SberyvM dpendent1 1Xews frem Springfield. Friday was that Lsake CountY wi»reciveseveral Fundred thousand dollars in refunds en roadé built by this c0untY which the state has IWeOg-1 aimed as state bond readsansd usa taken them ever as OnLb. The refund; will now enable 'this countY te 'bwfld frem 10 to 15 miles more of cencrete highwayB, beeans ot the tact that it'a teW year ago had te ioresglt te -Vote its million dollar bond issue. Tis is proof of thé trutji of the old adage -that te hlm who hath more' shail be added. Members etf the road and bridge eemmtta and the eeunty superintendents of higbways have 4Ûne1 some persistent flghting to get additiOnal roads for the county snd Governor i5ml l as sho'wn bie interest by. Scoperating with these gentlemen in getting the atate bighway-adepartment to heed their arguments coperniig1 the need ot btter highways. G[overnor Small realixes, that Lake county rôads are subjected -to severe usage due te the. heavy iuterstate trafFic, because eto their proxirity te (3ok coumty and (Chicago. The men Of "bi county will continue to work with the goverpôr sud the state highway department to see t atake (Jeunty recelves its fair portion et roade that are included in the $100,000,000 bond issue whieh has just been apprevedi by the legisature. it is underztoôd that the refund: money,,will bo ini addition to that which is apportioned te the county througb the bond issue, and if ail the plans are carried through successfully the county of Lake wil bave uearly 100 miles of additional concrete highways 'witbin the netfwYm DceWhere The Breezes Blow- RAY BROS. PAVION Xvery S*turdey and IWdneeday Evaning fi-m at 12, Standard lMme Sund&y AfWBne rom 1ioloc .to 5 O'ClOck Central Standard lTime VMCORMHICýK' FOUR-PIECE ORCHESTRA KEEP YOUNG BY DAN1~ L~U~ ROY EDWAEDG1 Propritr SATURDAY mURSDAY, FIUDAY 'q - Zfln~ *1 le PLAY w NAw mîe UN IVER$AL-J)EWEL SUrNxr, JUNE Z4 Glays Waltcrn ùXIM"MI4L "LOVE LETERS" Cm.dy-*THE BUM SLICMES» TUESAY A"D WwmmEbAy Hrbct Rawfii.on - "Ou. Wonderful Night" PUB~LIC PatÀ#mo ON ME -NEW IQIT Orup~tq ~mt= -4sPro- DIiStdot LI6rWC le A~pOloC bea nuthe Proposition, pt*Vlnens, e abeld Aft taéVll!a"e at 7 ýo,ýclock Atthat time the, board vilf' meet mlti fie taxmaert af tic vilea élu <lImonas the roatter. TuuqsAtaà ebs béestuaclmed lu su unofflelal vayfo r e putf ysr. ave ohmc the Pavin gui Mlivfuk» i<venue vas deotded "m. sud1 the v*] lage board of ioca4 Improementu nov put If u'p te the People, au te viéUaW fie ligits chal! ha Installe&, Tf le propooed te place fventy-lve p~sa o 6 héavenue .betwee . i st. Paul rlrOdtracks a44& chnrç street. aseto have the musiron trfic lights et stresti ntersectionis. e'is vi!! do evay ith al i te un- sigbtly polos ilong the main stret of Libertyville, and wl!provide a- mi better ltgbtIng system. Notices have been sent ta the urop- erty ovuersa alfected, snd the colt of the , mhproveluent la stlmated et the san ef $7:438.23, whlch éstlmate ban been ltemleed as foilowB: 25 omamental street ligit pons, complote lu place, et $91 each..... $ 2,275.00 26 concrete foundation for postaait156 éach... -.