&Sh D tedistrict ctoýc' w4üike ÏMD $) #où tamp 1.00 Lt I- ga7e aa se #4 r S e HgwOodei-lbe mis"Anan wxany was the W Ë,th-ower ê& wifë e toW 0 t$ -teachen the hitrodocedbible reading LRADaeR I POLITICS PASSES berg W D $4000.00 staÏMP44.00 Lla - ntha soboo, 1st this was son dis Lake doontY lOse a citizen who '47 & 48 Brown's Butrik st sub pon#tinued by th ietort.,sagthe PeO- of A.L. Hndee n .Waukegaw . Mal 6 8W »la-eof the dwtrwct WU,& dueren rX ws te r ised pouitalpowgrOf tne on vi dE WSoa e"cer & wife14 OtAu- M MI nsaddintapprove ofthe baciovr he ea sedn h influence and E % Lot 4 Btk 39 iwo Pr. Walkegan jeWd Gm. |The s04b0 WaUsdfrettan c4M ount-y's political aeawoweddsc.Myi,12.monts, -ebPecialy d= f 1' orawhl 4 tisUbic life than Mr. Hendee, with AMma M.camp n,.ubadto J. - What laimid to be one 9pt.the after the new scool iwas bilt. It ws halthe rmore situations in 'hii. Dean, 5acres ln N - E1-4 reetdpst fgl vrds ae uee yG .Sehn e exeptin ofChares y. see. 28, Deerdleld twp. W 1, tm covered in this part of the counly. Who aUtthat timnewas one or the d.n itsour guessthat Mr. Hndewas the stron.gnbea th AneSOlbr adh$b4dt.1ee ancvr&nWa Secn eeLws ul i burf years they worked together and it was a Russell Lord, lot e6% ad Part Ibt $m1theM m.Rsnblut propety4:16 8 ac f etrt on* in % ea tanf go ledew et the height of his-political power about Lake Focrest. WDI$10, tamup $tL5. .Seianra,-op «Ite the Model 1880by Nie*,indquist.UItei a trame hb &d . ede asa.Hardiet LPurdy et a' touke anr. Te*ory was =%4e buld.nge uIng o#gt 3i u7 r hnonto Ia retirement in 1913. gan ." 4.2 ft lot 7-, block afwdys ago by. one or the work- a acstowrhe lnort. Therear Äm irlesthrin te e ewas county cler .5 OfIginal WaueaW ,sapmn0"ceta h wesoh w ntywy asn note4bo lea deu andWas even sometimes called i czar in $660 . Ewe1 nbase,,:H °e gyeng teâal- :rOoM 'b'ut h e e won ste he newthegame from A t n e laye itHammadand wife, l1t1 114 and 11Ê, ine go.Improbýae .ast set11%tue, enh sho a f=t'ult Hewsalyl" to his friends but also Lincoln Heightssub, W en W diseover gold1, tj epat oftheth weetrelgeinosn and effectively. He was acloya a aosttefficient D 0 tm 0- o~tyte1e bus are son.e ide,'Aset In~1919 the Indows on ý tu spare Mbe bis enemies. A onycekh a o m .Lundgreq and husband -to vinced that [IL1ryt r a' Ï41gold tk the east side were replaced by tharee a hown by the fact that hie held E. B. xotyan ieW 0f.h entpt_ hirpoety. s**alef ones ait the top of the room, tin M 41-that the public flt go wa aE 00' ft. lot 5 block 12, Highland Th-sts leE& bgwih 00 cW dfe,* of clerk for I'7 Years. ak W 1t0.mintained byall parti"eSc~ére '1-hdois' Wer he u o hews eomdtnan enialin his official taskS he acqluired an C.T bartett io B . LMiller, 164 MI h fcstete u tdy tSude-£*, astosgive a *nficent amount domodating and g . b anyresident.( cres On W. Shore of iamiond Lake. known tha mples0of-the 0»re d ii.ght to the room. The schol was sintance in the county sedomi vreualdyay WD $10. staPp $38- ee en oWukgn also ail ne nth# outside At this actiitis wre onfned1;ocounty, district and state HckleyAmbrose and , e aCaljeweeswhreaidan e thril a om itrireortin kg and he never dabbled much in city political scraps. -shool Bsee sub, Waukegan. WÙ 1, etsfr odha ee1hee Thera are four rows of seats. a row Bt in the county, Al Hedee for years was "it,"ad o ea tmp$5MA 6 12.tl ei as rea gold would have aedoeeee n auence was conspicuous omhecunybor, h cuty men i Herman Brockman and wifto oe. odaythe Reblums tocaok are two rows of $Miller On«,es ah , mteesdocher liticl bodies....Not until his rtreetM.A. crane. 