Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jul 1923, p. 11

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flMLLE IM~~i~ENF,' fluJI~AY, SILL TOf PROtEC Govoenor: MUS E leGevu FW Houxt YW#id "led 10 prevent elluSla~ii6 parents wio 1*er hffl boelnN cage eUinulled rcbpui tinuate. Th e5aW rvSUh tii. chilien of u aphlaewI tie te m 'f tr plr lot -e.eb . atlels u f roe i. tîmu-W ie hjr dvorcecolule Iudp, wo hve~ai»"es omtendeal bcoe 0 bi" qa ft ib » wtliouti aies~ 'wà tA Morstele 01 heir TII. iii ug y c Il na;.Hui'- ly e «#k* 'ethle pao t ofthe diole= au l »wovprohibit re- paprIege la :., tic 5h11. lin one~ Te r gier divorce, lSa alo believeal tao bave the.'apjroral of thc gor- mot. This bl wUmaie laglli- naI. e o fertng of manriaga.. par- fornd viilutii.year. N tuayHoliday for Clocha CUt cla«s la districts ouitlde ofChIcago muet continue te vorl on 8ai at~ateracous. fTic governor reuiudwitb e veto the iou.'ibill aMed4ng th section of the aet pur- tatlubg 10 cèrks of courte. so (bat tbieyconlal bc given e ball! hndday Saturdays. ln blé veto mesage the goveruor Maid that most cf the business trans- actedal t courthouses ln rural dis- trictsla doue on Satarday after- nouns anal te take eway tEit vonla cause luçonvence o thIe resideutr cf t110e.dstricts. Il KATZ THAMES, ÇHIAGO W.' no longer "Go West. youug mani fer iii. Young graduale on c tbtrc.b- CM idte Uft.ueal.meording te esse Crawford. vbc et 80 lis the orlds premierseçtupoigant et à a asiary tint oounda iii. the.,national debt. thc roun ms orvonan bo vaut, final auccce ~hl do Vi 1*>conataler lie panibiliUea of tbé pipe urgea Tbauha te snueflue dicaters ai the (lblcau). Tlh. Tivoli, Thc Rivera,en- tral Park sud Roosevelt <in ilcsgo, (be p19e orgas ieources lbave beau Pâtceal bétonthie public la sncb & %ama'wIiltb"etpopularlty cetlt.elW, elauhiemh teaecar lacreaùg.aa" Wini neyer le replaceS. "te u ntassfent et the ClaoeTb ater, Wh" b onl ap*roiEimsntel4M M3, la tie largeaft sd lest tbaater O~Ua n*M. *oridtodarbut Il la cou- «-y i bi lu;spitd to giv. nov be# li e epublic. A te,'yer Npo tb epepe organ W"i10 e f bc lu ebuesonly. lu (ballera viere hii.y were lualalleal tbey vere 1simple flacidentals. 110v, hoveyer, Il bai ai blghîy Imntint place on pra"lnl every haitor pi-ciiarn. The ly1; Pr0blem la liai diere la a dearth 0f capable orfanhats. flere la one ata flfelal (bat iaflot orcrovleal, anal tbe oy or girl of musical Iates vho udertakes the study ofthde pipe or&= wvli find al iaIIt la n pre.euui- utly entlstectory career." IMtdence of Mr. Crawford'a nccuracy relardlng the popularty o! the pipe ongaflacu-very veci di.s smmer. oit Bunuiny noons, dnrlug lih% veekly organ réi-tola. wbhiara uttract a capaclty -audience betweeu 12 andl 1 0 FOR AL Ir HffNEWS OPLAKIICe, a 0OOJTY, BUMBIRIE FORTH' * I EPED<NT41MA VA PIATIALFitEtàNNGWAYS Whqe. *af l