- - 379M 50 twa-lach long miunsa 60 two-tech long t'adlus .benda ai $104 eaech.. 6.... 2.00 4.900 lineal teset ai No. 6 solld sirsnded rnbr cay- ered cablé laid complété In place, lncluding fpxoa Fvatie nàmI back.ttllng, at Der foot 44c2-54.00l 26 tact of 3 lu. conduit lu. sialled et ser foot, 96r--.. 24.96 1 constant carrent regula- tor, lnsialled - 600 2 tine fs ltcllesývili sme- obga f 2 ti=s-cfa lad z tgm-ffl. ut, if P4.8... 418M6 4 sineW Onductér PSarcela disOîu ueeiug otàelda, 4 trafflo ligit treanWôrer vaulta, et *114»0 - <«00 4 1séries trafohn*M ,a éfulld, et $446- - ...... 880 8 tramei lght lnstaliedlu- , ludina lights, etc., $lu-... 1,000.OC 404 91 the estimated colt ta ba applied tovard thé pay. suet ot lavin! epns, a* provld#d hy section 94 of fie Iocal improvement Total éstimate KENNEY-FLAHETY CO., MMY FORD AGENC AT CRYSTAL LAM, ILLINOI Âuotber deal vas consuinmatéd tiis vraki m-alvin gLlbértyviflé business men, wien thé Kennedy-Flaherty Co., lue., tooi avér thé big Ford agency et iCrystal Lakeé. J. B. Flaherty, who ré,, cently camne hère frein Kokomo, Ind, and purcbased thée Lbertyvillé Fok4 age#cy tram Wilson & Ohm, of WdNi- kegan. vill hé in direct chargéeoftlth Crystal Laie hause. Re viii move hie famliy there tram Indiana néxi Setur- day.' Frank Kennedy vi!! have charge af the Llbértyville end of thé business ansd as evaryené inav, Jranle15 4réa! g-getter vian lh coste selling oards. Héehlaon of thé popularyoung men a fhe village, and aucces for A név saléeooomandvease wili hé ut on thé Kennedy lot"ipst south of thein pi-sent quartta, vhic vil! eneble thém ta taie asie et fiu rapidly' growlug business lu thé aropén mannér. Tby Wl!!ti !continue te I ccupy thé préent quartera. - Tues building la nov pindergaing éetcelv repa,sud le belng redeconatéd snd refurnlshed. IThe tirm lias recently installed, bt Once Iii A IWlieMo " A MUSICAL ROMANCE IN PROLOGUE MNt>TWO -ACI st. oemI.hubeClu ADRlM, 75 CENSM sUII ri m W.dmmday; Thuwa$del,-adý Friday Zeiài June 27, 28p'29, 19231 _____ t the LWbayvi"e*High Sehooj I 2 to t e lmiga À0:11019* LeMer, DU elfleerli. Au luterepting a"dpo t able idu r u ai onn" coIe A sPoc"aiservice et '1:IO. ai.A Lémoutratton et the Nie Au~mý biued motion pletre to$octor a Mcsecgsii ip'ac, epert operaor. Somie, lu des VIII h bo'01n1M 1 two motion Victure reels. Ticetirot, "Rate Off," a negoolmeafpatXiatie flhsS aschtng properulict frcr l tha second ta splotùnôis u*lgo Mtied " IN&afi WeIauiOs it litas" Soipya i eebor et'thé char., rTbe vin hea ~Very, lnterltng sud In- itrautve services. The public invited& Admission frac;;eacollection. . Wednesday evenint' et 7:30, mid- iÏeek medling for Bile study im4 tel- lovahip. A bni, but halPtulj. hein Corne., SluNI)ÂY SCHOOL PIONICI Pull enunemeut oetimerneud place nezI Sunday. Coule te Suudiy Sehool sud Church and «et Information. Rey, Guy Smeck. oser Bumday Scbool et 9:45 a. mu W. 0. Wells, Supt. -Mornlng vorsblp et Il. Thesermon vwil! be *bouxt 'Tnuy Persuaded iia. Chisltian Iýudeavor at 6:30 p. m .AUl *yaung people net athervtsg