- -~-.-.~..~J~lVILE lDPEMENro THURMAY. lUNE 2L1.142 ASEÂD SPRINi~ WHEAT ACREXOE 15 REPORT_0f STATE %port Shows . te Conditin of Other Grains and Aise of Fruits. 'Springfield, Ill., June 14-À de-1 lct'eaed sprlng wheat acreage, In- geieaued barley and oat acreages, av- erg Inter theat and cati 0.di-' 'nbelot average hay past*epç, -=,fa fir fruit proopect are a» su%&- oais'f theIllinois state4federal crop reporting servce of the statp Cr0ps June 1, coordit lite an- 'mouncement made br tofay by A. X. 'Ourrat, agrieulturs.i stattatidian. The put mont.I4 a8ccIWIItg to Mr. liurratt, bas -bee* uiarked 1y lot lemporaturesand'4 nunerons raina qorl'Most of the at.eçept ln morhern sectiOns. Wbeat production ,Oel00k la a littie better titan a m onti *ga for thei lste m@A£aviole. li- *3foved condition ila tentral and solutbw*esîern trou.sbave slightiy moro titan offët te lôwered condi- tion lit the northern sections. The bu.t prospect ovrrsan nteded acta l tu the lover volt central section, -wmcicla the "ar eege territor>' 19 the state. Thse trop bas bond itte short as a ride and thin stands t'enidut la nortiero and section. Tii. condition of 'i*ter Viteat ta. IIinots on June lot 'sreport.edat go pet cent.- nom- l.ged witis 89 per cent lant year, a.nd to teyear average of 80 per cent- iacondition promises a crop of IUJObuaheis. contpared vitit U85O0busheislait year, and the ea-average 40,492.000 bushels. 1>~e United tate. production ont- ,1*k for tinter viteat li 580.541.000 '%wàhels. contpwed vith 586»24,000 '1W year and theIl. i, year average saled al ,987.000 acres ompaced ki .,8619.000 &" eqlait gear, sud Saeaoto 4,46880a cr es. Tise 941cma 7 pet cent compares lsb 80 per cent laut gear sud tb. sl vear average of 87 par cent sud dicaeso apratbti. >1.14 a! 142.- 4.00 busait eis c pacad titi 110,- 4,M0 lait gear. and lte averageofa Tie ntedSt ia»., at.product 18*1005 125M646,800campai-m viti 1,811,96.00 busiseà lut yeer, ansi die lin geac average cof 1,378,00,. ne isushels. springthobat acreage thici la la- gted ln nortbero Illiuis ashows a » per Cent redaction due tb lhe lu- masing ai vinler-theet andithe laIeJ bsa fa'rornla the u bsttution oai lter crapi for sprIng whest. Tht tale ,Condltlon a! go per Cent cole-1 weievth 86 per cent lait geer andj ue taer aver-age conidtion Osan1 $ 7. The U. 9. production forecat1 i 8MS09,000 hushels. comparesi vitb i000,000 lait geer, sud tht as-rage1 e 244,943.00. Barbe>' la gtotlng ln fanor of ro-1 te >ears othsg te, ils adaptahIffty1 Cliclmateof nosthraIllilnoim. ls4 ar relurns sud itauses as a fart àed Balin l inois sbaws an ln- reame of 15 per cent aven lat goar. W an acre-ugeo cf 2190M0 compas-ti Wtht 1P-9,000 ast year. and the fils- aveanrage of 182,000., The June e-Scndition ai 86 per cool compares tt 94 par cent aifIlut year and the siyear anvrage a 94 per cent. State. gocondition is 86 ups- dont ai nos-- icompared i vtO 94 per- centlast tcandi10 thleu yoar average of 89 pr cent. "Tht condition of 'applts for Ilinois M. Jone list jeestimated ta 0e -.9 1 1t- cent (.f normal, conîpared i tt gi per cent lasI year and thetlen year vos-sgt of 63 per ceit. TOc state Donstbon for peaches ih' estimalesi 10 e 66 per- dent, campasrd eh 91 pet- 1n 1 ast :imrai d thetetcîîyear ave-cm ýe ai 4f0per cent. IJtEAS COLLARA 'BUT WON'MIl6VE UP