1 LMTyrALLE JDOW*EN!, TIERSY, JUNE 14, 1923 - flfttfUptice 1 -CÀPS nTUUtWI lOJ Ilsfu DISOER3 $200 . BY M TOR Ol> rLL 41ebnWu caiad tu the ltY grand cildren and great.grand chU B T11 SlER ffc GoogaYiorvu Ili Chicago last Wickerskeim ls 50 years of age, and'- alon 10e Miekus Was Driver of1 Car ve& éidi there on account of the up to the past fev moths aways vas Locates Den of RumRn unnerS wherf dontb of hi.s brotiir-in-lav. as spry as a youug maiin hiea teens. iDneWaot. b, ContalfiMi nei 9ns, < ý fl oest lut vsek lecelved foui At present hlaInvery much under the i es od West of place ofBoz.cars of tride a&d seversl cars of feed. weathor vItb nieumatlam, as la bis Fort Sheridan. u Carenco e ul and U Biton, Jr., wife, bth of them being scarcely able' ut. b -ion. Mleku»w.-Melitor sreet; bout. wer~e kept bnsy 51.1 vek uuioadingthie ta valk. Mr. Wickersheim aud MB. Recelving a "grapevine" Uip that lear lèego, bas broken' Ito tahte spot.. 45. ,Buscb are \the only survngmm tedns odvatfFrtSr- ight 'asain, but tuis Urene su '-Mm. Ketr (Gert!Ude Weldneî; and bers of!tthoense ooorsieÇmo Fortmily. ý*llegod rumn rimer, and ho e *a t~ ididron of-Chicago spent sevc.-ai days Walter Wolduer and 1ap avr dan ls the rendezvous of a gang o!fE otiier'men were capturM =,Wou. W , lenlat Ve.k et thie home of G. 'ài. son are mail carriers ai Kenoa~ rum runnera. Sherlf Ahitrom and FUj basui road Frlday lgii t IU a Weddusro aur bays have good positions tbere, night madie a dash for th bootle5. Cargo Of nlq. gallOns Of aSibol id F red Wodar af&d a frieuti of Keno :but, say, vo do miss them bhers. ger' den anti succeeded ln rotuding moonabine. gi etcleaC b 3 .Winr Peter Sieven sund faduly atieuded a up one who vas trapped iu his et- The, tvao oier mon ggve titul borne tity oing. Mie% Vi<c0lia' birtbday pasty tendeedMn. fimalat fort ta escape. sevoral otiiers bvu name» as 8. I.-Uslth, 0rsYOIlký,-rneM ti hl ohspeni a.day Ares lent Mouday nigit. 15 vas a apparently receiveti varnlng In ad- O -ad William ZynaoskL 04s«0. vitr relatives there, grand affair aud a general good time vance fromi their raply retreahiug cangi Zobzu . Bckley, 3r, Destld Jo. IlaCks vaubuay lutI eek -«vas had. companlons. Fia notr cap. arrusiolho eM on a teudlu<si.h varians duties au3 the.farin 1 rs> Keler speut several days luat The officera vers compeiled ta ii technl4al chutge 0 b9t»U, I[iY i4"aud eiiertallug the pink oye. veek veek vitb bier daugiter, Mns. take a desperate chaneS bigtis -accue splais O on s oo4. ia. George Weimar bas joisti tie gang Henry' Potts. ambushed as the voods la grown uipar iiig reeeved 'tw ~5ht.b o O'WStf"vro t4ts" n ie s- N. F. Busch baugbit à barns tramdEl- vith dense underbrusbDot 451'TYiXS bons& 5to the s"ex tttimo lhegivezon of thos.peskï thngl mer Stabi haif eek. andufrom reporta They captured a man vha gavée 110m1o1 for Week-endt dltrbudati uoug thenet V%y goltis. Il can travel about as fait as a Ford. unie as Frank Ivan. He said be vas accon resart keeper# .uao aVCirnc es -. Mr. andI