ivo, studoulns mElvyn Bbu aabop n8 YCOt1y aJ00 thlfJO« t m ci0 Alexander Blabop. caubr of statlofl vii be aakd to d1008 tb,,pVrlhag sa maugn»k eot 'w»liani-hm efor Ufieor8liL rie vol- 1, orn'adO.e 0 -Bail. boaefeWUr fIl co 0 dekoPailtemUit l bi IL T. j.Xaunudtaier. izpete& dn ii. to 1 taie wr. Le Bath *%hm am adnBal preued jmuberaet fi«a d»aiMY fla *prb s ior bo aemu4tia eia" 07 it ftla timmeia ttboy abmf*0 VOrO s6ught foroueouiue, *and vol- bardn of Ith e urW celebratlitO ,'ftoidt 851 t.o bteUag tl: '1youuger ahouieo, sas it bas becomne; before! Jury. aiut tf00»&"av« tertem to bear. rteelved trcmi 101/0 The assortment is stili good -but we su ggest early, shopping whle the selec- ion is at its best We have aa except- ionýally Iarge asortmen.ý of gstutic4els BLOUSES. inhastluOur Bloum mmmo tilau any other garment, Ware- flected thé apeil o! vicent Eùlt, In thome. Our present, ne1 Z«eWevd skowing is, uuusually, complete. Pailey Blouses lIn the newest 'oriental pattern and design-- 7.50 to 10»95: Crep" de Chine~ Bloes Véry popular sud verx reaonaby, pricèd at- Ladfies' SaIkHome madle of thread eilk, ian c Bprxig olore of FDry, Nude, Nile, 2BlaeL. Per pair Wool Slipoyer Sweaters 2#69. lu au -Wool a"dil and woolt round neèkj, long éleeves, with beitE. The colora are Jockey Or- Copen, Navy,' Bia* and Brown. MAl bizes. Regular $2.90 and $3.90 ,vaues at PURSES -pursès sud V"nty Cases o!finme quality leather W~ many differ- ent shades, ffly lined and equipped, with*.niirror, change purse, lip-stiek holder, jpowder and rouge box. A. -real neeessity in'the bot sumnier daye to corne. Very moderately priced ut- ..2.98 and-139$ Chilren' Pres 69c to- $1 f 5,5 i. I 'I SALL Sf' -0F- 37 Head of Catt1e* 1 16 H.ead o! Freah Cows 7 Cows witb caves by side 9 Close Springers 4 Yearling Hei!ers 1 Holgtein Bull, 4 years old, Tbgo êattle a"e xost1e, high grade ilisteins PERD, ETC. M*f)gushel of Oats 4oIoeesh*aof Cornu! " 10 he1s of seed Coru Queditity of Hay in bami 12 Milkicans X big purchase of new summer, house dresses. The lot consiste of over 5M0 neat, practieal bouse dresses in pretty checks and flgured Voiles, Ging- bais Lluehls andi tËlsue éGinghainsAil sizes 16 to 52. We urge you to buy not one but two or three ofthese, and the Iow pi$ces of Uriusualy Low PrIced At /. YlIFa Reducý 'fi t) 6 Mionthe at 7 -Per Cent Our Tmyle.1SrigSu andi Dress Côntinlue T 6%yughoutlltuW~ok Every sut om the store and a Specwa lot -of die"se in. Tricasbams, Roechan- aire Crepesl, Canton Crepes, Printed Crepes, Silks and-Taffetas is k 8 -