Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 May 1923, p. 17

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LUTYVLLE MMM THIMAY. MAY 24, 1923 41ON e sy Noie mt i rois mis OR - pogile Pu%~ 41 rON, #MOLEN w1ED1»N% OPMLS51ILESÀND .:FE WaOkeRVECo W&I Km~nWuegnC - i eal m=r tmule-, Stone,_ elba. VIfty yeara ago Monda> at U3gin oc- Curod the marriage of »SMIma i FlarenceWebster 1.0 M. S. Giies Ot tbi. cil> and for 46 pats 0tItIvIi kuown couple bave lireS bersitu *Waukegan ln the urne boutas, I1q Fitst eet. Thé Golden W6019dng ~iverBary of Mr, sud Mrs. G011« vas observéx tada> vitb a' fau»ily r reton attended b> $ielr tour abtidren. Hart> and wifs of minneapolim, George ofti. wauks, Chartes of, Wleiésig. W. vu-, «a n Buimsn vio lves at home, A49"0& va s t.Ihat artéftloO oLt thé home anS the onu> outaide gasat vas cbulesWilcox af Hlgb- 1lnd bark, Ilfrietid 0f Mr. and it*s. <Hesilabas.:lived ai Highland Par-k.fore rne» titW. Mr. anidMr$.. 0*1.. stimêSMr. sud lit-. Wilcox et t.lier ueddlug morne yearm go. Xmr.. Wilcog 51.5 dgring the past seév yésr Ur. GiIusfor 62 yeacm val arn- ployed b>' th* Nev Yarkt Central axiS lte . ts rsllroads as the travelling psaaeuger agonil<'atty ycara of that tinte vas wlth te Nov York Ceatia»daS horetireS t-om their samices t pension tht-es yearsamgo. Mma. 011. basonot bean ver> veli fS the. paut Lb>..yeare but Mir. (hMs la àacmnof unuana ignangrsd dm b ot sein legrov old- 1'he act that hola lu sncb exccp- ioual hésitE imerather lutérostit lu viwet o!the tact tat hé bas»,: u himstiurs etetravelling on-lté al oSa.luntact lu a conversatiom ta' had a doitÀr f&r ever> <xmie he bad 0pvered on lte iailroad b. would proiniti> bê ln Henry Ford'@ ciae ioday. Mis duiles, carrier hlm Into anl parts of the. counxtry and be trav- eUeS snough runes 1.0 bave axcircled the' értb mani>, many urnes. SPesklng of te lite et a travPlling man Mr, Gilet .aid t-at not man care bis rnoney more thaxi a travel- lin& Mati £eccally one vbo may be consciteious and des his work weli and sucened. He sald t la no anatr for a mian ta teep travelling ail the li»e and he reallzed ibni wben h" first started out; therefor bis en- deavor vas ta take good careo ai hm- self and tbat la wby ioday hé l sueh goad physîcal condition. The mani vho spexids i leitira tlme playing carda and waating hie opportunities in tbe one wbo Suds travelling a bard task. Mr. Oles neyer spent bis lime that va> but lmproved evci-y opportuniy to a ire goad for bis company théfore wbén hé rétlrad, be vas lni mighty good standing anid the compaxiy regretti4i ta sac hlna go. Mr. Gîltslni cam- menting ou a travelling man'qIlîfe mentions that a travelling maxi bas to liye lnxishl satchel, that he han 10 go wben thbe train goe, and hie bout-, for retlring are aivays rincer tain therefore l lea a ard stra4n aou an> maxi vbo lollovs that lineofo wark epéciali> for a hait century UUML CASE I5 ýONTN1D, Erneat Humel Jr, eratwhile mayor of NFax L4ke, diS nos came up for trial Wridap. nsmd Justice Hé>' vey Coulsan continued bis -cals for a vee. lHe la charged vIlt floeting a fev baS cheks throngb the c=uty thls tinte but 11. 