eiJsd Little Spac* le Nelesry-Jxercle laNet il lic UUU4 tua**O Dpejnu et Aantcst.e) 2scmethods of tatteulug poultzy thi Sm adiicntry-pen fattea- lO.ce fatteulg n;sd machinée cnaIs n J¶e Oraltwe are the uiet coU uoe le thtrd la uied 0017 icrbm b * h id, are te b. fetteneal Von tateainî le prsetleed by ma"y zuoréo wbe do net bavOe lme tsaSM Isblation te use cher methoda. The eumttale of Peu fatlanlng aruquIet,4 darlime, exeepi et leedlng Urne. ad p et fsot h ted gire. atregarInlb. ters.9 eusualhy lires Uniesa day. IBirds may b. kept la PDdEs of 15 or 20. tml thiesemesabouti! be japarte&l In enate fetteuiug a fiwv clce mr kephfl) crates anal ted ftroma (rougi. àAmie ale et lmd;. i8 luchas igi,' andl 18 or 20 luches vide, la Suit able anal la large enougi for a dose. birda. Soudtlnea thie el. la dirtalea Wuo t"a or (broc comParments. four te Mx blrds bali iijept in escb cmm, pertinent. ULile i-on laodesiraile. for thic leus cxerejsethie bleds beve lia more reedily vili tbcy fette.. Ift ti cra, la te bet fett atalcs atii. top mbonlal le coereai. Tic idse ssouil be made of 5ets aient Ivo laciies speit. no thg ce,ýn estt f*4authe troti viub Jah nu foutaululethe erate. Tlhe boildu ' li cae Msbould, 1>6 oft "tg aboutI ail mci. epert, te per- mît the droppidut h, l Ilrougi. cr tropping bans mmay leaesd anal lie emal* arrangeal la ties. In ndoor feeiling thec ciabs shouldtac Put ln a *W@O-eutllted' ioci. 1Vuid]Y the Wds pre to tiiree UrnesLaday anal re -I«ë at te est for bha tdu bour ah a tupe, vioc tie uneaten ted Ila me morcal. . Ortamudmachine crammtng are de. oelhaedin MareraBulletin 287. 1» oued by the United States Deperîneet of Agncture andl If voulal b. ali sable te procure aSPco7. Orate-fttentng birds shonlal always bal* pofl tee&. As liey bave ne exer- cisc tbey fequfrm a feed that eaus . utleat'd erni'ana? QulIrlwj. This mx Cnt. Fattsblng .b Une c e fIboMcm Coniaaon Mthods. ture la naed In e New York poultry tarn: 100 pounda finciy grounal barley, 100 pqondi ftu«, grpuiâd cor-n anal 100 pounda Otnely 6groaota (with hulas sMteal out). Buttermlluor alunmmlk 1 tg ued for mdlbigte-tie conalatency1 citlc IbCirearu tie buttermli being preterred. A little sit sometImes la fflda. In tbii.tnelipcc the,i)lrde are led twice a day et Intervals ot 12 b" 844ud =re atteneal for about dire. we.J eimpotte dit U bite«- WeHa n dl1e 2 0,OQ0,O0 "&Toil Catis"y Every Year T HOUSANDS of these are made on the "station - to- station" basis, that is, the calling party asks only for the number of the calledr telephone or gives the name and address of the calléd subscriber without designating a par, ticular person. It is the quýickest service and it savesl yotù about 20 per cent. Iig. maiy cases9 the person you wantt will,nswer or is inmediately available; if fiot, ybi.i<=a often deal satisfactorily «Lng bietamee will be glad to tell 