Mn. Wred Oeburg sud fram Cbicago. Flie pinta of bonoUeg viii Wie h lta elcaaod a nov YüMton Iagca. Now, Peter Buechr of ArWUgtanH-elta v.ere vblskey vas funti on Ivan. He vssm the. car,, 4iaiIdwh aim owner- girls, no more loussome bbaurs. callers at the omern of J. N. Bu.ci brounita Waukegau anti lotiged lusp9 1h. a daDuels ii. aliter day. e itvethetilear xhlp af tbe Machin efuaitta give Al Buntodà, Or., prchaeeil xDutcle y ie iacait ilebre h anyluu tilIis morting tie him th eonee hohrdy.W ae' b ard of *hAhnnt la iii ttwp. viien lho as arralguoti hotors Jus- tisys. Vlth b Srif »lA e ansd ~Ifhole « vhî. John Borniiofon, Or., la building a *lruch 50 bris u ua l.The. key miik bouse for Geo. Vola. "Another vubas ne w5154vi t. mes iros ~An ad l héUt.Iideffldenl luit Venir boomlatovi. .unrcb.iandm4t»e citaitcoippart- hrought auch QBI0ka rendit» 15 took Buton, Or., laya ho aimoot bought .»il j he t atomobile yielitd four the over by surprise, Chas. Foote 1, flue team ofmules froidnL. n.- ,Valmea et al.ohoi andt Ire gallons Of Malt DAY ' liai su 1jmlCOd ituthe dersn-a -rtty bay sud gray, but -o moeoihine, Estt'.' ,r'-- rat itaper for Iteh sloora Datil c l ne iecidedto at a ltbit,.Sas 5h57seemed IU*ekus, 1 It i b. recalled. wu r uitivahar aud othir fari mpiemenia. tac youug ta vork as jet. fmuteit for v«t eeks yeas.ag A mislake vas made lu prlntltg the. Rd 0ur mrchentl. IL K Weldner, bas %y Coitable DeIburS A.Waas .thon by amttins' Mr. Fcate's aime. but. 0 thçbe baialfever and ~Jolucr club. oa' ii.dryuqud~ aitenggei tadtterence.lEhe o ud bave the Cor- And say. il the.otiion versasa spry r, rnfn u batsvttai rection made l obie ol the o uti sud fuilot pop as 0 . tiiO7 vouid On, m vou .reeu ffss vahor. Aitrtls. Hsulta are sexe. make a borne ru every time. sand vho hait sicheit liea fat on Me- lMr. sund Mms.M«x Miler badtbtoîr vithout mach coochiugt. Alisier Ave., vhleli bouseit the.bi. baby, ies nL .clrstoeetlait Sun-l lu iomba os1,agdt J5e ouatY. Charls Fouteofo!liait Day whase1 John GOu-o0f Wiioeliag, a former C9 V - heailli bas beeu very pour the flot, reaideitt bers, la very poorly ince bis a à I icYser. la gittlug ilong fllcoly. liqi mafy* second iLttaOk of the. flu lat int ur. frieuts heme vial bis complote retcav- tic d 't iern to pick unp suy lu - SIOWNI thesoir future. aIrs belug soroily abl ta valk MfaWckeraheinL hMr.sud lMraMdUIt Fuer cf Chicago We note su Instance vbore a kck glent S a t the A. Farner bomne. BY MAIN onItSebond by a borne causoetni eui d laempioyeoithehoRines Lme 1>lUy Isted o th conrar. b laCo.as truck Arr -uuaily te case. Ayugmnw 'The aho althe. elosing pieul t 'fia CrcusDut o 44ih n- L Y: 1tabecome i moieactor tihe homeocf lire: Lu Rieli m utrday ý%uaI Tour, to Ma Wauke- sy» eu î l dre erat pro- b- le oa . oAI, Jr.. dlivorsd Q8J1lufl ~O.shaker eItihegencral scale of 21% kU B. Anderson vas uo lu Wisconinl -cents per. lait vook. viieree b bt tvO car Tenaine of Main buaslcu a Several of the youug mou omployeit icaiusof ndixod catile and