11 acres on E. aide ofr sampleso temta oC aoroW containing threeset. comte n rp ied with the Niamond I ake. WDI) $10;. stamp 113. where they will bc submitte tot The room is heated by a large chunk terlnus bi old on matterS Politial.He re . . H.W. Itueoand wife to A. C Lit. expertassayers who should be able stove, which 1is âed 1n thecoenter that he hadserved -thecut aihu adfcietldte.lot 12,block 1, vyandale Sub. to determine POsitively Justwafherominitecsryo dt the public had felt that: way shbout ii was proved when North side, Waukfigan W $0:The me ose blullln are no condident thavhle sinthe Z.Ti el v1090 trnd round and elected.4is son to succeedroim as staA hediJohson anthee-toot.l laae a d thandagra&«otYtace t.He alohas betr-lctdthe imsad tis p u ersohbunSrn awifeIukegn. WI)struction work stoppied o tei The school furniture consista of an hisfahe. hile he has not tidt euaewsh1srig, ea Pr=,:rtyuntil the renult'or the or, book case, tegehers' desk and thysUceso t ' of the countyý 1:sap35.asy'smaekon caimtoe and two a tback M ff M WARECO. in poiticl poer, he 4th Mso 1 one C RLoma µndw feto Ael Lnd Te ßrs piee1ofmetaRwasLaoraTheonlyschoo eqteentis L ERTVdLLchLiNr, eflenia Rpulian, ndascoutty erand faitfulness In lor3 Corys AdA. n ln ep r tne rt srTho e e Sl shas ng--been 3W-'WAUCONA GARAGE oe peesPo* -of9effciicücy, orts 10 tmp.Bulilinag company, Who aJMVOethe lee bevise .a feirlttlegpatosas WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS y 'a . 7, 1923'-l co ntract. Without sayIng ayhe fgashl hrcneunl - aiwitn i athe litical and business1 $0;mmatJ.simos8ndhuband 10teto yone ho took te o»uk e in nde eahrit lis ln a terrible egde'sDae t wittn ighut Poj Frank Rodboy and wife, lot 10,lok nda9iedth aidtet ak Cuny.Wear gadto have known and had hun z, Duraes$W sidè sub., Waùtksgan.. a* theorearof» the is a shed WD $400. 's-*- ¶æeg-fo i hc a rped ai L csi 4' nJune W. J. Lange and v»t to . 'in rèsgthîeu seor 4gPart being sed for a Wood Shedand hm fr Cooksy and vite, lot Ï lock 3, Hall t w rto n aftimstat.alsofor a horse Stable, Ir the teamher 14t' h. - "a rgad- &OERCGITO.aOtrmnsadDeerfield. WDsise, -It laB extreMely hogevy au es that mode ot transratm pla. 1m g-lp - . t:0VN 0Mho $10, stwagp $d, hsevrwppearance oft go ld. 1t Te first teacher of thi ssohool w was hePoutr w asneeptORBL-Ooemnao plaatsl, t ntgrally are very Inuch nterested inm, Be lleSits to J. L. Peteen, lote ab on nblc adweegodKyOMhu who 1r«efsted $28 ed fat the Uly rt 3t oney.-haftw nhshg. tD ed hm L-ecut p enr' 14, 11, 11 and 11, block 1, BlydelId's usullisfoundi. Two -or thrift month sia week of this was 132ofetoWthe OR First Btreet by SpsW hans1812Of t1w inis o useuhargnarn-riueWaukXan.xesfr M th*oa inhiob olen for oftthe trlpupDawere Gor- church be fUndas the be is FOR aaT-UA5cres with g0 oed ne a nm.,itee which la to Investigate ,the pay r r C c [é, wD 42 bloka8,the frat spe en e1tsam Ch1 *ot none re n a sgot to Milsel G orays ae . F7ne «oMn y à tininDvd aest l .Scder mta e ngmdeie aa, nd eoth Devlint, pay for it. SoIfyohaetrhm.Frprcantrsapy poyt.Ert anasa ont of thestat1nchlot 66, LakA Forest. W 1,saP JsiMageadJi Be ardn ourite owar hePie to R. W. Churchdi, Grays Lake.U 1- r = ada lsie M. DaY andnusbad toG.ie.and andt unaM DOne reed babybugyan to plo cmnewsen men Who h yman and wife, lot H lemI a k. 0 MM04 franels, Iatleandandbaorsattended the play one Black Beauty biycl, goods wbageatt90s wbich are to bc proe t)blc 7 gf.