14 undoero that hé bas made a part of thb. msagood atready and vil!l aIts cars of t4e ramI betore bis trial cames up natt-I.i dayM)AYhiM How to- Make a "Station -to-Station" Cali T HIS service simply means that you cali for the number at the distant place as you do on a locà1 cail. Ifyou do not know the number, a "station-to-station" cail may be macle if you know the name of the person or firm whose telephone you wish to cati. Following are examples of '<station-to-station" calls. Cail "long distance," then say: **TbisIle Main 1234,JOoJne" aPcktt Wi" ta make a tatla-to-tatiau cCRU ta -pise, Ihuoi-Maluse""or- -This la Austin 4M2, Smith & Co., Georg ".nth speaklng. I W" hto areha station. ta>-station cmii ta Rochiord, IIL-Spsulding ManchinsCoYr- "'his is Edgewater 2U7, bM Mary Scott upeking. i lh ta makenastation-to-station *cmii ta Geusrmlla l.- Raaience of WIllia A cal1 placed in any of the above ways wili be charged for as a "station-to-station" cal. Tbc charge begiins when the called telcphone ia answered. On ail such cmiii thc rate is approximately 20 per cent leus tian the "person-to-person" rate, except that no rate is reduced1'eIow 25 cents. Experience h"~ shown that in many cases the pet-son * . vo.' ~,t a flver fttze ttIeshoýng en a %station-to- N station" catior çcan ,be locatea -îmxneoeaoeî th ne pemin vito does answéïr. And often ài i just as satis- factory to talk t0 any one who answrs ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ThIC6 U al e ný t .a subsitute iTe Bierw mY --f DeLavaI Mâler useraxae , ý'ch~om, famtet, Ilact UnAnirnoua u inte sgt- 0tt atvéry ineai - dm wn ttit icrasesproduction * ~ 'C r ea>ohraede f i ithe cws d esand 'Piil De Lavai, Mgiliter e«er peraon asiapiit> itaif. Ad- ioPV*M i kt fésiOs Uilht iam po eane d tuer. feb c" bW à w»«U*ugoonhe l t ofet det. - ,*=- 9 lata ,teisunpabjut -Tl Buiet-Riddled -Rum Runners Taken bY Waukegan Police Trip supid to the local police by the Daily' Sun Koudayafternoon resulted'iii capture of confessed bandits who were making thefr escape on Interurban Uine. United States marshal on Cksway here from I.ouusville, Ky., te take men ba . A tip supplied to the. local police Monday aiternoon by tii. Wau- kega Daiii Sun bas resulted in the arreat of three mIn vita have con- fesmed that tbq yar e mebers of a rum-rannnng band of twenty members and have participate ixia mny raids on Kentucky distilleries. 1he men gave mann azes *to t. police but hiall> adzitted that theï' real nains are as follova; ][AMON HfALL PETER WALKER W. L .ROBY HaLsl ocopies a oUl in the. Waukegan ci> jaili. The oCher two men, their bodies riddled vitli buekahiot, are ini the local bopitala, Walker in the Victor> KeMorlaand loby ii tbe comit> institution. The. police toda> rectived the. foflowlng dispatch: niavifl ,Kentucky, . Na> 22, 192. (Jhief Of police 1. V. Bals, WankeMia, -DIL- Raid Robey, WkIker and 1all. Manihai with warrant on va> te bring tisent *0lanusIe. ILLE, Division Çif. Coisailmer Bals uanneod that b. bai reported 1h. matter *0 the O. ofie f thie United States diatrit attcgioy and the ffiied Statua Distict Attorney x la gu *0 toextable thesà toacst if flb.> mos t. The tbree men arriveS Iu Waukc-1 gan Monday moming and registered1 et the Washburn botel. Roby vam ver> i] sud Dr. Florence Slanc vasi called ta the hotel 'te attend hlm.1 %~ obeet -lu Jileral> petfoutewwIth1 bUisIs. 