LUTY'ýI1L lm9'£vEK. TI&JRSAY, MAY 17, 1923 on it». aest on the. great lakeS. VALUA LE Y CIIT It ila1I» feet long wth a beam of U tfest. For tii. last four Years RT~Mit ba been the bêadquarters Ofth Dk U!R3E R S Chcago club but this organization 61VE "SE VES now bas obtained new quarters. The ILTr yach liassleeping quarters for 3 AS TRAININGSIId? cou'carry ' rom 300 t.400 valuable trainlgbg ship for theloa Presentation Made at Bun- ~ ti hpo h guet Held Last Night; To long crt1geswîl be tàken while the Have New Club Heume reserves wlll bu taught:oeaxuanship. Clisser 419. The organisation bas Membrs of the Naval RODBTVe$ tbouands of dollars êworth of gav- of Waukegnl were moit agreeshiy erninent equlpmnt. To this was surpiBed et a banquet in tbeir naval added last nîght $4000 worthhaf avis. armory Thursday alght whWfl thfiY tion equipinent. This ineludes an, were presented wit ha valuable thre aiplane iotor and various other masted yacht tW b. Ufed Bs tIr parts whiéh the rê-a.rves willlbe training ship. The. Yacht waB theii. o aedw adasml propei.ty of Commodore Clarke ofastartfti traioning. asebl the, Chicago yacht club. Thei. aspraitertrnng nouncement eft the gift was made hy Rlght now plans are being made Captain Edward Evers beafi Oi the for a fine uc-s club honte'. The. Naval Reservea of the. Ninth Naval location bas fot yet been selectd district. Membershîu in the organization 18, Commodore Clarke bail asked Capi open ta every male resîdent of Lake Evers to ieséint the. yacht te &Oon County between the. ages af 18 and company of t rCIn 8 athe district 35. It la expected that rny new and Capt. Evert selected Waiikegs.i. recrults wll bu taleen lu sononas Capta&n. ELvers and Lieut. M'rrls tuere are few organtzations whlcb formerly .x.cutive officer for the offer Buch Bplendid Inducements. 15th r.gimeflt, aviation. Naval Train- Jing station, durlng the. late war, )0 were ii.guete ai onar at the R) INDEPENDENT readers are ai- v banqU.rt. @ way.sura of the latent &il Ci Thie yacht wbicii bas been pre- @ the. time. sunlt the local organIzation la 8 @O @ O @@1O the De Lavlis 1. for band It is -Mei Bette, Way of Milkiai-4etter. cheaper. faste,, ciesuerand in cvery respect su- perior te auy other mehod of aulkmg-i"hlaud or macine. 'The De Laval Militer never ires, neyer varies m is action. ney« er geacross or iritalebut dom its werk day ai er day in a mnmipleamtula ils. cow. not a subsitute mffldng De Lavai Milker uàm erae aima tuau"nnous in their sgee umt "hatà ireames productio snd keepe the cow's udders and tests in betier condtiom, its operation is sùmpbcity itself. Ad- justmmia arc unposshkasd Uice is nobing ta gel ou of order. Let us teil younxmoe sboe"The Bette' Way of Milking" SCHANCK HARDWARE CO_. LIBERTYVLL, Uaime Public Sue--vice Dowil aid $1 do m"tnh s-ei taches bi-a overlby on shade ini a chiece of tiiree brown asud bronze finishes. Panel cd camplete wiuii mod snd plug. -only 40 Balance in, Small Monthly Payments on YOur Ekectk*Bils Telephone for FRES. denxçst*raton. Our Féder*l bose- cdean- I Ir nvflê krmtry )GE been pase on and received the approv- al of our experti Sutt stlngdsaOBt M open dat(y to 5:-eO pe L PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY -O OrNORTHERN' ILLINOIS TÉ.BLECHNdl. Supt., ' _ _1» . .bmme et , Phone M Waukegaii, Illinois LAKE ZURICH SCHOOL NOTES Lake Zurich wasisncorporated Aug. 10, 1896, with Fraflk Clark, xaresident; C. W. Kohl, clerk; Wm. Buesching. Wm. Etchinan, H. Seip, H. Kuckuck- H. S. Prebi n sd J. C. Wbltlug. as trustees. Almogt ail of the preseut Lake Zur- ich wss owned by Messrs. Fox snd Robertson. Mr. Fox owued six hon- dred acres, home upon whlch the lake reais. Robertson owned the. land ou the site of the Maple Leaf hotel. The. latter eold hls land te Messrs. Clark and 1Uuebker. Mr. Kuebker subdlvlded bIs lAnd loto lots aud sald thein. 