FISliIN6,TRIIP W. Whipple of Chicago uirt Painfully When Mo- torcycle Is Ditched. lytn W. Wbipple, a sigo l'aalt- .1at nt Chicago, suffered a oncollai- bone Ln a motorcycie ~t nie miles test orf Wau- Ia lu Grand avenue. Whlpplt ebsoughi b ,Waokiegan there vus attendesi b>'a iocal physi- ;ý 'Ht thonîcontinuosi an bis Ftea akelatWNortIeco Wle- sii vOtere h. sud bis vlft are K on a ftshint expedition. nitippie and bis vit. stactesi ouI Oa home Thurada>' morning-sn tem Lmcydbe vblb aide car lttadistext. ks. Whippie vas gutding te a a point about nlae nmiles test - Waukegan, Mca. Whipple last r*,ai sud, the machine plunges I nto : Jitîchandi lurned oves-, ptnig ýppeunderneiatit. àq l wbîple bastenesi ta extri-. h.'ei- huabandf rot hie position- tien heipes i hm inoathteaie-, Si-e drave the machine ta. ýkegan and -oak ber hushand ta '*fc ocf a physician vOtre tht ntire vas reducesi. hstpplt as vo-y gate about IL. zaid ht sd 1 opuspose ta 107e on bla flsing trip If ho coulsi rit sud asserbes ltaI he 11C tg puschuze an automtle 40,b taI ie caul s f50 ttiont -Af toi-recetvlng medtcai aI- he ansi is vile resnlmtd 'trip b Wsconsin. ~1T VI I, LEINDEPENIIENT «ttAD Uy MORE PEOPLE Nt AY OTrHXR PAPER IN - ----- -------- --- lperioe#F#ni &sretuj Wifhn ii. eirat Pri»a t thse National De 4"wSlawI.NO 8.1,11 k4eeseor.l la em-y Amoglofet Smwrtvilll, Mînneffte, Witi, Hi$ i Ft tPrize Nqlstln Caîf Clubs Hefer ,ust Aftos Wlnningtii. Hhgliet Homes«.. fi@te edat U84 Wrld's Crotent Dalry Show Mcid et SOrPaual R.c.nty.1 PRODUCE MARKETING BUREAUS IN INDIANA AssooatWo Organlzed ln Tlu-o Comu filteEnabloM"qîbers to Seï Produots. (Br C. IL. Ouaou Directes-of<DsfrY aud Produn. Marketins, ladiena Fesi- érai et o aïPrunoeV aoetmslaldi- ,aadl, tua.> A producing mearketing departsesit of lb. cout>'fariera aaociation ltaI wi enmile lte ainhera of 1h.esa- cialton ta mariol crss, 90011-3'ands egge Ln e ce-apes-atine va>' ha* ai- resdi been organlzed in Weila, Whitey and Je>' conlles, Indiana, andi organ- isaton vos-k lu unde ai- vIn Wsenerat. oliser coultes, The «CouutyVuît" plan af ocgsni- latas bai beau worked out sud sec- osag*Mdesi b>' th. Indiana Federation of Framerie Associations and inlapran- lnt 10 b. ef icient vaocsf andltng týse business. The cant>' fat-mers' pmsoclatio.s or <ai-nsbureau incorbocr- aIes under the proper uite ri* andi esabUshes e "Produce NMarketing De- partmest2' Contracta are thon pa-Intil. sud cosmlltees selected or moltttrs hired ta jgel a suMeicent numiter of pi-aGacerasigWned un o ltatthe volume ai business viii ho auffIient 10 ieep tise operatIng coets lot. Moset con- tles are sigotng contracta Ibat Olnd the producer ta mariol ail of thect-tans. oggs andi pouit->' hat ho bas for sale tOs-osigis the assoaltn for ont year. C. R. oam. The dopartmenit la tinancosi b> requt- Ing Puch, producer te sIagn a $10 col- laIeraI note, which la usesi as securl>' et the bani for a boan ta bu>' the nec- essa->'equlipment antips-avide esperal- ing capital. Aftr the marketing la atartesi a stmaîl per cent le set aside as a slnking fond vbich la used la p.