4o~Ml*this time and money * «S O~O-,4*laS'*g,6taU'eRsmut aimait eway rqaameeat e ,d *de roui aaebod207 d- &2*- Li nearly equal aspoibo Another ration lm.: 100 pounds grounal oats. 100 pounds ground corn, 5 lpounds low-grade ficur and 4 poundh :ol low. MILK EXCELLENT FOR FOWLS PrmduMovof Good Moaey.Making Re #uit and May Be Fed Aleai. or to moisten Mashes. Ont claieof feeds that liexcellent for poilti7 andl that eu be useal ad. ntageously on dalry farta. inclodes mili. alun uilk-, bottermlk, .sour fi, e«ttaj, ebeepe, etc. Thefe are al producive of gdod money-anaklng re- mlta and, where tbey are avallîble, It la wiee practicé 10 feed tbeau. Tbey amy be ted eUber aloue or used te moliten 'die maies. The nmbi. boWAer, abounl fot be, mnolatemea orne day andl lien ted dry the oeil. Follow one gr lie otlier of' the tva> planasc.mataaty. FowIS vIl couve« wvia my limes wotld othr.! vise vsMi lat mblet ana egeaIf ted the miM Ii lha ayprodncts (bat aie oflen obtUmnsle on the tarmn OUD4ST BATH FOR FOWLS Ploute viiikdep tbemielvus fTéee rom vernudurlng the vin- ter montbi It iren a convenlet place tu dnst. A box M80 lches square sad 12 mcii. déép may be bilît lau one corner of tie house or penq or snob a box mer b. miade vth leg sa oas tareie, Five Minute Chats cm 01* ?refdont ley JAMES MORGAJE 01.0 Rouffl Am0 Ramm 17se-Neàaw à 3 Z8ehavy TeAyler bora la, Onbis *.ury, vo. 178&-4t.meed qo Kntaoly. lSO-Lletmaaalin the rpar 1812-.fightine ind4in aI 18my--la the. semiewi wag la Floida. 18404-lai emainu partaientof tii. souahet. 184-Mba y 8, epealag@*,~5 ment wlth mexcoat PA"O May elBaie of Reeao de la Paia. Septea"r 24, capture of moatèrey. 1847-Febrtaary 22, 28, 24, Blattis of au«* eVisai. 1848-t4ombiated for preldait by the Whilg. 1849-March 5, Inanuurt twelfth preeldent, Aged slxty-four. 1850-July 9, died lI the White bo-a, aged sixtyfive. Your Opportunity of a Life-i me FOR SAFE INVEMENT WITH QUICK RETRU Buy Lakeside Lots Now! New G. M. Ray Subdivisioni at Diamond Lake BEAUTIFIJL WOODED WTS,,40 h. bhy 108 fi. $200 to $500 » Your Choice DON'T WAIT -INVESTIGATE AC'-"T QUICKLV! Leari What Competent and Local B"usies Men are Doimg Then Watch Your Earnings Grow! RAY. BROS. & COMPANY It ab ouve tne Huer. Aimuci auy Z ACHÂRY TAYLOR vas le ie rI dnstlng materlai I second bilg Cenerai Grant. A dozen. Spresideuts, fiera Waington tu Roose-t i eit, bal seen van servbibt cnly as 1800R. R. CARS Vici tizen sofldios. etra T he Story of BDC <i1 40 vsea uti e a Ofmed 0ur States Rincolîng Brouend Bar-num &,Baeley pi-aildint. Yel he bal pau Ouly a lit- M OARNB& Ado Enirtîr hipIe of h", New Un le bUg i t c Indiau boeorael EAC Eunopeaai Features. cempalga la Mexico, wbcre h. coin. X VL- ORD - madeal Wenapu not many more disuRID Arrlig abeerd 100 doellenghi0000men anal ouiht < ad ieu en vascou- rait road cars formiut trma moe giM-entn, ging