saaoclsted viiiob ethdurchesanarccordtally ln- Vite&. EvenIng womi'5b at 7:30. SvbWect, -Obedlence vital ta Religon.", MheanuaI suaday Sohool omven- tien af Freinent sU lÂetyvlle tawu- Ébipa Wdu* ha held nait Sundaysiar- glumisisr,2 w: Te *rlltP aea rQa a olafance la Mr, Laugi- lIta af Uvanatc.. Ail vie want ta ses the; Sanday Sdbbol von advancc auuld attend qd gti-the Inspiration vici cores tram tbwIsMeeting. A umetIng lu the Intenest 0f tfie Nde UMI4 Relief vIl!bu helO et the Metho4W;t Bplucapalchurcle on July Mtbat 7:80 p. mt Tiree rels of pic- titres vil! a throvu on the Canvas. sud you-Ylll al vent te ma tiet. os thé keeneat Interéat contera lu the ont- came in tipart of the vorld. FfIRST MEITBODIST EPISCQPAL Chau. J. Dlckey. Postai-. Phono 112-J. Miss Addle Miler, Glen Roskins, lira. James Davis and Mmr. Walter A. LiÀghtbody, Miec ttrectora. Sunday School ai 10 a. m. Geo. F. Pearce, Gen. Sup. * ADDMTONAL LOCAIS Jack Bradford la misselux the tarrid spéll-te Libert>'vlé ibis vééi andi- ipending a vacatlou'dovn on thé fr 1922 F"r Toumg.used ten months; danartrM d&=offltàbk ims4ZSo.u 1922 Ford Toarins, with startr and demountabcrMse ___ 1917 Fard1 1917 Èord Touris 1921 Ford Ton Truck. with closed cab amd efpres body.-..$225J00 KENINEDY -& FLAHERTY CO.' FORD DFUM Taeph.u.NO. 32 JotileNss Frl* lt o 4 SpecialOffer 12 r $198 Cçrfor t2qurt tine Offer LIRERT'YVILL.U INO the rond nor the cemetery weat or NMrthCbleagOý Loo cys t wu &às vay 900 lu tbe obxdeand the dad blaieed tire l>erslated l lubtig Jest the wromg w«. There were, more "thlugp mur ansd effort speut la *et- tlug that tire in fie pruper plage tbau bea vwoci& baug.a th h e1 n the é raIl t outh Up$cu. Tic old adage Ps-ov"e rrosteuo Wded', viesltaiaalsgstriai fie Nont ohmr .aics et LAks Mlon ttirs tIa lu m mbf " sÉMin., utes during fie tom Wedoay aft- *.noen. 'itBut lhdamage vos dc, tier tisa fthe bunlnug et fuse boxe ahd light vree. IlMave19SU vas on duty a« ticket agent ait tl- time Dve la nettuatgaur vry fiai but thaf hounhardment vas ton muai for hlmsuand haoyed thc atnug li- pulse ta "«get hencé." HRe maya lt'reau rlght to bo shakos up à Uttie. bu t a triple mrie la eutlrely tee mucb. miesaEsther Cors Giu aud Adlpi P'. Kaikbronner ven maril B at r- Ay- . feno+nI'.te .Fon ff. .s groom's parentth boiey, ( ira.h Kalibs ren, thebRidgeathIer pakertrmlugth e rmgom' Th r ié bas omd n ho rm lu L e ieo bas nmadnet ea omnsdLera p.llafr amember aothéyou ndeIoset, belga geraoaihe i LIbértysotié Hlghscig a Only e bethéIéiate mHmnbunSco th Oaly theré renate th remofnthe 1 After a short weéddiag trip ta Duluth, and daugher accompanled hîrm. thir home ln Palatine. Mrs. A. Taylor, lire. Frank Dyer, Mr. sud lira. Vern,'Gerred, lira. Wns. Wheeler and Sdwai-d Bayes vers lu R) 0 5 1 R 1& @ MIIuniié undy t at~n~~tifl-S j4DKIMU'7resSes rem il- ofa et 4Lr5,James 14g. . SWayaur ofthe tatest caesais ss W Princip al Ûuderbrink af thé Liber- 18theifrne. rt ty TelepstkRig ume3.laat tendlng a summén sessnion ot Chicago Urdiveralty during fie vacation perlod. 