>' off tht boan. Aiter tht contracta are sIgnesi the count>' fartn bureau board csf direclom- adapt sultahle ruiea and regulations ta gaves-nthe operallons; ai tht de- parîment and outiues a plan of super- vtsing the vos-i. Tht plan usesi 10 Wbiley county ocf appointiag Orte menbtrs of ltecount>' board 10t-trp- reset tht boa-s and 0e responsle ta tnfor the aperatbon9o Ibtis depart- ment le posmibi>' the meset sattafactor>' plan tes use, buI capable business men tisesare partlcularl>' intes-estes ln Ibis project sbould alwa-ys ho seletes. Tht next stop in la bis-t a count>' manager ths viii have generai super- niaon osf the produce stations, tht gm-dbng sud shlpplng of produce andi wia keeps lbe bookis ad bandles tht finances. If Ibere la but ont station et lihe Iaa-t th station oporalor wlth a glirl ta keep the records usight bandit luis tate t esl asvantage andi t bout coïst. Sucb a manager mjust bo a trilvas-thy pacson wlth a gaad parsonalt>', tho bas s asiexporience ln the handlng o! produco. -'PiTe stattioatertators are thon et, plaYesi oltber b>'tht douaI>' manager Or b>' a local boas- for each station. These station OPoratoM ws veanader tht generai directton csf lte coisol Managlér. The stations are propar>' equtpptd ta, cOntînt, bansibe, velgh, lest, grade, pack andi ship the products, andi thte matbers are notified ocf the Urne 10 toart hrtnring la Iboir prooucé, Tise marketing or, fsqtilte pro- duce bae been pronIdes fe' b>' estab- ilsisinith. Indiana Dili->'Marketing associatiosn ta operate sea seling agee>for- lb. count>'nits. machs cousit>'unit heconses a emcber af thé 'dmMarketing associationi b > . lng a $50 mesnbes'shlp feand belpe ta ruaintain sa" operate 1he service de. pe-Itent oiflte iDeir>' Marketing as- sociation b>' paytng a antali percent- aill service charge bases on lb. vol- ume of business handltd b>' lte oua- t>' unit. The Dair>' Marketing associ- tation la respanshie for >saking cou- Stracts laon lte es-t ansd aanglngg vilh aultabie cotmisson. firme or te tabilabing co-ollerative selllng agini-le for selling lie eggs sud poditry. lnt titis vag unitomgrxdà sud stand- ards of products cou hoe ewabiished, nior» contractesseuresd lte va- rions cout' nts eunco-olterate ln sbippiag and selling lb. pi-oduce. Paymnus for pro4nce handiei un- der ibis plan of mrk~ireting are uanal- 1>' made&fierlte relus-ns amreceivedi. 9At leant Ibis shoud W domt until lb. 1reSeon nsof the association la large -enoug no b lt a scash pries cen We 1paisi on deilver>'. Most ai th. assotfl- allons are paylng te local station price then celui-ns are receivesi andi the re- 8matnder of lte relurs-nafter operating (expenses are palsi go into an idîvidesi afond tlita apro-ralesi 10 tht tomber. Pon a patronage boîta ever>' thcee to lsix monthe, Thse counl>' manager r.- ecelves lte cres ic 'xi the saie of produce. paya tihe operaîiog expontes and maétant tht checks for the pro- dis-ors. Theme checks go to the local station and are dqistiulosb>' the local operafor. 'ne fonds foc tacs local vii ho cnrs-led ln the local bank andi c hered out csf that boni te Otmon- lerg.l'hi. plant .fhanjiiing the fi- minces places tht responslblllty ln the bainda of 0n0 person who cao 0e pIarejl sînjit sufficlent bond and tht ftinces as-e adejquately safeguiarded. I-i l h,jks cao Os- nudlfed jy tht can- t,- hoard namI tIlt Iinspected fs-rn tIme tn lime 0>' the suditor uf tht Tntlibna 1$ais-y Marketing asocIatlon. FEED SERVICE IS ORGANIZED co-Opes-alive Buying Scherne Esiab- ljshed ln Michigan for Benefit of Dairymen. Tht