one car af- .buaehold vord lu the set for the luute Nasb auto factary bave pur- thoroeii.o sieur W -PutS fortu-tiireyars vhssever te cuisit nov Fords. Good common Jacob Wolf sud fami>y are entortain- = =n thought 5ev circas-vard. rgaisesonn es.. elttel om. img s brother tras Mnnesota,.telb.la la 1879.Oral st a wagon show. lit The feint inkie af wotiig bells youugest Ose of the Wolf famliy. ai bua beau continuouad los hore pub- are board lu thua viciuihy and ors long hbougb ie la 71 yaera OUt lie e"er &nlm. Booz aBer lils &et sIviihbrst forth lu ail theur joyousus. Mr. sud Uri. James Maouaek have ,ventura on te rails 1 vas, lu ess Thon wvo viiiannaunce the lhappy pair. moveti tram th. M&x Miller haome ta tpan v. migpte., roducei to a pile lÀit year those. bells ver. kept busy the N. F. Buieb bomne. Tbey have eeon -et vreckage. viien the long train Ilu Lbertyrille, ase0me Capldin t ah le Miller bomes for 1h paistfour 'veuit over au embankmient, on route shooting lii arroyoil a southerly di- menuhe. *Ater a viil hère et home. to i'yros, tPa.. w bho exact, osi the, rection as year. tiey viii again takLe up thir aboteinl morinao!MiyB)b, 89. Mrs Aivy Johnson of. Hait DaLy wvalia Waukogas. than one huutired horses ve l illeti. dhrs ho give service ta a ligiIly W. are <ulormed that Peter Sievers &U theanimal esc ud vers disableti Ford lt rliay niglit. Te l he hi.campion lu tie cblck business. auséuetl slie anim s ssa von Ford meu vent up nortit. Why flot give havlng et one trne aboVt 900 an] veli p- e #ub e o l eeshah, sud toen m-us a thougil bers? Bailît up soiensud happy. Ho bai brallors of ailt1 ploes re ov iesinalu h.cerne' hîntiof s garage bore vilh a fev car aimes, "and slrestiy bai salti a large -tory ta that Cty. loads of cars Ilu h.fil vouiti bor qulte number of thern. The Pennsylvanie rosiaredth ie a boast for tie tovu. . Mms Keller of Long Grave bas bean show anu lo su tian tva veeki. Il Bard vark. oarifesî action, eterual vlstIng ber daugiter Mirs. N. Potts. vus again ou lie rond. A fev yeara prateal sud dîssatlafaction. Suci are ah Diarnu Lake. Joliet eléoi - *fo. Walter t. Mata rtîreti tram the lugrodieuta o!thie btter tirne Ihat --- One o f Éth the. busness andthle big show la nov la ceming. GREATLY PERPLEXED WOfld Caýp lhs nolo proprty of Andrev Dovule. Our young lîgit fatastie spent An Irîiaman receuly recelveti a lot- -vie han Increasee t Ini l a l il tSaturtiay nigbl ai Gibbons Park. ter wvicitkept him guossing for quite -zov reqnit-es 36 double legth cas Olti iellable No. 6 au tie Soo Line a time. Il may be of Interest 50 some ta transport ji of tbe paraphernaIIl le sbecomins' almost as bantiy as a o! our readers ta kuov la i h le andti s season bas au atdoti attrac- Ford. Leaht Satan-day oveiiug il pot.