'Tie lake wss callefi Cedar Lakte. but after rnany settiers had corn e hre they learned of another by that naine, so Mr. Robertson gave it the. naine uf Lake Zurich. The, postofice was fIrst at ltlnk's store, bter at the preseni location, thén gt Frank's store, and Iinally bsck to Pre', store building. iwiire it la now very capab ly managed by Walter Prchrn. The fiînt postinater was Gea, À amaîl tavuru owoed by Seth Payn e gî-9unds. Afterehis there was a pul- vate school held there. It wa. also used for church services. Tiie first gQverument ochool le thont to havebheun Fairfield. In 1891 a Pub- lie sciiool WR. built lu connection vth the, town halLlu I 1918 a brick school wa erected. tic prîde of the. village. ELIZÀ.BETE BTYEICHING. R) INDEPENDIENT readers.a,.e ai. ® N wy,,surea.a the.latet news ilU 1the.time. 'W 0 0O OOa, 5 I T WIRE r mvi NE~iRO LlaOU4ili h isvu wher: CAPTURED TWO t Ila, forunelyofthtebuEvergreendtarin, FOR SHO TINÛý FII l isited witb Cnrad Nichais, Sunday. A L U À T ifi Mrs, Harold Thatcher wbo utider- went anoain in Chicago is again MER SWEETII atiiome. Su: will resurne her, duties __ N ZO Miss Volet Robert is in Hos- Mrs. Conrad Nichola went te Chicago Police Arrested Pair asi pital Witht Bullet Wound in 1OiOy Spe'eders: Find Car Was RihtArmn. Harold Thatcher wb<se hand Staes RihtCsoiiud by poison ivry la getting _____en Miss Violet ltobert, a coxneiy Young Mtr. adM..J.Gafwrev 1tr Zion Citv polie Tharred,,x capturc(l colored woman living at 220 South Mtli r. n Ms. Ho ff er re SUiaditor mnsh eî rve i aCouuty etreut, occupies a cot aetth tth e retlofmsedoeiundy.ton lu a hle iîtrovîe. o ,Vlctary Memorlal hospital, and WII- Euuicu fadd viited aetihe Thatcher ingI stnauo ble anam Mack, a eolored in living ai home Thursday evening. 1 George F. Aigyle. %ubîte. and J Market soud tbulîertre tlice one- Arthur Schar was a caller t the. C. MeGee. negrto. cf Chicago. sIerp e rg flvng souiby t h polie an Eruest Heffinuier haine Wedneseay arrested by thp Zion police iliat cheare a! harov erg a he sunt-rghnight. rnornîug on a clîarg, of-pl,(îding. F. ng taok place Monday mornng about Euuice Ladd entçrtained cainpsny They were quc.stioncd, and s%,lic-n :30 'clack. The Young woinan was 'froin Chicago over Sanday. jArgyle ssld he didn't know iho iii. to hebospital where she Last Sundlay wasMthr'a day and ane,pi bis coîpanioli thfc- oit-rs swas cared for by Dr. Palmer. Bar- [great ý_any peuple were presen at iii cenys uIbrouandt .ch ne. ring Dossible Infection 'or' tel5flus church. tsud fas uudtm ibeln tin t.>Kahn her condition le nt regarded as ser- 'n on ta (ilngt an lous. The. bullet passed tbrough lhe IBos., 4421 S. Halstead ,trei. Ciii- muscles ai 'ber rlght arn but. did I .