NXfM<I '1IRMAY. JUNE 28, 1923. mouis 11l e» do,_ *0# ,*ago. oge f, pt wW*14, 4,9dhnWî f Thpt~ept'glVie are ona Oméo.ër M Ad sot arrivei 4 **ilien ttil 1eOclocit au4 ~ e 'Opw~dais1tevii' io nlned iaI ho'. 1l~ul -hie 4tvng bis i. eg io, - fatbils en l ll ais rk 7t &7 the ou etrance te lhe BrilaiGae golf club bouge. âf. and lire. WinIHatebituicand dong~ eto!Wsuktgmn n md Mlindu M- P-7 i'nutehinset !Chiffa o on gueslsoi! .Ms.sd k L ELR.H.Ouatai Oandai'«.' -e,491N M &&-* I u. kwp evr~ . o g s e1mm. Sah AtainsPrida>. WIhiUMan md Charles Réoit of Gris,. Di Ion-a Vietei t thle C. W. Blerer bomes lat n-toit, MMira, MMeu itl* d son yack. o! Chicao a rvitint M7. Arhur Werner this -cet Work Ma boase ",d on a Colonial haine for Mri. andlins. Carl Andrson os thec out sIhorti titeJ. A. Rdichdt. J:., houme.Cbmie.spd ROi- art Potta arc the boudons. - Umiss 11.111.Schneid, nbe bas tiemila tho Preebytoilua hopilal for the poagt Wo eets, n-M haua*le l cmorn ie lat of *0. -ce. Mart Kri cf New York S a tijia bus p«Mat, lir. ilia" m L ELH. Im& Mm . Tmd Iabot a" son. Sher. =34 W" dmfile uoua1tlira.& Adosi etilasEltmNoy ler n-s a lhon guost cf IMm Waltenr oydsont len Ellyn Yslay. L,#tala qsppdng ho n-oeil end linliluocqua, Win. Ur. and lire.Robert E. Poitusand Laugbter, Joan. lma. J. A. Rechtlt Jr, Hleu, and Wallace Reicheit vomi amatz ti o!is. R.J. Dickens af Rdge- n-t r gafurdai' .vonlng. Oý Gea lsmp Stertuled hem club TharoasyattemSon. M.' and lmas. Martn Murphy of HiabiauA Park n-r. guesti f lin. andi lMas. Rd Blimehl Thnniduy. ]I EL .OeUla n-o hua ben latho mtrcant;l.busnassfor tht lutitIon yeura. aoid bis bans n.ito a Mr. Sb&- puao. cf Chlcago, Monda,, nho tOo$ possession at once, Ur. Sela vii take a rest for the auiter. Mm. Rd Thoren et Hithiand Park n-aithe guesi of lira. Juiam PoergSo ThteM.lsioAry Socety oftIhe Près, byterlan churvi met aIl t, home of lmas. John SeIl'ii ursday., Rer.y. L.Thoma otau;ndPridey night tram Monmouh, ULi, aller at- loadlag the Sygodical Confermne far f;re dais. aoilg cemplotion. The »aster and congregatjon win 1),. more titan pions ail toavaroacbareh hoeoagain. Uir. and lira Chares Ire, are the proud parents ef a Uitie daughter, n-ht n-a bora Woed&y, lune 50Mh William -Neville vas called te E!. fingh= axnturday hi' the duahio! hfi brother. lis asSuit ,Eastoula sp,.ndlng 1h n-set n-th fitnds at Chesterton, lut lilas O;va Anderson ontertained thi sevjag secieli' et %t. Paui'î Evengel cal eburci Thursdai'. Fyred Blederehudt bubaheeu tontine 10 tht hou, hI' llness for severi day. tIr. andxlma. Phillp SullY, Jr., via] to &=uowonthe blrth o! a soit0t Jane 23ird. n;7*4irM, Her' lMeyer hav oedlu ter newvbhome, n-hidihi just beoomplgtèd on Pr ont ttreet. 2iths~ 0i'pa~pitPaul Lumnbo 0 ofIt4o, 0h10, vlbl.are b,en VII Itit 14. Ull%. rthle pa n-ek t 'OtU tgA b9 rbome Monda ârMmAe eim». *ho hua bee carhig for bar auntbre, Thoo. Hltc tCo, o!f&intnftais o et liuin lq.iOetb or le vl'h sbop Vork for' boys, practical home- llfftlluWIIIlIIIlIIIIIIIlIIIIIIII Kv, ublk. --economnics work for girls. Later pre - $fi*fiodle ,Olowty, Mli. Sarah vocational and vocational fuil-time £dia44.1. le~iwvere the 'UILt~l "lIlC ourss viii hit given. WPe presept= W ltàrret "miy 0f Wii- IV» TI.W