- prenant day lier. la one fir n luChil- tion, thie Antrev Dovule WiId Ani- ly stappeti ai Punkin Conter. a fev cago vîlci sentis out a4vertising Mat- mal Show anti Pertoruina Elephanta, biooks south of the regular s tation. ter vrltte nin the Gterman language. W nludina ji*,, ,wln Baby Elepliauta. andi let off @ce# xnaiegers rigit near A felow lu aur immotilate vicinlly re- The bg circus vHI iapear bore thoîr homes. ceuly reoeivoti one of thoue ltters thie * WdnsdyJune an sd t lu ex- Robi Sciiey vas a business cal1ler lu olier day. Tue ler arriveti atdresa poctet i vii duplicata the big business Prairie 1e wvisai Sahuirday. et inl a readable lauguage. ef fat-mer yean vllbu the bg tout J. N. Busch Is again on lie allung Ho hurriediy openeui Ilta devour ils vas taxed 10 capaclly. Tiis year lîsi. contente. vben--"WOUl, vha o hile?" the shov presets an enîlrsly uev Ruth Rockenbaièi vas a gratiuate o! He pusheti hie bat ta one aidé oftils oui,,su' regards tenta anti perforuf lihe big sciool ai Highlandi Park. bondi anti looks; thon pabed t olver auce. vllb atideti' eahîng capaclty. The youug pepl*s club o! Hait toi otier itie andt hougît "WIat le furnîublng accommiodation for 5000 Day bas mades arrangerntus vithilhe might ho do to knav the contenta?" patrn..Ita îrot paadebas eenIvanhce chir for .an entertaluiment Nary a bItter ou Shah paper couitilie aesga Varn tuîe uStareitspares pe f-Flday igbi, Jane 22, ettHerlel'a Ps- reand. He triedth le chilîdren. eit thoy WitlI cjýgE -oubed in peais unusir uslîer aI- villa, Hult &y.The pay ta narneti ouid'lt-sait Germas. -Ho kuo ewhe.4 C jkée'iid*preoft- d mutall e. '1 Am nti lrdlu' Rfreuients yull vite couijiead It, but voult it ho velI *gctive array cf aIl foreigli acta, sud ho serveti-In te baiemept. This play for hi- to baud ilt t bera-sd ask lier the mounaei.. alaY8ys deQuate, ibhis ls gootianti a large atondance in as-to trns t tfor hlm wben ho .-meaon diluplsys fOUrteeU dons Of Jun- sured. Plan ta attend and ejoy a gb couitin'h make outIif il vas a mascli- ~'p.beesta, Every laver, fe bohrne ime.1 lino or fernîninohhandti laI wrotet 1IL j'iii rovel la the. display oftihor- Mns. Wacbsuug anti Brtha frilIman whai coult ihe dot He dà't like ta 4u ogbredu vhich fiI tesUO' tour wore lu hovu Moutiay. tieulroy il. ai. it migbt conralu s mat- ,stabi ,s.ati.Tbe Fanous Wiruiis. Iu- Mr. sud Mns. Lavsan froid- Paatine terot Importance ho hlm. e ludiniMay and Phl. gratent ridera vere visitorsahthieGeorge St-m A u otogto ln hl h hihe vont. are sebeduleti toaSp homeo untiar. h a atin ho lior ngit eta pan. Wbooile pear lu lie three rintgs at overy 1>- Mr. sud Mns. John ira beaiadînrsutvfe a a' cknd faretnes eterBuscitramArligian etab lihodroppedit i uder the table si formcPetrBcah-s aSli J. N Buschthom opoti for the hat unde a. t h . .Bsc oe Ail atternoon lbe vas lunte tba't. s ".At lat supper lime came. Nov hoe laiti ~FWW~R TI3ACIII3R MM Kennedy frorn ChicaosePut hat faelvtau ia 0b fttr ytqIPPserhome. oradpengI utaltele Mr. sud Ma-. Jo. Lunk spent Suday Irsdapun Iljta111eh tl Pflter's; aluo MusPoch trOrn CM h ri v il bal teuWBhuti aieit Alask INI W~$1IT~ ldi~cage. quiet a seconhorat tl'tmore ack. e j'Ip~ kU L1l~ J3IJj 2>l Gesi atteudedthle Masanie Se coi r v osa at meeting