-m Was vry muh What Insurance Did for Melvina,' at new .Can be seenaft e o'clo a- idebdggn twdn ndeDenen $0,stM$ay t$, 192. HSTORY WànlRBURY SCHO6L intestinonr district, thefµhrteAdorminLbtylla 6Scndt.Lbrtin.2 pyeobel"d heteioWe cCarmutan 4Oanner a sub. village located a littettOf ht a Ua now laneuThey vedian hod1hfanof astk taneOR1 Tpl gouptetad av edte 6rod f re D!40.'realdence of James Ainnour. -The land whIch was situated ou whaWt wa»tenand Katie, te Iidred too he boquet1 DM 3 9 101 bdt leel thatî tlhe inves6ta- Evelya H. Sherman -and husband wasdonated by PeterWaterbury aboutknownas the Masonpc. D The par.cake whU ildrdPhone &91 ceofttc Deýe11g 10at tthe e140, whose Dm lt als r at d UbytdaYthSPPO plaoes a pelee 00 togee Lois6, l Bolce et al to Walter Atkin- Brosl., being a loWtruturewl oevenig in visitig around the district, and enjoyed a dance which Was given Rpose Reds $12; O r4ptolc W41hebthe50B son and wife, lots 8 and 9 blok 16,,foundatio, but having stonelars takting with them theair vIOlin, b1anjoinMsBenkwoasbnathedts,$3Lgr seen Ó ashburnPark, North Chicago. endrech m. W» te bi te Th gi iret WOwre Patrick Highland Park hospital for the Dut of -ht itxt fucwDeeds $20, stamp $. At A later date It was plastered, and, O'Hare. Be Stephens and Hugh two weeks for a estieru operation, h" ononmi 6 ws nO te tidd first1coaThofg second teacher was NelMSeCor. en b tla ome and we are R 0.andbu at seestade of r , te rwtt o éarde Suhand I94d ,who received $17 per monThe't e s P inthat the d600 ýe dePOo , eight MOMrS. X&ary Einl "uetti h ua apringfild Lk Cuny ST. LAWRENCE-1S EPTSCOPAL wble w wre nai sused for the chi dren' When it wuchanged oan eight a nde thevillage la w cc bng'FflItB fftingeg.C aùdgoý wh >ha9Ve been at Springfield during tepeet Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor ,rd, tohang their wraps où- Monthe' term,. Starting aottefirstbuthen erein Use itithat Pro rdo" now. Old MM l Fanon g Wh . distric really The Services On SundaY, June 3rd There were five Windows, two on the of October and continuing tu the frt building to p yo-lr idged tatt e gentative fromnths ct. (1st sunday after Trfnity) are-« east aide and two on the West, with1 of June. For the past few Years the gressiv*little town field,'il. PoneIa no* ig finotneta r going. on i the Holy Commaunion at -&a m. one ln the baek. sebool hasbaad a nine monthe' term f m .u n?*e htHoly Communion and sermon at 11. Directly through the Middle was a and those who are having it run in thisyFOSAEBb chicks, fait blooded Sunay chol t 945 . w broad aisle, wi five rows Of seats on manner for the school yearo 922 wonderful layin. tok ian ran ti o LkeCont eseit indicates The boyse of theKnights Of S, LJaw- either ide, extending to the Wall, long are our iPresent directors-James yu ora 1 e 0 e rt o po ing tssttecaitol by a man Wi ho is roence who are comnicfants will enough to hold five or six puplils.TheO'aeL.AKeyanoutacrET UT B CK -atulaao nd·es i& repreaeniteda t tt ap ymk prateCmmunion atthMeseatswere of the very rudest kind, Ms Mdln een aurCi ckeriesandPOria, ll& 1- T* the eadng aw-nakrs.early servféee Sunday. being-made of planks which were not rwe were glad to welcome our friends evçnpaint 'ed. Te ony ucsgu nspd di OR SALF-7-roomhsanlt6 t iof the coMamunity at the Memorial 1There were no decks for the PUP!