ichigani State Fartchus-eau an- naurîces the estabijîlhoet ocf a ces- operative feed buying ses-vice, whtre- b>' dairymn mîay Contract thcesugh ltis- local eccj.aperatlvo associations for ltir wIn tes- suppiy of datry rattons for delivery ln eqab monthl a hip- meots jhuring the wvter aI sommner feod ps-Ices. Tht fetd buytng service la on tht 24 per cent protelo, open- for-mula dais-y rations, wha.h la sp- praved by tht Michigan Agricultural College Dais-y departuient. The ration la kuovo as tht Michigan Fart Bu- reau Mîlkmaier. Finer>'bag; vili carry an tht regula- analysis tag the exact number of pounde cof tati ingredient 1n the feed. The local co-operatives Btarted Iaing orqers on Septembti-5 and illh close on Oclober 20. ARTHUJR MEAUFF PROMOTED Succeeds A. P. Simpson Who Mas Rt. aignsd es Office Manager of Farin Bureau Federation. A. R. Simpson han resignesi as ornie manager of tht American ll'arw Bu- reau fodorallôn and Arthur B. Meallir a! tht departuient csf Information bas been pramuotesi 10 bis place, Mc. Sltp- son Oas been assigne ib>' Se«rea-> Covtrdaitles oa position iW tht dopai-t- ment of relations. Mr. Sbmpsoae wori tilt bave 10 do vIth tlb. balai. lation o! a unlform systet ofai mount- 1Ing and financtu>'In the offices osf thse count>', state and national fartn bu- reaus. Shlp Butter ta Cuba. When a shipmtnt cof 1'ita Gois hut- te-, packed in lins, vas shippesi 10 Cuba b>' the Steptienson Count>' Mibi Marketing compan>' ai Freeportl. Iii., l vas, as fac as le mnoto, thte'firet tInte a co-operative creamery in Ibis country Oas expocted butter. 816NOLDS CELER- BRATE 6OLUEN WEDDINfi SUNDAY Aged Couple Were Honored by Relatives at the Home of STheirDaughter. Mc. and Mca. James Bignoids, Caal- Pa Ave., Waukegan, elebraled their golden vedding anniversar>' SnndaY aI tht hcsine of ltir daughter. Mri. W. A. Strang, 920 Northt avenue. Tht affain vas attended b>' members osf the famiiy only. Mr. Blgnoid ta, 78 yEars old and his vîfe l1s79, Mc. and Mrs. Blgnold vert mac- ried In London in 1873. Wlth thei fiee Cblidren tht>' Came ta the United States ln 1884, settling in Chicago vOtre tbey llved for a y-ta. Tht>' thon moved te Wheatan thece tht>' iiytd for seven years. In 1891 they moved ta Wauiegan vhere tboy have Itved since. For tan>' years Ms-. Bignolsi conducted s taliorIng business hert. He tas oh llged te retire Ivo year5 ago on ac- count af failing health. Folioting a splendid dinner tht aged couple vece presented vitb tan>' gifts. An extensive hon. apecalion vas made csn Edvar dFeene>'. cf Cacilsel boulevard. Zion. Saturda>' aI tht Vie- torY Meoal hospitai b>' Dr. Foc- ester csf Chicago, andi Dr. Keller osf Wauiegan, te set a double cnt- pouusd fracture osf the rigit art It vas neeessar>', aecording te the surgeons te oparate 10 reduco lte fracture. Feene>' vas Injuresi ai the Joitns-Munvilie then, bis art became caitght in a machine. Shntiing off tht pover savtd hlm fs-ou being pulledtutubthe machiner>'. tons of lmst ePer aahmOtttLU Lake County Faim Bureau News tIin e at rt arywUox&gidwfs C.V.Wintor, cof Wadsworth bas vel _____________________________________________________ den onsiraied the value of phosphateL. 