******cago It was stolen Wednesday flnot injure the'boue. Inlght. Accarding tW Miss RoabEit. selli.a H U BA RD S CHO0OL employed et lb. TiPtou ccale at Highland Park. Ater wýrk asat ***********4 uight sble returned te Waukegan ou Edtor, Ler<y Groas. lie. street car, arrivIngthbere hetweeu efnsn u gaev n re 'twelve snd une o'clock. boaIi ek il William Mack. wbom she aduils wss a former sweethe5.t, mut lber at rTiie trees and shruhs that were the car, apparently iiaving wailed planted are doing niceIy. tiiere for ber. and followed her home jFeeik Gassatd aho Tbey taikEd ai sorne lengili and sh Wedeay tien Invited im hlm theubeiouse. dedy Beiore longa quurrel started oyer The. Groass tamjy are enjoying the. smre trivial malter and-the argu- Fard sedan tbep baughti ecentiy mente became quit. heated. Little Vehina Heidernatruturne hbomne SuddEnly. accordig toi the Yotug Friday after @pendi'g several dsys with woman. Mack drew a revolver snd ber graitdprents lu lgin. 0R rau toward lier.h My$ selletriudj te bal hlm away land luIniih struggle ]Or. and Mca. Wmn, Lobinan snd tihe gun wms discharged asud she WaZ family visited Mr.. snd Mrs. Gruebuan sbiot hrougii the arin. Mack then SWiday. la said 10 have run from i e bouse Thie Heideman family of Elgin, spent and made bis escape. Suuday witb Mr.. and Mrs. Elmer Heide- 000000 _0000000000 man, Suuday.n ite 0OO O OO O O!>l~ George Grass snd chidreuitd 0, RJU Y SCHOOL 0Ir. andMca.Wm. Hertle, -Wednesday1 OO@OQOW@OWOOOOOeveuîug. -Williamn Cruickahank, foiernau 2f the Oskweod farin aitived haine last 8TORY 0F AN EARLY SETTLER Wedneodayfrtti the Victory Mernorial1 IN ELA TOWNSHIP _ hospital t Waukegsfl where lhe onde,-! weta pration for pedtc. Levi Whitney, an eFrly settler oi wenî mnope .appuiek. Ela. cime ta Lake Zurich about the W. are gia té se. i.C irs~ year 1838. 'rwayears later lhe weuî 10 and his happy minlle oce more. Wisconsinuuai mu a griat Mill. He took ' Buie. Ladd and lady frieud atteuded bis sou. Joseph,. the yeungasî of 12 a party ' vnuea Waucouda one nigiiî children, wlthbhlm. Joeeph was then latPl. suven yesrs aid. The ludian wornen' Mr.. and Mm.. Nick Pttsansd cbldreu braught the wiieat te tthe grîsi mili to c a k Hd .Co Raiph and Estpla spent Suday visîtiný lbe grouud. They cai.ried their pa, inLieryvll.poosei ou their backs. Mr. Whtney sLuvertyville, Illinois. lu ljertyvlle.haci a slave built wilb two short legs Tii. Misse Emma and Clara Hoff- in front sud two long legs .beMnid. Gir ae dayth. hl ganie et Long 1W ilson & Ohm Grer ned i.hallere was an aven &round ithe pipe that luit a space under the stove. Tii. LÎbertyville, Illinois t C. Nichols spaufiot W mavu is Indien wamen would put tbeir babies @ family2on th t oltuf wheu Mr. . tder ubere whle hhey were walting SBusses vacate.. iDogl. Sr., .andfor, the. grist.* The litile son Joseph was a esmartr_____________ f ellow sud a gruau favorite wltii tthe lncllans. Oue day hlm father mîssed 'himanud lhts tireitbought was that the Indian wop ihadttaken lt. tathi. insantlme the Indisns had laken. Jos- epb five mles nuothe river. He noted b ~ lhe diectio naf the curreot snd kuew P w w w.w wwhiclî way ta start for .hume if bis opportuuity came. H. nanaged tu es- cape ud net is father, who took iin he' Good PubhecService * MO0N AV 1L LE is Ilota catch phrase.E It isa simple state- * ** ** *-** * ** * nient of fact -per- Mrm. q. Barustabletsud Mca. C.i formance-flot Martins8pent Friday in Chicago. promise. Frank Martinisaud cildren spent Suuday with friends at Waucauda. To make assurance The flf th sud sixtb grades are buey uSbiv sure ourE'.ec- ieviewing for the lest exaininations. tic'1<esting Depart- We are unjayiug the istory staries ment is constantly ruad durfug opening exercises puroid. subjecting aJI ÇIec- One ofthtei fourtb graders inforned icalqumîsoldus that rining Was lie digging things or used by si ~ ~ ~ ~fto thanle earth for exemiple, potataus. L O IS X T Tiffid ' :rhii. uqpHr logisage classes wrnt>e, L G T SX O 50 wben mui mlii ~vacation is 'almast bre. " Tlieywere Th 193ereLi So henvS ec a>. jery'humorous. 