-18asiefe. le oongments ilsynuer frontage; cicken house, -tool houne a 0 a oV"r 0 0-" 01 Be Tï 1iWpe ag, dlgain aogwhmwre f .hircoyboksad tes. I*t%* H A 1,F D A y*whether Ife "ill g®l b's ° u,' ' d astistp Cangiv mmdataosesin 4 H va htu:ngp y c .a, each &r asninoagnswr sd gain or not. Tonywsg .W.urpp Ibetvlle. Phone326-W p '73%over 8 y carsof age '0 e ew hag la-tb,eway.ow as-a Teteacnri]* *** tfday by the sponge SQUad who 4 williamse12&- eron a roilý # rance It a"n D 1l, on't nmossthe dance, at Ray Btos ofbooeseln hiocar Tofty 'as tlWniANTEDl-A snaried antworka May 10 MrGy aeteMmra a or xedn u rmtebttom, Pavilon, Diamond Lake, Saturday to jail. tie is an old timer at the l poultry farm, and wife to boardte MAY 4 03.•FH Whidden.& wife to Chas Wen' address at the exercices held at the wie wasused to Placae. feet o.nig a Jne 2, 8: 00 to 12 boure gamieaccording to the dry help Pay $100 Pertmon A" 4 heurmaonnand wife to dahm & wite W D 10 Ø0 sotamp '1.60 Avon Center cemetery ln the morning it aieserved as a shelf, obc es thehetafirst tieTn coupledicingagents. month board for eachBl. e20-2 P.MVtgly part lot 31 lot 87 Lyons 3rd Sub of Pair Grls, of May 30th REv. H.E Ga noter, roc' pupils would often Place their dner go e eer a n icourle gin. 1 Duck FrmTLak2Villa 426m.ln ar D$1.W D r&wife to Chris Soren- yvered Chresadd s tt he Gmslake, here were only two blakbarsTh cor ilhaerherasdlG OTEL IN 'o ON WANTE-O ln Mohrmann and wife to F son & wIfe W D $400 N Part lots se6 exerciaps, heldi in the opera house in and no modern conveniencm ce P T. X wL11aso eest Friday evening 564 yslare sn14yar 20-41; n'ots 15 & 16 West WaLu. & 57 Allen Farm Sub Gagea Lake,- the aftemocon, maps, dobe, dictionary,, anIrt e k. hbool house it 8 o'clock. Mise y Alex Osaling & wife to Oscar POl. Rev 1. Victor Brock who has often • The room was heated by a rather aithte s fWauegn il ddes AWNTMn rwoentKtkeo WD 10 stmp$15. ari W D $10.00 stamp 1.50 Lot 13 ministered here while a student in s=nallbox-shaped satove, often being Polmateer of nd it wibell awrth ders for genorinearn teed hoseOr- àu. wife to J. M. Blk 4 Ladd& Georges Add, Wauke- charge of St.ignatus' lit Antioch, was necesoary to have two stoves going ln the etng Charles Kennedy,nnaerothe, for fen, women and. children. Eli ý. Beie an loa 1 12, gan. ordained to the iaconate on Trinit3%the *Inter time to makel thetioom hearing' Lake Le Hotel, at Druce'Lakwa atedring. Salary $75 a Week for *fi, 1.96 tWD IelJacobson to A F Carney & Sudy1 a h Church of the Epiphany comfortable. Next. Sunday, June 2, Mr McFadden arrested bîy the spoige squad In a .5a hursar tmel tOrignal Wuea. wife W D 1)0 tamp $8.50 Lot a Blod- 1in Chicago So3me of is friends fromn Theewren eansofventiltion fOa ak wohsdone missionary raid in that -neighborhood Sunday, full time, tl une ntrational amp A. F.Beau- gette Sub Waukegan ' t ieryileweeatth erie.M. u te hlde dd'tsemtoÀin or n nia wl tl t s uin acrdn t tae Atonya.V.baufl201NrrsowPa 60-5 McGreory t A. .da s joseph Gaide & wifetoMay . rock has been appointedl in charge of it, as they were ar rosy, helthy,and' church Services. May we have. a large Bmith.