p II MLIIJIJS part-tIme Irork vIII lead directly mInt fuli-time vouatioflul Voti 0f varlous #JiMDm«ý, ob=q* o Lokpot tpesas iiecesolty'dictate and facli- le Y1044 »U'"3 h Id weo!Lok. INs~Marnrn '""NS triea1permî retum'ed home *JUNIOR 'HfGM SOHOOL Cwnmercii ArtTo 'AM , Many Buildings; iprtn tep ilathebdirction =Y o r pp tu ho ~i*Would Betfit Waukepn 0' 'oJunior FOR SAPE INVESîle lx tbiý 1.I Mndy N. ç40o amd Rtraa'Diet. ke AiL way' viii h.found 10 nuite U C. luoe.th eet eo M jâgmp Of Woodotock. y'Paul C. W. iGiier. ln a emoietjunior lh h 4 uniwt uL a e o! #m01Alsieds, CaL., The.druomof a Township rtup ci At preselit a law la bB uy L ak esi UOIht eqlit, Jr., of Juieshurg. SChoQls, rebdering aoeorvme ti Wou.moke fl poetble for the tovnship 4"Xà Tlth Reehet o« keggli township, iacining'tbe cty os11gh sehool ortiAis.tioê 4 itg de Ir»gaula et the Iwche4t , tit"tifs City or NortI' Chicago, the. aeventh and elgh*k ýgmdo a ie l opeaing u r wnnéi Nottenrhkoit o rk().. , pr tant se dyftop ta are New G. M. Ray SUI * Om t, lviii givo tiancosWed oi- rwtSy. - là4a ' ebomnt , amodem and murs flicient type>-o!BAUW L OD *oaa ±raa si4Simayao ! th adnàg 'illit19bi ach ool organliation. BAT O Uoi Wok bgining jiy utit. U4th Bnt sc tand at ithor tend (b) The tas- mten for iuch *** ***** * o uw r atth, = ttu eauditorium iboffUorl.ets ~v 2 4 o $ 0 n-hIie li t, b- he, b.cntal buuWdlng hip includlixg those large' buabieu $ 0 t $ 0 oe!e, 01the. goup Mtad aC»acSon treet. nuitsvwhicuDowoynDo taffeit~ PIF AIRIE VIE en-pWl .W o Ya Ibg ime bui'den for lbt enh and olghlhD N T V A * ** ** * ** *to bd",&adreeii4>ôetre. gadsleavibtý.:.ovedfrein ttcity, lira <i.M. ilma -~ , * Tb& dregai ta O»t Ce#uWeY.luany as a'City, and distriblited o«er thé. Xfo-Ç' ' Gn= ud onamitD etravaggant due ta Orste an fusil- larger tax-unit. the tovnhhip. The motored to Enain t ses bu ' rother x c p<pnrvi x b. .Junior High aclool, unit could ho A -T laut Sundsy. tte u ft#b ,lhteA I Mir». Dttos e 0ft o v nde vtht1alnodio thtyouth oç wstukgan formed hy incixding the ninth grade lber sister, Mm . red Prie, a part of t toibl adM o en0lab hl ihttpeen lmnayshd LeaWa optn luttise r!eui'ple. l1tat _ n ohcontrui 01 seventb and eighth gradoa.LU WCOptni rt eme ~> eoved pleu eôerrg a poriod ci hut thet ax-hurden vould fait thon, Benjamin RlUlaaotp1 etm rteamad l prove a mot econoagoal uponu thecity o! Waukegen alofle. -h n w ti hil.. hoe lanoudyàW4 o m ploed h' ne n the Tllquep.lay 0Then again, thé muat approved plan "ii J th ' hiae hoea Moo em oyedby th rhisn,«papU - iK.1teom ecmCe i u te, board of ednl10 b1le ltu koep the 3uiiior unit wiLhtbhh- adopted the plan of 'p»y a ng"senior unît as bolli are îtrictiy sec- _ . a. IL Knedlier =-adea tripp1ta I& for mach of the building fit nss nar eoos I l oe>ta alm ÇR ___a t> Vila tari' Sunday momnisia tu, ho dons, doiag oni, a portion of fi agenem iterestedl In a modern- A nun*er from horm attended the on bond aIs. sehol plan n-ll co-operate ta hmi Play giV5.n b hI vabho. Younlg De- Alhough the ontlre gronp of buiid- thia about. It vouid ho a iifortuat -PWÎ l*b et MSitDRY TilLai'vening. luge vii l otbho coempeted for lb ta have il happea liaI ton yoara from - They *1 all myIl a fine. »yrs