at Wheelng 'Saturta l i O e ard rouie o Isafor froid in- Max 1Millr and fasly speni SundYay - Wb lvite mn its an l evina 1prof. Ray 1 Cgln Ceit at-J. N. Busch's. fr nialsent -,clean thrn. Gladys Glasuspohen foe ar io wllùa se n ft... eand pushlret- u $Ui bsvèka o ltot.couata a S 'nat 1X vasabout. He Dogani &Y~ . <~ as luformodit tlî8:aflrm in lie Cty Dogan& àyI.ký(T.o LaIe tor Lest Woek) vante,! t aseli hi-m smrn edicine-S- Prof.Eau cCIebb, ~bd asi- Jxcob (Gaaser recei'e'ia 1:o1or laitcure-alfruantb ad u ot ptrcoRalu celffl '-tewdwak ee tamin-sstr, . Knopt. aiea gooti for te neres. and ta builti gasu Higlihool b In2111 $W tit$,IjW~,vhoare IluDoargis. Sho States tiey up stroaahh. e ~troable lu Davotiport, 0ws, o-br the are vot-y muci inconve'iience d ah prea- Ater traving a long breati o!f-e 'deesirbeti buWauk0gal Suteri km %e tpe, but sis having su. mucb relu of 1." boIsa'typlally -oitbaire," À& a i joeslhletu gel luinbthfieltisor bi -galr y r ho avrat g gb ldkboittes. It bas iscu rsinlug tsily -ýosqaa In.,Wh eil m arn e te a5fr ths pumlt tree veeka.Weear casei rmp d of uthei. OtO~ simc leus BdeIE TIC AP MciiA- thr:w h dosont fi $n end ueh isuce vater - - -' .Se TO ftarry Hoyt and given a fine of n was unabie ta pay and le Ig an effort ta get ln touch wlth is to raise the amoun' of the is may lead to disclosures con. Ing the niystery of the sourcte quor that has been smuggled gthe nnrth shore. as the place QUARTER MILLION PAID FOR LARGE NEW SUBDIVISION e Ian was captureti may prave Ravine Forest Is Nprmp of New~ etie tilstributing point. The Tata aeBuf ie le a natural hitilng place for Tata aeBuf ie runneisB andti hey coulci digiri for Fine Homes. J f detection ioiIwli hat la saici tube thieiset large tract o!forth shoro landi eet of lte IL'Northweshe'ru railroati. avallabie for IA L VITIMhîgi ciase residetitaI subdivision put-- poses, bas beon purchaseti by BenJa- CIbfLTEE AI R ln Lovenmeyer fram Stanley Fielti' Of SP NOE QUAD anti Ciauncey Kepp for a cansitiers- lion reporletiase lu excoas o! a quar- lt-r of a million. Tiers are abouI ls Fia, of Fax Lake, vas uluety acres, lie lanti ielng lh, mosi it b>' th. sponge squad aset picturEque part o! tie tract kuovu ,y lu a raid ou bis reoatt antid as Ferry fieldi anti Ferry voois antid elggesi haul mate lu veeka vas ail lies lu lie corporahe limite of there, aceordina hoeSite re- Lake Bluff. juet norti of tie Lake of Stalom AIldrsey A, V. Sith. Forest notthern bouudary. F. M. esad bis .i4s fount wIsvlkey. Lowe vas tbe osly brokeriluthie pur, ,ine, heem' on tap, and vine. clise, repréentlinrg ail parties. diig Sa their inormation. Fiais Mr. Loveumeyer le bavnnafil laid ho brougit lu fer a boariug oui viii wintiing madie asti has tinie totiay Itlais Siought The. ciristened t "Ravine Forest." The ge squati matie ibis raid afttrlItract us heaviliy hmbereti anti la hait lisen Inactive for tirees traverseti vîit au unusually atlract- Ilys tbree prongeti ravine, saidte taeh one of the. most beautifulM north shore. Muet Cost at toast *15A,Oq A majarity of the. Iota bave frontagea 0f over 150 feet, much as 600 feet. and the rm --d ýthat n,bouses 841t erected lu the entire sabdivisi" A- cnEt af lisse than 116,0w. it lme sumed, of course, thst therol bouses erected that vilIi 005 Urnes the minimum limit. Tb*. r age lu price from $3.000 t a $4. ê~ aThe property ls Just vesttof, ~'<"0'EM present Sheridan Roa4 r0 thp ostitpm of St.anley Field.