1.I ,Te12 sre i ffiances dmplayedmi Schaal closes May M5 sud the. scooal ingCarhasbeenedoli otir stores -yoil may picuic is ou t.he following day. of ail the automobiles 1'. -_ e.sscy 1 *v% r ly à. )URING CAR (19,23 SERIESj 9 ight-Six 'rc;ur- mi.nant feature shows.' It-is handsome in appearance -with a harmony of line previously confined 'to high priCed cars. It is complete in detail with many refine- ulents exclusive with Studebâker. It is exceptional in economy of purchase and maintenance. The niew body is ail steel, even to the franiework, anid is firished ini baked enarntd. Cus".ins are ten inches deep and upýholstered, as usual, in genuiine leather. There is generous room for fivè persons in .ase aDci comfort. The chassis rernains practically unchangeil. It is essentially the -ane spIendid automuoutassas s.&m delivered satisfaction to a hint thousand owne&s th=roughout t world. The Studebaker Light-Six Tom~ ing Car fully mietatethePUW dlemand -for a lh htweight, zmodf ,ate priced, bigh quality motot t.* The new one-piece, rain-prý, windshield gives uno srctd to the driver. The quik cowl ventilator and thetight- curtains are among many items of equipxnent. The lights add a finished touch most conveietit TheLight-Six Tôouring holds Studebaker's 71-yeo* tion for honest value. 1923 MODELS AND PRICES-f. o. b. fsco.e, LIGHT-5iX SEILBX501 C .pRo«dtý op Terms ta Meet Your Conisdaou LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE. J. N. BE.RNA]Rn8Prop. 1 Telephono 202 UBERTyvlLLzý 1IS 1 S A S T U D EB A X, You are invited to corne te aur faety fer jur fume ments. You can select from our fistoc of a lared of styles at the following pnîes: ,l MEDIUM HEAVY STOCK FENCE Per Red: 8 bars, 32 ln. high, 12 in. stays ........ .28J/2c 8,bars, 32 in. high, 7 in. stays ......... -. ...... ..../4 9 bars. 42 in high, 12 in. stays.......... ...........-32c 9 bars, 42 in. high, 7 in. stays ............ ......ý- 41 3/4ç 10. bars, 50 in. high, 12 in. stays ..... .............35NC 10 bars, 50 in. high, 7 in. stays ...... > .... ..... MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 in. high, 8 in. stays .............. 41c 16 bars, 58 in. high, 8 in. stays...... ...--47y4c BARBED WIRE, 80-rod Spoolsper Spool: 2-pt. Hog............... $3.52 4-pt. Hog ................ $4.18 2-pt. Caffle....$3.30 4-pt. Cattle ..... ..-...... $3.52 STEEL LINE POSTS, ecdi............ .34 END POSTS, each...- --- -- ------ --- CORNER Pt1STS,eci.. . . - - - - --......... ADJUSTABLE STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES Painted 10 ft., $7.65; 12 ft, Ç&25; 14 fi., $ 8.85; 16 ft.,61 #A calvanlzed 10 it., $8.90; 12 t., $9.70; 14 fi., 810.45; 18 fi., #$ii PLAIN STEEL DRIVEWAT GATFS 10 ft. wide $5.65; 12 ft. wide-.$6.25; 14 h. wile...$7.25, STEEL POULTRY GATES 48 in. higk --- ----$2.l10; 60 ini. h8 $ . American Wire Fence Co. Libertyville, Illinois Collis & Doane Côe'~ Monuments and MaiusoIeuma Dû«n BY The Elecfie Statio L Phone 200-J Libertyvil, 01"io CaIfiedAd». Mil W"«"smtseueresults. av.* ria a y.. "iihocondiucd w aid "V«mi "rasste i TuIwlssue39 0 1108-W -ian ite PUk fois LR.F cm LL [ 0 *.~. 5' ~,a, p.-. M 4 1--!2 r- I!nl 1 oý- mammow T7y«,