or more, andtii. ton-or gronp nov ail progressive citiez shauld Mr. SadLDMme. EWrrYIWJlUna spont nMt formnee, e dream ofthons eauhave adoPted the plan and that Wotu. Mart of lait n-ek t West Chiucag ws. sarve ai a unifying Inspiration il u r Iegan libouid Dot have adopted ItL IfDIIIW1IINWM ing vti a sister o!flMr$. Wllams. building. S8.,a94n-o tâtait of the. thut happened. ,cetainiy aIl of ne i lHHHIHIIIIif Mmra.Wficox sud 14u Erma litien- Quadrangle Ton-rs, let us moaea education vould he ver mucb tnt thaler apeut tht e okend nith their survai' of our oductional noed5s for barrassed te, he aiked ta eXpiain n-hi'* ***1*!* parents, M. and lMrm J. P. Rtien- the inunediate future. ve deimyed in tbis direction. H L A *thul,,r. PUT NEANING INTO LIFE. . The building plan bas been * H L A MitssCor* Hodgkin% la carInt for an i ieneta rvn o mde tu con!forta 10 thm oducationial L heneisofa roIn i-netds and.-probabhle éirections ot*c*i* mmlmn , nho a D Sh 10 t ustialcoiinuiti; te nedao, growtb. The present Senior High Rey. lMr. Wiicox and Miss Anna Gier Thnray.Greater aakegan.building viii sre i. edsOf tht. bert are atteaiiing the Young People'a Catss lata Ra.lam liedie n-tt 11 I lft.. ci euc :ias %nmot Hig b hke i~itla i, titis cMbv«neat a fixoli bis w'eeb, %é ~i.l~is n Rviua ~ formulatt il bn Dewey le: F ut ores aun homade (romt tinte s. tinie madthe tripm n-tb the failliful aid Welter Goeaniller ;s umaingas e- Nening las. Lite. Turther. tis ,ai the sehool gym-a. The presnt DoLge. ment fiher h .b ie mto h L eia m . nen-building'on Washington street 'Christ Vois. *bo lesnov nork;ngln I.. lietherhomo.terme of tlemtlediate surrocainlga vMiiservthe Junior 1118h astheai. onalBkery &t Cc*mo, Mr. &WLLira, L»m HoltJoad son of -thoso tla beo ducated and sot lahi enadtae and as Il n-il] ho ed relatIves ad friands at praii4- visitediwtlh Mr. and Mm J. P. Rft.ee nome, far off pumpooe or end, hndto0~>hadegt rds in n alDySna' thaler Sbifdai'. Thors are tn-o groat sieun l which ho added. Thora la uffIcIent rmv ieo hngi IHi a al Mri. and lin. UL .Motherad son tMetlitéela!an individuel moies-the lDancea ailr ddInongfo soeet- Ha fDy al cslied onla laddiisohor fondatoanlr- cviorhamjjm 'aDiAiAsea md 111 noleon Bil ule udyatr hrood.hond-tepruM area and theieams 10 coints. Uiatir a Junior la ighl. Opening Juiyu\lt. -lt Mmm Wlsc Lthea an lS ua. hffoe, bar upan oe 11gb ichool unit una h. placed tu the Cora Hadakins v eiDesan i" es t.oa n th-fre sai tii.cin.re southema >ot o! tht ton-iip and ls o" .V Ynfrwo CotaHodkim eri inDes laies ée" u 'kinguP he lu'Teulm- hi latht nothemn Part of tla bliking 111101coast 10 0ouest calffd et The neetis O! thet rait am are Vary ia the. ton-n clerk's office to roeiserand meo dey lait wveoi. mucPhoarn 'tmaIg ail Iree tolnt, aoasaenu -ltat i uo TIhe SL E. Kaadier taumili' enerta;n- m -tesaine evoryn-beme; thonsela 'baveson aeeniebth 0!g si>h hook wi ho lndois h ath e cosipon odwi' h. veoil eod. tiomsecotdmu ta ppOi7 fi l loralC0 e httoWmslp area. ýTihis n-l e k ton-n snd village he pasaes thrae u tht uidi' ebol PCUl vii h dhian. hu a laoppmtultyfordistances more suitable and kosP tht order tu prove that be, rIsii the trei'vody la son n-ireit& e. aeetlai !o n ak t