1Misoditian la quite cri- tical. Dr. Stlone at once ordét-ed i hlm removed te the couxity ho,.1 pitlI. The other two mexi explainedà thaI their companioxi bad been abat ln a crap game argument ini Lez-1 Inguoxi, Ky.r Sun Gave Tlp1 The una Ix4uli-es saupplied the Police wltb théir fitst clue. The> learped that the tva maen at theé h1tdplanned la riaIt thair comhlan- Ion ai 1the County bospitai lat nighi 1 et sevexi o'ciack sud plsuted tbem-a selles there ta place tbcm undet- arreat for questioning\ wbexi- lta> ( put ln an appéarsuce. Prom Baby the police leat-ned thai the tva companions verestaying ai 4 thé Wsmhburu hotel. The> burried1 te the hotél but lte meunvêee ot. They lait Instructions ta be noti- led If the mexi returued. Latar ilu the eveuixig theY ver taiSl tai Lihei me axibd returned anid hastened thare ont> tae learu thai uta> bad lait. Boarded Street Car Ixiquit-> aborna ltai the fllovs had boarded a Cil> car for the south. Commisioner J. V. Baiz, Aost. Chie! of Police Isaac Lyoxia. Captaixi Thomas KenneS> axi Shebat-hfAhi- atrom leaped ixto a car sud raced ta lte naval station. Tha> leat-xid that the tvo maen gaI off the car thera. ithe> ucceeded li laarnlng that te>y baS lunchad at the station. and then had hoardad an express car grMng out. A telaphoné massage vam _ýent lu the police of Highlanid Park asking titithe maxihe atresteS If they Btlii ers on the car vhan) Il anrlved Whan the Waukagau officex-s reacixed HighlIand Park lta> fJeunerithaï the police it-a baS dthea men lu custody and they vEe retut-ned taeWrxula- gaxi. Men Tslkcd Frsmy Tha maxi ta.Iked freed> and con- feassaSthat tha> vêt-a mnîhabré of a banid Ibai bas heen supplying Chicago~ and vlcixilty vlth contra- banS %blskçy ever'in'-' ptqibltion van,. jine-eect. Thay saiS tle> iraee ~t Lse cavailty=12M. Thair vounds. Iba> aiS, vere.t-e- ceived 1atTueada> xight vhen thaît- banS engageS lni opexi batula vlth guat-su arméS wlth saved-off shot- grima at tbe LES Samuels dIstillery rai Delatsville. Ky. Thé> asrtad that six members of their gang vat-é taken into custody at that tîmeanaxd are in a l or tbe hospital at Beat-ds- tavu, 1K. Tell of Pipe Line Tha> made completé and coi iSbl- ratlye confession, pottaytng vividfy the night attack ripon thé Sanruais distillery, lxi vbich mavet-al off their mab sud several>i.tege-ewr beliévéd hilled. ýp.h urvw Tbecfd attacha upaxi othér Kexi tucky distilleries i vhîh Ihouansd of galion, af whisky vexE siplen. The.> boastei of thée esse wlth hixh thé> opérated théir "pipe lina" feî the boosé tuta Chicaga Rab>'. chest la lIIeralIy partot-atéd vith brllets. Walker's let knce-cap Ia shattéteedsanSthé flesb o! bath legs tu torm lu many places taelb'- bouc. He aiseasam ahtckshot li bis abdomeni. 20ý or 30 Heidups "Idon't knov boy msuy distil- lerlea va have stuck up; maybe tvéuty; maybs thirty. Thé> camne ae fast wé lentonunt. Xl vas casy, wot-k tram tarItaefinish. "We'd simply Maproi;nd the place ai night. Hait of us vould round up thé vatchmen anS gu ardu vltb aur atrn> automatica, bind and gag 'ém, thexi rail 'embtethé basernent vitile we loaded the..mtuff an trucks. "Thonti -e'd mart: for 'Lauisville, te t-xster thé truck stuft tae tarla lots for Chicago." 