1 e.Las't itar ho produced 2M boshies M1 rTOUR TO STATE PICNIC AND THE June 8, couid not bp beýat. A lie ralnsrn hame crwieI awt UNIVERSITY JUNE 28 and dark clouda that morning could kuowsn that most theat prcoduced oui>' 5 to 10 bushels par acre. He aima Here is the ow,,orunity we have not stop the crowd and quite a number iý 60bqeso ono 0"r be'3n aairing for. The State 1. A. A. made thetrtip to the Forest Presartj .ne 12 bsel t o o 0 ce farmera' picote and visit to the Agri- soutli or Whpeeing. A number or no 1erad 5 oud f dphsht cultural College and University, ail lu e114 alunts. races and hall gamces, as 'r .o naeaeo 1besl 00e tour. Most countles have usually w,-ll as a real pienie dinner, made the f.acre. made hoth trips in aperate tours, but day seem short enough. The big hall<1On snoner Otere of land that hasr Ibis year we cars see both In one. Ur- gaine- of the aîternoon was featured 0v "' flat '< with rock phosphate Ie% bansa is about 125 miles south or Coi- a home run with bases fui, b> R. Planted corn as late as Jane llth ansi cago. on cemet road ail the way. We: Rouse 'Tlls as enougb 10 knock out Produred 50j to 10 bushels per acre «i go sentit on Dixie trailt t Danville, and 1 ilc litel-Erl: ut-et MAL Iicslal well natuwed corn that season. lUta then esta t.' Ibana. starting eariy the pitcher, who vas succeeded by 's one of the principal benefits of rosi Thursday mornlng, June 28, vo should Gurdon Ray, or tht Blues, who am phosphate. Il flot onlY Produces more bo able le maie Urbana by mld-atter- ro close to the plate that ho suceodedj grain, but promotes tai-lier matit noon and taie In tht soit and crop in strlktng out several notedsbatamon and stiffer straw. It 18 common to seu plots., as voll as the livestock and Mrs. Rous-'s sddt won 9 10 8. Hutch o1-hosphate grain head out a week eui- dat-y herds and barns, that day. ilt ngs & Kane won an excltlng cônteat lier than whore untroated, as vel 1*I yull serel>' pa>' any Lake county farm- 1oh barnvard golf. receîving an angel produce more. er to maie titis drive. and spend a day fond cakie as a prize. They vill Droit- 1 On the White farm, noar Antiocit. or two mosl proffiabi>' on an outlng'ably compFte at tht Lake Ceunty Farta tht University' of Illinois bas snce. hie titis. Tht ccop and soli Plots are Bureau finals tu be held ai the, Fair- 1901 been running sali fertllil>' testa. vory extensive and Witibe at ltir best Grounds Saturday, June 23, at vhtch Tht 1928 tinter viteat crcsp shovnd at that tîme 10, show tht resuits. The the wlnniug ttam viii bc give na free tomne vtry sttililç r esuIts. Orne plot Marrow soli plot gtarttd In 1879 ls thetrtip t othe big state pIcole 10 be held treatod vltb' phosphate yielded as oldet solil fertilily plot In tht U. S.. at Urbana June 29th. B>' the vay, ve high as 43 bumhels, vIle untceated while thtetiavenporI sai plat, started understand a goodly number of thîs plots oni>' produed front 1 to 7 %~ bu. hy Dr. Hopins, isa's'orth the tri* 10 crowd plan to go lt rbana. A gond par acre. Tht average Incesae due sot. In addItion- té Ibis, practicaîIl> lime vas had b>' a Il-tht kind "that 10 phosphate that year vas 24% laI evtryr varit> of grains and other crop maies the chores and far taori look Per acrea unusuai1 1shovin>'. Tihis are grovo side by side for compariion. easy again." Lets have more limes vas partI>' caused by the untretet hob nexl day la the big State Part-luke ltte. vheat vIter-kiliîng