iheot" codition& hors are total feroiscba mbe" nome e booalaa reinee Mr. a"d MrM.rt Vou *and «enical or profotoulAfa teisiosaidolds i' Iri. Be mremthan at nd calerset hePanksain hSu et lIs eyouct people Ihoeres. & ThatW P-ti.M akd ueta ïmoý Zarih a dai . The i lott pnd~ki lvs~ Vocallonal sacl. lnov boused rmtles hotore ho e rosaedthi oodon fresil PeerGige sdeh la f h, nWaukegan; others viliihave plas i -*' .n building begause o!flsstt atetPiadeie andi aounie Cage apmtt Bday n-tI Mr.ad lire. tbat tuile thent ttu other sehoola aamufinay, viii ho buIt along Viclomir tmt tPlsdibaldho i Charios 'Voushnh orete. Tt oilo artet. The Central buildings, !o-n- ai' ta the Golden Gate, fban Iran' 1M r r Stabi ot a valilabie bora, the schoal muat ho baued upon a Cluding the auditorium, contralIl- 1 o mkn vtymio!tena ont day lait n-eil, due te the boa'tL aurvey o! the needi 0 oftesvariqus hrary. gymnuium,ad Pouibiy a .on foot, sleeping part of the dayad Msrhl imnimod sd famili'y goue s«i o dcainl bs-mmn po Iith ie conter part o ithe nigit. Mr. Firankfort aP- CaI u s ifChag rsitd-il jectives ih the purpose of building O! the qusdrangle group facing oaslk vr ne1getm li- Chrisa Voeuwocurriculum can d wit be spr-Jackson sîreet au bai heen mon t gentleman. and vo nla in m oc.'. Mmad ia Cais o n udI mposed lu blanket burma; ailusî- tiontd. Tht outatandins feitlure 0of îtiedn is udtrakng M. EKnodler and Elonelocaltet eti aepesnicriulmviiIis plan la ample light aren wilh Marihali qchroederhsgrdat the ll'ank Stabi bain,. on Ida', hont ntepeetcriuu iifotteMlakebg ci n lb. nd lrs. harts Prctorand made looking tovard the Ideia nhalle nor dark pacoe t alo rn ttMlvue hg c1o n chldren voro Prairie Vew taller on curi iculum. Twa deparhments are lghe drig ayghhus.Ttann-thoenbsvcto. hredai oventng. non- under Intensive shudy-vocm. firat cost la anly silghtiy more, and Mm. Wood, of tihe Cbicago SomlnitrY, Geoge usn o Lberyvlieepntucoal. commercial and inanuai arts. 1vtry ammln-heu compred vIti the, preached at cu church !ast liunday lua Baturday ad Snnday vith Harry lia- The growing need of thie City n-hidte mednhota t1ti'lgt h bec ! e.Wio M. Wand bas a Indatrll uuluok- deajidbills fronm yeam to yeur n-hidi art ýexpocts 10 o ithiun du'-ing Jitiyad son and famly.baauidsre uiod -n n AgswieM.Wlxlatin Mise Fiorenceblia.ther took part ln thal tit sch6oîa prepare technlcali necemiari' ta liht dent pocilets lu Augatn-ble m. lsa uIn areia tDelaaso rdyeve . n-ors ln pre-vocational Unes aiso-cailed ecauomics-i liraI-coit erchl is5 vacation. Ht 1s a vErabesat aing. Weiahi'e<ihîleat. Later ai OPPOrtuni'Isoet- tecture. Anther ftature la the r n - -l ejybsbitsa JonWigrcto! Chicago clled fered and iminediate netd ictattài edy accesslhility oi ail dtpetmienta vîlli us., lin a-s E.Ejuger n Bnda'. amîous dellutte trade lunes n-lU ho lta centrai convenleaices, n-hile de. 1 Bd Mauhile, n-ho habeeu attcnding Mr. and ire. H. W;lliamaeft of r given. efîher as unit courses ln tie ptItntiuiylasdrdaitcahlO nWtonll Wedn h thoîr bome. la Knox. Indiaaeç on Tuée-s-chool. or asi n-aiui-out coursesailusanmelime. Aiso, tn-o large out-door vacation weeki among is tfrends aITet -day,tLby auto. co-operation wlhh the ahops. Ati play courts