trainithe O1>Cila éldered Amer- lien on. sud one4tllrd. ilsong idnal u-niaiet PaIQ Alto te the balie 01 les'a Otro mode aveu gi-caler lia la 132t bytie Buefla VisaL a. lu is bl a i 111* iheaiti reert. addition of mmy 1bi y fli-ligu acta twa h Ringlini iliotrebe andl Buifficqanalere o Baily Combinal it ilaxhillft et Chi=c-,amti l go on JuIy 14 10 22. o erpetu Toutli Tiose vie rend the dally pera or vie keep lnu bci viti the movte liat led Ponce de leon, lie uevs-reels ueed net le newàndealofM Spea" explorer, ta itond nesi- tie shipload of acteansd aulmala nre- 'the prenat site of St. Augustine. ceutly Imported bly th. gi-catest 5showileredicor.ry otf inaeil on Ba.rth. Tie remarkable cargo lu-, 11 vson Botter Sunday, cludel iv o eniules of baby aie- boucs lie naine. vbtch la tru planta are »n o aiea l tti e tonty Ps , lorie.or Woven Pass- edufits o! lie Mmnmmti berd.There vlil i pus o *]BO 106, me ,srforialni onae ac- oewic ateS-ne o césnpaned îy B~ gattnttrain- EButer Bundai. 1 se 1 ci. anal muny wtd, animals, some. et TeFwerston the acoon ntic vicibave béen adeal.te lie scorestirfutga oüynth upon scores of li-ainealug)e'beui,. St. John's river. Spalu promptly vile cIi-esbave >ec 0epart etfie ol action to naintein ber own- mai-vlons neni.gelle. arailp cf Wbisreglon anal ment - More tlinua nflhonpersona a ia thover an expeditionwvilci ei-acte<l mammoth i net'cii-cuis oM192$ durlga toi-tndter tic leadership cf the veeus lIait it exhIhitealin Madiso Menendez et St. Augustine lu Square Gardon. New York. Nov thla< 1565 aid exteraniniteal thc une- mirvelous Exhiition la tourlng lhe ntcln.S.Agslal i coutiry abeird fîve gment train& la. t noat ltny. lug inealSa te at thrd biggar thanlie Ringltng lwro -Tilerte follnwatahelnite tehou- tiers and Bga-nuin & Belley shov ofThr lowdapioofb- last season. It te ten limes lai-gar lillty between the Enghisi, col- Ihan any nhher cii-es nov on tour. ocsta lua tie Carotonas itrclthe Big as ta Ibis wonder ciea 123Spanlahin luForide. By tie Ires- -viii lia more than tblrty train d lyo! 1763 Spain ceded Florda wild animal dIsplaya lu steel mrenai Zacliary Taylor. ite Englanal in exchiuge for Ha- fully 200 vondei-fully achooleal ici-ses, 1r ani, vhlci Englentiual -cep- I 700 men analvoman penflrmn, 100 ai-nY cf rmv Iroope vie outnumieed lui-ad a tev years pi-crions. It clowns, anal scores c!- features-tie. tour te- one.. But hea psIealSenit& renaineal an Engli colony lu- priceo o!admission laneomore than ha- Annale demnulforn bts ureuder. anal. tiilicheltst years cf tic Revalu- fore. Anal tiongi tie triilca animal lu-fth a ittle moi-e grogs" tram Cap- tlon wien Spain recapturca l I numbers anal tie immenna ici-e show tain. Bragg's bittai-y. ha defeatea t le Tiare wena tw9 provinces, vere cirecomes lu tbeiseveavhitle Mexicans. Rai anal West illorida. As thc tcuring Europe, tic(y