- ASmal quantity of liquo to et 1Il block 3 Smith & A icCarthy W D $4,000 Lot 29 Blk 7 SIgaius. ad of et. Andrew's, at happy. •' turnoUt to greet Mr. McFerson and was found there, according 9to is re. SITGATION WANID-ymre Add, auegn.WD $'0;Highland Park. GaaueM Gy ilcniueto Eachyear was divided up, into two learn moreoatbout conditions ln India- port. He tates tMs islethe samne mn tnarte- smalffamil.'M. D. $4. ~~~May 11 adminIster the , IHoly Comm"Uionat'terms, of fo u nothse, tu ev ue 0hw ilceert h laceinwhich aiàte.rEStromskiBwa, oudk.Ponea 10ý-2. C. Getscento John Nels FaCue wf o a- both these mission &O ah month- 1ing the wutha two 1JSqnt),a estipn-dren'S òay:with an appropdate Pro- operated last year. - 22-4t Cu =onyM,,, .Josn ,lo 1 tap$.0Lt 17& Or#nere,,ympathy &goeslto Mrs. inthe f11,l.and the sae -futhespin g--,R-.Kita-,ou-ore-ps Wakgn WD $101 stamp 108 W Dswor th Sb aukga.2errc 0wiowofDaniel Herrick, who The samne teacher wduld hardl ee ownb ihu tta in od-Forrest lagg, O4en, Who for the,FORE1-riserom md Mike Kgubik & wife to Christ Bomi- died May 28th, and to Mrs. Herrington,'ýteach the two terms. This made It liver the sermon,A large congrega. past year hasbeentn the emplCYo of ra convenidnees. At 11W Lincoln y. Bairstow and husband to e - ie 10SaP $1560 his daughter, aUd to other tmembers of hard for the canjdren, as they -Would tio nix expected to attend this Pro- the North ShOre Lng egn&Ave., Libertyville. CsO1229-M. 22-1t e urtis and wife oB Lot 30 & 8S&lot $1 Blk 6 North Chi. his familly. Mr. Hîieck ie eft a just get used ooetahr hnga n o re u ome ar-adtoroas;rsignd toente theem.TOMA Olek' NW1- Se 2 Su.-cago long, painful illness A notiCeof ite Iwud have a neW,0on. *The Ladies' Aid wll meet -at the, plo yo the ThiouasMOuTIng Bride Mit. !4RLY CABEI AL WD tS0 Leroy W Bracher to C W Ohm WDdat s ondesehreMny age pupils A ýttended the •Mopn fCiao.ewl be the to; plants are nowf ready.Car Pogalajen t a dnk a $10).00 8tamp $14»0 Tract of land in --sehol, especially durb*Inoh winter dsrbtroBrmq' thle Cbicalgo Miler, Milwaukee Ave and Rocklan1t loti10 block 4 Wauikegan igh- NE 3£ see.83 Benton Twp_ FIlST PRESBYTER1Ali terms. The colder pulpiig Woudage t distrct. Mr Owen haa' sutaken the Road, Libertyville, , 22-i NrhChicago. WD $10". R H Edwards & *Ife to T F Rudd Rev/GySoc.Pttr roms 1 to 18 Years et age district agency fortbe vident LifeNK &4LeWD$17.0Lts8 68 Sunday School at 9:45 .m.'..Temotcmnstdswrra. and Trust Co., of PhiladelIphia, One o ADO H thanks ynk0ISE1e oR. R-Reaume & 88 Lincoln Hei1ghts sub Waukegan WeIll.Supt The time Of year tO ex- ingwitnarithmetic andasbathe pidest and best Ilikedinsurane We wis toexperessOur since t Oour L oo &Lindsay's P W Murphy & wiftO T J K'llianpect a big attendance. It wsafn Mr iewsapti rtn hncmaisi h nradwuillto our friesnd ü s, rtvteir kini- e., Sh., Wukega WD &wife D $80 Lo 29 Bk 53 orth otal ast Snday.in te res, andsomeef thegirlswerewriteall'utndasof1,0fe5anandes frinds ad neihborsfeo red tousln y pi $12Chicago el5 th Morinmg service at 11 o'clock. Ber- wneflWriters t ee boIllces . The Provident i a as n ypty1 ubn n D $1 00 t $.0 o 1m ru t C $ 0 Sapb5- ot2&A n iloerrse t d attheu o e te itita ti i ew reteW er - fc eivalylu th b nefthe oft h e rls fthe ri o n b o d Famil Isaela ts1nd ded)to O WarEkan &wie oFrn a i Amonod tdnc e ierdr th ndC restemaoiy fw o 9.0 ot 12 &4 1Ba1.t020lk3 uSt's Sou5 Lth eSu2 by nthieta 87th ugeto asfa . ulc oteise e urpguven that Cntnedo Pg Tre Librtyville, WaukeganII A Yangwllbopeseteting t 6he ae omv hecolos t h tere 1t ew S uscribeEecutoloftheLas , Hooscia7laýaxdPak.wsk W ADd$10 Stamp $ o50the srvietwVi ao "ingtecnisigoebooefuth of an . . ' Oathe Coumpo akeCutntatyr.usmnttoizdb-h