n-il be lefrt ton-hicihie -Huit Day. 11 n a MAman playoeln-lth th, Wauke- present vu nate thut Wauktgan ta a boys' and girls' gymnanlums open' The counti' church Conventaon. held gin fls' Bandaia Kenosha on Tues- dityhvn oa ~otdrectii'. lu otiti' vords the ligit ut aur churci lune 19th. n-as n-ei ut- day evnCity staing inut tec.actlvntoui- corts o!thie buildings viii serve as tended, uppoximateiy .100 peopie'be- Mnr. Mac linon spenttth e veet end yet ton- bols look forward toaurd the plai' courts for oult-door gymnas- ;ng pressai- Gmyslako n-s uvardtd ,r lth hem parents ut Hait Day. n-omitla lits tradte, ad on- are being Ium n-omi. the banner for having the largoat dei- definlteiy taineti toi'srd suci lnes 4. The econioic situation tu sus- egatiOn press ut. Ira. Letead Rer. a fwAR o wmi oua -star - type ai tain týla progrsni. Ml. Spooliti gave vomi'Intertsting ad_ 81 - ~~~sncb "roit am in~t inlathà apprent- ~ii neetn atoeta lbdess -ieD.llno.o 3- Tie follovlng accuat cf the deahIiice cs hai -h h 1e Aincrlcan OfeOl 1the Inooming o! large industria., Coniregationai Educational Associa- a O! Y&$. James S. Lue, form~rly a reoi- and Wimt company la conducing pila, especially lu the ores ont- lion of Chcago, gave a ver lns 'ria9 'dont aofLihrtyvIlle4lu cliptd troim an wtl l nnehp bgdi aaide of Waukegmn, andthie plan. of sermon. H pk mCpl bu 'Eikhomn, Wis., pane- er:-hli' languhi' yan expert tecmicm the hourd cf education of 'pay-a-yau- lie attitude o! Jeaseamons His 91 Chicago apent Suhday i' -h Ma. EBm- vorki W nho lautai teumie lime an go." lhe lncrtaséd test vill hardiy lit frlends and fellon-ann, &%dIgave a 1 f- lre. James S. Ledtd fl du' nigbt charge ciunefl i i dpuorét nced hy lietax-payer as he inate e iIllustration Of samne. M.ayn-e 1 tes thvtmyrm fini t 1r1%by Ibisiand hbmoe untie 1 ~ une 15, ati89 eciock, at the -home o! T7ht membors ut lies. casssare COmnpariâon vithhpast tests. At thetPemoeh bl 1ber son, Pred Les, *miter an ilinesa no wotera la h. in aielempioy ci theend o! tht hl-year period l ien i tand kind ho due anather. Il sure vould' tivo moutha vithi hert ttouble. opnadatadisatv colbe n overn-heiming bond 1su brlng fer greeiter ren-ards tian the, il r. m in n. artieadcurse. Wlchearo oncurau Lotsn-as o! kindli', geniai disposition uobcîstp !vokl nunîtlemet, and turtier groti ii fot 'her curenlùén aet yWff n- Sand had itou actve socafi'la y mcinesmuth4gie. one e hamperïed hi'the fart that titre The co vntion nurfdes rvedl l- earl'or years She n-n boru Nov. 1, lasone etOî- g î e . n-hver aeImprovement spendlng la yea aCghie d anhe.r l diesasment o! ed isconsinClumetdn aC, Y ocaine 10 are looking ton-ard Industri' lu the gont by. the churci n-bich, judglng tôn tUil alWi arntain n-on stohl, ling wish va,îous ecînical lUnes. On accounit WANT 8UGGE STIONS. expressions, n-us tnjoyed by aIl. Wt '2-pt. lierparnts h Eista, l Ko o f o the exPensivti equlpinent fur îuch Constructive suggestions on ibis n--htuh express our Ihinis tu tie 2- sh county. She n-as In-Ice murnod. cures hiese classes viii be ot tht plan are îought an-tawII ho appreei- ivanhce Choir, as n-el us to Mri. M ier iret husband, Aucun C(age. dîtd i-and-ou-o!