1 Hère Chiai Bals Ixterrupted lxIai effort te ascertain their Chieffo 'cati néctioxi." Ail Ibreadmitted thora ver. "bhighar ups"-rilxisdern vha laid plana for lbe robberles. and dIsPosét of lt.e stlon Uquer 1*er. - B3ut thoir lIps v"1%h taiaS as tb Wthoir ldentitiea. P t lmvas siehue tbqs7 "Uempmç* belp tram Ihem lu ihelr pt-amant predicament. -Wé got iveut> barrailxiln a ick-up of Hart> Samuels' SImilI- 1cr> lu DeatavIlli six véeksamgo." Walker contilited,. *1 guéas vo raqe, a mistake lu tackling tbm LifSant" nets place sa, moan afterward.. Thon' varé prepared for us vlth extra attardsansu aveS-off sbatgunm. "Anyway ve started out for the place laIt Tueaday uighi aud sur- roundéd Il, 3ust as vé vere lu the habit of doixig. But mast as ve made raady for thé chargéeait te Soar, a Sozen meni, hiddéxi outaidé. opétiéd fite ou us tram bushes axiS Ireés. "Thé night spit fit-e andS leaS for hait an bout-, and men vers taling sud gtoaing aIl a-onS um. "Then 1 feîl anS Rab> telI ament o tpofme Hall t-an back anS 'F:ai oua ai afeur automobileseanS> aae isma. .Thexi hé datheS off liké maS, thé buckahtt 1.1.1 wbiatUxig &rounSus." Thé trio veut fit-at ta Laulivillé. Hall saiS, but mnable ta Sund a ph>- slciaii t-tre. headed out au the t-oaS lovard tChicago. "We figureS on atickixig ip nmen coumt-y Soctot- lu bis home sud forcing hlm ta tféat thé vouxida, but bad better lxick. -Ona came alog ou t-héet-ondaSnxi ve kidxiaped hlm. He ficS Rab> sud Walker as hast he conS., pick- log out s fév brickshol. lheu va thraw hlm out "and drove ou." "W didu't >00 stop lxi Chi- cago?" hé vas asked. We couldn't get hold aiont-u con- néction, sud the tail vas tlc, hoi lbax-a for us," Hall said. "Wé thoughr wa could gel smre htck doctor up bat-e, who wouidx't kxiow exiaugh ta report rus ta yor cap." Hall, waa lockeS up li tbé l. sud thé aiher tva maxi placéS rxide héavy police guard, péxidiug vsari ficat-lan ai titir star> tram thé Kentucky artuiotitiés.1 STATEM ENTS CORROBORATED- Thé following is îpatet vet-Ifiles thé atonies taiS b> thé mn iuxidét- art-ast hère:I Louisville, lMa> ir-The Samuals Distiet>ry bbely li Deatsvitle lIsa T,2n'iay' vas xue . 2émt, det' lu> yél stageS lbh -ohMI'.oil. thé béatot he state's whisky pro- duction district. Thé gang St-Overip ta 'the big structura about mldnigtt, surrouxided h., anSdthem pured a 'terrille fusil- lade of abats lmb i he office. This bas heéxi thé mohas tachies i numet-ou5 athat- distilllery t-abbetlés i taedistrict. ,Savatal guards hava beau killed as a t-auat anS athes vouxidad. Than thé rohbara have heen accus- tomeS taeaenter thé wat-étauses sud bot ihem aI theit- telsure. Big Force Met Gang lm théecaséoaithéefiamucîs Distil- lery, hawver. thé officiasbaS bexi "tippeS off " Iniadvsuce and thé forcé on caxstant griard there vas aug- menteS b> iweuty-live others. Al' vêeearmei with savéd-off shouguns. axdiS nstead et fremainlug lu thé office. thé> vpt-e stationed in ashat DtinS trees and ibtubs alde. Théet-aDhéraSt-ove urinluthree machines aud, as va, their cmmlam. began firixig sulomatie'I.,pistaIs tht-cugh the office Soar anS wIndows bmMédimtel> the guards a im- buah openéd fitest clamé rangé upon tem. Several af the bandita vers dropped at thé lit-at volley. Thé atherst-aiziug thé> vêt-O trgeped. turneS, sud front thé protection of their machines rtéurnt-néSlb, re, sud the battis ragéS for man> Minutas. Tht-es of thé gùaLrdm vere vaundéd and five of the tobbars e On ithé grounîd bleedinig from man> buekaluol vouxida vhen finali> the maciné, ai thé latter éscaped. 