are net effareal Tic coninanders lu lie lv. Mexican Speuiàbiruled loriclde. vili a as separate attractionsiy thie Ring- t Ilng Béteis anal Barnlum & Belley mCalgis, Zaciary Taylor'anal Wlu- vriy toanfoti of goveruluent ceaubinea shows. hitaal are oi fildlaScott1. ere as unîIe as tliz r làiiii5n îecaetic refuge ut orne gigantia xrogrem. EvrYhug la populai- nickneuis venlal lualae- pirates, aulai-s anal lavis lu oua mamninti main lent. Oneatilck-"Old Rougi anal Rcndy" anal 014 Pma chuactora, Sncb an ehement 10- et admints te AUl t4asa andl tu the tra- and FeadheraY "01al Rougi sud galber wi ticthenruly Senînole mnndoule-lmenagerle. Tieare ieffe r" erntaucattbisŽ,Jbec -le ails Indiens natunally cauuial &,%test more dhan a'tbonsal nmais ln thc service Ia simple Amer1cau sikik#, 'e alai cftrouble. Tu oveccoine zoo e 'ftbls.cii-ena anal thase Include capable officer lu paice anal a reacurce- Ibis, Preildent. Monroe pur- antire familles oe ippopotomeaml and al fione lu ver. 'Z' cascal Trdn fi-onSpain lu girattes. Arotier ramai-alae olg ici esur l al rm rédxuiucdros,. calent aivaya tte civilsnuhbcr. 1819 foi- 46.000,000 or about the only one kuowvu leaxIst andalulns lty, 4ie retaineal a truiy Amai-Iea ll& eleven centisau acre. it vas vlorthi$50,000. îîîcetfmilitai-y 'eremoniaI sud juan- ci-ganizeal mb a e trrttory andl fieralua184 vasadmittedteithlU n.clii .*'** * * * Revwasasaplain uln sprivate lite lon' MIL OUR *salf. Ttixi devoteal companlon made bar tde BrergIlde Butte on eccount *0 ~*ho~bmevit iinlunlltrytockade to dits oi wni-land in ile souliern par t Itle also kuowu 16.wuanal tenta.sandlng bei- dilidren a as lie Panaula Bltaa dte Mi-.. ta lecie. foruaerlYc! Mill- liay *cane aloug hidi té, thé Car. of hurm anal lrs. Graca Mulalopu anal ber relatives, but rafualng t10bc pai-ta l s osl 58.o0 stae le io. andl Mrs. J. S. LeVoy'»s Sunday. Mi-s. rubrhaaa.ý eIr.fwpprseia. Wlnecke la a sater e! Scott LeVOY. LiÉ. crery dieu vluo bai beerai th Ethel Poilee cf LakaeBluff t. risIt- tedactIre suggestion cf hie inainme t.________ lug'.ber lister, lIre. Boinyler peninan. tbe preslalency. Taylor vas flot long ADU CAON OTC - Mine VEthel Jackscp la lit et tie Lake la yieldiug 10Il.It' elothu bis cia PUBLC NOTICE Ila eYgren Ccunty General hlial. peor opliconcf ,ila qlmflctlons là ht h Sbcrb iEeurIxofth 1Mr. aadira, 'Join Buof o! ,Rocbei. tic lîgîl cf thir l-nger aamsi y Lian Wiandusci me nt oxec aietle ter, Wi.. accoupe.itted byMns. Fanula thrjý ecama orè'bmte seI.aetw Ii nlTsaetMDn and ieso i analJasaesoi, of _ Herick. deceaiseal. VIIIattend lic flryi IL aeum u-c u te ~peope* candidate s»d he A0o Probate Court ef Lake Couuty et a glaner at thc Olal Ud -Rouese,theiouncaal iat h. vcuiid rin2aRomachtanintiere! tu e holden et lie Court home o e icja*4eson s aiaago. even if ne pai-ty sioull nomiuntc im Roese thWaukagan 'lu sala