--shop type. Unit courses sied hi' tht buard o! education anti Krutgem and lira. Stanclil!, for tir SE nim soonratrle Cvl -r o hum tlt auto-mevbincs, lin-amtiua and lie administration. p'uculy mem- slnging,-id toa ail others n-ho litiptd lt- iat oontrOtdren. th t -ar, i 23, bilding trades tan ho gîven fnlly ln hors are aleudy i' t omi t udYit& maie lecneto ucs.E as 1871, ut n-ai again marred ta Jani e l.ch as aithe equlpmeut cuit la detuils o! tht various portionas of-the 1 Choir pravct ai tie churci Frdy.L'CO"~ 8. Lot. They made lbejr home for a moderato. It li evident tromib isi plan. Cltizens lntrsted lu fie lune 29, uti ' o'cioct, ad at E the etnumbEr et years ai; Hkai, MI ., %e liaI muni' types of courses n-ilhave sciooli of tie tn-nsh i ilfd 1here "Chil Alpa Eta" club vil mee i ut he le- lhaler la Milwake Durina tht pust toalho devleed depending upon tho a special opporluni'ta t render a homle o! Mayme oIou. All members Peinte lt20 yeams they bal lived in Liberty- Practicui mnd ecuoilical factors lu- service 10, the comntqnity, if they vîli and triendsarme urged ta be present. Galysi i' 1ville, III.. unt ltedat uciMr. 1Lot I'*ed, la.orer liaI tbe nork tan bu give us thelr blit Isuggestons on lhiii *lice Herichberger sang. a suoout an tv yrand ainco thon sithoisaddons i lb. 1outmuIaont or plan.thie churci services lait Sndai'. rllived wltis hem son Frtd. Three chli- mouti'. home o! theso cour-ses vîli Tht govtmnment, the art. the lu- 10 ht dren n-,rebumu to M. and. Ml. e. ho given on a somi-produchlve haits, dustri', tht culture, tho spimit of a ait fie la surrlved oli' hi'tht ont son, 80 liat 1the toit vIII he reduved tu, great peope, are la the heurts of thte T U II ,i1 [n Yrej adtva grsndchildren. Water an amonit leu *4 te Oist o! our people, not inluie ls O h. Ifs power, LJU1TSËNZON48 in ng anGrade Let, ail c!i ikori. tlmaitIonal nigt achool courses. lis buildings, nom lu ani' other mu- - A short funomal service n-as held t 2. The tbretytitiof schoois un- teial things. The economtpaver A EB i t Wo he home liandai mornng ai 11ildem tht présent plan of aganzation ofa!'apeople muri bho oantrulle o aARE ING UII4E 'ebéock, conducted b hi'eitRv. T. P. are: Watgffl township secondamy tu trente veaith but te0 matpeople fIhbourne. lira. B. T. Ridgway sang achoola-souiuar. juaior. rvocutionai. happy. This happinoas lies lu thtl vithiM ]L rl.G. Hotfmnan etthelie lna. The Idea enislon of second- understandlng a! the meenn i0flits e Doerai stroettaeah Zion art bOîna nity of a Life-Time E fT W " QUICK REFM m de Lots NOw!le -IN THEl-, xlivision at Diamnd Lake E) LOTS, 50,ft. b7 1.0 Kt - - -Yoiir Chç>ice -INVESTIC3ATE -1UI<KL Y! sud L"ca BusinssM« am Doiag (our Laruingi' Grow! &' Cm PANY CAIL 1 IERVYVILLE 7-U 1 T WIRI E re invit.dte o maite ow ftw y w i dfstylo at the obi.1gpt *kl HEAVY SMcKFENCE bars, 42 a. high,12 in. stays-. bars; 40 àleg, .7 it.~ 14bars,4in. bahZ8nà 1 Eý bah, 8 i hi , ë is s » - - -z SAM *1>W& * a" %Mk p« wSpwo Ca. $3.59- 4-pt. .Cattk .- .W AflUSABLE STEEL DRWVWAT GATES ...¶O tft, *.15; ¶Rft,*S.7; 14ft4$M$ Ofl PLAIN STEEM DN1MZAY'GA1tY iwde. $5*.65; 1fw$~5r4twco..4 i hxgh - «_.._$11O L6 *Zli Ail Prloe* SubjoftTéo Chwe WIýithu it American Wir. fiimce Co. Chas, DE1 -Insurance of, i «Il"54.