1 Thé live vaundéd t-aDhéra vêt-e taiton ta Loulasiloe, wbere Ihe>' are xioy telS under guard lu tompitals. A aixth robber, aIma vounSed. vas d1scovered 15er lu a private ani- tarlxim. Thé atiers are beln# m"Ontt *Ob <O«$Uoélil anS pituraS« Mb JOF WOZNIÀ.K LS RE--ARRESTED AS HIE QUITS JAIL Freed of Booze Sentence, For-, mer Fox Lake Man Taken on Thef t Chargs. When Joseph Wozniak. wlxo had: flnished setring 90 daya Ini the court- tY Jail for violating the prohibitory law,' waiked tram the countY building lest Monday. DePuty Sheriff Eddi- tord et Cook county, r-arested hi. on a charge of automlibile thet t. Woaniak la auleged to have been mige4 rp with a big ring of automno- bile thieves, who have beeu operat- tus not ouly lni Chicago but maxi> Qther t4ties la Ililinois and Indiana. Womiak was returned ta the coun- tY Jafl to await action of the Cook county authorleles. He hadt just been treed undor the pauper act. Yes. there la etili one thin>g that can axial on lte tam w ithout going bank- uPt-the Ulia g paro. WIRE FENO-, You are nvited to corne te ow fadtory for y huos ment. Yen a mselect from our fuiskol = 00e, of styles at the folowing prnc MEDIUM HEAVY STOCK FE14CE Per Rod: 8 bars, 32 ini. high, 12 in.say -..- 8 bars* 32 in. bigh, 7 in. stays. . ....- 9 bars, 42 in. high, 12 in. stays. -- ...... 9 bars, 42 in. igh, 7 in. stays ..... .....-- - 10 bars, 50 in. high, 12 in. stays.-.. 10 bars, 50 in. ligh. 7 "ut. stays.-. MODIU HEAVY POI4LTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 in~. hgh, 8 w.sty.....1 16 bars, 58 in. high. 8 in. stays-...47Y4 BARBED WIRE~, SO-rod SponIu, per Spool: 2-pt. Hog-.----- -. $3.52 4-pt. Hog -,4$ 2-pt. Cattle. .. . -.$3..0 4-pt. Cattle-.............. STELLNE POSak.. END POSTS, et&- - CORNER POSTS, eac. ___ ADJUSTABLE STEEL DRIVEWAT GATL¶ alvanlzed 10 ft., *6.90; 12 fI., 1».70; 14 fI., 14 8 i PLAIN STEEL DRIVEAY GÂTES 10Oft. wide. ...$5.65; 12 fL wicle..6.25; 14 fi.wie.... STEEL POULTRT CiTES 48 in. 1 2.0; 60 in. hi .4 American. Wire EFonce CO.e phoe t20061 LIbery1sU Schanck Hdwr. Co.II ~- Wionhm aI adAein.u*,rqa ~LL There Substitutefor 'C Automobile bodies, liii. boumes, Imay b.e etiies'r ----IWs.l .gg, or fi&h, imxsy àaa evék. Lke bouse, good bodies are expeuive, and iIo shifts are chcap. Prices influence sales of automobiles, ns tbey do of baumes, but highest quality and, ovc t tc arc possible ini neither, There la no subetitute for quaiity. To cheapen quality of tuaterials, Ahn- atruction and finish i5 flot Stitebakres policy. A xnakeshift ptoduct la fatal t.-. * permanent succesa. Studebaker bodies are buit ta withstand for mdny years the exposure and umacla whch an auto- mobile is subjeccd. Better bodies. are ual built byeny manufacturer norboçne by -ny chassia.- Studebgke'sreputation la at stake ini body buiking. Squudébeet o dy -q pne.t.ue n m tbp*eI udOwi~ The. beoqd prbdcple upc.'which $tudlb.akzr businessbus pramred thr aeveuiy-oslc yeors, anSdtapon wvI tiita nowcoenducted, imaures sa6tifesteum W everybody vho dcii, vitialwe of Studebakes,, The nani. STUDEBAKSH lay bestproetion,aitsousPm et Partial List of Equipmaent, Light-Six Sedani Pour wideope'iing dones. igltt-day ckk Quick-mcton cowl rtl.a.Armis cogcîxlampa. Hetter. Glarc-*4otvim ensd windabicldedear.Tl1<txtu,.j iock. Dame eLgt Mohair v># ptusb upholtetry. 1923 moDRLS AND PgIliS- f. o.b./oe* J- i ir Ir. g,40oif." -4., ..r W. a., $0 0p0.~ 55'W 8 97S wýimg Teainsta hat Youir Cblvenhnca LIBERTYVU1

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