-1b~# A. Sprsgue, Elizabeth Clow, Mms ~ Morse Ely and Roy McWfliaee.n Work is now under vay on * t Sheridan Road running east sud vqIt acroos the southeru sud aof1 Forest' aud connectiug vith ae gan road, vhich vIii be roalOt' Sheridan Road aud continue north. Onh-third Alrsady $*Id. This nev strip of rosé tram pri*e eut Sheridan to Wauksgan ros.d vi> be ninsty feot wide aud ls boiiig paved by the state. The curved roada ni the subdivision. kuovnU aaviue Forent drive aud Oak terms, wuD be sixty foot vide. PrseticalY. Oriiit< of the subdivision alreadY h basbas soid, Mr. Lowe stato. e FOR At TI4U PIUWO Fl'A«Ea *OUT.U coIr, uIomm ow 7MB.ý ).00 for Added Service luCÇoaey WIU-Koeo ~ SZ -amsad =- - -oci nm n lI1M ai& sodu4bo I MW tg W 'i effmnataing amdtomi , out esiaet i the pacoy berigdaabm Lad Pover Station land ares of 30 ScIS5. oîity of 46,500 A. M6 b - Thi e nPay h0Mv a,atng 16 electd gotMIn lata Patýic uWb- MMtlet 7 gis uatufctrkg lats The. Company ho& mort thauw $75MO000 W st.d hlaIsb lo iý -end gus, becttind-watrulmâM« othr op a"t necomoary to serve 177 thet toww and safon commwntis The Sgwplant at Waukegan vil add i.- a vaut Aatofit0< uctil«»Wrgyta i presentaviakmpyani.mtfl thbiplant wiuhooseght trawirtr wsth an aggregate ta lg<5,Okllo. watts or about 335,000 hores.power. The plant et Joliet as being nàore than doublcdi capacity by thèr addition of a 30,000 kilowatt turbo-g*oeatr. - It àu planned that tdiisatonwM Iultimately have, a capacity of 1%0000 kilowatts or about 201,000 hors power. K9N The plant at- Blue lsland serves a large adgrowingidustrial territory with the. efficiency nemmssry- to me« a diversity of power requirenients. T~wig the MOdtI doftizn power these Plants are énuwrcàc*ueted with- the odier plants - of the cpny ni that tii. energy of each ùàay be diveEteti. ta meet sudiden or unusual recluIreents. In addtion to these very large activ- 1:im the cornpany, trougboçt. the tari- tory served-by f a aighxpinlst and e~ex I On1 ta baIreM x m svice to custoiners everywbers. Thesecreumeti f«*W u tbM it t keep pac. with'the .dWvWamt of the communities aerved andthoeby, add ta their prosprty. This, com pmny as but ons purpose end sha.t 1k 1»serve effiintly n&dpkmie li castSners. - '~ - ti- - I Presideai --i JEBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS s25 sqmm wmileý, incldiug177 càtoni. à d sial.,' commnuio HEO. BLECH. [lia. Supt. N. Genoe. Si., Waukegan, lit. -t 't E G. KRUMERY7SUreVu, Pitono 144-RtLibtrtyvRIls,liIr. b. -- -4 okckeied with ibe r co. 'J-, p*ui«Dà- 9 r be bc 0 1 )u rZ ýay bi ýe eC me ne ord