ba<Uy. a condille ers' picnlc Noted speakers, state hOrsO - ev.badis lespcing. On sueri ferU e shot, pilching contesl--ehiake bande PHOSPHATE PAYS BIG OIVIDFNOS fitvas noticeable Ibis spritne asowut wtt brother fermers frein 11I over IM1- jWhen yon bu>' taie 011 stock or sot.e. Barrette ae, ltai ite ph*Kp»bg n-miss il. T eytnhip ciairan hve1otier gel rich quick "buy"', yancao wheat came . trougi thtei.Inte>' fpI3 miseIL equet togensht niran h cfail1consider yourseif lbd>' 10gel baci 50 100 per cent ortor e btter tisau ltà» bea reuesed e gt te nnse ofailcents on lte dollar, 001 to mention tht vheat not treated. Orantin an rr- who plan 10 go. Report 10 yonr chahidvidtnds. The man tho buysne a gt increase of 001>'10 hushoeaper man and let us knoo you are goin.,. 4r for lLai acre. In ont season lhe crop paliseeg- Let' hae a lest tent cas f phosphate ever>'y yàfo Lel' hae a Itst vony crs rom icounrt>'farm, howver, la iorottysure oral titta tht coa theb, intgoamr S"i Laie counî'. cof a steady dividends, Plus tht Ps-nci- leavos a lot csf il In the soli tor uce. Evecy tai-mer Who cao maie tht pal paid backInb a ver>' short time-- ceeding cropi. Suait reeite, ame u>- trip viii be Wel repaid. 11urther an- severai limes over osuali>'. Phosphor- stanli.ated b>' every muer of phospUste nonoicemonts viiti W madt tien and us la tht one element ltaI tn'e very tht adylser has gel talked vlh. vhtre la meet. but v viii prohabl>' fart lunl.ake couit>' neede. Por tx- The 1. A. A. aunounea litItise galber il the Fart Bureau Office IW ample, taie tht University' analyste qn price on rock phosphate viii ha 81U8 Libertyville Thucsday. lune 28, ai six our yelot Clay seut IOeM (timiter sali). per ton on ail goods orderesi for d.11,- o'edock IW tht mocning. Il shows on the averago piovosisoli ecg before Jli>' Ith, and $650 atter -0--or an acre ani>' 700 pounda cof phoi- that tinte. That wosgd make lte prit. DIAMOND LAKE COMMUNITY pitorus per acre,vile tiser. are 7,280 about $10 Per ton de.Iivred WIn T CLUB PICNIC pounde of calcium par acrm l te sainee-onnt>'. There are 90 ta 50 tous laa For real funn paPn the Dianond sali. equai l to n Ions 0f Ilmestene car. LoI;t1he office inov if you tant Lake Club Picntc item on Thursday, par sce. Tht aubeoil avecagd 17 phosphate. T rHE management of the Company its kind i any electric utfity company Jprides itself on the intimate relation- in the country. The purpose of this plan ship between each employe and the is to maintain employe relations on a Company. In addition to having stock definite and durable basis, of mutual un- ownership i the Company and thereby derstanding and confidence, to the end being financiaily intero8ted i its well being, that the lnterests of the publie may bout its constant expansion and its earnings, .b. served, as well as the employes and the employes bave a voice in all matters the management pertainig to their employment. This is obtaiaed through the Employes'W4t4 Representation Plan, the first institution of PUBLIC -SERV1IE COMPANY' 0F MORTHERN ILLINOIt SeWvng 5,825 squrmles ilsling 177 cfties, *mms md suussler commamiuies TREO. BLECH. Dist. >Supt. G. KRUMY, Service Mu 129 N. Genoece St., Waukegan, 111. Phone 144-R, LlbertyviIl.,fiil mois. ~ ýChautauqua at Waukegan from July 4th~ to StI.I~çt~ LE INDE- n. i t E »