11« apendab ts veéi enloia lu thia vil- iIIJfloIIflIU fulnhIlu lage.' A large dlégation from-.. Lbr tyvillé wemau's Club, tflrfIls sud friands, weut te Round 1.i o wednesday for thé annuel picute af thé club. About eue hundred persanis vere ln etténdancé tram the>iliagA at Libetyvillé sud Crystal Lake, "W Forest Flagg Oven bas *purchased a steel stock Ibus, vhich wMi enable nov Ford seda-n. sud lest, BundaY, aC tbem ta carry about, $12,000 ionth of contpauied by Mmr. Oven sud Mr. sud parts for Ford cars àudiiractors. lire. Jobu Landis, tried but thé use At,- Crystal Lake ibère la a large car by drivlng te tbq Fox Lake ré- varéhausé. vhlch bas a caxiclf ort reglon, wbere tbée' spént thé day. f ive car loade ef Fards. Tbey wil bsé lu a position ta maie deliverles it suy John Kelray and famliy of Mosson tinté. City, Iowa, qpent a fév heurs MondaY ____________ iith t oi-mer'brother, Frank, et .re, ville ont route boule frian Fond J. du Lac, Wis. T119y veut train bore te i hur h. cervdoi Feirdele, i., for s shart visît viti anotabér brother. Michael Kelray, sud 6T. L&WpmqCIrS PiSCC'pÂL fsmlly. Rev. IX. B. Gssyufaton. Thé services fer S=UdY, June 24 . Thé Storm Wednésda> 'e tofon d'4, (4th Bunday sterinbfty) a&W Conglderale dama# noand uê t ozi Holy Cemmunlon et 1ies. . libértyvilie91»0caon thé Gibbons &D4~ Morulng ?reyer sud sermon e 11,Fiucattérfr ima vers tulavudoviL su thé pester, Ré,. Mr. * U *yt fita t'-hteau t 0 ia iug. Mr. Ovyn WUIî aisetake flic 4 p. vukIIleabir lUtuUm itg.oncard "A mu. servIce et oGiymle ilu flu «ààeMade tre«s vege bfla t te t rousid; of Rey. Ir. L. erock, of Atiaçb. wand the rath. lwe ùov-tia la il! vii ôieeft ti-e..I aMdt eXewrt« tThé Infant sou et Mi-. sud lir. Wal- au vlsited tfim vlclnIty fer many ton Sage vas baptiseS SUnDsy hy tic y. 'f 0 19srie uo3shtffe~ E .Subltug reports hé la 00111<a o'clt~k mes'lcs. rmint hWâienec elliug ths Ovéslalxd A Pari ar sty, te irblèb fié public automobile. Doring thq peu vééek, ho la oed~iyhted, -afliba \ O dellvered Semen cars lu this nel~- 'hum5,June Iti. 0où the iliiibood. -sa faove.Dols yeI lae ais7:30 u. su.rafe uat ~ Louis Wehreberg, taurlng;, Abert ,ia sleres IL u thons vi!1! ha ntKanedcoupos; Veu O'Neil, a s*art lie =Ut anda nc znuOdlié.'Ot ol, sd 'George Follett, truck Be retrabscutsan 5 <KIé. cao delivercd s tourlug car te Johnj Cblldnn'a Oiasser et Mlieury, sud a car te e Chdci- s Day mmiom î t il s. lm. eo t flaie Fonet- Oabool. Thé ocir wu:ilw ma & ». 100- sWblté, fI e eh WvtiplIlon fIis Of Italit Md" M" Oh th~ ie Liicty'Vlflcbrosneh 5! thé Nant* M-t ara mout co tnlali Wvte lu h Suie lUne, *M a sà mlfaé i o»s finis lf'a s xlcucan"is exa [ 5gpvorth Lugue deo4l<rn eIs atomobil Ir X e "aloyrdan a«- ai 0:30 P. M.l'red A. Battai-fIel, Prieuce et tfim kind ispitTuemday on Pri ces Slaiedon cYýLINDER 011 lw11 and will seil it ýat ther following prices: 1 G i.,75c.; 5 Gai., $3.00 10, Gail,-$5,OQO; -15 CGpl., $7.25 30. Gai.,$14.0 Tractor 011, 10Gal-lons' , for $5.0 Bruig Your Own as9 asThe.. Prices are foe Bulk 7 _77,J GA.RAGE' 0. Ne UIA"* 0Prýp9 TîoJ.pIiou202 j N ~ ~- -$ 75.00 JL - - -- if ý S 7S.00 f 0 J.Vu Tnwlr-