Cuty, ou UtissIna: Polloeci-of Cicago sant Tic pa-ty preference cft e Old 0 -1the tii-st Mcndey of September next, the week endl viti lii-&=te, lith e r vas lu doubt, vtth ne Otber e* e1928. vian anal viere ail persans ber- Misses WatÈbn.h xep i arhirs irua ing la ams agaluat sai.ctate are no- E. ~ ~ ~ t E.Data aalfnulyetRoe i cbary hr' Uà nan tifleal anal re<iusted te ipreut the cransa peut ad valtl ofRe- ems taZahaid andSer C" mee o nid Court for adjudiatihon. crn gn uudey * ýte fresad Anarlcan-nade clot4eK ihTW DT SAEY URC parents. EIHSAE URCC iMi. and X». Warrau 1100 anal chil. Vigs neminalcalbhla VitIloulIknovlollacýtI dieu attendeS ni f li Hock viiere ha stoal on Boy questinen a4Lps, .Pansons, Alty. !aanily et G-asak uns.the' miade ne plattomni for',bbm i- eWailkegan, Ill. lime i5. 1928. ThtilC. iii*le tSlid te. Itwas a merry pise Iti 28 27 28 boeta aI iho me «, Mim.llm uStre- Utesat preblema liaï; enfnogflsdtl' ___ bai fflday'evcn1ng JUI1Yth. natfin The meeting of tbc Laffien' Ad'Se- .àteth" ieylid noinateal Taylor,, . Y J' DL .& claly« ýO 4ra t-i. ~uauV. -sud Mn. tic Whigs becama feartul fo«a ie1 YEI8 PAIWP.A. IH. D. Minle vag v.iel ttmadeal, andal li thle joie vas on thqm. Whit RRTATCUH R tiecuo-s wviië I -uv"*n l liese hvo i;= -sud TUvenMmcene COou nameal..-n11. 'ý e atdadn odcm ý01 )ET. sud M 3s. Man qMt nai-anal heir nocine. t aIteon Rois, lie> th" ariI lul " oIMd son, Carl. Ji-.,. aet»-s tourtb vih 100k ahi-m lent hb. wid* hot accept Feviý méo Mrs. racnrea4, @ul Mis. theb idron entheir patW. - .»ut ht 1SIIIS et Blciop, st Rlolanýn . $,j " ld net recelveal lialr latter M 'moU- aups .u LISRTVIL*"r VIT pst poulai op 114Md Sd, Bêpl 1 AUGUST RADLOFF 18r tbyAadmeced UYn TWIAI5aId «Vw i 511 saate"mail <7 YOU WILL SOON WANT TO HAVE YOM' RUGS CLIF M " OF CJRE YOV W 1IIEM ct m- INImTHE w *AT THWZE $NO BET1F WAY THM n m TMLSWAY LEM STHEM THUPOUQGI.T 0F DIRT AND PCfM ND T*O FME FROM NMl OR A PMSUT 0 MOTMSLATER ON 1- CAU. LIBERTYVULE7-R WM, xOU ARE REAY AMO WE WIL CLAN IIIM THEMAAWATý The Reliable Lau§drv LIBETYVIL M i .JPR LAUNDERKES.DRY CLEAN*R8AMD OVINS PHONÈ LISEftTYVILLI&87.ft W IR E FEN O IEl- Y ut arim*etd te O mm t.e o factoy f« lu fom i menti. Ym cm eau uhmtf se fi eah v î 90f st â tte fd.wu in Pes REAVY SMOCKFMN 8 bars, 32 in. hbi;h. 12,W. says~~ &,bas, 32 teIjh. 14.atays.. 9 bars.42 in.b4h,. 12 ia. f 9bairs,42'i igh, 7 msta.. 10 bats, 50 in. bigh. 12 Üi. gay- .~4 10 bars,50 j, ih4 n tas~A9 mEDJN tEAY OUTRY Fa=c 14 bax8,46 im.1411h 8 W sten-- - 43½c' - 16 lfams 58 in. hI 8 iii te Oý &A= D m, *rd NmSP«uIPW 2-pf~~....4183 4-pt. Hog .$M AJOUSABLE STMELDR!VEWAY'GATFS PLAIN TM LDRVEWAT GAWSý STEELPOUConkT 48 u. high .... 42... l 6 j Ail prîceaSubjeet To Ceai eWltea bl American WVfr. Foeoe C. Chue. D ,Prt Lnsurance of'alI h JULY 5, 1923 ILPtLin

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